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written by liri andersson and jonathan macdonald from this fluid world
the fluid way
a 15 minute guide to survival in a new
communications and business world
consider the following guide to be organic, high-protein, low-fat
and full-flavour food for thought. or more so, an essential meal
after a long period of malnourishment in this winter of business
all you need is 15 minutes to nourish your brain…bon appetit!
we all know what's going on
it’s unprecedented, this change at the blink of an eye: people’s
expectations have shifted, technology is omnipresent and omnipotent,
and ‘word-of-mouth’ has become turbo-charged. we've seen a massive
shift in control - away from organisations, onto citizens. you're now
competing with everyone from the person next-door to companies on
other continents… and all this is putting a huge strain on your
it’s been a bumpy road
for most of us, the last few years have been fraught with job changes,
redundancies, poor work-life balance, missed targets, endless meetings with
more questions than answers, companies closing down – sometimes we've
found it too depressing to read the press!
we’ve learned the hard way that we have to do business in a different way…
but the question is how?!
confusing, we know!
there isn’t enough effort being invested into answering the
vital question “how should we do business tomorrow?” maybe
because many of us are still asking John Nichol’s immortal
words, “who ate our cheese?”
forget the cheese - what we really should be doing is
answering the following:
o  what business are we in?
o  what's our sustainable point of differentiation?
o  who are we competing with?
o  who should we work with, cooperate with, trust… and
who should we walk away from?
o  and finally where is the money going to come from?
(good cheese needs a lot of bread)
but for the brave few who ask, their reward is
(unfortunately) few answers, and more questions!
the future can be orange
we are convinced that there's a light at the
end of the tunnel for anyone who is looking to
answer these questions… and is willing to
take the necessary first steps forward into
the unknown
as for us, we want to do our bit to help. we
hope our thoughts will shed some light along
the way
so let’s get started…
some bits are easier than others, but
everything we discuss here is
and we know this for sure because
we've helped companies achieve what
we talk about, and we’ve been
privileged enough to have worked in
companies that have successfully
addressed these challenges
the guide is made up of 10 real do’s
and 10 real don’ts - nothing
hypothetical; just fully tried and
tested advice
so let s get started
in pursuit of ‘there’
“we need to get there and we need to do so quickly”… familiar phrase? in our
line of work we hear it all the time. everyone wants to get ‘there’, but ask
where ‘there’ is and most people in the same organisation will give you a
different answer
it’s rare that a company, or even a department, has clearly defined and
understood goals (and the existing goals aren’t necessarily always the right
ones). it’s rare that an organisation takes the time to define what they’re
about, and it’s rare that they build in the necessary mechanism to ensure
everyone knows the answer once they have figured it out
so we urge you, before you take another step: ensure you, and everyone else,
knows what ‘there’ is, where ‘there’ is, and what it will take to get ‘there’
ensure 150% clarity
successful companies have one thing in
common, they're completely clear about
three things 1) who they are 2) what they do
and 3) why it matters (try to answer all these
questions, it’s deceptively harder than you’d
it’s this total clarity that makes running
these companies a breeze (well maybe not a
breeze, but much easier than navigating a
making every day decisions, settling internal
arguments, identifying relevant partnerships,
allocating resources, deciding on where and
how to invest and who to hire (the list is
endless) becomes so much easier
resources have always been a rare
commodity in organisations, but now more
than ever, so why waste them on losing sight
of your goals and having to find your way
maintaining status quo
why do companies tend to remain the same? human nature dictates that
we prefer doing what we already know well. we also need an ROI on
previous investment – after all, wasting money isn’t a popular pursuit.
finally, the need for change is often seen as something that can be
addressed by someone else, at some far off point in the future
it’s too easy to misunderstand the type (and speed) of change that’s
needed whilst we focus on every day business. there seem to be few
drawbacks to not changing if every day business is going well
these behavioural traits are a comfort zone, and whilst no-one wants to
lose their comfort, in a world that’s in permanent flux, maintaining status
quo is a dangerous place to be
build in flexibility for adaptability
change is continuous and unavoidable. the most productive way to become
adaptable is to make flexibility part of your culture
there are many ways this can be done:
o  sketching first and specking later leads to fast execution and
exploitation of opportunities
o  developing a trusted network of suppliers and freelancers allows you
to respond to specific needs as and when required
o  allocating an 'ad-hoc' budget that can be spent where and when
needed for greatest impact, keeps you quick on your feet and
ensures faster turnaround
the competitive advantage of flexibility and adaptability is extreme, as it
gives your competition a limited view of what your next move might be!
myopic view of the world
familiar picture?
you and your team work more hours than you care
to count (and a lot of them are spent in Dilbert
cubicles). you’re always pressed for time so it’s hard
to keep up with what's going on. you’re expected to
do what you’re paid to do, no more, no less. and you
do this faithfully and with little variety day-in, day-
out, you don’t have much to do with other
departments, and rarely work with anyone outside
your company or assigned client
far too many businesses are managed and run in
this siloed way
the problem is, no solution today involves only one
company, one department, one discipline, one channel,
one job role, one type of customer. the world is a big
massive melting pot and to be relevant and
competitive you need to deliver solutions that take
advantage of the opportunities presented by this
converging business world
keep learning, keep growing
foster curiosity: it’s the most valuable commodity of them all. make sure people
get out of the office and into the real world (at least once in a while), make sure
they meet citizens, talk to consumers, look at what non-related companies are
doing.… encourage them to keep looking, asking, questioning, listening, observing,
talking… to embrace their inner child!
and to help them out, throw some new people with different perspectives into the
mix, even if only for a few hours, or a day
make it a common goal to find time and cost efficient ways of gathering and
spreading the new knowledge throughout your team or company, not as a one-off
but continuously!
follow competition blindly
most companies obsess about competition and what they’re up to. there’s a
serious problem with this: it’s riddled with assumptions! it assumes you know
who your competition is (remember the world is changing), it assumes the
ones you're following know what they’re doing and why, and it assumes
they’re playing the game you should be playing
equally it takes your eyes of the ‘real’ ball; doing something that truly stands
out…choose to lead and let others obsess about what you're doing!
ignore competition
take the time (and resources) you'd normally spend on competitive analysis and
start obsessing about people. start looking at what no one else is doing, what's
NOT out there, question the market you’re in, and the one you’re not in
why? to disregard the standard differentiation of others and to avoid their
by doing this you’ll spend your valuable time, not on following, but on identifying
what it will take to elevate you, your team, your department and your
company, to a higher playing field - a field where you lead and don’t follow
only do what worked yesterday
you have an idea, you want to do something
different, yet you can’t get the budget because
you can’t answer management’s questions like
‘who will buy it?’, ‘how much revenue will we get in
the 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year?’
sound familiar? (we guess you’ll either have asked,
or been the one saying no, at least once in the
last year)
it’s normal - it’s so much easier to focus on what
you can predict, prepare and plan for (this
mostly based on past data). one problem: the
past is not going to be very helpful to predict a
very different future. also, dismissing what could
be a great idea by evaluating it according to old
world principles will not lead to the necessary
innovation your company needs to move forward
…taking calculated risks will have to be part of
every day life, and planning to learn has to
become part of the agenda
explore and exploit
here’s a paradox for you, from now on you will have to stay the same and
change… simultaneously
this unpredictable world requires every business to not only exploit the present
(basically make money today), but also explore (do things you’ve never done
before), in order to grab hold of opportunities, in order to evolve, in order to
compete…in order to have a healthy business today and tomorrow
find the balance within this paradox, and you can learn faster than others, and
what you discover will become yours to mould to your advantage. you will
develop the ability to adapt, whilst making profit today
a jack of one trade
being fantastic at one thing is great but it’s no
longer enough
o  today's consumer expectations are higher
than ever
o  not only that but these expectations are
constantly changing
o  there is an inherent risks with putting all your
eggs are in one basket
o  and finally, focusing on one thing - albeit
successfully - runs you the risk of not seeing
new ways to add real value to the people you
interact with you and to your organisation 
unlock extreme value
potential value is everywhere. it’s in your people, corporate culture, business
model, customers, communications, products and services. identifying and
unleashing internal and external value provides a solid and prosperous
foundation for profitable business so you must find it and capitalize on it
remember though that value for others doesn’t need to be monetary.
what it does need to do is resonate with the receiver. this requires an
understanding of people which is very different from asking people to fill in
a survey or even making assumptions about them from their behaviour
but value alone is not enough, what we need is extreme value... by this we
mean value with a follow-on effect, by which new value created can be
shared with others who will continue to share again, and again, and again
bland is dead
in an increasingly busy landscape, people only notice things that stand out
(you know, like a purple cow, or Madonna fully-dressed...) but in order for
people to engage, that ‘thing’ they notice has to make them feel something.
humans relate to, and engage with, things that resonate with them; that
stir some emotion
when there's no passion around an organisation, in its strategy, staff,
products, services or customers, the outcome can only be bland, mundane
and unremarkable
in this fast moving and competitive world, if you’re in the background and
stir no emotion you’ll significantly decrease your chances of survival
create an army of fanatics
there's no better PR than the customer
who advocates you to others, so what you
really want to do is to build an army of
fanatics; they'll make a stronger sales
force than anyone on your payroll
however you must be aware that fanatics
who support you and your every move,
require respect for doing so and need to
be treated as your most valuable
listening and learning from your biggest
fans, enables you to provide even more
value to them and the process of
advocacy can continue
the good news is that it’s incredibly hard
to compete with a company that has a
fanatical following - be that company!
thinking your superman
it’s far too common for companies to
think they can do everything on their
own. but the truth is not having a
sense of openness and a thirst for
partnerships limits our capacity to
successful organisations (the ones
making lots of money) often feel that
they're super-powered, predicting that
the future will look just like current
success. but just because they make
millions today, doesn’t mean they
control the future market (think
Singer sewing machines)
today's discerning consumer is turned
off by arrogant companies that think
they control everything – people
prefer companies that ask for help;
companies that want to cooperate
collaborating adds extreme stability to an
organisation by the combined power of
support from others
it ensures that other skills and capabilities can
be collectively used to build more value...and it’s
a nice feeling to share success! (even Superman
had Lois Lane!)
collaborating with citizens expands your
workforce to include fans who often assist with
more passion (and less cost) than everyday
collaborating with freelancers and consultants
broadens your horizons and nourishes you with
new perspectives
choose the right partners, and you'll reap the
brand centric view of the
we know you love/sleep/eat/drink
(delete as appropriate) the brand
you work for. but overestimating
the interest people have in your
brand is a bad idea, as is the
assumption that you can control
how the brand plays out in people’s
the days of creating and launching
a brand, that remains in the
control of organisations, are gone.
once people have access to a
brand, they chose what to do and
say about it
most companies are resistant to
this but the truth is this will turn
people away from the products
and services you provide
citizentricity the only way forward
we believe the trick is to build solutions around people, not organisations,
and certainly not brands. we call this ‘citizentricity’ (which is a cunning bit
of word-play matching the word citizen with centricity!) 
with citizens at the centre, it’s really crucial to understand people
we know for sure that understanding people allows us to increase value
for them, which in turn drives loyalty and advocacy - that’s the ideal result
understanding the links between what people value, prefer and recommend
opens up the ability to provide more personalised experiences of higher
value - and it just so happens that people tend to pay for what they value
new business models will have to be built as citizentric – we suspect that
citizens (i.e. your potential customers) will be very pleased if you make that
happen – ‘citizentricity’ is the new black!
hire who you ve always hired
most companies think it takes longer to learn the skills required to do a job
than it actually does - so they keep hiring the same people, from the same
background with the same experience. this is an easy solution: it ensures the
job gets done
but hiring as before will only provide the same results as… er… before. what
it won’t do is allow you to compete in this evolving world
this will require original ideas, new solutions and new ways of doing things,
and for this to happen you’ll need to bring different skills on board:
o  generalists to do some of the thinking (people with vertical experience
across industries, brands and business problems)
o  highly talented specialists to execute (nothing less than extraordinary
will do in the not too distant future)
work with mavericks
Tom Peters said it best, “crazy times
call for crazy organisations” - and
these are crazy times. so by that
rationale, the moment has come to
call in the crazy people!
these times demand of you to be
different, to find ways of unlocking
people’s creative thinking beyond
just 'the box' - but out of warehouse,
and to encourage brand new
winning in this future will require
some risk taking, and this goes for
who you decide to work with too
notice we said work, not hire! let the
mavericks come and go, as needed!
one more for the road - be
we intended to share 10 do’s and don’ts
with you, but coming to the end of our time
together, we realise there's one thing we
haven’t covered enough; something we feel
is not just relevant but crucial to
everything you’ve just read...and that is
so as a last point we would like to
encourage you to take risks, to go with
your instincts, to do things differently…to
be brave… moving forward we will all need
to spend considerable time outside our
comfort zone
we see this as an opportunity, we see these
as exciting times, and we don’t doubt that
whomever gets ‘it’ right will not only enjoy
the ride, but reap the rewards of their
at this fluid world we believe
tomorrow belongs to the
ones who…
1.  ensure 150% clarity
2.  build in flexibility for adaptability
3.  keep learning, keep growing
4.  ignore competition
5.  exploit and explore
6.  unlock extreme value
7.  create an army of fanatics
8.  collaborate!!!
9.  embrace citizentricity
10.  work with mavericks
11.  are brave
this fluid world is a boutique
business and marketing
consultancy that achieves
strategic and commercial results
for our clients by ensuring
success in a changing business
our approach to consulting is
hands-on. the advice given to an
industry sector, business, or
project is not merely transferred
from us to clients, but created
during a process of active
collaboration. it is through this
close cooperation with clients
that we design the most powerful
strategies, develop world-class
ideas and harness leading talent
to find out more about us,
please go to:
if you have any comments,
thoughts or enquiries, we
would love to hear from you
so please get in touch:

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15 minute survival guide the fluid way

  • 1. written by liri andersson and jonathan macdonald from this fluid world the fluid way a 15 minute guide to survival in a new communications and business world
  • 2. consider the following guide to be organic, high-protein, low-fat and full-flavour food for thought. or more so, an essential meal after a long period of malnourishment in this winter of business discontent all you need is 15 minutes to nourish your brain…bon appetit!
  • 3. we all know what's going on it’s unprecedented, this change at the blink of an eye: people’s expectations have shifted, technology is omnipresent and omnipotent, and ‘word-of-mouth’ has become turbo-charged. we've seen a massive shift in control - away from organisations, onto citizens. you're now competing with everyone from the person next-door to companies on other continents… and all this is putting a huge strain on your organisation
  • 4. it’s been a bumpy road for most of us, the last few years have been fraught with job changes, redundancies, poor work-life balance, missed targets, endless meetings with more questions than answers, companies closing down – sometimes we've found it too depressing to read the press! we’ve learned the hard way that we have to do business in a different way… but the question is how?!
  • 5. confusing, we know! there isn’t enough effort being invested into answering the vital question “how should we do business tomorrow?” maybe because many of us are still asking John Nichol’s immortal words, “who ate our cheese?” forget the cheese - what we really should be doing is answering the following: o  what business are we in? o  what's our sustainable point of differentiation? o  who are we competing with? o  who should we work with, cooperate with, trust… and who should we walk away from? o  and finally where is the money going to come from? (good cheese needs a lot of bread) but for the brave few who ask, their reward is (unfortunately) few answers, and more questions!
  • 6. the future can be orange we are convinced that there's a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who is looking to answer these questions… and is willing to take the necessary first steps forward into the unknown as for us, we want to do our bit to help. we hope our thoughts will shed some light along the way
  • 7. so let’s get started… some bits are easier than others, but everything we discuss here is achievable and we know this for sure because we've helped companies achieve what we talk about, and we’ve been privileged enough to have worked in companies that have successfully addressed these challenges the guide is made up of 10 real do’s and 10 real don’ts - nothing hypothetical; just fully tried and tested advice so let s get started
  • 8. in pursuit of ‘there’ “we need to get there and we need to do so quickly”… familiar phrase? in our line of work we hear it all the time. everyone wants to get ‘there’, but ask where ‘there’ is and most people in the same organisation will give you a different answer it’s rare that a company, or even a department, has clearly defined and understood goals (and the existing goals aren’t necessarily always the right ones). it’s rare that an organisation takes the time to define what they’re about, and it’s rare that they build in the necessary mechanism to ensure everyone knows the answer once they have figured it out so we urge you, before you take another step: ensure you, and everyone else, knows what ‘there’ is, where ‘there’ is, and what it will take to get ‘there’ 1
  • 9. ensure 150% clarity successful companies have one thing in common, they're completely clear about three things 1) who they are 2) what they do and 3) why it matters (try to answer all these questions, it’s deceptively harder than you’d think) it’s this total clarity that makes running these companies a breeze (well maybe not a breeze, but much easier than navigating a storm) making every day decisions, settling internal arguments, identifying relevant partnerships, allocating resources, deciding on where and how to invest and who to hire (the list is endless) becomes so much easier resources have always been a rare commodity in organisations, but now more than ever, so why waste them on losing sight of your goals and having to find your way back? 1
  • 10. ! maintaining status quo why do companies tend to remain the same? human nature dictates that we prefer doing what we already know well. we also need an ROI on previous investment – after all, wasting money isn’t a popular pursuit. finally, the need for change is often seen as something that can be addressed by someone else, at some far off point in the future it’s too easy to misunderstand the type (and speed) of change that’s needed whilst we focus on every day business. there seem to be few drawbacks to not changing if every day business is going well these behavioural traits are a comfort zone, and whilst no-one wants to lose their comfort, in a world that’s in permanent flux, maintaining status quo is a dangerous place to be ! 2
  • 11. build in flexibility for adaptability change is continuous and unavoidable. the most productive way to become adaptable is to make flexibility part of your culture there are many ways this can be done: o  sketching first and specking later leads to fast execution and exploitation of opportunities o  developing a trusted network of suppliers and freelancers allows you to respond to specific needs as and when required o  allocating an 'ad-hoc' budget that can be spent where and when needed for greatest impact, keeps you quick on your feet and ensures faster turnaround the competitive advantage of flexibility and adaptability is extreme, as it gives your competition a limited view of what your next move might be! 2
  • 12. ! myopic view of the world familiar picture?   you and your team work more hours than you care to count (and a lot of them are spent in Dilbert cubicles). you’re always pressed for time so it’s hard to keep up with what's going on. you’re expected to do what you’re paid to do, no more, no less. and you do this faithfully and with little variety day-in, day- out, you don’t have much to do with other departments, and rarely work with anyone outside your company or assigned client far too many businesses are managed and run in this siloed way the problem is, no solution today involves only one company, one department, one discipline, one channel, one job role, one type of customer. the world is a big massive melting pot and to be relevant and competitive you need to deliver solutions that take advantage of the opportunities presented by this converging business world 3
  • 13. keep learning, keep growing foster curiosity: it’s the most valuable commodity of them all. make sure people get out of the office and into the real world (at least once in a while), make sure they meet citizens, talk to consumers, look at what non-related companies are doing.… encourage them to keep looking, asking, questioning, listening, observing, talking… to embrace their inner child! and to help them out, throw some new people with different perspectives into the mix, even if only for a few hours, or a day   make it a common goal to find time and cost efficient ways of gathering and spreading the new knowledge throughout your team or company, not as a one-off but continuously! 3
  • 14. follow competition blindly most companies obsess about competition and what they’re up to. there’s a serious problem with this: it’s riddled with assumptions! it assumes you know who your competition is (remember the world is changing), it assumes the ones you're following know what they’re doing and why, and it assumes they’re playing the game you should be playing equally it takes your eyes of the ‘real’ ball; doing something that truly stands out…choose to lead and let others obsess about what you're doing! 4
  • 15. ignore competition take the time (and resources) you'd normally spend on competitive analysis and start obsessing about people. start looking at what no one else is doing, what's NOT out there, question the market you’re in, and the one you’re not in why? to disregard the standard differentiation of others and to avoid their mistakes by doing this you’ll spend your valuable time, not on following, but on identifying what it will take to elevate you, your team, your department and your company, to a higher playing field - a field where you lead and don’t follow ! 4
  • 16. only do what worked yesterday you have an idea, you want to do something different, yet you can’t get the budget because you can’t answer management’s questions like ‘who will buy it?’, ‘how much revenue will we get in the 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year?’   sound familiar? (we guess you’ll either have asked, or been the one saying no, at least once in the last year) it’s normal - it’s so much easier to focus on what you can predict, prepare and plan for (this mostly based on past data). one problem: the past is not going to be very helpful to predict a very different future. also, dismissing what could be a great idea by evaluating it according to old world principles will not lead to the necessary innovation your company needs to move forward …taking calculated risks will have to be part of every day life, and planning to learn has to become part of the agenda 5
  • 17. explore and exploit here’s a paradox for you, from now on you will have to stay the same and change… simultaneously this unpredictable world requires every business to not only exploit the present (basically make money today), but also explore (do things you’ve never done before), in order to grab hold of opportunities, in order to evolve, in order to compete…in order to have a healthy business today and tomorrow find the balance within this paradox, and you can learn faster than others, and what you discover will become yours to mould to your advantage. you will develop the ability to adapt, whilst making profit today 5
  • 18. a jack of one trade being fantastic at one thing is great but it’s no longer enough o  today's consumer expectations are higher than ever o  not only that but these expectations are constantly changing o  there is an inherent risks with putting all your eggs are in one basket o  and finally, focusing on one thing - albeit successfully - runs you the risk of not seeing new ways to add real value to the people you interact with you and to your organisation  6
  • 19. unlock extreme value potential value is everywhere. it’s in your people, corporate culture, business model, customers, communications, products and services. identifying and unleashing internal and external value provides a solid and prosperous foundation for profitable business so you must find it and capitalize on it remember though that value for others doesn’t need to be monetary. what it does need to do is resonate with the receiver. this requires an understanding of people which is very different from asking people to fill in a survey or even making assumptions about them from their behaviour but value alone is not enough, what we need is extreme value... by this we mean value with a follow-on effect, by which new value created can be shared with others who will continue to share again, and again, and again 6
  • 20. bland is dead in an increasingly busy landscape, people only notice things that stand out (you know, like a purple cow, or Madonna fully-dressed...) but in order for people to engage, that ‘thing’ they notice has to make them feel something. humans relate to, and engage with, things that resonate with them; that stir some emotion when there's no passion around an organisation, in its strategy, staff, products, services or customers, the outcome can only be bland, mundane and unremarkable   in this fast moving and competitive world, if you’re in the background and stir no emotion you’ll significantly decrease your chances of survival 7
  • 21. create an army of fanatics there's no better PR than the customer who advocates you to others, so what you really want to do is to build an army of fanatics; they'll make a stronger sales force than anyone on your payroll however you must be aware that fanatics who support you and your every move, require respect for doing so and need to be treated as your most valuable partners listening and learning from your biggest fans, enables you to provide even more value to them and the process of advocacy can continue the good news is that it’s incredibly hard to compete with a company that has a fanatical following - be that company! 7
  • 22. thinking your superman it’s far too common for companies to think they can do everything on their own. but the truth is not having a sense of openness and a thirst for partnerships limits our capacity to succeed successful organisations (the ones making lots of money) often feel that they're super-powered, predicting that the future will look just like current success. but just because they make millions today, doesn’t mean they control the future market (think Singer sewing machines) today's discerning consumer is turned off by arrogant companies that think they control everything – people prefer companies that ask for help; companies that want to cooperate 8
  • 23. collaborate!!! collaborating adds extreme stability to an organisation by the combined power of support from others it ensures that other skills and capabilities can be collectively used to build more value...and it’s a nice feeling to share success! (even Superman had Lois Lane!) collaborating with citizens expands your workforce to include fans who often assist with more passion (and less cost) than everyday staff   collaborating with freelancers and consultants broadens your horizons and nourishes you with new perspectives choose the right partners, and you'll reap the benefits 8
  • 24. brand centric view of the world we know you love/sleep/eat/drink (delete as appropriate) the brand you work for. but overestimating the interest people have in your brand is a bad idea, as is the assumption that you can control how the brand plays out in people’s lives the days of creating and launching a brand, that remains in the control of organisations, are gone. once people have access to a brand, they chose what to do and say about it most companies are resistant to this but the truth is this will turn people away from the products and services you provide 9
  • 25. citizentricity the only way forward we believe the trick is to build solutions around people, not organisations, and certainly not brands. we call this ‘citizentricity’ (which is a cunning bit of word-play matching the word citizen with centricity!)    with citizens at the centre, it’s really crucial to understand people we know for sure that understanding people allows us to increase value for them, which in turn drives loyalty and advocacy - that’s the ideal result understanding the links between what people value, prefer and recommend opens up the ability to provide more personalised experiences of higher value - and it just so happens that people tend to pay for what they value   new business models will have to be built as citizentric – we suspect that citizens (i.e. your potential customers) will be very pleased if you make that happen – ‘citizentricity’ is the new black! 9
  • 26. hire who you ve always hired most companies think it takes longer to learn the skills required to do a job than it actually does - so they keep hiring the same people, from the same background with the same experience. this is an easy solution: it ensures the job gets done but hiring as before will only provide the same results as… er… before. what it won’t do is allow you to compete in this evolving world this will require original ideas, new solutions and new ways of doing things, and for this to happen you’ll need to bring different skills on board: o  generalists to do some of the thinking (people with vertical experience across industries, brands and business problems) o  highly talented specialists to execute (nothing less than extraordinary will do in the not too distant future) 10
  • 27. work with mavericks Tom Peters said it best, “crazy times call for crazy organisations” - and these are crazy times. so by that rationale, the moment has come to call in the crazy people! these times demand of you to be different, to find ways of unlocking people’s creative thinking beyond just 'the box' - but out of warehouse, and to encourage brand new viewpoints winning in this future will require some risk taking, and this goes for who you decide to work with too notice we said work, not hire! let the mavericks come and go, as needed! 10
  • 28. ! one more for the road - be brave we intended to share 10 do’s and don’ts with you, but coming to the end of our time together, we realise there's one thing we haven’t covered enough; something we feel is not just relevant but crucial to everything you’ve just read...and that is bravery so as a last point we would like to encourage you to take risks, to go with your instincts, to do things differently…to be brave… moving forward we will all need to spend considerable time outside our comfort zone we see this as an opportunity, we see these as exciting times, and we don’t doubt that whomever gets ‘it’ right will not only enjoy the ride, but reap the rewards of their bravery 11
  • 29. at this fluid world we believe tomorrow belongs to the ones who… 1.  ensure 150% clarity 2.  build in flexibility for adaptability 3.  keep learning, keep growing 4.  ignore competition 5.  exploit and explore 6.  unlock extreme value 7.  create an army of fanatics 8.  collaborate!!! 9.  embrace citizentricity 10.  work with mavericks 11.  are brave
  • 30. this fluid world is a boutique business and marketing consultancy that achieves strategic and commercial results for our clients by ensuring success in a changing business environment our approach to consulting is hands-on. the advice given to an industry sector, business, or project is not merely transferred from us to clients, but created during a process of active collaboration. it is through this close cooperation with clients that we design the most powerful strategies, develop world-class ideas and harness leading talent to find out more about us, please go to: if you have any comments, thoughts or enquiries, we would love to hear from you so please get in touch:

Notas del editor

  1. 10 things to start doing today …and 10 things to avoid    INTRO we all know what's going on   confusing, we know!!!   bumpy road   light at the end of the tunnel   MEET   maintaining status quo build in flexibility for adaptability   believing you’ll get there somehow ensure 150% clarity   siloed thinking hunt for knowledge LIRI   follow competition blindly run the other way LIRI   plan to implement exploit and explore LIRI exel in one particular area unlock extreme value JONATHAN   stir no emotions create an army of fanatics JONATHAN   thinking your superman collaborate, collaborate, collaborate JONATHAN   operating as if you were at the centre ‘citizentricity’ the only way forward!!! JONATHAN   hire who you’ve always hired work with mavericks LIRI BLOG
  10. Maintaining status quo
  18. Your people Corporate culture Business model Customers Communications Product services
  19. I have picture