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BrandtrVlanagemrenf Social
                    wittr    Media

   Brond monagemenl is
   undergoing o dromEtic
   ehongewilh the odvenl of                                                     irendpeciia
   sociql mediE. Brond
   mqnqgers cqn no longer
   execute compoigns in
   trsditionol moss medio ond
   i gnore conversolions toking
   plcce in soriol medis" Does
   the developmenl of sociol
   medio ond the hugevolume of
   cuslomer inlerocfion dEto
   nledn fhot our exisling models                                                 €.*.*:.tfi$,.++;;
   of brqnd equiry are no longer

                    SuneslrSood                                       Ti ' ey fel t rl rai si rrce i hese hi gh                    premium consulneLsare williirg to
                          Re se c che r
                                 r                                    i nvol i ci nei rt purc[raset depen..l                       pay for a brand, as well as non-
                    Sch o o lo { M o r l< e tin g ,                   hg2vi l y        on     btand             stori es           financial measures clriving c1r-rality
             Universily Technology,
                          ol                 Sydney.
                                                                      commrrni cal ed' hrough vrri ci y nf
                                                                                           i               a                       and a d,esireto tell the brand story
              T h e o u th o rccn b e r e cr ch e cll
                 S ur e sh .So o d ( Ou ts.e d u .o u                 i oti cl r poi nts usi ng a vari cfy oi                      to fri encl s. K ey brar - r d eclr - r it y
                                                                      techniques coveriirg referrals,word                          components i .ncl ud,e          awar eness,
                                                                      o f mor-rth ancl . engagement                                                     )l
                                                                                                                                   i i i rageand l )ers, i al i fy absociat i( ) nr
                                                                      a cri vi l j cs,S M i : i ,l el l l y sl i red f,,r          and loyatty" In the light of this, the
                                                                      conveyi ngsi rchstones                                       resr-rliar-rt
                                                                                                                                               ineasuresrroiriiorecl by a.
    $' , ' r - ^^^ o c i a l M e c i i n (Sl ) s u rv e y
      * ,
               , S
      E    ( 2008 -0 ^ ,) c o ,rJ u c ' u e J b v
                     ^q                                                  Traditional bland managenent                              bren' l oi ,rner/rnanrge l      lcquir c ir , , l
                                                                                                                                   onl y      assemt,l age of            t ir ese
    - & F x c h ri rg r4 i n rd ;a Bl o g w o i k s ,
                                        &                             activities focils ot-rconveying the
   an ov c _' -w h -e" -In ' i n r, 9 0 % o f tl re
                _' r _ '. " " b                                       bra.nd stor.'y to cor-''s
                                                                                                      using                        curt!p()trentsl l ri ri , sigLr if r cant ly

   s ur v ey c d In J i a n n ra ' :k e ti i ' ,.g n d
                                                     a                       aw;ueiress
                                                                      bi-a.ird          zrndassociariolis ro                       mcre post-processing, data thaiof
   ad. , ' et ir i n p e )i e c rj ti v e sb " l i c v c c l
                 'i                                                            :.- : .-     .- .i
                                                                                          attr .t
                                                                                                      ,' ,
                                                                                                    ,l r :r t!   fp,ti Sh   i he   l s captr-i red. Inevi tably, br and
                                                                      li us r tr ( :i l                           _
   t lr at S hl, i i rc i L r.l i n g:l o p -si,rn p a c t
                                       l                              brancled proeluct or servir:eiir the                         i l ranage15rd nrai ke{ng cxerr rf ivcs
                                                                                                                                               ai               i
   i' r us int r e s .F i frv -e i g h t p e rc c i r o f
                s                                    i                nla.rketplace anc{ the rui-nii of the                        i rveri tu rrsi l rg s(,ulced
                                                                                                                                                        oui            inoclt ls
   tl-r.e  execritivesfelt tha.t SM woulci                            col l sLi 1l ]er. easr,i ri ng vrhy the
                                                                                      fl                                           rnd rrrei l -i o..l ol ogi esl, iJlid equiiy
    -' -            L l-       :- ' - -       ' ih ln r r sh                                                                       rri casti rci ncnt.   Thc   n1{ r5[ f)opri l i i r
   Li$dLU"      -
                d        uBf   rlllPdL    r                    r ,,   bi':rild is bettei' ai'rcldifferentiated

   2010. Eighty-fivepercent of tfieni                                 fnl crrsroi i i er as ci rcaj rb,rl at.d.y
                                                                                       s                     l                     setvl ces i ri cl ude the Young &.
   oirined that Sh,,fv,rould have air                                 hrand,.qui i y bucorncs i i l l .oi ' taLrt
                                                                                                 arr                               R ubi cam B rand A sset Valuat ol
   iit pac t i n h i g h i n v o l v e rn e n t                       rrl ersuIe for r-r!l ccii rrg fi narrci ri l                 (BAV--claimed to be the wor'trd's

   f i' r : c hDsc d c , i s i .,i rs rc q u i r.i n g                value and mark-etarnzar:eness.     Brand                     l argest brand se)and AC
   -research    and compa.rison        shopping.                      eqriity directly relates to the price                        Nielsen rXlinningBrands.

@ 2009 The IcfariUniversity Prcss.Ali Rights Reseivecl
S M in c l i -rc 1 e s ,1 o g s , s o c i a l
                                L                             r{iscussed tlre consunrerstirat
                                                                            by                                        br,rn.l ntl tl t.tger) hen n lonit , , r ing
  r-ietworking(MySpace, Facebook,                             lrelps to iclentify potential service                         mec{iar.
  Link ec iln, a n d i l o re )               wikis           opportunities. T[re shift to service                                     7hat's a Br:rr-rcl   Manager to dcr
  ( $7ik ip, d i a i , th e p re e n ri n e n r               is     achi eved          by      provi di ng
                                                                                                                                  w i th soci al mecl i a/ The st ar t ir - r g
  ex ar nple), s o c i a l b o o k i -n a rk i n g            i n [orrrral i otrfl ow s. t rl r(senti nH a                        poii-rt is actuatrlyto identify where
  (cielicior-rs),     pt-iotlr (Flickr) /viiletr              :c rV i t c, trr ai J l l te ( onsttttter i n
                                                                                                                                  consumer stories about tl're brand
  s har ing      ( Yo L rT u L ,e:rn c l rz i rtu a l
                                    )                         selecting high involveflrent goot-ls                                are beirig tolcl within social media.
  wor lc ls ( S e c o n d I-i fe ). T L re s e                a n cl servi ces i ncl usi ve of travel                             A 'whitelist' of the hlghly relevant
  ex em plar y a p p l i c a ti o n s fa c i l i ta te        packages,     crltrreras cars.
                                                                                                                                  hl trgs and w eb desti rr at ior r s is
  the marketersanelcclnsumers get             to                            The implications of brancl as a compiledand kept up to date.Next
  close to      each olher anr-lengage in                           s e rvi ce i ncl udes brand ow ners comes tracki ng and capt ur ing
  iout ine           c o n v e rs a ti o n s    and                 i rr vi ti ng cr' rr.i unl er'to f,l l ' ti ci nrtt           spontaneous, brand r eievant
  s t or y t ellin g . T h e C l i -re T ra i n                     on consrune        r gror.rnclrrles.In effect, emotional content. Only then can
  Manifesto wzrs         the {irst to recognize                     tl-Le    customerbeccrmes co-creatoi' deep lrnsolicited consi-rmer
                                                                                                       a                                                             insights
  the ability      of ttre internet to enable                       o f val ue w i th val i -re al l v:l ys be unclerstood.                          Importantly,because
  people to have 'human to httman'                                  determined by tlre consr-rmer. this of sheervolume the focr-rs
                                                                                                                    In                                             shoulclbe
  c onv er s a ti o n s , :rn c l th .c re L ,y                     manner, the br:ai -rc{                      has an            on quality rzrtherthan quantity. But
  ti-ansforming tracliti.on:rl             btisiness                opportuni.ty to becoirrea cultural the stories too are evolving to be
  practicesracJ,icaLly.        Accorelingto ttre                    brand ti:anscendir-rg                                                                soci al      m edia
  irranifesto, the Interr-retproiricled                             th e i denti ty of a                                                             , stori es. They no
  nevr'  l-lreans Lroththe niarketsand
                    for                                             procluct company
                                                                                 or                                                                  , l onger havc a
  (rl g ,rn i Z i l fi ()tl5    { o ( { ,llr lltr lni(    ilie.
                                                                    and taking on the                                                                I beginning, middle,
  Tbday, the markets know far urore s r -rbcul tr-rres                                                                                               ' and end br-rthave
  abor - it t h e p ro d rrc ts th a n tfi e                        refl ecti ng             the                Today, the morkels                   ' ' mi croconlent '
  compal'riesthenrselves.Con-suiners i der-i ti ty                                              of           knowfor more obout                          that i s consist ent
  are realizing that they can readily c onsui ners,l t4yths
                                                                                                                 fhe products lhon                       witl-r the drlves of
  get assistance              and information frcxl                  represent               tl -re                                                  i Generation Y and
  0t he- , : c o n s L rn l e rs F ,y s o l i c i tl n g             c{-l1Tir11on        stclries                      themselves                        rNtw7-"Some of tl're
  tipinions throtrgh social.networks b i ndi .i rg                                           the
  and visrting X/ebdestinations, hke                                c o mmuni ty tcl the                                                                content lt t elzr lly
  A r . naz on , e B a y , C k T i rtz rB y e b y e , h -,                 and and often
                                                                                                                                                         throw rl
  TiipAdvisor or Yelp.                                               to l el by w ord of
                                                                                                                                                         haphazar dly in
         Within social metlia, the brancl nrouth. The sirift to                                                                                          sr-nal l nar r at ive
  inanager ireeclsio recognize tire s ervi ce i s made                                                                                                   bites making useoi
  br aud' s c l rrv i n g fo rc e a s th e                           possih,le movii'ig from a one-v/ay
                                                                                                                                   i he cl rff* rent so. i al nr*di. r pullir r g
  collective ir-rsigLrts                r-lerived.       from        il' l ttJtl nf ttras' ctrtti l ttutti . af i on.
                                                                                                                                   together l i nks, photos, videos,
  c ons uf f r e i . i n te ra c ti o n s . T h i s                   (l -assw el l1948) to a pee-r-to-peer
                                                                                                                                   conlments fiom a social netwotk
  par : adigm s h i ft                      of         b ra n c { - communications rnodel, wi-rerethe
                                                                                                                                   and 140 charirctertwitier (another'
  m anagen e n t i n s o c i :rl me c l i a i s consulneLis a key coinponent of an
                                                                                                                                   form of SM using X/eb and SMS
   r ec onc ep tu a l i z i n g th e b ra n c l . In                 ilrtel ct    t i ve        L, rtn i l r tr n i ca I i , rl l
                                                                                                                                   messages certatn cor-rntries)
                                                                                                                                                in                       "
  es s enc e, th i s m e a i l s i n a k i n g                       network. This can be continuoi-rsly
   accessible              the Lrrand,   owner's skills wi tnessed from oni i ne soci al                                                A key aspect of SM biand
   and knowleclgefor the benefit oi                                   interactions, se{f-e>lpressions,                social managenent is to gain leverage              froil
   consunlersin a variety of branded,                                bookmarking aird user-genera.ted the S oci al Graph. Thr s is t he
   a.s well as unbrandeclcontexts. The                                content including ratlngs ii'l sociai network of r:onnectionsthat e>list
   r,rnbrancl-ed             contexts represent the                   media environments. Furtherilcire, through                                        w hi ch        people
   avirilaliility    tr f tltr lr itu o i{ V   co n te i) t    the existing model of brand equity                        communi cate       and      shar e
   wl- iic l' r is e x tre m e l y u s e fr-rl tc t            can be augnlented v;ith a richness                        information. This glaph can exist
   under s t a i ' i d th e v a l u e s b e i n g              of c'latan()t previously witnessedby                      for employeesinternally within tl-re

Advertising Express August 2009 r 48
c ilm pany , ? 1 s w e l I a s fo r tti e
cL{st()trners.                 using the
p;rrticip:rtoryapprozlch t rnployees
is i-lot trnusnal:rsseenby Microsoft
. n t p l , , y e " ' , h l, ' g P- iir c 1 [' 1lif p lo je t t:
                                               r                        I The (Television
                                                                             TVC                                 of campaign besf-whyinthe
                                                                                        [ommercial) thestupidity the
                                                                                                   shows                    the                hell
:rncl company. For cttstctmers,           the                           i would want use phone letalone features) camping?
                                                                              you t0 your           ({or      36       when       I thought idea
abiiity to see the trritran sitle        of a                           : oicamping t0'get {rom
                                                                                  was       away     it all'/
c olr pany th ro u g h e tn p l o y e e so n                            i Canundentand were a remote/dangelous you'd
                                                                                     if you     in               areawhy    carry phone land
                                                                                                                                a        0r     use
Y ouT ube, b l o g s o r F l i c k r b e fo re                          I tPIRB                lndicating Beacon), a mobile
                                                                                        P0sition        Radio      but     phonet0 use features,
                                                                                                                                       l6        I
cleclcling doing business
          on                        with the                            r {ind silly.
c()mpany provides a       richer brand
                                                                                                    forNext understandablecoverage Telstra
                                                                          Suppose stupid cantpaigns Gare
                                                                                such     ad                              when        isall      has
e;rpeiieircetlurn competitive pl:ryers
uiho chc,osei-Iot to al1owemployee
engagement socialmedia"
              in                                                          I've my
                                                                              used iPhone camping     kosi      national inwinter, oftimes.
                                                                                                 around (Kosciuiko)   park,      loads     lt's
                                                                        ; great check with
                                                                               t0     in     worried check           (onditions forecastswaste
                                                                                                   {amrly, weatherltemp      and       and
       Achlevii'rg tt're rrisioi-r<tf tLie                              I seyeral                                                 camping out
                                                                                                             dusk sleep. usually
                                                                                 otherwise tedious between anrl
                                                                                         ra.ther    hours               l'm
brand uranageruslng social niedia                                                                          (from iPhon$, I docarrysmall
                                                                                                                        but        a     reserve
                                                                          there, it's
                                                                                so        to   access media the
                                                                                     great have and
t o inc r ea s e i i n d n i o n i to l b ra n d
                                                                          baltery it and tocarefully camp if I want
                                                                                 for     have        choose spots       coYerage.
ecli-iltyreqrriresfamili:rrity r,vith a
hanc lf ul o f te c h n o l o g i e s rl n d                                              would in handy anemergency.
                                                                          Edit: doubrphone come that
                                                                               I     a                    in          [spetially spotry
                                                                                                                              with     coverage.
mechanismssuitec{tc'riclentifying,                                      ' Take l,lational thebest
                                                                              l(osi     Park,        (Western have
                                                                                                skiing     faces) zippo coverage isthe
                                                                                                                               and         spot
t r ac k ing        and       l i s tr:ri i n g i -o                              lf    really c0ncerred it (especialiy rent buy epirb.
                                                                          ofiniurl. you're that        about       i{solo) 0r an
cr.rrrversations^      Why sl-roulcl bl;rncla
                                                                        ,               lWhereis (lrttp://wwwyoutube.tomlwatchlv:cdhS-cx8f{)
m anager c a re a b o u t th e s e to o l s /
                                                                          | :aw nerr where
                                                                               a ad                        driving follorvingdirections phone.
                                                                                                    acouple and
                                                                                              there's                      GP5        ontheir       The
Quiet simply, the world is clra.nging
                                                                          guys phone (non-Telstra) upand
                                                                                                  stuf{s         giving directions
                                                                                                             stops     hinr       0r something, at whith
rapi,-1Xy social inecli:rhas direct
                                                                        r pointthegirl     out Ielstra whirh them corrett
                                                                                      pulls her          phone gives the          voice"guided directionr.
im plic at i o n s fo r b ra n c l e q u i ty
                                                                        I Then voiceoy€r r0mething network thebetter
                                                                               the           says          about      with         coverage0r something
reF)ieseniing         real time sto-rytclling
tirkii-rgplace t,etween consui-ners.                                    , along line:.
V(/Xlat cai! lisien to a.ncl
            we                             measuLe                      ' l'mconiused because
                                                                                      though         I thought signal, iscompletely
                                                                                                            GPS      etc.,         independent ofnetwork
ir-rsoci:rl rneclia      pi-ovidr:sthe brand                              (other the
                                                                                rhan A,6Pl      givingquicker down position)i adseemsimply
                                                                                                      a      lock    on        The         to       that
Lr ! i/ nei w i i l ' r a v e i y p o w e -rfu l                          havirg coverage them have reliabk
                                                                                         allovn to        more      GPSnavigation. ma.kes tome
                                                                                                                               This     sense only
incl1r:aiion events[,:ling
                   of                             ii'r                    if thenavigation           solely neiwcrk, ol using phone's GPS
                                                                                          isprovided bythe           instead      the       in-built
 i. e r i t im e . T h i s c a i -rJ re u i s e c l i l
     :                                                                                       {hereis       withorLt GPS            (an't
                                                                                 forinstance, |'{avigator, in"builr if possible, think could   it    be
c om pleme n i th e k e y tra g g i i ' rg                                r$0 aicurate). it'sa bitmisleading,
                                                                                       I think                    I     have interpreted wrong.
                                                                                                               but might iust           it all
 1nc ' lic at o r f m.ri n k e is [r:ri :e . h t:
                  o                            T                                                                            ]008
                                                                                                           wfiidpool. hercnber
                                                                                                 fource:          neta4
fotriowingexample heiirs iltr-rst               -r:rte
 tl',e iri-rporIarLc€ sociill ir-redia.
                           " [e l s tr:r,                                ne tvritrks).     T',oro cctrlrmelcials   in   n-ionittiring soci:ll nretlia and infrtn-'.l
 ilonii: or in g ^                               ihe
                                                                                      'whereis' a.ncl'camping'
                                                                         ira.rticLrial,                                 the   br;rnt'l   owne Is     aboi-tt   tl-re
 i rl e cU r'n n tti nic:' tit) ir il            lli i ial       i' r
                                                                         ar:esinglec1-                       These
                                                                                      out fot tl-ris st',-rdy.          conversaLlons taking place in tl-re
            etnt,:rikeclon ll iriassT'V
                                                                         adveriisernents u/ere based on being           sqcia! mec-lia^If tl-re contelli ctlll
 r;1 1 prini              r r tlve r iisi,tg   L ,) l) tl d it' r t
                                                                         afite to r.rsi:Ner',t C rlrok,iles io lots     L]ieate reputittitln:rl risk, apllttrtlriatt
 stipplecrentedvrith the use of seler-.t
                                         of piaces, even wtrreii caurprng tlr                                           action needs to be taker-r. ln the
 s'ciat merlia ch.erni1ets y,-ru-lube
                        iifte        ,
                                                                         tooicin-.gfirr clii:ecticiirs The exhilcrii    conyei.sations highlighteci that tirr
 {,', 5s,qin g ihr D' lt r - r t ir { llr Cnt : ( , lr
                                                                         shows sorne o'o 'r-Lr(icristomet                           weLe con{usecl a.bout tfie
 tlei-l:rncl. The campaign fttcr-ts        v,'asitr
                                                                         r:onversa.tions ailcl opinionsr relatct-l      c-1etaitrs thc- services, the branL--l
  proi,,iclea.r/arencss tLre coLintry-
                                                                         to thr: ;lrj-s.                                ()i/r'nerscan take an immediate and
  wic-1ccover:rge ancl. technological
                                                                               An ()i-rtsor-lrced
                                                                                                sei-irice c:rn h,e      cost-effcctive action by naking a
  capurL,il"tres the Telsti-it Next [i
                                                                                         ttris  occaston      fgr       ptlst clarifyir-rgthe c{oLrbts'it inust,
  ne twork (beyoircl 3G ortcompetitive                                      use,:n oil

                                                                                                                                 Ar{vertising Expr"ess AugtrsL2009 r 49
t he gr e: rte r i s th r: -I' e c l a n o r:rti              :rn RSS f'eeil will provicle                                    offei fiee mashup scrr,'lces.        With a
Authority of the blog. Techntirati                 trpclates changes.
                                                             of          Thus,                                      socialir-lirsh.bozrrcl   ta{ting;F.SSfeecls
Rirnk is baseclon ho,,^r a hlog is
                            far                    new is sent to the socialclashboard.                                       frtxr. a var.le[yoif sources,historic:rl
from the top. Tlie hlog wrth rhe                   A l ot of speci al i st r-ri chernecl i a                                  informa.tioncan be combinecl with
highestTechnoratiAuthority is tlr-e                col npani es offer F.S S . S U ebsi tes                                    cllrrent anc-l'fluturerneasr:tes.         Tite
No. 1 rankedblog.                                  rvithorrta RSS feed capability carr                                        clasl'rboiircl ctxltairrsmeasLtres the oi
                                                   tre     i -Lsed w i th         D apper                                     heal th of br:rncl e cluit y. By
Niels en                                            (www.rlapper.coin) creafe a feerl
                                                                        tr.r                                                  monitoriing rl"lesocial meclia, the
B logP uls e (w w u v .L ,l o g p u l s e .c o m ),for an entire site or specificpages.                                       brtrncl manager can deterrnine if
                                                          is AideRSS is a RSS f-eedfiltering                                  'weak signatrs'       are iri-ily provicling
owned by Nielsen BtrzzV{etrics,
describecl "an alit()nlateel
                    as                               trend servicethat helps identifu the most                                 knovdeclge a trencl,yet to emerge
                                                               p op,-rl ar teus ci r posts i ncl udi ng w i th k' ranclr-rsage
                                                                                i                                                                          but ot her wise
discoverysystemfor blogs""
                                                               blog comments                  and links, lnterr:iet st:rtistically insignificant. Twitter
T r oc k ur                                                    bookmarks,clicks, ancl page views. messages                                 representan e:rrlywarning
A t r , ' t r lit t.: re l )u tl ti U i l i l trrn i trrri n g C)ncea feed is accessible created, of a       or                     topic yet to be blogged.
tool scanning news) blttgs, virlett,                           R S S mori i toi i ng usi ng Googl c                                Increasi ngtry, ttre              br : r nd
images, and {irrnms m;rtchirrg the                             R eaci er(w w w .           googl l andscape exhi bi ts em er gent
k ey wor c l s o f i n te re s t. As w i tl ' r cnnstitntly checks f:lttgs for new behavior,meaning the brand may be
( ioogle b l o g , a s e a rc h w i th a n                     content                                                                                r-rnpre dict ahle at
extendecl wi-,i'cl. cor-nprisingtlre
                            list                               C onti nuousl y                                                                        ti mes br - r t is a
brancl :rncl worcl :rssocii'ltions                   aiong refinlng the brand                                                                         functi o n of t hc
with similar concepls                   prc,ves h,e n anl e
                                                      to                                     and                                                      brairclintetactions
nrore fr'uitftil tharr the L,ranei                   tr';it'ne associated          keywords                             ln order to                   tatr< i n g      place
akrue,                                                         helps redtrce noise                             successfullymonitor                    beti .oreen         t he
                                                               fi l tei 'i ng                 out               qnd engqgewith                        conve r sat iol'r s
T r endpe d i o                                                unw ani ed or stal e                               conYersqlions in                    acrtl ss t lif f er eiit
F ir : r ds t re n d s i n s o c l a l m e d i a .             c()ntent.                                      sociql media, hrernd                    soci al       m edia.
T lendpe c l i a s e a rc h e so n l i u e ;L n c 1                   l l ashups al l ow                        mdnagers need to                      Provilleel a brand
{irrds the artir:les thtrt talli about                         the branc{ rnanager                                toke a leaming                      manager cioesuot
t c iir r ic so f i n te l c s t. T i e n e l p e c l i a tcr assembledirterse                                           cpprocch                     ha,re zer o lat ency
orgainizes articlcsin a freirclittic c(tntent
                    the                                                                    froi l                                                     reci Liir einent s
slroivingthe popular:ity the toplc        of                   publ i cl y a.rai l abl e                                                              meritir-ig knoiviug
 river ttme.                                                   s()urccs i ncl udi ng                                                                  everything ii'r real
                                                               R S S feecl s. Thc                                                                      timr, ihe free tools
       W hilst th e r;e fre e fo o l s h z rv e
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Brand mgmt and social media

  • 1. BrandtrVlanagemrenf Social wittr Media Brond monagemenl is undergoing o dromEtic ehongewilh the odvenl of irendpeciia - sociql mediE. Brond mqnqgers cqn no longer execute compoigns in trsditionol moss medio ond i gnore conversolions toking plcce in soriol medis" Does G#*:$[ry the developmenl of sociol medio ond the hugevolume of cuslomer inlerocfion dEto nledn fhot our exisling models €.*.*:.tfi$,.++;; of brqnd equiry are no longer volid? SuneslrSood Ti ' ey fel t rl rai si rrce i hese hi gh premium consulneLsare williirg to Re se c che r r i nvol i ci nei rt purc[raset depen..l pay for a brand, as well as non- Sch o o lo { M o r l< e tin g , hg2vi l y on btand stori es financial measures clriving c1r-rality Universily Technology, ol Sydney. commrrni cal ed' hrough vrri ci y nf i a and a d,esireto tell the brand story T h e o u th o rccn b e r e cr ch e cll o S ur e sh .So o d ( Ou ts.e d u .o u i oti cl r poi nts usi ng a vari cfy oi to fri encl s. K ey brar - r d eclr - r it y techniques coveriirg referrals,word components i .ncl ud,e awar eness, o f mor-rth ancl . engagement )l i i i rageand l )ers, i al i fy absociat i( ) nr a cri vi l j cs,S M i : i ,l el l l y sl i red f,,r and loyatty" In the light of this, the conveyi ngsi rchstones resr-rliar-rt ineasuresrroiriiorecl by a. $' , ' r - ^^^ o c i a l M e c i i n (Sl ) s u rv e y * , , S E ( 2008 -0 ^ ,) c o ,rJ u c ' u e J b v ^q Traditional bland managenent bren' l oi ,rner/rnanrge l lcquir c ir , , l onl y assemt,l age of t ir ese - & F x c h ri rg r4 i n rd ;a Bl o g w o i k s , & activities focils ot-rconveying the an ov c _' -w h -e" -In ' i n r, 9 0 % o f tl re _' r _ '. " " b bra.nd stor.'y to cor-''s using curt!p()trentsl l ri ri , sigLr if r cant ly - s ur v ey c d In J i a n n ra ' :k e ti i ' ,.g n d a aw;ueiress bi-a.ird zrndassociariolis ro mcre post-processing, data thaiof ad. , ' et ir i n p e )i e c rj ti v e sb " l i c v c c l 'i :.- : .- .- .i attr .t ,' , ,l r :r t! fp,ti Sh i he l s captr-i red. Inevi tably, br and li us r tr ( :i l _ t lr at S hl, i i rc i L r.l i n g:l o p -si,rn p a c t l brancled proeluct or servir:eiir the i l ranage15rd nrai ke{ng cxerr rf ivcs ai i i' r us int r e s .F i frv -e i g h t p e rc c i r o f s i nla.rketplace anc{ the rui-nii of the i rveri tu rrsi l rg s(,ulced oui inoclt ls tl-r.e execritivesfelt tha.t SM woulci col l sLi 1l ]er. easr,i ri ng vrhy the fl rnd rrrei l -i o..l ol ogi esl, iJlid equiiy for -' - L l- :- ' - - ' ih ln r r sh rri casti rci ncnt. Thc n1{ r5[ f)opri l i i r Li$dLU" - d uBf rlllPdL r r ,, bi':rild is bettei' ai'rcldifferentiated ' 2010. Eighty-fivepercent of tfieni fnl crrsroi i i er as ci rcaj rb,rl at.d.y s l setvl ces i ri cl ude the Young &. oirined that Sh,,fv,rould have air hrand,.qui i y bucorncs i i l l .oi ' taLrt arr R ubi cam B rand A sset Valuat ol iit pac t i n h i g h i n v o l v e rn e n t rrl ersuIe for r-r!l ccii rrg fi narrci ri l (BAV--claimed to be the wor'trd's f i' r : c hDsc d c , i s i .,i rs rc q u i r.i n g value and mark-etarnzar:eness. Brand l argest brand se)and AC -research and compa.rison shopping. eqriity directly relates to the price Nielsen rXlinningBrands. @ 2009 The IcfariUniversity Prcss.Ali Rights Reseivecl
  • 2. S M in c l i -rc 1 e s ,1 o g s , s o c i a l L r{iscussed tlre consunrerstirat by br,rn.l ntl tl t.tger) hen n lonit , , r ing w r-ietworking(MySpace, Facebook, lrelps to iclentify potential service mec{iar. sociatr Link ec iln, a n d i l o re ) wikis opportunities. T[re shift to service 7hat's a Br:rr-rcl Manager to dcr ( $7ik ip, d i a i , th e p re e n ri n e n r is achi eved by provi di ng w i th soci al mecl i a/ The st ar t ir - r g ex ar nple), s o c i a l b o o k i -n a rk i n g i n [orrrral i otrfl ow s. t rl r(senti nH a poii-rt is actuatrlyto identify where (cielicior-rs), pt-iotlr (Flickr) /viiletr :c rV i t c, trr ai J l l te ( onsttttter i n consumer stories about tl're brand s har ing ( Yo L rT u L ,e:rn c l rz i rtu a l ) selecting high involveflrent goot-ls are beirig tolcl within social media. wor lc ls ( S e c o n d I-i fe ). T L re s e a n cl servi ces i ncl usi ve of travel A 'whitelist' of the hlghly relevant ex em plar y a p p l i c a ti o n s fa c i l i ta te packages, crltrreras cars. or hl trgs and w eb desti rr at ior r s is the marketersanelcclnsumers get to The implications of brancl as a compiledand kept up to date.Next close to each olher anr-lengage in s e rvi ce i ncl udes brand ow ners comes tracki ng and capt ur ing iout ine c o n v e rs a ti o n s and i rr vi ti ng cr' rr.i unl er'to f,l l ' ti ci nrtt spontaneous, brand r eievant ) s t or y t ellin g . T h e C l i -re T ra i n on consrune r gror.rnclrrles.In effect, emotional content. Only then can I Manifesto wzrs the {irst to recognize tl-Le customerbeccrmes co-creatoi' deep lrnsolicited consi-rmer a insights the ability of ttre internet to enable o f val ue w i th val i -re al l v:l ys be unclerstood. Importantly,because people to have 'human to httman' determined by tlre consr-rmer. this of sheervolume the focr-rs In shoulclbe c onv er s a ti o n s , :rn c l th .c re L ,y manner, the br:ai -rc{ has an on quality rzrtherthan quantity. But ti-ansforming tracliti.on:rl btisiness opportuni.ty to becoirrea cultural the stories too are evolving to be practicesracJ,icaLly. Accorelingto ttre brand ti:anscendir-rg soci al m edia irranifesto, the Interr-retproiricled th e i denti ty of a , stori es. They no nevr' l-lreans Lroththe niarketsand for procluct company or , l onger havc a (rl g ,rn i Z i l fi ()tl5 { o ( { ,llr lltr lni( ilie. and taking on the I beginning, middle, Tbday, the markets know far urore s r -rbcul tr-rres ' and end br-rthave abor - it t h e p ro d rrc ts th a n tfi e refl ecti ng the Today, the morkels ' ' mi croconlent ' compal'riesthenrselves.Con-suiners i der-i ti ty of knowfor more obout that i s consist ent are realizing that they can readily c onsui ners,l t4yths fhe products lhon witl-r the drlves of get assistance and information frcxl represent tl -re i Generation Y and fhecomponies 0t he- , : c o n s L rn l e rs F ,y s o l i c i tl n g c{-l1Tir11on stclries themselves rNtw7-"Some of tl're tipinions throtrgh social.networks b i ndi .i rg the stories:riechunked and visrting X/ebdestinations, hke c o mmuni ty tcl the content lt t elzr lly A r . naz on , e B a y , C k T i rtz rB y e b y e , h -, and and often throw rl TiipAdvisor or Yelp. to l el by w ord of haphazar dly in Within social metlia, the brancl nrouth. The sirift to sr-nal l nar r at ive inanager ireeclsio recognize tire s ervi ce i s made bites making useoi br aud' s c l rrv i n g fo rc e a s th e possih,le movii'ig from a one-v/ay iir i he cl rff* rent so. i al nr*di. r pullir r g collective ir-rsigLrts r-lerived. from il' l ttJtl nf ttras' ctrtti l ttutti . af i on. together l i nks, photos, videos, c ons uf f r e i . i n te ra c ti o n s . T h i s (l -assw el l1948) to a pee-r-to-peer conlments fiom a social netwotk par : adigm s h i ft of b ra n c { - communications rnodel, wi-rerethe and 140 charirctertwitier (another' m anagen e n t i n s o c i :rl me c l i a i s consulneLis a key coinponent of an form of SM using X/eb and SMS r ec onc ep tu a l i z i n g th e b ra n c l . In ilrtel ct t i ve L, rtn i l r tr n i ca I i , rl l messages certatn cor-rntries) in " es s enc e, th i s m e a i l s i n a k i n g network. This can be continuoi-rsly accessible the Lrrand, owner's skills wi tnessed from oni i ne soci al A key aspect of SM biand and knowleclgefor the benefit oi interactions, se{f-e>lpressions, social managenent is to gain leverage froil consunlersin a variety of branded, bookmarking aird user-genera.ted the S oci al Graph. Thr s is t he a.s well as unbrandeclcontexts. The content including ratlngs ii'l sociai network of r:onnectionsthat e>list r,rnbrancl-ed contexts represent the media environments. Furtherilcire, through w hi ch people avirilaliility tr f tltr lr itu o i{ V co n te i) t the existing model of brand equity communi cate and shar e wl- iic l' r is e x tre m e l y u s e fr-rl tc t can be augnlented v;ith a richness information. This glaph can exist under s t a i ' i d th e v a l u e s b e i n g of c'latan()t previously witnessedby for employeesinternally within tl-re Advertising Express August 2009 r 48
  • 3. c ilm pany , ? 1 s w e l I a s fo r tti e Branclbr-rile1ing cL{st()trners. using the p;rrticip:rtoryapprozlch t rnployees of is i-lot trnusnal:rsseenby Microsoft . n t p l , , y e " ' , h l, ' g P- iir c 1 [' 1lif p lo je t t: r I The (Television TVC of campaign besf-whyinthe [ommercial) thestupidity the shows the hell :rncl company. For cttstctmers, the i would want use phone letalone features) camping? you t0 your ({or 36 when I thought idea the abiiity to see the trritran sitle of a : oicamping t0'get {rom was away it all'/ c olr pany th ro u g h e tn p l o y e e so n i Canundentand were a remote/dangelous you'd if you in areawhy carry phone land a 0r use Y ouT ube, b l o g s o r F l i c k r b e fo re I tPIRB lndicating Beacon), a mobile P0sition Radio but phonet0 use features, l6 I lEmrrgrncy cleclcling doing business on with the r {ind silly. very c()mpany provides a richer brand forNext understandablecoverage Telstra Suppose stupid cantpaigns Gare such ad when isall has e;rpeiieircetlurn competitive pl:ryers on. toconrpete uiho chc,osei-Iot to al1owemployee engagement socialmedia" in I've my used iPhone camping kosi national inwinter, oftimes. around (Kosciuiko) park, loads lt's ; great check with t0 in worried check (onditions forecastswaste {amrly, weatherltemp and and Achlevii'rg tt're rrisioi-r<tf tLie I seyeral camping out solo dusk sleep. usually otherwise tedious between anrl ra.ther hours l'm brand uranageruslng social niedia (from iPhon$, I docarrysmall but a reserve there, it's so to access media the great have and t o inc r ea s e i i n d n i o n i to l b ra n d baltery it and tocarefully camp if I want for have choose spots coYerage. ecli-iltyreqrriresfamili:rrity r,vith a hanc lf ul o f te c h n o l o g i e s rl n d would in handy anemergency. Edit: doubrphone come that I a in [spetially spotry with coverage. mechanismssuitec{tc'riclentifying, ' Take l,lational thebest l(osi Park, (Western have skiing faces) zippo coverage isthe and spot likely t r ac k ing and l i s tr:ri i n g i -o lf really c0ncerred it (especialiy rent buy epirb. ofiniurl. you're that about i{solo) 0r an cr.rrrversations^ Why sl-roulcl bl;rncla , lWhereis (lrttp://wwwyoutube.tomlwatchlv:cdhS-cx8f{) ] m anager c a re a b o u t th e s e to o l s / | :aw nerr where a ad driving follorvingdirections phone. acouple and there's GP5 ontheir The Quiet simply, the world is clra.nging guys phone (non-Telstra) upand stuf{s giving directions stops hinr 0r something, at whith rapi,-1Xy social inecli:rhas direct :rncl r pointthegirl out Ielstra whirh them corrett pulls her phone gives the voice"guided directionr. im plic at i o n s fo r b ra n c l e q u i ty I Then voiceoy€r r0mething network thebetter the says about with coverage0r something reF)ieseniing real time sto-rytclling tirkii-rgplace t,etween consui-ners. , along line:. those V(/Xlat cai! lisien to a.ncl we measuLe ' l'mconiused because though I thought signal, iscompletely GPS etc., independent ofnetwork ir-rsoci:rl rneclia pi-ovidr:sthe brand (other the rhan A,6Pl givingquicker down position)i adseemsimply a lock on The to that Lr ! i/ nei w i i l ' r a v e i y p o w e -rfu l havirg coverage them have reliabk allovn to more GPSnavigation. ma.kes tome This sense only incl1r:aiion events[,:ling of ii'r if thenavigation solely neiwcrk, ol using phone's GPS isprovided bythe instead the in-built i. e r i t im e . T h i s c a i -rJ re u i s e c l i l : {hereis withorLt GPS (an't forinstance, |'{avigator, in"builr if possible, think could it be {uring, c om pleme n i th e k e y tra g g i i ' rg r$0 aicurate). it'sa bitmisleading, I think I have interpreted wrong. but might iust it all 1nc ' lic at o r f m.ri n k e is [r:ri :e . h t: o T ]008 wfiidpool. hercnber forums. fource: neta4 fotriowingexample heiirs iltr-rst -r:rte tl',e iri-rporIarLc€ sociill ir-redia. of " [e l s tr:r, ne tvritrks). T',oro cctrlrmelcials in n-ionittiring soci:ll nretlia and infrtn-'.l ilonii: or in g ^ ihe 'whereis' a.ncl'camping' ira.rticLrial, the br;rnt'l owne Is aboi-tt tl-re i rl e cU r'n n tti nic:' tit) ir il lli i ial i' r ar:esinglec1- These out fot tl-ris st',-rdy. conversaLlons taking place in tl-re etnt,:rikeclon ll iriassT'V A.usiizrlia, adveriisernents u/ere based on being sqcia! mec-lia^If tl-re contelli ctlll r;1 1 prini r r tlve r iisi,tg L ,) l) tl d it' r t afite to r.rsi:Ner',t C rlrok,iles io lots L]ieate reputittitln:rl risk, apllttrtlriatt stipplecrentedvrith the use of seler-.t of piaces, even wtrreii caurprng tlr action needs to be taker-r. ln the s'ciat merlia ch.erni1ets y,-ru-lube iifte , tooicin-.gfirr clii:ecticiirs The exhilcrii conyei.sations highlighteci that tirr {,', 5s,qin g ihr D' lt r - r t ir { llr Cnt : ( , lr shows sorne o'o 'r-Lr(icristomet weLe con{usecl a.bout tfie coifsLli-eeLS tlei-l:rncl. The campaign fttcr-ts v,'asitr r:onversa.tions ailcl opinionsr relatct-l c-1etaitrs thc- services, the branL--l of proi,,iclea.r/arencss tLre coLintry- of to thr: ;lrj-s. ()i/r'nerscan take an immediate and wic-1ccover:rge ancl. technological An ()i-rtsor-lrced sei-irice c:rn h,e cost-effcctive action by naking a capurL,il"tres the Telsti-it Next [i of ttris occaston fgr ptlst clarifyir-rgthe c{oLrbts'it inust, ne twork (beyoircl 3G ortcompetitive use,:n oil Ar{vertising Expr"ess AugtrsL2009 r 49
  • 4. t he gr e: rte r i s th r: -I' e c l a n o r:rti :rn RSS f'eeil will provicle offei fiee mashup scrr,'lces. With a '-rpclates, Authority of the blog. Techntirati trpclates changes. of Thus, socialir-lirsh.bozrrcl ta{ting;F.SSfeecls Rirnk is baseclon ho,,^r a hlog is far new is sent to the socialclashboard. frtxr. a var.le[yoif sources,historic:rl from the top. Tlie hlog wrth rhe A l ot of speci al i st r-ri chernecl i a informa.tioncan be combinecl with highestTechnoratiAuthority is tlr-e col npani es offer F.S S . S U ebsi tes cllrrent anc-l'fluturerneasr:tes. Tite No. 1 rankedblog. rvithorrta RSS feed capability carr clasl'rboiircl ctxltairrsmeasLtres the oi tre i -Lsed w i th D apper heal th of br:rncl e cluit y. By Niels en (www.rlapper.coin) creafe a feerl tr.r monitoriing rl"lesocial meclia, the B logP uls e (w w u v .L ,l o g p u l s e .c o m ),for an entire site or specificpages. brtrncl manager can deterrnine if is AideRSS is a RSS f-eedfiltering 'weak signatrs' are iri-ily provicling owned by Nielsen BtrzzV{etrics, describecl "an alit()nlateel as trend servicethat helps identifu the most knovdeclge a trencl,yet to emerge of p op,-rl ar teus ci r posts i ncl udi ng w i th k' ranclr-rsage i but ot her wise discoverysystemfor blogs"" blog comments and links, lnterr:iet st:rtistically insignificant. Twitter T r oc k ur bookmarks,clicks, ancl page views. messages representan e:rrlywarning A t r , ' t r lit t.: re l )u tl ti U i l i l trrn i trrri n g C)ncea feed is accessible created, of a or topic yet to be blogged. tool scanning news) blttgs, virlett, R S S mori i toi i ng usi ng Googl c Increasi ngtry, ttre br : r nd images, and {irrnms m;rtchirrg the R eaci er(w w w . googl l andscape exhi bi ts em er gent k ey wor c l s o f i n te re s t. As w i tl ' r cnnstitntly checks f:lttgs for new behavior,meaning the brand may be ( ioogle b l o g , a s e a rc h w i th a n content r-rnpre dict ahle at extendecl wi-,i'cl. cor-nprisingtlre list C onti nuousl y ti mes br - r t is a brancl :rncl worcl :rssocii'ltions aiong refinlng the brand functi o n of t hc with similar concepls prc,ves h,e n anl e to and brairclintetactions nrore fr'uitftil tharr the L,ranei tr';it'ne associated keywords ln order to tatr< i n g place akrue, helps redtrce noise successfullymonitor beti .oreen t he fi l tei 'i ng out qnd engqgewith conve r sat iol'r s T r endpe d i o unw ani ed or stal e conYersqlions in acrtl ss t lif f er eiit F ir : r ds t re n d s i n s o c l a l m e d i a . c()ntent. sociql media, hrernd soci al m edia. T lendpe c l i a s e a rc h e so n l i u e ;L n c 1 l l ashups al l ow mdnagers need to Provilleel a brand {irrds the artir:les thtrt talli about the branc{ rnanager toke a leaming manager cioesuot t c iir r ic so f i n te l c s t. T i e n e l p e c l i a tcr assembledirterse cpprocch ha,re zer o lat ency orgainizes articlcsin a freirclittic c(tntent the froi l reci Liir einent s slroivingthe popular:ity the toplc of publ i cl y a.rai l abl e meritir-ig knoiviug river ttme. s()urccs i ncl udi ng everything ii'r real R S S feecl s. Thc timr, ihe free tools W hilst th e r;e fre e fo o l s h z rv e in:'rshr-rp huilt in'r,orlashbotrttJs, anel a 'cio it yor-i-rself' is approach can irrerit-s ba.sicaily antl assist ttre brand :nrel i .l shct-tr t,i - 1'r,rppi i rg gr) a trong rti,t/ titurttrd.s titc m i- Ll! ag e rs to i l o n t l o r b ra n e l ancl mariragemei'lt ()f technoiog.T. Masl-rups be createcl ur,-ri-liioring; calr. lneniioil s , R S Sl a n r-i IU :rs h u P hran,--ls socirr.i ir, tlredl:r. c1' ,ri ckl y ancj casi i y i rtorri 4j pg l tecl-u-iokrgiesfir{ri:c.r tl-refu ture of r{i I pt-rssibilities a trew cli'.ss sl'Loli.' {irr of In or,-'1r:r :;uccessftilly trI mtlnitil.,. branci llt.n-iii()rlirg rrucl rcse:irch. temr oi: c-ilsposable applicaiiot'ts not zrn,j eilg;r;-ye vyilir coni,etsations in T hes e ke y tr:c l rn o l o g i c s!to v i r{ r: norinally attractirrg clevelopir-ieni soci:rlme'-1i:r, L,tancl mauzrgers need iclcali-lieclrarlisnls cru::tft: sr>cial t() Lt clo1lar:s, c'ssential uraIketitlg tr; take :l l ei ,rui ng : r pPr oach hY br-rt fix r ' las hl' ' o a rcz i n c l g o fre y o n r{ .il rs t l :rrr.l .,'-.l t'.rti :i ri p c'recrri i ,r-', i urprro' ,' urg'i s i et-ri ng' piocesses ! J c { ! u r - 1 l i r g l.r a t,,1 ir ) Cn fir /1 r ". infot'n'ratton c rrirl,lin g hraird-re Ia'cee.l 5l r ''r i ,l g r 11r ,., l i l r '* l ,',1q , . , ( l )rl li'L' RS S (B " e a l i y S i trp l e to bc cot-,rhined inttt a c()illi11()l't and, above alt, takirri; a. hattcls-c,ir S y nr lic i l ti o n ), s y n i l ' ,o i i z e cb y a n 1 , i a r h l . , , , r r . . ll , r r , l v r : u a l i z l t r , . , t t ; . i t r t approaclito socialmecliaand branci r)rallge syinbol rvitir r,vhiter,,ra.rzes geo-Locatioit or maltping sciftv,tare' nD.nagenleni, is r:1 prctty trr-rch;rct.rrtrsivc the W.eb. NJetvibes ( a.r'id trn Riit her ti ra .nv i s i ti n g w e h s i te sfo r l,4int'lto uch ( # Itcfererrce 18M.2009-08'tl9-01 Express Aclvr:i'tisinf-l r AugLrst2(l(lL) 5i