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Archn4iurur Dsisr {

                                Inlo.mrrinn       cenrer. tnbrt naff!

        Ir is rcqurcdro dcsi,ln! idr           hiomnip   cerb onr hilly lmrion on Jadd ftnt srd
ne (   0,-    ^ I..' r iroruuo'

                                        dria (in.dmr or ourd@4.

It is Eqotcd rooisider dc folrowii

t.     Elsr iptmch ud prbng ror yisiroa.
3.     liEgduon of theiew bujldin
.|App rol)fuE lsdgpglo$€
                                usd s@d6l Dcbniquc.

r.     Snc

'Ite &udsr o addDy o$* da*ingc) rbar
                                   mishrnrsenLhis ide{s(e S.di4@!              skerhs.
Faculty cf En_qineer i ng

                                  H o u si n g U n i t fo r Ar chitectur at                 student

Th e u n i v e r s i t y o f U A E i s to co n struct a gr oup of houstng lnits for
t he u s e o f a r c h i te ctu ra l   stu d e n ts as palt of r he univeiaity canpus.
                   r!e     n e q h o u si n c u n ts p !o tecc :nL.nds co inc' - cse                          !oons,
f rc it it t e s         a n d co n fo rt th a t a re reqxiied for ar chitectur al                             sr ddenr s.
'.   des 9n of.he                    u n tE s sn o .l d e rcD- e sr noenLs.o oa. c' pcLe in Ene
divis ion o f t h e ir               l i vi n g sp a ce s. Light constr lction  is to be favour ed

            T h e a i n o f rh e p ro j e ct i s, for r he stldenr s,                                  ro
ap Fro a c h a n a r c h tte ctu !a I    d e si g n pr oblea
ce rt a ir r e q u i r e o e n ts w h tch a re q i ven.

Th e ioll o w i n g           o b j e cri ve s   a re to b e fulfilled:

                   1.             _he co lecllon           of   tne     rd q u i. e d
                   2.             'fn e i d e n ti fi c.r:o n of r 1; d.r ter e;;;:- ;a;   .;";"' :""
                                  p E o ce ss,
                   3.             th e stu d y o t d i ffe rent    exasples of the pr oblen und€r
                                  rh e stJd y o f rh e appr obr - ate elencr Es of inLdr ,o'                             od     9n
                                  sh i ch re l a te to tne r edutled desion.

              T h e s t u d e n r :s r-q u re d .o applv.he       qainFd !r ovtedga r n a
ar c h it ecr u r a l     d e si g n o f a si n g l e unit for an ar chitectlr al stldent
ui t h t h e f o l l o t i n q :
                                  a to ta l b xi l t u p ar ea of 60 sq. m er er
                                  q I:vi n a       sl a -D ng spdcF w, cn aopr op' dr e ar .a
                   i:                               -p d ,-
                                                            .o. d- aw;ag dnd o.or r -   r s..

                            s co da.lde           he                          s Do c e s ro e J , e d . o .      d t,-   " rL
                                                        -oD.oo rrd re

                            is    i:o iotlow      ine    aol:o v in o      dates:

                   :r na iJsr :    Id                                      i. r       e a c h re lli
                                                                      ' : L : ' r. . c -. ' '
{Filst      tvo w e e ks)
2.    s y r t h e s ts a n d d e ve to p n e n r of r elationships ler r een        differ ent
      spacesr with tlle use of e:perinental                   bodels
      { o n e w ee l i )
3.   Ap p r a i s a t a n d e va l u a ti o n      of differ ent    closen alter nar ives.
     ( one veek )

4.    D e c i s i o n a n d vi su a l .o Mu noicar ion          Eethods for   the r epr es€nr -
      - a t i o n o f th e p ro j e .t.
      (one weer.)

      .   Al su b n i rre d o a t-'i a ts witt be r equir "d on Tr acing pdpF.s
          . 0 x r0 cn s.    rh i s i n cludes tne r ddce.ials. - -
     *    T h e sca l e t6 r         th e su b ritted      Dater ials   is 1 : 50
     *    sttrdy lodels           ri l l   b e of scate 1 : 100

     c a l l e n d e r, J.H . (1 S 3 2 ) T i Ee saver standar dE for Ar chir ecr uial
                      D e si q n D a ta , l gifl Book c.., Ne' yor k.
     c n r n g , F ra n ci s   {1 9 3 2 ) A rchitectur e:   For tr space antt or der ,           va !
                  N o stE a n d R e i n h o l d, N€w Yor k.
     r ' { u l l e r , a d e a rd (1 9 3 5 ) A rchr itectlr at Dr a{ ing and r ,ight consr !-
                       -u cti o n . P re n tl ce - 8a11, !n.,, New Jer sey.
     o l q y a Y, vi cto r   (1 9 7 3 ) D estgn with clinate,             Pr inceton univer si ty
                  P (e ss, N e v l te rse y.
     Pa c k a r d , ro b e i !  (1 9 3 1 ) A r chitecr ur al       cr aphjc standalds,       John
                   tri l e y & so D s, N e w Yor l.
     l , l a q n e r , l ra l L e r  (I9 3 I  fi o.e Houses A' - h r ecEs D6sr 9n !o!
                       th e n se l ve s, fi ccra v Iiil1 Eook co., New Yor k.
     v r a n c . T h o n a s c.     1 1 9 7 9 ) l l an   and section Dr awino, van Nostr and
                    Reiltlolit,      Ner York.

                                        ! ll-f-'l a
                             r:i *          *{.r:r *

               cL EINION l, 2C0

1 Hel-6ht sP=l€Ocn
  F>^.      : iL) Lrsil

z Thepictu€ FLamis a0 cmsldm 5P
 (i1. =I ) F- 1. (e) iY_jrr .Jle+/ )1


                                         F iF ST - F L COR. m l:2
                                         r-^  ,l;:|).jt(j3!lE-.rl
                             A (l )

                    (e):P       -
En!,n.!rlng                                                                                                   r-----+ 1--rrr

                   -.;L-ll i'rlJl      sl + 4.b iil-   ,rlJl, rlF dp Jltl *.!-.Jt                                  : i'Ft                u, j+l
               J-&llFd              j,Sill_c-r- + l&     !-!iJl           Jl!.)t-;bI              iirlr
                                                                          . !-!Jl        rt ltrll:lt,
           {rrli  -. sF .r:J_ at-j_etlt )::!! rt,. dl- !.x,. dta &rt
         ( dLlurr ,r LLlr rt t+!t i,. "nt*      tr.l, JStt iF !!t, F'Jii
          J-sl nE-Jl:-iJll ,rlt)l + J-Jt, &FJ j.JUt dt                                     Jt U,a!
                                                                                            . d.lJt,

                                                       llt l/ 1 . / I l        d lt ll     o F lll, !

ta t*t     eru"                 Fr tntq{s                                                   ( l j ) ( n 'r 9 J - ( l J ) 4 9 - . l J r l ^ 4
(rjr.l -rrji! -c,!1,r!)

+n+ lrluj iiliJ i^ &,nJ qJi a!J:,J crrl. rer !lLj. !i 1lr.! 6uj!J €l!3
           .UF! r4!I C. litj3. als J 4li<rl !n dl -r I _{ i.J'.J dsrl!

             :J.rJ L..r lri. r. rr J.d-       Lr-i rrji.! dr,r ;.r.:s +i
                                                       .iui tl.r _:)J
                                                          .ei &!t -:!r:
                                                   . +J rd e..4r J qats

JrJr Jr&L J rA! .-rrJ .l F i.&     .,l!! rrrj i!-r .r! ijE,r ai:y !64 ,ill.L
        Ir-Jr&y isr+
                             orj$ ii.J-,rJt '.4 p...o 6rL

                       ' o.{l J cFilt rl$l,gh rbl i::L: o{ e5r .1.

i:lll&Sn jJ4 i+Lg ,1!.15 j3!l i..i3l i+l-j,i !-iS a!J$t !:irut
                         r                                           c.i ll.e :.i
sle rJ$r o- -}+s Jlj cj!< s3! cij..i o- J:'t iil-i c.Lt*       .tj l{L}      J_tt

                                                                                :u.rl.l J
s-rlJ rrF   d-         r&.n rc lpE itrr. -d5lr ilrr dri!-L j iliill     dr,rl L LLiFI
                                .J,-!t dj-t .r! r G-it r u-          CJJ,,!]u.!l sr$

                  dJL-JrrYJr.rU                 i_!!l    i]n! JIJF

                          l r rY/r 1 d + u Jlr L ll

                                      J)l rL.r J-rl
       a,-l                             dL-;L
                                      *!l      -,Jr
                                 :,-rLJt J!L_J|er
g-l       I                           q!r.ll
   L*l               huma saie !,-lLut Jl
tt'l      I                  !,5-r,+ *r-
                        { lllj    )            i sJ rd

                          lll  L!r !.i Lts"r
                        elrL-.ll 6rJ LlrJe
   e-l                        ri.j; i!_ rlj
                lbrJL L,L-11 d;lr 6!t !t,
ttP' r                           Jlil ! r-i
  L-l          dr-Jr!1" il_loqiJ  ad _i
                    ro, tb;! s,|: J- r+-
i*rrd i-+

             &$ r!t-,r_r--.{ r....:l ilL.
             r r /1 . iblr Jdilt ;,+.,lJil i-!iJ

                                                            eJLnFtrs. !1

                                      , E lt r & s J l

                         JP& r-Jil :gjl,ltr a*i!
                              dlll a#! el-

                               r+d ,J 4'l' il'.r
                       Cr.i    &".!    :il'j!     .!J.4

                                diE! .}J'ljl        e!.;
                    L sliii:             J /e .iI

                                d U,!ti.Il' r U

              L,L4.J    suril :i     :,        ,
                                  ' -!ii         " '.iI
                              , sr.ilt . e !.i.ll lrLi

                           .rJtd,il jrll     :drl,.$ du.,tr
                                        c,i-,il eJ,$ eLl

                                   JKJrl :clel 4J$            rrr./ r^f
                                         er4i 4Jls di4        rr1./r r^1

elJ.! Csr-b (HumanS€le) dJ.:J a!1^! :or8! eJ.$                I r i ./l /r ,
                                 {l.U! &.r'ii *Jsi            l r1!/r r/t r

                                                 ir& ilr.)
                   Airr ,J.- o! ,j-r."!! :e-lllt ,t:.,.ii

                                 i4|.      tJr: ol' .1lr;!:
                            .           C-llll a!.Fl dL-

                         A*r ol' 6'-r!E :-}!u' Csr.rll
                                      ;t ll ,." dt ,,t .6

               t}iJpo!       6q!i       :trt dJri a#!

                                 -!i    ,risl &J,,!l p!*

                    trA clg !.l -Edr :J,L !jl! &J.51'
                                 Jc !J$ &ri$ *!r..1

                          qLLi      6sL- !l_i5Fdt          :

!Lr-.::        !1 o dLL 6-l,
                           JjE           -6t dt & elL!
      eur,Lr                                               c sL ::l!- : J-, _j..ll,Jl
                                                      iJ-.rr J;r . i!- Jll6J,Jt-!-jue
                                                               . lr,-L9 G.J|El!_l

                                                                         . rt l"lla!_I
                                                                                 tJ-       r

                                                                        L ttyn t- t
                                                                   _ JL_t! rr iij_r

                                                                                  lL - l
                                                                . 6,Jr er;rjr Jl:iL)L

                                                                  : ;t A cr4
 J,)! rLa!l     !l Jg!-!j)lt    et-Ul,jr,ati        .Fl *L!1 ;b )t e;rr ,,, j Lj! _j
                                                    l,J! .e*11 ,-L+ e qr-lt -r
                                                               ' e! $             !:tlr-r

                      rr1!/l l /Il # r         J+

                                                          lNYq                              rrrqrt,
.iiLll ctls,tl dsl;       u"Jlrl .ts{ e.4r

 Jl   r r,te- rir! r rt- r rrr ijt   a- ijF   i-rb 6!!   t; drrt    ij<- tsr li;            q.rt!.I

.&rti Js)r4i,.y        Ljr,3rir!.!      ,o , t', * r-.r-                        *ji-l,
                                              ,J3.r iJ.i C. lsj       s+JLi .Fd!

                                                                          -:;J.AI         cJ.lJIl

                                                   ir.I cs- jc. rlr            j.!.3|         !i-

                                     ,dr3 es. jr L. lr.I rqry ii)$J jtr:r-I rq> !rt!t               r

                                                                                 _:at-J r$-l
                                                                  a s j$ l6 F / . r! -r
                                                             s4J.L-i. r q'J1I             /.Jr-i
                                                              sEJi +..J + 6rr! /.J -r
                                                                       4i" !d+ sl/.'.
;J)r   ij-rl

Jg   Zlr,i ,l;rr:-irn  *i  6L"l.i+ i-, l.rJlri,ii,'$ 6L-i-.! !. t'F J!:J _.rrLJ
, J ej- i-j!51' nillrr    Jt$l rJc i+-. . 1t tti: Jr r r r J / r oJ- dLj
sr r.r ! ,jl +L$ G-L +r      . i+4--l- I J.rrr' Jlr J J Fi, s'irr ri-t nL-r-"'i

                                                      .dt!   leb     oLiJl     ii-l'   -

                    rr3r ,Li j J3t i rtlltlr i rurl i L6)l il dlitJI ;LrJ. c-
                                                                      In           drJ
                     Y !l-   ulr:   ullJ Llr j)r; i! .1 tri-!           '+ J "!
                    ( Li:i,-.jl &LJn"-lL :-L:ll lllillr Jl::J ar;!Jr         LLnr

                     J i:ri:i         6K.rp       , cju!"Yr 4!i.ll isl! rLi nl. u:rjl
1- D.avin6 :oard(shel1

3- lriandres.3./sc'         e <5' ald adiq.lo5ie

                                              {ore .o!   or ea'h)

?- Flo! 5ce1e r..aE.,/       cmlEq.{s-nd'q'rr)

                       (ore or ilrsilies          )

14- frarnoB ren anr loiDts ( 1 z.)

                             sqrso,*abu, ?erik"")

1s- nrils     ror Godelslcuria.J

t1- lrecirs     pa!e. shests( caruon) 5c x?o              cos-

23- coislrutio!       rape.(ca!so!)     essoried .orors

                    p.n 6er Frfrao,

26: rarr or .crssorsniedru            srze)
2t- slui       ( .hu

i3- T3pa:              su    strck {asso.ied sr:e,              r!..h;gfaecr
                -                                          'r                   "<iJ4
is-.JLji      ,:!-tl.r;11 si r,'j:i
                        i+Jis-il            igL-i             1-+l'            4+q

                                                                  :c-i    j f_-ri     :1t    j. :3---*'r           '
                            JF       +Lrj           ---+'
                                                                                             ;ti)r    oilr
                                                                                           D-      '

Gr.jt   i   th. n !;-ll.I         J+r"l      e- ,Err-i! '---+ ''-_rr:il                      --r---.lj 'r.!*r '
                                             .arrir! i!--.1 g]-i.!.j'-Jrr                   JJJ t!'iv er

        '( C         d-r                  - !'"r

                                            jL r'      rJ ! s r          G$l         Ll"L-r' .t(F           !i-.       .

                       r.. -1(J+l k:

         r*,-i-i        ili-r--
     nt tffil          flt        tint    tft     I
     +       lf+ll     h"i        lts1l   li-L-   I

     ili +l!!l
                           r". -ro*13 3l"k:
U n i v c r si tY          o f A leaandrl a                                                                                        Desj 3n
                                                                                                        Ar chitectur :L
D e p a r tn e n t         of A rchitecture
                                                                                                        I!,r! r:L!l             ! 19!! -
 l9 91
                                                                                                        S ! rrr i I l3 Drt e : 1 7           2 9l
                                                                                                        S ! lin i t d a le : 2 0             1 _ 92

                                         H o d si n s ro r l e:ear ch St!d.' l' tr
                                         a -' i ;;;;-.t.     L Rese5r ch cent' c

                                                                                            in       c o iiirrt lio ii         rit lL          ilic
              The          Un iY ersitv

  ". . ",i ,",;
l ., " - r , , ".,.",,1           st!d1es
                                                       B !!e       Ll      riD

  r"" c"",," .:"" to pr'ro                                         "'"            l' ' ' '

       ;} ;ir
   r r . l L i tt!tu .e,
                                    tlrc     natu'al         to"e s               rr
   l :,;.            i; , - . . . ^ " n s        D i P 't          ":      '"
                                                                                       i'        j
                2.          :" . , ; : " ; i. . " , , , " . ,r- r ' ,e .                                            '
                                                                           e r a n p r e s o f a r c h ild c t u ' n r                   d c s ig n
                3.          i i :' :;:;r.,            di rre.en t
                            i D desert         envirdnDent
                                                                                                     radr''              r-'
                            - i -" ", "t         ,                                                                                             'iJ'
                            ,,, ; , i. ' ,       ' i.i
                                                         "                                                       ...      .'            ."
                                   L:.,                  ,po, o.....          -. .                                                             ':
                            d.sisn     Ln dcsL:r t ar'h it e c t u " '
                            fh . s!odv of tlr. sui t a b t e lln d s c f , ! e

                             0br..irr.s          1!ilL       li'
     llre      rl,!rP
!t     i s re q u i !e d       to su b n it a lull    r epor t
    nent i oned titles               o f te ctu re s.
               Th" sluoenr                             to apFLj- the B i . r | | n o w I e s    i"
                                                                        " '               '-l "    "n
    a rc h i t e c t u r a L    d e si g n o l a sj n gle dr el I i.s lo. a r esear ch sludent
    Nit h t h e f o l t o fl i n g :
               1.         A t o ta t b u i l t u p a re a ol 60 sq. m etur
              2.     A    .v..Aa'"dp                                 li. l.pd               f,'    a kjt         l."ne"e.
                                                 'h"aarrd                             -
                    a di n i .g    ta b l e , a n d a dr ar iig            stu' 1r ..
             3,     O n e b e d ro o n
             4.     O n e b a th ro o m-
             s.     s r i ta b L e o u td o o r l a .dscaDe,

    the schedule                      iill     b e fo rlo' ed:
                          'h i c!

',rlr,,f,''           u1 i !        ! a n d d a ta a c cum ulation
                                        fu rn i tu .e
                                        (F i .st
                                                         suitible        for
                                                                                  lur .aci' spa.e
                                                                                    the activities  in this
                                                     tN o seel3) .

              2.    ! I _ !!f:i :       a n {l d e e er ofl,,er t  ot  r ips                           betr een
                    d i f le re n t    sp a ce s (n:ss a.' l vor um cs)
                    e x pe ri n e n ta l mo d e l s.          ( tso Reeks) .

              3.    A p pra i sa l         a .d      e v aluati.n
                    ! l t e rn a ti ve s..      (tN o {eeks) .

              4.     D e ci si o n     and      vi su a l  .om ou.icalion                1o,                                lhc
                                                          pr oject,           ' nethods
                                                                          ( two weeks) .
                     r e p re se n ta ti o n    o r th e

    Para l l e l    t o t h i s scn e d u L e , th e studenl
  . s e rie s . f     r e se a rch e s re l a te d to the lect!r es                       Eiven ar d nentioned

    I        A1l sub mitted           m3te.ials  rill          b e re q u irc d           o n f h o t o h o le
             5 0 ,( 70 .'ns.          This includes          t )rc re s e a r. lr         d a L e ria ls .

    I        Th e scale        for    sobnittsd       ma t r. irls       is       I   i   160.

     *       Stu d y m odcls Nili     be dl scrl.
             su b o itte d model rill    be oi s . . 1 "               I i: ll.
..l,6J s
     !l)?- ,41!:     Jr, 't!j   ;Ur !l lgl      ;!r   V I r .l-            ; dj$ Fi :rlJl
     '.j,dle   !b      dJlr.L!!i rlrrJtJ.5ll.t           l o.-, LJI;,Jl F-jJl j:Jtll          !.L
                                                                                        . -!L,ll

,a                                                                          :
                                                                  6'l t           il lr *
                                                                  ..t,t           .-l,rLh
                                                                      I               ri=',
                                                                  ' l
                                                                  cl-l r jl !-rUrlr
                    riJdL lljsll Elr _+tl Jl r-LJl ll,Ltillr _rnll -bLJL ir+ i,l ul,

s-Jrlr        l
    l r tl/ t/Ir a --rLj J l

    : dlriLt Jl-Lll ui5' L-' It y. o.r-ll ..L-.-.y'| ar j_+l-rr-,         &lr dr-F!eAll

                          . + irl,l! eldl, rll !l irt t!. !iJl, lrrJl .l+:l .rr :; !, rl+l - |
                                                                    ,       til- t,t,tt,;i- 1
                                                                       . cLJlr Jljll.l+!-r

                                        ' ,,, 'rir' s':'rL rl' ': r.'s'tlr 'rl .,il.lJlg

a                                                                        _: -r-4.[&lF'I

                                                                            . ,jiJl JjI r r-t -r
                                             . r,lt
                                                        rL ,rlt )l rl
                                                                      'gl ., r*'ll L,,- rJLul,

                                                ( . FJI u! ij, eul --L-ll irtll   rL   )
                    -1r'!l            t -4!l                                         anJ^JI sr* t* te

J{         dr L--Jlf.a!r
                                      : i Jur
                                                                                 ;_*, Lilr ,_ r+ E-!5

          t-Lt      r ar-,!li *
           1, /t/. u At4t *
         t 1  . / . /Y U ),:!td JJ

                                         ;__..._-*ji^          Z J__-__aJ

                                                           tL- r? jJrrar,r_               _ l
                                                        rw t| f" ,r^ l i -:.-,+ -r
                                                        , i_ + ; r J . r   dJ.   &Jt          y
                                                                                 &!r      - t
                                                                           J---5l rr 'Li -    o

     *Jt!tfj:.l,,jb  t .lrl: frl t .J.r?t! dL or5"ol r",rl .J. dtr,Jl ,J]' ol, J )rUFJl ,if JJ:JI        rodule    air'Fll r$!1,
                                                                     f.i!l !i
        1. . : ) r J q l , , - e J U l JL &!.i!iJ r .5 Jl .5 J]]q ili t- lr Jl

t)     candtllls,          a€o.ces. !I9!449_egd__d9E
       Stuttgort         : Kall lkanir            ve.l6g     r 1972.

2)     Chlngr Francls D.l(, & order
       Nee Yo.k r Vdn No6trantl i€inholit ConpaDyr 1979.
.,1,              -L
               .                                .      ' oJ'     *!-
                    --!      --:-)''*-            - .1
      ,.iJ         r, i5    rlJ .lj !l ,-,Jr,*           :        r';1
                               .:    _ -I'i _ +-J          -1cJ

                                         r           ! i'J              : :i!1                    I
             . i-J411 :*         iJ                                                        ,--J
                           .-.J.-        !             -        Jl              - *' - -
              -lJ                           -..
                           . _ i b r!-F !,+

                                                                    :-'l' --Jr i:
        .                  L,LJ'          lL- lal .-J                     rur              '--f

                     J )l ;J l i j La . r                            : r J L - ' - J r : F lr
             - .L !L 'di                                               LJi-Jl rL-*y'I
             c. : 1 L-ll r':ll !;-l
                                      c; rr }!             -r

                                                       . rrl-Jr .-Fr+r
                                                                      I ;t !                 l
                                  . erL'JI                 r It                   r' i5) L:J

. plrr, rJ l     d J - l _ J I s - . * ; l J - Jr e ,    I :- Ur .:' F i
          . !- t - l L ' L J r      . r ! l Jr a - - j!
             -r                       t L-!           : L JIJI ' L - lL
                   ; ". i-)i
                    I   : o.                         _!{        r

                                                            . a-t-Jr i-FlrL

     4_^;r L r :'     jtl:-L!r:!s.j1+j:                            +!1           i, -_ J I
              .r.:     r ;,1r !l !" C +r               J,:-,.:               r _-t!?

                               Y      ::J         )-                    i-J'Fj

                              ..-!.r        L-r          -J
                                                   : i,!;_i,ijl                        -C>l

L   !L     .* - 6J       -    rr.           ,L,-                t;tJl             t . r: , ! l

                                                  l 6J.,-:       r r ul          r-.rJ l

                                                   . _y't         E/ Jl          i--_J5)
                       ( .!         ) i .5J !i s _J ! , , ! !              : :;t-

                                     ;51e          ;)-'+ a:5-: s, r:d

                              . +L                 _._t-F 'q.5- i s,
                                             e                                      ri.i

                                                                  . d-r
                     d,Ir r cJ L e 'Ai!J                I ;1s_J            C-+           .-1.-
5 u b . S ir e t lio , . 1
        : r c n ir . c t u r a t De r
        io b s a n n o u . c : i
        S ud , S h e e r I o . s

       lu ild in g S u r r € y .
        ( T r iD t o B . E lA r a b )

       ( c o u r t i,    F.O.!)

     ! l: v a t io !    Dra y i n g

     ! le v a t io n    *i   r in t :
0u-l i ne o ' . n : : c u : : e
                                oi A r.hj i e.i urdl          !::rgi        i: r . i:     Y.3:)
     T h . o u il i n e oi i he.our3e                   ai n s : o     a . v . io o a n d iu llir l         rn:
     io l l o v i n q      o b J..i i ve 5 :
     1.      D:ve lop _o.dD hi . abi l j ri e:                 o f s r u d e n i" ,
    2.       ln tro d u c e s i ud:ni s to i un d a m e n ia li o i A . . h it e c : u r d l
             De si g n and drari ngs .
    3.       De ye loDa bas i c und€rs ta n d in g o f b u iL d in g s u r v e y s a n d
             r e co g nj tron oi s pac e dei € r m in a iis ,
    4.       ln cre a s e av arenes s oi v i s u a l a n a ly s js a n d c o n p o s it io n

    5,       De v!lo D an i ni erac ti on                b e t v e e o t h e c o u r s e a n d o t h e r r e la t e d
    ihe o re ttca l           and s raphj c al s u b je c t s -
    T he a b o ve obj ec tj v es are i hou g h t io b e a c h je v e d t h r o u g h
    a s.rte s o f 1€c tures , ex !rc i s e s , r e s e a r c h p r o je c t s , d e s iq n p r o jects,
    and ii e ld           trj ps .       Four ti rene s a r e o r g a n t s e d io iu t if jl                if r e

    A-      Gra p h i c D rav i ngs i
    B.      su il d in s S urv ey :
                        ( tn terac ti on       i s dev e lo De d! jt h           t h e c o u r s e o i' , B u it d in g
                         Cons !ruc ti on'
    C.      Visu a l A nal y s j s             :              s h e . ir / - l
                         ( l ni erac ti oni s dev e io p e d Njih " T ir e o r r € s o f A r c .
                         a nd "P ers pec tj v es ',)
    D. l n tro d u c ti on to A rc hi tec tu r a l                   De s jE n : L e c iu r e s
                        sk ei c h des i gn, and A r c h it e c t u r a l De s jg n p r o j: c t .

                                                                                    uNrwuN r!1Y!s-.!etr-nrr{,!irFrr
r€l (s) $7@6r^                - Fa. i2a) 5e7i6                                      (r.tny&r;o-c.r)drn_         /^!__ rli
Tr _ pj: e 1   sn3::     I3!out

Tl e   aooe   lalo-   rr   1o oe J,ed         lo r   c.-   o r-F rn E   e re J ri(e -
|NrTrsn_i 0i riuL,"tti1                                      )lxslc]i
        OI                                            TMST ]TiI]
         0I                                           1990 1991

                    h a t.h i .o      ei' .t= ..

      tone         51 " H3 " ,
r. IJPSli, 0l u,I+.llnxllL                                    l!5]il;
rlc'ul'il- 0r DlclNixn c                               II?ST 19,I
DE!,iTltxltT                                          1990 1991

                ::5 .-.l :1 :4 i i 4 c g !E * GE

ljrillErsi!-0l,w: dTFLr          rTlcT!i,1,!lslcii
r,cL'11-,/ [iJclNx!]INc
         0r                             lalr
lEPtxtliiNl0r $cdtlT0Tl]ii        1"090 1991           i
lrlrirsli l- 0! ,ulllrilnrrr                               IJlslGi
    I,CU!TI'OI INGI].iNX      NC                     IIrsT lt{n
    rxPAfllmlr l"ccrunffuni
            0r                                         1 9 8 0- 1 - 0 9 1


                              he    Deinrlheni:   Di
-ri     B i n . 9 th i e r.rre         !l5UAl Aill-             .:

       a .d co n pos i i i ons i n tro an d t h r e e d ! i: r : : . : :       - : b . a . o ! a jn t e d
       rith    p r i nc j pl es oi c ohpos jt io n s u c h a : n r : : r : : .     h 3 . m o n J , c o n ira s' !.
        ,,,.e ic.    for ex erc i s e N o.7 .          E x e . c is : ) . : - : : : : !       pLace
       n o d !l a r bl oc k s oi any s i z e s a n d n u n b : : : i            d i: 5 : .    ih : a c a d e m j .
       q u e stjo n ol real j s n or absir a c t lo n i5 c ' r :                    ::13.ou:nc€.
       Ih e co n c ept of v j s ual aD a ly s t s Na s E jv : 3 in : ; : : :                 e x e r c js e s

       - o r va i u r e E l t i e r o s
        2. B loc k c o n p o is j o n
       3. Furni t u r e A r r a n g e n e n t

                                                                        uNwuNn,rYo& !!d!r-Y                  r d!rF,,'
re. (203)
        se7s6r/3         Fd (203)
                                se71rs3                                 (r.rr1v!rero 1r,r)nYr..^           /^rJ.r
ARCH110 ntodu.ton io Archile.ture
                             oaioi op.'        tromrch sir rniio

                             nl coicrt of s[ ElhDo]er

                                                              i1m       +ri'r of? n?jor




Atch212 lHA,
           212) Underslandlng tectlre

s*oDms, stns:rmPks rion rE
Arch218 VrsuaSludr.s

Fr artrir.fir   i.dn is I

Arch3'16 Design

Arch 326:Design
              Fundamenla ll

                              djvds rnj.dofy d

                              I synraxaid ryp. 11e
u n tvereitv aa wi scon sn, )t1i||a uk e.

S.hoot of Archilectureantl Utban Ptanning.

              FUNDAIT]ENTALS CR U

          i           C                DE

                                 00(P)& 0l(P).oRcoNs DEAN

              FUNDAIIIENTALS5 CR. U.

          OF             DESIGNSKILLS

                                        I'RERFO: ST&         oR
                                              SoPH ARcfr:iro(P).

University of Pennsylvania

201:VisLaizalionl: Drawing
                         and Deslgn(A)li cri

                               d(ren. rnroFc6 emPror ohsD.

2 0 2 :Vis uai z aton:D raw ns dCo m m u n ic a t oB )[ 1 c ! ]
                   ri         an                  (r

                               D i q m$j ' hJ' enpl ra5i :di i d' l dL[

301 Design
         Fundane.tals Pecepion (A) t2 cul

302:Deslgn          ll:sttuclue aid [letaphor(B)[2 cul


 *-b d -d .-n r*!@


ualand EiFFtive FoFds Dlor



euascd.onPo'ddn,sP4c and

                             jD ^K1,uld[n" ,43L;ct




rhse aa seienrlv no hof rhan

hg sPaes otren sdhoo aE han
hu8hr or sbE 6e ,ne Poied'

Ds8. hdrty or: Pndorb d ,hei:

com'Fhensive dsisn prcjd .oD

bednh   ii advEhs sridst a id


                         ;5ua itrd
     ,rcnEivnrhsne de5istr

     *:         d;octrre     a souid buiLd
     D;sign ,tudids. rbi r6d     hkes on

     Proi{h ar. invoLvd, one d

                 In thesPug semFrq on

     i d;r or dsiin. {rich js herdund'


     +6fi.Fmgom            hr modec'dl

     tnowreiseandii,eEdon or @D
     Ponenb a sound
           oI        burdbg.Atrhe

     prcrd bJ    (d,:i.ed D$gn
     qudi9old$isn$lu6oq dslc!





 ss the rund:neirr      deme_dsd


 oh       conPr* buitdrnFjn5uL

soPldd L6s'h rhdsynrhi5i-e


      .    Fbjeb   in ffind   ysr

qrard wnh rhearhr{tuF.f

    - -    -                           r ii:      -       .-
 !trrrcd Arab Lnrrx(A univcrrih                                r orrege, of Archircciural Ineineerini                            q rlh lF ra n c o "

    Cat.sory Visuaiization
                        - Proponion                           #2 5
    objcctiveIntrcducrion prcponion sludy thepropeni€s theGoLDEN
                       ro         and   of          ot          sEcTroN
             [Chi.glcensa]295- 299,cotd€nSectionj()O
                                                  - 3ol Cirenthesquarebelow.neasunng nDx toomm,
                                        loo            consltuctasotdenseclion
             extemrcnlching] ! :t00,
                                   &byne sof nsh a.gtediasonals(AC&BD
             jor construcl                                           fching]


D(e t 0 i 1 1 9 6 .
(lnitcd ]rab EDiratestnire^in
                                    Collcgc  ofEnsin€enns
                              Depr,of ArchirecinBlE.gin.{nDg
                                     Ar.biae.tunl D6ieo

                        ArchitecturalDesign l Basics

ObjeciiveLincs.Leteing, andDnftins Scalcs

Ere.c e Dmr lines.lelles, draliine
                        dd        scalcsssho$nbelo


                         (1b0r|lras in g i! J iig ra mh rlir rn h I

      FORMARCH 1993
              29.                  r:,(;:
    2 .5 mX 2.5@ X 5.0d-      ,J00+$

                 trAN ----l            f-------   Mopf-------l


       t       EIEVAIoN -     l
Kuwa lt Unlv er s lt y
                  College Engineering Petroleum
                         of            and
                       Department Architecture
                                    CoutseTire Desgn Bascsin Archrecrure
                            Instructor Yasserlvahgoub
                T i m eS a l u r d a y ' M o n d a y d r e sd a y 0 4 :5 0
                                               - We           2 :0 to
            .       Exercise:
                           Survey an Existing
                                of          Space

Knowledge:  Convenlofa plans& eevatiorsaslhreedimensionalsuriaces
Ability To develop
                 drawngsand models oiexistingspaces.
Skills:Tos!toey,meas!reanddraffp ans afd elevations

                   desgn studioroom ndeta Record

In d i vidual rerc i s eD E w p r1q & e le / d lo lsI o r - e d ) Le d d r ' r p - l
diag rambelow Drawplans& elevalons on boardin nk iromfe d
measurements scae al1:50. Cutout & lold
Unn€d Arrb Enidr6 L.ireEir
D€pt,of Archned!rrr f nginftring

                               . rcbitedural D6is   B5i6
              Studv conventonal
                     of      olas & eledic.t 6 :i--- :-€.,r:1

   Lercne    len eerchc vea.LrcdmtirA _oonir derairRro d dr:a n
                               Diav pjans& eleladonsliom meNr.d daE r!- i:+iz:
             lndividualExerciser                                                 E: i

   Draw plans& elevations bodd In int nom neu neasumenis scale I :s0
                         on                            lo    al
   (.{bove drawing is diagnmallc only)

tcbndu!.I      D6jsn t

                               lnf.rmario.      cenie.,_Irhrl      Hiiit

        ft js rcq ed b desiSir sfrdr r.rd{ hfomdio. cmrrt m I h } lNudn od Jiid :lr:'

'Ite Ccftr rorrosu erenss:
                                     &i'j*. (in-dNror ourdm,
                                    [on ltis srnce
                                                 sbould rierbrerodisphf bmbGr di

'lr'e sud.d ir rolsDa .mrcria@ldEiratb@li md dilizc i6 denned
I. is eqd(d io o.sidtr rherollo*itr8 !oii$ in ilre desi$ of ft ft! houf:

1'E,syappm,chadpd]ngl.lvis i|o 6 '

3.      IfuFrior of u'eE* buirdin
L       AFrnlndc lldsqlc rorhc
5.      IqMmft of prcsend.s trsr shnMr chnique.

1.      Snepro                                            l:200
2.      Prm                                               r:r00

                                    G)rhl mi!b.t)Ndn ria idea (e.9.
                                                                  di.srds. skdcha.
r acutty   of Engineer in9

A. c hit e c t u r a l - : D e stg n   ( 1)

                                              1 4 !h o ct, 1992
                                              l l th N o v. 1992

                              H o u si n q u n i t   fo r Ar chitectur al          student

 r he u n i v e r s i t y o f u a F rs ro -o n a r.r - r c gr oup of housilg untLs foL
 t he u s e o f a r c h rr-cru ra t      sL -d e n ts c6 par i o, Ehe unive' ;i- y.anpr s.
                Th e n p u h o u si n 9 rr L s p !o j ect inr pnds r o !
                                                                         1cr .a6e .do s
 lr ^ i-it ia s      c r d co rfo rr rh d ! a re requir ad r or ar chi.ecr uJa      stJdenr s,
Th e d e s i g n o f t be u n i rs sh o u l d e n able sr udenr s to Dar ticioate in the
divis ion o f t h e i r l i vi n g sp a ce s. Lighr constr ucti;n is t; be favou.ed

             l b e a i n o f rh e p ro j e cr i s, for the str dents, to lear n hov to
ao o r6 . c h a - c . c h i re cru 'cl   d e si q n or obl- 0 and o ncr .ase
ce rt a ln . e q u r . e n e n ts !h i ch a re q i ven.

 rl- e ! o ll o w i n g    o D j e cti ve s   a re ro b - ,uL!r - Ieo:

               1.             the collecrion.f             c h e r-q u . . d o
               2.             rhe,d"nciri;;ri;n ;i i;; ; ii";;;;                         ;i;p;-;;    ;;; i;"r'
               3.             T h e stu d y o f i ti ffe r ent     exanples of r he pr obten ulder
                              T h e 6 t!d y     o f th e app.opr iate            elenents of inter ior     d€sign
                                                    to the r eqlir ed            desiqn.

              _54 c!udenc Ls                              ro apply .hd ga ned knoktpdge i1 cn
                            d e si q n o f 'e q u l re d- un t Ior dn c!.hiLe( tur ct
                                            a si n q l                                student
         t h e f o l l o r i n c:
' ir h
                              A to ta r b u i l t u p ar ea of 60 sq. leter
                              A l i vtn g / sl e e p i n q space with appr opr late ar ea.
                              A n a tta ch e d sp a ce for dr aqing and conpur er use.

                      i s Eo d e ci d p rh e a p p ropr iate           spaces !equir ed         !o! differ .nr
                        s p l 1 L l e ve ts ca n b e used.
                          i s to fo tl o v     th e fo l l owing     dates:

              halvsis      a n d d a ta a ccu cu l atio. for each r equir ed sDa.e
              .-  u d i n d fu rn . u 'e su i .a b le for       acr ivities  in cni.                     space
                                                           ' he
r.i.".      .ro
     -'l                      "."r."t
2,         s F t h e 6 t s a rd d e ve l o p n e n t of r elationships ber ween differ ent
           s p a c e s : q i th th e u E e 6 r e xper iner E.I Eodels
           ( O n e ! e e *)

l.         a p p t a i s a l a n d e va l u a ti o n   of differ eDt   chosen alter natives.
           ( o D e w e ek)

4.         D e c i s t o n a o d vi su a l co mD notcation nethoals for          r he r epr esent-
           - a t t o n ot th e p ro j e ct.
           ( o n e q € € t)

           -    A l l 6u b m,tte d n a te ri a l s { 111 be r equtr ed on Tr acinq pap.r s
                5 0 x /0 ca s, T h i E !n cl ud.s r he r e;ear ch naEer lals.
           r    T h e sca l e fo r tb e 6 u b sitted uater lals           is 1 : 50
           i    s t u d Y n o d e l s vi l t   b € o f scate 1 : 100

           c a l l e n d e r, J.s. (1 9 3 2 ) T i ne saver standar ds for Ar chitectur al
                           D e si q n D a ta , r'{ccrawr iill Boor co., Ner Yor k.
           ching,      r ra n ci s   (1 9 3 2 ) A rchitectute:     For n space and Or dei, van
                         N o stra n d R e l n h o l d , Nev yor k.
           xullerr      E d va rd (1 9 3 5 ) A rchitectutal  Dr ar ir q and I,ighr Constr -
                        -u cti o n , tre n ti ce -sall, Inc., N€v Jer 6ey.
           o l g y a y , V i cto r  (1 9 7 3 ) D e sign r ith     cltnate/   pr incer on Univer sity
                         P re s6 , N e e Je rse y.
           P a c k a r d r R o b e rt (1 9 sr) a !chitecr ur ar        Gr aphic standar dsr ,tohn
                          wi l e y ! so n s, N e s yor k,
           l { a g n e r , r{a l t€ r     (.l 9 3 l r H o 'e Houses Ar chr Lects DeaLgn fdr
                           th € n 6 e l ve 6 r |'l ccra w sitt Booh Co., Ne{ yor k.
           w a n q , t h o a a s c.       (1 9 ? 9 ) F ra! and section Dr aviod, van Nosr r and
                         R e i n h o l d r N e w Y o rk.
First Year



i lerght oi SP=t€ocm
    F*^-        re) L'.lr
2 The pctlr€ pLane 40 cmsiom SP
 (r..:r)      (e ir._a!+ll sila



                                            F J RS T . F L @ R, 2 M
                                            r-A tl_r:ltli €atlln -{

            +Li,q-ur A '::l enlJ,i          ;FOLNOFLMR          ]:2M
                                            r- r ;JirjsJ0JAh   5-.n

              tlrlnrl $r 6], b-Jd-nI& ,rttt, Jt*,r+ otrt * JrJt , o,lt i,.i4l
      J-l!l   i!+i   j}liirl!L_)- 6t |&'!-!rJ!         Juj)t_ urb.I i,,/Jl
                                                       . :-LJl rt JtrkrLr
    (riri . . di !,'J_ Et-.j_Jst )ia! rl' ,r,r-..                    i-,
                                                        ".. dt:,
( ilLdi.-lr rr JL!!rt t"!l ,j, -,tLr eL|! rr:J" dlJ:lt ,r,.r!lt,
  J-l!l i;-ul i-illl olJl!l ;L Jr-Jl, i!Fl! ; rlUu !,lt         -,]t
                                                                       . dlJtJ

                                          I lr r / l   / r r lr lll! ii) lF

                                                                      lAw*       rN&-i4d,,!rr,uJ,
(ijn ! -!iq    -o:!,)!)

                                              j!r6 sI i'Ll ohi!'! eG
.rn+ l;Ej il'!.! ,! L!,6r ldo a$iL! !$,    et
           ,al4rJ i!+! a- t!lr! tus J !i,:s!l .n !!l !':'_I    l+n'i d.!rlJ

              :J.r j L,        r. r,s ,l 6L-         LLI :u;'l            r_lJ       r5     +r
                          ' i-
                                                                 .d j! iil!  -:)j
                                                                    .er riLL _:l,iL
                                                          .1!--r     !J     r,--ji    i    o&'iJ

4rr$l J-n-!   j J-!              ilt      +ItI   l^U 1lr-r 9lr iJsii C!- j !t!            l!l-d4
                    l",Jr+ 'lv
f-+.lC i+ll                                              irJrd.l i..rt+I l,l
       I!$rs$ f,.lr
                         ulldt iLJ-.rJt '-it liu

                   s.$ J iJ.ilt rllil-!     i+l ib0 Jl Ar, .1.

a.?Dts JlJil i.rl4 ,!u]s r $!it irt8 i+tJt lis irr$t 6L_L-jt on ijE s
sL rJa-o iF J*.,5J,$ ell! JI cJrlal irr )t{t irx-i 6t5!* ul t{l$ey i-.!l

e-..1j arJs d€ iJ|ti. ili
                       A3                 -str iirr ab3i+ r ircJ.! i!I!q    LUFI
                            .J,-$ arirr",larr r s-ilt r o-a rtsl-_L i4!l ciit

                   ujL-Jr llilt           i Ju -tstr rlt -r!-!   lirl rF

                          l l r r /r l      d - q lr         tL ,ll

                                           r,t_)t r)l
  o-l                                     ,___!t rrjl
  u-l                                     i-,L-JljlUl
!t-lI                                    .L-lrlr Jr!)l
                      hlnd     scale ,rrl          dL:i.1l
at-t                        ',1r,:.t t&rr
                        ( 4 ri     ) _4,:$Jr r i

                              llJr         ql rtred
                             ;r)1,_,r i-! ie
                                      i,t      i,6
               J,jJL i:-L!r          6;11 d!! !'

                                             ,lliL ll ir,
              dlJ LlLr ll-lirl-rr-l           JJ rd
                                         d ,r j F F a
t-'rai 1-i!
;rJait4l Is'+

                gl$1 ,!"I-dJt-.i       n .cI i.$-
                r 11r/r &$ Jd|lr t+4Jrl i,Lail

                                                         6!Ls-erL, lt

                        .r"lr.Jllr rqJll :.lry dcJ.ll'

                                      €I-Jilr    l|j

                          reir r-i      :lJlll Or.3I
                                   oijll asJ,$ CLi

                              |titr ol +& aLJ
                         exe! a!,n :efi! lr,r$

                                   r,$ll iriljlt trL.l
                      i.J-!     J-r$ :CJJ e},'3!

                                   dJ ou.:l,t.1

                 LJI-.j r-lii   cr :o-ui &u.{
                                d..'3! &.r,3!df"r
,t:L.ij             grl1lr gn-t!

                          i]-jd.$ jr.Lll:alL.i rltlr       1(!/rr/1
                                   drl,,ll il}'llr *!tl    IIIt/r /v

                          r:-iai.lildl :CJ..i&J.3l1 r11c/r r/rr               1
                                    e.L"r.lJrii cLl l11r/r r/1r

EIJ$dl3j"U (Human    dJ,!! .r.Lni :0.$! a!yn!
                Scale)                                    tlro^r/!.   r.
                              !.'31>.ll el-              llr    /Y

                                             i+& irr)      t t./'        -' ,
                 i.ip   tJF ol' !,q..13 :C-lr.!la!J..1!   r 11tr 1A^

                               i.!3 rri- ol' tE+Li         tttttvl        -rr
                                   C-ui dJ,3! di-          ttlrlV.

                        c&"1" rl+rE i).!it !r.:i          rt!./Y/l'         .i
                                 ,Frr' .lJrii PL          t r r tt v t

              pr aJ|: or,,j4+i :J& dlLrl ip.xl            ccttvr^-tr
                             .,,i' diii 4r.!l e'l         tlttlVr

                   f L a c l r ci4 *3 ,P.Jiil a u ..!     tr r ttVr o - td
                                      sl'Jr .!J.!l dl-    tllrlVYl
er-!   ) t^+fl        !t<-l     oL'"4r dsr sr, e'nx rLjt f i ab i! rllr J
                -v-uj       'Er
ji,   +ijl JLJ .G!r c" !j; r ' (+rlar     ) 6rrt'?l1tLLl J',,j!LJ 6!l' ( !r' eLr)r
rj+ ;r*ilt rjlEltrl+./,!-"J     L!!rtLll   dJllrCllJiri.z!1      i,ur i,' atjrn!_Lrr
-: dlr J-:.rr t+tf   r. UL.l1'L+    !4it g!4 !t!l     4<.;&J      F.-!t l! JUJI!'   ',')]!llJ
                                        ,rtj!   i r O'I r rr"l"llJ -'+   Ctt e1; O

                       *,j6.! -=l,rt ^!        r--",1t t)t rP 't 'Fat4a'tjt
   .,,jt .i5 iil+ J ( IAsswx sYsrnM ) J. r, !-rr ali JtLr dlr aLj Jl aL,J! rji
                                                                    ' 6rLi er.Llrul'

                                                                          -: ll.Llr or,P.l!

                                                      F ir GJ  o Jrr- '{cq:ll d' i/            (1
                              '  "/      "4
                         . L.*.!1{tur J}ar 4zrr .r,!. c ( ua 4 .rru€ oreir )

J,!r d,!!l    J-.irl
                                           ,, s! -!d- ir., Fi rr:
  .!r!e!r     ,rj)t ntdt_t 6Letitjtr!
                                                      * A a! ,r!L:il_                 i*      rj      -.1_!l
                                                                   , irtr trr . i!, rrd;lL_r!
                                                                                  : r)-L,J      iiJl       El:
                                                                                            . . +_rt _r
                                                                                           . r,!r ar;-r
                                                                                                   a_t - r
                                                                                         ' ' L !,' - r
                                                                                . rlj-L9 .
                                                                                            rtt ._t_ -
                                                                                       e'+) l'xf-
                                                                                       JuI]l i, ijr _r
                                                                                                        lL _ r
                                                                              . ' 4 J1 4 t;t Jr :jL !L
                                                                                 : ;) lr .Jr ; d ll
    J, )l I Lrs   !! Ll j5    ! Lj }t! Jt-t-!t                               cE)ta-rJ-+?r Lrt
                                                      ,r,    al, eO-Ltr                                          -t
                                                                   ft!   i:.-.ll d-L! ,j- i-#r                   _r

                                                                             it      '.F -L.ll         !+tlr -r

                             r11!/1i / r I i. ] J l         rr..

                                                                          wYq        irt     4-laJ-              nrrqrtj
.{.kll   #l5ll   6sl   u.! 4Jlrl   ,t3d |+.4i

  usr r l,jr- ii, J dA r ri i!> t! rjrs- i-.tE lir j /rLl i& lsr dr
                                                                      -. rr!.$
   ,'|*, rj. 16 lij:lE ds Y re <J511sLrJi Jl iiL:)lr il!!t 6lr!
                                                                   JF J e+r

                                                                     :r!.,-:I J v4rr I
.&!t rr$)r   {i$-y:-j]lr      c,r-!"..r rrr: r iU $r eL.r JJfi alj lej J-rqj I
                                             ,JE--l ir.! C. isrl sllrlr Js,a id,r

                                                                        -:tuJrLI     6UlJl!
                                                   gJ.I c;- ,i c-.;jr         !,!i--

                                                                        : sxt*o           l. s

                                     ,4Jsj e*jx irJLr.I rrily! !!- r rra.I re> lrntr r

                                                                 Jj     L ld F / . jr-!

                                                           s4+-r        Lr-r J'et /.ir-Y
                                                            crdj {.-r1 *   JJ|.L /.r -r
                                                                      Jrc e $l/.rt
Lldt   i_its

Jg   ilJj  Alr i-jl!r- (!. I 6L"E- i-- lrr ,,!!, .LJ!_ll i!. i,l-*
                                                -Jt                   lr:.:_r arjlJt
ru aj, rn i-il!l-u 6!L-i:!l ._Jt!lldA .t,r . lJ                       x r ror_ !jr*r
                                                I     tLijJr rrrrr
cr ser_)l ljr lrrLur c_L (€r   , : j : -l'l JAll J.:jt J Jts,Jl !!ijJ !_rr 6!

                                                                               : d..Jr
                     !d     -                         .rFJl   q&       rLrr,!! :iL, -
                     ,"J    -                                      .r,rr-,-lr      J Jlr
                     bri!   dl-j (; Js,ir jl .littj
                                                Jl .Ul! I eE-Jt I Jl;!r lt_U c-
                      r d- oDL u,sur J. .jx; )t!l
                                                     ar trr_jlJr In + ,.]i .t Jltr
                     . LsjJr     orjiJL i-t3ll Jlrlrr r!l:t cr ijrrJl Jrrnr
                     j iJ.[ial 6Er)i dl np ,
                                               ;L"j)t +!i.! i!r_ rLi ijl:]:r!l


                                    ihe !.qulod       gl34!!lE-!9!1d

              1- Dav:ns       5oard(sn?Ir b. 2rdvrded 5v tre                 lJ(uril)

                                      100 c's.4llod

              3- iri,n.les.      rtlsc!      & 4tt    and :dju€tab1e         - 3, **.      r*.u€d.

                                                                ( dne bor or ea.h)

              ?- .rst scare 3ocne.,/cn/ro'(z_tnc"r":4
                                          ro e o r rn rsePr .cr )
              o- r asi'.d s r.rd i:( ( :i

              t4i crarlos Dsq a              Potnts ( r a rl

              1?- ?dste. color iube sci6o:d'brr                   !e     kan) e coloE

              1:.- hifs       for ndders(cutidr)

              20- Dra{rs        pa}e!( cafton and sciollor)              5o x ?o cos.

              ,G    ftacrn5     pa!e.      sheis(     canson) 50               cns.

              23- coDsr        iion    P,perGlisor)                      colors
              ,4- r*b'ticar         pen set (Frr'lt

              26: Pair of 3cissors(rediu                srze)

              r?- Iub€ Blu. ( lbu ra.ti
              i3-   l-qpe:      *         seu-Btick     (a56orrcd siz€t!,r                             ?q'rd
iE,.JLii     c,Li!.ril       sl $!j
                           i!"Jr&)l           iLL-+     -    L-!ij       i.+!,
                                          (6-i_ JJ & oLl,'D

r+j    aF t--+r 6!lrl     ,!--"i        c-n! di!       !s4 Lrn- rJ6 !rr1]!              i_-drdi {_!l< ,!j
rLlr     {)nJ                 {5y"Jr !r!ij!
                    !14 s<                         J:lr !.-J1        tt_,itl .+G lL.|      er__t!. .er)jlr
                                                              ,iir      Fr--i.u   r,     JJ.n .4       n j j!

                             "1)G J.Lljlr          +r-.i.rl J<L-tj it__t lr 6rF         d :cL__+J!r r
                                                                                        rLr)r      rsr     .
                                                                                          L&-!      !)-    !
                                                                       ii- L-r!l tsr--:.] .
Gr     Jj L"j!!Jl    !+J---!n jL_+J c- !ai)_iir i__.i tL-4.)l lirj:rn,lr          lrr1-rr .
                                    .! il, 4pJ s.,l--,.ll a l__.-rr JrL.j ;L!ry

          ( c1. .. .. rr-J         +j                 urri y )

                                                                                           elr gu-ri .
                                                            sr Gr-       ) &t-sr , j.i       i;- .
                                                                              rrsil cs, r,r e.,-,il



f ", - I €qit   Lg=-

i- -r*-        al.h
Ar chi      IJcsiEr
                                                                                          1l,c l:ir st I' r oj u.t
                                                                                          li!   rLio":               I    lll: s
                                                                                          Slar Li,,F Lr tr : L7 2 12
                                                                                          Sul,ni r . dr lt :20- l- r l

                                IIo p si n a fo r R elgar ch Studcr r s
                                 E n vi r..n cn ta l Il. s Ccnl.c

                                                rro!silr l!9
             Il,e     Li'ii.,ersiLy                                          , , 1 . . rr. iL , irL i, i)            L ill,         th(
l c p a f t m e r t.l        i.clritect!re        1s tu . s lil              lrs h a rt ! 1 3 r. lr               . f riL r.        I.,
en v i r o nn ie r t.l       studics     i.   B !fF Fl , 1 . . ! r

         Tl '. C.i tr .  is to p.otx,tl   stu L L l, s lo f    lr, r, , t
                                                                                                       '  , , 1 i! . . t u rr' .
l l r e C cr 1 .e a in s to provid!   ac. DmD. la li, , n lo 1
a n d s i nsle    a c!:ommodrt i.n is,c.!on.n . lf d -

           T h e a i i L of l h e p ro j e ct i s. lor Ll,. str d."i,                  to ler .,L l,! Lo
conbin e t h e l u l l             u se o l t c . h n Dl.' ,, i . a I .r Ili.ati.n
                                                              s                              1,,. ( l,.r r r
a f c h it e c t u . e .   th r ..tu r:l          1 ....s,     i' r ar i adnr ,ir r ) 1, r , l, 1,:.1!r :,1
l orn.         T h e f o I I . wi I g . b j e . t i v e s ar . t. l) e lr ll ill,( il

                  The .ollectio'r       .f          lhe       re q u jrr(l      d r1 , L  ' s L ! ' L Nt i(     ll ,
         2.       Tl r e ideniilirrlion              ol       1 l' f d ille r. " r       : t . f r, L i      L l, r, l. s irJ

         3.       ' I h e s tu d y o l d i ffe .e n t           er ar nptes ol

                  T1,e s tudy of diff.f.rt         me t lr. d s a n d ! . rl' rr, t u . s                                1 r ! rd u f
                  1d ap!ly passiye and ac t i r             s ! la r t . . l' ro lu rr-   j"                            l). rirr! ,
                  th c    st!dy   ol   tlie    app ro L ' . ia t e    . lc i, t rt s     ol                              iile ri! f
                  de siS n in ddsc.1 archite . L u r. ,
                   Lc,r 'Ll'    ol llr    s,,t:it,       l rJ s rip "           L,

                  !r jL!t'1.                  lP    r,,i',             .d

                  T l i c D csi sn 1 'fo .css.
         2,       D e s ert A .ch i te cl !.e .
                  So l d r e r€ rg ] i n b u i l d i rss
                                     tJ.s!' L l r.h.
It      i s r e q u i re d      to su u n i t a lull    r epor t on ol the
      o enx i o n . d t i l l e s      o f l e ctu re s,
               T h e s t ! d en t i s re q u i re d to appl! the aair ed knowledge in an
      a. c hit € c t u r a l      d e si g n o l a si n sl e d$ellin- ! loi a r esear ch
      { it h t h e l o l t o wi n s:
               l.         A t o ta l b u i l t u p a re a of 60 sq, neier
               2,         A l i vi n g a re a w i t]1 a n atr ached spaces for a kitchenette,
                          a d i n i n g ta b l e , a n d a dr a$i.g studi..
    a          3.         ( l n e b e d ro o m
                ,!.     One hathr.oh-
                5.      S u i ta b l e o u td o o .     l a n dscape.

        T h e Sc h e d u l e rh i cn    Fill      b c to l l o' cd:

                         !9             a n d d a ta 4 ..!m ulaliot   fr r .r .1, ,r ( lui' .d   sj) r cc
      1;''                     :   a!     fu rn i tu re   suiFable for th,: actir iti.s        in lhis
                                          (l 'i rst    tso r eeks) ,

                2.      q l .r !9_"-1: and dev er . f lle ' t    .r     . f r r r ir n s h ip s       r,ettr.:en
                        d i fferent      s pac c s (na s s a r d v u l! m r s )                 t lio u s r . l
                        e x p eri me n ta l h o d e l s.    ( t$o$.er :sl.           " it h

                3.       p p ra i sa l        and     e valr ation            !f      diller e,' t    ch.sen
                        a L t e rn a ti ve s,    (tw o see*s) -
                4.      D e ci si o n     and      vi su a l  conm ur iicaliar       r .tlr ods lor      tlr c
                        r e p re se n ta tl o n    o f tn e  pr oj€.t,         ( t{ o *e.,ks) .

        l a ! a lle l t o t hi s sch e d u l e , th e st!der t will lJe asked 1o suL,nil a
.       s e ries o f r e s e 6 rch e s re l a te d to tne lectuies siver ar d henlioned

        :      A l l s u b n i tte d    n a te rl a l s  ri l l   be r equir ed       on l,holohole
               5 0 X 7 0 ,n s,          fn i " i n . l u d "      r ' c r csecr .l'   m "t.r ,"l( .

        I      The scale lor            srb n i tte d     n ater ials     is I :160,

        I      S t u d y n o d cl s ri l l      b e o f scale t:100 and r r ' e final
               s u b m i t t e d n o d e l w i l t b e o l scale l:50.
rl,-- r4l Ey iilj;Dl             !lrll     jL-J trr l cI*:.1,&s            ; "r5 i".-,tuJl

    i-.iJrlle   s&     sJlr.bll    rl',+r{tdll.L:l        r *LJl;Jll   jJlLlldrl!


                                                                         ulrl r r! u.rlr ,&
                     e !L   djll I E )' 'i:!l Jl r-!iJ! qr,rlnlr, i!! !1 LiLJ! ir- !r 4!
                               !t--!M'&! lt                         I r r r / i/ I I F l- le - r E
I ttI/i/tA   t+rL-:l l

: d !liL!, Jllll ir[9. Lr li r. ;rJl         .l-                j
                                                        -.rJl o" c-iJ.                  J.l r a!r-l,i:r[Jl

                     . + -.1-LJ!            !l            ilat .jL drJl, lrFll .l+*L uy E )' Jl:r - l
                              -Lill,              -Jl
                                                                                '       Ji! | Jl gLLrll elti -Y
                                                                                '        JLil'l+l-f
                                       ,,        , ,lr,     o. -.,rr. ;e ; -,,,1-.llsrll ,)i rlJl a.

                                                                                            -: -r---rll"ll slr-tl
                                                                    - .LJr L!.,.,                  I;:;llj- .l
                                                                                                  t 6U1'r+lr-t
                                                                                        '     '
                                                                                            . dr.ll #l r    -r
                                                 rrl -t!i        olrlll rl &l           ... t Jl i.,- !,JLrll,
                                                  ( irll F i,. i-EJl-clJl                   irFll al+ )
                          +rrJr ! LJI                                                  -.*'j.JlotFz-

                lrrLdlff,rJl         I ; JUI                                  ;           L*-ll '4- r-r-l |ui
9/"                                                                               -a
            s ---J U l : U / . ; J r

           a-Ll               r pr-i!6 +
          111, /  / r V 4 4 t               a
          llr! / . / r A r r l l r r r " . :

                                        i_==,-5.-            zJ___a,

                                                           : J.J -4i.d- i 6., F.,         : vt!.J|

                                                           iU' t.' 6-J.l.tUr                - t
                                                       f L.-bo5r lfi Lj{. i+a       i+      - r
                                                       ,i_+ ;r J     a ( iJiL eBlr          _    I

                                                             @r -     t
                                                      ,--5l rt .t.; - "
      e-Jttlt pJ. otr t Jlr ,r.rl I t E rL .! u,r! ,.Llr--rt j ,rlr ul ,!,
      l}+--1,       o!, J tl t r.i-Jl j lbi.Jl         rlodlle      iirlFl   . eJJl
                                                                                    r-al]' I'
         ! ":         I   l -J q L r!     eJUr      JL&L    4lJiJ -4J-Ji .L'Jdi-ur))l

 t)     c.!dtu16,              ceo.ce6. !lg!I!!E_s!g__99E1g-]!9I:Ej!9gI9
        SiuttAort          : Ilail      rranl.   verlag    r 1972.

?)      Ching! Francls D,!i. Archttectu.e:  Forr.3pace & order
        Ner York : Var Nostrsnil Reinhold Coipanyr 1979.
|              rl,l!r-            -
                                           1.+,                 -P';l
                                                                                                 ;- ) iJ-     il :- L'
                                                                                                 L'             I i- --l!
                                                                                            :-r L "-.1 L ;- !,      1


                         r) L JI         P'J         I ; r U ;*!           J I Lr' J I

                                                     ,--                                                      - - r LlI
                            ---,1-                              -.JI
                                                                           I :
                                       "t-!L               i-       -:+l       "-'.1

              r..,1I       Jr':rr y.r-llrr    :
                                                --El                               ''_rr
                       "J. **rr!+
                         .                 e,
          :-* rr       r- !,ri   .r!-. in r ; i! : lu r       Prrr

                            ;-i- 1- ..!, JJ Ll '              rJ-_
          :- _, r ._-r-Jr                            ':-.'_l'
                  . rJ 'j ] I

                                                                    : /LJr          dF!
         _ -r-,L i -,L-J I             i ,l ;J l ! ' J
                                                         . Fur !- J.jJr d!
                              ';l L- a,
          _-t.t L J. i I --Jr
         ,,      .    1 al lJ      r-11;                    
                                              -*         -r

    r'        : I c rLi .tl .-L! !a                       -!
                                                         . y jr - J r . - F r d l

                                . r-r L-J I " ! - r : : !                    J ' ! l- r l

. er_Jr,r u J-r!r sirr                             ru' 1;
         '. , 1 - J L ' L J r , , J l lr ^ - - lr
             "r ,' , I ;- ri t" L-_:'           L'l-l                          I      L- r'
                'o              _l"l-_-j-_ r

                :Y               J-+l'-                        r
F                                                                                                 t---rt--Jl

         JFriJla'+y'..['U                   irli )l ('r+, o-"r- JlrJIf:r,
         lc . l'. l. iJ - e . . :                I f - ) ; 'lii ir ir ' r L tr p ,Jl
                                                 .r,:         ,li,ir jr ) r J.
                                             . ai. bJl !r-J.ill a.rj
7       iJgl.,      Ir )l d{.J i. L )l _ri"d1aj, : C-Hl o+.1 I
                 . t.:        I i )l r'tl      o..J +L           JL!a. o.:            r + li.
           , ( ,r,Hl r-y'le ejli-i'rL )e-Ul lxr.ill rl-j
                          n-1, t-4 . iJ bJ i),lijl Jl u,.r
                 -.+Jl €L! Jl tt

    iylrJl- ii-ir'6,             I c,L+ e+ : J.Jt Jl odl
                                    r rs
        . aLJl, -.r,+ll,lLJ-Lllle ellF)L
                            . +*$l     sJ.Ji drt Jl
                                                                         o-,Jl FJr
                                           . o.3r!          t!       ft Jl -i, ij L-- |
                                                           .                     -.---l-J
                                                            -!l          .,r gJl
                          . ( g{            ) i r{J l i atl J - t ! :                  iF ; t -
                                                           .!-Jl          FJr
                                                Lul .s y ' l> - b :                     ir jt -
                                                i i S l J l i s r l> . L ! :            iit -
                                                _r+--tijl              gE      lil | ! irjt-
                                                :       d)tJt           el;lijt      : iFL-
                              .               o*      o.j-Ul                  Au.:. r-r
                                    -rJl                                 _!rr- $,
                                                                        'Jf-l i
                                           . crtl a. iF-                            rt

                                                                         _.r5- i s,
                                           . erf L e it-r-                                 ts*

                           g-l r {JL e ubJ I el-rtl                                 C+ &

     S cheduel   fo r   f i! s t   t e ro

         sh e 6 t No.l                       tenci I Dr aeing
         D .p .i tn€nt   R€c€pt ion
         S h e e t No.1'

                                             Sub. Sheet J,to.

                                             Sub. Sheet Io,2

                                            Detai I fr oe      tr ip

                                            A.chitectur at       Det

G                                           To be announced

                                            lui ldins Sur vey.
                                             ( t.ip to B_ !1Ar ai)


                                        El evatioo Dr aFins

                                       Elevation       r ith     ink
a-rrrs--t        L--
                                                                                     a--:.l: a__--+_.__-i

     T'e o ..l.r "        of     t d !o!'      < qi    . t o d -. -   op                I
                                                                            " r' '
     fol lo!inq       o b j e .trre 5 :
     l     0 e !e lop 9raphi c abi I i ti e s           of students
     2      In i.o duc e s tudents to fu n d a n e n t a ls o f
           De srg n and drav i n9s .
           De vel oDd bas tc underst a n d in s o f b u jl
           r e co g ni ti on of s pac e de t e r n i n a n t s .
            ln cre as e av arenes s of v is u a L a n a ly s ls

     5.    D e vel op ai l Li on b e t v e e n t h e c o u r s e a n d o t h e r r e la t e d
     tl re o r e ti c al and qraphi c al s u b t e c t s .
     TIre a b o ve obj ec ti v es are th o u s h t t o b e a c h i€ v e d t lf o u g f r
     o    6? jd (    of    .                            .,    p,o e t..            de.,q1   p , o je   t.

     a n d fie ld     tri ps .      Four them e s a r e o r q a n is e d t o f u lif il             the

     A,    Gr a p hi c 0rav i nqs :                     Sh e e ts 1 - 3
     B,    B u il di nq S ufv ey :                      she e ts 4 - 6
                    (l nterac ti on       i s d e ve lo p e d
                                                            !ith      th e co u r se o f " Bu r id iiq
                     l ]ons truc ti on'
     c.    V j su al A ndl y s i s        :             Sh e e ts / - I
                                              s de v e lo p e d wit h ' T h e o f i€ s o f A r c

     D. In tro duc i i on to A rc hi t€ct u r a l De s ig n : L e c t u r d s
                     5k etc h des i qn, and A r c h it e c t u r a l De s ig n Dr o je c t

                                                                           UNNY!N !rnYe&-t-&lr-sd1               dlrirri
re   e6) se7s,6r,€        . Fd. (2o3)
                                    s071353                                0.Dnvwr;u-0.r)nYr!.^                /^r-___4,
! n i v e r s i ty o f A l e xa n d .i a
I a c u l t y o f E n a i n e e ri n g
                                                                                               9 l/ 92

                                       Tygical       sheet lsyoui


         r he dbove laJo!t            rs   to   b.   us'd   lo r   a ll   d J a v in g   e x e . " i' Ps
     WNTBS]TT d,EXII}IIA                                      {RCMMCTUR{L
     IACUITYOI ENGINf,ERING                                               'XSICN
           NT AXCflTXCTUXX                                        1000 1991

                                                       dJ 20 {      41 cns Earh              Dr
N h         e di ++erent                              6nd a      d i+ + e re n t     F e n c il
                             l arc htn s lit ie m


                                                         at     45 ,    135        dEq.?as

                                                        deq.ees         and        uEine    a

                                   1 e r Lines,     + ur ther    tha.
of   r i ne s   in   Hidth   and
           OT                                                         tnslcN
                                                            '    FIISTYX,{?
   DXP1A 0r {RCXrB0'IUR8
       nm                                                        1S90 1991

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Arch design 1 assignments

  • 1. Archn4iurur Dsisr { Inlo.mrrinn cenrer. tnbrt naff! Ir is rcqurcdro dcsi,ln! idr hiomnip cerb onr hilly lmrion on Jadd ftnt srd 'dnnd ne ( 0,- ^ I..' r iroruuo' dria (in.dmr or ourd@4. It is Eqotcd rooisider dc folrowii t. Elsr iptmch ud prbng ror yisiroa. 3. liEgduon of theiew bujldin .|App rol)fuE lsdgpglo$€ usd s@d6l Dcbniquc. SQle r. Snc nbn 1:100 1:100 rr00 'Ite &udsr o addDy o$* da*ingc) rbar mishrnrsenLhis ide{s(e S.di4@! skerhs.
  • 2. Faculty cf En_qineer i ng H o u si n g U n i t fo r Ar chitectur at student Th e u n i v e r s i t y o f U A E i s to co n struct a gr oup of houstng lnits for t he u s e o f a r c h i te ctu ra l stu d e n ts as palt of r he univeiaity canpus. r!e n e q h o u si n c u n ts p !o tecc :nL.nds co inc' - cse !oons, f rc it it t e s a n d co n fo rt th a t a re reqxiied for ar chitectur al sr ddenr s. '. des 9n of.he u n tE s sn o .l d e rcD- e sr noenLs.o oa. c' pcLe in Ene divis ion o f t h e ir l i vi n g sp a ce s. Light constr lction is to be favour ed T h e a i n o f rh e p ro j e ct i s, for r he stldenr s, ro ap Fro a c h a n a r c h tte ctu !a I d e si g n pr oblea ce rt a ir r e q u i r e o e n ts w h tch a re q i ven. Th e ioll o w i n g o b j e cri ve s a re to b e fulfilled: 1. _he co lecllon of tne rd q u i. e d 2. 'fn e i d e n ti fi c.r:o n of r 1; d.r ter e;;;:- ;a; .;";"' :"" p E o ce ss, 3. th e stu d y o t d i ffe rent exasples of the pr oblen und€r rh e stJd y o f rh e appr obr - ate elencr Es of inLdr ,o' od 9n sh i ch re l a te to tne r edutled desion. T h e s t u d e n r :s r-q u re d .o applv.he qainFd !r ovtedga r n a ar c h it ecr u r a l d e si g n o f a si n g l e unit for an ar chitectlr al stldent ui t h t h e f o l l o t i n q : a to ta l b xi l t u p ar ea of 60 sq. m er er q I:vi n a sl a -D ng spdcF w, cn aopr op' dr e ar .a i: -p d ,- .o. d- aw;ag dnd o.or r - r s.. s co da.lde he s Do c e s ro e J , e d . o . d t,- " rL -oD.oo rrd re is i:o iotlow ine aol:o v in o dates: :r na iJsr : Id i. r e a c h re lli ' : L : ' r. . c -. ' '
  • 3. {Filst tvo w e e ks) 2. s y r t h e s ts a n d d e ve to p n e n r of r elationships ler r een differ ent spacesr with tlle use of e:perinental bodels { o n e w ee l i ) 3. Ap p r a i s a t a n d e va l u a ti o n of differ ent closen alter nar ives. ( one veek ) 4. D e c i s i o n a n d vi su a l .o Mu noicar ion Eethods for the r epr es€nr - - a t i o n o f th e p ro j e .t. (one weer.) . Al su b n i rre d o a t-'i a ts witt be r equir "d on Tr acing pdpF.s . 0 x r0 cn s. rh i s i n cludes tne r ddce.ials. - - * T h e sca l e t6 r th e su b ritted Dater ials is 1 : 50 * sttrdy lodels ri l l b e of scate 1 : 100 c a l l e n d e r, J.H . (1 S 3 2 ) T i Ee saver standar dE for Ar chir ecr uial D e si q n D a ta , l gifl Book c.., Ne' yor k. c n r n g , F ra n ci s {1 9 3 2 ) A rchitectur e: For tr space antt or der , va ! N o stE a n d R e i n h o l d, N€w Yor k. r ' { u l l e r , a d e a rd (1 9 3 5 ) A rchr itectlr at Dr a{ ing and r ,ight consr !- -u cti o n . P re n tl ce - 8a11, !n.,, New Jer sey. o l q y a Y, vi cto r (1 9 7 3 ) D estgn with clinate, Pr inceton univer si ty P (e ss, N e v l te rse y. Pa c k a r d , ro b e i ! (1 9 3 1 ) A r chitecr ur al cr aphjc standalds, John tri l e y & so D s, N e w Yor l. l , l a q n e r , l ra l L e r (I9 3 I fi o.e Houses A' - h r ecEs D6sr 9n !o! th e n se l ve s, fi ccra v Iiil1 Eook co., New Yor k. v r a n c . T h o n a s c. 1 1 9 7 9 ) l l an and section Dr awino, van Nostr and Reiltlolit, Ner York.
  • 4. Perspeetive ! ll-f-'l a r:i * *{.r:r * cL EINION l, 2C0 'E) 1 Hel-6ht sP=l€Ocn oi F>^. : iL) Lrsil z Thepictu€ FLamis a0 cmsldm 5P (i1. =I ) F- 1. (e) iY_jrr .Jle+/ )1 ) F iF ST - F L COR. m l:2 r-^ ,l;:|).jt(j3!lE-.rl A (l ) 't--=:lr- (e):P -
  • 5. En!,n.!rlng r-----+ 1--rrr -.;L-ll i'rlJl sl + 4.b iil- ,rlJl, rlF dp Jltl *.!-.Jt : i'Ft u, j+l J-&llFd j,Sill_c-r- + l& !-!iJl Jl!.)t-;bI iirlr . !-!Jl rt ltrll:lt, {rrli -. sF .r:J_ at-j_etlt )::!! rt,. dl- !.x,. dta &rt ( dLlurr ,r LLlr rt t+!t i,. "nt* tr.l, JStt iF !!t, F'Jii -Lt! J-sl nE-Jl:-iJll ,rlt)l + J-Jt, &FJ j.JUt dt Jt U,a! . d.lJt, llt l/ 1 . / I l d lt ll o F lll, ! {sr-!!{!sslt ta t*t eru" Fr tntq{s ( l j ) ( n 'r 9 J - ( l J ) 4 9 - . l J r l ^ 4
  • 6. (rjr.l -rrji! -c,!1,r!) +n+ lrluj iiliJ i^ &,nJ qJi a!J:,J crrl. rer !lLj. !i 1lr.! 6uj!J €l!3 .UF! r4!I C. litj3. als J 4li<rl !n dl -r I _{ i.J'.J dsrl! .!.!!rI :J.rJ L..r lri. r. rr J.d- Lr-i rrji.! dr,r ;.r.:s +i .iui tl.r _:)J .ei &!t -:!r: . +J rd e..4r J qats JrJr Jr&L J rA! .-rrJ .l F i.& .,l!! rrrj i!-r .r! ijE,r ai:y !64 ,ill.L
  • 7. +dli-r! Ir-Jr&y isr+ orj$ ii.J-,rJt '.4 p...o 6rL ' o.{l J cFilt rl$l,gh rbl i::L: o{ e5r .1. i:lll&Sn jJ4 i+Lg ,1!.15 j3!l i..i3l i+l-j,i !-iS a!J$t !:irut r c.i ll.e :.i sle rJ$r o- -}+s Jlj cj!< s3! cij..i o- J:'t iil-i c.Lt* .tj l{L} J_tt :u.rl.l J s-rlJ rrF d- r&.n rc lpE itrr. -d5lr ilrr dri!-L j iliill dr,rl L LLiFI -. .J,-!t dj-t .r! r G-it r u- CJJ,,!]u.!l sr$
  • 8.
  • 9. Engln..rlns dJL-JrrYJr.rU i_!!l i]n! JIJF l r rY/r 1 d + u Jlr L ll J)l rL.r J-rl a,-l dL-;L *!l -,Jr _,tl :,-rLJt J!L_J|er _!_,Llrj,!l o-r g-l I q!r.ll JErll L*l huma saie !,-lLut Jl aly'rrLsr, tt'l I !,5-r,+ *r- _+l- { lllj ) i sJ rd lll L!r !.i Lts"r elrL-.ll 6rJ LlrJe e-l ri.j; i!_ rlj lbrJL L,L-11 d;lr 6!t !t, Jr-rr ttP' r Jlil ! r-i L-l dr-Jr!1" il_loqiJ ad _i ro, tb;! s,|: J- r+-
  • 10. i*rrd i-+ &$ r!t-,r_r--.{ r....:l ilL. r r /1 . iblr Jdilt ;,+.,lJil i-!iJ eJLnFtrs. !1 , E lt r & s J l JP& r-Jil :gjl,ltr a*i! dlll a#! el- r+d ,J 4'l' il'.r Cr.i &".! :il'j! .!J.4 diE! .}J'ljl e!.; L sliii: J /e .iI d U,!ti.Il' r U L,L4.J suril :i :, , ' -!ii " '.iI , sr.ilt . e !.i.ll lrLi
  • 11. trtlll-erFy .rJtd,il jrll :drl,.$ du.,tr c,i-,il eJ,$ eLl i!Lrid.[ JKJrl :clel 4J$ rrr./ r^f er4i 4Jls di4 rr1./r r^1 elJ.! Csr-b (HumanS€le) dJ.:J a!1^! :or8! eJ.$ I r i ./l /r , {l.U! &.r'ii *Jsi l r1!/r r/t r ir& ilr.) Airr ,J.- o! ,j-r."!! :e-lllt ,t:.,.ii i4|. tJr: ol' .1lr;!: . C-llll a!.Fl dL- A*r ol' 6'-r!E :-}!u' Csr.rll ;t ll ,." dt ,,t .6 t}iJpo! 6q!i :trt dJri a#! -!i ,risl &J,,!l p!* trA clg !.l -Edr :J,L !jl! &J.51' Jc !J$ &ri$ *!r..1
  • 12. Ensin.6rinc qLLi 6sL- !l_i5Fdt : !Lr-.:: !1 o dLL 6-l, JjE -6t dt & elL! eur,Lr c sL ::l!- : J-, _j..ll,Jl iJ-.rr J;r . i!- Jll6J,Jt-!-jue " . lr,-L9 G.J|El!_l . rt l"lla!_I tJ- r L ttyn t- t _ JL_t! rr iij_r lL - l . 6,Jr er;rjr Jl:iL)L : ;t A cr4 J,)! rLa!l !l Jg!-!j)lt et-Ul,jr,ati .Fl *L!1 ;b )t e;rr ,,, j Lj! _j l,J! .e*11 ,-L+ e qr-lt -r ' e! $ !:tlr-r -lJl rr1!/l l /Il # r J+ lNYq rrrqrt, -dY4-illj-
  • 13. .iiLll ctls,tl dsl; u"Jlrl .ts{ e.4r Jl r r,te- rir! r rt- r rrr ijt a- ijF i-rb 6!! t; drrt ij<- tsr li; q.rt!.I .&rti Js)r4i,.y Ljr,3rir!.! ,o , t', * r-.r- *ji-l, "W,.-. ,J3.r iJ.i C. lsj s+JLi .Fd! -:;J.AI cJ.lJIl ir.I cs- jc. rlr j.!.3| !i- ,dr3 es. jr L. lr.I rqry ii)$J jtr:r-I rq> !rt!t r _:at-J r$-l a s j$ l6 F / . r! -r s4J.L-i. r q'J1I /.Jr-i sEJi +..J + 6rr! /.J -r 4i" !d+ sl/.'.
  • 14. ;J)r ij-rl Jg Zlr,i ,l;rr:-irn *i 6L"l.i+ i-, l.rJlri,ii,'$ 6L-i-.! !. t'F J!:J _.rrLJ t , J ej- i-j!51' nillrr Jt$l rJc i+-. . 1t tti: Jr r r r J / r oJ- dLj -.i, sr r.r ! ,jl +L$ G-L +r . i+4--l- I J.rrr' Jlr J J Fi, s'irr ri-t nL-r-"'i ' :l-,1-l .dt! leb oLiJl ii-l' - rr3r ,Li j J3t i rtlltlr i rurl i L6)l il dlitJI ;LrJ. c- In drJ Y !l- ulr: ullJ Llr j)r; i! .1 tri-! '+ J "! ( Li:i,-.jl &LJn"-lL :-L:ll lllillr Jl::J ar;!Jr LLnr !-J- J i:ri:i 6K.rp , cju!"Yr 4!i.ll isl! rLi nl. u:rjl -L!!li
  • 15. 1- D.avin6 :oard(shel1 3- lriandres.3./sc' e <5' ald adiq.lo5ie {ore .o! or ea'h) ?- Flo! 5ce1e r..aE.,/ cmlEq.{s-nd'q'rr) (ore or ilrsilies ) 14- frarnoB ren anr loiDts ( 1 z.) sqrso,*abu, ?erik"") 1s- nrils ror Godelslcuria.J t1- lrecirs pa!e. shests( caruon) 5c x?o cos- 23- coislrutio! rape.(ca!so!) essoried .orors p.n 6er Frfrao, 26: rarr or .crssorsniedru srze) 2t- slui ( .hu i3- T3pa: su strck {asso.ied sr:e, r!..h;gfaecr - 'r "<iJ4
  • 16. is-.JLji ,:!-tl.r;11 si r,'j:i i+Jis-il igL-i 1-+l' 4+q :c-i j f_-ri :1t j. :3---*'r ' JF +Lrj ---+' *-..lJl=r-j.. ;ti)r oilr ' D- ' d-L:]llJ,LIJr r-ir Gr.jt i th. n !;-ll.I J+r"l e- ,Err-i! '---+ ''-_rr:il --r---.lj 'r.!*r ' .arrir! i!--.1 g]-i.!.j'-Jrr JJJ t!'iv er '( C d-r - !'"r ')'i jL r' rJ ! s r G$l Ll"L-r' .t(F !i-. . o-(ct-
  • 17. tr r.. -1(J+l k: iat r*,-i-i ili-r-- nt tffil flt tint tft I + lf+ll h"i lts1l li-L- I ili +l!!l r". -ro*13 3l"k:
  • 18. U n i v c r si tY o f A leaandrl a Desj 3n Ar chitectur :L D e p a r tn e n t of A rchitecture I!,r! r:L!l ! 19!! - l9 91 S ! rrr i I l3 Drt e : 1 7 2 9l S ! lin i t d a le : 2 0 1 _ 92 H o d si n s ro r l e:ear ch St!d.' l' tr a -' i ;;;;-.t. L Rese5r ch cent' c in c o iiirrt lio ii rit lL ilic The Un iY ersitv ". . ",i ,",; l ., " - r , , ".,.",,1 st!d1es 'n B !!e Ll riD L'.'.'' r"" c"",," .:"" to pr'ro "'" l' ' ' ' ;} ;ir r r . l L i tt!tu .e, :;*:::i "",",::'i"::!,."ll"!*::r:,ili,:hii:i;r tlrc natu'al to"e s rr L l :,;. i; , - . . . ^ " n s D i P 't ": '" i' j 'IIr" 2. :" . , ; : " ; i. . " , , , " . ,r- r ' ,e . ' e r a n p r e s o f a r c h ild c t u ' n r d c s ig n 3. i i :' :;:;r., di rre.en t i D desert envirdnDent radr'' r-' - i -" ", "t , 'iJ' ,,, ; , i. ' , ' i.i " ... .' ." L:., ,po, o..... -. . ': d.sisn Ln dcsL:r t ar'h it e c t u " ' fh . s!odv of tlr. sui t a b t e lln d s c f , ! e 0br..irr.s 1!ilL li' llre rl,!rP
  • 19. !t i s re q u i !e d to su b n it a lull r epor t nent i oned titles o f te ctu re s. Th" sluoenr to apFLj- the B i . r | | n o w I e s i" " ' '-l " "n a rc h i t e c t u r a L d e si g n o l a sj n gle dr el I i.s lo. a r esear ch sludent Nit h t h e f o l t o fl i n g : 1. A t o ta t b u i l t u p a re a ol 60 sq. m etur 2. A .v..Aa'"dp li. l.pd f,' a kjt l."ne"e. 'h"aarrd - a di n i .g ta b l e , a n d a dr ar iig stu' 1r .. 3, O n e b e d ro o n 4. O n e b a th ro o m- s. s r i ta b L e o u td o o r l a .dscaDe, the schedule iill b e fo rlo' ed: 'h i c! i,'' ',rlr,,f,'' u1 i ! ! a n d d a ta a c cum ulation fu rn i tu .e (F i .st suitible for lur .aci' spa.e the activities in this tN o seel3) . 2. ! I _ !!f:i : a n {l d e e er ofl,,er t ot r ips betr een d i f le re n t sp a ce s (n:ss a.' l vor um cs) e x pe ri n e n ta l mo d e l s. ( tso Reeks) . 3. A p pra i sa l a .d e v aluati.n ! l t e rn a ti ve s.. (tN o {eeks) . 4. D e ci si o n and vi su a l .om ou.icalion 1o, lhc pr oject, ' nethods ( two weeks) . r e p re se n ta ti o n o r th e Para l l e l t o t h i s scn e d u L e , th e studenl . s e rie s . f r e se a rch e s re l a te d to the lect!r es Eiven ar d nentioned I A1l sub mitted m3te.ials rill b e re q u irc d o n f h o t o h o le 5 0 ,( 70 .'ns. This includes t )rc re s e a r. lr d a L e ria ls . I Th e scale for sobnittsd ma t r. irls is I i 160. * Stu d y m odcls Nili be dl scrl. su b o itte d model rill be oi s . . 1 " I i: ll.
  • 20. ..l,6J s !l)?- ,41!: Jr, 't!j ;Ur !l lgl ;!r V I r .l- ; dj$ Fi :rlJl .-_rrt, '.j,dle !b dJlr.L!!i rlrrJtJ.5ll.t l o.-, LJI;,Jl F-jJl j:Jtll !.L . -!L,ll ,a : _r1lJ.Jl sl{_'ll 6'l t il lr * ..t,t .-l,rLh I ri=', ' l cl-l r jl !-rUrlr riJdL lljsll Elr _+tl Jl r-LJl ll,Ltillr _rnll -bLJL ir+ i,l ul, 'L--ktJti.tll
  • 21. s-Jrlr l l r tl/ t/Ir a --rLj J l durJ#r : dlriLt Jl-Lll ui5' L-' It y. o.r-ll ..L-.-.y'| ar j_+l-rr-, &lr dr-F!eAll . + irl,l! eldl, rll !l irt t!. !iJl, lrrJl .l+:l .rr :; !, rl+l - | , til- t,t,tt,;i- 1 -- . cLJlr Jljll.l+!-r ' ,,, 'rir' s':'rL rl' ': r.'s'tlr 'rl .,il.lJlg a _: -r-4.[&lF'I . ,jiJl JjI r r-t -r . r,lt -! rL ,rlt )l rl 'gl ., r*'ll L,,- rJLul, ( . FJI u! ij, eul --L-ll irtll rL )
  • 22. >/ -1r'!l t -4!l anJ^JI sr* t* te J{ dr L--Jlf.a!r q---J!Jr : i Jur :Pr-!l ;_*, Lilr ,_ r+ E-!5 t-Lt r ar-,!li * 1, /t/. u At4t * t 1 . / . /Y U ),:!td JJ ;__..._-*ji^ Z J__-__aJ tL- r? jJrrar,r_ _ l rw t| f" ,r^ l i -:.-,+ -r , i_ + ; r J . r dJ. &Jt y - &!r - t J---5l rr 'Li - o *Jt!tfj:.l,,jb t .lrl: frl t .J.r?t! dL or5"ol r",rl .J. dtr,Jl ,J]' ol, J )rUFJl ,if JJ:JI rodule air'Fll r$!1, f.i!l !i 1. . : ) r J q l , , - e J U l JL &!.i!iJ r .5 Jl .5 J]]q ili t- lr Jl ,t-",' t) candtllls, a€o.ces. !I9!449_egd__d9E Stuttgort : Kall lkanir ve.l6g r 1972. 2) Chlngr Francls D.l(, & order Nee Yo.k r Vdn No6trantl i€inholit ConpaDyr 1979.
  • 23. .,1, -L ..., -,, . . ' oJ' *!- --! --:-)''*- - .1 ,.iJ r, i5 rlJ .lj !l ,-,Jr,* : r';1 .: _ -I'i _ +-J -1cJ r ! i'J : :i!1 I . i-J411 :* iJ ,--J -lr' .-.J.- ! - Jl - *' - - -lJ -.. . _ i b r!-F !,+ :-'l' --Jr i: . L,LJ' lL- lal .-J rur '--f --LlL J )l ;J l i j La . r : r J L - ' - J r : F lr - .L !L 'di LJi-Jl rL-*y'I c. : 1 L-ll r':ll !;-l c; rr }! -r . rrl-Jr .-Fr+r I ;t ! l . erL'JI r It r' i5) L:J . plrr, rJ l d J - l _ J I s - . * ; l J - Jr e , I :- Ur .:' F i . !- t - l L ' L J r . r ! l Jr a - - j! -r t L-! : L JIJI ' L - lL ; ". i-)i I : o. _!{ r -l,L- . a-t-Jr i-FlrL
  • 24. -l 4_^;r L r :' jtl:-L!r:!s.j1+j: +!1 i, -_ J I .r.: r ;,1r !l !" C +r J,:-,.: r _-t!? Y ::J )- i-J'Fj ..-!.r L-r -J : i,!;_i,ijl -C>l Jl L !L .* - 6J - rr. ,L,- t;tJl t . r: , ! l l 6J.,-: r r ul r-.rJ l -r-e.5j . _y't E/ Jl i--_J5) ( .! ) i .5J !i s _J ! , , ! ! : :;t- ;51e ;)-'+ a:5-: s, r:d . +L _._t-F 'q.5- i s, e ri.i . d-r d,Ir r cJ L e 'Ai!J I ;1s_J C-+ .-1.-
  • 25. 5 u b . S ir e t lio , . 1 3 : r c n ir . c t u r a t De r io b s a n n o u . c : i S ud , S h e e r I o . s lu ild in g S u r r € y . ( T r iD t o B . E lA r a b ) tc ( c o u r t i, F.O.!) ! l: v a t io ! Dra y i n g ! le v a t io n *i r in t :
  • 26. 0u-l i ne o ' . n : : c u : : e oi A r.hj i e.i urdl !::rgi i: r . i: Y.3:) T h . o u il i n e oi i he.our3e ai n s : o a . v . io o a n d iu llir l rn: io l l o v i n q o b J..i i ve 5 : 1. D:ve lop _o.dD hi . abi l j ri e: o f s r u d e n i" , 2. ln tro d u c e s i ud:ni s to i un d a m e n ia li o i A . . h it e c : u r d l De si g n and drari ngs . 3. De ye loDa bas i c und€rs ta n d in g o f b u iL d in g s u r v e y s a n d r e co g nj tron oi s pac e dei € r m in a iis , 4. ln cre a s e av arenes s oi v i s u a l a n a ly s js a n d c o n p o s it io n 5, De v!lo D an i ni erac ti on b e t v e e o t h e c o u r s e a n d o t h e r r e la t e d ihe o re ttca l and s raphj c al s u b je c t s - T he a b o ve obj ec tj v es are i hou g h t io b e a c h je v e d t h r o u g h a s.rte s o f 1€c tures , ex !rc i s e s , r e s e a r c h p r o je c t s , d e s iq n p r o jects, and ii e ld trj ps . Four ti rene s a r e o r g a n t s e d io iu t if jl if r e A- Gra p h i c D rav i ngs i B. su il d in s S urv ey : ( tn terac ti on i s dev e lo De d! jt h t h e c o u r s e o i' , B u it d in g Cons !ruc ti on' C. Visu a l A nal y s j s : s h e . ir / - l ( l ni erac ti oni s dev e io p e d Njih " T ir e o r r € s o f A r c . a nd "P ers pec tj v es ',) D. l n tro d u c ti on to A rc hi tec tu r a l De s jE n : L e c iu r e s sk ei c h des i gn, and A r c h it e c t u r a l De s jg n p r o j: c t . uNrwuN r!1Y!s-.!etr-nrr{,!irFrr r€l (s) $7@6r^ - Fa. i2a) 5e7i6 (r.tny&r;o-c.r)drn_ /^!__ rli
  • 27. Tr _ pj: e 1 sn3:: I3!out Tl e aooe lalo- rr 1o oe J,ed lo r c.- o r-F rn E e re J ri(e -
  • 28. |NrTrsn_i 0i riuL,"tti1 )lxslc]i rlncml[rTU]r4t INCUTN' ENCINEI]NG OI TMST ]TiI] DX!InT!qM AqCiIlITLllX 0I 1990 1991 - h a t.h i .o ei' .t= .. tone 51 " H3 " ,
  • 29. r. IJPSli, 0l u,I+.llnxllL l!5]il; -!ncluTtTLTLI rlc'ul'il- 0r DlclNixn c II?ST 19,I 0r,{nlIul{cTlTx DE!,iTltxltT 1990 1991 - ::5 .-.l :1 :4 i i 4 c g !E * GE li
  • 30. ljrillErsi!-0l,w: dTFLr rTlcT!i,1,!lslcii ,'r,Pafl r,cL'11-,/ [iJclNx!]INc 0r lalr FUls-T lEPtxtliiNl0r $cdtlT0Tl]ii 1"090 1991 i
  • 31. lrlrirsli l- 0! ,ulllrilnrrr IJlslGi /$cmTnaTlll,!1, I,CU!TI'OI INGI].iNX NC IIrsT lt{n rxPAfllmlr l"ccrunffuni 0r 1 9 8 0- 1 - 0 9 1 I he Deinrlheni: Di
  • 32. -ri B i n . 9 th i e r.rre !l5UAl Aill- .: a .d co n pos i i i ons i n tro an d t h r e e d ! i: r : : . : : - : b . a . o ! a jn t e d rith p r i nc j pl es oi c ohpos jt io n s u c h a : n r : : r : : . h 3 . m o n J , c o n ira s' !. ,,,.e ic. for ex erc i s e N o.7 . E x e . c is : ) . : - : : : : ! pLace n o d !l a r bl oc k s oi any s i z e s a n d n u n b : : : i d i: 5 : . ih : a c a d e m j . q u e stjo n ol real j s n or absir a c t lo n i5 c ' r : ::13.ou:nc€. Ih e co n c ept of v j s ual aD a ly s t s Na s E jv : 3 in : ; : : : e x e r c js e s - o r va i u r e E l t i e r o s 2. B loc k c o n p o is j o n t 3. Furni t u r e A r r a n g e n e n t uNwuNn,rYo& !!d!r-Y r d!rF,,' re. (203) se7s6r/3 Fd (203) se71rs3 (r.rr1v!rero 1r,r)nYr..^ /^rJ.r
  • 33. ARCH110 ntodu.ton io Archile.ture oaioi op.' tromrch sir rniio i{r 'o nl coicrt of s[ ElhDo]er i1m +ri'r of? n?jor 'i,c Arch201:BasicDrawing dDq5D{rilLProiedioi Arch202:Graphic Comm!ncallons Atch212 lHA, 212) Underslandlng tectlre Arch s*oDms, stns:rmPks rion rE feiiqDidgn.'dfsoilheDm,'e$
  • 34. Arch218 VrsuaSludr.s Fr artrir.fir i.dn is I Arch3'16 Design FundamentaI s Arch 326:Design Fundamenla ll s djvds rnj.dofy d I synraxaid ryp. 11e
  • 35. u n tvereitv aa wi scon sn, )t1i||a uk e. i S.hoot of Archilectureantl Utban Ptanning. 2Ol] ARCHITECTURAL FUNDAIT]ENTALS CR U L5 N TR ODU CONTO H OLIS T ARCHI T E CT URA L SG N i C DE PRERFOSOPHJ: 00(P)& 0l(P).oRcoNs DEAN 201ARCHITECTURAL FUNDAIIIENTALS5 CR. U. IJ DEVELOPNlENI ARCHITECTURAL OF DESIGNSKILLS sYNrHLsrs I'RERFO: ST& oR SoPH ARcfr:iro(P). University of Pennsylvania 201:VisLaizalionl: Drawing and Deslgn(A)li cri d(ren. rnroFc6 emPror ohsD. rs 2 0 2 :Vis uai z aton:D raw ns dCo m m u n ic a t oB )[ 1 c ! ] ri an (r D i q m$j ' hJ' enpl ra5i :di i d' l dL[ 301 Design Fundane.tals Pecepion (A) t2 cul l: 302:Deslgn ll:sttuclue aid [letaphor(B)[2 cul F!ndamentals
  • 36. FIRST-YEAR DES]GN I *-b d -d .-n r*!@ .91999!]:sr!:9r!q!9cr1l c$baitr:Lnslt]l6dd ualand EiFFtive FoFds Dlor libEcytodint}'o'a*onlngind srbksaoPLsodhuDm(|funl euascd.onPo'ddn,sP4c and jD ^K1,uld[n" ,43L;ct f4ffi-
  • 37. GRADI.,AT'EDIESiIGi{ I sadur.studicil!riq. The.oreorgcduah*E rhse aa seienrlv no hof rhan hg sPaes otren sdhoo aE han hu8hr or sbE 6e ,ne Poied' Ds8. hdrty or: Pndorb d ,hei: com'Fhensive dsisn prcjd .oD bednh ii advEhs sridst a id 'he''p*oIAdv:ndD6ign edualiona]opPolfuitylo!Ihen
  • 38. DESiGN TF{IRD'.YEAR I F-d"-"",^-h,,"."."1 ;5ua itrd ,rcnEivnrhsne de5istr *: d;octrre a souid buiLd ""d D;sign ,tudids. rbi r6d hkes on Proi{h ar. invoLvd, one d 'he In thesPug semFrq on i d;r or dsiin. {rich js herdund' furF4'|s^E|9]q|hthd@|@ratfu ;j +6fi.Fmgom hr modec'dl tnowreiseandii,eEdon or @D Ponenb a sound oI burdbg.Atrhe prcrd bJ (d,:i.ed D$gn 'h€ qudi9old$isn$lu6oq dslc! $dlity,iDProlendl3DdBiwttr
  • 39. SECON&-YEARDES,IGI{ I c ,reQ$.rienajoriieEeor,he Fent,ods6,svnih$is,6nePl ss the rund:neirr deme_dsd on'he6undadon;orsriiraid oh conPr* buitdrnFjn5uL soPldd L6s'h rhdsynrhi5i-e wlrhhlshdP{bdosloldst; . Fbjeb in ffind ysr qrard wnh rhearhr{tuF.f - aodsdiel'whicbs.oDdvearsfu-
  • 40. I - - - r ii: - .- !trrrcd Arab Lnrrx(A univcrrih r orrege, of Archircciural Ineineerini q rlh lF ra n c o " Architectural Desietr Aasics Cat.sory Visuaiization - Proponion #2 5 objcctiveIntrcducrion prcponion sludy thepropeni€s theGoLDEN ro and of ot sEcTroN Rer.r.nces [Chi.glcensa]295- 299,cotd€nSectionj()O - 3ol Cirenthesquarebelow.neasunng nDx toomm, loo consltuctasotdenseclion (by extemrcnlching] ! :t00, &byne sof nsh a.gtediasonals(AC&BD jor construcl fching] i Rotalinesquaresspnal & 1U5I D(e t 0 i 1 1 9 6 .
  • 41. (lnitcd ]rab EDiratestnire^in Collcgc ofEnsin€enns Depr,of ArchirecinBlE.gin.{nDg Ar.biae.tunl D6ieo ArchitecturalDesign l Basics ObjeciiveLincs.Leteing, andDnftins Scalcs Ere.c e Dmr lines.lelles, draliine dd scalcsssho$nbelo ]]triledAnbImid.UlLvesill Deprnnenrollrchi<iurc (1b0r|lras in g i! J iig ra mh rlir rn h I
  • 42. COURSE: ARCEITf,CTUTrI Df,SIcNr PRO]ECT FORMARCH 1993 29. r:,(;: 2 .5 mX 2.5@ X 5.0d- ,J00+$ 1 ALACK COLOREDBASE. trAN ----l f------- Mopf-------l - 6 R t EIEVAIoN - l
  • 43. Kuwa lt Unlv er s lt y College Engineering Petroleum of and Department Architecture of CoutseTire Desgn Bascsin Archrecrure Instructor Yasserlvahgoub Dr. T i m eS a l u r d a y ' M o n d a y d r e sd a y 0 4 :5 0 - We 2 :0 to . Exercise: Survey an Existing of Space Knowledge: Convenlofa plans& eevatiorsaslhreedimensionalsuriaces Ability To develop drawngsand models oiexistingspaces. Skills:Tos!toey,meas!reanddraffp ans afd elevations ofexstingspaces. Teamexercise:Measlre desgn studioroom ndeta Record dataon In d i vidual rerc i s eD E w p r1q & e le / d lo lsI o r - e d ) Le d d r ' r p - l E diag rambelow Drawplans& elevalons on boardin nk iromfe d measurements scae al1:50. Cutout & lold to
  • 44. Unn€d Arrb Enidr6 L.ireEir D€pt,of Archned!rrr f nginftring . rcbitedural D6is B5i6 Slills Studv conventonal of olas & eledic.t 6 :i--- :-€.,r:1 - Refer€nces None-.-..--..-. Lercne len eerchc vea.LrcdmtirA _oonir derairRro d dr:a n Diav pjans& eleladonsliom meNr.d daE r!- i:+iz: lndividualExerciser E: i Draw plans& elevations bodd In int nom neu neasumenis scale I :s0 on lo al (.{bove drawing is diagnmallc only) Dde27-:-1996--.
  • 45. tcbndu!.I D6jsn t lnf.rmario. cenie.,_Irhrl Hiiit ft js rcq ed b desiSir sfrdr r.rd{ hfomdio. cmrrt m I h } lNudn od Jiid :lr:' -:r 'Ite Ccftr rorrosu erenss: rxc &i'j*. (in-dNror ourdm, [on ltis srnce sbould rierbrerodisphf bmbGr di ,rso 'lr'e sud.d ir rolsDa .mrcria@ldEiratb@li md dilizc i6 denned somc. I. is eqd(d io o.sidtr rherollo*itr8 !oii$ in ilre desi$ of ft ft! houf: 1'E,syappm,chadpd]ngl.lvis i|o 6 ' 3. IfuFrior of u'eE* buirdin L AFrnlndc lldsqlc rorhc 5. IqMmft of prcsend.s trsr shnMr chnique. de 1. Snepro l:200 2. Prm r:r00 I:100 G)rhl mi!b.t)Ndn ria idea (e.9. di.srds. skdcha.
  • 46. r acutty of Engineer in9 A. c hit e c t u r a l - : D e stg n ( 1) 1 4 !h o ct, 1992 l l th N o v. 1992 H o u si n q u n i t fo r Ar chitectur al student r he u n i v e r s i t y o f u a F rs ro -o n a r.r - r c gr oup of housilg untLs foL t he u s e o f a r c h rr-cru ra t sL -d e n ts c6 par i o, Ehe unive' ;i- y.anpr s. Th e n p u h o u si n 9 rr L s p !o j ect inr pnds r o ! 1cr .a6e .do s lr ^ i-it ia s c r d co rfo rr rh d ! a re requir ad r or ar chi.ecr uJa stJdenr s, Th e d e s i g n o f t be u n i rs sh o u l d e n able sr udenr s to Dar ticioate in the divis ion o f t h e i r l i vi n g sp a ce s. Lighr constr ucti;n is t; be favou.ed l b e a i n o f rh e p ro j e cr i s, for the str dents, to lear n hov to ao o r6 . c h a - c . c h i re cru 'cl d e si q n or obl- 0 and o ncr .ase ce rt a ln . e q u r . e n e n ts !h i ch a re q i ven. rl- e ! o ll o w i n g o D j e cti ve s a re ro b - ,uL!r - Ieo: 1. the collecrion.f c h e r-q u . . d o 2. rhe,d"nciri;;ri;n ;i i;; ; ii";;;; ;i;p;-;; ;;; i;"r' 3. T h e stu d y o f i ti ffe r ent exanples of r he pr obten ulder T h e 6 t!d y o f th e app.opr iate elenents of inter ior d€sign to the r eqlir ed desiqn. _54 c!udenc Ls ro apply .hd ga ned knoktpdge i1 cn d e si q n o f 'e q u l re d- un t Ior dn c!.hiLe( tur ct a si n q l student t h e f o l l o r i n c: ' ir h A to ta r b u i l t u p ar ea of 60 sq. leter A l i vtn g / sl e e p i n q space with appr opr late ar ea. A n a tta ch e d sp a ce for dr aqing and conpur er use. i s Eo d e ci d p rh e a p p ropr iate spaces !equir ed !o! differ .nr s p l 1 L l e ve ts ca n b e used. i s to fo tl o v th e fo l l owing dates: halvsis a n d d a ta a ccu cu l atio. for each r equir ed sDa.e .- u d i n d fu rn . u 'e su i .a b le for acr ivities in cni. space ' he
  • 47. r.i.". .ro -'l "."r."t 2, s F t h e 6 t s a rd d e ve l o p n e n t of r elationships ber ween differ ent s p a c e s : q i th th e u E e 6 r e xper iner E.I Eodels ( O n e ! e e *) l. a p p t a i s a l a n d e va l u a ti o n of differ eDt chosen alter natives. ( o D e w e ek) 4. D e c i s t o n a o d vi su a l co mD notcation nethoals for r he r epr esent- - a t t o n ot th e p ro j e ct. ( o n e q € € t) - A l l 6u b m,tte d n a te ri a l s { 111 be r equtr ed on Tr acinq pap.r s 5 0 x /0 ca s, T h i E !n cl ud.s r he r e;ear ch naEer lals. r T h e sca l e fo r tb e 6 u b sitted uater lals is 1 : 50 i s t u d Y n o d e l s vi l t b € o f scate 1 : 100 c a l l e n d e r, J.s. (1 9 3 2 ) T i ne saver standar ds for Ar chitectur al D e si q n D a ta , r'{ccrawr iill Boor co., Ner Yor k. ching, r ra n ci s (1 9 3 2 ) A rchitectute: For n space and Or dei, van N o stra n d R e l n h o l d , Nev yor k. xullerr E d va rd (1 9 3 5 ) A rchitectutal Dr ar ir q and I,ighr Constr - -u cti o n , tre n ti ce -sall, Inc., N€v Jer 6ey. o l g y a y , V i cto r (1 9 7 3 ) D e sign r ith cltnate/ pr incer on Univer sity P re s6 , N e e Je rse y. P a c k a r d r R o b e rt (1 9 sr) a !chitecr ur ar Gr aphic standar dsr ,tohn wi l e y ! so n s, N e s yor k, l { a g n e r , r{a l t€ r (.l 9 3 l r H o 'e Houses Ar chr Lects DeaLgn fdr th € n 6 e l ve 6 r |'l ccra w sitt Booh Co., Ne{ yor k. w a n q , t h o a a s c. (1 9 ? 9 ) F ra! and section Dr aviod, van Nosr r and R e i n h o l d r N e w Y o rk.
  • 48. First Year Perspeetive ,:i ':l *'-1na a ELEVATIONIE)]I2M i lerght oi SP=t€ocm F*^- re) L'.lr - 2 The pctlr€ pLane 40 cmsiom SP is (r..:r) (e ir._a!+ll sila F-.. .V ) F J RS T . F L @ R, 2 M i. r-A tl_r:ltli €atlln -{ +Li,q-ur A '::l enlJ,i ;FOLNOFLMR ]:2M r- r ;JirjsJ0JAh 5-.n
  • 49. Engin..dnq riJ,l-lr tlrlnrl $r 6], b-Jd-nI& ,rttt, Jt*,r+ otrt * JrJt , o,lt i,.i4l J-l!l i!+i j}liirl!L_)- 6t |&'!-!rJ! Juj)t_ urb.I i,,/Jl . :-LJl rt JtrkrLr (riri . . di !,'J_ Et-.j_Jst )ia! rl' ,r,r-.. i-, ".. dt:, ( ilLdi.-lr rr JL!!rt t"!l ,j, -,tLr eL|! rr:J" dlJ:lt ,r,.r!lt, F J-l!l i;-ul i-illl olJl!l ;L Jr-Jl, i!Fl! ; rlUu !,lt -,]t llr,rll Jl . dlJtJ I lr r / l / r r lr lll! ii) lF lAw* rN&-i4d,,!rr,uJ,
  • 50. (ijn ! -!iq -o:!,)!) j!r6 sI i'Ll ohi!'! eG .rn+ l;Ej il'!.! ,! L!,6r ldo a$iL! !$, et ,al4rJ i!+! a- t!lr! tus J !i,:s!l .n !!l !':'_I l+n'i d.!rlJ 'e!&I :J.r j L, r. r,s ,l 6L- LLI :u;'l r_lJ r5 +r ' i- .d j! iil! -:)j .er riLL _:l,iL .1!--r !J r,--ji i o&'iJ 4rr$l J-n-! j J-! ilt +ItI l^U 1lr-r 9lr iJsii C!- j !t! l!l-d4 l",Jr+ 'lv
  • 51. f-+.lC i+ll irJrd.l i..rt+I l,l I!$rs$ f,.lr ulldt iLJ-.rJt '-it liu s.$ J iJ.ilt rllil-! i+l ib0 Jl Ar, .1. a.?Dts JlJil i.rl4 ,!u]s r $!it irt8 i+tJt lis irr$t 6L_L-jt on ijE s .J5ll sL rJa-o iF J*.,5J,$ ell! JI cJrlal irr )t{t irx-i 6t5!* ul t{l$ey i-.!l :u.r,lLtl e-..1j arJs d€ iJ|ti. ili A3 -str iirr ab3i+ r ircJ.! i!I!q LUFI .J,-$ arirr",larr r s-ilt r o-a rtsl-_L i4!l ciit
  • 52.
  • 53. Engln.lrinq ujL-Jr llilt i Ju -tstr rlt -r!-! lirl rF l l r r /r l d - q lr tL ,ll r,t_)t r)l o-l ,___!t rrjl i,,LJtJ-t!l L,L!tr?L!lO u-l i-,L-JljlUl !t-lI .L-lrlr Jr!)l hlnd scale ,rrl dL:i.1l ar/]'rl,-lJ at-t ',1r,:.t t&rr ( 4 ri ) _4,:$Jr r i llJr ql rtred 'iu ;r)1,_,r i-! ie 'r!* i,t i,6 J,jJL i:-L!r 6;11 d!! !' 'lL':]I ,lliL ll ir, dlJ LlLr ll-lirl-rr-l JJ rd d ,r j F F a ',rrqL
  • 54. t-'rai 1-i! ;rJait4l Is'+ gl$1 ,!"I-dJt-.i n .cI i.$- r 11r/r &$ Jd|lr t+4Jrl i,Lail ' 6!Ls-erL, lt Llt. .r"lr.Jllr rqJll :.lry dcJ.ll' €I-Jilr l|j reir r-i :lJlll Or.3I oijll asJ,$ CLi |titr ol +& aLJ exe! a!,n :efi! lr,r$ r,$ll iriljlt trL.l i.J-! J-r$ :CJJ e},'3! dJ ou.:l,t.1 a+-rlr" LJI-.j r-lii cr :o-ui &u.{ d..'3! &.r,3!df"r
  • 55. ,t:L.ij grl1lr gn-t! i]-jd.$ jr.Lll:alL.i rltlr 1(!/rr/1 ^ drl,,ll il}'llr *!tl IIIt/r /v r:-iai.lildl :CJ..i&J.3l1 r11c/r r/rr 1 e.L"r.lJrii cLl l11r/r r/1r EIJ$dl3j"U (Human dJ,!! .r.Lni :0.$! a!yn! Scale) tlro^r/!. r. !.'31>.ll el- llr /Y i+& irr) t t./' -' , '/YY i.ip tJF ol' !,q..13 :C-lr.!la!J..1! r 11tr 1A^ i.!3 rri- ol' tE+Li tttttvl -rr C-ui dJ,3! di- ttlrlV. c&"1" rl+rE i).!it !r.:i rt!./Y/l' .i ,Frr' .lJrii PL t r r tt v t pr aJ|: or,,j4+i :J& dlLrl ip.xl ccttvr^-tr .,,i' diii 4r.!l e'l tlttlVr f L a c l r ci4 *3 ,P.Jiil a u ..! tr r ttVr o - td .J.,rt sl'Jr .!J.!l dl- tllrlVYl
  • 56. er-! ) t^+fl !t<-l oL'"4r dsr sr, e'nx rLjt f i ab i! rllr J -v-uj 'Er ji, +ijl JLJ .G!r c" !j; r ' (+rlar ) 6rrt'?l1tLLl J',,j!LJ 6!l' ( !r' eLr)r rj+ ;r*ilt rjlEltrl+./,!-"J L!!rtLll dJllrCllJiri.z!1 i,ur i,' atjrn!_Lrr c-"i -: dlr J-:.rr t+tf r. UL.l1'L+ !4it g!4 !t!l 4<.;&J F.-!t l! JUJI!' ',')]!llJ ,rtj! i r O'I r rr"l"llJ -'+ Ctt e1; O *,j6.! -=l,rt ^! r--",1t t)t rP 't 'Fat4a'tjt ) "Li,ll .,,jt .i5 iil+ J ( IAsswx sYsrnM ) J. r, !-rr ali JtLr dlr aLj Jl aL,J! rji ' 6rLi er.Llrul' -: ll.Llr or,P.l! F ir GJ o Jrr- '{cq:ll d' i/ (1 ' "/ "4 . L.*.!1{tur J}ar 4zrr .r,!. c ( ua 4 .rru€ oreir ) -)
  • 57. Engln..dng J,!r d,!!l J-.irl ,, s! -!d- ir., Fi rr: -U,lr .!r!e!r ,rj)t ntdt_t 6Letitjtr! * A a! ,r!L:il_ i* rj -.1_!l , irtr trr . i!, rrd;lL_r! : r)-L,J iiJl El: - . . +_rt _r . r,!r ar;-r a_t - r ' ' L !,' - r . rlj-L9 . rtt ._t_ - e'+) l'xf- JuI]l i, ijr _r lL _ r . ' 4 J1 4 t;t Jr :jL !L : ;) lr .Jr ; d ll J, )l I Lrs !! Ll j5 ! Lj }t! Jt-t-!t cE)ta-rJ-+?r Lrt ,r, al, eO-Ltr -t ft! i:.-.ll d-L! ,j- i-#r _r it '.F -L.ll !+tlr -r r11!/1i / r I i. ] J l rr.. wYq irt 4-laJ- nrrqrtj
  • 58. .{.kll #l5ll 6sl u.! 4Jlrl ,t3d |+.4i usr r l,jr- ii, J dA r ri i!> t! rjrs- i-.tE lir j /rLl i& lsr dr -. rr!.$ ,'|*, rj. 16 lij:lE ds Y re <J511sLrJi Jl iiL:)lr il!!t 6lr! JF J e+r :r!.,-:I J v4rr I .&!t rr$)r {i$-y:-j]lr c,r-!"..r rrr: r iU $r eL.r JJfi alj lej J-rqj I ,JE--l ir.! C. isrl sllrlr Js,a id,r -:tuJrLI 6UlJl! gJ.I c;- ,i c-.;jr !,!i-- : sxt*o l. s ,4Jsj e*jx irJLr.I rrily! !!- r rra.I re> lrntr r $i.rr3i-l Jj L ld F / . jr-! s4+-r Lr-r J'et /.ir-Y crdj {.-r1 * JJ|.L /.r -r Jrc e $l/.rt
  • 59. Lldt i_its Jg ilJj Alr i-jl!r- (!. I 6L"E- i-- lrr ,,!!, .LJ!_ll i!. i,l-* -Jt lr:.:_r arjlJt ru aj, rn i-il!l-u 6!L-i:!l ._Jt!lldA .t,r . lJ x r ror_ !jr*r I tLijJr rrrrr cr ser_)l ljr lrrLur c_L (€r , : j : -l'l JAll J.:jt J Jts,Jl !!ijJ !_rr 6! : d..Jr !d - .rFJl q& rLrr,!! :iL, - ,"J - .r,rr-,-lr J Jlr bri! dl-j (; Js,ir jl .littj Jl .Ul! I eE-Jt I Jl;!r lt_U c- r d- oDL u,sur J. .jx; )t!l ar trr_jlJr In + ,.]i .t Jltr . LsjJr orjiJL i-t3ll Jlrlrr r!l:t cr ijrrJl Jrrnr j iJ.[ial 6Er)i dl np , ;L"j)t +!i.! i!r_ rLi ijl:]:r!l
  • 60. ..." '/-' ---------lr:rlI:4:i9l-::::sl-:d-rtd!6 ihe !.qulod gl34!!lE-!9!1d 1- Dav:ns 5oard(sn?Ir b. 2rdvrded 5v tre lJ(uril) 100 c's.4llod 3- iri,n.les. rtlsc! & 4tt and :dju€tab1e - 3, **. r*.u€d. ( dne bor or ea.h) ?- .rst scare 3ocne.,/cn/ro'(z_tnc"r":4 ro e o r rn rsePr .cr ) o- r asi'.d s r.rd i:( ( :i t4i crarlos Dsq a Potnts ( r a rl 1?- ?dste. color iube sci6o:d'brr !e kan) e coloE 1:.- hifs for ndders(cutidr) 20- Dra{rs pa}e!( cafton and sciollor) 5o x ?o cos. ,G ftacrn5 pa!e. sheis( canson) 50 cns. '74 23- coDsr iion P,perGlisor) colors 'sso.idd ,4- r*b'ticar pen set (Frr'lt 26: Pair of 3cissors(rediu srze) r?- Iub€ Blu. ( lbu ra.ti i3- l-qpe: * seu-Btick (a56orrcd siz€t!,r ?q'rd "c.,hi491-dacr
  • 61. iE,.JLii c,Li!.ril sl $!j i!"Jr&)l iLL-+ - L-!ij i.+!, (6-i_ JJ & oLl,'D r+j aF t--+r 6!lrl ,!--"i c-n! di! !s4 Lrn- rJ6 !rr1]! i_-drdi {_!l< ,!j rLlr {)nJ {5y"Jr !r!ij! !14 s< J:lr !.-J1 tt_,itl .+G lL.| er__t!. .er)jlr ,iir Fr--i.u r, JJ.n .4 n j j! "1)G J.Lljlr +r-.i.rl J<L-tj it__t lr 6rF d :cL__+J!r r +J-l+ll!Lj-. rLr)r rsr . L&-! !)- ! ii- L-r!l tsr--:.] . Gr Jj L"j!!Jl !+J---!n jL_+J c- !ai)_iir i__.i tL-4.)l lirj:rn,lr lrr1-rr . .! il, 4pJ s.,l--,.ll a l__.-rr JrL.j ;L!ry c-, ( c1. .. .. rr-J +j urri y ) '!-rlL elr gu-ri . sr Gr- ) &t-sr , j.i i;- . "nl rrsil cs, r,r e.,-,il
  • 62. J[-' ) f, --l T--l f ", - I €qit Lg=- i- -r*- al.h
  • 63. Ar chi IJcsiEr 1l,c l:ir st I' r oj u.t li! rLio": I lll: s Slar Li,,F Lr tr : L7 2 12 Sul,ni r . dr lt :20- l- r l IIo p si n a fo r R elgar ch Studcr r s E n vi r..n cn ta l Il. s Ccnl.c rro!silr l!9 Il,e Li'ii.,ersiLy , , 1 . . rr. iL , irL i, i) L ill, th( l c p a f t m e r t.l i.clritect!re 1s tu . s lil lrs h a rt ! 1 3 r. lr . f riL r. I., en v i r o nn ie r t.l studics i. B !fF Fl , 1 . . ! r Tl '. C.i tr . is to p.otx,tl stu L L l, s lo f lr, r, , t ' , , 1 i! . . t u rr' . l l r e C cr 1 .e a in s to provid! ac. DmD. la li, , n lo 1 a n d s i nsle a c!:ommodrt i.n is,c.!on.n . lf d - T h e a i i L of l h e p ro j e ct i s. lor Ll,. str d."i, to ler .,L l,! Lo conbin e t h e l u l l u se o l t c . h n Dl.' ,, i . a I .r Ili.ati.n s 1,,. ( l,.r r r a f c h it e c t u . e . th r ..tu r:l 1 ....s, i' r ar i adnr ,ir r ) 1, r , l, 1,:.1!r :,1 l orn. T h e f o I I . wi I g . b j e . t i v e s ar . t. l) e lr ll ill,( il The .ollectio'r .f lhe re q u jrr(l d r1 , L ' s L ! ' L Nt i( ll , 2. Tl r e ideniilirrlion ol 1 l' f d ille r. " r : t . f r, L i L l, r, l. s irJ 3. ' I h e s tu d y o l d i ffe .e n t er ar nptes ol T1,e s tudy of diff.f.rt me t lr. d s a n d ! . rl' rr, t u . s 1 r ! rd u f 1d ap!ly passiye and ac t i r s ! la r t . . l' ro lu rr- j" l). rirr! , th c st!dy ol tlie app ro L ' . ia t e . lc i, t rt s ol iile ri! f de siS n in ddsc.1 archite . L u r. , Lc,r 'Ll' ol llr s,,t:it, l rJ s rip " L, !r jL!t'1. lP r,,i', .d ",ll T l i c D csi sn 1 'fo .css. 2, D e s ert A .ch i te cl !.e . So l d r e r€ rg ] i n b u i l d i rss tJ.s!' L l r.h.
  • 64. It i s r e q u i re d to su u n i t a lull r epor t on ol the o enx i o n . d t i l l e s o f l e ctu re s, T h e s t ! d en t i s re q u i re d to appl! the aair ed knowledge in an a. c hit € c t u r a l d e si g n o l a si n sl e d$ellin- ! loi a r esear ch { it h t h e l o l t o wi n s: l. A t o ta l b u i l t u p a re a of 60 sq, neier 2, A l i vi n g a re a w i t]1 a n atr ached spaces for a kitchenette, a d i n i n g ta b l e , a n d a dr a$i.g studi.. a 3. ( l n e b e d ro o m E ,!. One hathr.oh- 5. S u i ta b l e o u td o o . l a n dscape. T h e Sc h e d u l e rh i cn Fill b c to l l o' cd: !9 a n d d a ta 4 ..!m ulaliot fr r .r .1, ,r ( lui' .d sj) r cc 1r,1r;,',. 1;'' : a! fu rn i tu re suiFable for th,: actir iti.s in lhis (l 'i rst tso r eeks) , 2. q l .r !9_"-1: and dev er . f lle ' t .r . f r r r ir n s h ip s r,ettr.:en d i fferent s pac c s (na s s a r d v u l! m r s ) t lio u s r . l e x p eri me n ta l h o d e l s. ( t$o$.er :sl. " it h 3. p p ra i sa l and e valr ation !f diller e,' t ch.sen a L t e rn a ti ve s, (tw o see*s) - € 4. D e ci si o n and vi su a l conm ur iicaliar r .tlr ods lor tlr c r e p re se n ta tl o n o f tn e pr oj€.t, ( t{ o *e.,ks) . l a ! a lle l t o t hi s sch e d u l e , th e st!der t will lJe asked 1o suL,nil a . s e ries o f r e s e 6 rch e s re l a te d to tne lectuies siver ar d henlioned : A l l s u b n i tte d n a te rl a l s ri l l be r equir ed on l,holohole 5 0 X 7 0 ,n s, fn i " i n . l u d " r ' c r csecr .l' m "t.r ,"l( . I The scale lor srb n i tte d n ater ials is I :160, I S t u d y n o d cl s ri l l b e o f scale t:100 and r r ' e final s u b m i t t e d n o d e l w i l t b e o l scale l:50.
  • 65. rl,-- r4l Ey iilj;Dl !lrll jL-J trr l cI*:.1,&s ; "r5 i".-,tuJl "L i-.iJrlle s& sJlr.bll rl',+r{tdll.L:l r *LJl;Jll jJlLlldrl! € ulrl r r! u.rlr ,& e !L djll I E )' 'i:!l Jl r-!iJ! qr,rlnlr, i!! !1 LiLJ! ir- !r 4! !t--!M'&! lt I r r r / i/ I I F l- le - r E
  • 66. I ttI/i/tA t+rL-:l l : d !liL!, Jllll ir[9. Lr li r. ;rJl .l- j -.rJl o" c-iJ. J.l r a!r-l,i:r[Jl . + -.1-LJ! !l ilat .jL drJl, lrFll .l+*L uy E )' Jl:r - l -Lill, -Jl ' Ji! | Jl gLLrll elti -Y - ' JLil'l+l-f 'Ull' ,, , ,lr, o. -.,rr. ;e ; -,,,1-.llsrll ,)i rlJl a. r -: -r---rll"ll slr-tl - .LJr L!.,., I;:;llj- .l t 6U1'r+lr-t ' ' . dr.ll #l r -r '!, rrl -t!i olrlll rl &l ... t Jl i.,- !,JLrll, ( irll F i,. i-EJl-clJl irFll al+ )
  • 67. >) +rrJr ! LJI -.*'j.JlotFz- lrrLdlff,rJl I ; JUI ; L*-ll '4- r-r-l |ui 9/" -a s ---J U l : U / . ; J r a-Ll r pr-i!6 + 111, / / r V 4 4 t a llr! / . / r A r r l l r r r " . : i_==,-5.- zJ___a, : J.J -4i.d- i 6., F., : vt!.J| /r- iU' t.' 6-J.l.tUr - t f L.-bo5r lfi Lj{. i+a i+ - r ,i_+ ;r J a ( iJiL eBlr _ I @r - t ,--5l rt .t.; - " e-Jttlt pJ. otr t Jlr ,r.rl I t E rL .! u,r! ,.Llr--rt j ,rlr ul ,!, l}+--1, o!, J tl t r.i-Jl j lbi.Jl rlodlle iirlFl . eJJl r-al]' I' ! ": I l -J q L r! eJUr JL&L 4lJiJ -4J-Ji .L'Jdi-ur))l t) c.!dtu16, ceo.ce6. !lg!I!!E_s!g__99E1g-]!9I:Ej!9gI9 SiuttAort : Ilail rranl. verlag r 1972. ?) Ching! Francls D,!i. Archttectu.e: Forr.3pace & order Ner York : Var Nostrsnil Reinhold Coipanyr 1979.
  • 68. | rl,l!r- - 1.+, -P';l ;- ) iJ- il :- L' L' I i- --l! 'f :-r L "-.1 L ;- !, 1 -J r) L JI P'J I ; r U ;*! J I Lr' J I ,-- - - r LlI ---,1- -.JI I : "t-!L i- -:+l "-'.1 r..,1I Jr':rr y.r-llrr : --El ''_rr "J. **rr!+ . e, :-* rr r- !,ri .r!-. in r ; i! : lu r Prrr ;-i- 1- ..!, JJ Ll ' rJ-_ :- _, r ._-r-Jr ':-.'_l' . rJ 'j ] I "-Frr* : /LJr dF! _ -r-,L i -,L-J I i ,l ;J l ! ' J . Fur !- J.jJr d! ';l L- a, _-t.t L J. i I --Jr ,, . 1 al lJ r-11; *i-! -* -r r' : I c rLi .tl .-L! !a -! . y jr - J r . - F r d l . r-r L-J I " ! - r : : ! J ' ! l- r l !1 . er_Jr,r u J-r!r sirr ru' 1; '. , 1 - J L ' L J r , , J l lr ^ - - lr "r ,' , I ;- ri t" L-_:' L'l-l I L- r' 'o _l"l-_-j-_ r :Y J-+l'- r
  • 69. F t---rt--Jl JFriJla'+y'..['U irli )l ('r+, o-"r- JlrJIf:r, jJl lc . l'. l. iJ - e . . : I f - ) ; 'lii ir ir ' r L tr p ,Jl .r,: ,li,ir jr ) r J. . ai. bJl !r-J.ill a.rj 7 iJgl., Ir )l d{.J i. L )l _ri"d1aj, : C-Hl o+.1 I . t.: I i )l r'tl o..J +L JL!a. o.: r + li. , ( ,r,Hl r-y'le ejli-i'rL )e-Ul lxr.ill rl-j n-1, t-4 . iJ bJ i),lijl Jl u,.r -.+Jl €L! Jl tt iylrJl- ii-ir'6, I c,L+ e+ : J.Jt Jl odl r rs . aLJl, -.r,+ll,lLJ-Lllle ellF)L . +*$l sJ.Ji drt Jl o-,Jl FJr . o.3r! t! ft Jl -i, ij L-- | . -.---l-J -!l .,r gJl . ( g{ ) i r{J l i atl J - t ! : iF ; t - .!-Jl FJr Lul .s y ' l> - b : ir jt - i i S l J l i s r l> . L ! : iit - _r+--tijl gE lil | ! irjt- : d)tJt el;lijt : iFL- . o* o.j-Ul Au.:. r-r -rJl _!rr- $, 'Jf-l i . crtl a. iF- rt _.r5- i s, . erf L e it-r- ts* +r g-l r {JL e ubJ I el-rtl C+ &
  • 70. 91/92 S cheduel fo r f i! s t t e ro sh e 6 t No.l tenci I Dr aeing D .p .i tn€nt R€c€pt ion S h e e t No.1' Sub. Sheet J,to. t Sub. Sheet Io,2 Detai I fr oe tr ip A.chitectur at Det G To be announced lui ldins Sur vey. ( t.ip to B_ !1Ar ai) l0 t2 l3 El evatioo Dr aFins Elevation r ith ink
  • 71. a-rrrs--t L-- .--------r++ a--:.l: a__--+_.__-i T'e o ..l.r " of t d !o!' < qi . t o d -. - op I " r' ' fol lo!inq o b j e .trre 5 : l 0 e !e lop 9raphi c abi I i ti e s of students 2 In i.o duc e s tudents to fu n d a n e n t a ls o f De srg n and drav i n9s . De vel oDd bas tc underst a n d in s o f b u jl r e co g ni ti on of s pac e de t e r n i n a n t s . ln cre as e av arenes s of v is u a L a n a ly s ls 5. D e vel op ai l Li on b e t v e e n t h e c o u r s e a n d o t h e r r e la t e d tl re o r e ti c al and qraphi c al s u b t e c t s . TIre a b o ve obj ec ti v es are th o u s h t t o b e a c h i€ v e d t lf o u g f r o 6? jd ( of . ., p,o e t.. de.,q1 p , o je t. a n d fie ld tri ps . Four them e s a r e o r q a n is e d t o f u lif il the A, Gr a p hi c 0rav i nqs : Sh e e ts 1 - 3 B, B u il di nq S ufv ey : she e ts 4 - 6 (l nterac ti on i s d e ve lo p e d !ith th e co u r se o f " Bu r id iiq l ]ons truc ti on' c. V j su al A ndl y s i s : Sh e e ts / - I s de v e lo p e d wit h ' T h e o f i€ s o f A r c D. In tro duc i i on to A rc hi t€ct u r a l De s ig n : L e c t u r d s 5k etc h des i qn, and A r c h it e c t u r a l De s ig n Dr o je c t UNNY!N !rnYe&-t-&lr-sd1 dlrirri re e6) se7s,6r,€ . Fd. (2o3) s071353 0.Dnvwr;u-0.r)nYr!.^ /^r-___4,
  • 72. ! n i v e r s i ty o f A l e xa n d .i a I a c u l t y o f E n a i n e e ri n g 9 l/ 92 Tygical sheet lsyoui ;ii r he dbove laJo!t rs to b. us'd lo r a ll d J a v in g e x e . " i' Ps
  • 73. OT WNTBS]TT d,EXII}IIA {RCMMCTUR{L IACUITYOI ENGINf,ERING 'XSICN FIISTYXII DTPTXT}fiOT NT AXCflTXCTUXX 1000 1991 - dJ 20 { 41 cns Earh Dr N h e di ++erent 6nd a d i+ + e re n t F e n c il l arc htn s lit ie m . ,ii tl :nq at 45 , 135 dEq.?as deq.ees and uEine a 1 e r Lines, + ur ther tha. of r i ne s in Hidth and
  • 74. UNNTBSITYAIHAT}Ih OT tnslcN ,lXCrrTnCTU&$, ' FIISTYX,{? TACUtrTY INGINIEIINC OI DXP1A 0r {RCXrB0'IUR8 nm 1S90 1991 - :l .ri :!'rfu + im o{ ' 6r r Fe jl' The exrr::ise dime td rl il r ater ' { inishinq i "" 1i"es t" i " .=" " i i n one point.
  • 75. uNn'x$tTY ll,xJ({,{lll.A 0r IXSIGN IRCE]IICTURII TACL''LTY NNGINNXR]IIO OI IIRSTlT,Ul trPtxTt{xl{T xLluru 0[.u]ct 1990 1891 -
  • 76. 0F l uNn'utsirY rllJ)GNn }IISIC] rRCI]T[CTUM1, I,{CIJ'LIY TNGINXNNNC OI IEST 1T,II DIPIXfiTAT IICT]TTfl OI L'NX 1980 1991 - 4t^! sr:h :-i14 d*r! =:d-jss I CwFl 1!r r re . . rC !l
  • 77. L-Jlll*lllrt- E N GII{E E E IN G a-riJla----il3 rrJL.fla--Ji{JlC--."j 7 th , 8 th, 9th E ^ s e : Stu d e n ts are requi red to p r e s e n t c r e a t iv e v is u a l p a t t e r n s a n d co mpos l ti ons i n tw o a n d r r e e d in e n s io n s t o b e a c q u a in t ed Hi th p ri nc i pl es of c ompo s it io n s u c h a s b a la n c e , h a r m o n y , c o n tr a st -- -.e tc. for ex erc i s e N o . 7 . E r e r c is e N0 . 3 is t o p la c e n o d u lar bl oc k s of any s i z e s a n d n u n b e r o n a b a s e . t h e a c a d em i c q u e sti on of r€al i s n or a b s t r a c t io n is o f n o c o n s € q u e n c e . Th e co nc ept of v i s ual ab a ly s is Na s q jv e n jn t h r e e e x e r c is e s . Crrv a t u r e [ 4 t t e r ns 2. B l oc k c o m p o si o n il 3- F ur n i t u r e A r r a n g e n e ot uNfr'ruNinvoj!-!_,&i-nrrslrJrt' T.t e6) srs560/n,7,a Pr. eoo 5sx353 - tr.t1iY*ro3o-tr.r)nvi'./a /rrr