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Affordable Social Marketing

                   The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

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Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                   Bonding Business and Customers Together

Welcome to the first step that is going to set you on the path to taking your business to
whatever level of success you have set your goals on. The best part is, its not going to
take you years to get there. What it is going to take though, is for you to come to the
realization that everything that we are about to tell you is not only true, but it works. The
other very important lesson we are hoping that you will take from this guide, is to be
realistic in your expectations of your efforts.

All too often people throw in the towel on a good idea because they believe it has failed
or they have failed to make it work. Well, they are right but only partly. They failed by
giving up too soon. Now that is not to say that there won't be times when you will just
have to cut your losses, and walk away from something that isn't working. What it means
though is looking at the total picture of what you are doing for your business, and how
any one thing fits into making up part of that picture.

    Does it fit?
    Does it need time to become established?
    What do you need to do to help it along?

Once you have answered these questions and implemented the answers, then if it is not
working it may then be time to move on.

This is the foundation with which to begin your thoughts as you set out to reading the
information that is contained in this guide. First off, keep one thing in mind. You do not
have to be a business genius to put into action what we are going to teach you here. What
you have to have is the will to succeed in your business, and believe in what you are
doing. If you have these two attributes there is nothing holding you back from being a
business success other than perhaps a little guidance and knowledge which we are about
to give you.

So sit back and get ready to take the walk down the successful business pathway.

Tatiana Jerome
Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

                                   Part One
Where did it all begin?

No doubt as you are progressing along with getting your business set up, you have asked
yourself over and over again, how in the world did I get involved in doing this. You may
look back and really can't pinpoint what was the final aspect that drove you to starting a

It all started with an idea. You may have seen a product that just set you on your heels,
and you were so taken back with it that you became passionate about it. You just know
that you can sell that product or service because you just know it works and everyone
should have one.

If you don't feel this way then this is the first problem you need to overcome. If you are
not convinced that what you have is the greatest thing since sliced bread, then you will
never convince anyone else they should have it. If you do have this passion and believe in
what you are offering then you are on your way.

Now, I have something great to tell you….
Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

Have you said something similar to this to your friends? Maybe not in the last little while
because you have been so wrapped up in getting your business operating.

How many of your friends have you really told about your product/service? Chances are
at least a few, and if you did so with the enthusiasm and passion we just talked about then
I bet your enthusiasm was catching, and you at least caught the attention of your listener
even if they didn't buy what you have to sell.

Well what you have just experienced is your first taste of social marketing. Great! But
what does this really all mean? Here is a short scenario and one that you really are
familiar with but just haven't applied this thought to your business.

You have this great garden weeder for sale. It is innovative, different and inexpensive.
You told your friend John about it, but John lives in an apartment and really has no use
for it. You know this, but you demonstrated it for him anyway because you were just so
hot about this product. John was really impressed.

A few days later John is over at a friends place sitting in the backyard that happens to be
full of weeds. This jogs the memory of John about your product. He now tells his friend
and his friend's wife about it. In the near future they go on and tell others about it.

So you see what has happened here your social marketing is growing. Now this is great
and it all began with your passionate message of your product to one person. So you may
be thinking, hey this is great now the sales will roll in. Yes they will, but there are
additional steps that would need to go with this in order to make your sales. For example,
you would have had to have given John some business cards with your website on it, so
he could pass these along. Otherwise there is no way of these people finding you.
Affordable Social Marketing

                   The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

The other thing to remember is that the sales are in the numbers. You are only going to
make a percentage of sales based on the number of people that hear about your product.
So for example, if 100 people hear about your product, the stats may show that only 10%
of them will actually buy what you are selling. This is something you can learn more
about in market analysis.

Boosting the numbers:

Okay so now you understand the basic concept of how social marketing works. Perhaps
you have been spreading the word about your new business through Facebook and
Twitter. Fantastic! This shows that you understand about getting the word out.

There may be a few problems that you have stumbled across though. Now Facebook goes
beyond the signing in and says hi guys, and talking about how your business is going and
maybe posting a few comments about it on your wall. Twitter goes beyond just say wow!
I really have something great! Now you have to look at becoming a little more
professional and setting up a page all about your business. You can do this! after all
before you started your business you practically lived on Facebook or twitter right? These
are your main social events.

You soon discover though it’s like being in a whole new world. Which it is, you are now
in the realm of the business world. Your presentation of your product now has to come
across with the same passion but with a professional tone. You are no longer talking
friend to friend. You are now talking business person to customer. Now its no longer
friendship, it is labeled customer service. You may now be beginning to feel a little
Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together
Please don't let your insecurities of being on this professional level stop you. Go ahead
and learn all you can about setting up your business page on facebook. You will learn
some very valuable lessons from this that will certainly give you business experience.

What it will not give you however is sales (at least not enough sales that are going to get
your business off the ground quickly and into the profit level).

Well that's just great! So what in the world is the point then and that sure shoots a bunch
of holes in this social marketing concept!

The point is as we just mentioned. You will gain some valuable experience but also
remember what we said…the sales are in the numbers.

It will take a great deal of time for your facebook page to build the type of fans that you
need to make some good consistent sales, and it will take a whole lot of followers on
twitter to get your message out.

Play two ends against the middle:
What we are going to teach you here is how to work your business from both ends. At the
beginning, you need to accelerate your sales to get your business into the profit margin
quickly. This means you need to take advantage of an established social marketing venue
that is already receiving high volumes of traffic. At the same time you want to work your
business slowly from the back end which is exactly what your own personal facebook
campaign will be doing.

So now we have completed the first segment of showing just what real social network
marketing is all about, for the new down to earth business person like yourself. You have
no degrees in business, and you may not be all that computer savvy. Gosh! All you want
to do is sell your product online and make some money. No problem! Continue on here
with part two and we are going to show you the way.

                                   Part Two
Now you have a good concept of how social marketing works, and we have led you to
think big in numbers. Now we are going to get you to think small, at least for the
beginning. Sounds a little contradictory doesn't it but let me explain.

The internet opens the whole world to you to sell your product. Now whether you can
ship worldwide depends on your particular business, but even if you can begin by
Affordable Social Marketing

                     The Social Cities Guide
                   Bonding Business and Customers Together
focusing on your neighborhood first. In other words, consider your geographical area and
lock this market up. By doing so you will have put yourself ahead of your competitors, it
will build your credibility, and it will give you experience as you branch outside of your
area if this is your intention.

When advertising in your own area through the search engines, this is called "organic"
marketing. Getting your business known this way is important, but it is one of those
situations where it takes time and lots of it. You want your business off the ground much
faster than this, so this takes us right back to facebook.

The professional facebook approach:

You know that social marketing works, you know that facebook is the key, and you know
that you need large numbers in order to build your social network, and that the sales
come from the numbers.

You also are now aware of how long it takes to build the traffic on your professional
facebook page. But…what if you could make use of a facebook page that was already
getting tons of traffic each day? Lets say you had a super popular friend who has been on
facebook for years, has built up tons of fans and has told you that you can advertise your
business on her page.

This would be fantastic! You would have tons of people seeing your ad each and every
day. Now your friend lives in the UK, and you live in Florida, but that’s okay it’s the
internet where the world comes together right?

If this gets you excited then your thinking is on the right track but this is still not going to
get you what you need, but….

A Land Business versus an Internet Business

Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together
Land - Your store front
Remember we said you need to get yourself known in your own area first. Now if you
had a land business you would have a nice big store front with a big window. Here you
would have a big sign and you would post all types of events in your window like your
impressive name brands, your sales or your promotions, for example. You know. All the
things that you stop to look at in the store fronts when you are out shopping?

Internet - Your store front
Your store front is your web site. Here is where you get the same messages out which is
posted on your home page. All the extra pages that go with your website would be the
inside of your store.

Land and Prime Location
Now chances are if you had a store front you wouldn't be able to afford prime location in
your area. These are the areas where the big established businesses are that can afford to
pay top price for their space, and everything else they do to promote their business.

Internet and Prime Location
Prime location on the internet is where your business appears in the #1 spot on the search
engines. So you have to work even harder to get yourself known. Prime location is where
there are lots of people visiting and sees your company’s message.

Land Advertising
In your land business you would also try and advertise your business in the local papers
and hopefully some inexpensive trade magazines applicable to your business. The big
guns would use high profile trade magazines and the prime spots in any advertising venue
applicable to the area.

Internet Advertising
The big companies pay a fortune for software to advertise for them, and writers to write
tons of articles and blogs. They pay teams to list their Company all over the internet. The
dollars spent are endless.

So how do you compete with all of this? A sound pretty disheartening doesn’t it? Well its
not! because we are about to tell you where you can get your business name out there
right along with the rest of them. We are about to offer you a way that you can get your
business advertised before a ton of traffic. We are about to supply you with a way where
all this can take place right in your own area. AND… the best part of it is its
Affordable Social Marketing

                     The Social Cities Guide
                   Bonding Business and Customers Together

               Say Hello To!
The Social Cities is one of the newest most exciting, most cost effective and most
dynamic ways to get your online or offline business known to your business area and the

A multitude of twitter followers:
If you are already an avid twitter and you have 100 followers you are probably thinking
that is a pretty good number right? Well yes it is great for socializing, but its not going to
bring you a whole lot of business. We can offer you something that will however.

Imagine this….
Your business is in the Miami Beach area and you have the possibility of reaching over
9,000 potential customers today. Or you want to hit Canada hard with your product! Then
by this afternoon there is an opportunity for you to reach out to over 4,000 prospective
buyers in Toronto!

These are just two of many cities full of twitter followers that are waiting to hear
about what you have to offer.

Think about this!
The perfect facebook page.

It is professionally designed by experts in the field of web design that know what they are
doing. They know what people look for when they are searching for something.

The page is full of exciting information about businesses ranging from the largest to the
smallest in size, products, services, events and announcements. All things that people are
looking for.

Each one facebook page is dedicated to one specific city. Everything on that page is
important to the people who live, visit or do business with that city.

Each one page has a very large number of fans that visit it constantly to see what's new
and important to them.

Doesn't this sound like the dream come true facebook page? Can you imagine the money,
resources and time it would take to build something like this? No doubt you are feeling
this is way out of your reach.
Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

Well yes, building such a exciting and dynamic marketing venue such as this would be
too time consuming and costly…BUT…. Guess what! You can be part of it for a very
very small investment!

That's right you can have your business, or your event, or your service, or anything you
need to get known out to your area or the rest of the world on one of these dynamic city
orientated pages!

This is what is offering you! Just think of the tons of traffic visiting
this page that is interested in your area everyday, and they will see WHAT YOU HAVE
TO OFFER! With a click of the mouse on your advertising blurb they will be on your
site in seconds!

Finally! A way that the small business person can advertise right along side the big guns
and not pay the enormous dollars! That’s what has brought to you.

Here is the thing however! These pages are filling up fast! You want to get your business
message in there real quick

So how do you get to take advantage of the great Social Cities network?

You decide on the city of your choice that you want to be found on for Twitter

In this example we have used Miami Beach Events Page which incidentally has over
9,000 fans and growing in leaps and bounds everyday.
Affordable Social Marketing

             The Social Cities Guide
            Bonding Business and Customers Together

But! That's not all! We have a fantastic limited time 2 for 1
offer! Your ad will also go on the corresponding facebook
page for your chosen city at no extra cost. In this sample
currently the Miami Beach facebook page has over 750
Affordable Social Marketing

             The Social Cities Guide
            Bonding Business and Customers Together

Then the fan arrives on this page where they will see your
Affordable Social Marketing

                    The Social Cities Guide
                  Bonding Business and Customers Together

Just imagine your ad or event being right on this page where the ton of Miami Fans will
see what you have to say day in and day out!

This has got to cost a fortune right?

Now comes the really dynamic news! If you think a $200. is a fortune then yes its going
to cost you a fortune. Believe it or now…if you were to chose this Miami package which
includes your ad on both the Facebook and Twitter page where right now you would
receive exposure to over 9,400 or more interested and potential customers. Can you even
imagine how long it would take you to build this kind of traffic on your own?

But we aren't finished!
These pages grow every single day. So each day you are being exposed through your ad
to even more potential.

Step 2:

All you need to do is click on this link to fill out the order form. Here you
will get to choose your city of choice for your twitter ad. Now as you know
we can only get so many ads on one page. So you will see that there are time
slots for you to choose come. It’s a first come first serve basis. So the faster
you get your ad in the closer to the top of the first page you will be.

You will find all the information you need on the order page, so go ahead
click on the link and start getting the exposure you need now to get your
business bringing in the money it is capable of.

                                  Click Here
Affordable Social Marketing

 The Social Cities Guide
Bonding Business and Customers Together

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  • 1. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Copyright This guide is the sole property of and may not be produced in any way, shape or form electronically or otherwise without the express and written permission of
  • 2. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Introduction Welcome to the first step that is going to set you on the path to taking your business to whatever level of success you have set your goals on. The best part is, its not going to take you years to get there. What it is going to take though, is for you to come to the realization that everything that we are about to tell you is not only true, but it works. The other very important lesson we are hoping that you will take from this guide, is to be realistic in your expectations of your efforts. All too often people throw in the towel on a good idea because they believe it has failed or they have failed to make it work. Well, they are right but only partly. They failed by giving up too soon. Now that is not to say that there won't be times when you will just have to cut your losses, and walk away from something that isn't working. What it means though is looking at the total picture of what you are doing for your business, and how any one thing fits into making up part of that picture.  Does it fit?  Does it need time to become established?  What do you need to do to help it along? Once you have answered these questions and implemented the answers, then if it is not working it may then be time to move on. This is the foundation with which to begin your thoughts as you set out to reading the information that is contained in this guide. First off, keep one thing in mind. You do not have to be a business genius to put into action what we are going to teach you here. What you have to have is the will to succeed in your business, and believe in what you are doing. If you have these two attributes there is nothing holding you back from being a business success other than perhaps a little guidance and knowledge which we are about to give you. So sit back and get ready to take the walk down the successful business pathway. Tatiana Jerome
  • 3. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Part One Where did it all begin? No doubt as you are progressing along with getting your business set up, you have asked yourself over and over again, how in the world did I get involved in doing this. You may look back and really can't pinpoint what was the final aspect that drove you to starting a business. It all started with an idea. You may have seen a product that just set you on your heels, and you were so taken back with it that you became passionate about it. You just know that you can sell that product or service because you just know it works and everyone should have one. If you don't feel this way then this is the first problem you need to overcome. If you are not convinced that what you have is the greatest thing since sliced bread, then you will never convince anyone else they should have it. If you do have this passion and believe in what you are offering then you are on your way. Now, I have something great to tell you….
  • 4. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Have you said something similar to this to your friends? Maybe not in the last little while because you have been so wrapped up in getting your business operating. How many of your friends have you really told about your product/service? Chances are at least a few, and if you did so with the enthusiasm and passion we just talked about then I bet your enthusiasm was catching, and you at least caught the attention of your listener even if they didn't buy what you have to sell. Well what you have just experienced is your first taste of social marketing. Great! But what does this really all mean? Here is a short scenario and one that you really are familiar with but just haven't applied this thought to your business. You have this great garden weeder for sale. It is innovative, different and inexpensive. You told your friend John about it, but John lives in an apartment and really has no use for it. You know this, but you demonstrated it for him anyway because you were just so hot about this product. John was really impressed. A few days later John is over at a friends place sitting in the backyard that happens to be full of weeds. This jogs the memory of John about your product. He now tells his friend and his friend's wife about it. In the near future they go on and tell others about it. So you see what has happened here your social marketing is growing. Now this is great and it all began with your passionate message of your product to one person. So you may be thinking, hey this is great now the sales will roll in. Yes they will, but there are additional steps that would need to go with this in order to make your sales. For example, you would have had to have given John some business cards with your website on it, so he could pass these along. Otherwise there is no way of these people finding you.
  • 5. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together The other thing to remember is that the sales are in the numbers. You are only going to make a percentage of sales based on the number of people that hear about your product. So for example, if 100 people hear about your product, the stats may show that only 10% of them will actually buy what you are selling. This is something you can learn more about in market analysis. Boosting the numbers: Okay so now you understand the basic concept of how social marketing works. Perhaps you have been spreading the word about your new business through Facebook and Twitter. Fantastic! This shows that you understand about getting the word out. There may be a few problems that you have stumbled across though. Now Facebook goes beyond the signing in and says hi guys, and talking about how your business is going and maybe posting a few comments about it on your wall. Twitter goes beyond just say wow! I really have something great! Now you have to look at becoming a little more professional and setting up a page all about your business. You can do this! after all before you started your business you practically lived on Facebook or twitter right? These are your main social events. You soon discover though it’s like being in a whole new world. Which it is, you are now in the realm of the business world. Your presentation of your product now has to come across with the same passion but with a professional tone. You are no longer talking friend to friend. You are now talking business person to customer. Now its no longer friendship, it is labeled customer service. You may now be beginning to feel a little overwhelmed.
  • 6. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Please don't let your insecurities of being on this professional level stop you. Go ahead and learn all you can about setting up your business page on facebook. You will learn some very valuable lessons from this that will certainly give you business experience. What it will not give you however is sales (at least not enough sales that are going to get your business off the ground quickly and into the profit level). Well that's just great! So what in the world is the point then and that sure shoots a bunch of holes in this social marketing concept! The point is as we just mentioned. You will gain some valuable experience but also remember what we said…the sales are in the numbers. It will take a great deal of time for your facebook page to build the type of fans that you need to make some good consistent sales, and it will take a whole lot of followers on twitter to get your message out. Play two ends against the middle: What we are going to teach you here is how to work your business from both ends. At the beginning, you need to accelerate your sales to get your business into the profit margin quickly. This means you need to take advantage of an established social marketing venue that is already receiving high volumes of traffic. At the same time you want to work your business slowly from the back end which is exactly what your own personal facebook campaign will be doing. So now we have completed the first segment of showing just what real social network marketing is all about, for the new down to earth business person like yourself. You have no degrees in business, and you may not be all that computer savvy. Gosh! All you want to do is sell your product online and make some money. No problem! Continue on here with part two and we are going to show you the way. Part Two Now you have a good concept of how social marketing works, and we have led you to think big in numbers. Now we are going to get you to think small, at least for the beginning. Sounds a little contradictory doesn't it but let me explain. The internet opens the whole world to you to sell your product. Now whether you can ship worldwide depends on your particular business, but even if you can begin by
  • 7. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together focusing on your neighborhood first. In other words, consider your geographical area and lock this market up. By doing so you will have put yourself ahead of your competitors, it will build your credibility, and it will give you experience as you branch outside of your area if this is your intention. When advertising in your own area through the search engines, this is called "organic" marketing. Getting your business known this way is important, but it is one of those situations where it takes time and lots of it. You want your business off the ground much faster than this, so this takes us right back to facebook. The professional facebook approach: You know that social marketing works, you know that facebook is the key, and you know that you need large numbers in order to build your social network, and that the sales come from the numbers. You also are now aware of how long it takes to build the traffic on your professional facebook page. But…what if you could make use of a facebook page that was already getting tons of traffic each day? Lets say you had a super popular friend who has been on facebook for years, has built up tons of fans and has told you that you can advertise your business on her page. This would be fantastic! You would have tons of people seeing your ad each and every day. Now your friend lives in the UK, and you live in Florida, but that’s okay it’s the internet where the world comes together right? If this gets you excited then your thinking is on the right track but this is still not going to get you what you need, but…. A Land Business versus an Internet Business vs.
  • 8. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Land - Your store front Remember we said you need to get yourself known in your own area first. Now if you had a land business you would have a nice big store front with a big window. Here you would have a big sign and you would post all types of events in your window like your impressive name brands, your sales or your promotions, for example. You know. All the things that you stop to look at in the store fronts when you are out shopping? Internet - Your store front Your store front is your web site. Here is where you get the same messages out which is posted on your home page. All the extra pages that go with your website would be the inside of your store. Land and Prime Location Now chances are if you had a store front you wouldn't be able to afford prime location in your area. These are the areas where the big established businesses are that can afford to pay top price for their space, and everything else they do to promote their business. Internet and Prime Location Prime location on the internet is where your business appears in the #1 spot on the search engines. So you have to work even harder to get yourself known. Prime location is where there are lots of people visiting and sees your company’s message. Land Advertising In your land business you would also try and advertise your business in the local papers and hopefully some inexpensive trade magazines applicable to your business. The big guns would use high profile trade magazines and the prime spots in any advertising venue applicable to the area. Internet Advertising The big companies pay a fortune for software to advertise for them, and writers to write tons of articles and blogs. They pay teams to list their Company all over the internet. The dollars spent are endless. So how do you compete with all of this? A sound pretty disheartening doesn’t it? Well its not! because we are about to tell you where you can get your business name out there right along with the rest of them. We are about to offer you a way that you can get your business advertised before a ton of traffic. We are about to supply you with a way where all this can take place right in your own area. AND… the best part of it is its affordable!
  • 9. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Say Hello To! The Social Cities is one of the newest most exciting, most cost effective and most dynamic ways to get your online or offline business known to your business area and the world! A multitude of twitter followers: If you are already an avid twitter and you have 100 followers you are probably thinking that is a pretty good number right? Well yes it is great for socializing, but its not going to bring you a whole lot of business. We can offer you something that will however. Imagine this…. Your business is in the Miami Beach area and you have the possibility of reaching over 9,000 potential customers today. Or you want to hit Canada hard with your product! Then by this afternoon there is an opportunity for you to reach out to over 4,000 prospective buyers in Toronto! These are just two of many cities full of twitter followers that are waiting to hear about what you have to offer. Think about this! The perfect facebook page. It is professionally designed by experts in the field of web design that know what they are doing. They know what people look for when they are searching for something. The page is full of exciting information about businesses ranging from the largest to the smallest in size, products, services, events and announcements. All things that people are looking for. Each one facebook page is dedicated to one specific city. Everything on that page is important to the people who live, visit or do business with that city. Each one page has a very large number of fans that visit it constantly to see what's new and important to them. Doesn't this sound like the dream come true facebook page? Can you imagine the money, resources and time it would take to build something like this? No doubt you are feeling this is way out of your reach.
  • 10. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Well yes, building such a exciting and dynamic marketing venue such as this would be too time consuming and costly…BUT…. Guess what! You can be part of it for a very very small investment! That's right you can have your business, or your event, or your service, or anything you need to get known out to your area or the rest of the world on one of these dynamic city orientated pages! This is what is offering you! Just think of the tons of traffic visiting this page that is interested in your area everyday, and they will see WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER! With a click of the mouse on your advertising blurb they will be on your site in seconds! Finally! A way that the small business person can advertise right along side the big guns and not pay the enormous dollars! That’s what has brought to you. Here is the thing however! These pages are filling up fast! You want to get your business message in there real quick So how do you get to take advantage of the great Social Cities network? STEP ONE: You decide on the city of your choice that you want to be found on for Twitter In this example we have used Miami Beach Events Page which incidentally has over 9,000 fans and growing in leaps and bounds everyday.
  • 11. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together But! That's not all! We have a fantastic limited time 2 for 1 offer! Your ad will also go on the corresponding facebook page for your chosen city at no extra cost. In this sample currently the Miami Beach facebook page has over 750 fans!
  • 12. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Then the fan arrives on this page where they will see your ad!
  • 13. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together Just imagine your ad or event being right on this page where the ton of Miami Fans will see what you have to say day in and day out! This has got to cost a fortune right? Now comes the really dynamic news! If you think a $200. is a fortune then yes its going to cost you a fortune. Believe it or now…if you were to chose this Miami package which includes your ad on both the Facebook and Twitter page where right now you would receive exposure to over 9,400 or more interested and potential customers. Can you even imagine how long it would take you to build this kind of traffic on your own? But we aren't finished! These pages grow every single day. So each day you are being exposed through your ad to even more potential. Step 2: All you need to do is click on this link to fill out the order form. Here you will get to choose your city of choice for your twitter ad. Now as you know we can only get so many ads on one page. So you will see that there are time slots for you to choose come. It’s a first come first serve basis. So the faster you get your ad in the closer to the top of the first page you will be. You will find all the information you need on the order page, so go ahead click on the link and start getting the exposure you need now to get your business bringing in the money it is capable of. Click Here
  • 14. Affordable Social Marketing The Social Cities Guide Bonding Business and Customers Together