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One Nation Under God
©2012 Tamara J. Hulse
Before America – Historical Review
• During the Dark
Ages, Europe
came to be ruled
by Kings.
• The common
belief was that
God raised up a
royal family to
rule over the
God bestowed upon
the King the Right to
govern the people
The King determined
which rights to bestow
upon the people
The common people
were “subjects” to the
The Divine Right of Kings
 The royal family would inter-marry to preserve a pure
blood line.
 The King had the responsibility to seek God’s counsel
in governing the people.
 Ancient writings suggest that prophets would go to the
mountains to speak with God.
 The peaks on the crown
represented mountain
peaks – symbolic of the
King’s duty to seek God’s
The Oath
Oath: A solemn affirmation
or declaration, made with an
appeal to God for the truth of
what is affirmed. The appeal
to God in an oath, implies
that the person imprecates
his vengeance and renounces
his favor if the declaration is
false, or if the declaration is a
promise, the person invokes
the vengeance of God if he
should fail to fulfill it.
The Kings of
England in the
1500s (Henry VIII),
1600s (James I),
and 1700s (George
III) established
oaths requiring
subjects to swear
loyalty to their
specific king.
Ruler’s Law – The greatest enemy of
self-government and freedom
All power in the ruler (National)
Under Ruler’s Law,
government assumes
all power and imposes
its will on the people.
The ruling group
makes the law,
interprets the law, and
enforces the law.
Ruler’s Law
• All power is in the ruler:
– Monarchy : Royal government by the “one”
– Autocracy: Government by the “one” – a dictator
– Plutocracy: Government by the wealthy class
– Aristocracy: Government by those with inherited titles
or the privileged class
– Oligarchy: Government by an exclusive few
– Empire: Aggregate of kingdoms ruled by a monarch
– Military Dictatorship: Government by a few top
military leaders
“The accumulation of all powers –legislative,
executive, and judiciary—in the same
hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and
whether hereditary, self-appointed, or
elective, may justly be pronounced the very
definition of tyranny.”
- James Madison
Chief characteristics of Ruler’s Law
• The thrust of government is always from the
ruler down, not from the people upward.
There is no vote by the majority.
• The people have no unalienable rights.
• Problems are always solved by issuing new
edicts, creating more bureaus, appointing
more administrators, and charging the people
more taxes to pay for these services.
Ruler’s Law and Violence
• The transfer of power is nearly always by violence
– the dagger, the poison cup, or fratricide and
civil war.
• The long history of Ruler’s law is one of blood and
terror, both anciently and in modern times.
Those in power revel in luxury while the lot of the
common people is one of perpetual poverty,
excessive taxation, stringent regulations, and a
continuous existence of misery.
Government Power
is Exercised by Force
Government power is exercised by compulsion,
force, conquest, or legislative usurpation.
Force is the
counterfeit of true
Under Ruler’s Law, the People are
Governed by Fear
• The Rulers remain in power because the
people live in fear of punishment if they do
not comply.
• When the common people live in fear, they
may remain subjects of a tyrannical
government for generations.
• The challenge of breaking the cycle:
People tend to behave according to what they
believe; therefore, fear of the ruling class is taught
from cradle to grave unless . . .
The Enlightenment :
Moving from Fear to Faith,
from Force to Power
• A movement for freedom of religion among the
common people began to stir during the renaissance.
• Their longings for a higher knowledge brought a
reformation and illumination that would grow
brighter and brighter.
• Knowledge increased, reawaking and revitalizing a
world hidden in obscurity.
The Bible in the Middle Ages
• Though Bible translations of any kind were
denounced, Bible reading during the Middle
Ages was never totally denied.
• During this time, however, reformers who
promoted Bible reading many times paid with
their lives.
• Persecution had taken the lives of many
martyrs of religious freedom since the 1300s.
Translation of the Bible
• John Wycliffe – late 1300s translated Bible from Latin to
English. He and his followers were severely persecuted.
• William Tyndale - early 1500s – translated the New
Testament and portions of the Old Testament from Greek
and Hebrew into English. His friends warned him that he
would be killed for doing so, but he was undaunted.
• On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale was strangled and
his body burned for determination to translate and print
the Bible.
Turbulent Political Times
Brought Change
• Because of a disagreement with the church in Rome,
King Henry VIII (1500s) declared himself the head of
the church in England and required that copies of the
English Bible be placed in every parish church.
• Hungry for the gospel, people flocked to these
churches, reading the scriptures to one another until
their voices gave out. The Bible was also used as a
primer to teach reading.
• Aware of the divisions within his own country, English
King James I agreed to a new official version of the
Bible. (1611)
Influence of the Bible
Political Philosophy
“The Liberty of a People is the gift of God and
“The Liberties of Nations are from God and
Nature, not from Kings.”
Algernon Sidney (1623-1683)
Algernon Sidney challenged the
Divine Right of Kings
• “God having given the Government of the World to no
one Man, nor declared how it should be divided, left it to
the Will of Man.”
• “A general presumption that Kings will govern well, is not
a sufficient security to the People.”
• “Samuel did not describe to the Israelites the glory of a
free Monarchy; but the Evils the People should suffer,
that he might divert them from desiring a King.”
Algernon Sidney –
Observations on Liberty
“Liberty produceth Virtue, Order and Stability:
Slavery is accompanied with Vice, Weakness
and Misery.”
John Locke 1632-1704
• Referring to mankind: All men are in a state of
political equality in which there is no natural superior
or inferior.
“that being all equal and independent, no one ought
to harm another in his life, health, liberty or
• Theory of Social Contract: The people agree to
transfer some of their rights to a central government,
while retaining others.
Political Reformers in England
Influence the Founders
• Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were both
influenced by the writings of John Locke and
Algernon Sidney.
• Their ideas can be seen in the Declaration of
Independence and again in the Constitution of
the United States.
Divine Right of All Men
“All men have been
endowed by their
creator with certain
unalienable rights that
among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness.”
Declaration of Independence
Right of
Right of
All Men
A Giant Leap Forward
and Upward
America – One Nation Under God
Our Founding
Fathers invent a
system of
government where
all men are
accountable before
“In the beginning of the contest of
Britain, when we were sensible of
danger, we had daily prayers in this
room for divine protection. Our
prayers, sir, were heard; and they were
graciously answered. . . . And have we
now forgotten that powerful friend?
Or do we imagine that we no longer
need His assistance? I have lived, sir,
a long time; and the longer I live the
more convincing proofs I see of this
truth—that God governs in the affairs
of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall
to the ground without His notice, is it
probable than an empire can rise
without His aid?
Benjamin Franklin
(at the Constitutional
Convention, 1787)
“We have been assured, sir, in the
sacred writings, that ‘except the Lord
build the house they labor in vain that
build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I
also believe that without His
concurring aid we shall succeed in this
political building no better than the
builders of Babel . . . I therefore, beg
leave to move that hereafter prayers,
imploring the assistance of heaven
and its blessing on our deliberations,
be held in this assembly every
morning before we proceed to
business, and that one or more of the
clergy of this city be requested to
officiate in that service.”
Benjamin Franklin
(at the Constitutional
Convention, 1787)
What type of government?
• Monarchy – a government in which the supreme
power is lodged in a single ruler
• Democracy - a form of government in which the
supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people
• Republic – a state in which the exercise of sovereign
power is lodged in representatives elected by the
• Theocracy – government of a state by the immediate
direction of God. (Religious theocracy – God chooses
the leader; A political theocracy – people choose
righteous leaders to be accountable to God)
The Founder’s Formula
• A combination of 3 types of government to
protect the citizens from the Monarchy.
– Democracy (supreme power is lodged in the
hands of the people collectively)
– Republic (the exercise of sovereign power is
lodged in representatives elected by the people)
– Theocracy (the people choose righteous leaders to
be accountable to God – oath of office)
Millions of Individuals
(Each endowed with unalienable rights)
Community, County, State, Federal Representatives
(Selected rights are loaned from people to representatives)
Righteous government leaders are
accountable to God (Oath of Office)
Republics are created by vote
Theocracies are created by
covenant (oath)
Vertical Separation of Powers
Only specific limited power assigned to each level of government.
The further up the pyramid, the less power given to that branch of
The Federal
The Several
Thousands of Counties
Millions of Communities
Tens of Millions Families
Hundreds of Millions Individuals
Levels of the Republic –
Individual level
• The people have unalienable rights to exercise
agency in governing their own affairs as long as it did
not impose on the rights of others.
• Individuals have the right and responsibility to solve
problems relating to work, play, associations,
creature comforts, education, acquisition, and
disposition of property.
• As a member of society, the individual has the right
to a voice and a vote.
Levels of the Republic - Family
• Marriage and Family – Created by Covenant
before God
– The woman loans some rights to the man – to
provide, protect, and represent the family
– The man loans some rights to the woman – to bear
the children, nurture and serve the family
• The family is the most basic and important unit of
organized society.
• Within a family, the individual will find greater
satisfaction and self-realization than in any other
segment of society.
Levels of the Republic - Community
• Some services can be provided more
efficiently and effectively by a
community than an individual family.
• Certain rights are loaned to community
leaders to provide services (roads,
schools, water, police) and uphold
standards of morality, decency, and
• Community leaders may pass laws,
collect taxes, and create policy for the
good of the community.
By taking
the Oath of
leaders make
a promise to
God to
uphold these
Levels of the Republic - County
• A group of communities can handle some
services collectively with more efficiency
than an individual community.
• Certain rights are loaned to county leaders
to provide county services (county roads,
bridges and drainage systems; rural police
services; elections; public health; caring
for the needy; records of deeds, births,
deaths, marriages; prosecution of serious
• County leaders may pass laws, collect
taxes, and create policy for the good of
the county.
By taking
the Oath of
leaders make
a promise to
God to
uphold these
Levels of the Republic - State
• The sovereign entity of a specific region can
function more effectively for all communities,
counties, and people of the state than they
can do for themselves.
• Certain rights are loaned to State leaders to
provide State services (regulating commerce;
establishing courts; establishing public
schools; roads and bridges; laws to protect
health, safety and morals or the people;
moral problems including liquor, gambling,
drugs, and prostitution).
• State leaders may pass laws, collect taxes,
and create policy for the good of the State.
By taking the
Oath of
elected State
leaders make
a promise to
God to
uphold these
Levels of the Republic –National
“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution
to the federal government are few and defined.”
James Madison
• Certain rights (20 powers) are loaned to National Government
leaders to provide National services (foreign affairs; war, peace
and national security; naturalization; patents; federal lands and
property; coining of money; post offices; federal courts;
violations of the laws of nations)
• National leaders may pass laws, collect taxes, and create policy
for the good of the nation.
By taking the Oath of Office – Elected officials
promise God to uphold the rights loaned to them.
The Purpose of the Bill of Rights
• The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution as an extra
protection against the federal government assuming too
much control and authority.
• The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect the theocracy.
• The States say NO to the Federal Government. “Congress
shall pass no law . . .”
• By saying NO to the Federal Government, each community
becomes liable to the Creator.
• The local community has the power to determine morality,
decency and safety for their own community to insure the
individuals are responsible for the stewardship God gave them
regarding their unalienable rights.
Democracy in America –
Alex de Toqueville
“there is no country in the world where the
Christian religion retains a great influence over
the souls of men than in America; and there can
be no great proof of its utility and its conformity
to human nature than that its influence is
powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free
nation of the earth.”
Alex de Toqueville
The free exercise of religion allowed religious principles to thrive
in the hearts of the people who then selected leaders who would
uphold moral laws and principles.
Influence of Women
“I have nowhere seen women occupying a loftier
position; and if I were asked, (...) to what the singular
prosperity and growing strength of that people ought
mainly to be attributed, I should reply,—to the
superiority of their women.”
Alex de Toqueville
Influence of Morality and Religion
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral
and religious people. It is wholly inadequate
to the government of any other.”
John Adams
Individual righteousness is the driving force behind
a righteous Republic.
In God we trust is not only written on our coins,
But it is written in the hearts of a free people.
What happens when the people lose their trust in God?
Decrease in Faith
Loss of Interest in
Increase in Fears
Fears rob the
people of
confidence in the
moves towards
to the
Millions of Individuals
(Each endowed with unalienable rights)
Community, County, State, Federal Representatives
(Selected rights are loaned from people to representatives)
Corrupt government leaders are
elected to office
Fears motivate people to choose
corrupt representatives
Corrupt representatives transfer
increasing amounts of power to
central government.
Fear is our Greatest Enemy
• Fear has been the driving force behind the movement to
remove the preamble to the Bill of Rights and to ask the
Federal Government to restrict rights and responsibilities of
local governments.
• 1940s - The Supreme Court declared that the purpose of the
14th Amendment was to limit the States not just on racial civil
rights issues, but on numerous items contained within the Bill
of Rights.
• By applying the Bill of Rights to all levels of Government – we
lose protection of our unalienable rights and by default we
began the move towards a monarchy.
Preamble to the Bill of Rights
“THE Conventions of a number of the States having
at the time of their adopting the Constitution,
expressed a desire, in order to prevent
misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further
declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added:
And as extending the ground of public confidence in
the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends
of its institution . . .”
How the 14th Amendment changed
the 1st and 2nd Amendments
The original intent of the Founders was to restrict the
powers of the Federal Government so the State and Local
governments can oversee the needs of the people.
– We have the responsibility within our own communities to
protect our standards of morality, decency and safety.
– Each individual has a right and responsibility regarding
standards of behavior in their community.
– If we the people allow evil to come into our community,
then we are responsible.
14th Amendment – New Interpretation
• The Bill of Rights was applied to all levels of
• The Supreme Court replaced the Creator as the
watchdog and enforcer of our unalienable rights –
our rights became vested rights.
The power to interpret is the power to control, and the
power to control is the weapon to destroy.
FEAR was the driving force
behind this new interpretation
• Fear that communities and states would not
protect their citizens moved people to ask the
Federal Government to become the watch dog.
• When citizens react with emotionalism absent of
principle, they ignorantly destroy the protections
of our liberties.
Fear or Faith?
“Neither the wisest
constitution nor the
wisest laws will
secure liberty and
happiness of a people
whose manners are
universally corrupt.”
- Samuel Adams
“Only a virtuous
people are capable of
freedom. As nations
become corrupt and
vicious, they have
more need of
– Benjamin Franklin
Power or Force?
Power Force
Power accomplishes with ease that which force
is unable to accomplish even with extreme effort.
by humility,
truth, self-evident
principles. It is always
associated with that
which supports the
significance of life
itself. *
Characterized by
polarization, and
conflict. Force is
pompous; it has all
the answers.It is
concrete, literal and
arguable. It requires
proof and support.*
Power vs Force*
• Power arises from
meaning. It has to do
with motive and it
has to do with
principle. It appeals
to that in human
nature which we call
noble. Those things
which uplift and
dignify. *
• Force appeals to that
which we call crass and
must always be
justified. Force always
creates counter-force;
its effect is to polarize
rather than unify.*
*David Hawkins, Power vs Force,
Power vs Force
• Statesmen represent
true power, ruling by
inspiration, teaching by
example and standing
for self-evident
principle. The statesman
invokes the nobility
which resides within all
men and unifies them
through what can best
be termed the heart.*
• Force is seductive
because it emanates
certain glamour,
whether that glamour
is manifested in the
guise of false
patriotism, prestige
or dominance, while
true power very often
is quite unglamorous.
Hitler vs Churchill
• History has taught us that power of truth and
principle will stand triumphant when it meets the
forces of tyranny.
• Adolf Hitler assembled a military force that seemed
unbeatable; yet he could not defeat a tiny island
across the English Channel because of the virtue and
faith of Winston Churchill.
• Churchill stood for power, Hitler for force. When the
two meet, power always eventually succeeds; in the
long run, if it is deeply founded in the will of the
people, power is immune to force.*
Gandhi vs. British Empire
• Mahatma Gandhi, a ninety-pound man who
single handedly overcame the vast British Empire
that ruled two-thirds of the face of the globe.
Gandhi’s success is attributed to his ability to
stand for principle: the intrinsic dignity of man
and his right to freedom, sovereignty and self-
• Gandhi’s faith was based on the fact that such
rights are bestowed upon man by virtue of the
divinity of his creation and not to be granted by
any earthly power. *
“For God hath not given us the spirit of
fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7
Divine Right of All Men:
A Powerful Idea
“All men have been
endowed by their
creator with certain
unalienable rights that
among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness.”
Right of
Right of
All Men
A Giant Leap Forward
and Upward
All Men – Refers to All Mankind
Divine Right of Men
• Provide for the basic
needs of the family
• Protect the family from
physical, spiritual,
emotional, and moral
• Represent the Family
Divine Right of Women
• Co-creators with God in
the bearing of children
• Make the Home a place
of refuge, order, and
• Nurture family members
with love and words of
In addition to the unalienable rights specified in
the Declaration of Independence . . .
Divine Right of Men
• The Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, was
designed to empower men to provide, protect, and
represent their family.
• We invite all men, especially fathers, to join a movement to
Restore the Constitution to the Original form to protect
your Divine Right and Responsibility.
• Ask about our presentation:
Restoring America’s Balance of Powers
Divine Right of Women
• Co-creators with God in
the bearing of children
• Make the Home a place
of refuge, order, and
• Nurture family
members with love and
the words of God
Are we
dwelling place
Home – growing place
with a nurturing,
inspiring environment
where full potential
may be realized.
maid and cook
Maker – creator of an
environment that will
nurture, protect,
educate, and inspire
“When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that
is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois,
and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in
thee also. Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that
thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee . . .
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1: 5-7
By their very nature, HomeMakers
possess the power to determine the
future of America
• What power?
–The Power of Faith
–The Power of Virtue
–The Power of Patriotism
The Power of Faith
• The power of God’s word
– The Bible teaches truth – things as they REALLY
are, as the REALLY were, and things as they REALLY
will be.
– The Bible teaches the unalienable rights of man.
– The Bible teaches faith in God.
– The Bible teaches the virtues required to live as a
free people.
– The Bible teaches men to dedicate themselves to
a cause greater than oneself.
Fear Faith
Spend a few minutes
each day to read from
Holy Writ.
Share Bible Stories with
your families.
By faith, Abigail Adams cared for her
young family alone.
By faith, Martha Washington served
the soldiers in her husband’s winter
By faith, George Washington led a rag-
tag army through an 8 year war with
the most powerful army on earth.
By faith, Abraham Lincoln turned to
God during the Battle of Gettysburg
and pled for victory.
By faith, today’s HomeMakers. . .
• Serve as co-creators with God in the bearing
of children.
• Make the Home a place of refuge, order, and
• Nurture family members with love and the
words of God.
The Power of Virtue
By precept and example, a virtuous woman *nurtures the
character traits of the rising generation. Her
contribution to liberty is without price.
“Who can find a
virtuous woman? For
her price is far above
Proverbs 31: 10
HomeMakers – Gardeners of Liberty
• The HomeMaker is a nurturer.
• *To nurture means to cultivate, to care for and
to make grow.
• Just as a master gardener creates an ideal
environment for plants to grow, the HomeMaker
creates the home environment that allows
goodness and virtue to grow and prosper.
• HomeMaking is vital and dignified. It requires
virtue, organization, patience, love and work.
Makers of the Home
Nurturers of Love
Creators of Beauty
Cultivators of Faith
Gardeners of Liberty
Teach Virtue thru Story and Example
The Freedom Series
The Classics
Family Heritage Stories
Stories of Personal Experiences
The Power of Virtue
Virtue, morality, and religion.
This is the armor, my friend,
and this alone renders us invincible.
These are the tactics we should study.
If we lose these, we are conquered,
fallen indeed. . . .
-Patrick Henry
The Power of Patriotism
• Patriotism: Love or
devotion to a cause
greater than oneself:
Liberty in the Home,
Community, and Nation
• A Patriot will sacrifice
personal comforts, time,
and conveniences to
protect and preserve the
cause of liberty.
A mother’s greatest act of patriotism will occur within the
walls of her own home.
A Patriotic Family
• Serves family, community, and
• Strengthens marriage and family
• Celebrates Heritage (National,
State, and Local, and Family)
• Sings Patriotic Songs
• Reads true accounts of American
• Supports and serves the military
• Develops Self-reliance
• Participates in Civic
Liberty lies in the hearts of men and
women; when it dies there, no
constitution, no court can save it.”
Learned Hand
By their very nature, HomeMakers
possess the power to determine the
future of America
• What power?
–The Power of Faith
–The Power of Virtue
–The Power of Patriotism
Stalin acknowledges the
power of America
"America is like a healthy body and its
resistance is threefold:
its Patriotism,
its Morality,
and its Spiritualism.“
—Josef Stalin
There is no place like Home
to restore hope in America
One Nation Under God
©2012 Tamara J. Hulse
“And all thy children shall be
taught of the Lord; and great
shall be the peace of thy
Isaiah 54:13

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One nation under God

  • 1. One Nation Under God ©2012 Tamara J. Hulse
  • 2. Before America – Historical Review • During the Dark Ages, Europe came to be ruled by Kings. • The common belief was that God raised up a royal family to rule over the land. God bestowed upon the King the Right to govern the people The King determined which rights to bestow upon the people The common people were “subjects” to the King.
  • 3. The Divine Right of Kings  The royal family would inter-marry to preserve a pure blood line.  The King had the responsibility to seek God’s counsel in governing the people.  Ancient writings suggest that prophets would go to the mountains to speak with God.  The peaks on the crown represented mountain peaks – symbolic of the King’s duty to seek God’s counsel.
  • 4. The Oath Oath: A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. The Kings of England in the 1500s (Henry VIII), 1600s (James I), and 1700s (George III) established oaths requiring subjects to swear loyalty to their specific king.
  • 5. Ruler’s Law – The greatest enemy of self-government and freedom All power in the ruler (National) State Community Family Individual Under Ruler’s Law, government assumes all power and imposes its will on the people. The ruling group makes the law, interprets the law, and enforces the law.
  • 6. Ruler’s Law • All power is in the ruler: – Monarchy : Royal government by the “one” – Autocracy: Government by the “one” – a dictator – Plutocracy: Government by the wealthy class – Aristocracy: Government by those with inherited titles or the privileged class – Oligarchy: Government by an exclusive few – Empire: Aggregate of kingdoms ruled by a monarch – Military Dictatorship: Government by a few top military leaders
  • 7. “The accumulation of all powers –legislative, executive, and judiciary—in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison
  • 8. Chief characteristics of Ruler’s Law • The thrust of government is always from the ruler down, not from the people upward. There is no vote by the majority. • The people have no unalienable rights. • Problems are always solved by issuing new edicts, creating more bureaus, appointing more administrators, and charging the people more taxes to pay for these services.
  • 9. Ruler’s Law and Violence • The transfer of power is nearly always by violence – the dagger, the poison cup, or fratricide and civil war. • The long history of Ruler’s law is one of blood and terror, both anciently and in modern times. Those in power revel in luxury while the lot of the common people is one of perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, stringent regulations, and a continuous existence of misery.
  • 10. Government Power is Exercised by Force Government power is exercised by compulsion, force, conquest, or legislative usurpation. Power Force Force is the counterfeit of true power.
  • 11. Under Ruler’s Law, the People are Governed by Fear • The Rulers remain in power because the people live in fear of punishment if they do not comply. • When the common people live in fear, they may remain subjects of a tyrannical government for generations. • The challenge of breaking the cycle: People tend to behave according to what they believe; therefore, fear of the ruling class is taught from cradle to grave unless . . .
  • 12. The Enlightenment : Moving from Fear to Faith, from Force to Power • A movement for freedom of religion among the common people began to stir during the renaissance. • Their longings for a higher knowledge brought a reformation and illumination that would grow brighter and brighter. • Knowledge increased, reawaking and revitalizing a world hidden in obscurity.
  • 13. The Bible in the Middle Ages • Though Bible translations of any kind were denounced, Bible reading during the Middle Ages was never totally denied. • During this time, however, reformers who promoted Bible reading many times paid with their lives. • Persecution had taken the lives of many martyrs of religious freedom since the 1300s.
  • 14. Translation of the Bible • John Wycliffe – late 1300s translated Bible from Latin to English. He and his followers were severely persecuted. • William Tyndale - early 1500s – translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament from Greek and Hebrew into English. His friends warned him that he would be killed for doing so, but he was undaunted. • On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale was strangled and his body burned for determination to translate and print the Bible.
  • 15. Turbulent Political Times Brought Change • Because of a disagreement with the church in Rome, King Henry VIII (1500s) declared himself the head of the church in England and required that copies of the English Bible be placed in every parish church. • Hungry for the gospel, people flocked to these churches, reading the scriptures to one another until their voices gave out. The Bible was also used as a primer to teach reading. • Aware of the divisions within his own country, English King James I agreed to a new official version of the Bible. (1611)
  • 16. Influence of the Bible Political Philosophy “The Liberty of a People is the gift of God and Nature.” “The Liberties of Nations are from God and Nature, not from Kings.” Algernon Sidney (1623-1683)
  • 17. Algernon Sidney challenged the Divine Right of Kings • “God having given the Government of the World to no one Man, nor declared how it should be divided, left it to the Will of Man.” • “A general presumption that Kings will govern well, is not a sufficient security to the People.” • “Samuel did not describe to the Israelites the glory of a free Monarchy; but the Evils the People should suffer, that he might divert them from desiring a King.”
  • 18. Algernon Sidney – Observations on Liberty “Liberty produceth Virtue, Order and Stability: Slavery is accompanied with Vice, Weakness and Misery.”
  • 19. John Locke 1632-1704 • Referring to mankind: All men are in a state of political equality in which there is no natural superior or inferior. “that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions…” • Theory of Social Contract: The people agree to transfer some of their rights to a central government, while retaining others.
  • 20. Political Reformers in England Influence the Founders • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were both influenced by the writings of John Locke and Algernon Sidney. • Their ideas can be seen in the Declaration of Independence and again in the Constitution of the United States.
  • 21. Divine Right of All Men “All men have been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Declaration of Independence Divine Right of Kings Divine Right of All Men A Giant Leap Forward and Upward
  • 22. America – One Nation Under God Our Founding Fathers invent a system of government where all men are accountable before God.
  • 23. “In the beginning of the contest of Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were heard; and they were graciously answered. . . . And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, sir, a long time; and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable than an empire can rise without His aid? Benjamin Franklin (at the Constitutional Convention, 1787)
  • 24. “We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings, that ‘except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel . . . I therefore, beg leave to move that hereafter prayers, imploring the assistance of heaven and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.” Benjamin Franklin (at the Constitutional Convention, 1787)
  • 25. What type of government? • Monarchy – a government in which the supreme power is lodged in a single ruler • Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively. • Republic – a state in which the exercise of sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people • Theocracy – government of a state by the immediate direction of God. (Religious theocracy – God chooses the leader; A political theocracy – people choose righteous leaders to be accountable to God)
  • 26. The Founder’s Formula • A combination of 3 types of government to protect the citizens from the Monarchy. – Democracy (supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively) – Republic (the exercise of sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people) – Theocracy (the people choose righteous leaders to be accountable to God – oath of office)
  • 27. Millions of Individuals (Each endowed with unalienable rights) Democracy Community, County, State, Federal Representatives (Selected rights are loaned from people to representatives) Republic Righteous government leaders are accountable to God (Oath of Office) Theocracy Republics are created by vote Theocracies are created by covenant (oath)
  • 28. Vertical Separation of Powers Only specific limited power assigned to each level of government. The further up the pyramid, the less power given to that branch of government. The Federal Government The Several States Thousands of Counties Millions of Communities Tens of Millions Families Hundreds of Millions Individuals
  • 29. Levels of the Republic – Individual level • The people have unalienable rights to exercise agency in governing their own affairs as long as it did not impose on the rights of others. • Individuals have the right and responsibility to solve problems relating to work, play, associations, creature comforts, education, acquisition, and disposition of property. • As a member of society, the individual has the right to a voice and a vote.
  • 30. Levels of the Republic - Family • Marriage and Family – Created by Covenant before God – The woman loans some rights to the man – to provide, protect, and represent the family – The man loans some rights to the woman – to bear the children, nurture and serve the family • The family is the most basic and important unit of organized society. • Within a family, the individual will find greater satisfaction and self-realization than in any other segment of society.
  • 31. Levels of the Republic - Community • Some services can be provided more efficiently and effectively by a community than an individual family. • Certain rights are loaned to community leaders to provide services (roads, schools, water, police) and uphold standards of morality, decency, and safety. • Community leaders may pass laws, collect taxes, and create policy for the good of the community. By taking the Oath of Office, elected community leaders make a promise to God to uphold these rights.
  • 32. Levels of the Republic - County • A group of communities can handle some services collectively with more efficiency than an individual community. • Certain rights are loaned to county leaders to provide county services (county roads, bridges and drainage systems; rural police services; elections; public health; caring for the needy; records of deeds, births, deaths, marriages; prosecution of serious crimes). • County leaders may pass laws, collect taxes, and create policy for the good of the county. By taking the Oath of Office, elected county leaders make a promise to God to uphold these rights.
  • 33. Levels of the Republic - State • The sovereign entity of a specific region can function more effectively for all communities, counties, and people of the state than they can do for themselves. • Certain rights are loaned to State leaders to provide State services (regulating commerce; establishing courts; establishing public schools; roads and bridges; laws to protect health, safety and morals or the people; moral problems including liquor, gambling, drugs, and prostitution). • State leaders may pass laws, collect taxes, and create policy for the good of the State. By taking the Oath of Office, elected State leaders make a promise to God to uphold these rights.
  • 34. Levels of the Republic –National “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.” James Madison • Certain rights (20 powers) are loaned to National Government leaders to provide National services (foreign affairs; war, peace and national security; naturalization; patents; federal lands and property; coining of money; post offices; federal courts; violations of the laws of nations) • National leaders may pass laws, collect taxes, and create policy for the good of the nation. By taking the Oath of Office – Elected officials promise God to uphold the rights loaned to them.
  • 35. The Purpose of the Bill of Rights • The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution as an extra protection against the federal government assuming too much control and authority. • The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect the theocracy. • The States say NO to the Federal Government. “Congress shall pass no law . . .” • By saying NO to the Federal Government, each community becomes liable to the Creator. • The local community has the power to determine morality, decency and safety for their own community to insure the individuals are responsible for the stewardship God gave them regarding their unalienable rights.
  • 36. Democracy in America – Alex de Toqueville “there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a great influence over the souls of men than in America; and there can be no great proof of its utility and its conformity to human nature than that its influence is powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth.” Alex de Toqueville The free exercise of religion allowed religious principles to thrive in the hearts of the people who then selected leaders who would uphold moral laws and principles.
  • 37. Influence of Women “I have nowhere seen women occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked, (...) to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply,—to the superiority of their women.” Alex de Toqueville
  • 38. Influence of Morality and Religion “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams Individual righteousness is the driving force behind a righteous Republic.
  • 39. In God we trust is not only written on our coins, But it is written in the hearts of a free people. IN GOD WE TRUST What happens when the people lose their trust in God?
  • 40. Decrease in Faith Loss of Interest in Religion Increase in Fears Fears rob the people of confidence in the theocracy Government moves towards monarchy Challenges to the Republic
  • 41. Millions of Individuals (Each endowed with unalienable rights) Democracy Community, County, State, Federal Representatives (Selected rights are loaned from people to representatives) Republic Corrupt government leaders are elected to office Monarchy Fears motivate people to choose corrupt representatives Corrupt representatives transfer increasing amounts of power to central government.
  • 42. Fear is our Greatest Enemy • Fear has been the driving force behind the movement to remove the preamble to the Bill of Rights and to ask the Federal Government to restrict rights and responsibilities of local governments. • 1940s - The Supreme Court declared that the purpose of the 14th Amendment was to limit the States not just on racial civil rights issues, but on numerous items contained within the Bill of Rights. • By applying the Bill of Rights to all levels of Government – we lose protection of our unalienable rights and by default we began the move towards a monarchy.
  • 43. Preamble to the Bill of Rights “THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution . . .”
  • 44. How the 14th Amendment changed the 1st and 2nd Amendments The original intent of the Founders was to restrict the powers of the Federal Government so the State and Local governments can oversee the needs of the people. – We have the responsibility within our own communities to protect our standards of morality, decency and safety. – Each individual has a right and responsibility regarding standards of behavior in their community. – If we the people allow evil to come into our community, then we are responsible.
  • 45. 14th Amendment – New Interpretation • The Bill of Rights was applied to all levels of Government. • The Supreme Court replaced the Creator as the watchdog and enforcer of our unalienable rights – our rights became vested rights. The power to interpret is the power to control, and the power to control is the weapon to destroy.
  • 46. FEAR was the driving force behind this new interpretation • Fear that communities and states would not protect their citizens moved people to ask the Federal Government to become the watch dog. False Evidence Appearing Real • When citizens react with emotionalism absent of principle, they ignorantly destroy the protections of our liberties.
  • 47. Fear or Faith? “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” - Samuel Adams “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • 48. Power or Force? Power Force Power accomplishes with ease that which force is unable to accomplish even with extreme effort. Characterized by humility, truth, self-evident principles. It is always associated with that which supports the significance of life itself. * Characterized by arrogance, polarization, and conflict. Force is pompous; it has all the answers.It is concrete, literal and arguable. It requires proof and support.*
  • 49. Power vs Force* • Power arises from meaning. It has to do with motive and it has to do with principle. It appeals to that in human nature which we call noble. Those things which uplift and dignify. * • Force appeals to that which we call crass and must always be justified. Force always creates counter-force; its effect is to polarize rather than unify.* *David Hawkins, Power vs Force, 2004.
  • 50. Power vs Force • Statesmen represent true power, ruling by inspiration, teaching by example and standing for self-evident principle. The statesman invokes the nobility which resides within all men and unifies them through what can best be termed the heart.* • Force is seductive because it emanates certain glamour, whether that glamour is manifested in the guise of false patriotism, prestige or dominance, while true power very often is quite unglamorous. *
  • 51. Hitler vs Churchill • History has taught us that power of truth and principle will stand triumphant when it meets the forces of tyranny. • Adolf Hitler assembled a military force that seemed unbeatable; yet he could not defeat a tiny island across the English Channel because of the virtue and faith of Winston Churchill. • Churchill stood for power, Hitler for force. When the two meet, power always eventually succeeds; in the long run, if it is deeply founded in the will of the people, power is immune to force.*
  • 52. Gandhi vs. British Empire • Mahatma Gandhi, a ninety-pound man who single handedly overcame the vast British Empire that ruled two-thirds of the face of the globe. Gandhi’s success is attributed to his ability to stand for principle: the intrinsic dignity of man and his right to freedom, sovereignty and self- determination. • Gandhi’s faith was based on the fact that such rights are bestowed upon man by virtue of the divinity of his creation and not to be granted by any earthly power. *
  • 53. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
  • 54. Divine Right of All Men: A Powerful Idea “All men have been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Divine Right of Kings Divine Right of All Men A Giant Leap Forward and Upward
  • 55. All Men – Refers to All Mankind Divine Right of Men • Provide for the basic needs of the family • Protect the family from physical, spiritual, emotional, and moral harm • Represent the Family Divine Right of Women • Co-creators with God in the bearing of children • Make the Home a place of refuge, order, and peace • Nurture family members with love and words of God In addition to the unalienable rights specified in the Declaration of Independence . . .
  • 56. Divine Right of Men • The Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, was designed to empower men to provide, protect, and represent their family. • We invite all men, especially fathers, to join a movement to Restore the Constitution to the Original form to protect your Divine Right and Responsibility. • Ask about our presentation: Restoring America’s Balance of Powers
  • 57. Divine Right of Women • Co-creators with God in the bearing of children • Make the Home a place of refuge, order, and peace • Nurture family members with love and the words of God Are we homemakers or HomeMakers?
  • 58. home dwelling place Home – growing place with a nurturing, inspiring environment where full potential may be realized. maker maid and cook Maker – creator of an environment that will nurture, protect, educate, and inspire homemaker or HomeMaker
  • 59. “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee . . . “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1: 5-7
  • 60. By their very nature, HomeMakers possess the power to determine the future of America • What power? –The Power of Faith –The Power of Virtue –The Power of Patriotism
  • 61. The Power of Faith • The power of God’s word – The Bible teaches truth – things as they REALLY are, as the REALLY were, and things as they REALLY will be. – The Bible teaches the unalienable rights of man. – The Bible teaches faith in God. – The Bible teaches the virtues required to live as a free people. – The Bible teaches men to dedicate themselves to a cause greater than oneself.
  • 62. Fear Faith Spend a few minutes each day to read from Holy Writ. Share Bible Stories with your families.
  • 63. By faith, Abigail Adams cared for her young family alone. By faith, Martha Washington served the soldiers in her husband’s winter encampments. By faith, George Washington led a rag- tag army through an 8 year war with the most powerful army on earth. By faith, Abraham Lincoln turned to God during the Battle of Gettysburg and pled for victory.
  • 64. By faith, today’s HomeMakers. . . Mother • Serve as co-creators with God in the bearing of children. HomeMaker • Make the Home a place of refuge, order, and peace. Nurturer • Nurture family members with love and the words of God.
  • 65. The Power of Virtue By precept and example, a virtuous woman *nurtures the character traits of the rising generation. Her contribution to liberty is without price. “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31: 10
  • 66. HomeMakers – Gardeners of Liberty • The HomeMaker is a nurturer. • *To nurture means to cultivate, to care for and to make grow. • Just as a master gardener creates an ideal environment for plants to grow, the HomeMaker creates the home environment that allows goodness and virtue to grow and prosper. • HomeMaking is vital and dignified. It requires virtue, organization, patience, love and work.
  • 67. Makers of the Home Nurturers of Love Creators of Beauty Cultivators of Faith Gardeners of Liberty
  • 68. Teach Virtue thru Story and Example Scriptures The Freedom Series The Classics Family Heritage Stories Stories of Personal Experiences
  • 69. The Power of Virtue Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed. . . . -Patrick Henry
  • 70. The Power of Patriotism • Patriotism: Love or devotion to a cause greater than oneself: Liberty in the Home, Community, and Nation • A Patriot will sacrifice personal comforts, time, and conveniences to protect and preserve the cause of liberty. A mother’s greatest act of patriotism will occur within the walls of her own home.
  • 71. A Patriotic Family • Serves family, community, and country • Strengthens marriage and family • Celebrates Heritage (National, State, and Local, and Family) • Sings Patriotic Songs • Reads true accounts of American History • Supports and serves the military • Develops Self-reliance • Participates in Civic Responsibility
  • 72. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no court can save it.” Learned Hand
  • 73. By their very nature, HomeMakers possess the power to determine the future of America • What power? –The Power of Faith –The Power of Virtue –The Power of Patriotism
  • 74. Stalin acknowledges the power of America "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its Patriotism, its Morality, and its Spiritualism.“ —Josef Stalin
  • 75. There is no place like Home to restore hope in America
  • 76. One Nation Under God ©2012 Tamara J. Hulse “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13