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S E R V I C E E X P E R I E N C E S U M M I T 2 0 1 4 / V E R Y D A Y . C O M
Walking in the 
customers shoes 
When you have to 
storyboard something, 
the more realistic it is, 
the more decisions 
you have to make. 
Brian Chesky 
To shape the future of Airbnb, CEO Brian Chesky used 
storyboards to map existing and future customer journeys.
Design for 
3 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
for a flight 
to Shanghai. Not only does the appearance of 
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4 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
the online booking feel old 
fashioned, the way the booking 
practically works is very limited. 
The Kayak service on the other hand offers a vastly be﬙er experience. 
You can choose very simply what your parameters are and get the best 
options at the best price. 
5 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
*Theory by Daniel Kahneman 
Experience Continuum 
Before Experience/Occasion After 
Anticipated Self 
Decisions based on anticipated memories. 
Inspire, motivate, restrict 
Experiencing self 
Emotions in the present. 
Positive, negative, neutral 
Reflective Self (The Storyteller) 
What we take away from the experience. The 
stories we tell. Changes, significant moments, 
Peak-End Rule* 
Reflected experience based 
almost entirely on highs and 
lows, and how it ended. 
6 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
The Opportuni﬚ 
Customer Experience is the next frontier for 
differentiation, value creation and growth. 
7 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Everything is more connected and complex than ever. 
New customer expectations arise and cross boundaries.
Big data 
1. Everything is more connected and complex than ever 
2. New expectations across boundaries 
3. Easy to loose focus through distraction and disruption An accelerating storm of change 
9 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
The eye of the storm 
1. Everything is more connected and complex than ever 
2. New expectations across boundaries 
3. Easy to loose focus through distraction and disruption 
10 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Your Point of Differentiation 
The customer 
11 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
People perspective (Employees, clients, customers, users) 
Why can´t they remember 
what I like from time to time? 
Why is it always so difficult 
to find my way to what I 
It would be great if I could 
know more about this before 
I decide to buy it! 
I want to know that they have 
the products I want in store. 
12 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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Supply Chain 
Business Process 
The corporate world is a different world 
13 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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Bridging the gap 
Process Operating 
Model Technology Leadership 
& Culture Employees 
Customer Experience Journey 
Business Operations 
14 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
80% of companies believe they 
deliver outstanding value and 
a superior customer experience. 
8% of their customers agree. 
Source: Bain & Company 
15 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Age of 
Age of 
1900–1960 1960–1990 1990–2010 2010–? 
| 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Age of 
Age of 
The Customer 
Forrester. Outside In: The Power of Pu﬙ing Customers at the Center of Your Business 
Mass manufacturing boosts 
industrial powerhouses. 
Global connections make 
distribution key. 
Connected PCs benefit those 
who control information. 
Empowered buyers demand a 
customer focus. 
Ford, RCA, GE, Boeing, 
P&G, Sony, Atlas Copco 
Walmart, Toyota, 
Microsoſt, Google, Dell, 
Capital One, Ericsson 
Southwest Airlines, 
Amazon, USAA, ... 
Source of dominance and differentiation 
Growing share of the economy 
| 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
e.g. JAPAN 
CIA World Factbook 
18 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
+ Customer Centrici﬚ 
+ Customer Focus 
= Competitive advantage 
= Loyal satisfied customers 
= Higher profit margins
Great experience can reduce costs 
19 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Flickr 4834842581_ec9a451a0c_o 
Progressive Insurance ‘Immediate Roadside Assistance’ 
creates a fantastic care and support experience as well as brand 
awareness. It also reduces possibilities for fraud and legal 
issues, both significant costs that can be drastically reduced 
which goes beyond funding the great experience.
Service Design 
Methodology to help improve or innovate 
service experiences that result in 
more satisfied customers and 
more profitable enterprises. 
20 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Service Design – Practical access to an evolving field, 2005
01. Curiosi﬚ what people need and want 
02. Imagine and dream up a be﬙er future 
03. Find ways to do something about it 
21 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
01. You have to be there 
02. It happens over time 
03. You don’t own it but use it 
22 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
01. Human Empathy 
02. Holistic Thinking 
03. Experience Proto﬚ping 
23 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
What is the difference? 
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Produced Performed 
Material Immaterial 
Tangible Intangible 
No involvement Client participation 
Ownership Experience 
System design 
For All Senses 
Service blueprint 
24 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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25 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
26 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
27 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
28 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Team Collaboration 
“Open Door Analysis” 
participatory format to engage 
stakeholders at all levels. 
Using emotional design research 
methodology, we expose people 
to real consumer needs and 
deliver key insights about 
consumer’s drivers and 
Share learnings and unite teams 
around global insights. 
Translate findings into new 
customer propositions. 
29 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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Framing the problem together 
30 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Opportuni﬚ Mapping and Vision Building 
Effective customer and stakeholder engagement 
31 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Re-imagine the customer experience 
32 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Total Experience Proto﬚ping 
Co-creation with users drove the 
design of solutions with stronger 
emotional resonance. 
Proto﬚ping new total experience 
concept offerings (‘protocepts’). 
Working across 6 markets, 
sharing insights in real time. 
33 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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Source: Forrester 
Customer Experience 
34 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
How customers perceive 
their interactions 
with your company.
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Based on McKinsey research, 2009 
Customer Experience 
35 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Customer Decision Journey 
Click to edit Master title s﬚le Drop out 
Based on McKinsey research, 2009 
Satisfaction Evaluation 
36 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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37 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Feel: Emotional 
Is this desirable and trustworthy? 
Think: Behavioural 
Will this help me achieve my goals? 
Do: Functional 
Is this useful and easy to use?
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Uncovering deep insights 
38 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Emotional Experience Mapping 
Experience in context over time 
39 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
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Emotional Experience Mapping 
Experience in context over time 
Before During Aſter 
40 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
The really big missed opportuni﬚… 
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41 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Get closer 
to people and create 
be﬙er experiences 
Outside In 
Truly understanding 
what’s actually going on 
in people’s lives.
Mutual Value 
The creation of systemic solutions that 
increase value for several stakeholders. 
Building win-win solutions for brands and people. 
42 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Why do your customers choose you? 
What do they truly value? 
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43 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
What you could you do to 
enhance, add or reinvent 
to create mutual value? 
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44 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
Value for the organization 
Value for customers 
Mutual Value 
45 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Reduce cost with improved 
customer experience 
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Reduce churn and 
increase life-time value 
Innovation of new business 
models and offerings 
Reduce risk, time to market 
and cost 
46 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 
New or be﬙er services 
for todays customers 
New customers through 
improving todays service
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Source: Forrester 
Great experience at a great price 
Forrester Cxi 2012 / 2013 
1. How enjoyable were they to do business with? 
2. How easy were they to do business with? 
3. How effective were they at meeting your needs? 
| 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 47
48 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
A stock portfolio of Forrester’s Customer 
Experience Index (CXi) leaders had a 
cumulative 43% gain in performance over a 
six-year period (2007 to 2012), compared 
with a 14.5% increase for the S&P 500 Index 
and a 33.9% decrease for a portfolio 
of customer experience laggards. 
Source: Forrester Research 
49 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Behavioral metrics 
Eg Sharing frequency, שּׂme spent 
Business metrics 
Increase revenue, Market share 
What people 
pay for 
What people 
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What people 
Subjective metrics 
NPS, SUS, Subjective satisfaction 
Experience Index 
Drive service development around 
robust & meaningful metrics 
50 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
The Challenges 
The pursuit of implementing the service design 
approach successfully in the organization requires 
the right leadership and culture change – however 
outputs as well as outcomes are worth the effort. 
51 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
01. Collaboration across departments 
02. Ge﬙ing out of old ways of working and thinking 
03. Uncertain﬚ of specific outcomes 
52 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Image Credit: Sayaka Ganz Yatzer
People Driven Digital Transformation 
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Deep insights into needs and wants 
Leveraging data and connectivi﬚ 
Creating new business value 
54 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
6 Practical שּׂps 
Creating mutual value by providing great customer 
experiences requires focus, passion and teamwork. 
Here are six tips to help you lead the way forward. 
55 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
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56 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 
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57 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 
3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 
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58 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 
3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 
4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations 
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59 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 
3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 
4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations 
5. Experience – Build, share and leverage knowledge 
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60 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
Leading to great experiences 
1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 
2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 
3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 
4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations 
5. Experience – Build, share and leverage knowledge 
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6. Evaluate – Measure what ma﬙ers and make the tough choices 
61 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
S T O C K H O L M / N E W Y O R K / L O N D O N / S H A N G H A I / V E R Y D A Y . C O M

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Customer Experience Design Summit

  • 1. S E R V I C E E X P E R I E N C E S U M M I T 2 0 1 4 / V E R Y D A Y . C O M
  • 2. Walking in the customers shoes When you have to storyboard something, the more realistic it is, the more decisions you have to make. Brian Chesky “ To shape the future of Airbnb, CEO Brian Chesky used storyboards to map existing and future customer journeys.
  • 3. Design for Services 3 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 4. Searching for a flight to Shanghai. Not only does the appearance of Click to edit Master title s﬚le 4 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz the online booking feel old fashioned, the way the booking practically works is very limited. Example
  • 5. The Kayak service on the other hand offers a vastly be﬙er experience. You can choose very simply what your parameters are and get the best options at the best price. 5 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 6. *Theory by Daniel Kahneman Experience Continuum Before Experience/Occasion After Anticipated Self Decisions based on anticipated memories. Inspire, motivate, restrict Experiencing self Emotions in the present. Positive, negative, neutral Reflective Self (The Storyteller) What we take away from the experience. The stories we tell. Changes, significant moments, endings Better experience Worse experience Peak-End Rule* Reflected experience based almost entirely on highs and lows, and how it ended. 6 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 7. The Opportuni﬚ Customer Experience is the next frontier for differentiation, value creation and growth. 7 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 8. Everything is more connected and complex than ever. New customer expectations arise and cross boundaries.
  • 9. Digital Mobile Social Big data 1. Everything is more connected and complex than ever 2. New expectations across boundaries 3. Easy to loose focus through distraction and disruption An accelerating storm of change 9 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 10. The eye of the storm 1. Everything is more connected and complex than ever 2. New expectations across boundaries 3. Easy to loose focus through distraction and disruption 10 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 11. Your Point of Differentiation The customer 11 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 12. People perspective (Employees, clients, customers, users) Why can´t they remember what I like from time to time? Why is it always so difficult to find my way to what I want! It would be great if I could know more about this before I decide to buy it! I want to know that they have the products I want in store. 12 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 13. CRM Governance Regulations Click to edit Master title s﬚le Supply Chain Database Loyal﬚ Program Portfolio Management Diversi﬚ Forecasting LEAN Investment Planning Business Process Optimization Channels SOX Integrated Marketing Solution Rightshoring Core Competency Alignment Streamline 6Sigma The corporate world is a different world 13 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 14. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Bridging the gap Process Operating Model Technology Leadership & Culture Employees Legislation CSR Strategy Customer Experience Journey Business Operations 14 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 15. 80% of companies believe they deliver outstanding value and a superior customer experience. 8% of their customers agree. Source: Bain & Company 15 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 16. Age of Manufacturing Age of Distribution 1900–1960 1960–1990 1990–2010 2010–? | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz Age of Information Age of The Customer Forrester. Outside In: The Power of Pu﬙ing Customers at the Center of Your Business Mass manufacturing boosts industrial powerhouses. Global connections make distribution key. Connected PCs benefit those who control information. Empowered buyers demand a customer focus. Ford, RCA, GE, Boeing, P&G, Sony, Atlas Copco Walmart, Toyota, UPS, CSX, IKEA Microsoſt, Google, Dell, Capital One, Ericsson Southwest Airlines, Amazon, USAA, ... Source of dominance and differentiation 16
  • 17. Growing share of the economy | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 1.2% e.g. JAPAN CIA World Factbook 10.0% AGGRICULTURE 43.9% INDUSTRY 46.1% CHINA 71.4% 27.5% SERVICES 17
  • 18. 18 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz + Customer Centrici﬚ + Customer Focus = Competitive advantage = Loyal satisfied customers = Higher profit margins
  • 19. Great experience can reduce costs 19 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz Flickr 4834842581_ec9a451a0c_o Progressive Insurance ‘Immediate Roadside Assistance’ creates a fantastic care and support experience as well as brand awareness. It also reduces possibilities for fraud and legal issues, both significant costs that can be drastically reduced which goes beyond funding the great experience.
  • 20. Service Design Methodology to help improve or innovate service experiences that result in more satisfied customers and more profitable enterprises. 20 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz Service Design – Practical access to an evolving field, 2005
  • 21. SERVICE DESIGN 01. Curiosi﬚ what people need and want 02. Imagine and dream up a be﬙er future 03. Find ways to do something about it 21 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 22. SERVICE DESIGN 01. You have to be there 02. It happens over time 03. You don’t own it but use it 22 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 23. SERVICE DESIGN 01. Human Empathy 02. Holistic Thinking 03. Experience Proto﬚ping 23 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 24. What is the difference? Click to edit Master title s﬚le I N D U ST R I A L S E R V I C E Produced Performed Material Immaterial Tangible Intangible No involvement Client participation Ownership Experience M E T H O D O LOGY Journey System design For All Senses Co-creation Service blueprint 24 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 25. Click to edit Master title s﬚le HOLISTIC THINKING HUMAN EMPATHY EXPERIENCE PROTOTYPES 25 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 26. HUMAN EMPATHY 26 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 27. 27 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz HOLISTIC THINKING
  • 28. EXPERIENCE PROTOTYPES 28 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 29. Team Collaboration “Open Door Analysis” participatory format to engage stakeholders at all levels. Using emotional design research methodology, we expose people to real consumer needs and deliver key insights about consumer’s drivers and aspirations. Share learnings and unite teams around global insights. Translate findings into new customer propositions. OBSERVATIONS STORIES & INSIGHTS EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE MAP 29 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 30. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Framing the problem together 30 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 31. Opportuni﬚ Mapping and Vision Building Effective customer and stakeholder engagement 31 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 32. Re-imagine the customer experience 32 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 33. Total Experience Proto﬚ping Co-creation with users drove the design of solutions with stronger emotional resonance. Proto﬚ping new total experience concept offerings (‘protocepts’). Working across 6 markets, sharing insights in real time. 33 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 34. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Source: Forrester Customer Experience 34 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz How customers perceive their interactions with your company.
  • 35. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Based on McKinsey research, 2009 Customer Experience INTER ACTION LOYALTY DECISION 35 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 36. Customer Decision Journey INTER ACTION LOYALTY DECISION Click to edit Master title s﬚le Drop out Based on McKinsey research, 2009 Consideration Trigger Experience Satisfaction Evaluation 36 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 37. Click to edit Master title s﬚le 37 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz Feel: Emotional Is this desirable and trustworthy? Think: Behavioural Will this help me achieve my goals? Do: Functional Is this useful and easy to use?
  • 38. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Uncovering deep insights 38 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 39. Emotional Experience Mapping Experience in context over time 39 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 40. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Emotional Experience Mapping Experience in context over time Before During Aſter 40 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 41. The really big missed opportuni﬚… Click to edit Master title s﬚le 41 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz Get closer to people and create be﬙er experiences Outside In Truly understanding what’s actually going on in people’s lives.
  • 42. Mutual Value The creation of systemic solutions that increase value for several stakeholders. Building win-win solutions for brands and people. 42 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 43. Why do your customers choose you? What do they truly value? Click to edit Master title s﬚le 43 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz SMALL EXERCISE
  • 44. What you could you do to enhance, add or reinvent to create mutual value? Click to edit Master title s﬚le 44 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz SMALL EXERCISE
  • 45. Value for the organization Product Value for customers Commodi﬚ Service Experience Creating Mutual Value 45 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 46. DELIVERING VALUE OPTIMIZE RE-IMAGINE Reduce cost with improved customer experience Click to edit Master title s﬚le Reduce churn and increase life-time value Innovation of new business models and offerings Reduce risk, time to market and cost 46 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz EXPAND New or be﬙er services for todays customers New customers through improving todays service
  • 47. Click to edit Master title s﬚le Source: Forrester Great experience at a great price Forrester Cxi 2012 / 2013 1. How enjoyable were they to do business with? 2. How easy were they to do business with? 3. How effective were they at meeting your needs? | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz 47
  • 48. 48 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 49. A stock portfolio of Forrester’s Customer Experience Index (CXi) leaders had a cumulative 43% gain in performance over a six-year period (2007 to 2012), compared with a 14.5% increase for the S&P 500 Index and a 33.9% decrease for a portfolio of customer experience laggards. Source: Forrester Research 49 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 50. Behavioral metrics Eg Sharing frequency, שּׂme spent Business metrics Increase revenue, Market share What people pay for What people do/use CX Click to edit Master title s﬚le What people say/think Subjective metrics NPS, SUS, Subjective satisfaction Experience Index Drive service development around robust & meaningful metrics 50 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 51. The Challenges The pursuit of implementing the service design approach successfully in the organization requires the right leadership and culture change – however outputs as well as outcomes are worth the effort. 51 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 52. KEY CHALLENGES 01. Collaboration across departments 02. Ge﬙ing out of old ways of working and thinking 03. Uncertain﬚ of specific outcomes 52 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 53. UNCERTAINTY Image Credit: Sayaka Ganz Yatzer
  • 54. People Driven Digital Transformation Click to edit Master title s﬚le PEOPLE INSIGHTS Deep insights into needs and wants DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OPERATING MODEL Leveraging data and connectivi﬚ Creating new business value TALENT Agile 54 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 55. 6 Practical שּׂps Creating mutual value by providing great customer experiences requires focus, passion and teamwork. Here are six tips to help you lead the way forward. 55 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 56. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs Click to edit Master title s﬚le 56 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 57. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision Click to edit Master title s﬚le 57 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 58. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment Click to edit Master title s﬚le 58 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 59. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations Click to edit Master title s﬚le 59 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 60. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations 5. Experience – Build, share and leverage knowledge Click to edit Master title s﬚le 60 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 61. Leading to great experiences 1. Empathy – Spend time with customers to get a feeling for their latent needs 2. Envision – Create a shared sense of purpose and future vision 3. Engage – Involve people, work agile and adapt to the environment 4. Empower – Support the organization to deliver and exceed expectations 5. Experience – Build, share and leverage knowledge Click to edit Master title s﬚le 6. Evaluate – Measure what ma﬙ers and make the tough choices 61 | 09 August 2014 | Service Experience Summit | Shanghai | @st_moritz
  • 62. S T O C K H O L M / N E W Y O R K / L O N D O N / S H A N G H A I / V E R Y D A Y . C O M