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                            make the right choice

Kevin Yank,                       Web Directions South 2009
   make the right choice

  “a set of tools, libraries, conventions, and best practices that
attempt to abstract routine tasks into generic modules that can
                              be reused”

           — Jeff Croft, Frameworks for Designers
SlickMap CSS

   What do CSS frameworks do?

 How do I choose a CSS framework?

   Are CSS frameworks pure evil?

   What do CSS frameworks do?

 How do I choose a CSS framework?

   Are CSS frameworks pure evil
uote,th,td {


table {


fieldset,img {

address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var {


ol,ul {

caption,th {

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {


q:before,q:after {

abbr,acronym {

uote,th,td {


table {


fieldset,img {

address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var {


ol,ul {

caption,th {

                                                    *{         :0;
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {                                    margin

      font-size:100%;                                  paddin

q:before,q:after {

abbr,acronym {


      YUI Reset CSS                      Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS

leaves critical styles alone               resets critical styles
        ins   left underlined              no :focus outline, unstyled ins

 sets default font styles             attempts to inherit font styles
   strong   not bold, em not italic      leaves built-in font styles

      YUI Reset CSS                      Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS

leaves critical styles alone               resets critical styles
        ins   left underlined              no :focus outline, unstyled ins

 sets default font styles             attempts to inherit font styles
   strong   not bold, em not italic      leaves built-in font styles

      YUI Reset CSS                      Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS

leaves critical styles alone               resets critical styles
        ins   left underlined              no :focus outline, unstyled ins

 sets default font styles             attempts to inherit font styles
   strong   not bold, em not italic      leaves built-in font styles

      YUI Reset CSS                      Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS

leaves critical styles alone               resets critical styles
        ins   left underlined              no :focus outline, unstyled ins

 sets default font styles             attempts to inherit font styles
   strong   not bold, em not italic      leaves built-in font styles

      YUI Reset CSS                      Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS

leaves critical styles alone               resets critical styles
        ins   left underlined              no :focus outline, unstyled ins

 sets default font styles             attempts to inherit font styles
   strong   not bold, em not italic      leaves built-in font styles

   “The problem I’vetake style effectsresets is is that then find me
     “I“The problem I’ve had with thesefor granted. […] It makes
        don’t want to had with these resets that I I then find
 myself think just that littlemore thanever needed to just toof get
    myself declaring much bit than I Iaboutneeded to just toget
         declaring much more harder ever the semantics my
 browsers backWith the reset in place, Iway I want. strong turns
     browsers back to rendering things thedon’tI pick As ititturns
      document. to rendering things the way want. As because
out,the I’m perfectly for boldfacing. Instead, I pickelements render
   out, design calls happy with how number ofof the right element—
     I’m perfectly happy with how a a number elements render
by default. I likeit’slike to havehaveor band andor whatever—and then
      by default. Ilists lists to em bullets h3 strong elements to
       whether          strong or bullets or strong elements to have
                                have boldedneeded.”
                                bolded text.” ”
                                 style it as text.

             — — Jonathan Snook, No CSS Reset
               Jonathan Meyer, Reset Reasoning
                 — Eric Snook, No CSS Reset

   “The problemto take style effects for granted. […]then find meme
    “I don’t want I’vetake style effectsresets is that […]makes
     “I don’t want to had with these for granted. I It It makes
 myself thinkjust that little bit harder Iabout needed to justof my my
        think just that little bit than ever the semantics toof
         declaring much more harder about the semantics get
 browsers backWith the reset in place, Iwaypick strongitbecause
    document. With renderingin place, I don’t I want. strong because
      document. to the reset things the don’t pick As turns
out,thedesign callshappyboldfacing. Instead, I pickelements render
   the design calls for with how a number of the right element—
     I’m perfectly for boldfacing. Instead, I pick the right element—
by default. I likeit’s strongor em oror band h3 or whatever—and then
     whether it’s lists to have em b oror strong elements to then
       whether strong or bullets h3 or whatever—and have
                              style it asas needed.”
                               bolded text.” ”
                                style it needed.

                — Eric Meyer, Reset Reasoning
             — Jonathan Meyer, Reset Reasoning
                 — Eric Snook, No CSS Reset

               GRID FRAMEWORKS

      Blueprint         960 Grid System      YUI Grids CSS

                                                 fluid or
    950px fixed            960px fixed
                                           750/950/974px fixed

    24 columns           12/16 columns
    or custom              or custom

good docs, nice code,      nice code,        fluid and mixed
  any source order      any source order         layouts

 30px   10px

 30px   10px


  30px   10px


site header class="span-24"

      30px   10px


    site header class="span-24"

content class="span-18"
      30px   10px


    site header class="span-24"

content class="span-18"           class="span-6
      class="container"                last"
                   30px   10px


                 site header class="span-24"
 feature A

              class="container"                     last"
        content class="span-18"
                   30px   10px


                 site header class="span-24"
 feature A                          feature B
class="span-9"                   class="span-9 last"

              class="container"                             last"
        content class="span-18"
                   30px   10px


                 site header class="span-24"
 feature A                          feature B
class="span-9"                   class="span-9 last"

           body content
               class="container"                       class="span-6
          class="span-18 last"                              last"
        content class="span-18"
                           30px   10px


                       site header class="span-24"
       feature A                            feature B
     class="span-9"                      class="span-9 last"

                      body content
                          class="container"                               class="span-6
                     class="span-18 last"                                      last"
                   content class="span-18"
department A          department B                 department C
  class="span-6"        class="span-6"              class="span-6 last"

  60px   20px   40px

  60px   20px   40px


  60px    20px   40px


         site header class="grid_16"

   60px    20px   40px


          site header class="grid_16"

 content class="grid_12"
   60px    20px   40px


          site header class="grid_16"

 content class="grid_12"                  sidebar
    class="container_16"                class="grid_4"
                       60px    20px    40px


                              site header class="grid_16"
        feature A                                 feature B
  class="grid_6 alpha"                        class="grid_6 omega"

                       body content                                               sidebar
                  class="grid_12 alpha omega"

                   content class="grid_12"
department A           department B                      department C
class="grid_4 alpha"          class="grid_4"             class="grid_4 omega"
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t6">
!    <div id="hd"><h1>Header</h1></div>
!    <div id="bd">
!    !    <div id="yui-main">
!    !    !    <div class="yui-b">
!    !    !    !    <div class="yui-g">
!    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u first">
!    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
!    !    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u">
!    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
!    !    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    <div class="yui-g">
!    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE -->
!    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    <div class="yui-gb">
!    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u first">
!    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
!    !    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u">
!    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
!    !    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u">
!    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
!    !    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    !    </div>
!    !    !    </div>
!    !    </div>
!    !    <div class="yui-b">
!    !    !    <!-- YOUR NAVIGATION GOES HERE -->
!    !    </div>
!    </div>
   <div id="ft"><p>Footer</p></div>
               <div id="doc3" class="yui-t6">
               !    <div id="hd"><h1>Header</h1></div> class="yui-t6" 300px right sidebar
               !    <div id="bd">
               !    !    <div id="yui-main">
               !    !    !    <div class="yui-b">
id="doc3" 100% width
                                   <div class="yui-g">
                                   !    <div class="yui-u first">class="yui-g" 2-col sub-grid
               !    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
               !    !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u">
               !    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
               !    !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-g">
               !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE -->
               !    !    !    !    </div>
                                   <div class="yui-gb">
                                   !    <div class="yui-u first"> class="yui-gb" 3-col sub-grid
               !    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
               !    !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    !    !    <div class="yui-u">
               !    !    !    !    !    !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   -->
               !    !    !    !    !    </div>
                                        <div class="yui-u">
                                        !    <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE   class="yui-u" grid unit
               !    !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    !    </div>
               !    !    </div>
               !    !    <div class="yui-b">
               !    !    !    <!-- YOUR NAVIGATION GOES HERE -->
               !    !    </div>
               !    </div>
                  <div id="ft"><p>Footer</p></div>

      class="span-9 last"

     class="grid_6 alpha"


“The class attribute has several roles in
  • As a style sheet selector (when an
    author wishes to assign style
    information to a set of elements).
  • For general purpose processing by
    user agents.”
                HTML4                                   HTML5 Draft

“The class attribute has several roles in   “Authors may use any value in the class
 HTML:                                       attribute, but are encouraged to use the
  • As a style sheet selector (when an       values that describe the nature of the
    author wishes to assign style            content, rather than values that describe
    information to a set of elements).       the desired presentation of the content.”
  • For general purpose processing by
    user agents.”
                HTML4                                   HTML5 Draft

“The class attribute has several roles in   “Authors may use any value in the class
 HTML:                                       attribute, but are encouraged to use the
  • As a style sheet selector (when an       values that describe the nature of the
    author wishes to assign style            content, rather than values that describe
    information to a set of elements).       the desired presentation of the content.”
  • For general purpose processing by
    user agents.”

“Good names don’t change

“Think about why you want something to look a certain way, and not really about
 how it should look. Looks can always change, but the reasons for giving something
 a look stay the same.”

     Let’s use our own classes!

      Blueprint         960 Grid System      YUI Grids CSS

                                                 fluid or
    950px fixed            960px fixed
                                           750/950/974px fixed

    24 columns           12/16 columns
    or custom              or custom
good docs, nice code,
                           nice code,        fluid and mixed
  any source order,
                        any source order         layouts
semantic classes

h1   {
!     font-size:3em;
!     line-height:1;
!     margin-bottom:0.5em;
     vertical rhythm

h1   {
!     font-size:3em;
!     line-height:1;
!     margin-bottom:0.5em;
      vertical rhythm
                              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                              purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

default font 12px/18px
                              egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                              suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                              mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                              Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                              Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
 h1   {                       non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
 !     font-size:3em;         ultrices.

 !     line-height:1;
 !     margin-bottom:0.5em;
      vertical rhythm
                               Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                               purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

default font 12px/18px
                               egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                               suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                               mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                               Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                               Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
 h2   {                        non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
 !     font-size:2em;          ultrices.

 !     line-height:1.5;
 !     margin-bottom:0.75em;
         vertical rhythm             Heading 1
                                     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                     purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

  default font 12px/18px
                                     egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                     suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                     mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                     Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                     Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
    h2   {                           non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
    !     font-size:2em;             ultrices.

    !     line-height:1.5;
    !     margin-bottom:0.75em;

12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line
           vertical rhythm              Heading 1
                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                        purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                        egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                        suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                        mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                        Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                        Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
      h2   {                            non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
      !     font-size:2em;              ultrices.

      !     line-height:1.5;
      !     margin-bottom:0.75em;

 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line

12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
           vertical rhythm              Heading 1
                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                        purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                        egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                        suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                        mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                        Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                        Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
      h3   {                            non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
      !     font-size:1.5em;            ultrices.

      !     line-height:1;
      !     margin-bottom:1em;

 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line

12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
           vertical rhythm              Heading 1
                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                        purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                        egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                        suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                        mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                        Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                        Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
      h3   {                            non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
      !     font-size:1.5em;            ultrices.

      !     line-height:1;
      !     margin-bottom:1em;          Heading 2

 12px × 2 × 1.5 = 36px = 2 grids/line
 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line

12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
           vertical rhythm              Heading 1
                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                        purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                        egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                        suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                        mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                        Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                        Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
      h3   {                            non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida
      !     font-size:1.5em;            ultrices.

      !     line-height:1;
      !     margin-bottom:1em;          Heading 2
                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                        purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra.

 12px × 2 × 1.5 = 36px = 2 grids/line

12px × 2 × 0.75 = 36px = 2 grids/line
  12px × 3 × 1 = 18px = 1 grid margin

12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
         vertical rhythm                 Heading 1
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                         egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                         suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                         mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                         Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                         Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
                                         non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida

                                         Heading 2
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra.

 12px × 23× 1.5= 36px = 22grids/line
  12px × × 1 = 36px = grids/line

12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin
 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
         vertical rhythm                 Heading 1
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                         egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                         suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                         mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                         Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                         Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
                                         non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida

                                         Heading 2
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra.

                                         Heading 3
 12px × 1.5 × 1 = 18px = 1 grids/line
 12px × 23× 1.5= 36px = 22grids/line
  12px × × 1 = 36px = grids/line

12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin
 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
         vertical rhythm                 Heading 1
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero

    default font 12px/18px
                                         egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget
                                         suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non,
                                         mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor.
                                         Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi.
                                         Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue
                                         non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida

                                         Heading 2
                                         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel
                                         purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra.

                                         Heading 3
 12px × 1.5 × 1 = 18px = 1 grids/line
                                         Cras posuere lobortis libero egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum,
                                         elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam,

12px ×× 23× 1.5= 18px ==22grids/line
 12px × × 1 ==36px = 1 grid margin
  12px 1.5 × 1    36px     grids/line    iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis.
                                         Integer et congue dolor.

12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin
 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
h1,   h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
   { position: relative; }
h1,   h2
     { line-height: 36px; margin-bottom: 18px; }
h1,   h2, h3, h4
    { margin-top: 18px; }
h3,   h4, h5, h6
    { line-height: 18px; }
     { font-size: 36px; top: 5px; }
     { font-size: 28px; top: 8px; }
     { font-size: 22px; top: 1px; }
     { font-size: 18px; top: 2px; }
     { font-size: 15px; top: 4px; }
     { font-size: 13px; top: 5px; }
h1,   h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
   { position: relative; }
h1,   h2
     { line-height: 36px; margin-bottom: 18px; }
h1,   h2, h3, h4
    { margin-top: 18px; }
h3,   h4, h5, h6
    { line-height: 18px; }
     { font-size: 36px; top: 5px; }
     { font-size: 28px; top: 8px; }
     { font-size: 22px; top: 1px; }
     { font-size: 18px; top: 2px; }
     { font-size: 15px; top: 4px; }
     { font-size: 13px; top: 5px; }
 ideal leading is font and design dependent

                Helvetica vs Calibri
 ideal leading is font and design dependent

                 Helvetica vs Times
 ideal leading is font and design dependent

              Helvetica vs Helvetica


ready-made styles for documents made of prescribed

           <ul class="v6-9-9">
           !   <li class="a-magazine span-6"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-subscribe span-9"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-shop span-9 last"> content </li>

           <ul class="v9-6-9">
           !   <li class="a-magazine span-9"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-subscribe span-6"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-shop span-9 last"> content </li>

           <ul class="v9-9-6">
           !   <li class="a-magazine span-9"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-subscribe span-9"> content </li>
           !   <li class="a-shop span-6 last"> content </li>


      “Adding any form of macros or additional scopes and
 indirections, including symbolic constants, is not just redundant,
but changes CSS in ways that make it unsuitable for its intended
  audience. Given that there is currently no alternative to CSS,
                  these things must not be added.”

       — Bert Bos, Why “variables” in CSS are harmful
     !sitepoint_bg = #036
     !sitepoint_fg = #F60

      background-color= !sitepoint_bg

       color= !sitepoint_fg
       color= !sitepoint_fg - #830

     @import blueprint.css
     !blueprint_grid_columns = 16
     !blueprint_grid_width = 40px
     !blueprint_grid_margin = 20px



     sitepoint_bg = #036
     sitepoint_fg = #F60

      background-color: $sitepoint_bg

       color: $sitepoint_fg
       color: $sitepoint_fg - #830

@constants {                           @grid {


#header {                              

    background-color:!sitepoint_bg;   }

    a:link, a:visited {               #container {

     color:!sitepoint_fg;          +container;

    }                                 }
                                       #header {

   What do CSS frameworks do?

 How do I choose a CSS framework?

   Are CSS frameworks pure evil?












        (or don’t serve it yourself)

    training wheels

             training wheels

learning CSS without that “ugly first page”

                    training wheels

learning CSS without that “ugly first page”

            See: Object Oriented CSS

 when all you have is a hammer…

 when all you have is a hammer…

   think outside the framework

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CSS Frameworks

  • 1. CSS FRAMEWORKS make the right choice Kevin Yank, Web Directions South 2009
  • 2. CSS FRAMEWORKS make the right choice
  • 3. CSS FRAMEWORKS “a set of tools, libraries, conventions, and best practices that attempt to abstract routine tasks into generic modules that can be reused” — Jeff Croft, Frameworks for Designers
  • 6. THREE QUESTIONS What do CSS frameworks do? How do I choose a CSS framework? evil Are CSS frameworks pure evil?
  • 7. THREE QUESTIONS What do CSS frameworks do? How do I choose a CSS framework? Are CSS frameworks pure evil evil?
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. CSS RESET
  • 17. CSS RESET body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,p,blockq uote,th,td { margin:0; padding:0; } table { border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0; } fieldset,img { border:0; } address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; } ol,ul { list-style:none; } caption,th { text-align:left; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-size:100%; font-weight:normal; } q:before,q:after { content:''; } abbr,acronym { border:0; }
  • 18. CSS RESET body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,p,blockq uote,th,td { margin:0; padding:0; } table { border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0; } fieldset,img { border:0; } address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; } ol,ul { list-style:none; } caption,th { text-align:left; } *{ :0; h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { margin g:0; font-size:100%; paddin font-weight:normal; } } q:before,q:after { content:''; } abbr,acronym { border:0; }
  • 19. CSS RESET YUI Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS leaves critical styles alone resets critical styles ins left underlined no :focus outline, unstyled ins sets default font styles attempts to inherit font styles strong not bold, em not italic leaves built-in font styles
  • 20. CSS RESET YUI Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS leaves critical styles alone resets critical styles ins left underlined no :focus outline, unstyled ins sets default font styles attempts to inherit font styles strong not bold, em not italic leaves built-in font styles
  • 21. CSS RESET YUI Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS leaves critical styles alone resets critical styles ins left underlined no :focus outline, unstyled ins sets default font styles attempts to inherit font styles strong not bold, em not italic leaves built-in font styles
  • 22. CSS RESET YUI Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS leaves critical styles alone resets critical styles ins left underlined no :focus outline, unstyled ins sets default font styles attempts to inherit font styles strong not bold, em not italic leaves built-in font styles
  • 23. CSS RESET YUI Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS leaves critical styles alone resets critical styles ins left underlined no :focus outline, unstyled ins sets default font styles attempts to inherit font styles strong not bold, em not italic leaves built-in font styles
  • 27. CONTROVERSY IN MICROCOSM “The problem I’vetake style effectsresets is is that then find me “I“The problem I’ve had with thesefor granted. […] It makes don’t want to had with these resets that I I then find myself think just that littlemore thanever needed to just toof get myself declaring much bit than I Iaboutneeded to just toget declaring much more harder ever the semantics my browsers backWith the reset in place, Iway I want. strong turns browsers back to rendering things thedon’tI pick As ititturns document. to rendering things the way want. As because out,the I’m perfectly for boldfacing. Instead, I pickelements render out, design calls happy with how number ofof the right element— I’m perfectly happy with how a a number elements render by default. I likeit’slike to havehaveor band andor whatever—and then by default. Ilists lists to em bullets h3 strong elements to whether strong or bullets or strong elements to have have boldedneeded.” bolded text.” ” style it as text. — — Jonathan Snook, No CSS Reset Jonathan Meyer, Reset Reasoning — Eric Snook, No CSS Reset
  • 28. CONTROVERSY IN MICROCOSM “The problemto take style effects for granted. […]then find meme “I don’t want I’vetake style effectsresets is that […]makes “I don’t want to had with these for granted. I It It makes myself thinkjust that little bit harder Iabout needed to justof my my think just that little bit than ever the semantics toof declaring much more harder about the semantics get browsers backWith the reset in place, Iwaypick strongitbecause document. With renderingin place, I don’t I want. strong because document. to the reset things the don’t pick As turns out,thedesign callshappyboldfacing. Instead, I pickelements render the design calls for with how a number of the right element— I’m perfectly for boldfacing. Instead, I pick the right element— by default. I likeit’s strongor em oror band h3 or whatever—and then whether it’s lists to have em b oror strong elements to then whether strong or bullets h3 or whatever—and have style it asas needed.” bolded text.” ” style it needed. — Eric Meyer, Reset Reasoning — Jonathan Meyer, Reset Reasoning — Eric Snook, No CSS Reset
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 37. COLUMN GRIDS Blueprint 960 Grid System YUI Grids CSS fluid or 950px fixed 960px fixed 750/950/974px fixed 24 columns 12/16 columns custom or custom or custom good docs, nice code, nice code, fluid and mixed any source order any source order layouts
  • 38. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px
  • 39. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px class="container"
  • 40. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" class="container"
  • 41. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" content class="span-18" class="container"
  • 42. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" sidebar content class="span-18" class="span-6 class="container" last"
  • 43. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" feature A class="span-9" sidebar class="span-6 class="container" last" content class="span-18"
  • 44. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" feature A feature B class="span-9" class="span-9 last" sidebar class="span-6 class="container" last" content class="span-18"
  • 45. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" feature A feature B class="span-9" class="span-9 last" sidebar body content class="container" class="span-6 class="span-18 last" last" content class="span-18"
  • 46. BLUEPRINT 30px 10px 950px site header class="span-24" feature A feature B class="span-9" class="span-9 last" sidebar body content class="container" class="span-6 class="span-18 last" last" content class="span-18" department A department B department C class="span-6" class="span-6" class="span-6 last"
  • 47. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px
  • 48. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px class="container_16"
  • 49. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px site header class="grid_16" class="container_16"
  • 50. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px site header class="grid_16" content class="grid_12" class="container_16"
  • 51. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px site header class="grid_16" content class="grid_12" sidebar class="container_16" class="grid_4"
  • 52. 960 GRID SYSTEM 60px 20px 40px 960px site header class="grid_16" feature A feature B class="grid_6 alpha" class="grid_6 omega" body content sidebar class="container_16" class="grid_12 alpha omega" class="grid_4" content class="grid_12" department A department B department C class="grid_4 alpha" class="grid_4" class="grid_4 omega"
  • 54. YUI GRIDS CSS <div id="doc3" class="yui-t6"> ! <div id="hd"><h1>Header</h1></div> ! <div id="bd"> ! ! <div id="yui-main"> ! ! ! <div class="yui-b"> ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-g"> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u first"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-g"> ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-gb"> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u first"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! </div> ! ! </div> ! ! <div class="yui-b"> ! ! ! <!-- YOUR NAVIGATION GOES HERE --> ! ! </div> ! </div> <div id="ft"><p>Footer</p></div> </div>
  • 55. YUI GRIDS CSS <div id="doc3" class="yui-t6"> ! <div id="hd"><h1>Header</h1></div> class="yui-t6" 300px right sidebar ! <div id="bd"> ! ! <div id="yui-main"> ! ! ! <div class="yui-b"> id="doc3" 100% width ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-g"> ! <div class="yui-u first">class="yui-g" 2-col sub-grid ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-g"> ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-gb"> ! <div class="yui-u first"> class="yui-gb" 3-col sub-grid ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! ! ! ! ! ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <div class="yui-u"> ! <!-- YOUR DATA GOES HERE class="yui-u" grid unit --> ! ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! ! </div> ! ! ! </div> ! ! </div> ! ! <div class="yui-b"> ! ! ! <!-- YOUR NAVIGATION GOES HERE --> ! ! </div> ! </div> <div id="ft"><p>Footer</p></div> </div>
  • 58. NON-SEMANTIC CLASSES class="span-9 last" class="grid_6 alpha" class="yui-t6"
  • 60. NON-SEMANTIC CLASSES HTML4 “The class attribute has several roles in HTML: • As a style sheet selector (when an author wishes to assign style information to a set of elements). • For general purpose processing by user agents.”
  • 61. NON-SEMANTIC CLASSES HTML4 HTML5 Draft “The class attribute has several roles in “Authors may use any value in the class HTML: attribute, but are encouraged to use the • As a style sheet selector (when an values that describe the nature of the author wishes to assign style content, rather than values that describe information to a set of elements). the desired presentation of the content.” • For general purpose processing by user agents.”
  • 62. NON-SEMANTIC CLASSES HTML4 HTML5 Draft “The class attribute has several roles in “Authors may use any value in the class HTML: attribute, but are encouraged to use the • As a style sheet selector (when an values that describe the nature of the author wishes to assign style content, rather than values that describe information to a set of elements). the desired presentation of the content.” • For general purpose processing by user agents.” “Good names don’t change “Think about why you want something to look a certain way, and not really about how it should look. Looks can always change, but the reasons for giving something a look stay the same.”
  • 63. NON-SEMANTIC CLASSES Let’s use our own classes!
  • 65. COLUMN GRIDS Blueprint 960 Grid System YUI Grids CSS fluid or 950px fixed 960px fixed 750/950/974px fixed 24 columns 12/16 columns custom or custom or custom good docs, nice code, nice code, fluid and mixed any source order, any source order layouts semantic classes
  • 68. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS h1 { ! font-size:3em; ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:0.5em; }
  • 69. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm h1 { ! font-size:3em; ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:0.5em; }
  • 70. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h1 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:3em; ultrices. ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:0.5em; }
  • 71. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h2 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:2em; ultrices. ! line-height:1.5; ! margin-bottom:0.75em; }
  • 72. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h2 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:2em; ultrices. ! line-height:1.5; ! margin-bottom:0.75em; } 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line
  • 73. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h2 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:2em; ultrices. ! line-height:1.5; ! margin-bottom:0.75em; } 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 74. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h3 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:1.5em; ultrices. ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:1em; } 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 75. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h3 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:1.5em; ultrices. ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:1em; Heading 2 } 12px × 2 × 1.5 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 3 × 1 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 76. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue h3 { non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ! font-size:1.5em; ultrices. ! line-height:1; ! margin-bottom:1em; Heading 2 } Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. 12px × 2 × 1.5 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 2 × 0.75 = 36px = 2 grids/line 12px × 3 × 1 = 18px = 1 grid margin 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 77. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ultrices. Heading 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. 12px × 23× 1.5= 36px = 22grids/line 12px × × 1 = 36px = grids/line 12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 78. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ultrices. Heading 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Heading 3 12px × 1.5 × 1 = 18px = 1 grids/line 12px × 23× 1.5= 36px = 22grids/line 12px × × 1 = 36px = grids/line 12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 79. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS vertical rhythm Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Cras posuere lobortis libero default font 12px/18px egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. Etiam mi lacus, eleifend ac ornare id, malesuada et metus. Etiam et lacus nisi. Fusce justo justo, lobortis nec mollis in, laoreet tempor velit. Phasellus vel augue non ligula condimentum dapibus. Pellentesque nec turpis egestas sapien gravida ultrices. Heading 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin nisl vel purus scelerisque sit amet vestibulum justo viverra. Heading 3 12px × 1.5 × 1 = 18px = 1 grids/line Cras posuere lobortis libero egestas suscipit. Donec aliquet, sem at ornare dictum, elit risus eleifend leo, eget suscipit ipsum nunc nec felis. Pellentesque lacus quam, 12px ×× 23× 1.5= 18px ==22grids/line 12px × × 1 ==36px = 1 grid margin 12px 1.5 × 1 36px grids/line iaculis sed imperdiet non, mollis sit amet lectus. Ut consequat malesuada lobortis. Integer et congue dolor. 12px × 2 × 0.75= 18px = 1 grid margin 12px × 3 × 0.5 = 18px = 1 grid margin
  • 85. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { position: relative; } h1, h2 { line-height: 36px; margin-bottom: 18px; } h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-top: 18px; } h3, h4, h5, h6 { line-height: 18px; } h1 { font-size: 36px; top: 5px; } h2 { font-size: 28px; top: 8px; } h3 { font-size: 22px; top: 1px; } h4 { font-size: 18px; top: 2px; } h5 { font-size: 15px; top: 4px; } h6 { font-size: 13px; top: 5px; }
  • 86. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { position: relative; } h1, h2 { line-height: 36px; margin-bottom: 18px; } h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-top: 18px; } h3, h4, h5, h6 { line-height: 18px; } h1 { font-size: 36px; top: 5px; } h2 { font-size: 28px; top: 8px; } h3 { font-size: 22px; top: 1px; } h4 { font-size: 18px; top: 2px; } h5 { font-size: 15px; top: 4px; } h6 { font-size: 13px; top: 5px; }
  • 87. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS ideal leading is font and design dependent Helvetica vs Calibri
  • 88. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS ideal leading is font and design dependent Helvetica vs Times
  • 89. TYPOGRAPHIC GRIDS ideal leading is font and design dependent Helvetica vs Helvetica
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 96. CSS PRE-FAB ready-made styles for documents made of prescribed components
  • 98. CSS PRE-FAB <ul class="v6-9-9"> ! <li class="a-magazine span-6"> content </li> ! <li class="a-subscribe span-9"> content </li> ! <li class="a-shop span-9 last"> content </li> </ul>
  • 99. CSS PRE-FAB <ul class="v9-6-9"> ! <li class="a-magazine span-9"> content </li> ! <li class="a-subscribe span-6"> content </li> ! <li class="a-shop span-9 last"> content </li> </ul>
  • 100. CSS PRE-FAB <ul class="v9-9-6"> ! <li class="a-magazine span-9"> content </li> ! <li class="a-subscribe span-9"> content </li> ! <li class="a-shop span-6 last"> content </li> </ul>
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 107. CSS ABSTRACTION “Adding any form of macros or additional scopes and indirections, including symbolic constants, is not just redundant, but changes CSS in ways that make it unsuitable for its intended audience. Given that there is currently no alternative to CSS, these things must not be added.” — Bert Bos, Why “variables” in CSS are harmful
  • 110. SERVER-SIDE FRAMEWORKS !sitepoint_bg = #036 !sitepoint_fg = #F60 #header background-color= !sitepoint_bg a:link color= !sitepoint_fg a:visited color= !sitepoint_fg - #830 @import blueprint.css !blueprint_grid_columns = 16 !blueprint_grid_width = 40px !blueprint_grid_margin = 20px +blueprint-grid #container +container #header +column(16)
  • 111. SERVER-SIDE FRAMEWORKS sitepoint_bg = #036 sitepoint_fg = #F60 #header: background-color: $sitepoint_bg a:link color: $sitepoint_fg a:visited color: $sitepoint_fg - #830
  • 112. SERVER-SIDE FRAMEWORKS @constants { @grid { sitepoint_bg:#036; column-count:16; sitepoint_fg:#F60; column-width:40; } left-gutter-width:10; right-gutter-width:10; #header { unit:px; background-color:!sitepoint_bg; } a:link, a:visited { #container { color:!sitepoint_fg; +container; } } } #header { +columns(16); }
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 118. THREE QUESTIONS What do CSS frameworks do? How do I choose a CSS framework? Are CSS frameworks pure evil?
  • 128. FINAL THOUGHTS training wheels
  • 129. FINAL THOUGHTS training wheels learning CSS without that “ugly first page”
  • 130. FINAL THOUGHTS training wheels learning CSS without that “ugly first page” See: Object Oriented CSS
  • 132. FINAL THOUGHTS when all you have is a hammer…
  • 133. FINAL THOUGHTS when all you have is a hammer… think outside the framework

Notas del editor

  1. 50-55 minutes long
  2. 50-55 minutes long
  3. Show of hands: based on this definition, &amp;#x2022; using a CSS framework? &amp;#x2022; using a &amp;#x201C;framework&amp;#x201D; they created themselves?
  4. &amp;#x2022; more than enough list posts out there (maybe one or two on!)
  5. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  6. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  7. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  8. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  9. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  10. As I take you on this &amp;#x201C;grand tour of CSS frameworkery&amp;#x201D;, my aim is to answer three questions for you&amp;#x2026;
  11. &amp;#x2026;and by the end, you should have a good feel for whether there are any CSS frameworks that are right for you. (Or if the one you build yourself might be worth putting out there!)
  12. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  13. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  14. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  15. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  16. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  17. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  18. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  19. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  20. &amp;#x2022; we&amp;#x2019;ll look at four types of frameworks
  21. &amp;#x2022; choosing a CSS Reset is fraught with all the complexities and complications of choosing any CSS framework
  22. &amp;#x2022; choosing a CSS Reset is fraught with all the complexities and complications of choosing any CSS framework
  23. &amp;#x2022; choosing a CSS Reset is fraught with all the complexities and complications of choosing any CSS framework
  24. &amp;#x2022; (if you use one) first style sheet you apply to every page
  25. &amp;#x2022; (if you use one) first style sheet you apply to every page
  26. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Reset CSS &amp;#x2022; all sorts of things you might not think of &amp;#x2022; more robust than the typical do-it-yourself effort &amp;#x2022; doesn&amp;#x2019;t reset margins and padding that are vital to some form elements
  27. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Reset CSS &amp;#x2022; all sorts of things you might not think of &amp;#x2022; more robust than the typical do-it-yourself effort &amp;#x2022; doesn&amp;#x2019;t reset margins and padding that are vital to some form elements
  28. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Reset CSS &amp;#x2022; all sorts of things you might not think of &amp;#x2022; more robust than the typical do-it-yourself effort &amp;#x2022; doesn&amp;#x2019;t reset margins and padding that are vital to some form elements
  29. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Reset CSS &amp;#x2022; all sorts of things you might not think of &amp;#x2022; more robust than the typical do-it-yourself effort &amp;#x2022; doesn&amp;#x2019;t reset margins and padding that are vital to some form elements
  30. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) Reset CSS &amp;#x2022; all sorts of things you might not think of &amp;#x2022; more robust than the typical do-it-yourself effort &amp;#x2022; doesn&amp;#x2019;t reset margins and padding that are vital to some form elements
  31. &amp;#x2022; Meyer removes :focus (pseudo-class) outlines and other &amp;#x201C;critical&amp;#x201D; styles like the underline on ins elements. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! breaks font style inheritance by applying initial values (e.g. font-weight: normal) to all elements. &amp;#x2022; Meyer: right thing to do is use inherit, which IE6/7 do not support, so leave these styles alone.
  32. &amp;#x2022; Meyer removes :focus (pseudo-class) outlines and other &amp;#x201C;critical&amp;#x201D; styles like the underline on ins elements. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! breaks font style inheritance by applying initial values (e.g. font-weight: normal) to all elements. &amp;#x2022; Meyer: right thing to do is use inherit, which IE6/7 do not support, so leave these styles alone.
  33. &amp;#x2022; Meyer removes :focus (pseudo-class) outlines and other &amp;#x201C;critical&amp;#x201D; styles like the underline on ins elements. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! breaks font style inheritance by applying initial values (e.g. font-weight: normal) to all elements. &amp;#x2022; Meyer: right thing to do is use inherit, which IE6/7 do not support, so leave these styles alone.
  34. &amp;#x2022; Meyer removes :focus (pseudo-class) outlines and other &amp;#x201C;critical&amp;#x201D; styles like the underline on ins elements. &amp;#x2022; Yahoo! breaks font style inheritance by applying initial values (e.g. font-weight: normal) to all elements. &amp;#x2022; Meyer: right thing to do is use inherit, which IE6/7 do not support, so leave these styles alone.
  35. &amp;#x2022; lack of :focus outline huge accessibility issue by default &amp;#x2022; vote &amp;#x2022; YUI is a better choice if you want to ignore the details
  36. &amp;#x2022; apparent differences mostly meaningless &amp;#x2022; last row is the only important one
  37. 24 columns
  38. 24 columns
  39. 24 columns
  40. 24 columns
  41. 24 columns
  42. 24 columns
  43. 24 columns
  44. 24 columns
  45. 24 columns
  46. 24 columns
  47. 24 columns
  48. 24 columns
  49. 24 columns
  50. 24 columns
  51. 24 columns
  52. 24 columns
  53. 24 columns
  54. 24 columns
  55. 24 columns
  56. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  57. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  58. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  59. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  60. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  61. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  62. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  63. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  64. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  65. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  66. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  67. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  68. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  69. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  70. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  71. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  72. &amp;#x2022; choice of 12 or 16 columns &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t be fooled by &amp;#x201C;960 is 10 better than Blueprint&amp;#x2019;s 950!&amp;#x201D; due to outer margins, it&amp;#x2019;s actually 10 worse! &amp;#x2022; I&amp;#x2019;m a Star Trek fan, but even I think those alpha/omega class names are wanky
  73. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  74. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  75. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  76. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  77. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  78. &amp;#x2022; fixed sizes are expressed in ems, even for pixel-width layouts &amp;#x2022; result: very difficult to tweak the grid for exceptions, special effects
  79. &amp;#x2026;what bugs you about the code I have shown you so far?
  80. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  81. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  82. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  83. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  84. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  85. Use class with semantics in mind (W3C QA Tip)
  86. Demo semantic class name support in Blueprint
  87. Is Andy Clarke&amp;#x2019;s &amp;#x201C;presentational thinking&amp;#x201D; while writing markup a real-world problem?
  88. &amp;#x2022; DESKTOP BACKGROUND COMPARISON!!! &amp;#x2022; I choose Blueprint if I am prototyping, or if fixed width OK. &amp;#x2022; For fluid layout, YUI Grids too painful. Do it yourself. &amp;#x2022; YUI: Amazing technical achievement (grid resizes with text), but em-based sizes too inflexible for creating special effects (e.g. overlapping block edges).
  89. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  90. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  91. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  92. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  93. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  94. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  95. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  96. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  97. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  98. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  99. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  100. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  101. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  102. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  103. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  104. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  105. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  106. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  107. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  108. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  109. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  110. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  111. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  112. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  113. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  114. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  115. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  116. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  117. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  118. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  119. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  120. &amp;#x2022; largely concerned with creating vertical rhythms &amp;#x2022; vertical rhythm improves readability, perceived polish of design &amp;#x2022; here&amp;#x2019;s how Blueprint does it
  121. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  122. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  123. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  124. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  125. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  126. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  127. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  128. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  129. &amp;#x2022; a finished layout with typographic grid &amp;#x2022; can anyone suggest how this might be made better? &amp;#x2022; a shared baseline, and that&amp;#x2019;s exactly what a new typographic grid framework called&amp;#x2014;creatively enough&amp;#x2014;Baseline aims to do. &amp;#x2022; even does it for form fields! &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t believe in pixel font sizes? you will not like this framework
  130. &amp;#x2022; Calibri has smaller x-height that Helvetica, framework line-height is too large. &amp;#x2022; Times is a serif font, framework line-height is again too large. &amp;#x2022; Light-on-dark designs call for increased leading or they feel too noisy. &amp;#x2022; typographic grid comes with a lot of assumptions about the fonts, colours, typical line lengths, and other aspects of your design
  131. &amp;#x2022; Calibri has smaller x-height that Helvetica, framework line-height is too large. &amp;#x2022; Times is a serif font, framework line-height is again too large. &amp;#x2022; Light-on-dark designs call for increased leading or they feel too noisy. &amp;#x2022; typographic grid comes with a lot of assumptions about the fonts, colours, typical line lengths, and other aspects of your design
  132. aka &amp;#x201C;libraries&amp;#x201D;&amp;#x2014;ready-made solutions for specific tasks
  133. &amp;#x2022; real time-savers, but not tools for original design
  134. Andy Clarke&amp;#x2019;s design for The New Internationalist
  135. Andy Clarke&amp;#x2019;s design for The New Internationalist
  136. Andy Clarke&amp;#x2019;s design for The New Internationalist
  137. Andy Clarke&amp;#x2019;s design for The New Internationalist
  138. (Joke about finding a photo to represent abstraction.)
  139. (Joke about finding a photo to represent abstraction.)
  140. (Joke about finding a photo to represent abstraction.)
  141. &amp;#x201C;CSS is simple. It&amp;#x2019;s better that way. Needs to work for non-programmers.&amp;#x201D;
  142. &amp;#x2022; unfortunately no selector inheritance (mixins) &amp;#x2022; give them points for trying to slip a new word into the language&amp;#x2014;&amp;#x201C;webdesign&amp;#x201D;
  143. &amp;#x2022; by Anthony Short (from Sydney) &amp;#x2022; no colour arithmetic, but this is a non-issue in practice &amp;#x2022; installation and development workflow very smooth
  144. What do CSS frameworks do? &amp;#x2022; reset styles &amp;#x2022; horizontal grids for layout, vertical grids for text &amp;#x2022; pre-fab styles for particular types of content &amp;#x2022; make CSS more powerful with server-side processing How do you choose a CSS framework? &amp;#x2022; don&amp;#x2019;t adopt for the free code &amp;#x2022; because it contains code you agree with &amp;#x2022; buying into a shared methodology: community, open documentation, ease of training and recruitment. Are CSS frameworks pure evil? &amp;#x2022; of course not&amp;#x2014;shortcuts can be good or bad &amp;#x2022; no need to reinvent the wheel; just make it your business to know as much about the wheels you use as possible. Choose code you would have written on your best day.
  145. STOP &amp;#x2026; question time!
  146. &amp;#x2022; Object Oriented CSS by Nicole Sullivan &amp;#x2022; anecdote: the Core library &amp;#x2022; have considered a CSS book that used a framework in the same way
  147. &amp;#x2022; Object Oriented CSS by Nicole Sullivan &amp;#x2022; anecdote: the Core library &amp;#x2022; have considered a CSS book that used a framework in the same way
  148. &amp;#x2022; Object Oriented CSS by Nicole Sullivan &amp;#x2022; anecdote: the Core library &amp;#x2022; have considered a CSS book that used a framework in the same way