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Basic Physiology
d iap h ragm , ch e s t and ab d om inal
m u s cle s , lu ngs , rib s

voice b ox (larynx) and voice fold s

th roat (p h arynx), nas al p as s age s
oral cavity

jaw, lip s , tongu e
Basic Physiology
1 . E nte rs Lu ngs
      Th rou gh oral cavity / trach e a
2. E xits Lu ngs
     E xp e lle d b y d iap h ragm / ab s
3. E ncou nte rs & Vib rate s Vocal F old
     R e p e ating alte rnating p re s s u re s
     from top and b ottom cre ate
     au d ib le cyclical p u ls e s of air
4. E nte r Vocal R e s onators
     Th roat / M ou th / N os e
     D e ve lop Tim b ral Q u alitie s
6. Articu late d b y j
                     aw, lip s , & tongu e
    into langu age and oth e r s ou nd s
Basic Physiology

 Air e s cap ing a re laxe d vocal
 fold (op e n th rou gh th e m id line )
 cre ate s a “ b re ath y” s ou nd .

 O ve rly te ns e vocal fold will
 s tru ggle or s train at h igh e r
 fre qu e ncie s .

 S we lling in s oft tis s u e can
 alte r vocal fold te ns ion.
Vocal Timbre
Air flow le ve ls and ch ange s of
th e q u as i p e riod ic vib rations of
th e vocal fold .
U niq u e and fu nd am e ntal
ch aracte ris tics of vowe l s h ap e
and ch iaros cu ro (b alance of
h igh tone s to low tone s ).
R E S O N AN C E :
S ize , s h ap e , & m as s of th e
b od y's re s onant cavitie s .
Formant Types

city   s it   be d   b ad   fath e r   ?   you   put   flood   ?
Formants Continued
            for VOWEL FORMANTS
Formants in the Mix
Vocal Range
Quick Vocal Range Tips
1 . D e fine d as th e lowe s t to
h igh e s t note a p articu lar voice
can p rod u ce .
2. S h ou ld b e d e fine d as th e
lowe s t to h igh e s t m u s ically u s e fu l
p itch e s a p e rform e r can p rod u ce .
3.Be ing ab le to d e fine a
p e rform e rs m u s ical range will
h e lp you p lay to th e ir s tre ngth s .
4. Th e s tre ngth zone (te s s itu ra) is
ge ne rally fou nd in th e m id d le of a
p e rform e rs range .
5. S S ATBB R ange s ove rlap , b u t
not te s s itu ras . H z ch arts com ing
Vocal Ranges SSATBB
 Common Vocal Ranges in Hz

    C4 – C6 = 261Hz-1046Hz
    A3 – A5 = 220Hz – 880Hz
    F3 – F5 = 175Hz – 698Hz
    C3 – C5 = 131Hz – 523Hz
    F2 – F4 = 44Hz – 349Hz
    E2 – E4 = 82Hz – 328Hz
Vocal Registers
1 . N ot to b e confu s e d w/ vocal
                                            of the FOUR MOST COMMON
2. D e fine d as a s p an of p itch e s
                                            VOCAL REGISTERS
th at are p rod u ce d b y one (of th e
fou r vib ratory p atte rns of th e vocal
fold .
3. E ve ryone can p rod u ce s om e of
th e m . N o one can p rod u ce all
fou r.
4. E ach re gis te r h as it's own
vib ratory p atte rn, com m on p itch
range , and ch aracte ris tic s ou nd .
5. Th e fou r vocal re gis te rs are
cate gorize d confu s ingly from
Moar Vocal Registers
   Some Vocal Register Types and Subtypes
       R              S
Lowe s t vocal re gis te r. M any cannot re ach it. Ve ry tigh t vocal fold vib rating
irre gu larly. Too m u ch u s e can ge t u nh e alth y.
C H E S T (LO W/ ID D LE ):
R e fe rs to th e natu ral m anne r of actions of th e vocal fold . Te nd s to h ave warm e r
d arke r tim b re s . O fte n d ivid e d into Lowe r and M id d le ch e s t s u b re gis te rs . Lowe r
ch e s t ofte n as s ociate d w/ “ ch e s t re s onance ” arou nd 1 00H z. M id d le C h e s t ofte r
as s ociate d with m ale vowe l s ou nd s and with s inge rs trans itioning from C h e s t
re gis te r to H e ad re gis te r.
H E AD :
O fte n calle d “ h e ad voice ” d u e th e com m on fe e ling th at th e re s onance of th e vocal
s ou nd is p rim arily occu rring in th e h e ad and h as a ch aracte ris tic ringing tone . H e ad
re gis te r can b e carrie d d own and m aintaine d lowe r, to wh at wou ld b e th e C h e s t
re gis te r, b u t th e tone of th e voice will ge ne rally b e com e th inne r and lowe r p itch e s
and re s onate m ore p oorly th an it wou ld if th e natu ral C h e s t re gis te r we re b e ing
e m p loye d .
Why Warm Up?
        I Work Out
1 . N e e d to re tu ne e ve ry
d ay

2. M u ch like Working
O ut

3. Vocal ch ord s H e al
d u ring S le e p

4. N e e d s tre tch j s t like
m u s cle s
Warming Up
     1. M os t Vocalis ts fe e l s illy
        warm ing u p in front of
        p e op le .

     3. F ind a nice is olate d
        s p ace for th e m to warm

     5. Vocalis ts are b orn with
        th e ir ins tru m e nt wh ich
        m ake s th e m ve ry
        s e ns itive ab ou t it.
Warm Up Time?
       How long?
1 . Vocal warm u p s can
range from 5-20 m in

2. Any longe r and it
s tarts to cu t d own on
h ow long th e y will b e
ab le to s ing

3. M onitor tim e and
m ake s u re th e y d on’ t
warm u p to long
 What to do / not do
1. Try to ke e p vocalis t
   from forcing a tone
2. If it s ou nd s like it h u rts ,
   it p rob ab ly d oe s
3. Th e s inging voice
   s h ou ld s ou nd like th e
   talking voice
4. N o two h u m ans are
   alike . You r tone will b e
   u niqu e as long as you
   d on’ t try to s ou nd like
   E d d y Ve d d e r.
“The Voice”
I want to sound like HIM!
1.   E ve ry p e rs ons voice is
     u niqu e .

3. H ave th e vocalis t
   s p e ak th e line and th e n
   s ing th e like th e way
   th e s p oke it.

•    Try not to m im ic
     s om e one e ls e ’ s voice
     b e cau s e it’ s alre ad y
     b e e n d one .
How To Help
     Monitor Fatigue
1. Always h ave wate r at
   th e s e s s ion.
2. F igu re ou t wh at le ve l
   of training th e y h ave
   h ad
3. P ros will know wh e n
   th e re tire d and th e y
   will le t you know.
4. A rookie m igh t not
   know and it’ s th e
   e ngine e rs j to
   m onitor th e ir fatigu e .
Signal Processing
common techniques
1 . u s e of a p los ive (p op ) b locke r.

2. u s e of a large r d iap h ragm
d ynam ic or cond e ns e r
m icrop h one

3. u s e of an colorizing p re -
am p lifie r

4. u s e of an is olate d e nvironm e nt

5. u s e of an ap p rop riate ly
volu m e d h e ad p h one s e nd

6. u s e of an ap p rop riate ly e go-
b oos ting “ vocals + p roce s s ing”
Signal Processing
common techniques
1 . e d iting b e s t p e rform ance s to a com p track.
e d iting ou t u nwante d m ou th s ou nd s and oth e r
nois e / le e d
2. u s u ally s om e form and am ou nt of tu ning
3. e qu alization to d e -e m p h as ize low m id s ,
nas al s ou nd s , and u nwante d s ib ilance
4. e qu alization to e m p h as ize warm th ,
p re s e n ce , and / b re ath
4. com p re s s ion (als o com m o n to com p re s s
b e fore E Q ) ofte n to re d u ce th e d ynam ic range
and to ad d p u nch and m aintain cons is te ncy.
5. re ve rb s e nd / d e lay s e nd (s tand ing ou t
p ote ntial)
6. s coop ing ou t vocal fre qu e ncy s p ace u s ing
E Q . s co op ing ou t s te re o im age s p ace with
p an or M S .
s coop ing ou t u s ing s id e ch ain com p re s s ion
Vocal Damage & Abuse


           C an le ad to:
              F atigu e
              H oars e ne s s
              Lim ite d R ange
              Lim ite d Bre ath C ontrol
The Human Vocal System

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The Human Vocal System

  • 1.
  • 2. Basic Physiology HUMAN VOCAL SYSTEM AIR P R E S S U R E S YS TE M : d iap h ragm , ch e s t and ab d om inal m u s cle s , lu ngs , rib s VIBR ATIO N S YS TE M : voice b ox (larynx) and voice fold s R E S O N ATIN G S YS TE M : th roat (p h arynx), nas al p as s age s oral cavity AR TIC U LATIN G S YS TE M : jaw, lip s , tongu e
  • 3. Basic Physiology AIR FLOW “SIGNAL PATH” 1 . E nte rs Lu ngs Th rou gh oral cavity / trach e a 2. E xits Lu ngs E xp e lle d b y d iap h ragm / ab s 3. E ncou nte rs & Vib rate s Vocal F old R e p e ating alte rnating p re s s u re s from top and b ottom cre ate au d ib le cyclical p u ls e s of air 4. E nte r Vocal R e s onators Th roat / M ou th / N os e D e ve lop Tim b ral Q u alitie s 6. Articu late d b y j aw, lip s , & tongu e into langu age and oth e r s ou nd s
  • 4. Basic Physiology LO W TE N S IO N : Air e s cap ing a re laxe d vocal fold (op e n th rou gh th e m id line ) cre ate s a “ b re ath y” s ou nd . H IG H TE N S IO N : O ve rly te ns e vocal fold will s tru ggle or s train at h igh e r fre qu e ncie s . C H AN G E S IN M AS S : S we lling in s oft tis s u e can alte r vocal fold te ns ion.
  • 5. Vocal Timbre ELEMENTS OF VOCAL TONE P H O N ATIO N : Air flow le ve ls and ch ange s of th e q u as i p e riod ic vib rations of th e vocal fold . F O R M AN TS : U niq u e and fu nd am e ntal ch aracte ris tics of vowe l s h ap e and ch iaros cu ro (b alance of h igh tone s to low tone s ). R E S O N AN C E : S ize , s h ap e , & m as s of th e b od y's re s onant cavitie s .
  • 6. Formant Types city s it be d b ad fath e r ? you put flood ?
  • 7. Formants Continued PHISICAL CHANGES for VOWEL FORMANTS
  • 9. Vocal Range Quick Vocal Range Tips 1 . D e fine d as th e lowe s t to h igh e s t note a p articu lar voice can p rod u ce . 2. S h ou ld b e d e fine d as th e lowe s t to h igh e s t m u s ically u s e fu l p itch e s a p e rform e r can p rod u ce . 3.Be ing ab le to d e fine a p e rform e rs m u s ical range will h e lp you p lay to th e ir s tre ngth s . 4. Th e s tre ngth zone (te s s itu ra) is ge ne rally fou nd in th e m id d le of a p e rform e rs range . 5. S S ATBB R ange s ove rlap , b u t not te s s itu ras . H z ch arts com ing
  • 10. Vocal Ranges SSATBB Common Vocal Ranges in Hz Soprano: C4 – C6 = 261Hz-1046Hz Mezzo-Soprano: A3 – A5 = 220Hz – 880Hz Alto: F3 – F5 = 175Hz – 698Hz Tenor: C3 – C5 = 131Hz – 523Hz Baritone: F2 – F4 = 44Hz – 349Hz Bass: E2 – E4 = 82Hz – 328Hz
  • 11. Vocal Registers Vocal Register Tips BASIC ROUNDED OFF VIEW 1 . N ot to b e confu s e d w/ vocal range of the FOUR MOST COMMON 2. D e fine d as a s p an of p itch e s VOCAL REGISTERS th at are p rod u ce d b y one (of th e fou r vib ratory p atte rns of th e vocal fold . 3. E ve ryone can p rod u ce s om e of th e m . N o one can p rod u ce all fou r. 4. E ach re gis te r h as it's own vib ratory p atte rn, com m on p itch range , and ch aracte ris tic s ou nd . 5. Th e fou r vocal re gis te rs are cate gorize d confu s ingly from
  • 12. Moar Vocal Registers Some Vocal Register Types and Subtypes F R Y/ ATTLE / C R APE : R S Lowe s t vocal re gis te r. M any cannot re ach it. Ve ry tigh t vocal fold vib rating irre gu larly. Too m u ch u s e can ge t u nh e alth y. C H E S T (LO W/ ID D LE ): M R e fe rs to th e natu ral m anne r of actions of th e vocal fold . Te nd s to h ave warm e r d arke r tim b re s . O fte n d ivid e d into Lowe r and M id d le ch e s t s u b re gis te rs . Lowe r ch e s t ofte n as s ociate d w/ “ ch e s t re s onance ” arou nd 1 00H z. M id d le C h e s t ofte r as s ociate d with m ale vowe l s ou nd s and with s inge rs trans itioning from C h e s t re gis te r to H e ad re gis te r. H E AD : O fte n calle d “ h e ad voice ” d u e th e com m on fe e ling th at th e re s onance of th e vocal s ou nd is p rim arily occu rring in th e h e ad and h as a ch aracte ris tic ringing tone . H e ad re gis te r can b e carrie d d own and m aintaine d lowe r, to wh at wou ld b e th e C h e s t re gis te r, b u t th e tone of th e voice will ge ne rally b e com e th inne r and lowe r p itch e s and re s onate m ore p oorly th an it wou ld if th e natu ral C h e s t re gis te r we re b e ing e m p loye d . WH IS TLE :
  • 13. Why Warm Up? I Work Out 1 . N e e d to re tu ne e ve ry d ay 2. M u ch like Working O ut 3. Vocal ch ord s H e al d u ring S le e p 4. N e e d s tre tch j s t like u m u s cle s
  • 14. Warming Up 1. M os t Vocalis ts fe e l s illy warm ing u p in front of p e op le . 3. F ind a nice is olate d s p ace for th e m to warm up. 5. Vocalis ts are b orn with th e ir ins tru m e nt wh ich m ake s th e m ve ry s e ns itive ab ou t it.
  • 15. Warm Up Time? How long? 1 . Vocal warm u p s can range from 5-20 m in 2. Any longe r and it s tarts to cu t d own on h ow long th e y will b e ab le to s ing 3. M onitor tim e and m ake s u re th e y d on’ t warm u p to long
  • 16. Technique What to do / not do 1. Try to ke e p vocalis t from forcing a tone 2. If it s ou nd s like it h u rts , it p rob ab ly d oe s 3. Th e s inging voice s h ou ld s ou nd like th e talking voice 4. N o two h u m ans are alike . You r tone will b e u niqu e as long as you d on’ t try to s ou nd like E d d y Ve d d e r.
  • 17. “The Voice” I want to sound like HIM! 1. E ve ry p e rs ons voice is u niqu e . 3. H ave th e vocalis t s p e ak th e line and th e n s ing th e like th e way th e s p oke it. • Try not to m im ic s om e one e ls e ’ s voice b e cau s e it’ s alre ad y b e e n d one .
  • 18. How To Help Monitor Fatigue 1. Always h ave wate r at th e s e s s ion. 2. F igu re ou t wh at le ve l of training th e y h ave h ad 3. P ros will know wh e n th e re tire d and th e y will le t you know. 4. A rookie m igh t not know and it’ s th e e ngine e rs j to ob m onitor th e ir fatigu e .
  • 19. Signal Processing common techniques WHILE TRACKING 1 . u s e of a p los ive (p op ) b locke r. 2. u s e of a large r d iap h ragm d ynam ic or cond e ns e r m icrop h one 3. u s e of an colorizing p re - am p lifie r 4. u s e of an is olate d e nvironm e nt 5. u s e of an ap p rop riate ly volu m e d h e ad p h one s e nd 6. u s e of an ap p rop riate ly e go- b oos ting “ vocals + p roce s s ing”
  • 20. Signal Processing common techniques WHILE MIXING 1 . e d iting b e s t p e rform ance s to a com p track. e d iting ou t u nwante d m ou th s ou nd s and oth e r nois e / le e d b 2. u s u ally s om e form and am ou nt of tu ning 3. e qu alization to d e -e m p h as ize low m id s , nas al s ou nd s , and u nwante d s ib ilance 4. e qu alization to e m p h as ize warm th , p re s e n ce , and / b re ath or 4. com p re s s ion (als o com m o n to com p re s s b e fore E Q ) ofte n to re d u ce th e d ynam ic range and to ad d p u nch and m aintain cons is te ncy. 5. re ve rb s e nd / d e lay s e nd (s tand ing ou t p ote ntial) 6. s coop ing ou t vocal fre qu e ncy s p ace u s ing E Q . s co op ing ou t s te re o im age s p ace with p an or M S . s coop ing ou t u s ing s id e ch ain com p re s s ion
  • 21. Vocal Damage & Abuse VOCAL FOLD NODULES VOCAL FOLD CYSTS VOCAL FOLD POLYPS E AC H C AN BE C AU S E D BY O VE R U S E C an le ad to: F atigu e H oars e ne s s Lim ite d R ange Lim ite d Bre ath C ontrol

Notas del editor

  1. Need Audio
  2. Need Audio Example (eddy Vedder) (Your Tone)
  3. Clip of micheal Micdonald