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• Spark Overview / High-level Architecture
• Indexing from Spark
• Reading data from Solr
+ term vectors & Spark SQL
• Document Matching
• Q&A
Solr & Spark
• Solr user since 2010, committer since April 2014, work for
• Focus mainly on SolrCloud features … and bin/solr!
• Release manager for Lucene / Solr 5.1
• Co-author of Solr in Action
• Several years experience working with Hadoop, Pig, Hive,
ZooKeeper, but only started using Spark about 6 months ago
• Other contributions include Solr on YARN, Solr Scale Toolkit,
and Spark-Solr integration project on github
About Me …
Spark Overview
• Wealth of overview / getting started resources on the Web
 Start here ->
 Should READ!
• Faster, more modernized alternative to MapReduce
 Spark running on Hadoop sorted 100TB in 23 minutes (3x faster than Yahoo’s previous record while using10x less
computing power)
• Unified platform for Big Data
 Great for iterative algorithms (PageRank, K-Means, Logistic regression) & interactive data mining
• Write code in Java, Scala, or Python … REPL interface too
• Runs on YARN (or Mesos), plays well with HDFS
Spark Components
Spark Core
Hadoop YARN Mesos Standalone
The Shuffle Caching
Can combine all of these together in the same app!
Physical Architecture
Spark Master (daemon)
Spark Slave (daemon)
(w/ shaded deps)
My Spark App
• Keeps track of live workers
• Web UI on port 8080
• Task Scheduler
• Restart failed tasks
Spark Executor (JVM process)
Executor runs in separate
process than slave daemon
Spark Worker Node (1...N of these)
Each task works on some partition of a
data set to apply a transformation or action
Losing a master prevents new
applications from being executed
Can achieve HA using ZooKeeper
and multiple master nodes
Tasks are assigned
based on data-locality
When selecting which node to execute a task on,
the master takes into account data locality
• RDD Graph
• DAG Scheduler
• Block tracker
• Shuffle tracker
Spark vs. Hadoop’s Map/Reduce
val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...")
val counts = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
RDD Illustrated: Word count
file RDD from HDFS
val file =
file.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
Split lines into words Map words into
pairs with count of 1
map(word => (word, 1))
quick brown fox jumped … quick
reduceByKey(_ + _)
quick brownie recipe … quick (quick,1)
Send all keys to same
reducer and sum
quick drying glue … quick (quick,1)
Executors assigned based on data-locality if possible, narrow transformations occur in same executor
Spark keeps track of the transformations made to generate each RDD
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Understanding Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
• Read-only partitioned collection of records with smart(er) fault-tolerance
• Created from external system OR using a transformation of another RDD
• RDDs track the lineage of coarse-grained transformations (map, join, filter, etc)
• If a partition is lost, RDDs can be re-computed by re-playing the transformations
• User can choose to persist an RDD (for reusing during interactive data-mining)
• User can control partitioning scheme; default is based on the input source
Spark & Solr Integration
• Streaming applications
 Real-time, streaming ETL jobs
 Solr as sink for Spark job
 Real-time document matching against stored queries
• Distributed computations (interactive data mining, machine learning)
 Expose results from Solr query as Spark RDD (resilient distributed dataset)
 Optionally process results from each shard in parallel
 Read millions of rows efficiently using deep paging
 SparkSQL DataFrame support (uses Solr schema API) and Term Vectors too!
Spark Streaming: Nuts & Bolts
• Transform a stream of records into small, deterministic batches
 Discretized stream: sequence of RDDs
 Once you have an RDD, you can use all the other Spark libs (MLlib, etc)
 Low-latency micro batches
 Time to process a batch must be less than the batch interval time
• Two types of operators:
 Transformations (group by, join, etc)
 Output (send to some external sink, e.g. Solr)
• Impressive performance!
 4GB/s (40M records/s) on 100 node cluster with less than 1 second latency
 Haven’t found any unbiased, reproducible performance comparisons between Storm / Spark
Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink
./spark-submit --master MASTER --class com.lucidworks.spark.SparkApp spark-solr-1.0.jar 
twitter-to-solr -zkHost localhost:2181 –collection social
JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets =
TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters);
Various transformations / enrichments
on each tweet (e.g. sentiment analysis,
language detection)
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs =
new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() {
// Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument
public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
return doc;
class TwitterToSolrStreamProcessor
extends SparkApp.StreamProcessor
SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, 100, docs);
Slide Legend
Provided by Spark
Custom Java / Scala code
Provided by Lucidworks
Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink
// start receiving a stream of tweets ...
JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets =
TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters);
// map incoming tweets into SolrInputDocument objects for indexing in Solr
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs =
new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() {
public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) {
SolrInputDocument doc =
SolrSupport.autoMapToSolrInputDoc("tweet-"+status.getId(), status, null);
doc.setField("provider_s", "twitter");
doc.setField("author_s", status.getUser().getScreenName());
doc.setField("type_s", status.isRetweet() ? "echo" : "post");
return doc;
// when ready, send the docs into a SolrCloud cluster
SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, docs);
public static void indexDStreamOfDocs(final String zkHost, final String collection, final int batchSize,
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs)
new Function<JavaRDD<SolrInputDocument>, Void>() {
public Void call(JavaRDD<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentJavaRDD) throws Exception {
new VoidFunction<Iterator<SolrInputDocument>>() {
public void call(Iterator<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentIterator) throws Exception {
final SolrServer solrServer = getSolrServer(zkHost);
List<SolrInputDocument> batch = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
while (solrInputDocumentIterator.hasNext()) {
if (batch.size() >= batchSize)
sendBatchToSolr(solrServer, collection, batch);
if (!batch.isEmpty())
sendBatchToSolr(solrServer, collection, batch);
return null;
Document Matching using Stored Queries
• For each document, determine which of a large set of stored queries
• Useful for alerts, alternative flow paths through a stream, etc
• Index a micro-batch into an embedded (in-memory) Solr instance and then
determine which queries match
• Matching framework; you have to decide where to load the stored queries
from and what to do when matches are found
• Scale it using Spark … need to scale to many queries, checkout Luwak
Document Matching using Stored Queries
Stored Queries
Twitter map()
Slide Legend
Provided by Spark
Custom Java / Scala code
Provided by Lucidworks
JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets =
TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters);
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs =
new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() {
// Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument
public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
return doc;
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> enriched =
SolrSupport.filterDocuments(docFilterContext, …);
Get queries
Index docs into an
Initialized from configs
stored in ZooKeeper
Key abstraction to allow
you to plug-in how to
store the queries and
what action to take when
docs match
• Custom partitioning scheme for RDD using Solr’s DocRouter
• Stream docs directly to each shard leader using metadata from ZooKeeper, do
cument shard assignment, and ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient
final ShardPartitioner shardPartitioner = new ShardPartitioner(zkHost, collection);
new VoidFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<String, SolrInputDocument>>>() {
public void call(Iterator<Tuple2<String, SolrInputDocument>> tupleIter) throws Exception {
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient cuss = null;
while (tupleIter.hasNext()) {
// ... Initialize ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient once per partition
SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark
• Can execute any query and expose as an RDD
• SolrRDD produces JavaRDD<SolrDocument>
• Use deep-paging if needed (cursorMark)
• For reading full result sets where global sort order doesn’t matter,
parallelize query execution by distributing requests across the Spark cluster
JavaRDD<SolrDocument> results =
solrRDD.queryShards(jsc, solrQuery);
Reading Term Vectors from Solr
• Pull TF/IDF (or just TF) for each term in a field for each document in query
results from Solr
• Can be used to construct RDD<Vector> which can then be passed to MLLib:
SolrRDD solrRDD = new SolrRDD(zkHost, collection);
JavaRDD<Vector> vectors =
solrRDD.queryTermVectors(jsc, solrQuery, field, numFeatures);
KMeansModel clusters =
KMeans.train(vectors.rdd(), numClusters, numIterations);
// Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors
double WSSSE = clusters.computeCost(vectors.rdd());
Spark SQL
• Query Solr, then expose results as a SQL table
SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(...);
SolrRDD solrRDD = new SolrRDD(zkHost, collection);
JavaRDD<SolrDocument> solrJavaRDD = solrRDD.queryShards(jsc, solrQuery);
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc);
DataFrame df =
solrRDD.applySchema(sqlContext, solrQuery, solrJavaRDD, zkHost, collection);
JavaSchemaRDD results =
sqlContext.sql("SELECT COUNT(type_s) FROM tweets WHERE type_s='echo'");
List<Long> count = results.javaRDD().map(new Function<Row, Long>() {
public Long call(Row row) {
return row.getLong(0);
System.out.println("# of echos : "+count.get(0));
Wrap-up and Q & A
• Reference implementation of Solr and Spark on YARN
• Formal benchmarks for reads and writes to Solr
• Checkout SOLR-6816 – improving replication performance
• Add Spark support to Solr Scale Toolkit
• Integrate metrics to give visibility into performance
• More use cases …
Feel free to reach out to me with questions: / @thelabdude
ApacheCon NA 2015 Spark / Solr Integration

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ApacheCon NA 2015 Spark / Solr Integration

  • 1.
  • 2. • Spark Overview / High-level Architecture • Indexing from Spark • Reading data from Solr + term vectors & Spark SQL • Document Matching • Q&A Solr & Spark
  • 3. • Solr user since 2010, committer since April 2014, work for Lucidworks • Focus mainly on SolrCloud features … and bin/solr! • Release manager for Lucene / Solr 5.1 • Co-author of Solr in Action • Several years experience working with Hadoop, Pig, Hive, ZooKeeper, but only started using Spark about 6 months ago … • Other contributions include Solr on YARN, Solr Scale Toolkit, and Spark-Solr integration project on github About Me …
  • 4. Spark Overview • Wealth of overview / getting started resources on the Web  Start here ->  Should READ! • Faster, more modernized alternative to MapReduce  Spark running on Hadoop sorted 100TB in 23 minutes (3x faster than Yahoo’s previous record while using10x less computing power) • Unified platform for Big Data  Great for iterative algorithms (PageRank, K-Means, Logistic regression) & interactive data mining • Write code in Java, Scala, or Python … REPL interface too • Runs on YARN (or Mesos), plays well with HDFS
  • 5. Spark Components Spark Core Spark SQL Spark Streaming MLlib (machine learning) GraphX (BSP) Hadoop YARN Mesos Standalone HDFS Execution Model The Shuffle Caching UI / API engine cluster mgmt Can combine all of these together in the same app!
  • 6. Physical Architecture Spark Master (daemon) Spark Slave (daemon) spark-solr-1.0.jar (w/ shaded deps) My Spark App SparkContext (driver) • Keeps track of live workers • Web UI on port 8080 • Task Scheduler • Restart failed tasks Spark Executor (JVM process) Tasks Executor runs in separate process than slave daemon Spark Worker Node (1...N of these) Each task works on some partition of a data set to apply a transformation or action Cache Losing a master prevents new applications from being executed Can achieve HA using ZooKeeper and multiple master nodes Tasks are assigned based on data-locality When selecting which node to execute a task on, the master takes into account data locality • RDD Graph • DAG Scheduler • Block tracker • Shuffle tracker
  • 7. Spark vs. Hadoop’s Map/Reduce val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...")
  • 8. RDD Illustrated: Word count file RDD from HDFS val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") HDFS file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) Split lines into words Map words into pairs with count of 1 map(word => (word, 1)) quick brown fox jumped … quick brown fox (quick,1) (brown,1) (fox,1) reduceByKey(_ + _) quick brownie recipe … quick (quick,1) Send all keys to same reducer and sum (quick,1) (quick,1) quick drying glue … quick (quick,1) (quick,1) (quick,3) ……… …… Shuffle across machine boundaries Executors assigned based on data-locality if possible, narrow transformations occur in same executor Spark keeps track of the transformations made to generate each RDD Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3
  • 9. Understanding Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) • Read-only partitioned collection of records with smart(er) fault-tolerance • Created from external system OR using a transformation of another RDD • RDDs track the lineage of coarse-grained transformations (map, join, filter, etc) • If a partition is lost, RDDs can be re-computed by re-playing the transformations • User can choose to persist an RDD (for reusing during interactive data-mining) • User can control partitioning scheme; default is based on the input source
  • 10. Spark & Solr Integration • • Streaming applications  Real-time, streaming ETL jobs  Solr as sink for Spark job  Real-time document matching against stored queries • Distributed computations (interactive data mining, machine learning)  Expose results from Solr query as Spark RDD (resilient distributed dataset)  Optionally process results from each shard in parallel  Read millions of rows efficiently using deep paging  SparkSQL DataFrame support (uses Solr schema API) and Term Vectors too!
  • 11. Spark Streaming: Nuts & Bolts • Transform a stream of records into small, deterministic batches  Discretized stream: sequence of RDDs  Once you have an RDD, you can use all the other Spark libs (MLlib, etc)  Low-latency micro batches  Time to process a batch must be less than the batch interval time • Two types of operators:  Transformations (group by, join, etc)  Output (send to some external sink, e.g. Solr) • Impressive performance!  4GB/s (40M records/s) on 100 node cluster with less than 1 second latency  Haven’t found any unbiased, reproducible performance comparisons between Storm / Spark
  • 12. Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink Twitter ./spark-submit --master MASTER --class com.lucidworks.spark.SparkApp spark-solr-1.0.jar twitter-to-solr -zkHost localhost:2181 –collection social Solr JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters); Various transformations / enrichments on each tweet (e.g. sentiment analysis, language detection) JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs = new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() { // Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); … return doc; }}); map() class TwitterToSolrStreamProcessor extends SparkApp.StreamProcessor SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, 100, docs); Slide Legend Provided by Spark Custom Java / Scala code Provided by Lucidworks
  • 13. Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink // start receiving a stream of tweets ... JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters); // map incoming tweets into SolrInputDocument objects for indexing in Solr JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs = new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() { public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) { SolrInputDocument doc = SolrSupport.autoMapToSolrInputDoc("tweet-"+status.getId(), status, null); doc.setField("provider_s", "twitter"); doc.setField("author_s", status.getUser().getScreenName()); doc.setField("type_s", status.isRetweet() ? "echo" : "post"); return doc; } } ); // when ready, send the docs into a SolrCloud cluster SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, docs);
  • 14. com.lucidworks.spark.SolrSupport public static void indexDStreamOfDocs(final String zkHost, final String collection, final int batchSize, JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs) { docs.foreachRDD( new Function<JavaRDD<SolrInputDocument>, Void>() { public Void call(JavaRDD<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentJavaRDD) throws Exception { solrInputDocumentJavaRDD.foreachPartition( new VoidFunction<Iterator<SolrInputDocument>>() { public void call(Iterator<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentIterator) throws Exception { final SolrServer solrServer = getSolrServer(zkHost); List<SolrInputDocument> batch = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>(); while (solrInputDocumentIterator.hasNext()) { batch.add(; if (batch.size() >= batchSize) sendBatchToSolr(solrServer, collection, batch); } if (!batch.isEmpty()) sendBatchToSolr(solrServer, collection, batch); } } ); return null; } } ); }
  • 15. Document Matching using Stored Queries • For each document, determine which of a large set of stored queries matches. • Useful for alerts, alternative flow paths through a stream, etc • Index a micro-batch into an embedded (in-memory) Solr instance and then determine which queries match • Matching framework; you have to decide where to load the stored queries from and what to do when matches are found • Scale it using Spark … need to scale to many queries, checkout Luwak
  • 16. Document Matching using Stored Queries Stored Queries DocFilterContext Twitter map() Slide Legend Provided by Spark Custom Java / Scala code Provided by Lucidworks JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters); JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs = new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() { // Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); … return doc; }}); JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> enriched = SolrSupport.filterDocuments(docFilterContext, …); Get queries Index docs into an EmbeddedSolrServer Initialized from configs stored in ZooKeeper … ZooKeeper Key abstraction to allow you to plug-in how to store the queries and what action to take when docs match
  • 17. com.lucidworks.spark.ShardPartitioner • Custom partitioning scheme for RDD using Solr’s DocRouter • Stream docs directly to each shard leader using metadata from ZooKeeper, do cument shard assignment, and ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient final ShardPartitioner shardPartitioner = new ShardPartitioner(zkHost, collection); pairs.partitionBy(shardPartitioner).foreachPartition( new VoidFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<String, SolrInputDocument>>>() { public void call(Iterator<Tuple2<String, SolrInputDocument>> tupleIter) throws Exception { ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient cuss = null; while (tupleIter.hasNext()) { // ... Initialize ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient once per partition cuss.add(doc); } } });
  • 18. SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark • Can execute any query and expose as an RDD • SolrRDD produces JavaRDD<SolrDocument> • Use deep-paging if needed (cursorMark) • For reading full result sets where global sort order doesn’t matter, parallelize query execution by distributing requests across the Spark cluster JavaRDD<SolrDocument> results = solrRDD.queryShards(jsc, solrQuery);
  • 19. Reading Term Vectors from Solr • Pull TF/IDF (or just TF) for each term in a field for each document in query results from Solr • Can be used to construct RDD<Vector> which can then be passed to MLLib: SolrRDD solrRDD = new SolrRDD(zkHost, collection); JavaRDD<Vector> vectors = solrRDD.queryTermVectors(jsc, solrQuery, field, numFeatures); vectors.cache(); KMeansModel clusters = KMeans.train(vectors.rdd(), numClusters, numIterations); // Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors double WSSSE = clusters.computeCost(vectors.rdd());
  • 20. Spark SQL • Query Solr, then expose results as a SQL table SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(...); solrQuery.setFields("text_t","type_s"); SolrRDD solrRDD = new SolrRDD(zkHost, collection); JavaRDD<SolrDocument> solrJavaRDD = solrRDD.queryShards(jsc, solrQuery); SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(jsc); DataFrame df = solrRDD.applySchema(sqlContext, solrQuery, solrJavaRDD, zkHost, collection); df.registerTempTable("tweets"); JavaSchemaRDD results = sqlContext.sql("SELECT COUNT(type_s) FROM tweets WHERE type_s='echo'"); List<Long> count = results.javaRDD().map(new Function<Row, Long>() { public Long call(Row row) { return row.getLong(0); } }).collect(); System.out.println("# of echos : "+count.get(0));
  • 21. Wrap-up and Q & A • Reference implementation of Solr and Spark on YARN • Formal benchmarks for reads and writes to Solr • Checkout SOLR-6816 – improving replication performance • Add Spark support to Solr Scale Toolkit • Integrate metrics to give visibility into performance • More use cases … Feel free to reach out to me with questions: / @thelabdude

Editor's Notes

  1. Solr 5 – overview: Who is using Solr in production? Anyone currently evaluating Solr and other technologies for a search project? Anyone using Spark?
  2. Started out as a research project at UC Berkeley – platform for exploring new areas of research in distributed systems / Big Data Shorter paper: Spark running on Hadoop sorted 100TB in 23 minutes (3x faster than Yahoo’s previous record) Highly optimized shuffle code and new network transport sub-system Key abstraction – Resilient Distributed Dataset Other projects using / moving to Spark: Mahout - Hive Pig
  3. Internals talk: Spark has all the same basic concepts around optimizing the shuffle stage (custom partitioning, combiners, etc) Recently overhauled the shuffle and network transport subsystem to use Netty and zero-copy techniques
  4. Can have multiple master nodes deployed for HA (leader is elected using ZooKeeper) Akka and Netty under the covers Execution Model: Create a DAG of RDDs Create logical execution plan for the DAG Schedule and execute individual tasks across the cluster Spark organizes tasks into stages; boundaries between stages are when the data needs to be re-organized (such as doing a groupBy or reduce) Stages are super operations that happen locally A task is data + computation Tasks get scheduled based on data locality
  5. Great presentation by Spark founder: MapReduce suffers from having to write intermediate data to disk to be used by other jobs or iterations; no good way to share data across jobs / iterations Data locality is still important Spark chooses to share data across iterations / interactive queries – the hard part is fault-tolerance, which it achieves using an RDD Less boilerplate code One way to think about Spark is it is a more intelligent optimizer that’s very good at keeping data that is reused in memory reliance on persistent storage to provide fault tolerance and its one-pass computation model parallel programs look very much like sequential programs, which make them easier to develop and reason about
  6. Different color boxes indicate partitions of the same RDD Some text data in HDFS, partitioned by HDFS blocks Spark assigns tasks to process the blocks based on data locality Narrow transformations occur in the same executor (no shuffling across machines)
  7. Spark RDD: Parallel computations using a restricted set of high-level operators Applied to *ALL* elements of a dataset at once Log one operation that is applied to many elements coarse-grained updates that apply the same operation to many data items Lineage + partition == low overhead recovery Achieve fault-tolerance by exposing coarse-grained transformations (steps are logged, which can be re-played if needed). If a partition is lost, RDDs contain enough information to re-compute the data Parallel applications apply the same transformations to many data items Persist – says to keep the RDD in-memory (probably because we’re going to be reusing it) Lazy execution: Spark will generate a DAG of stages to compute the result of an action
  8. The two technologies combined together provide near real-time processing, ad hoc queries, batch processing / deep analytics, machine learning, and horizontal scaling Aims to be a framework to help reduce boilerplate and get you started quickly, but you still have to write some code!
  9. Basically, split a stream into very small discretized batches (1 second is typical) and then all the other Spark RDD goodies apply AMP Camp Tathagata Das Probably on-par with Storm Trident (micro-batching)
  10. A series of very small deterministic batch jobs Don’t have to have a separate stack for streaming apps e.g. instead of having Storm for streaming and Spark for interactive data mining, you just have Spark Spark chops live stream up into small batches of N seconds (each batch being an RDD) DStream is batch of records to be processed DStream is processed in micro-batches (controlled when the job is configured) map() step converts Twitter4J Status objects into SolrInputDocuments OR we could just send JSON directly to a Fusion pipeline and then do the mapping in the pipeline.
  11. This slide is here to show some ugliness that our Solr framework hides from end-users SolrSupport – removes need to worry about Spark boilerplate for sending a stream of docs to Solr
  12. Spark RDD: Parallel computations using a restricted set of high-level operators Achieve fault-tolerance by exposing coarse-grained transformations (steps are logged, which can be re-played if needed). If a partition is lost, RDDs contain enough information to re-compute the data Parallel applications apply the same transformations to many data items When nodes fail, Spark can recover quickly by rebuilding only the lost RDD partitions
  13. Spark RDD: Parallel computations using a restricted set of high-level operators Achieve fault-tolerance by exposing coarse-grained transformations (steps are logged, which can be re-played if needed). If a partition is lost, RDDs contain enough information to re-compute the data Parallel applications apply the same transformations to many data items When nodes fail, Spark can recover quickly by rebuilding only the lost RDD partitions
  14. Need to fix SOLR-3382 to get better error reporting when streaming docs to Solr using CUSS
  15. You can also get a Spark vector by doing: Vector vector = SolrTermVector.newInstance(String docId, HashingTF hashingTF, String rawText) // uses the Lucene StandardAnalyzer
  16. Basic process is to query Solr, expose Results as a JavaSchemaRDD, register as a temp table, perform queries Use Solr’s SchemaAPI to get metadata about fields in the query