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Right time, right chance
Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam laø khu vöïc phaùt trieån kinh      This Southern key economic area is a motivated economic
teá ñoäng löïc, trong ñoù thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Ñoàng Nai vaø        developing area, in which Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai and
Long An giöõ vai troø quan troïng. Ñaây laø khu vöïc ñoùng goùp lôùn     Long An hold an important role. This is the area to have the
nhaát cho kinh teá Vieät Nam, chieám 60% doanh thu ngaân saùch,          greatest contribution to Vietnam economy, accounting for 60%
treân 70% kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu vaø ñoàng thôøi thu huùt voán ñaàu      and more than 70% of the national budget revenues and export
tö nöôùc ngoaøi (FDI) haøng ñaàu caû nöôùc.                              turnovers, respectively. Simultaneously, the area is also leading
                                                                         in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) of all the cities and
Naêm 2008, toång kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu cuûa khu vöïc naøy chieám        provinces nationwide.
2/3 toång kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu cuûa caû nöôùc. Ñaây cuõng laø nôi
taäp trung caùc sieâu thò, trung taâm thöông maïi lôùn cuûa caùc taäp    In 2008, the total export turnovers of this area accounted for
ñoaøn baùn leû lôùn treân theá giôùi. Vôùi toác ñoä ñoâ thò hoùa nhanh   two-third of the national export turnovers. In addition, this is the
choùng, ñaây seõ laø vuøng ñoâ thò coù quy moâ lôùn trong khu vöïc       assembly point of supermarkets and trade centers owned by large
Ñoâng Nam AÙ.                                                            retail groups internationally. Its fast urbanization speed will turn
                                                                         the area into one of the large urban areas in Southeast Asia.


1.	 Khu Coâng Nghieäp Nhôn Traïch II - Nhôn Phuù, Ñoàng Nai
	 Nhon Trach II - Nhon Phu Industrial Park, Dong Nai Province
2.	 Khu Coâng Nghieäp An Nhöït Taân II - Taân Truï, Long An
	 An Nhut Tan II - Tan Tru Industrial Park , Long An Province
3.	 Khu Dan Cö Vónh Thanh - Phuù Thanh, Nhôn Trach, Ñong Nai
          â                           ï            ï    à             5
	 Vinh Thanh - Phu Thanh Residential, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province
4.	 Khu Daân Cö Ñaïi Phöôùc - Phuù Höõu, Nhôn Traïch, Ñoàng Nai
	 Dai Phuoc - Phu Huu Residential, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province
5.	 Khu Du Lòch Sinh Thaùi Baéc Hoà Ñankia, Ñaø Laït, Laâm Ñoàng
	 Northern Dankia Lake Eco-Park, Dalat, Lam Dong Province

“Vieät Nam ñang laø nôi
lyù töôûng nhaát cho nhöõng
cô hoäi ñaàu tö”
Chung toi van giöõ mot tam nhìn dai han trong chien löôc
               ù           â ã                                ä à                               ø             ï                     á         ï
phat trien ñaõ ñöôc hoach ñònh roõ rang ñoi vôi cac lónh vöc xay
         ù           å                              ï                ï                            ø               á ù ù                           ï             â
döng, bat ñong san vaø khu cong nghiep. Tap trung vao vung
       ï                 á            ä                 û                         â                         ä         ä                   ø             ø
kinh teá trong ñiem phía Nam, chung toi tan dung thôi cô môû
                                  ï             å                                             ù                 â ä           ï         ø
rong cac khu vöc nhieu tiem nang chöa khai thac, phoi hôp
     ä             ù                          ï                  à         à          ê                                           ù         á                 ï
phat trien haï tang gan lien vôi heä thong ñöông saù ñeå giam bôt
           ù           å                    à               é            à      ù                   á                   ø                       û                 ù
chi phí van chuyen, ñong thôi tao thuan tien cho chính cac döï
                              ä                       å            à         ø ï                          ä         ä                                 ù
an ñang ñöôc kinh doanh hoac xay döng. Tat caû nhöng viec
 ù                                  ï                                               ë     â             ï                   á         õ                     ä
lam ñong boä chat cheõ nay ñam bao cho danh tieng vaø nhöng
   ø             à                                ë                    ø      û             û                                   á                         õ
phan thöông lôi nhuan mang ñen moi coå ñong vaø nhaø ñau tö
             à                  û         ï                    ä                        á             ï                   â                         à
ñaõ tin töông vao cong ty.  û           ø                 â

OÂng Nguyeãn Só Vaên - Chuû Tòch Hoäi Ñoàng Quaûn Trò
“Vietnam is currently the most
ideally place to take advantage
of the best opportunities”
Our company has a long-range vision built on a clear growth
strategy for construction, real estate and industrial zone.
Focusing on the Southern key economic area, we take the
chance offered by undeveloped discoveries, stay close to
existing infrastructure to secure a cost-efficient exit route for
our products, and operate our licenses wherever possible to
open convenience of our on-going business and developing
projects. All of these closely synchronized measures are to
guarantee prestige as well as highest possible financial rewards
for our shareholders and investors whose trust is placed in our

Mr Nguyen Si Van - Chairman
Vieät Nam laø quoác gia ñang phaùt trieån                                       Bat ñong san laø lónh vöc phat trien tiem nang
                                                                                  á   ä    û            ï    ù     å    à   ê
Vietnam is a developing country                                                 Real Estate has real growth potential

Vieät Nam coù neàn chính trò oån ñònh vaø ñang tieán haønh coâng                Thò tröôøng BÑS cuûa VN ñang ôû giai ñoaïn ñaàu, chöa buøng noå
cuoäc ñoåi môùi raát thaønh coâng, phaán ñaáu ñöa thu nhaäp bình                nhö ôû nhieàu nöôùc khaùc neân ñaàu tö vaøo ñaây vaãn höùa heïn nhieàu
quaân ñaàu ngöôøi naêm 2010 ñaït 1.200USD. Vieät Nam laø neàn kinh              tieàm naêng phaùt trieån. Khi neàn kinh teá Vieät Nam giöõ ñöôïc toác
teá coù ñoä môû raát cao, neân taùc ñoäng töø thò tröôøng theá giôùi laø quan   ñoä phaùt trieån maïnh, caùc döï aùn ñaàu tö nöôùc ngoaøi ñoå vaøo Vieät
troïng. Kinh teá theá giôùi phuïc hoài trong naêm 2010 seõ trôû thaønh          Nam vôùi soá löôïng vaø chaát löôïng cao thì lónh vöïc baát ñoäng
ñoøn baåy ñeå neàn kinh teá xuaát khaåu cuûa Vieät Nam ñaït möùc taêng          saûn chaéc chaén seõ laø ngaønh coù khaû naêng sinh lôøi cao vaø oån
tröôûng cao hôn. Caùc chæ tieâu chuû yeáu cuûa naêm 2010 ñaõ ñöôïc              ñònh nhaát. Theo giôùi chuyeân gia, lôïi nhuaän laø yeáu toá haøng ñaàu
xaùc laäp vôùi trieån voïng moät neàn kinh teá taêng tröôûng. Cuï theå,         khieán caùc coâng ty höùng thuù vôùi thò tröôøng ñòa oác. Hôn nöõa,
GDP seõ taêng khoaûng 6,5%. Toång nguoàn voán ñaàu tö phaùt trieån              ñaàu tö nhaø ñaát ít khi mang laïi nguy cô thua loã cho caùc doanh
toaøn xaõ hoäi baèng khoaûng 41,5% GDP; CPI taêng khoaûng 7%.                   nghieäp nhieàu voán.

Vietnam is enjoying political stability and a very successful                   Vietnam’s real estate market is currently in the early stage
progress of renovation, bringing its income per capita to                       of development and, thus, has not yet shown a rash of
USD1,200 in 2010. Vietnam is a very highly open economy,                        development such as has been witnessed in many other
making impacts of the world market become important. The                        countries. All the signs of such an explosion are present and
rehabilitation of the world economy in 2010 will play as a lever                it is certain that this will create many great opportunities in
for the export economy of Vietnam to achieve higher growth                      the future. As Vietnam maintains a strong line of growth and
rate. The main economic targets for 2010 have been established                  as foreign investment projects continue to develop, real estate
for a prospect of a promising growing economy. Specifically,                    will definitely be a sector for great and consistent profitability.
the GDP, the total capital investment in social development and                 Experts agree that profit is the main lure for investors to
the CPI will increase by about 6.5%, approximately 41.5% of the                 move into the property market. In addition, real estate
GDP and about 7%, respectively.                                                 investment does not generate the high risk factors that are
                                                                                typically associated with other investments. This is particularly
                                                                                important for companies that are really interested in large real
                                                                                estate outlays.
Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm nhieàu thuaän lôïi                           Coâng ty Coå Phaàn Ñòa OÁc Thaûo Ñieàn
Key Economic Area with Great Advantages                                  Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation

Ba vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm cuûa Vieät Nam phaân boå taïi 3 mieàn     Coâng ty Coå phaàn Ñòa OÁc Thaûo Ñieàn laø Chuû ñaàu tö, chuyeân
Baéc Trung Nam. Caùc vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm ñang phaùt huy          nghieäp trong caùc hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh baát ñoäng saûn, nhaø
lôïi theá, taïo neân theá maïnh phaùt trieån theo moâ hình kinh teá      ñaát, kinh doanh haï taàng kyõ thuaät Khu coâng nghieäp, khu nhaø
môû, gaén vôùi nhu caàu thò tröôøng trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Vuøng        ôû, kinh doanh du lòch... Coâng ty ñöôïc xaây döïng neàn taûng phaùt
kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam goàm 8 tænh bao goàm TP. HCM,             trieån moät caùch oån ñònh, laâu daøi vaø toái ña hoùa lôïi nhuaän, ñaûm
Ñoàng Nai, Bình Döông, Baø Ròa-Vuøng Taøu, Bình Phöôùc, Taây             baûo quyeàn lôïi hôïp phaùp cho caùc coå ñoâng. Sau quaù trình hoaøn
Ninh, Long An vaø Tieàn Giang. Vôùi daân soá khoaûng 14,7 trieäu         thieän taùi caáu truùc, naâng caáp boä maùy quaûn lyù ñieàu haønh theo
ngöôøi, thu nhaäp bình quaân khoaûng 22 trieäu ñoàng/ ngöôøi/naêm;       caùc chuaån möïc ñöôïc caùc nhaø ñaàu tö chaáp nhaän, xaây döïng truï
kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu chieám khoaûng 74% caû nöôùc… ñaây laø nôi        sôû hieän ñaïi phuø hôïp tình hình phaùt trieån oån ñònh vöõng chaéc,
ñöôïc ñaùnh giaù laø ñaàu taøu kinh teá cuûa Vieät Nam, moãi naêm caàn   Thaûo Ñieàn ñang xuùc tieán keá hoaïch Nieâm yeát coå phieáu treân thò
boå sung theâm khoaûng 200.000 lao ñoäng môùi.                           tröôøng chöùng khoaùn Vieät Nam.

Vietnam has three key economic regions distributed across the            Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation is an investor group
North, Central and South areas of the country. Each region is            specializing in business activities such as real estate, housing,
set to promote its advantages for development according to               industrial infrastructure, residential areas, travel and others.
the open economic model which is closely linked to demands,              Our company has developed on a growth foundation that is
both domestic and international. The key Southern economic               stable, long lasting and geared for maximum profit to look
region consists of eight cities and provinces. It is comprised of        after the best benefits to our shareholders. After completing
Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Binh            a restructuring and upgrade of our management system
Phuoc, Tay Ninh, Long An and Tien Giang. The total population            following the suggestions of our investors and finishing the
of the area is approximately 14.7 million people, with an average        construction of a large and modern headquarters suitable for
income of 22 million VND/person/year. The total export output            strong and sustainable development, Thao Dien is fully ready to
accounts for about 74% of the whole country. It has been                 be listed on the Vietnam stock market.
assessed as the economic leader of Vietnam and takes on an
additional 200,000 new laborers annually.

                                             CHUYEÅN ÑOÅI COÂNG TY
                                             Cuøng vôùi söï phaùt trieån môû roäng, thu huùt
                                             söï quan taâm vaø tham gia cuûa caùc coå
                                             ñoâng vaø nhaø ñaâu tö, Thaûo Ñieàn chính
                                             thöùc chuyeån ñoåi trôû thaønh coâng ty coå
                                             phaàn vaøo cuoái naêm 2001.

                                             COMPANY TRANSFORMATION
                                             Thao Dien officially became a joint-stock
                                             company with the full participation of its
                                             shareholders and investors in late 2001.

                1999                                           2001                                             2002
THAØNH LAÄP COÂNG TY                                                                           ÑAÀU TÖ XAÂY DÖÏNG KDC SOÂNG GIOÀNG
Khôûi ñaàu döôùi hình thöùc moät coâng ty                                                      Thò tröôøng xaây döïng phaùt trieån maïnh vaø
TNHH, Thaûo Ñieàn chính thöùc gia nhaäp                                                        Thaûo Ñieàn ghi daáu aán ñaàu tieân cuûa mình
caùc doanh nghieäp dòch vuï taïi TP. HCM                                                       trong lónh vöïc naøy baèng coâng trình hôïp
vaø khu vöïc phía Nam ngay thôøi gian khi                                                      taùc ñaàu tö xaây döïng KDC Soâng Gioàng -
ñaát nöôùc môû cöaû.                                                                           Bình Tröng Taây Quaän 2 vaøo naêm 2002.

COMPANY ESTABLISHMENT                                                                          CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT IN
                                                                                               SONG GIONG RESIDENTIAL
Originally a limited liability company,
Thao Dien officially joined the community                                                      The construction market continued
of service enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City                                                     to develop strongly and Thao Dien
and Vietnam launching at the same time                                                         established itself resoundingly with
Vietnam fully opened it’s doors to the                                                         the cooperated project - Song Giong
world.                                                                                         Residential, Binh Trung Tay, District 2, Ho
                                                                                               Chi Minh City in 2002.
                                                                                                  TOÅ CHÖÙC COÂNG TY
                                                                                                  Phuø hôïp vôùi xu theá phaùt trieån, 28/5/2007
                                                                                                  HÑQT quyeát ñònh taêng voán ñieàu leä töø 99
XAÂY DÖÏNG KDC BÌNH TRÖNG ÑOÂNG                                                                   tyû VND leân 300 tyû VND (67%), ñoåi teân
                                                                                                  coâng ty vôùi ñònh höôùng ngaønh xaây döïng
Noái tieáp thaønh coâng, Thaûo Ñieàn lieân keát                                                   vaø kinh doanh baát ñoäng saûn, hoaøn thieän
vôùi Coâng Ty Phaùt Trieån Kinh Doanh Nhaø                                                        cô caáu, chuaån bò cho vieäc nieâm yeát coå
Quaän 2 xaây döïng khu daân cö Bình Tröng                                                         phieáu.
Ñoâng, coâng trình gaây tieáng vang lôùn veà
thi coâng vaø chaát löôïng xaây döïng.
                                                                                                  RENAMING AND PERFECTION OF
                                                                                                  COMPANY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
DONG RESIDENTIAL                                                                                  To conform with trends in business
                                                                                                  and contemporary development, from
Continuing with great success, Thao                                                               28/5/2007, the total capital of the company
Dien cooperated with District 2 Housing                                                           has gained from VND99 billion to VND 300
Developement Company to implement                                                                 billion, Thao Dien was renamed in order to
the project of Binh Trung Dong                                                                    more readily appeal to the construction
Residential, which created an unmatched                                                           and real estate sectors. Management
amount of excitement and brought instant                                                          and marketing systems were also
notoriety to Thao Dien for its construction                                                       perfected in preparation for our listing on
quality and performance.                                                                          the exchange.

                  2004                                             2005                                            2007
                                                  ÑAÀU TÖ XAÂY DÖÏNG KCN
                                                  NHÔN TRAÏCH II - NHÔN PHUÙ
                                                  Thaønh coâng lôùn vôùi coâng trình xaây döïng
                                                  Khu coâng nghieäp Nhôn Traïch II - Nhôn
                                                  Phuù, moät trong caùc KCN toát nhaát tænh
                                                  Ñoàng Nai, do kyõ sö vaø coâng nhaân Vieät
                                                  Nam ñaûm nhieäm töø ñaàu ñeán cuoái.

                                                  CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT
                                                  IN NHON TRACH II - NHON PHU
                                                  INDUSTRIAL PARK
                                                  Thao Dien achieved a great success with
                                                  the construction project of Nhon Trach
                                                  II - Nhon Phu Industrial Park, one of the
                                                  best industrial parks in Dong Nai. The
                                                  project was done from start to finish by
                                                  the most talented Vietnamese engineers
                                                  and workers available anywhere…
  Ê    Â            Ù   Û    Û    À
Vôùi taàm nhìn vaø chieán löôïc phaùt trieån daøi haïn, ñaûm baûo caùc   With a long-range vision and a long-term development strategy
yeâu caàu cuûa coå ñoâng vaø nhaø ñaàu tö, Thaûo Ñieàn môû roäng         to meet the demands of our shareholders and investors, Thao
phaïm vi cung caáp dòch vuï vaø ñaàu tö cuûa mình ra toaøn boä           Dien has extended the scope of the company’s mandates and
Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam vaø moät soá döï aùn taïi khö       provisions by investing throughout the entire region and in a
vöïc cao nguyeân Ñaø Laït. Caùc coâng trình töø Khu coâng nghieäp,       number of projects in the Da Lat Highlands. These investments
Khu daân cö, Khu vui chôi giaûi trí vaø khaùch saïn ñaõ kheùp kín        have ranged from industrial parks to residential areas to
moät voøng quay cô baûn caùc nhu caàu cuoäc soáng, mang laïi söï         recreational areas and hotels. Thao Dien always seeks to form
beàn vöõng cho caùc döï aùn maø Thaûo Ñieàn tham gia.                    a complete fundamental cycle which meets all of life’s demands
                                                                         and brings sustainability to each and every project in which it is
KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP                                                                                    NHON TRACH II - NHON PHU
NHÔN TRAÏCH II - NHÔN PHUÙ,                                                                          INDUSTRIAL PARK,
TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI                                                                                       DONG NAI PROVINCE
Khu cong nghiep Nhôn Trach II - Nhôn Phuù laø mot trong nhöng
             â             ä                 ï                                   ä               õ   Nhon Trach II – Nhon Phu is one of the major industrial parks of
khu cong nghiep chính cua tænh Ñong Nai, toa lac ôû phía Nam
         â             ä                   û                 à         ï     ï                       Dong Nai Province. It lies South of Bien Hoa City along National
thanh phoá Bien Hoa höông quoc loä 51, nam ôû vò trí trung tam
       ø         â             ø       ù             á             è                         â       Highway 51. This is a meeting point for the big cities in Southern
ñoi vôi cac thanh phoá lôn cua vung kinh teá trong ñiem phía
      á ù ù        ø               ù             û     ø                   ï           å             economic area and plays an important role for economic, social
Nam, laø ñòa ñiem ñau moi quan trong cho viec phat trien kinh
                     å           à       á                     ï         ä           ù     å         and urban development of the entire region as well as the
te, xaõ hoi, giao thong cua vung cung nhö viec phat trien trung
    á          ä             â       û         ø         õ           ä         ù         å           development of an industrial and commercial center of the new
tam cong nghiep vaø thöông mai cua thanh phoá môi Nhôn Trach.
  â        â             ä                         ï       û     ø                 ù           ï     Nhon Trach City.

Ñöôïc Chính phuû cho pheùp thaønh laäp, Khu coâng nghieäp naèm                                       Authorized and supported by the government, the industrial park
trong thaønh phoá môùi Nhôn Traïch ñöôïc quy hoaïch bao goàm heä                                     has been located in an emerging industrial city – Nhon Trach
thoáng saân bay, beán caûng, khu coâng nghieäp, khu quy hoaïch daân                                  with a size of 8,000ha, including an airport, a port, an industrial
cö, khu vui chôi giaûi trí. Ñaây laø moät Khu coâng nghieäp ña ngaønh                                park, multi-class residential areas and a plethora of recreational
goàm nhieàu haïng muïc, coâng trình quan troïng töông hoã laãn                                       areas. This multi-disciplinary industrial park provides a large
nhau cuøng caùc dòch vuï hoã trôï nhaø ñaàu tö hoaøn thieän vaø ñaày ñuû.                            variety of import and export work with fully-equipped and
                                                                                                     modern structures and complete services for all investors.

  QUI MOÂ                                                                                             FACTS AND FIGURES

°	 Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí:                                                                                °	Location:
   -	 Xaõ Hiep Phöôc, Phuù Hoi, Huyen Nhôn Trach, Tænh Ñong Nai
              ä      ù          ä       ä           ï            à                                      -	 Hiep Phuoc, Phu Hoi, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province
°	 Quy moâ (ha): 183                                                                                 °	 Land area (ha): 183
°	 Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 24                                                                     °	 Investment (USD): 24 million
°	 Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng CSHT KCN - cho thueâ laïi ñaát                                     °	Developement: Industrial park (Multi-disciplinary industrial park)
°	 Hieän traïng: Hoaøn thaønh haï taàng KCN - ñang cho thueâ laïi ñaát                               °	Status: Completing infrastructure for a typical industrial
°	 Ngaønh ngheà: Ña ngaønh ngheà                                                                        park and leasing premise
°	 Giao thoâng:                                                                                      °	 Transportation advantages:
   -•	Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp ñöôøng lieân tænh 25B (loä giôùi 80m), 25C (loä                                 -	 Land: 44km away from HCMC, next to 25B and 25C road -
      giôùi 61m) - ñöôøng noái lieàn Quaän 2 - TP. HCM ñi saân bay                                         the new highway from HCMC to Long Thanh International
      quoác teá Long Thaønh, caùch TP. HCM 44 km                                                           Airport.
   -•	Ñöôøng thuûy: 25 km caùch caûng Caùt Laùi, 27 km caùch                                            -	 Marine: 25km away from Cat Lai port, 27km away from
      caûng Phuù Myõ (80.000DWT), 23 km caùch caûng Goø                                                    Phu My Port (80.000DWT), 23km away from Go Dau
      Daàu (20.000DWT), 50 km caùch caûng quoác teá Caùi Meùp                                              (20.000DWT), 50km away from Cai Mep International Port
      (80.000DWT, khôûi coâng T1/2006)                                                                     (80.000DWT, launched in January 2006)
   -	 Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát, 10                                      -	 Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km
      km caùch saân bay quoác teá Long Thaønh.                                                             away from Long Thanh International Airport.
°	 Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng: 2008                                                                  °	Completion: 2008

                                                                                                               KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP
                                                                                                                NHÔN TRAÏCH II
KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP                                                                                                   AN NHUT TAN II - TAN TRU
AN NHÖÏT TAÂN II - TAÂN TRUÏ,                                                                                       INDUSTRIAL PARK,
TÆNH LONG AN                                                                                                        LONG AN PROVINCE
An Nhöït Taân II laø khu coâng nghieäp toång hôïp, ñöôïc xaây döïng vôùi                                            An Nhat Tan II is a general industrial park built under the criterion
tieâu chí thoáng nhaát 3 yeáu toá: Moâi tröôøng - Coâng nghieäp - Con                                               of three inter-related factors: Environment - Industry – Dedication
ngöôøi thaân thieän. An Nhöït Taân II taäp trung vaøo caùc ngaønh coâng                                             to Service second to none. An Nhat Tan II focuses on carbon-friendly
nghieäp coâng ngheä khoâng khoùi, tyû leä cô caáu ñaát xaây döïng coâng                                             industries and technologies. Its usable space tops out at 64.84%,
nghieäp trong toaøn khu laø 64,84% - Ñaát giao thoâng, caây xanh                                                    which leaves sufficient room for environment structures and plant
maët nöôùc ñöôïc boá trí phuø hôïp vôùi ñòa hình vaø caûnh quan chung                                               life. Space has been appropriated for traffic, trees, water and other
cuûa khu vöïc, taïo tieàn ñeà ñeå hình thaønh neân moät Khu coâng                                                   landscape features which are mandated for environmentally friendly
nghieäp vaên minh, hieän ñaïi, thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng                                                       construction projects.

An Nhöt Tan II coù vò trí thuan lôi veà giao thong thuy, bo, hang
                ï   â                         ä         ï                           â         û         ä   ø       An Nhat Tan II holds an advantageous position with regard to marine,
khong trong Vung kinh teá trong ñiem phía Nam (cach TP. HCM
      â                   ø                       ï               å                               ù                 land and air traffic in the Southern economic area (a mere 38km
38 km). Trai doc chieu dai theo song Vam Coû Ñong rong 200m,
                      û ï         à         ø                 â           ø             â             ä             away from Ho Chi Minh City). By being built along the wide Vam
Khu cong nghiep döï kien seõ xay döng cau cang dai 400m cho
            â                 ä         á             â         ï           à         û         ø                   Co Dong River with a huge 400 meter-long quay and connected to
nhu cau van chuyen bang ñöông thuy, ñöông tham nhöa rong
          à       ä             å   è               ø               û           ø           û             ï     ä   National Highway 1A by a 25m asphalted road, An Nhat Tan II is the
khoang 25m noi Khu cong nghiep vôi quoc loä 1A cung laø löa
        û                   á             â               ä           ù       á                     õ         ï     ideal location to meet all its clients’ demands for goods transported
chon tot cho chu chuyen hang hoa cua khach hang.
    ï         á                       å         ø           ù           û         ù       ø                         by marine or by land..

   QUI MOÂ                                                                                                           FACTS AND FIGURES

°	 Ñòa ñiem, vò trí: Xaõ An Nhöt Tan, Huyen Tan Tru, Tænh Long An
           å                     ï   â       ä   â     ï                                                            °	Location: An Nhut Tan, Tan Tru, Long An Province
°	 Quy moâ (ha): 158                                                                                                °	 Land area (ha): 158
°	 Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 36                                                                                    °	 Investment (USD): 36 million
°	 Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng CSHT KCN - Cho thueâ laïi ñaát                                                    °	Developement: Industrial park (Multi-disciplinary industrial park)
°	 Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng                                                                                   °	Status: Launching
°	 Ngaønh ngheà: Ña ngaønh ngheà                                                                                    °	 Transportation advantages:
°	 Giao thoâng:                                                                                                        -	 Land: 38km away from HCMC and 4km away from
   -•	Ñöôøng boä: 4km caùch Quoác loä 1, 38 km caùch TP. HCM                                                              National Road 1.
   -•	Ñöôøng thuûy: 2.9km daøi doïc bôø soâng vaøm Coû Ñoâng, 5 km                                                     -	 Marine: 2,9km length of bank along Vam Co Dong river,
      caùch caûng Bourbon                                                                                                 5km away from Bourbon port.
   -	 Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 40 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát                                                         -	 Airway: 40km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport
°	 Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012                                                                     °	 Expected Completion: 2012
KHU DAÂN CÖ XAÕ VÓNH THANH -                                                 VINH THANH - PHU THANH
        Ï       Ä         Ï                                                  RESIDENTIAL, NHON TRACH,
TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI                                                               DONG NAI PROVINCE
Khu daân cö Vónh Thanh bao goàm caùc daõy phoá, bieät thöï vaø caùc          The urban area is located right at the center of the new Nhon
chung cö cao taàng toïa laïc ngay trung taâm thaønh phoá môùi                Trach city. The residential areas of Vinh Thanh and Phu Thanh
Nhôn Traïch. Beân caïnh ñoù, caùc tieän ích coâng coäng nhö: coâng           communes consist of streets, villas and high-rising apartments.
vieân caây xanh, khu thöông maïi, vaên hoùa, theå thao seõ ñem laïi          Additionally, public facilities such as a landscaped park and
tieän nghi moâi tröôøng xanh saïch cho cuoäc soáng cö daân nôi ñaây.         areas for trade, culture and sports will bring the advantages
Cuøng vôùi thieát keá haøi hoøa vôùi thieân nhieân, giaùp ranh thaønh phoá   of a clear, green environment to every resident living here. In
Hoà Chí Minh, khu daân cö Vónh Thanh chaéc chaén laø nôi an cö lyù           addition to a naturally harmonious design, its close proximity to
töôûng cho caùc gia ñình.                                                    Ho Chi Minh City makes it an ideal location for anyone wishing
                                                                             to enjoy clean living and not give up the convenience of shopping
                                                                             and entertainment in Ho Chi Minh City.

  QUY MOÂ                                                                     FACTS AND FIGURES

°	 Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Vónh Thanh, Phuù Thaïnh, Huyeän Nhôn               °	Location: Vinh Thanh, Phu Thanh, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai
   Traïch, Tænh Ñoàng Nai                                                       Province
°	 Quy moâ (ha): 93                                                          °	 Land area (ha): 93
°	 Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 70                                             °	 Investment (USD): 70 million
°	 Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Quy hoaïch xaây döïng CSHT Khu daân cö theo           °	Developement: Residential
   höôùng ñoâ thò hieän ñaïi, haøi hoøa trong toång quy hoaïch chung         °	Status: Launching
   cuûa TP môùi Nhôn Traïch giai ñoaïn ñeán 2020                             °	 Transportation advantages:
°	 Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng                                               -	 Land: next to 25C road - the new highway from HCMC
°	 Giao thoâng:                                                                    to Long Thanh International Airport, 44 km away from
   -•	Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp ñöôøng lieân tænh 25C (loä giôùi 61m), giaùp caùc          HCMC and 47 km away to Bien Hoa city.
      KDC ñaõ ñöôïc quy hoaïch, giaùp ñöôøng vaønh ñai TP. Nhôn                 -	 Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km
      Traïch (loä giôùi 47 m), 44 km caùch TP. HCM, 47 km caùch TP.                away from Long Thanh International Airport.
      Bieân Hoøa                                                             °	 Expected Completion: 2012
   -	 Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 10 km caùch saân bay quoác teá Long
      Thaønh, 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát
°	 Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012

                                                                                    KHU DAÂN CÖ
                                                                                    VÓNH THANH
KHU DAÂN CÖ XAÕ ÑAÏI PHÖÔÙC -                                                  DAI PHUOC - PHU HUU
PHUÙ HÖÕU, HUYEÄN NHÔN TRAÏCH,                                                 RESIDENTIAL, NHON TRACH,
TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI                                                                 DONG NAI PROVINCE
Khu daân cö ñaéc ñòa vôùi öu ñaõi töø thieân nhieân vôùi con raïch uoán        Upper-class residents can find all of the comforts of the city
löôïn quanh khuoân vieân. Khu nhaø ôû Ñaïi Phöôùc goàm caùc caên hoä           in a relaxed and accommodating countryside location at Dai
bieät thöï vöôøn vaø bieät thöï song laäp töø 375 - 600 m², caùc caên hoä      Phuoc Residential. Doublet villas and high-rise apartments
khu nhaø ôû cao taàng keát hôïp thöông maïi dòch vuï coù tieâu chuaån          with measurements form 375-600 m2. Some available areas are
töø 120, 150, 250 m²/caên hoä. Vôùi thieát keá taän duïng khai thaùc           garden-inclusive. Apartment units vary from 120, 150, up to 250
caùc ñieàu kieän töï nhieân, söû duïng aùnh saùng töï nhieân toái ña, taän     m2. All are designed to increase exposure to natural conditions
höôûng khoâng khí trong laønh vaø gioù soâng maùt laønh, Khu daân cö           and utilize natural light and pure air. These structures will offer
höôùng tôùi moät khu phöùc hôïp cao caáp vôùi cô sôû haï taàng vaø dòch        the ideal living space to each and every resident.
vuï ñöôïc toái öu hoaù, höùa heïn laø nôi an cö lyù töôûng cuûa taát caû
moïi ngöôøi.

  QUY MOÂ                                                                       FACTS AND FIGURES

°	 Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Ñaïi Phöôùc, Phuù Höõu, Huyeän Nhôn Traïch,          °	Location: Dai Phuoc, Phu Huu, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai
   Tænh Ñoàng Nai                                                                 Province
°	 Quy moâ (ha): 66                                                            °	 Land area (ha): 66
°	 Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 50                                               °	 Investment (USD): 50 million
°	 Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Quy hoaïch xaây döïng KDC môùi mang tính                °	Developement: Residential
   ñaëc thuø rieâng (ñaëc thuø cuûa moät ñoâ thò soâng nöôùc), ñaùp öùng       °	Status: Launching
   yeâu caàu keát noái haï taàng vaø caûnh quan kieán truùc vôùi khu vöïc      °	 Transportation advantages:
   TP. HCM                                                                        -	 Land: locating in group of emerging residential projects,
°	 Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng                                                    one side facing with new developing road connecting
°	 Giao thoâng:                                                                      HCMC and District 2, another side facing with Saigon River.
   -•	Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp tuyeán ñöôøng quy hoaïch Quaän 2, Huyeän                  -	 Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km
      Nhôn Traïch, giaùp caùc KDC ñöôïc quy hoaïch, caùch TP. HCM                    away from Long Thanh International Airport.
      bôûi soâng Saøi Goøn                                                     °	 Expected Completion: 2012
   -	 Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 10 km caùch Saân bay quoác teá Long
      Thaønh, 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát
°	 Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012

                                                                             KHU DAÂN CÖ
                                                                              ÑAÏI PHÖÔÙC
                                                             BAÉC HOÀ ÑANKIA

KHU DU LÒCH SINH THAÙI                                                                                                  NORTHERN DANKIA LAKE
BAÉC HOÀ ÑANKIA, XAÕ LAÙT,                                                                                              ECO-PARK, DALAT,
TÆNH LAÂM ÑOÀNG                                                                                                         LAM DONG PROVINCE
Khu du lòch sinh thai bac hoà Ñankia höông ñen xay döng mot khu
                                  ù é                              ù               á      â     ï         ä             The newly built eco-tourist area – reserve park is aimed to
du lòch sinh thai - cong vien hoang daõ ket hôp vui chôi giai trí vaø
                        ù          â             â                   á       ï                    û                     combine recreational activities and nature discoveries while
kham phaù thien nhien. Döï an nay bao gom 4 phan khu chöc nang
        ù             â                â                 ù ø           à               â                ù           ê   preserving available landscapes and resources. At the same
chính: Khu van phong Dòch vuï - Khu du lòch sinh thai daõ ngoai -
                    ê         ø                                                             ù                 ï         time, it seeks to maximize each investor’s purpose through
Khu du lòch nghæ döông lang du lòch - Khu giai trí. Tiem nang du
                                     õ         ø                                 û            à       ê                 four main functional areas: Administrative, Eco-tourism,
lòch sinh thai, daõ ngoai, giai trí ôû khu vöc nay laø rat lôn. Cung vôi
                ù                        ï         û             ï         ø             á ù        ø             ù     Entertainment and Consumer.
toc ñoä ñoâ thò hoaù cua cac vung phuï can tai khu vöc cao nguyen, döï
    á                           û          ù           ø       ä         ï           ï                      â
an mang ñen cô hoi cho cac nhaø ñau tö coù tam nhìn xa vaø chien
  ù           á             ä                        ù       à                 à                                á       By joining with indigenous peoples, the area will take advantage
löôc phat trien hieu qua.
      ï   ù       å       ä                  û                                                                          of tourist populations to advance economic goals by increasing
                                                                                                                        the services available, helping to solve employment issues and
Ngoaøi vieäc goùp phaàn cuøng ñiaï phöông phaùt trieån tieàm naêng du lòch                                              improve the lifestyle of the local peoples
laøm chuyeån dòch cô caáu kinh teá theo höôùng taêng tyû troïng ngaønh
dòch vuï, Döï aùn seõ giaûi quyeát vieäc laøm, taêng thu nhaäp cho moät löôïng                                          The Northern Dankia Lake Eco-park is being searched for
lôùn lao ñoäng taïi choã, caûi thieän ñôøi soáng, thöïc hieän an sinh xaõ hoäi.                                         strategic partners by Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation
                                                                                                                        following all of the best and latest environmental practices. It
Cong ty Thao Ñien ñang tìm kiem cac nhaø ñau tö cung chia seû
    â           û       à             á         ù         à   ø                                                         achieves all of the ecological standards and achieves harmony
viec quan lyù döï an vôi tieu chí tiet kiem nang löông, ben vöng
      ä     û         ù     ù   â         á       ä   ê     ï   à   õ                                                   and international statute. The completion date is set in 2015.
sinh thai, hai hoaø veà mat kien truc vaø hien ñai, mang tam côõ quoc
          ù       ø           ë     á       ù       ä   ï         à   á
te, döï kien hoan tat xay döng vao nam 2015.
  á           á     ø     á â     ï     ø     ê

   QUY MOÂ                                                                                                               FACTS AND FIGURES

°	 Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Laùt, Huyeän Laïc Döông, Tænh Laâm Ñoàng                                                      °	Location: Lat, Lac Duong, Lam Dong Province
°	 Quy moâ (ha): 650                                                                                                    °	 Land area (ha): 650
°	 Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 55                                                                                        °	 Investment (USD): 55 million
°	 Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng moät khu du lòch sinh thaùi - Coâng                                                   °	Developement: Eco-resort and entertainment park
   vieân hoang daõ keát hôïp vui chôi giaûi trí vaø khaùm phaù thieân                                                   °	Status: Launching
   nhieân nhöng vaãn baûo ñaûm caûnh quan, taøi nguyeân                                                                 °	 Transportation advantages:
°	 Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng                                                                                          -	 Land: 12km away from center of Dalat City
°	 Giao thoâng:                                                                                                            -	 Airway: 30km away from Lien Khuong Airport
   -•	Ñöôøng boä: 12 km caùch TP. Ñaø Laït                                                                              °	 Expected Completion: 2015
   -	 Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 30 km caùch saân bay quoác teá Lieân
°	 Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2015

°	 Coâng ty Coå phaàn Ñòa oác Thaûo Ñieàn tieàn thaân laø Coâng ty   °	 Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation, previously known as Thao Dien
   Traùch Nhieäm Höõu Haïn Dòch Vuï Thaûo Ñieàn, soá ñaêng kyù          Services Limited Company, has a business registration number
   kinh doanh 070945 ngaøy 23 thaùng 2 naêm 1999 do Sôû Keá             070945 and was issued on 23 February 1999 by the Ho Chi Minh City
   hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh caáp.                    Department of Planning and Investment.

°	 Thaùng 10 naêm 2001 ñoåi teân thaønh Coâng ty Coå Phaàn           ° As of 12 October 2001, the company was transformed into
   Thaûo Ñieàn, Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh soá            Thao Dien Joint Stock Company with the Certificate of business
   4103000643 do Sôû Keá hoaïch Ñaàu tö Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí            registration numbered 4103000643 and issued by the Ho Chi Minh
   Minh caáp.                                                          City Department of Planning and Investment.

°	 Thaùng 06 naêm 2007, Coâng ty ñoåi teân thaønh Coâng ty Coå       °	 As of 06 June 2007, the company was renamed the Thao Dien Real
   phaàn Ñòa oác Thaûo Ñieàn, Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh         Estate Corporation with the Certificate of business registration
   doanh soá 4103000643 do Sôû Keá hoaïch Ñaàu tö Thaønh                numbered 4103000643 and issued by the Ho Chi Minh City
   phoá Hoà Chí Minh caáp.                                              Department of Planning and Investment.

  189 Nguyeãn Vaên Troãi, Phöôøng 10, Quaän Phuù Nhuaän,               189 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan District,
  TP. Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam                                          Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  ÑT: (08) 3844 5204                                                   Tel: (08) 3844 5204
  Fax: (08) 3844 5199                                                  Fax: (08) 3844 5199
  Email:                                           Email:
  Website:                                            Website:

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 5. Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam laø khu vöïc phaùt trieån kinh This Southern key economic area is a motivated economic teá ñoäng löïc, trong ñoù thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Ñoàng Nai vaø developing area, in which Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai and Long An giöõ vai troø quan troïng. Ñaây laø khu vöïc ñoùng goùp lôùn Long An hold an important role. This is the area to have the nhaát cho kinh teá Vieät Nam, chieám 60% doanh thu ngaân saùch, greatest contribution to Vietnam economy, accounting for 60% treân 70% kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu vaø ñoàng thôøi thu huùt voán ñaàu and more than 70% of the national budget revenues and export tö nöôùc ngoaøi (FDI) haøng ñaàu caû nöôùc. turnovers, respectively. Simultaneously, the area is also leading in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) of all the cities and Naêm 2008, toång kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu cuûa khu vöïc naøy chieám provinces nationwide. 2/3 toång kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu cuûa caû nöôùc. Ñaây cuõng laø nôi taäp trung caùc sieâu thò, trung taâm thöông maïi lôùn cuûa caùc taäp In 2008, the total export turnovers of this area accounted for ñoaøn baùn leû lôùn treân theá giôùi. Vôùi toác ñoä ñoâ thò hoùa nhanh two-third of the national export turnovers. In addition, this is the choùng, ñaây seõ laø vuøng ñoâ thò coù quy moâ lôùn trong khu vöïc assembly point of supermarkets and trade centers owned by large Ñoâng Nam AÙ. retail groups internationally. Its fast urbanization speed will turn the area into one of the large urban areas in Southeast Asia.
  • 6. 2 1 1. Khu Coâng Nghieäp Nhôn Traïch II - Nhôn Phuù, Ñoàng Nai Nhon Trach II - Nhon Phu Industrial Park, Dong Nai Province 2. Khu Coâng Nghieäp An Nhöït Taân II - Taân Truï, Long An An Nhut Tan II - Tan Tru Industrial Park , Long An Province 3. Khu Dan Cö Vónh Thanh - Phuù Thanh, Nhôn Trach, Ñong Nai â ï ï à 5 Vinh Thanh - Phu Thanh Residential, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province 4. Khu Daân Cö Ñaïi Phöôùc - Phuù Höõu, Nhôn Traïch, Ñoàng Nai Dai Phuoc - Phu Huu Residential, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province 5. Khu Du Lòch Sinh Thaùi Baéc Hoà Ñankia, Ñaø Laït, Laâm Ñoàng Northern Dankia Lake Eco-Park, Dalat, Lam Dong Province
  • 7. 3 4
  • 8. “Vieät Nam ñang laø nôi lyù töôûng nhaát cho nhöõng cô hoäi ñaàu tö” Chung toi van giöõ mot tam nhìn dai han trong chien löôc ù â ã ä à ø ï á ï phat trien ñaõ ñöôc hoach ñònh roõ rang ñoi vôi cac lónh vöc xay ù å ï ï ø á ù ù ï â döng, bat ñong san vaø khu cong nghiep. Tap trung vao vung ï á ä û â ä ä ø ø kinh teá trong ñiem phía Nam, chung toi tan dung thôi cô môû ï å ù â ä ï ø rong cac khu vöc nhieu tiem nang chöa khai thac, phoi hôp ä ù ï à à ê ù á ï phat trien haï tang gan lien vôi heä thong ñöông saù ñeå giam bôt ù å à é à ù á ø û ù chi phí van chuyen, ñong thôi tao thuan tien cho chính cac döï ä å à ø ï ä ä ù an ñang ñöôc kinh doanh hoac xay döng. Tat caû nhöng viec ù ï ë â ï á õ ä lam ñong boä chat cheõ nay ñam bao cho danh tieng vaø nhöng ø à ë ø û û á õ phan thöông lôi nhuan mang ñen moi coå ñong vaø nhaø ñau tö à û ï ä á ï â à ñaõ tin töông vao cong ty. û ø â OÂng Nguyeãn Só Vaên - Chuû Tòch Hoäi Ñoàng Quaûn Trò
  • 9. “Vietnam is currently the most ideally place to take advantage of the best opportunities” Our company has a long-range vision built on a clear growth strategy for construction, real estate and industrial zone. Focusing on the Southern key economic area, we take the chance offered by undeveloped discoveries, stay close to existing infrastructure to secure a cost-efficient exit route for our products, and operate our licenses wherever possible to open convenience of our on-going business and developing projects. All of these closely synchronized measures are to guarantee prestige as well as highest possible financial rewards for our shareholders and investors whose trust is placed in our company. Mr Nguyen Si Van - Chairman
  • 10. Vieät Nam laø quoác gia ñang phaùt trieån Bat ñong san laø lónh vöc phat trien tiem nang á ä û ï ù å à ê Vietnam is a developing country Real Estate has real growth potential Vieät Nam coù neàn chính trò oån ñònh vaø ñang tieán haønh coâng Thò tröôøng BÑS cuûa VN ñang ôû giai ñoaïn ñaàu, chöa buøng noå cuoäc ñoåi môùi raát thaønh coâng, phaán ñaáu ñöa thu nhaäp bình nhö ôû nhieàu nöôùc khaùc neân ñaàu tö vaøo ñaây vaãn höùa heïn nhieàu quaân ñaàu ngöôøi naêm 2010 ñaït 1.200USD. Vieät Nam laø neàn kinh tieàm naêng phaùt trieån. Khi neàn kinh teá Vieät Nam giöõ ñöôïc toác teá coù ñoä môû raát cao, neân taùc ñoäng töø thò tröôøng theá giôùi laø quan ñoä phaùt trieån maïnh, caùc döï aùn ñaàu tö nöôùc ngoaøi ñoå vaøo Vieät troïng. Kinh teá theá giôùi phuïc hoài trong naêm 2010 seõ trôû thaønh Nam vôùi soá löôïng vaø chaát löôïng cao thì lónh vöïc baát ñoäng ñoøn baåy ñeå neàn kinh teá xuaát khaåu cuûa Vieät Nam ñaït möùc taêng saûn chaéc chaén seõ laø ngaønh coù khaû naêng sinh lôøi cao vaø oån tröôûng cao hôn. Caùc chæ tieâu chuû yeáu cuûa naêm 2010 ñaõ ñöôïc ñònh nhaát. Theo giôùi chuyeân gia, lôïi nhuaän laø yeáu toá haøng ñaàu xaùc laäp vôùi trieån voïng moät neàn kinh teá taêng tröôûng. Cuï theå, khieán caùc coâng ty höùng thuù vôùi thò tröôøng ñòa oác. Hôn nöõa, GDP seõ taêng khoaûng 6,5%. Toång nguoàn voán ñaàu tö phaùt trieån ñaàu tö nhaø ñaát ít khi mang laïi nguy cô thua loã cho caùc doanh toaøn xaõ hoäi baèng khoaûng 41,5% GDP; CPI taêng khoaûng 7%. nghieäp nhieàu voán. Vietnam is enjoying political stability and a very successful Vietnam’s real estate market is currently in the early stage progress of renovation, bringing its income per capita to of development and, thus, has not yet shown a rash of USD1,200 in 2010. Vietnam is a very highly open economy, development such as has been witnessed in many other making impacts of the world market become important. The countries. All the signs of such an explosion are present and rehabilitation of the world economy in 2010 will play as a lever it is certain that this will create many great opportunities in for the export economy of Vietnam to achieve higher growth the future. As Vietnam maintains a strong line of growth and rate. The main economic targets for 2010 have been established as foreign investment projects continue to develop, real estate for a prospect of a promising growing economy. Specifically, will definitely be a sector for great and consistent profitability. the GDP, the total capital investment in social development and Experts agree that profit is the main lure for investors to the CPI will increase by about 6.5%, approximately 41.5% of the move into the property market. In addition, real estate GDP and about 7%, respectively. investment does not generate the high risk factors that are typically associated with other investments. This is particularly important for companies that are really interested in large real estate outlays.
  • 11. Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm nhieàu thuaän lôïi Coâng ty Coå Phaàn Ñòa OÁc Thaûo Ñieàn Key Economic Area with Great Advantages Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation Ba vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm cuûa Vieät Nam phaân boå taïi 3 mieàn Coâng ty Coå phaàn Ñòa OÁc Thaûo Ñieàn laø Chuû ñaàu tö, chuyeân Baéc Trung Nam. Caùc vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm ñang phaùt huy nghieäp trong caùc hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh baát ñoäng saûn, nhaø lôïi theá, taïo neân theá maïnh phaùt trieån theo moâ hình kinh teá ñaát, kinh doanh haï taàng kyõ thuaät Khu coâng nghieäp, khu nhaø môû, gaén vôùi nhu caàu thò tröôøng trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Vuøng ôû, kinh doanh du lòch... Coâng ty ñöôïc xaây döïng neàn taûng phaùt kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam goàm 8 tænh bao goàm TP. HCM, trieån moät caùch oån ñònh, laâu daøi vaø toái ña hoùa lôïi nhuaän, ñaûm Ñoàng Nai, Bình Döông, Baø Ròa-Vuøng Taøu, Bình Phöôùc, Taây baûo quyeàn lôïi hôïp phaùp cho caùc coå ñoâng. Sau quaù trình hoaøn Ninh, Long An vaø Tieàn Giang. Vôùi daân soá khoaûng 14,7 trieäu thieän taùi caáu truùc, naâng caáp boä maùy quaûn lyù ñieàu haønh theo ngöôøi, thu nhaäp bình quaân khoaûng 22 trieäu ñoàng/ ngöôøi/naêm; caùc chuaån möïc ñöôïc caùc nhaø ñaàu tö chaáp nhaän, xaây döïng truï kim ngaïch xuaát khaåu chieám khoaûng 74% caû nöôùc… ñaây laø nôi sôû hieän ñaïi phuø hôïp tình hình phaùt trieån oån ñònh vöõng chaéc, ñöôïc ñaùnh giaù laø ñaàu taøu kinh teá cuûa Vieät Nam, moãi naêm caàn Thaûo Ñieàn ñang xuùc tieán keá hoaïch Nieâm yeát coå phieáu treân thò boå sung theâm khoaûng 200.000 lao ñoäng môùi. tröôøng chöùng khoaùn Vieät Nam. Vietnam has three key economic regions distributed across the Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation is an investor group North, Central and South areas of the country. Each region is specializing in business activities such as real estate, housing, set to promote its advantages for development according to industrial infrastructure, residential areas, travel and others. the open economic model which is closely linked to demands, Our company has developed on a growth foundation that is both domestic and international. The key Southern economic stable, long lasting and geared for maximum profit to look region consists of eight cities and provinces. It is comprised of after the best benefits to our shareholders. After completing Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Binh a restructuring and upgrade of our management system Phuoc, Tay Ninh, Long An and Tien Giang. The total population following the suggestions of our investors and finishing the of the area is approximately 14.7 million people, with an average construction of a large and modern headquarters suitable for income of 22 million VND/person/year. The total export output strong and sustainable development, Thao Dien is fully ready to accounts for about 74% of the whole country. It has been be listed on the Vietnam stock market. assessed as the economic leader of Vietnam and takes on an additional 200,000 new laborers annually.
  • 12. QUAÙ TRÌNH PHAÙT TRIEÅN HISTORY CHUYEÅN ÑOÅI COÂNG TY Cuøng vôùi söï phaùt trieån môû roäng, thu huùt söï quan taâm vaø tham gia cuûa caùc coå ñoâng vaø nhaø ñaâu tö, Thaûo Ñieàn chính thöùc chuyeån ñoåi trôû thaønh coâng ty coå phaàn vaøo cuoái naêm 2001. COMPANY TRANSFORMATION Thao Dien officially became a joint-stock company with the full participation of its shareholders and investors in late 2001. 1999 2001 2002 THAØNH LAÄP COÂNG TY ÑAÀU TÖ XAÂY DÖÏNG KDC SOÂNG GIOÀNG Khôûi ñaàu döôùi hình thöùc moät coâng ty Thò tröôøng xaây döïng phaùt trieån maïnh vaø TNHH, Thaûo Ñieàn chính thöùc gia nhaäp Thaûo Ñieàn ghi daáu aán ñaàu tieân cuûa mình caùc doanh nghieäp dòch vuï taïi TP. HCM trong lónh vöïc naøy baèng coâng trình hôïp vaø khu vöïc phía Nam ngay thôøi gian khi taùc ñaàu tö xaây döïng KDC Soâng Gioàng - ñaát nöôùc môû cöaû. Bình Tröng Taây Quaän 2 vaøo naêm 2002. COMPANY ESTABLISHMENT CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT IN SONG GIONG RESIDENTIAL Originally a limited liability company, Thao Dien officially joined the community The construction market continued of service enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City to develop strongly and Thao Dien and Vietnam launching at the same time established itself resoundingly with Vietnam fully opened it’s doors to the the cooperated project - Song Giong world. Residential, Binh Trung Tay, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City in 2002.
  • 13. ÑOÅI TEÂN VAØ HOAØN THIEÄN HEÄ THOÁNG TOÅ CHÖÙC COÂNG TY Phuø hôïp vôùi xu theá phaùt trieån, 28/5/2007 HÑQT quyeát ñònh taêng voán ñieàu leä töø 99 XAÂY DÖÏNG KDC BÌNH TRÖNG ÑOÂNG tyû VND leân 300 tyû VND (67%), ñoåi teân coâng ty vôùi ñònh höôùng ngaønh xaây döïng Noái tieáp thaønh coâng, Thaûo Ñieàn lieân keát vaø kinh doanh baát ñoäng saûn, hoaøn thieän vôùi Coâng Ty Phaùt Trieån Kinh Doanh Nhaø cô caáu, chuaån bò cho vieäc nieâm yeát coå Quaän 2 xaây döïng khu daân cö Bình Tröng phieáu. Ñoâng, coâng trình gaây tieáng vang lôùn veà thi coâng vaø chaát löôïng xaây döïng. RENAMING AND PERFECTION OF COMPANY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION OF BINH TRUNG DONG RESIDENTIAL To conform with trends in business and contemporary development, from Continuing with great success, Thao 28/5/2007, the total capital of the company Dien cooperated with District 2 Housing has gained from VND99 billion to VND 300 Developement Company to implement billion, Thao Dien was renamed in order to the project of Binh Trung Dong more readily appeal to the construction Residential, which created an unmatched and real estate sectors. Management amount of excitement and brought instant and marketing systems were also notoriety to Thao Dien for its construction perfected in preparation for our listing on quality and performance. the exchange. 2004 2005 2007 ÑAÀU TÖ XAÂY DÖÏNG KCN NHÔN TRAÏCH II - NHÔN PHUÙ Thaønh coâng lôùn vôùi coâng trình xaây döïng Khu coâng nghieäp Nhôn Traïch II - Nhôn Phuù, moät trong caùc KCN toát nhaát tænh Ñoàng Nai, do kyõ sö vaø coâng nhaân Vieät Nam ñaûm nhieäm töø ñaàu ñeán cuoái. CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT IN NHON TRACH II - NHON PHU INDUSTRIAL PARK Thao Dien achieved a great success with the construction project of Nhon Trach II - Nhon Phu Industrial Park, one of the best industrial parks in Dong Nai. The project was done from start to finish by the most talented Vietnamese engineers and workers available anywhere…
  • 15. Vôùi taàm nhìn vaø chieán löôïc phaùt trieån daøi haïn, ñaûm baûo caùc With a long-range vision and a long-term development strategy yeâu caàu cuûa coå ñoâng vaø nhaø ñaàu tö, Thaûo Ñieàn môû roäng to meet the demands of our shareholders and investors, Thao phaïm vi cung caáp dòch vuï vaø ñaàu tö cuûa mình ra toaøn boä Dien has extended the scope of the company’s mandates and Vuøng kinh teá troïng ñieåm phía Nam vaø moät soá döï aùn taïi khö provisions by investing throughout the entire region and in a vöïc cao nguyeân Ñaø Laït. Caùc coâng trình töø Khu coâng nghieäp, number of projects in the Da Lat Highlands. These investments Khu daân cö, Khu vui chôi giaûi trí vaø khaùch saïn ñaõ kheùp kín have ranged from industrial parks to residential areas to moät voøng quay cô baûn caùc nhu caàu cuoäc soáng, mang laïi söï recreational areas and hotels. Thao Dien always seeks to form beàn vöõng cho caùc döï aùn maø Thaûo Ñieàn tham gia. a complete fundamental cycle which meets all of life’s demands and brings sustainability to each and every project in which it is involved.
  • 16. KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP NHON TRACH II - NHON PHU NHÔN TRAÏCH II - NHÔN PHUÙ, INDUSTRIAL PARK, TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI DONG NAI PROVINCE Khu cong nghiep Nhôn Trach II - Nhôn Phuù laø mot trong nhöng â ä ï ä õ Nhon Trach II – Nhon Phu is one of the major industrial parks of khu cong nghiep chính cua tænh Ñong Nai, toa lac ôû phía Nam â ä û à ï ï Dong Nai Province. It lies South of Bien Hoa City along National thanh phoá Bien Hoa höông quoc loä 51, nam ôû vò trí trung tam ø â ø ù á è â Highway 51. This is a meeting point for the big cities in Southern ñoi vôi cac thanh phoá lôn cua vung kinh teá trong ñiem phía á ù ù ø ù û ø ï å economic area and plays an important role for economic, social Nam, laø ñòa ñiem ñau moi quan trong cho viec phat trien kinh å à á ï ä ù å and urban development of the entire region as well as the te, xaõ hoi, giao thong cua vung cung nhö viec phat trien trung á ä â û ø õ ä ù å development of an industrial and commercial center of the new tam cong nghiep vaø thöông mai cua thanh phoá môi Nhôn Trach. â â ä ï û ø ù ï Nhon Trach City. Ñöôïc Chính phuû cho pheùp thaønh laäp, Khu coâng nghieäp naèm Authorized and supported by the government, the industrial park trong thaønh phoá môùi Nhôn Traïch ñöôïc quy hoaïch bao goàm heä has been located in an emerging industrial city – Nhon Trach thoáng saân bay, beán caûng, khu coâng nghieäp, khu quy hoaïch daân with a size of 8,000ha, including an airport, a port, an industrial cö, khu vui chôi giaûi trí. Ñaây laø moät Khu coâng nghieäp ña ngaønh park, multi-class residential areas and a plethora of recreational goàm nhieàu haïng muïc, coâng trình quan troïng töông hoã laãn areas. This multi-disciplinary industrial park provides a large nhau cuøng caùc dòch vuï hoã trôï nhaø ñaàu tö hoaøn thieän vaø ñaày ñuû. variety of import and export work with fully-equipped and modern structures and complete services for all investors. QUI MOÂ FACTS AND FIGURES ° Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: ° Location: - Xaõ Hiep Phöôc, Phuù Hoi, Huyen Nhôn Trach, Tænh Ñong Nai ä ù ä ä ï à - Hiep Phuoc, Phu Hoi, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Province ° Quy moâ (ha): 183 ° Land area (ha): 183 ° Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 24 ° Investment (USD): 24 million ° Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng CSHT KCN - cho thueâ laïi ñaát ° Developement: Industrial park (Multi-disciplinary industrial park) ° Hieän traïng: Hoaøn thaønh haï taàng KCN - ñang cho thueâ laïi ñaát ° Status: Completing infrastructure for a typical industrial ° Ngaønh ngheà: Ña ngaønh ngheà park and leasing premise ° Giao thoâng: ° Transportation advantages: -• Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp ñöôøng lieân tænh 25B (loä giôùi 80m), 25C (loä - Land: 44km away from HCMC, next to 25B and 25C road - giôùi 61m) - ñöôøng noái lieàn Quaän 2 - TP. HCM ñi saân bay the new highway from HCMC to Long Thanh International quoác teá Long Thaønh, caùch TP. HCM 44 km Airport. -• Ñöôøng thuûy: 25 km caùch caûng Caùt Laùi, 27 km caùch - Marine: 25km away from Cat Lai port, 27km away from caûng Phuù Myõ (80.000DWT), 23 km caùch caûng Goø Phu My Port (80.000DWT), 23km away from Go Dau Daàu (20.000DWT), 50 km caùch caûng quoác teá Caùi Meùp (20.000DWT), 50km away from Cai Mep International Port (80.000DWT, khôûi coâng T1/2006) (80.000DWT, launched in January 2006) - Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát, 10 - Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km km caùch saân bay quoác teá Long Thaønh. away from Long Thanh International Airport. ° Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng: 2008 ° Completion: 2008 KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP NHÔN TRAÏCH II
  • 17.
  • 18. KHU COÂNG NGHIEÄP AN NHUT TAN II - TAN TRU AN NHÖÏT TAÂN II - TAÂN TRUÏ, INDUSTRIAL PARK, TÆNH LONG AN LONG AN PROVINCE An Nhöït Taân II laø khu coâng nghieäp toång hôïp, ñöôïc xaây döïng vôùi An Nhat Tan II is a general industrial park built under the criterion tieâu chí thoáng nhaát 3 yeáu toá: Moâi tröôøng - Coâng nghieäp - Con of three inter-related factors: Environment - Industry – Dedication ngöôøi thaân thieän. An Nhöït Taân II taäp trung vaøo caùc ngaønh coâng to Service second to none. An Nhat Tan II focuses on carbon-friendly nghieäp coâng ngheä khoâng khoùi, tyû leä cô caáu ñaát xaây döïng coâng industries and technologies. Its usable space tops out at 64.84%, nghieäp trong toaøn khu laø 64,84% - Ñaát giao thoâng, caây xanh which leaves sufficient room for environment structures and plant maët nöôùc ñöôïc boá trí phuø hôïp vôùi ñòa hình vaø caûnh quan chung life. Space has been appropriated for traffic, trees, water and other cuûa khu vöïc, taïo tieàn ñeà ñeå hình thaønh neân moät Khu coâng landscape features which are mandated for environmentally friendly nghieäp vaên minh, hieän ñaïi, thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng construction projects. An Nhöt Tan II coù vò trí thuan lôi veà giao thong thuy, bo, hang ï â ä ï â û ä ø An Nhat Tan II holds an advantageous position with regard to marine, khong trong Vung kinh teá trong ñiem phía Nam (cach TP. HCM â ø ï å ù land and air traffic in the Southern economic area (a mere 38km 38 km). Trai doc chieu dai theo song Vam Coû Ñong rong 200m, û ï à ø â ø â ä away from Ho Chi Minh City). By being built along the wide Vam Khu cong nghiep döï kien seõ xay döng cau cang dai 400m cho â ä á â ï à û ø Co Dong River with a huge 400 meter-long quay and connected to nhu cau van chuyen bang ñöông thuy, ñöông tham nhöa rong à ä å è ø û ø û ï ä National Highway 1A by a 25m asphalted road, An Nhat Tan II is the khoang 25m noi Khu cong nghiep vôi quoc loä 1A cung laø löa û á â ä ù á õ ï ideal location to meet all its clients’ demands for goods transported chon tot cho chu chuyen hang hoa cua khach hang. ï á å ø ù û ù ø by marine or by land.. QUI MOÂ FACTS AND FIGURES ° Ñòa ñiem, vò trí: Xaõ An Nhöt Tan, Huyen Tan Tru, Tænh Long An å ï â ä â ï ° Location: An Nhut Tan, Tan Tru, Long An Province ° Quy moâ (ha): 158 ° Land area (ha): 158 ° Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 36 ° Investment (USD): 36 million ° Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng CSHT KCN - Cho thueâ laïi ñaát ° Developement: Industrial park (Multi-disciplinary industrial park) ° Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng ° Status: Launching ° Ngaønh ngheà: Ña ngaønh ngheà ° Transportation advantages: ° Giao thoâng: - Land: 38km away from HCMC and 4km away from -• Ñöôøng boä: 4km caùch Quoác loä 1, 38 km caùch TP. HCM National Road 1. -• Ñöôøng thuûy: 2.9km daøi doïc bôø soâng vaøm Coû Ñoâng, 5 km - Marine: 2,9km length of bank along Vam Co Dong river, caùch caûng Bourbon 5km away from Bourbon port. - Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 40 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát - Airway: 40km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport ° Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012 ° Expected Completion: 2012
  • 20. KHU DAÂN CÖ XAÕ VÓNH THANH - VINH THANH - PHU THANH PHUÙ THANH, HUYEN NHÔN TRACH, Ï Ä Ï RESIDENTIAL, NHON TRACH, TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI DONG NAI PROVINCE Khu daân cö Vónh Thanh bao goàm caùc daõy phoá, bieät thöï vaø caùc The urban area is located right at the center of the new Nhon chung cö cao taàng toïa laïc ngay trung taâm thaønh phoá môùi Trach city. The residential areas of Vinh Thanh and Phu Thanh Nhôn Traïch. Beân caïnh ñoù, caùc tieän ích coâng coäng nhö: coâng communes consist of streets, villas and high-rising apartments. vieân caây xanh, khu thöông maïi, vaên hoùa, theå thao seõ ñem laïi Additionally, public facilities such as a landscaped park and tieän nghi moâi tröôøng xanh saïch cho cuoäc soáng cö daân nôi ñaây. areas for trade, culture and sports will bring the advantages Cuøng vôùi thieát keá haøi hoøa vôùi thieân nhieân, giaùp ranh thaønh phoá of a clear, green environment to every resident living here. In Hoà Chí Minh, khu daân cö Vónh Thanh chaéc chaén laø nôi an cö lyù addition to a naturally harmonious design, its close proximity to töôûng cho caùc gia ñình. Ho Chi Minh City makes it an ideal location for anyone wishing to enjoy clean living and not give up the convenience of shopping and entertainment in Ho Chi Minh City. QUY MOÂ FACTS AND FIGURES ° Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Vónh Thanh, Phuù Thaïnh, Huyeän Nhôn ° Location: Vinh Thanh, Phu Thanh, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Traïch, Tænh Ñoàng Nai Province ° Quy moâ (ha): 93 ° Land area (ha): 93 ° Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 70 ° Investment (USD): 70 million ° Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Quy hoaïch xaây döïng CSHT Khu daân cö theo ° Developement: Residential höôùng ñoâ thò hieän ñaïi, haøi hoøa trong toång quy hoaïch chung ° Status: Launching cuûa TP môùi Nhôn Traïch giai ñoaïn ñeán 2020 ° Transportation advantages: ° Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng - Land: next to 25C road - the new highway from HCMC ° Giao thoâng: to Long Thanh International Airport, 44 km away from -• Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp ñöôøng lieân tænh 25C (loä giôùi 61m), giaùp caùc HCMC and 47 km away to Bien Hoa city. KDC ñaõ ñöôïc quy hoaïch, giaùp ñöôøng vaønh ñai TP. Nhôn - Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km Traïch (loä giôùi 47 m), 44 km caùch TP. HCM, 47 km caùch TP. away from Long Thanh International Airport. Bieân Hoøa ° Expected Completion: 2012 - Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 10 km caùch saân bay quoác teá Long Thaønh, 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát ° Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012 KHU DAÂN CÖ VÓNH THANH
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  • 22. KHU DAÂN CÖ XAÕ ÑAÏI PHÖÔÙC - DAI PHUOC - PHU HUU PHUÙ HÖÕU, HUYEÄN NHÔN TRAÏCH, RESIDENTIAL, NHON TRACH, TÆNH ÑOÀNG NAI DONG NAI PROVINCE Khu daân cö ñaéc ñòa vôùi öu ñaõi töø thieân nhieân vôùi con raïch uoán Upper-class residents can find all of the comforts of the city löôïn quanh khuoân vieân. Khu nhaø ôû Ñaïi Phöôùc goàm caùc caên hoä in a relaxed and accommodating countryside location at Dai bieät thöï vöôøn vaø bieät thöï song laäp töø 375 - 600 m², caùc caên hoä Phuoc Residential. Doublet villas and high-rise apartments khu nhaø ôû cao taàng keát hôïp thöông maïi dòch vuï coù tieâu chuaån with measurements form 375-600 m2. Some available areas are töø 120, 150, 250 m²/caên hoä. Vôùi thieát keá taän duïng khai thaùc garden-inclusive. Apartment units vary from 120, 150, up to 250 caùc ñieàu kieän töï nhieân, söû duïng aùnh saùng töï nhieân toái ña, taän m2. All are designed to increase exposure to natural conditions höôûng khoâng khí trong laønh vaø gioù soâng maùt laønh, Khu daân cö and utilize natural light and pure air. These structures will offer höôùng tôùi moät khu phöùc hôïp cao caáp vôùi cô sôû haï taàng vaø dòch the ideal living space to each and every resident. vuï ñöôïc toái öu hoaù, höùa heïn laø nôi an cö lyù töôûng cuûa taát caû moïi ngöôøi. QUY MOÂ FACTS AND FIGURES ° Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Ñaïi Phöôùc, Phuù Höõu, Huyeän Nhôn Traïch, ° Location: Dai Phuoc, Phu Huu, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai Tænh Ñoàng Nai Province ° Quy moâ (ha): 66 ° Land area (ha): 66 ° Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 50 ° Investment (USD): 50 million ° Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Quy hoaïch xaây döïng KDC môùi mang tính ° Developement: Residential ñaëc thuø rieâng (ñaëc thuø cuûa moät ñoâ thò soâng nöôùc), ñaùp öùng ° Status: Launching yeâu caàu keát noái haï taàng vaø caûnh quan kieán truùc vôùi khu vöïc ° Transportation advantages: TP. HCM - Land: locating in group of emerging residential projects, ° Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng one side facing with new developing road connecting ° Giao thoâng: HCMC and District 2, another side facing with Saigon River. -• Ñöôøng boä: Giaùp tuyeán ñöôøng quy hoaïch Quaän 2, Huyeän - Airway: 60km away from Tan Son Nhat Airport and 10km Nhôn Traïch, giaùp caùc KDC ñöôïc quy hoaïch, caùch TP. HCM away from Long Thanh International Airport. bôûi soâng Saøi Goøn ° Expected Completion: 2012 - Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 10 km caùch Saân bay quoác teá Long Thaønh, 60 km caùch saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát ° Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2012 KHU DAÂN CÖ ÑAÏI PHÖÔÙC
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  • 24. KHU DU LÒCH BAÉC HOÀ ÑANKIA KHU DU LÒCH SINH THAÙI NORTHERN DANKIA LAKE BAÉC HOÀ ÑANKIA, XAÕ LAÙT, ECO-PARK, DALAT, TÆNH LAÂM ÑOÀNG LAM DONG PROVINCE Khu du lòch sinh thai bac hoà Ñankia höông ñen xay döng mot khu ù é ù á â ï ä The newly built eco-tourist area – reserve park is aimed to du lòch sinh thai - cong vien hoang daõ ket hôp vui chôi giai trí vaø ù â â á ï û combine recreational activities and nature discoveries while kham phaù thien nhien. Döï an nay bao gom 4 phan khu chöc nang ù â â ù ø à â ù ê preserving available landscapes and resources. At the same chính: Khu van phong Dòch vuï - Khu du lòch sinh thai daõ ngoai - ê ø ù ï time, it seeks to maximize each investor’s purpose through Khu du lòch nghæ döông lang du lòch - Khu giai trí. Tiem nang du õ ø û à ê four main functional areas: Administrative, Eco-tourism, lòch sinh thai, daõ ngoai, giai trí ôû khu vöc nay laø rat lôn. Cung vôi ù ï û ï ø á ù ø ù Entertainment and Consumer. toc ñoä ñoâ thò hoaù cua cac vung phuï can tai khu vöc cao nguyen, döï á û ù ø ä ï ï â an mang ñen cô hoi cho cac nhaø ñau tö coù tam nhìn xa vaø chien ù á ä ù à à á By joining with indigenous peoples, the area will take advantage löôc phat trien hieu qua. ï ù å ä û of tourist populations to advance economic goals by increasing the services available, helping to solve employment issues and Ngoaøi vieäc goùp phaàn cuøng ñiaï phöông phaùt trieån tieàm naêng du lòch improve the lifestyle of the local peoples laøm chuyeån dòch cô caáu kinh teá theo höôùng taêng tyû troïng ngaønh dòch vuï, Döï aùn seõ giaûi quyeát vieäc laøm, taêng thu nhaäp cho moät löôïng The Northern Dankia Lake Eco-park is being searched for lôùn lao ñoäng taïi choã, caûi thieän ñôøi soáng, thöïc hieän an sinh xaõ hoäi. strategic partners by Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation following all of the best and latest environmental practices. It Cong ty Thao Ñien ñang tìm kiem cac nhaø ñau tö cung chia seû â û à á ù à ø achieves all of the ecological standards and achieves harmony viec quan lyù döï an vôi tieu chí tiet kiem nang löông, ben vöng ä û ù ù â á ä ê ï à õ and international statute. The completion date is set in 2015. sinh thai, hai hoaø veà mat kien truc vaø hien ñai, mang tam côõ quoc ù ø ë á ù ä ï à á te, döï kien hoan tat xay döng vao nam 2015. á á ø á â ï ø ê QUY MOÂ FACTS AND FIGURES ° Ñòa ñieåm, vò trí: Xaõ Laùt, Huyeän Laïc Döông, Tænh Laâm Ñoàng ° Location: Lat, Lac Duong, Lam Dong Province ° Quy moâ (ha): 650 ° Land area (ha): 650 ° Voán ñaàu tö (trieäu USD): 55 ° Investment (USD): 55 million ° Muïc tieâu ñaàu tö: Xaây döïng moät khu du lòch sinh thaùi - Coâng ° Developement: Eco-resort and entertainment park vieân hoang daõ keát hôïp vui chôi giaûi trí vaø khaùm phaù thieân ° Status: Launching nhieân nhöng vaãn baûo ñaûm caûnh quan, taøi nguyeân ° Transportation advantages: ° Hieän traïng: Ñang khôûi coâng - Land: 12km away from center of Dalat City ° Giao thoâng: - Airway: 30km away from Lien Khuong Airport -• Ñöôøng boä: 12 km caùch TP. Ñaø Laït ° Expected Completion: 2015 - Ñöôøng haøng khoâng: 30 km caùch saân bay quoác teá Lieân Khöông ° Khai thaùc vaø Hoaït ñoäng (döï kieán): 2015
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  • 26. COÂNG TY COÅ PHAÀN ÑÒA OÁC THAÛO ÑIEÀN THAO DIEN REAL ESTATE CORPORATION ° Coâng ty Coå phaàn Ñòa oác Thaûo Ñieàn tieàn thaân laø Coâng ty ° Thao Dien Real Estate Corporation, previously known as Thao Dien Traùch Nhieäm Höõu Haïn Dòch Vuï Thaûo Ñieàn, soá ñaêng kyù Services Limited Company, has a business registration number kinh doanh 070945 ngaøy 23 thaùng 2 naêm 1999 do Sôû Keá 070945 and was issued on 23 February 1999 by the Ho Chi Minh City hoaïch vaø Ñaàu tö Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh caáp. Department of Planning and Investment. ° Thaùng 10 naêm 2001 ñoåi teân thaønh Coâng ty Coå Phaàn ° As of 12 October 2001, the company was transformed into Thaûo Ñieàn, Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh soá Thao Dien Joint Stock Company with the Certificate of business 4103000643 do Sôû Keá hoaïch Ñaàu tö Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí registration numbered 4103000643 and issued by the Ho Chi Minh Minh caáp. City Department of Planning and Investment. ° Thaùng 06 naêm 2007, Coâng ty ñoåi teân thaønh Coâng ty Coå ° As of 06 June 2007, the company was renamed the Thao Dien Real phaàn Ñòa oác Thaûo Ñieàn, Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh Estate Corporation with the Certificate of business registration doanh soá 4103000643 do Sôû Keá hoaïch Ñaàu tö Thaønh numbered 4103000643 and issued by the Ho Chi Minh City phoá Hoà Chí Minh caáp. Department of Planning and Investment. 189 Nguyeãn Vaên Troãi, Phöôøng 10, Quaän Phuù Nhuaän, 189 Nguyen Van Troi, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan District, TP. Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ÑT: (08) 3844 5204 Tel: (08) 3844 5204 Fax: (08) 3844 5199 Fax: (08) 3844 5199 Email: Email: Website: Website:
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