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2012 First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Vehicular Technology


                                       Sameer Khader, Abdel-Karim Daud

                                            Palestine Polytechnic University

                    ABSTRACT                                     at realizing the required voltage level during different
                                                                 periods of day for certain application type such as
    This paper proposed solution for directly energizing         pumps, motors in general and power supplies.
of ac load throughout Photovoltaic Solar Array during             During the design process of PV array powered
the daytime by applying so called variable voltage               systems; a simulation must be performed for system
tracking system (VVT). The main function of VVT is               analysis and parameter settings. Therefore an efficient
to maintain the average output chopped voltage at fixed          user friendly simulation model of the PV array with
value irrespective of solar radiation rate, in turn the          various control strategies is always needed.
chopped voltage is converted into ac voltage suitable                The proposed model consists of several modules as
for grid-connected loads. This solution is realized by           shown in Figure1 with the following functions:
integrating both complementary buck-boost chopper                - PV Photovoltaic Module (PV) that converts the
and dc to ac converter. The ac-grid contributes to the             solar irradiation into voltage Vpv and current Ipv.
load in two cases, first when there is a power shortage
during the daytime due to weak irradiation rates, and            - Complementary Buck-Boost DC Chopper Module
second during the night time. The power estimator unit             that boosts up the PV voltage to the predetermined
is used to determine the grid contribution intervals.              levels. Conversely in case of high Vpv the output
    This solution excludes the use of battery bank                 voltage is reduced.
which is the main obstacle in massive use of solar                                                          Variable
energy due to their weight, short life time, maintenance                                                    Voltage
and cost. Matlab/Simulink is used to simulate the                                           Vg_Q            Tracking
proposed model, where the obtained simulation results
confirm and justify the proposed approach for further                                                                       Vout
study and looking for optimized solutions for cost                       PV                  Complement-
                                                                        Array               ary Buck-Boost
reduction and energy savings.
Index Terms-- Photovoltaic Systems, DC Choppers,                                                    Vg_sl        Selector      Inverter
Smart Grids, Soft Switching, Inverters, Buck-Boost
Chopper.                                                                              Vac
                                                                        AC                  Grid Adapting
                                                                        Grid                   System
                1. INTRODUCTION                                                                                                    Load
                                                                                             Grid-Drop                  Iout
    Photovoltaic energy resources presents alternative                                      Compensation
and friendly to the environment sources. It presents
unique solution for providing remote area with clean                                  Pac
                                                                                             Power Status
and sustainable energy during the daytime in heating,                           Ppv           Estimator
lighting, refrigeration and water pumps systems [1-3]
without the need of battery system, while during the
                                                                                 Figure 1. PV-Grid system block diagram
night time the accumulated energy can be fully or
partially used to cover the energy domain.
    The output circuit connected to the photovoltaic             - Variable Voltage Tracking Module that generates
system is usually dc-dc converters mainly boost                    switching pulses according to the required output
choppers in order to boost the voltage to the                      voltage level in order to maintain Vout at fixed value.
predetermined levels.                                            - Grid Adapting Module that converts the ac grid
    The DC/DC converters are widely used in regulated              voltage into dc voltage in case of grid connection.
switch mode power supplies, where the input voltage to           - Grid Drop Compensation Module that compensates
these converters varies in wide range especially in the            the voltage drop according to the drawn load current
case of photovoltaic (PV) supply source due to                     and generates reference voltage.
unpredictable and sudden change in the solar                     - Power-Status Estimator that detects the available
irradiation level as well as the cell operating                    Ppv power, the consumed load power and the value of
temperature. Several connection topologies concerning
                                                                   power shortage that should be supplied from AC-grid.
the switching systems have been proposed [4-8] aiming

978-1-4673-1170-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE                     60
The displyed in fig.1 parameters Ppv, Vac, Pac, Iout             boosting up the output voltage to predetermined value
are PV power, AC-grid voltage and power, and load                    it is necessary to illustrate the obtained PV voltage and
current respectively; Vgsl, Vref and Vgo are grid selector           current for boost chopper according to specifications
signal, reference voltage and complementary buck-                    given in table 1 at reference irradiation 1000W/m2.
boost driving signals.
    The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:                                        Table 1: Data specification for PV Array.
Section (2) Modelling & simulation of PV array;                          q                        K     Iph                           Id         RS           RP          TC
Section (3) The behaviours of PV-Grid integrated                     1.602e-                    1.38e-
system; Section (4) Discusses the simulation results                                                    4A                      0.2mA            1mΩ         10kΩ        25°C
                                                                       19 C                     23J/°K
and conclusion.                                                        NS                         NP    VO                       VOC             ISC         VMPP        IMPP
                                                                        38                         4   0.6V                     21.5 V           4A          17.5V       3.7A
                  2. MODELING OF PV ARRAY                              NSm                       NPm   Vpv out                   Rload
                                                                         6                         1   130V                      44Ω
2.1 Characteristics of PV Array
                                                                        The PV Array voltage can be obtained by
Basically, PV cell is a P-N semiconductor junction that              multiplying the module voltage and current by Nsm and
directly converts light energy into electricity. It has the          Npm that represents number of series and parallel
equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2 [8-10].                         connected modules respectively.

                                                                       powergui                              G_T

                                                                       1            11 .2903             T                                 +
                                                                                                                                           - v
                                                                       T              T_var
               Figure 2. Equivalent circuit for PV cell                              G_var2

    Where Iph represents the cell photocurrent; Rp and                                                                            i
                                                                                                                                                 Lo                      Output

                                                                       6                                 Ns        +Vpv         + -
Rs are the intrinsic shunt and series resistance of the               Nsm                                                         I
cell respectively; Id is the diode saturation current; Vo              1                                 Np

and Io are the cell output voltage and current                        Npm                                                                                            +
                                                                                                                                                       R-L           -
respectively. The following are the simplified equations                                                 GND
describing the cell output voltage and current:                                                              PV Array

           A.K.Tc ⎛ Iph + Id − Io ⎞
    Vo =         ln ⎜             ⎟ − R s.Io              (1)
             q      ⎝    Io       ⎠
                        ⎛ qAVo ./Tc
                            .     Ns
                                        ⎞                                                      a)   Proposed model for PV Array in simulink
                        ⎜ e .K
    Io = N p ( Iph − Id ⎜            − 1⎟                 (2)                                                   environment
                        ⎝               ⎠                                            5
                                                                                                                          I-V performance

                                                                                    4.5                                        1200W/m2

                        3    q . Eg ⎛ 1   1 ⎞
               ⎛ Tc ⎞
                                    ⎜   −   ⎟                                                                                  1000W/m2
    I d = I or ⎜    ⎟ .e
                             B . K ⎝ Tr Tc ⎠
                                                          (3)                       3.5

               ⎝ Tr ⎠                                                                3                                         800W/m2


    I ph = N p.{I sc .φ n + I t ( T c − T r ) }           (4)                        2

    Where, K- Boltzman constant; Np and Ns are the                                   1

number of parallel and series connected cells                                       0.5

respectively; Eg is the band gap of the semiconductor;                               0
                                                                                          0              5                10                15           20          25

Tc and Tr are the cell and the reference temperature                                                                            Vpv, V

respectively in Kelvin, A and B are the diode ideality                                              b)        I-V Performance of PV module.
factors with values varies between 1 and 2; Φn is the                                         Figure 3. PV model with I-V performances.
normalized insulation; Isc is the short circuit current
                                                                         Figure 3 illustrates the proposed PV array built in
given at standard condition; It and Ior are constants
                                                                     Matlab/ simulink [11] with R-L load, where the
given at standard conditions.                                        obtained results for different variation levels are
                                                                     presented. From these performances it is shown that the
2.1.1. Photovoltaic I-V Performance                                  total output PV voltage and current varies according to
                                                                     irradiation level with approximated 65W maximum
 In order to study the I-V performance of the PV                     power at G=1000W/m2.
circuit and to look for appropriate dc chopper for

2.2 Double-chopper PV Array                                                                                                                               Solar irradiation

    Regulating the output chopped voltage according to

                                                                                                G, W/m2, V
reference or grid voltage can be realized by modifying
the conventional boost chopper into double chopper                                                              1000

circuit with buck converter called "Complementary                                                                    500
                                                                                                                                 0   0.2   0.4     0.6    0.8      1    1.2          1.4   1.6   1.8   2
buck-boost converter" as shown in Figure 4. Power                                                                                                Reference & actual chopped voltage
switched Q1 and Q2 operates in complementary mode                                                                    400
boosting up the input PV voltage, while Q3 regulates                                                                 300

                                                                                                      Vact, V
this output voltage toward increase or decrease                                                                      200

according to Vref.                                                                                                   100                         Vref

                                                                                                                                 0   0.2   0.4     0.6    0.8      1    1.2          1.4   1.6   1.8   2
                                                                                                                                                           Laod current


                                                                                                                Ich-out, A


                                                                                                                                 0   0.2   0.4     0.6    0.8      1    1.2          1.4   1.6   1.8   2
                                                                                                                                                                Time, S

                                                                                                   Figure 6. Output chopped voltage and current at various
                             Figure 4. Complementary-chopper circuit                                                  irradiation rates.

    The obtained output voltage according to these                                                                               3. PV-GRID INTEGRATED SYSTEM
models [12] is illustrated in Figure 5 for different
irradiation levels, and can be presented as follows:                                              According to Figure 1, the generated PV voltage is
           D = D Q1 = D Q 2                                                                   adjusted by complementary buck-boost converter and
                                                     (5)                                      being applied to the load via grid selector. The power–
           VO =           V pv                                                                status estimator generates switching pulses required to
                   1− D
                                                                                              operate the grid selector. The ac-grid contribution can
                                                                                              be described into two approaches:
    Where DQ1 and DQ2 are duty cycles of choppers Q1
and Q2 respectively.The actual average voltage                                                                               • Fully inverted circuit;
Vact=Vout' of both choppers operation can be determined
as follows:                                                                                                                  • Partially inverted circuit.
           1 ⎧
                    t1                            t2
                                                                ⎫                                 In case of fully inverted circuit, the ac-grid voltage
 V out ' =        ⎨ ∫ (V pv + V Lb 2 )dt + ∫ (V pv + V Lb 1 )dt ⎬                             is converted into dc throughout grid-adapting module,
          T ch ⎩ 0                                t1            ⎭                             and then added to the output chopped dc voltage as
 V Lb 1 = L b 1 . di Lb 1 ; V Lb 2 = L b 1 . di Lb 2                                          shown in Figure 7.
                   dt                         dt
 t 1 = D .T ch ; t 2 = (1 − D ) . T ch                                                            In partially inverted circuit, the PV voltage is
                                                   (6)                                        converted into ac voltage, while the ac-grid voltage is
                                                                                              directly connected to the load after being synchronized.
  Where Lb1 and Lb2 are boost inductances for both
                                                                                              In present paper first approach will be described
branches respectively, and equals each other; Tch=1/fch
is the chopping period.
  Introducing variable voltage tracking system VVT                                                The consumed by the load effective power and the
causes voltage regulation and adjustment of output                                            power delivered by the PV and ac-grid are by assuming
voltage as shown in Figure 6 for various irradiation                                          that the system operates at unity power factor:
                                       Reference & actual average voltage                                                    P Rrms = V inv .Iload
                                                                                                                             P Rrms = (P pvo + P gac ).η inv

                   300                          G=1200W/m2                                                                                                                                                 (7)
                                                                                                                             where ,
                   250                         Vref=220V
                                                                                                                             P pvo = V out .Io ; P gac = V acrms .Ig
  Vref, V act, V


                   150                          G=400W/m2



                         0      0.05    0.1      0.15      0.2       0.25   0.3   0.35
                                                    Time, S

                     Figure 5. Output voltage of complementary chopper
                                                                                              Figure 7. Principle PV-Grid connected fully inverted circuit.

Where Ppvo, Pgac are the effective power provided by               grif power, and generates the requirred switching pulses
the PV and the ac-grid respectively; Vinv, Io are output               for grid integration with the PV source.
inverted voltage and current of fundamental harmonic
                                                                                              Table 2. Main parameters of PV-Grid circuit
respectively; ηinv is the inverter efficiency; Vout, Io are
the effective output voltage and current of the                            G,                                               Lb1,2
                                                                                                Vpv, V Vout, V    R,Ω                Cf, nF
complementary chopper which are proportional to PV                       W/m2                                                mH
maximum power respectively; and Vacrms, Ig are the                       1200                    145                        1.42      16.1
                                                                                                         110V 44...250
effective grid voltage and current respectively.                          400                     77                        3.25
                                                                       fch, kHz                 Lb, mH    Rloss    Lf~       Co       ηinv
                              Start                                       10                     3.25     0.2Ω    2mH      480uF      92%

                                                                       4.2. Grid-drop compensation
                 Read Vinv, Iload, Vout, Igmax
                         Io, Vacrms                                        Grid-drop compensation module is required to
                                                                       calculate the voltage drop of the grid circuit with
                                                                       purpose generates accurat reference voltage according
                           Calculate:                                  to eq.(8), and generates appropriate switching PWM
                         Prms, Ppvo, Pgac                              pulses that drives buck chopper Q3. The simulink circuit
                                                                       for this module is illustrated in Figure 10.

                        ΔP= Ppvo- Prms
                                                                                                                                                                      -K-                                                                                                   Scope4

                                                                                        Ppv                        Scope6                      Add                   Gain1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Z-OH       Sat

           No                                    Yes                                                                                                         PG'=0                                                                        >=


                            ΔP >0
                                                                                                                                                               1                                DP<0
                                                                                      PGmax                    Vcar-Vref2
                                                                                                                                                             PG'=1                                              Repeating
                                                                                        3                                                                                                                       Sequence1


   Q4=ON≡1                                       Q4=OFF≡0                                                                            Vcar-Vref3
                                                                                                                                         Product                                         Variable Step Go

                                                                                                                                                                                             if Stateflow
                                                                                                                                                                     AND                                                                                                          Pulse_G

                                                                                             -C-                                                                         F
                                                                                                                                                                   small step                                                                   Vcar-Vref1
                                                                                              c                                                                                                                             DGmax

                     Chopper Q4/ Return                                                                                                                                                                                                                        <=
                                                                                                                                                                                         0                        1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vdg, Vtr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vref=1                                                            Pulse_Gr

  Figure 8. Functional flowchart for power-status estimator.


   The reference voltage according to the consumed
load current can be determined as follows:                                       Figure 9. Simulink model of power-status estimator
  Vref = Vinv + ΔV;
                                                            (8)        4.3. Simulation results at various irradiations
  ΔV =     (Rloss Iinv )2 + (Xf Iinv )2
                 .                .
                                                                           Figure 11 illustrates the main results when solar
     Where Vinv, Rloss and Xf are inverter voltage, grid               irradiation varies in wide range causing significant
resistance and circuit reactance including the inductive               variation in the PV output voltage, while the output
filter Lf respectively. According to consumed power,                   chopped voltage is kept constant according to the
                                                                       reference voltage. The obtained results shows the
the power status estimator module estimates wheather
                                                                       inverted voltage and current approximately have
or not the ac-grid contribution. Functional flowchart
                                                                       constant amplitude with negligible fluctuations due to
illustrating the operation of this module is shown in                  transitions from one irradiation to another.
Figure 8.
     The generated pulses required to drive Q4 are                               1

proportional to the rate of power difference, and gives                                    Cuurent Sat

the status of integrating the grid with the PV system.                           2
                                                                           Iload_rms/Ipv                                                             Ig

                                                                                                                                               Eta                                               1
                                                                            sqrt(2)                                                                                                                                                                                     Output
                                                                            sqrt(2)                                                                                           du/dt

             4. SIMULATION RESULTS
                                                                                                                             SW                                             Derivative                                                                                       2
                                                                              3                                                                                                                                                                                          Vgrid+DV
                                                                                                           1                -K-           Irms_load                           0.002                   2
                                                                                                                            Eta4                                                Lf                                                                           Vac

   The proposed simulation model is built in                                                                                                              Product4

matlab/simulink environment and consists of several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1                                   Pulse output
                                                                                                                                                                                                           <=                     VG_ch

sub-models. Taking into account main PV-grid data
                                                                                              Vout_boost               1

given in table 2, the sub-models are as follows:                                                    1



4.1. Power- Status Estimator
    The simulink model for power status estimator is

shown in Figure 9, where the model process the PV and
                                                                            Figure 10. Simulink model of Grid-drop compensation

PV output voltage                                                                                              PV-Grid Contribution ....
                                                               300                                                                                                        2000
   V o u t-in v , V V re f & V c h -a v g , V V p v-o u t, V

                                                                                                                                                        G , W /m 2
                                                                      0         0.5        1          1.5         2              2.5        3
                                                                                          Ref.& out. average voltage                                                                0
                                                               200                                                                                                                       0   0.5           1            1.5            2   2.5   3

                                                                                                                                                            P p v , P lo a d , W
                                                               100                                                                                                                                                               Ppv
                                                                 0                                                                                                                                 Pload
                                                                      0         0.5        1            1.5            2         2.5        3                                      100
                                                                                                 Inverted voltage
                                                               200                                                                                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                                                         0   0.5           1            1.5            2   2.5   3

                                                               -200                                                                                                                200
                                                                      0         0.5        1            1.5          2           2.5        3
                                                                                               Out. inverted current                                                                0

                                                                                                                                                       dp, W
                                            Io u t-in v ,A

                                                                                                                                                                                         0   0.5           1            1.5            2   2.5   3
                                                                 -5                                                                                                                 1
                                                                      0         0.5        1           1.5             2         2.5        3

                                                                                                                                                               P u l s e -Q 4
                                                                                                     Time, S
                                                                                                                                                                                   0.5       Grid-on                  Grid-off
                                                                 Figure 11. Solar irradiation profile and corresponds PV
                                                                                         voltage.                                                                                   0
                                                                                                                                                                                         0   0.5           1            1.5            2   2.5   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Time, S
4.4. Simulation results at various reference voltages

    When the reference voltage varies according to load                                                                                                                             Figure 13. PV & Grid power contribution diagram for
requirements at constant irradiation the system regulates                                                                                                                                    various solar irradiation intervals.
the output chopped voltage to be equal to the reference
voltage as shown in Figure 12, where the actual output
chopper voltage tracks the reference value with high                                                                                                                                     5. COMPLETE SIMULINK MODEL
degree of accuracy.
                                                                                                                                                          Figure 14 shows the complete PV-Grid functional
4.5. The power contribution profile                                                                                                                   model built in Matlab/ simulink environment, where
                                                                                                                                                      several modules are connected and integrated together
    According to eq.(7) changing the solar irradiation                                                                                                resulting in complete simulation process of PV array
rate affects the extracted from the PV array power,                                                                                                   behaviors according to different load requirements.
therefore, in case of power shortages the grid will
contribute with certain amount of watts as shown in
fig.13 for three levels of solar irradiations (G=400                                                                                                                                               6. CONCLUSION
W/m2 , G=1700W/m2 & G=1000W/m2).
    From this figure it is shown that, the region where                                                                                                   In this work a simulation study for PV-Grid
the grid is connected to the circuit throughout transistor                                                                                            integrated model has been conducted, where the
switch Q4.                                                                                                                                            following conclusions can be drawn:
                                                                                                PV output voltage
                                                               600                                                                                    - The proposed PV model consists of variable tracking
           Vpv-out, V

                                                                                                                                                        module and voltage drop compensating module that
                                                                                                                                                        can be used for either dc or ac loads with precise
                                                                      0   0.5         1   1.5        2      2.5        3   3.5         4   4.5          voltage tracking procedure. The added power-status
                                                                                          Ref.& out. average voltage
                                                                                                                                                        estimator modules create new aspect to this model,
           Vref & Vch-avg, V


                                                                                                                                                        where the power shortages can be measured and
                                                                                                                                                        delivered from alternative sources or main ac-grid.
                                                                      0   0.5         1   1.5        2      2.5        3   3.5         4   4.5        - The proposed model can be used for simulating
                                                                                                 Inverted voltage                                       photovoltaic system individually or combined with
                                                                                                                                                        battery charging unit. During the daytime there is no
  Vout-inv, V

                                                                                                                                                        need of battery unit, resulting in efficiency
                                                                      0   0.5         1   1.5        2      2.5        3   3.5         4   4.5
                                                                                                                                                        enhancement, reliability of the system and long life
                                                                                               Out. inverted current                                    time. Meanwhile, during the night time the load is
                                                                                                                                                        directly energized from the grid, which in turn

                                                                 0                                                                                      enhances the system reliability and reduces the total
                                                                 -2                                                                                     cost.
                                                                                                                                                      - The use of battery bank as alternative power source
                                                                      0   0.5         1   1.5        2     2.5         3   3.5         4   4.5
                                                                                                     Time, S

                                                                                                                                                        during the nigh time can be applied when the ac grid
                                                                                                                                                        plays the role of standby energy source that could be
                                                                 Figure 12: Reference voltage profile and corresponds
                                                                                                                                                        contribute only in case of energy shortages .
                                                                             inverted voltage and current.

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                  C ontinuous                                                                                                                           Vact_rms
                     powergui                                                                      1                   220                                                      Gate
                                                                                                 Vref1              Vref_var                                                                                                                          Vout_rms
                                                                                                                                          Sv            Vgrid_rms
         1               20                    T                                                                                                                                                                                                           RMS
    G_var T             T_var

     821.1984                                                                                                 (discrete)
                                                                                                          Iout_rms1                                                                                                                                         Io2
      G_var1                                                                                                                                                                                               [Vg_p]                Vg              PV          i                           Output inverter
                                                                                                                                                                             +                                                          DCO                + -
                                                                                                                 Lb2                           D2                                    v                      From                 DCi
        1                                      Np                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grid                      Output chopper
                                                          +Vpv                                                                                                              Vout2                                   Ls                OCP
        G                                                                                                                                                                                     g
                                                                                  +                                                                                                                    E
        6                                      GND                                    v                                                                                                       C
        Ns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DC                    +
                                                   PV Array                                                                                                                                                                                                         +                                      v
                                                                                                         Lb1                                   D1                   D4                                                                                                  v          AC1              -
        1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -
                                                                                                                                                                                                    D3                                                                        AC2                  Vout3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 R-L                                Vout
       Npm                                                                                                                                                                                    Lb4                                                                                                              Io
                                               G         Vg_Q1                                                                                                                                                                                                                Inverter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i   Lf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               + -
                             RMS                     VGT                                                                          NOT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1             2                   +
                                                                                                          -                                         .                                                                                                                                                                     R        v



                                                                                                         Q1                  Q2                                                                                                                                                                                               Vout-ac




                                                                         VG_ch            [Vg_p]                                                                                                                       RMS
                                     Ipv                Iload_rms/Ipv                                                                                                                                               (discrete)
               110                 Irms_load            Vac_grid_rms
                                                                       Vgrid+DV          RMS                           110.1
         Vac_grid_rms                                                                 (discrete)
                                                      PV-Grid Compensation

                                                                    Pulse_G                                                                                                      g                                      i               Lb3
                                                      Max current
                                                                                                                                                                                          E                           + -
                  20                                                                                                                                                             C
                                                      PV-Power                                                         Scope1
                                                   Power Status Estimater                                                                                                                                                                   D7
                                                                                                                       A          +

                                   AC Grid Voltage
                                                                                                                       B          -


                                                                                          Figure 14. Matlab/ simulink model for PV–Grid integrated system.

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Cmp0200 ieee

  • 1. 2012 First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Vehicular Technology PHOTOVOLTAIC-GRID INTEGRATED SYSTEM Sameer Khader, Abdel-Karim Daud Palestine Polytechnic University emails:, ABSTRACT at realizing the required voltage level during different periods of day for certain application type such as This paper proposed solution for directly energizing pumps, motors in general and power supplies. of ac load throughout Photovoltaic Solar Array during During the design process of PV array powered the daytime by applying so called variable voltage systems; a simulation must be performed for system tracking system (VVT). The main function of VVT is analysis and parameter settings. Therefore an efficient to maintain the average output chopped voltage at fixed user friendly simulation model of the PV array with value irrespective of solar radiation rate, in turn the various control strategies is always needed. chopped voltage is converted into ac voltage suitable The proposed model consists of several modules as for grid-connected loads. This solution is realized by shown in Figure1 with the following functions: integrating both complementary buck-boost chopper - PV Photovoltaic Module (PV) that converts the and dc to ac converter. The ac-grid contributes to the solar irradiation into voltage Vpv and current Ipv. load in two cases, first when there is a power shortage during the daytime due to weak irradiation rates, and - Complementary Buck-Boost DC Chopper Module second during the night time. The power estimator unit that boosts up the PV voltage to the predetermined is used to determine the grid contribution intervals. levels. Conversely in case of high Vpv the output This solution excludes the use of battery bank voltage is reduced. which is the main obstacle in massive use of solar Variable energy due to their weight, short life time, maintenance Voltage and cost. Matlab/Simulink is used to simulate the Vg_Q Tracking proposed model, where the obtained simulation results confirm and justify the proposed approach for further Vout Vref study and looking for optimized solutions for cost PV Complement- Array ary Buck-Boost reduction and energy savings. Grid Index Terms-- Photovoltaic Systems, DC Choppers, Vg_sl Selector Inverter Smart Grids, Soft Switching, Inverters, Buck-Boost Chopper. Vac AC Grid Adapting Grid System 1. INTRODUCTION Load Grid-Drop Iout Photovoltaic energy resources presents alternative Compensation and friendly to the environment sources. It presents unique solution for providing remote area with clean Pac Power Status and sustainable energy during the daytime in heating, Ppv Estimator lighting, refrigeration and water pumps systems [1-3] without the need of battery system, while during the Figure 1. PV-Grid system block diagram night time the accumulated energy can be fully or partially used to cover the energy domain. The output circuit connected to the photovoltaic - Variable Voltage Tracking Module that generates system is usually dc-dc converters mainly boost switching pulses according to the required output choppers in order to boost the voltage to the voltage level in order to maintain Vout at fixed value. predetermined levels. - Grid Adapting Module that converts the ac grid The DC/DC converters are widely used in regulated voltage into dc voltage in case of grid connection. switch mode power supplies, where the input voltage to - Grid Drop Compensation Module that compensates these converters varies in wide range especially in the the voltage drop according to the drawn load current case of photovoltaic (PV) supply source due to and generates reference voltage. unpredictable and sudden change in the solar - Power-Status Estimator that detects the available irradiation level as well as the cell operating Ppv power, the consumed load power and the value of temperature. Several connection topologies concerning power shortage that should be supplied from AC-grid. the switching systems have been proposed [4-8] aiming 978-1-4673-1170-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 60
  • 2. The displyed in fig.1 parameters Ppv, Vac, Pac, Iout boosting up the output voltage to predetermined value are PV power, AC-grid voltage and power, and load it is necessary to illustrate the obtained PV voltage and current respectively; Vgsl, Vref and Vgo are grid selector current for boost chopper according to specifications signal, reference voltage and complementary buck- given in table 1 at reference irradiation 1000W/m2. boost driving signals. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Table 1: Data specification for PV Array. Section (2) Modelling & simulation of PV array; q K Iph Id RS RP TC Section (3) The behaviours of PV-Grid integrated 1.602e- 1.38e- system; Section (4) Discusses the simulation results 4A 0.2mA 1mΩ 10kΩ 25°C 19 C 23J/°K and conclusion. NS NP VO VOC ISC VMPP IMPP 38 4 0.6V 21.5 V 4A 17.5V 3.7A 2. MODELING OF PV ARRAY NSm NPm Vpv out Rload 6 1 130V 44Ω 2.1 Characteristics of PV Array The PV Array voltage can be obtained by Basically, PV cell is a P-N semiconductor junction that multiplying the module voltage and current by Nsm and directly converts light energy into electricity. It has the Npm that represents number of series and parallel equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2 [8-10]. connected modules respectively. Continuous powergui G_T 1 11 .2903 T + - v T T_var V2 Figure 2. Equivalent circuit for PV cell G_var2 G Where Iph represents the cell photocurrent; Rp and i Lo Output 6 Ns +Vpv + - Rs are the intrinsic shunt and series resistance of the Nsm I cell respectively; Id is the diode saturation current; Vo 1 Np and Io are the cell output voltage and current Npm + v R-L - respectively. The following are the simplified equations GND V1 Rf-Cf describing the cell output voltage and current: PV Array A.K.Tc ⎛ Iph + Id − Io ⎞ Vo = ln ⎜ ⎟ − R s.Io (1) q ⎝ Io ⎠ ⎛ qAVo ./Tc . Ns ⎞ a) Proposed model for PV Array in simulink ⎜ e .K Io = N p ( Iph − Id ⎜ − 1⎟ (2) environment ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 5 I-V performance 4.5 1200W/m2 3 q . Eg ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ ⎛ Tc ⎞ 4 ⎜ − ⎟ 1000W/m2 I d = I or ⎜ ⎟ .e B . K ⎝ Tr Tc ⎠ (3) 3.5 ⎝ Tr ⎠ 3 800W/m2 Ipv,A 2.5 I ph = N p.{I sc .φ n + I t ( T c − T r ) } (4) 2 600W/m2 1.5 400W/m2 Where, K- Boltzman constant; Np and Ns are the 1 number of parallel and series connected cells 0.5 respectively; Eg is the band gap of the semiconductor; 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Tc and Tr are the cell and the reference temperature Vpv, V respectively in Kelvin, A and B are the diode ideality b) I-V Performance of PV module. factors with values varies between 1 and 2; Φn is the Figure 3. PV model with I-V performances. normalized insulation; Isc is the short circuit current Figure 3 illustrates the proposed PV array built in given at standard condition; It and Ior are constants Matlab/ simulink [11] with R-L load, where the given at standard conditions. obtained results for different variation levels are presented. From these performances it is shown that the 2.1.1. Photovoltaic I-V Performance total output PV voltage and current varies according to irradiation level with approximated 65W maximum In order to study the I-V performance of the PV power at G=1000W/m2. circuit and to look for appropriate dc chopper for 61
  • 3. 2.2 Double-chopper PV Array Solar irradiation 2000 Regulating the output chopped voltage according to G, W/m2, V 1500 reference or grid voltage can be realized by modifying the conventional boost chopper into double chopper 1000 circuit with buck converter called "Complementary 500 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 buck-boost converter" as shown in Figure 4. Power Reference & actual chopped voltage switched Q1 and Q2 operates in complementary mode 400 Vout boosting up the input PV voltage, while Q3 regulates 300 Vact, V this output voltage toward increase or decrease 200 according to Vref. 100 Vref 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Laod current 8 6 Ich-out, A 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Time, S Figure 6. Output chopped voltage and current at various Figure 4. Complementary-chopper circuit irradiation rates. The obtained output voltage according to these 3. PV-GRID INTEGRATED SYSTEM models [12] is illustrated in Figure 5 for different irradiation levels, and can be presented as follows: According to Figure 1, the generated PV voltage is D = D Q1 = D Q 2 adjusted by complementary buck-boost converter and (5) being applied to the load via grid selector. The power– D VO = V pv status estimator generates switching pulses required to 1− D operate the grid selector. The ac-grid contribution can be described into two approaches: Where DQ1 and DQ2 are duty cycles of choppers Q1 and Q2 respectively.The actual average voltage • Fully inverted circuit; Vact=Vout' of both choppers operation can be determined as follows: • Partially inverted circuit. 1 ⎧ t1 t2 ⎫ In case of fully inverted circuit, the ac-grid voltage V out ' = ⎨ ∫ (V pv + V Lb 2 )dt + ∫ (V pv + V Lb 1 )dt ⎬ is converted into dc throughout grid-adapting module, T ch ⎩ 0 t1 ⎭ and then added to the output chopped dc voltage as V Lb 1 = L b 1 . di Lb 1 ; V Lb 2 = L b 1 . di Lb 2 shown in Figure 7. dt dt t 1 = D .T ch ; t 2 = (1 − D ) . T ch In partially inverted circuit, the PV voltage is (6) converted into ac voltage, while the ac-grid voltage is directly connected to the load after being synchronized. Where Lb1 and Lb2 are boost inductances for both In present paper first approach will be described branches respectively, and equals each other; Tch=1/fch hereinafter. is the chopping period. Introducing variable voltage tracking system VVT The consumed by the load effective power and the causes voltage regulation and adjustment of output power delivered by the PV and ac-grid are by assuming voltage as shown in Figure 6 for various irradiation that the system operates at unity power factor: levels. Reference & actual average voltage P Rrms = V inv .Iload P Rrms = (P pvo + P gac ).η inv 350 300 G=1200W/m2 (7) where , 250 Vref=220V P pvo = V out .Io ; P gac = V acrms .Ig Vref, V act, V 200 150 G=400W/m2 100 50 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Time, S Figure 5. Output voltage of complementary chopper Figure 7. Principle PV-Grid connected fully inverted circuit. circuit. 62
  • 4. Where Ppvo, Pgac are the effective power provided by grif power, and generates the requirred switching pulses the PV and the ac-grid respectively; Vinv, Io are output for grid integration with the PV source. inverted voltage and current of fundamental harmonic Table 2. Main parameters of PV-Grid circuit respectively; ηinv is the inverter efficiency; Vout, Io are the effective output voltage and current of the G, Lb1,2 Vpv, V Vout, V R,Ω Cf, nF complementary chopper which are proportional to PV W/m2 mH maximum power respectively; and Vacrms, Ig are the 1200 145 1.42 16.1 110V 44...250 effective grid voltage and current respectively. 400 77 3.25 fch, kHz Lb, mH Rloss Lf~ Co ηinv Start 10 3.25 0.2Ω 2mH 480uF 92% 4.2. Grid-drop compensation Read Vinv, Iload, Vout, Igmax Io, Vacrms Grid-drop compensation module is required to calculate the voltage drop of the grid circuit with purpose generates accurat reference voltage according Calculate: to eq.(8), and generates appropriate switching PWM Prms, Ppvo, Pgac pulses that drives buck chopper Q3. The simulink circuit for this module is illustrated in Figure 10. ΔP= Ppvo- Prms .. 1 dp PL -K- Scope4 Ppv Scope6 Add Gain1 2 Z-OH Sat 0 No Yes PG'=0 >= - ΔP >0 1 DP<0 PGmax Vcar-Vref2 PG'=1 Repeating 3 Sequence1 Scope3 Q4=ON≡1 Q4=OFF≡0 Vcar-Vref3 Product Variable Step Go if Stateflow Ptot Io1 1 AND Pulse_G |u| T Abs -C- F small step Vcar-Vref1 c DGmax Divide Chopper Q4/ Return <= 0 1 Vdg, Vtr Vdg Vref=1 Pulse_Gr Figure 8. Functional flowchart for power-status estimator. Display 2 Sum(P) Vdg1 The reference voltage according to the consumed load current can be determined as follows: Figure 9. Simulink model of power-status estimator Vref = Vinv + ΔV; (8) 4.3. Simulation results at various irradiations ΔV = (Rloss Iinv )2 + (Xf Iinv )2 . . Figure 11 illustrates the main results when solar Where Vinv, Rloss and Xf are inverter voltage, grid irradiation varies in wide range causing significant resistance and circuit reactance including the inductive variation in the PV output voltage, while the output filter Lf respectively. According to consumed power, chopped voltage is kept constant according to the reference voltage. The obtained results shows the the power status estimator module estimates wheather inverted voltage and current approximately have or not the ac-grid contribution. Functional flowchart constant amplitude with negligible fluctuations due to illustrating the operation of this module is shown in transitions from one irradiation to another. Figure 8. The generated pulses required to drive Q4 are 1 Vpv proportional to the rate of power difference, and gives Cuurent Sat inputs 0.2 -1 the status of integrating the grid with the PV system. 2 Iload_rms/Ipv Ig Rloss Ig.sinwt -K- Vinv Eta 1 sqrt(2) Output sqrt(2) du/dt 4. SIMULATION RESULTS SW Derivative 2 3 Vgrid+DV Vac_grid_rms 1 -K- Irms_load 0.002 2 -K- Eta4 Lf Vac Eta2 The proposed simulation model is built in Product4 matlab/simulink environment and consists of several 1 Pulse output PI <= VG_ch pi sub-models. Taking into account main PV-grid data 4 Vout_boost 1 - given in table 2, the sub-models are as follows: 1 gain1 1 gain 4.1. Power- Status Estimator The simulink model for power status estimator is Scope5 shown in Figure 9, where the model process the PV and Figure 10. Simulink model of Grid-drop compensation 63
  • 5. PV output voltage PV-Grid Contribution .... 300 2000 V o u t-in v , V V re f & V c h -a v g , V V p v-o u t, V G , W /m 2 200 1000 100 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Ref.& out. average voltage 0 200 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 300 P p v , P lo a d , W 100 Ppv 200 0 Pload 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 100 Inverted voltage 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 -200 200 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Out. inverted current 0 dp, W 5 Io u t-in v ,A -200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 -5 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 P u l s e -Q 4 Time, S 0.5 Grid-on Grid-off Figure 11. Solar irradiation profile and corresponds PV voltage. 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time, S 4.4. Simulation results at various reference voltages When the reference voltage varies according to load Figure 13. PV & Grid power contribution diagram for requirements at constant irradiation the system regulates various solar irradiation intervals. the output chopped voltage to be equal to the reference voltage as shown in Figure 12, where the actual output chopper voltage tracks the reference value with high 5. COMPLETE SIMULINK MODEL degree of accuracy. Figure 14 shows the complete PV-Grid functional 4.5. The power contribution profile model built in Matlab/ simulink environment, where several modules are connected and integrated together According to eq.(7) changing the solar irradiation resulting in complete simulation process of PV array rate affects the extracted from the PV array power, behaviors according to different load requirements. therefore, in case of power shortages the grid will contribute with certain amount of watts as shown in fig.13 for three levels of solar irradiations (G=400 6. CONCLUSION W/m2 , G=1700W/m2 & G=1000W/m2). From this figure it is shown that, the region where In this work a simulation study for PV-Grid the grid is connected to the circuit throughout transistor integrated model has been conducted, where the switch Q4. following conclusions can be drawn: PV output voltage 600 - The proposed PV model consists of variable tracking Vpv-out, V 400 module and voltage drop compensating module that 200 can be used for either dc or ac loads with precise 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 voltage tracking procedure. The added power-status Ref.& out. average voltage estimator modules create new aspect to this model, Vref & Vch-avg, V 400 200 where the power shortages can be measured and delivered from alternative sources or main ac-grid. 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 - The proposed model can be used for simulating 500 Inverted voltage photovoltaic system individually or combined with battery charging unit. During the daytime there is no Vout-inv, V 0 need of battery unit, resulting in efficiency -500 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 enhancement, reliability of the system and long life 2 Out. inverted current time. Meanwhile, during the night time the load is directly energized from the grid, which in turn Iout-inv,A 0 enhances the system reliability and reduces the total -2 cost. - The use of battery bank as alternative power source 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Time, S during the nigh time can be applied when the ac grid plays the role of standby energy source that could be Figure 12: Reference voltage profile and corresponds contribute only in case of energy shortages . inverted voltage and current. 64
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