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Mapping Domestic Violence against
    Women in Central Serbia

       Belgrade, 2010
The most important objectives of the research

 • To determine the prevalence of various forms of
   domestic violence against women;
 • To determine the characteristics of domestic violence
   against women according to significant aspects;
 • To identify key factors of domestic violence against
 • To examine the accessibility to social services as
   means for support to victims of domestic violence.
Implementing organization - SeConS in
• Independent think-tank, founded in 2005 in Belgrade by a
  group of sociologists and social researchers.
• SeConS’ mission is to contribute to integrated and sustainable
  development of Serbia and the Region.
• Organization’s good practices have spread in neighboring
  countries, Montenegro and BiH.
• Areas of SeConS’ support are: social inclusion of vulnerable
  groups, such as women, Roma, refugees and IDPs, people
  experiencing poverty; regional and local sustainable
  development; institutional and organizational reform and
  development of the public sector; HR development;
  evaluation of development programs and projects and
  assessment of public policies at the national, regional and
  local levels.
SeConS in brief (cont.)
Expertise of SeConS:
• Designing methodologies and conducting empirical research from
   different fields in Serbia and the region
• Drafting comparative studies, analyzing policies, legislation and
   providing recommendations for further improvement in Serbia and
   the region
• Designing and conducting training and education programs for
   individuals, institutions and organizations, to support their work in
   social inclusion
• Empowering marginalized groups and individuals through
   trainings, to improve information sharing and help them to become
   more proactively involved in decision-making processes
• Advocating for social development, through representation of
   interests of vulnerable groups and networking with relevant
International framework

• The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: domestic
  violence against women is treated as one of most important
  forms of violence against women
• CEDAW – Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
  Discrimination against Women alongside the General
  Recommendation no. 9: domestic violence is a form of
  discrimination against women, therefore falling under CEDAW
• UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
  and the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its
  causes and effects
• Resolution 2003/45 – Elimination of violence against women
European Framework

• Declaration on the Policy of opposing violence
  against women in a democratic Europe
• Action plan for the fight against violence against
• Declaration on equality between women and men as
  a fundamental criterion of democracy
• Recommendation 1681 – Campaign to combat
  domestic violence against women in Europe
• Expert Committee for preparing the European
  Convention on preventing and combating all forms of
  violence against women
National Framework (central level)

• Council for Gender Equality of the Republic of Serbia
• Gender Equality Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and
  Social Policy of the Republic of Serbia – National Strategy for
  advancement of the position of women and promotion of
  gender equality (2009-2015) and National Action Plan for the
  advancement of the position of women and promotion of
  gender equality (2010-2015)
• Committee on Gender Equality of the National Assembly of
  the Republic of Serbia
• Deputy of the Protector of Citizens/Ombudsman for gender
  equality and rights of persons with disabilities
• Commissioner for the protection of equality
Definition of family and domestic violence against
• Violence – type of behaviour or relationship in which
  coercion, intimidation, derogation, belittlement and control
  (in the sense of freedom restriction) is used directly or
  through threats in order to hurt the other person and to
  oppress him/her psychologically physically, economically or
• Gender-based violence – forms of violence which are directed
  against individuals or groups on the basis of their gender
  identity, and that arises from normative expectations
  connected with gender roles and unequal power relations
  within the specific society (Bloom, 2008).
• Domestic violence – forms of violence committed within a
  household, kinship or partner relations, regardless of whether
  or not the persons are living together or not.
How to operationalize violence?

    It has been decided to define violence through the
    following dimensions:
•   economic,
•   physical,
•   psychological and
•   sexual violence.
Dimension and indicators of violence
Forms of          Indicators
Economic          Limited access to money within the household and depriving money for personal needs
violence          Taking away personal money
                  Discretional spending of the money by a household member resulting in the household being left
                  without enough money for everyday needs during a month
                  A ban to find employment
Psychological     Verbal humiliation (disparaging, cursing, insulting) when alone or in the presence of others
violence          Ignoring, denying attention and conversation for longer than an hour
                  Intimidating (threat to harm the woman or a person close to her)
                  Denying or limiting movement (going out, visiting others and alike)
                  Intentional destruction of the woman’s personal property
Physical          Jolting and shaking woman’s shoulders
violence          Pulling hair
                  Twisting arms
                  Hitting with a hand (slapping across the face, hitting with a fist)
                  Hitting with or throwing an object at the woman
                  Squeezing woman’s neck, choking
                  Slamming violently against a wall
                  Inflicting burns (cigarette, hotplates and alike)
                  Assaulting with weapons or tools (knife, gun, axe and alike)
Sexual violence   Sexual intercourse or certain actions during the intercourse under duress with the use of physical
                  force or threat of harming the woman or someone close to her
                  Sexual intercourse or certain actions during the intercourse under duress by blackmailing,
                  insulting, accusing and the like, with or without the use of physical force
Operationalizing DOMESTIC violence

Domestic violence against women has been operationalized
to comprise all cases of violence committed against women:
   – by members (male or female) of the same
     household, regardless of kinship;
   – by family members and relatives (male or female) regardless of
     sharing or not sharing the household with the women include in
     the sample;
   – as well as by present or former partners, regardless of being
     married or not and regardless of whether or not the partner is
     living in the same household as the women included in the
Key notions
• General family and domestic violence – violence
  comprising all forms of violence, including
  economic, physical, psychological and sexual.
• Specific forms of violence – particular forms of
  violence manifested as
  economic, physical, psychological or sexual
  violence, or through a combination of several
  different forms of violence.
• Actual violence – violence committed in the past
  year (12 months prior to the research);
• Lifetime violence – violence experienced by women
  throughout their adult lives.
“Sensitive topic research”
• Can have consequences either directly to respondents, or
  indirectly for the category of persons comprised in the
  research. Investigating a phenomenon that poses a threat to
  the respondents is a major problem.
• Three key problems
  1. Questions can intrude into the most intimate sphere of
  their lives and problems, issues that can provoke pain, stress
  or shame and therefore can cause secondary victimization of
  2. Asking questions on sensitive issues can provoke feelings of
  shame and stigmatisation in respondents, or they can be
  incriminating, as in the case of illegal activities
  3. Respondents can be afraid that revealing information can
  put them in danger, lead to punishment or revenge of other
  persons in their surrounding that might be in power positions.
Key challenge

Challenge: How to ensure the quality of the research
and validity of data on a subject that respondents
systematically want to keep hidden, while at the
same time keeping the highest level of professional
ethics – which means that respondents are not
mislead in regard to the topic of the research, that
respondents are not pressured and lead into a state
of intense emotional reactions which researchers
cannot control as it surpasses their role and
What do WHO standards prescribe?
Framework 1: Standards and guidelines for research of violence against women

On the basis of its extensive experience in researching violence against women all around the
world, the WHO has defined some of the most important standards for quality and ethical research
of violence against women:

1. Safety of the respondents and the research team is of crucial importance and should direct all
   project decisions.
2. Prevalence studies should be based on quality methodology and should take into consideration
   research experiences in relation to the opportunities of reducing the cover-up of violence to the
   lowest possible degree.
3. Protection of the anonymity of subjects is of crucial importance for their safety and for the
   quality of the given data.
4. Members of the research team should be carefully chosen, adequately trained and should have
   continuous support throughout the research.
5. The instrument and the procedure of gathering data should eliminate or reduce the stress which
   may result from the research.
6. Researchers and donors should have a moral obligation to ensure adequate interpretation of the
   research data and their use in the aim of promoting the policies and measures.
7. The issues related to violence should be included in researches intended for other objectives
   only when it is possible to meet ethical and methodological demands.
WHO, 2001: 11
Our response to the challenge
• Official title of the survey: “Research on the living
  conditions of living and women’s health”
• Questionnaire for the household – the interviewer
  interviews other members of the household
• Questionnaire for the women – self-completion
• Risks of refusal reduced to a minimum (21%)
• Maximum protection of both women and interviewers
• High level of interviewer’s control over the situation and
  procedure of data collecting
• High level of women’s control to answer the sensitive
• Secondary victimisation avoided
The Sample

            Number of women

850               925         Belgrade

                              South and Eastern Serbia

      725                     Central and Western
Findings of the research

The prevalence of actual and lifetime violence

           Actual violence                  Lifetime violence


    Women experiencing violence       Women experiencing violence

    Women not experiencing violence   Women not experiencing violence
Economic violence
• Limited access to money within a
  household, withholding money for personal needs;
• a household member who is the main income
  provider has spent the money, leaving the household
  without resources to cover everyday needs;
• stealing personal money;
• forbidding to work.

           11%                     16%
     during the past year     lifetime prevalence
Psychological violence
• Damaging partners self-       • Yelling, cursing, insulting, disparaging
  perception, self-confidence   • Ignoring, not communicating, refusing
• Passive aggression –            to talk
  depriving emotions and        • Threatening to abuse the woman or a
  care                            person close to her, destroying
• Intimidation: explicit or       woman’s personal things
  implicit                      • Prohibiting the woman to visit others
• Limiting personal space         and go out
  and freedoms

              32%                                 49%
        during the past year                 lifetime prevalence
Physical violence

•   jolting, shaking,
•   pulling hair,
                                                    during the past year
•   twisting arms,
•   slapping across the face, hitting with a fist
•   hitting with or throwing an object at the
•   biting,                                               22%
                                                    lifetime prevalence
•   squeezing woman’s neck, choking
•   squeezing against a wall,
•   inflicting burns intentionally with a
    cigarette, iron, hotplate and the like,
•   assaulting with a gun, knife, other weapons
    or tools.
Sexual violence

The following is classified as sexual
violence - cases of women reporting                1.2%
sexual intercourse or coerced sexual acts    during the past year
during sexual intercourse, with the use of
physical force or under threat of physical
force to the partner or a person close to
her, as well as the cases of such violence        3.8%
which have been carried out without          lifetime prevalence
physical force, but with
blackmail, insults, accusations and the
Prevalence of various forms of violence

Individual forms of violence   Prevalence during the past   Lifetime prevalence
Economic                                  11.4                     15.8
Physical                                  10.1                     21.6
Psychological                             31.8                     48.7
Sexual                                    1.2                       3.8
Rape within the family                    0.2                       1.4

 Survey data also showed that a third of women have been
 exposed to multiple forms of violence in the past year!
Who are the perpetrators of violence?

 Perpetrators              Economic   Psychological   Physical
 Current husband/partner     40.4         44.1         42.8
 Former husband/partner      10.1         13.9         28.9
 Father                      6.4           7.1          7.1
 Son                         15.6          3.5          1.9
 Another male relative       12.8         10.4          9.2
 Mother                      3.7           7.1          4.8
 Another female relative     11.0         13.9          5.3
Research findings

Regional differences
                   Women experiencing physical violence
                   Women experiencing psychological violence
                   Women experiencing sexual violence
60          53.5
50                                                                43.4
30   27.3
                                19.1                       17.4
10                 5.1                        3.4                        2.7
        Belgrade              Southern and Eastern        Central and Western
                                     Serbia                      Serbia
                                              59         Women with
                                                         experience of economic
50                 46.8                                  violence
                                                         Women with
                                                         experience of physical
                                       30.3              violence
30                              27.9
                                                         Women with
20                                                       experience of
     13.3                                                psychological violence
                          2.9                            Women with
                                                         experience of sexual
0                                                        violence
        Undeprived                     Deprived
Other factors
•   traditional values of spouse/partner,
•   tolerance of women towards physical violence,
•   patrilocality in establishing a household,
•   economic dependence of women,
•   family problems (especially risks of alcoholism and

    It is interesting to note that women who are not
    legally married (to their partner) are at a higher risk
    of violence than married women.
Domestic violence risk factors
Experience of   family member active       alcoholism     drug addiction   problems in family
domestic        in the war during the                                          relations
violence                 90s

                  No         Yes        No         Yes    No        Yes     No         yes

Women without    47.7        40.3       49.1       10.9   46.1       4.2    47.7       9.9
experience of

Women            52.3        59.7       50.9       89.1   53.9      95.8    52.3      90.1

Total            100         100        100        100    100       100     100        100
Research findings

Consequences of violence

• Women victims of domestic violence suffer from
  various forms of health issues – from headaches,
  nausea and so on, to more serious conditions such as
  depression, fear, and anxiety.

• It is important to note that children often witness
  violence – in 40% of cases of physical violence
  against women, children were witnesses, while in
  10.2% of cases, children themselves suffered injuries.
Physical injuries

Type of injury                                  % of women experiencing physical
                                               violence who have suffered an injury
Bruises, scratches                                            61.3
Physical pain lasting several days following                  27.7
the injury
Losing consciousness                                           5.6
Massive bruises, contusions, cuts, burns                      12.7
Weapon-inflicted injuries                                      0.6
Bone fractures                                                 3.3
Research findings

Attitude towards seeking help

80                   73.7
40                                                                     Whole sample
30                                                                     Urban areas

20                           16.9 15.8 18.7                            Rural areas

10                                                4.7 2.8 7.6
      a woman should        a woman should     It's the best to keep
        approach an         approach a close        silent on the
     institution for help    person for help           problem
Actual behaviour

                   Whole sample       Urban areas     Rural areas
     Approaching Approaching Attempt to      Attempt to Attempt to    Left the
     an institution    close    divorce or    leave the    make     household
       for help     persons for separate     household perpetrator for a shorter
                       help                              leave the   period of
                                                        household      time
Seeking help

     % of victims who have approached others for help
Self-perception of violence
           % of victims who recognize that they have suffered
60                                             55.8
           30.1              29.3
       Recognizing        Recognizing       Recognizing    Recognizing sexual
     physical violence   psychological   economic violence     violence
Closing remarks

Further promotion of institutional and legal mechanisms for
  fighting domestic violence against women is needed, as
  well as increasing human and financial resources at all
  levels, developing systems of monitoring domestic
  violence, and improving gender equality
  overall, particularly socio-economic.

The fight against domestic violence against women has to
  become an integral part of various strategies and
  measures. This will enable simultaneous impact on
  numerous areas (factors) that condition and sustain
  domestic violence against women.

For more information:

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Mapping Domestic Violence against Women in Central Serbia

  • 1. Mapping Domestic Violence against Women in Central Serbia Belgrade, 2010
  • 2. The most important objectives of the research • To determine the prevalence of various forms of domestic violence against women; • To determine the characteristics of domestic violence against women according to significant aspects; • To identify key factors of domestic violence against women; • To examine the accessibility to social services as means for support to victims of domestic violence.
  • 3. Implementing organization - SeConS in brief • Independent think-tank, founded in 2005 in Belgrade by a group of sociologists and social researchers. • SeConS’ mission is to contribute to integrated and sustainable development of Serbia and the Region. • Organization’s good practices have spread in neighboring countries, Montenegro and BiH. • Areas of SeConS’ support are: social inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as women, Roma, refugees and IDPs, people experiencing poverty; regional and local sustainable development; institutional and organizational reform and development of the public sector; HR development; evaluation of development programs and projects and assessment of public policies at the national, regional and local levels.
  • 4. SeConS in brief (cont.) Expertise of SeConS: • Designing methodologies and conducting empirical research from different fields in Serbia and the region • Drafting comparative studies, analyzing policies, legislation and providing recommendations for further improvement in Serbia and the region • Designing and conducting training and education programs for individuals, institutions and organizations, to support their work in social inclusion • Empowering marginalized groups and individuals through trainings, to improve information sharing and help them to become more proactively involved in decision-making processes • Advocating for social development, through representation of interests of vulnerable groups and networking with relevant stakeholders.
  • 6. International framework • The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: domestic violence against women is treated as one of most important forms of violence against women • CEDAW – Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women alongside the General Recommendation no. 9: domestic violence is a form of discrimination against women, therefore falling under CEDAW • UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women and the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and effects • Resolution 2003/45 – Elimination of violence against women
  • 7. European Framework • Declaration on the Policy of opposing violence against women in a democratic Europe • Action plan for the fight against violence against women • Declaration on equality between women and men as a fundamental criterion of democracy • Recommendation 1681 – Campaign to combat domestic violence against women in Europe • Expert Committee for preparing the European Convention on preventing and combating all forms of violence against women
  • 8. National Framework (central level) • Council for Gender Equality of the Republic of Serbia • Gender Equality Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Serbia – National Strategy for advancement of the position of women and promotion of gender equality (2009-2015) and National Action Plan for the advancement of the position of women and promotion of gender equality (2010-2015) • Committee on Gender Equality of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia • Deputy of the Protector of Citizens/Ombudsman for gender equality and rights of persons with disabilities • Commissioner for the protection of equality
  • 10. Definition of family and domestic violence against women • Violence – type of behaviour or relationship in which coercion, intimidation, derogation, belittlement and control (in the sense of freedom restriction) is used directly or through threats in order to hurt the other person and to oppress him/her psychologically physically, economically or socially.. • Gender-based violence – forms of violence which are directed against individuals or groups on the basis of their gender identity, and that arises from normative expectations connected with gender roles and unequal power relations within the specific society (Bloom, 2008). • Domestic violence – forms of violence committed within a household, kinship or partner relations, regardless of whether or not the persons are living together or not.
  • 11. How to operationalize violence? It has been decided to define violence through the following dimensions: • economic, • physical, • psychological and • sexual violence.
  • 12. Dimension and indicators of violence Forms of Indicators violence Economic Limited access to money within the household and depriving money for personal needs violence Taking away personal money Discretional spending of the money by a household member resulting in the household being left without enough money for everyday needs during a month A ban to find employment Psychological Verbal humiliation (disparaging, cursing, insulting) when alone or in the presence of others violence Ignoring, denying attention and conversation for longer than an hour Intimidating (threat to harm the woman or a person close to her) Denying or limiting movement (going out, visiting others and alike) Intentional destruction of the woman’s personal property Physical Jolting and shaking woman’s shoulders violence Pulling hair Twisting arms Hitting with a hand (slapping across the face, hitting with a fist) Hitting with or throwing an object at the woman Biting Squeezing woman’s neck, choking Slamming violently against a wall Inflicting burns (cigarette, hotplates and alike) Assaulting with weapons or tools (knife, gun, axe and alike) Sexual violence Sexual intercourse or certain actions during the intercourse under duress with the use of physical force or threat of harming the woman or someone close to her Sexual intercourse or certain actions during the intercourse under duress by blackmailing, insulting, accusing and the like, with or without the use of physical force
  • 13. Operationalizing DOMESTIC violence Domestic violence against women has been operationalized to comprise all cases of violence committed against women: – by members (male or female) of the same household, regardless of kinship; – by family members and relatives (male or female) regardless of sharing or not sharing the household with the women include in the sample; – as well as by present or former partners, regardless of being married or not and regardless of whether or not the partner is living in the same household as the women included in the sample.
  • 14. Key notions • General family and domestic violence – violence comprising all forms of violence, including economic, physical, psychological and sexual. • Specific forms of violence – particular forms of violence manifested as economic, physical, psychological or sexual violence, or through a combination of several different forms of violence. • Actual violence – violence committed in the past year (12 months prior to the research); • Lifetime violence – violence experienced by women throughout their adult lives.
  • 16. “Sensitive topic research” • Can have consequences either directly to respondents, or indirectly for the category of persons comprised in the research. Investigating a phenomenon that poses a threat to the respondents is a major problem. • Three key problems 1. Questions can intrude into the most intimate sphere of their lives and problems, issues that can provoke pain, stress or shame and therefore can cause secondary victimization of respondents; 2. Asking questions on sensitive issues can provoke feelings of shame and stigmatisation in respondents, or they can be incriminating, as in the case of illegal activities 3. Respondents can be afraid that revealing information can put them in danger, lead to punishment or revenge of other persons in their surrounding that might be in power positions.
  • 17. Key challenge Challenge: How to ensure the quality of the research and validity of data on a subject that respondents systematically want to keep hidden, while at the same time keeping the highest level of professional ethics – which means that respondents are not mislead in regard to the topic of the research, that respondents are not pressured and lead into a state of intense emotional reactions which researchers cannot control as it surpasses their role and competence.
  • 18. What do WHO standards prescribe? Framework 1: Standards and guidelines for research of violence against women On the basis of its extensive experience in researching violence against women all around the world, the WHO has defined some of the most important standards for quality and ethical research of violence against women: 1. Safety of the respondents and the research team is of crucial importance and should direct all project decisions. 2. Prevalence studies should be based on quality methodology and should take into consideration research experiences in relation to the opportunities of reducing the cover-up of violence to the lowest possible degree. 3. Protection of the anonymity of subjects is of crucial importance for their safety and for the quality of the given data. 4. Members of the research team should be carefully chosen, adequately trained and should have continuous support throughout the research. 5. The instrument and the procedure of gathering data should eliminate or reduce the stress which may result from the research. 6. Researchers and donors should have a moral obligation to ensure adequate interpretation of the research data and their use in the aim of promoting the policies and measures. 7. The issues related to violence should be included in researches intended for other objectives only when it is possible to meet ethical and methodological demands. WHO, 2001: 11
  • 19. Our response to the challenge • Official title of the survey: “Research on the living conditions of living and women’s health” • Questionnaire for the household – the interviewer interviews other members of the household • Questionnaire for the women – self-completion • Risks of refusal reduced to a minimum (21%) • Maximum protection of both women and interviewers • High level of interviewer’s control over the situation and procedure of data collecting • High level of women’s control to answer the sensitive questions • Secondary victimisation avoided
  • 20. The Sample Number of women 850 925 Belgrade South and Eastern Serbia 725 Central and Western Serbia
  • 21. Findings of the research FINDINGS ON PREVALENCE
  • 22. The prevalence of actual and lifetime violence Actual violence Lifetime violence 37.5 45.8 54.2 62.5 Women experiencing violence Women experiencing violence Women not experiencing violence Women not experiencing violence
  • 23. Economic violence • Limited access to money within a household, withholding money for personal needs; • a household member who is the main income provider has spent the money, leaving the household without resources to cover everyday needs; • stealing personal money; • forbidding to work. 11% 16% during the past year lifetime prevalence
  • 24. Psychological violence • Damaging partners self- • Yelling, cursing, insulting, disparaging perception, self-confidence • Ignoring, not communicating, refusing • Passive aggression – to talk depriving emotions and • Threatening to abuse the woman or a care person close to her, destroying • Intimidation: explicit or woman’s personal things implicit • Prohibiting the woman to visit others • Limiting personal space and go out and freedoms 32% 49% during the past year lifetime prevalence
  • 25. Physical violence • jolting, shaking, • pulling hair, 10% during the past year • twisting arms, • slapping across the face, hitting with a fist • hitting with or throwing an object at the woman, • biting, 22% lifetime prevalence • squeezing woman’s neck, choking • squeezing against a wall, • inflicting burns intentionally with a cigarette, iron, hotplate and the like, • assaulting with a gun, knife, other weapons or tools.
  • 26. Sexual violence The following is classified as sexual violence - cases of women reporting 1.2% sexual intercourse or coerced sexual acts during the past year during sexual intercourse, with the use of physical force or under threat of physical force to the partner or a person close to her, as well as the cases of such violence 3.8% which have been carried out without lifetime prevalence physical force, but with blackmail, insults, accusations and the like.
  • 27. Prevalence of various forms of violence Individual forms of violence Prevalence during the past Lifetime prevalence year Economic 11.4 15.8 Physical 10.1 21.6 Psychological 31.8 48.7 Sexual 1.2 3.8 Rape within the family 0.2 1.4 Survey data also showed that a third of women have been exposed to multiple forms of violence in the past year!
  • 28. Who are the perpetrators of violence? Perpetrators Economic Psychological Physical Current husband/partner 40.4 44.1 42.8 Former husband/partner 10.1 13.9 28.9 Father 6.4 7.1 7.1 Son 15.6 3.5 1.9 Another male relative 12.8 10.4 9.2 Mother 3.7 7.1 4.8 Another female relative 11.0 13.9 5.3
  • 30. Regional differences Women experiencing physical violence Women experiencing psychological violence Women experiencing sexual violence 60 53.5 48.9 50 43.4 40 30 27.3 19.1 17.4 20 10 5.1 3.4 2.7 0 Belgrade Southern and Eastern Central and Western Serbia Serbia
  • 31. Poverty 70 59 Women with 60 experience of economic 50 46.8 violence Women with 40 experience of physical 30.3 violence 30 27.9 Women with 20.1 20 experience of 13.3 psychological violence 8.9 10 2.9 Women with experience of sexual 0 violence Undeprived Deprived
  • 32. Other factors • traditional values of spouse/partner, • tolerance of women towards physical violence, • patrilocality in establishing a household, • economic dependence of women, • family problems (especially risks of alcoholism and drug-addiction) It is interesting to note that women who are not legally married (to their partner) are at a higher risk of violence than married women.
  • 33. Domestic violence risk factors Experience of family member active alcoholism drug addiction problems in family domestic in the war during the relations violence 90s No Yes No Yes No Yes No yes Women without 47.7 40.3 49.1 10.9 46.1 4.2 47.7 9.9 experience of violence Women 52.3 59.7 50.9 89.1 53.9 95.8 52.3 90.1 experiencing violence Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
  • 35. Consequences of violence • Women victims of domestic violence suffer from various forms of health issues – from headaches, nausea and so on, to more serious conditions such as depression, fear, and anxiety. • It is important to note that children often witness violence – in 40% of cases of physical violence against women, children were witnesses, while in 10.2% of cases, children themselves suffered injuries.
  • 36. Physical injuries Type of injury % of women experiencing physical violence who have suffered an injury Bruises, scratches 61.3 Physical pain lasting several days following 27.7 the injury Losing consciousness 5.6 Massive bruises, contusions, cuts, burns 12.7 Weapon-inflicted injuries 0.6 Bone fractures 3.3
  • 37. Research findings SUPPORT TO THE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE
  • 38. Attitude towards seeking help 90 81.4 78.4 80 73.7 70 60 50 40 Whole sample 30 Urban areas 20 16.9 15.8 18.7 Rural areas 10 4.7 2.8 7.6 0 a woman should a woman should It's the best to keep approach an approach a close silent on the institution for help person for help problem
  • 39. Actual behaviour Whole sample Urban areas Rural areas 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Approaching Approaching Attempt to Attempt to Attempt to Left the an institution close divorce or leave the make household for help persons for separate household perpetrator for a shorter help leave the period of household time
  • 40. Seeking help % of victims who have approached others for help 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
  • 41. Self-perception of violence % of victims who recognize that they have suffered abuse 60 55.8 50 50 40 30.1 29.3 30 20 10 0 Recognizing Recognizing Recognizing Recognizing sexual physical violence psychological economic violence violence violence
  • 42. Closing remarks Further promotion of institutional and legal mechanisms for fighting domestic violence against women is needed, as well as increasing human and financial resources at all levels, developing systems of monitoring domestic violence, and improving gender equality overall, particularly socio-economic. The fight against domestic violence against women has to become an integral part of various strategies and measures. This will enable simultaneous impact on numerous areas (factors) that condition and sustain domestic violence against women.
  • 43. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION For more information: