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English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.1
Section I
(Section I)
(Management Meaning)
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.2
Ricky W. Griffin, 1999, p.6)
Man) Money) Material) (Machine)
Method) Management)
2545, 18-19)
“ ” “ ”
1. “ ” (Administration)
Administration) “ ”
Schermerhorn, 1999, p.G-2)
Planning) Organizing)
Leading/Directing) Controlling)
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.3
6 M’s)
2. “ ” (Management)
Business management)
“ ” (Manager)
A set of functions)
Right decision)
Griffin, 1997, p.4)
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.4
Certo, 2000, p.555)
“ ” (Administration) “ ”
2543, 3)
Productivity) Efficiency)
Effectiveness) (
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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(Management Process)
1) Planning)
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(Proactive) Reactive)
Decision Making)
2) Organizing)
Work Specialization)
Delegating Authority)
Job Description) Job Specification)
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.7
Structure) Span of Control)
Chain of Command)
Functional) Divisional)
Strategic business unit)
3) Leading/Directing)
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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4) Controlling)
(John R. Schermerhorn, op. cit.
p.327) 4
Standard) Measurement)
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.9
(Comparison) Take Action)
(Stephen P. Robbins, Managing Today, 1997, p.391)
Section II
Human Resources Vocabularies (HR.)
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.10
Section II
A –Z
English Vocabularies Related with Management from A-Z
Absence (n) : adj ) = absent, the
state of being away from work
Absentceism (n) :
regular absence from work )
Ad (n): advertisement )
Classified ads (n) :
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Adjust (v) : n) = adjustment (
change slightly in order to fit into new job or condition )
Analyse (n) : examine in detail ) n) = analysis
job analysis (n) :
Applicant (n) : person who makes a request
in writing for a job )
Application from (n) :
application blank
Apply (v) : n) : application( request something,
e.g. a job, usually in writing )
Appointee (n) :
Appraise (v) : n) = appraisal( judge the value
of somebody or something )
Appraisee (n) :
Appraiser (n) :
Apprentice (n) : young person who is learning
a skill )
Apprenticeship (n) :
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Aptitude (n) : natural ability )
Arbitrate (v) : n) =
arbitration( act as a judge to settle a dispute )
Appitrator (n) :
Assess (v) : n) : assessment ( judge the quality
or quantity of somebody or something)
Approaches to Appraisal:
Appraisal Methods:
Aargain (v) : n) = bargaining( discuss in
order to reach agreement on something ) collective
bargaining =
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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Basic (adj) : n) = basis( normal ; that on
which everything else depends )
Basic pay (n) =
Behave (n) : n) = behaviour( act )
Benefit (n) : advantage ; profit )
Fringe benefit =
Blue - collar (adj) :
relating to manual work )
Blue - collar jobs (n) =
Board of directors (n) : group of people
chosen by the shareholders to develop company policy )
Bonus (n) : additional payment )
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Candidate (n) : person
who puts him/herself forward for a job )
Canteen (n) : staff
restaurant )
Career (n) :
( job or profession for
which one is trained and which oneintends to do
throughout one' s life )
Career development (n) =
Chart (n) : information shown in the from of a
drawing or graphic )
Organization chart t (n) =
Process chart (n) =
Checklist (n) : a complete
list of items which is easy to use
Clerk (n) : adj )
= clerical( person employed in an office to do routine
tasks )
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Clerical worker (n) =
Coach (n) : person who trains
another person )
Communication (n) : v) = communicate(
exchange of views and information either in speech or
writing )
Compare (v) : v) = comparison( look at
several things to find similarities and differences )
Compensate (v) :
n) =
compensation( give something, e.g. money, to someone
for loss or damage )
Compete (v) : n) = competition( try to win )
Competence (n) : n) = competent( skill or
efficiency )
Condition (n) :
Conditions (n. pl.) =
Conditions of employment (n) =
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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Conflict (n) : v) = conflict(
disagreement )
Consult (v) : n) = consultation(
ask someone for information or advice )
Contract (n) : agreement between two or more
people which has the force of law )
Contract of employment (n) =
Core time (n) :
flexitime period of working day
when all employees must be at work )
Counsel (v) : advise ) (n) = counselling
CV (n) : curriculum vitae( written
statement of education and previous employment )
Deduction (n) : v) = deduct( money
taken away from total pay for ax, social security,etc. )
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Department (n) : part of an organization )
Department head =
Discipline (n) : training to produce self-control )
Dismiss (v) : n) = dismissal(
send away from/terminate employment ; sack )
Earnings ( :
wages or salary )
Employ (v) : n) = employment( take on or use a
person as a paid worker )
Employee (n) =
Employer (n) =
Employment agency (n) =
Engage (v) : take on a person as a paid worker )
Entitlement (n) : a person's right (v) = entitle
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Equal opportunity (n) : no
discrimination in terms of colour, sex, religion for
employment )etc.
Evaluate (v) : n) = evaluation( calculate
the value of something )
Expertise (n) :
particular knowledge or skill )
Face-to-face discussion (n): discussion
between people who are in each other's sight )
Feedback (n) :
information about the results of an activity )
Fire (v) : send away from employment ;
sack )
Flat hourly rate (n) : 1
fixed pay for one hour's work
Flexitime (n) :
flextime core
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time flexible system of working in which workers
can choosewhat time to start finish )
Follow-up (n) : action taken as a result of what
was done before )
Forecast (n) :
prediction )
Go - slow (n) :
action of working
slowly as a protest to management )
Grievance (n) : complaint made
by worker to management )
group selection method (n) :
method of selecting staff by evaluating
their ability to workwith others
Guidelines ( :
( suggestions
about how to do something )
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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Hand in (v) : deliver by hand )
Hand in one's notice (v) =
Hire (v) : take on a paid worker )
HRD (n) :
Human resources development
( activities to develop the organization's workforce )
Human resources (n) :
workforce of an organization )
Human resources management (n) =
Incentive (n) : something which encourages the
workers to work harder )
Income (n) : wages and salary )
Induction (n) :
activity of introducing new employees the
company )
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Induction period =
Industrial action (n) : strike )
Industrial injury (n) :
injury which
happened at work )
Industrial relations (n) :
between management and workers )
Industrial unrest (n) :
disagreement between
management and workers resulting in go-slows and
strikes )
Insure (v) : n) = insurance(
protect someone against loss, damage, injury or death
bypaying a sum of money )
Interview (n) : v) = interview ( meeting to
decide if a person is suitable for a job)
Interviewee (n) =
Interviewer (n) =
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Job (n) : piece of work )
Job analysis (n) =
Job analyst's (n) =
Job description (n) =
Job mobility (n) =
Job rotation (n) =
Job specification (n) =
Key (adj ) : important ; essential )
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Labour (n) : work )
Labour market (n) =
Labour relations ( =
Labour shortage (n) =
Labour supply (n) =
Lay - off/layoff (n) :
action of stopping a worker's employment for a
time,especially when there is little work to do )
Management (n) : group of
people who control an organization )
Middle management (n) =
Senior management (n) =
Manager (n) : person who manager an
organization or part of it )
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Line manager (n) =
Plant manager (n) =
factory manager
Staff manager (n) = line
Manpower (n) : total number of
workers for a certain type of work or for an area )
Manual (adj) : using the hands )
Motivate (v) : give someone a reason or incentive
for doing something )
Negotiate (n) : discuss with another or
others to reach agreement; bargain
Notice (n) : information
about something that will happen ; information that a
person will leave his employment )
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Occupation (n) : job ) ( adj ) = occupational
Off - the- job (adj) : separate
from normal work )
On-the-job (adj) :
part of normal work )
Opening (n) : job ; vacancy )
Organization (n) :
organization chart( diagram which shows the areas of
responsibility in an organizationand the relationships
between the personnel )
orient (v) : guide ; direct )
Orientation (n) =
OTE (n) : on-target earnings
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often given in job
advertisements as the target income, consisting of basic
pay plus bonuses and other incentive payments)
Overtime (n) :
( time after normal working time, normally paid at an
extra rate )
Part-time (n) :
working for only part of the working
day ) past-time
Pay (n) : money for working ; wage ; salary )
Pay claim (n) =
Pay package (n) =
all the elements in
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pay, i.e. basic pay, overtime, bonuses, plus non-financial
benefits )
Pay packet (n) =
Pay restraint (n) =
Payroll (n) =
Penalize (v) : punish )
Pension (n) : amount of money paid regularly
after a person stops work,
either because of old age or illness )
Pep talk (n) :
talk to encourage a person to improve his performance )
Perform (v) : do well or badly ) ( n) =
Performance analysis (n) =
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Performance appraisal (n) =
Performance standard (n) =
Perk (n) :
( benefit given to a
worker in addition to salary )
Person specification (n) :
( statement of the human characteristics and
experience required to do a job )
Personality (n) : nature or character of a
person )
Personnel (n) : people
employed by a company )
Personnel policies (n) =
Personnel record (n) =
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Phase (n) : stop slowly or in
controlled stages )
Picket (n) :
striking worker who stands at the
entrance to a company building to prevent other workers
from entering )
Piece work (n) :
payment system based on the number of pieces
produced )
Potential (n) :
innate capability for future developments
) "
possible )
Probation (n) : adj ) = probationary,
period of testing a new employee
Profit (n) : money earned by a company minus
money spent )
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Profit sharing (n) =
Promote (n) : give someone a better job )
(n) = promotion
Protege (n) :
( a person
chosen for a special task or job, and then helped and
Qualify (v) : have the right education
and background )
Qualifications ( =
Qualification (n) =
Questionnaire (n) : from consisting of a
number of questions )
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Recruit (v) : take on a new person ) (n)
= recruitment
Redundant (adj) : having lost one's job )
(n) = redundancy
Reference (n) : written report on
someone's personality and / or ability,
often written by a previous employer )
Regulation (n) : rule )
Remuneration (n) : pay)
Remuneration package (n)=
Resign (n) : give up one's job ) (n) = resignation
Retire (v) : n) = retirement ( stop working
because of old age or illness )
Reward (n) : something in given for good work )
(v) = reward
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Role playing (n) : activity in which
people play the part of others- often used as a training
Rule (n) : something fixed by an organization that a
person must do )
Sack (v) : dismiss ; send away from
employment ) (n) = sack
Salary (n) : pay,
usually paid monthly )
Screen (v) : examine in detail
) (n) = screening
Select (v) : choose ) (n) = selection
Semi-skilled (adj) : of
workers with some training )
Settle (v) : agree on a solution to a problem )
(n) = settlement
Shift (n ) : part of the working
day in a factory )
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Shop (n) : place where
products are sold or stored )
Open shop (n) =
Shopfloor (n) =
Shop steward (n) =
Shortlist (n) :
list of successful people who go through to the next
stage of aselection process )
Sick (adj) : ill ) (n) = sickness
Sick leave (n) =
Sick note (n) =
Sick pay (n) =
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Skill (n) : ability )
Communication skill (n) =
Skilled employee (n) =
Staff (n) : people employed by a
Stoppage (n) :
act of stopping work because
of a strike or breakdown ofequipment )
Strike (n) : organized stopping of work )
Subordinate ( n) : person below
another in the company hierarchy )
Suggestion box
scheme for collecting worker's
ideas to improve a company's
operations )
Superior (n) : person
above anther in the company hierarchy )
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Supervisor (n) :
person who is in charge of
others )
Temporary (adj) : only for a short time or limited
time )
Temporary post (n) =
Terminate (v) : end ) (n) = termination
Time off (n) :
time away from work as result of ilness or other cause )
Trade union (n) : group of workers
organized together in order to bargain with management
about terms and conditions of employment )
Train (v) : teach or learn ) (n) = training
Trainee (n) =
Transfer (v) :
move to another place,e.g. a department )
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Turnover (n) :
gross sales of a
company ; number of people who leave accompany)
Understudy (n) :
person who is learning how to do a job from someone
else sothat the learner can take over the job in the
Unemployment (n) : state of being
without a job )
Unemployment benefit (n) =
Vacancy (n) : adj) = vacant( job which
needs to be filled )
Vacation (n) : holiday)
Vocation (n) : adj) = vocational(
type of work that a person has an ability for )
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Wage (n) :
weekly pay )
Wage freeze (n) =
Wastage (n) :
loss of workers through resignation or retirement )
Welfare (n) : system of looking after
employees )
White-collar (adj) : relating to
office workers )
Work (n) : doing jobs )
Work station (n) =
Work conditions (n) =
Working houre ( =
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Work to rule (n) =
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Section III
English Vocabularies for Management Project
Section III
English Vocabularies for Management Project
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Define the scope
project scope scope
Establish a timeline
Specify target outcomes
target outcomes
Determine necessary outputs
target outcomes
Put a project team together
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Record milestones project team
Create baseline metrics
baseline metrics,
Set a budget cost
cost budget
Produce deliverables
Execute risk management risks
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Any suggestions or comments regarding to this stuff, feel free
to let me know.
Seminar in English
Classroom, U-
Shape, Meeting Board, Theatre, Reception, O-Shape ,Moon-
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I – Introductions
II - Reviewing Past Business
III - Beginning the Meeting
IV - Discussing Items
V - Finishing the Meeting
Welcoming and Introducing
Stating the Principal Objectives
Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent
Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting
Dealing with Recent Developments
Moving Forward
Introducing the Agenda(Program)
Allocating Roles (secretary, participants)
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Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting
Introducing the First Item on the Agenda
Closing an Item
Next Item
Giving Control to the Next Participant
Finishing Up
Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place
for the Next Meeting
Thanking Participants for Attending
Closing the Meeting
Getting the Chairperson's Attention
Giving Opinions
Asking for Opinions
Advising and Suggesting
Requesting Information
Asking for Repetition
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Asking for Clarification
Asking for Verification
Asking for Spelling
Asking for Contributions
Correcting Information
Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance,
Work Presentation in English
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to
be with you today. My name’s……….., and I’m in charge of
corporate finance at our headquarters here in Had Yai. We
are here today………………to review some figures and to
outline financial strategy over the next five years. So what I
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intend to do is to break down this presentation into three
parts: first, the financial review; second, the options facing us;
and finally, the strategy I propose. If you have any questions,
please feel free to interrupt me, but I should also say there’ll
be an opportunity to discuss issues at greater length after my
Words for Speaking
1. I’m delighted
2. I take care
3. Devide
4. Sections
5. Don’t hesitate
6. A chance
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Oral Communication Skills for Effective Presentations
Good / morning / and thank you for coming
/ afternoon /
/ evening /
Let me introduce myself. My name is (…Yota Chai…
and I am(…. a second year Ph.D. student in a school of
The / subject / of my talk today is…….
/ topic /
Today / I’d like to
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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look at…..
In this presentation, / I’d like to look at…..
Outlining the Structure of the Talk
Today / I’m going to / look at / three main areas..
/ I’ d like to / consider /
/discuss /
/ talk about /
I’m going to divide this presentation into three main
First, / Second, / Third,…..
Firstly, / Secondly, / Thirdly,…..
To start with, / Next, / Finally,….
If you have any questions, I’ll be glad to answer
them at the end of the presentation.
Introducing a New Point/ Section
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Moving on now to / look
at….. / consider… / my next point…
Having looked to…, / I’d now like to move on
to…. / let’s now consider…
Concluding a point/section
So , you can see that…..
To summarize my point,…
Changing focus
Moving away from…to consider…
Let’s now look at a different /
example / topic /subject .
Introducing an Example
For example, For instance,
To take ( just) one example,…….
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Referring to Visual Aids
If you look at this / OHT / now you can
/ slide /
/ graph /
/ table /
/ picture /
To illustrate this point, have a look at this
/table /chart /diagram
You can see from this / chart / that
/ table /
/ diagram /
In this / chart / you can see…
Look at this / table / it is clear that…
/ diagram /
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Concluding and summarizing
In summary,……….
In conclusion,……..
To summarize,…….
To sum up/ what I’ve been saying….
To conclude/ what I’ve been saying….
By way of conclusion, I’d like to………
I hope this presentation has /provided /
some useful information
I hope this presentation has /given you /
some issues to think about
I hope this presentation has /given you / some help
I hope this presentation has /given you / an insight
I’d like to conclude by…….
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Thank you for /your attention.
Thank you for /listening.
Thank you for /your time.
Inviting Questions
Now, if anyone has many questions, I’d pleased to
answer them.
Does anyone have any / questions?
Does anyone have any / comments?
What questions do you have?
Dealing with Questions
Perhaps I can answer that by / referring to….
Perhaps I can answer that by / looking at…
I’m not quite sure about that, but I’ll think about
it and get back to you.
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What does everyone else think?
Section IV
Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for Details
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“ ”
“ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”
“ ” Section
Reading for Topic
Directions: Choose the correct answer.
Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Chester’s Grill,
Burger King,
Mcdonald’s are _____________.
1. What is the suitable topic noun?
a. breakfast
b. stationary
c. bookstore
d. fast food restaurants
Siam Paragon, Central World Plaza, Pratunam Center
and The Mall
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are very popular ________ in Bangkok.
2. What is the best answer?
a. malls
b. parks
c. markets
d. restaurants
In my country, bread is an important part of our everyday
food. When we sit down for a meal, there is always bread on
the table. For breakfast, we have bread with butter or cheese.
Some people have jam or olives. For lunch, we have bread
with meat or vegetable dish. Poor people eat more bread with
small pieces of meat, vegetable or cheese.
3. What is the most suitable topic for this paragraph?
a. A meal
b. My country
c. Food
d. Bread
The sea is very deep in some places. Sometimes it is
less deep. Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But in
some places it is very deep.
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4. What is the topic noun?
a. the sea
b. the deep sea
c. the shallow sea
d. the places in the sea
My sister and I always watch TV, read comic books, and
play computer games when we are free. These are
5. What is the best answer?
a. sports
b. hobbies
c. indoors life
d. outdoors life
The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a strange bird
because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.
It has no wings and no tail. It does not have any feathers like
other birds. Instead it has hair on its body. Each foot has four
toes and its mouth is very long.
6. What is the most appropriate topic for this paragraph?
a. a strange bird
b. a New Zealand bird
c. the kiwi looks like a chicken
d. the kiwi, a strange New Zealand bird
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Mexico City is a popular place for tourists. Every year
thousands of people go to Mexico City. They visit the old and
beautiful buildings in this city. In the museum they learn about
the history of Mexico. And in the restaurant they enjoy the
spicy and delicious Mexican food.
7. What is the best topic of the paragraph?
a. Mexican food
b. Mexico
c. Mexico City
d. the spicy food
8. What‘s the best topic for this paragraph?
a. Cats
b. Dogs
c. Cats and dogs
d. Pets
Cats and dogs are both popular pets. But cats are nicer
pets in some ways. First, cats are cleaner. They stay very
clean and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also
quieter than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise.
Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats
almost never do. And finally, cats are easier to take care of.
You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many
cats prefer to be alone.
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Birds are excellent source of food. Chickens and turkeys
are examples of birds which supply man with great quantities
of meat. Chickens and other birds also supply eggs. Farmers
consider most birds as friends because they eat insect pests
and the seeds of weeds. Birds are useful to people.
9. The topic of paragraph is about ________ .
a. birds
b. farmers
c. chickens
d. chickens and turkeys
10. What’s the best topic for this paragraph?
a. bicycles
b. many countries
c. air pollution
d. bicycles and cars
Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many
people use bicycle for exercise. But exercise is only one of
the reasons why bicycles are popular. Another reason is
money. Bicycles are not expensive to buy. They do not need
gas to make them go. In cities, many people like bicycles
better than cars. With a bicycle, they never have to wait in
traffic. It is also to find a place to park. And finally, bicycles do
not cause any pollution! Nice Try!
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.59
Direction: Choose the Most Appropriate Topic of a
I really like apples. They are sweet, crisp, juicy and just
enough to make me full. When I eat apples, I also think of the
vitamins and minerals they, contain and the fiber they supply
to keep me healthy.
1. What is the paragraph about?
a. I like apples.
b. They are sweet.
c. I eat apple.
d. I think of the vitamins.
The food in Mexico sometimes surprises tourists. It can
be very spicy! Mexican cooks use a special kind of pepper.
This pepper is so spicy it almost burns your mouth. But most
people start to like the spices after a
While, They learn to like Mexican food very much.
2. What is the topic of paragraph about?
a. The Mexico City
b. The Mexican food
c. The special kind of pepper
d. The tourists
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What animal has the longest nose in the world? If you
thought the elephant, you were right. The elephant’s nose,
called a trunk, is also the most useful nose in the world. The
elephant uses its nose to sniff food, roll logs, and fight foes.
When it is thirsty, the elephant can drink six quarts with its
nose. It also uses its nose for
taking a bath too.
3. The topic of paragraph is about ____________ .
a. elephant’s activities
b. a nose that fight
c. packing a trunk
d. the elephant’s nose
What do you know about the sea? The first thing to
remember is that the sea is very big. You can see that there is
less land than sea. The sea covers three quarters of the
world. Its depth is different at different places.
4. The topic of paragraph is about ____________ .
a. the world
b. the sea
c. the depth
d. the first thing to remember
Some insects destroy plants and trees. Some destroy
stored grain, flour, and meal. Some attack clothing and
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.61
carpets. Others cause discomfort to animals by boring into
their skin, biting or stinging.
Some insects are real pests but many are helpful, too. Some
eat harmful larvae. Others help with decay by eat rotting
woods and plants.
5. The topic of paragraph is about ________ .
a. pests
b. animals
c. some insects
d. plants and trees
Section V
English Conversation
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Section V
Conversation 1 Greeting and Response
- How are you?
- How are you doing?
- Are you doing okay?
- How’s it going?
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- How’s everything?
- And you?
- How are things going?
- Are you OK?
- I’m doing very well.
- Very well.
- Great.
- Fantastic!
- I’m fine.
- Fine
- Oh, so – so.
- Not bad.
- Pretty good.
- Okay (OK)
- All right.
- They are all fine.
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- Pretty bad!
- Terrible!
- Not so good.
- Not very well. - How do you do? - My pleasure.
Conversation 2
A: Good morning, Ann.
B: They‘re all fine.
A: I’m doing very well, thank you, and you?
B: Very well, thank you.
Self – Introductions
Self – Introductions Response
- Let me introduce myself. I’m...........................
- May I introduce myself? My name’s ..............
- How do you do? My name ‘s ..........................
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- Good to meet you. I’m ....................................
- Hello. I don’t think we know each other.
My name‘s....................................................
- It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s .............
- It’s nice to meet you. I’m ..................................
- Glad to meet you. I’m .......................................
- It’s nice meeting you. My name’s ....................
- It was very good to meet you.
- Please to meet you.
- How do you do?
-It’s been great seeing you. My name‘s............
Saying Goodbye and Responses
Self – Introductions Response
- It was nice talking to you.
- I’ve really enjoyed talking to you.
- I’ve enjoyed talking to you.
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- I’ve enjoyed seeing you.
- I’d better be going.
- Well, it’s getting pretty late.
- It’s been wonderful seeing you again.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye for now.
- See you around.
- Let’s get together again.
- Please drop me a line (Please write me a letter.)
- I hope we’ll meet again.
- Take care.
- Have a nice day.
- Have a pleasant weekend.
- Have a nice working day.
- Have fun.
- Have a good time.
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- All right. Bye now. - So long.
Conversation 3
A: May I introduce myself? My name‘s Susan. I’m a teacher.
B: It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Somchai. I work at
Nakhonnayok hospital.
A: I’ve enjoyed talking to you.
B: Let’s go together again.
Third – Party Introductions
Third – Party Introductions Responses Response
- I’d like you to meet ........................
- I’d like to introduce you to ...........
- Let me introduce you to .............
- This is ........................................
(Give appropriate background information, your relationship
to the two people.)
- How do you do?
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- It’s pleasure to meet you.
- I’ m pleased to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hello. Good to meet you.
- It’s nice to meet you too.
- It’s a pleasure to meet you.
- Nice meeting you, too.
- My pleasure.
Conversation 4
A: Hey, Tony.
B: Oh, Hi, Max.
A: This is Wasana and Jurai. They are new students in
my class. They come from Ongkarak.
B: I’m please to meet you all.
Students: Please to meet you too.
Language Points:
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Affirmative Sentence:
Present Simple (I do, work, like etc.)
She works in the office. They talk about their project.
Subject Verb
I / We / You /They work talk use play
watch do
He / She / It works talks uses plays
watches does
Example: I live in Nakonnayok but my sister lives in
We use the present simple for things that are true in
general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the times:
- I walk to school. - The museum open at 09.00 a.m.
and closes at 05.30 p.m.
- Suda goes to work in the morning. - He does
everything that she asks.
We use the present simple with always/ never/ often /
usually / sometimes:
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- We always travel by train. - I often try to fix my
- He washes his car every weekend. - She usually
carries her note book computer to work.
Negative Sentences: Pattern: I don’t + verb (present
simple negative)
Example: Santa doesn’t come. The racing car doesn’t
Subject Auxiliary Verb + not Verb
I / You / We / They don’ t work
He / She / It doesn’t work
- I drink coffee but I don’t drink tea. - The children don’t
play in the park.
- Mary doesn’t go to the library. - She drinks tea but she
doesn’t drink coffee.
Question Sentence: Pattern: Do you..... (Present simple
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Example: Do they work? Does she work? Auxiliary
Verb Subject Verb +?
Do I /we / you / they work?
Does He / she/ it work?
- Do you smoke? No, I don’t. - Do they speak
English? Yes, they do.
- Does she work hard? Yes, she does - Does your
brother live in Bangkok? No, he does.
The Testing English for Communication
Speaking and Writing Ability
Part I: Speaking Ability
Situational Dialogs
Instructions: Read each situational dialogue carefully
and choose the most appropriate expression for each
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.72
Your teacher asks your opinion about an outside
reading book. You found it boring but you want to be polite so
you say, “…………..”
a How could you assign such a boring book?
b The book I liked was certainly not this one.
c I prefer the book we read last term.
d The book was unreadable, wasn’t it?
e It’s the worst book I’ve ever read.
Bill and Anne have been to a pop concert to listen to
their favorite band. On their way home, Anne says
disappointedly, “……….”
a They are not as good as they used to be.
b They are less good than they ever were.
c They were much worse during the last month.
d They always play such brilliant music.
e They are awesome.
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3. Myra has been unable to study because of the loud
hammering coming from the room next to hers. She phones
the apartment manager and says, “………….., but could you
do something about the noise?”
1. I’m sorry to bother you
2. There’s something going on
3. Excuse me for saying this
4. Please accept my apologies, do you?
5. Can I help you?
4. In an examination room, a student’s mobile phone
starts to ring. The teacher says, “………”
a. Turn that off.
b. Let it out.
c. Who’s calling?
d. What happens?
e. Shut up.
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5. A friend is walking with you along the pavement. You
see he is about to step in a puddle of water and say, “……….”
a. Loop up!
b. Look out!
c. Step along!
d. Step over!
e. Look over!
2. Dialogue
A. Instructions: Read the dialogue carefully and
choose the most appropriate expression for the missing parts.
Situation : Ted is having lunch with his close friend
Ted : So how are things going ? Is your boss still
giving you a hard time?
Helen : Did you have to ___6_____ while we’re eating ?
I’ve had a terrible morning.
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Ted : Forgive me.
Helen : It’s just that I can never seem to do anything
right ___7_____.
Ted : Do you want to talk about it ? Sometimes it’s
better to get it ___8_____
Helen : I guess you’re right. Well Brenda, my boss,
always seems to be checking up
on me to see if I come to work late or leave early. She’s
always asking other
people about me. I’m really ___9_____
Ted : Why don’t you ___10_____ looking for another
job. If it’s really as bad as
you say, you should leave.
Helen : ___11_____, Ted. Don’t forget I have a rent to
pay and food to buy. I have
no savings so I can’t afford to be ___12_____
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Ted : Why not try talking to Brenda. Be calm and,
___13_____, be nice. As they say,
you always get more with honey than with vinegar.
Helen : You’re right. I’ll just have to have a more
positive attitude ___14_____.
Ted : ___15_____ Things are improving already !
6. a. pass that around
b. bring that up
c. tell me to do that
d. speak like that
e. get over it
7. a. in her eyes
b. from her thoughts
c. on her mind
d. with her outlook
e. from her heart
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8. a. by lunch time
b. in the news
c. off your chest
d. out of sight
e. out of date
9. a. sick of it
b. bored by you
c. mad about them
d. crazy for her
e. happy to see her
10. a. try out
b. make up
c. think about
d. let on
e. give up
11. a. Easier said than done
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b. Too much too soon
c. The more the merrier
d. Slow but sure
e. Better late than never
12. a. out of work
b. on the run
c. away from home
d. off the record
e. in danger
13. a. over all
b. above all
c. after all
d. all of a sudden
e. all in one
14. a. before this
b. since then
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c. now and then
d. from now on
e. up to now
15. a. Hear?
b. See?
c. Watch!
d. Tell?
e. Sure?
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Section VI
News Form for Reading and Understanding
Section VI
Reading Skill English
Vocabulary ----
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1. News Form
6. main subject main verb
main idea)
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7. 10-15
News Form) 3
1. Headline -
( Sub-Headline
2. Lead -
3. Story/Body -
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tabloid rag
broadsheet (
gazette, journal,
chronicle times
•front page
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Exports shoot up as
dollar plunges Headlines
reporters the
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circulation (
the scoop
•breaking news
Hot off
the press!
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English for Management
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by appt.
Co., Ltd.
by appointment
Company Limited
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Section VII
CV & Resume/ Application later
Job Latter
Application Latter
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.89
“ 24
“ 25 2536
” ”
- 30
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2. “ ”
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“ ”
“ ”
The Structure of Application
1. Covering
1 2
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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2. Application Letter
1 )
1. Sender''s address )
2. Date )
3. ( Receiver''s Address )
4. ( Salutation )
5. Body Of Letter )
1 … ( First Paragraph ) …
… …
2 … ( Second Paragraph ) …
English for Management
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3 … ( Third Paragraph ) …
6. Asking for Interview )
… (Final Paragraph ) ……….
7. ( Complimentary close )
8. ( Signature )
9. ( Enclosures )
1 )
Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn
19/24 Moo 5, Phaholyothin 50
Lad-yao, Bangkhen
Bangkok 10900
November 25,1993
The Advertiser Post Box No.4444 Bangkok 10310
Dear sir,
I have seen your advertisement for the post of "Public
Relations Officer" in yesterday''s Bangkok Post and I''m
interested in applying for the job I''m 24 years old, single and
a graduate of Communication Arts from Bangkok University. I
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.94
can speak both English and French fluently and have a
pleasant personality.
Although I''m quite fresh from the University. I may
assure you that I have the ability of arranging the whole public
relations on modernlines.
I''m interested in the challenging job that allows me
greater potential in the public relations field and your
company is well know for its out - standing professionalism in
the field.
I''m ready to be called for an interview at your
convenience and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.95
Personal Data
Candidate Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn
Address 19/24 Moo 5 , Phaholyothin 50
Lad-yao , Bangkhen
Bangkok 10900
Tel 549-0189
Position Applied for : Public Relations Officer
Educational Background : Bachelor Degree in
Communication Arts from
Bangkok University
majoring in Public
Relationwithgrade point
average 3.50
Experiences - Chairwoman of the English Specking Club
- Master of ceremonies of the of the
Communication Arts Freshy Night
- Trainee as a public relations
assistant of the Grammy Entertainment
Company Limited from March 14 - May 25, 1993
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.96
Personal Details
Age : 24
Birth Place : San-Phran, Nakornprathom
Height : 1.60 m. Weight 48 Kgs.
Birth Date : November 15,2515
Nationality : Thai
Religion : Buddhism
Marital Status : Single
Health : Good
References : 1. Archan Adchara Panthanwong,
Chairperson of Department of
Public Relations, Bangkok University
Tel. 02-249-0141-4
: 2. Mr.Peawat Phuttnan , President
of the Grammy Entertainment
Company Limited. Tel. 02-281-3450
2 )
1. Sender''s address )
2. Date )
3. ( Receiver''s address )
4. ( Salutation )
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.97
5. Body Of letter )
1 … ( First Paragraph ) …
…….. …
6. Age
7. Education
8. Experience
9. Special skills
10. References
11. Hobbies
Last Paragraph ) ….
Asking for interview )
12. ( Complimentary close )
13. Signature )
14. Enclosures )
2 )
Miss Boonrudee Weerode
400/64 Soi Soonvichai II
New Petchburi Road
Prayathai Bangkok 10310
25 th November 1993
The General Manager
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.98
Thai International Product Co,Ltd.
31-33 Yukol II Road ,
Dhebsirin District
Bangkok 10100
Dear sir,
I wish to apply for the post of a "Purchase Officer "
advertised in "Thai Rut" November 21,1993 Below are
some of my particulars for your kind consideration
Age : 23
Education : Bachelor''s Degree from Bangkok
University majoring in Accounting
Special skills : English typing : 70 words per
Thai typing : 55 words per minute
Shorthand : 110 words per minute
Hobbies : Swimming and photoqraphy
Reference 1. Miss Pavinee Choysunirachorn,
Dean School of Accounting
Bangkok University.
Tel: 02-249-0141-4 ,02-249-5132-6
2. Mr.Akom Smuthkovhorn , Director
of Sports and Student activity
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.99
Office Bangkok University
Tel: 02-249 0141-4 , 02-249-5131-6
3. Miss Veena Nauwaluc Director of
Education Service and status
welfare Bangkok University
Tel: 02-249-0141-4 , 02-249-5132-6
I''d appreciate your kind consideration,
and I''m ready for the interview
all any time when is
convenient for you
Yours faithfully
Miss Boonrudee Weerod
Resume Form Writing
Mr/Mrs/Miss …… ………
Expected Jobs: ………….
Expected Salary: ……….
Personnel Information
Address: …
Phone: …
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.100
Age: …
Nationality: …
Religion: …
Height: …
Weight: …
Marital Status: Single, Separated, Divorced, Widowed
Military Service: Passed, Not Passed, Exempted(
Vocational: Grad. in ( From ( GPA. (
Bachelor: …
… …
Project( …
Thesis( …
Activities( …
Work Experience
2004 – Present: Work for ( as ( , salary…bath/month
2000 – 2004: …
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.101
1998 – 2000: …
… …
Computer Skill: …
Speaking…Reading…Writing…(poor, fair, good,
Drive(yes/no)…Driving License(yes/no)…Own
Typing: Thai…w/m English…w/m
Additional Infomation
Seminar( …
… testimonial), certificate),
engineering license),…
Creation( …
Other( …
Curriculum Vitae
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.102
Name: Rita Srednickaite Date of Birth: 27/02/1983
Nationality: Lithuanian Tel. 66-81-8111111 Email
I am a well-motivated, enthusiastic young woman who would
like to complete a Hospitality placement to improve my
English and work experience within the industry.
1999 - 2002 Vilnius University – Tourism and
Business Degree
Subjects included: Marketing, Finance,
Human Resources, Tourism,
Hospitality, Hotel Management and
1996 - 1998 Vilnius High School – Vilnius,
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.103
Jun 2003 -Aug 2004 Vilnius Restaurant. – Vilnius
Waitress & Bartender – Serving and taking orders from
Customer’s, cash handling and general cleaning of the
May 2002 – Sept 2002 Big Al’s restaurant – Florida USA
Waitress & Kitchen Assistant – Serving and taking orders
For Customer’s, cash handling, assisting in the
preparation and serving of food, washing up and other
general kitchen duties.
Windows 95/98/ME
Office 2000: Word, PowerPoint, Sphinx, Excel & Access
Internet Explorer & Outlook Express
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, listening to music,
cinema and socializing with my friends.
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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Application for Employment
(To be completed in own handwriting)
……………….... /
English for Management
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.105
Position Applied for 2
…………………………………………………. Salary
Bath / month
Personal information
…………….. ……..…
............……………....……..... /
Present address Moo Road
/ …………………………………….
...…………...........….......... …………………...
Amphur Province Post code
Tel. Pager Mobile
Living with parent Own home Hired house
Hiredflat / Hostel
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.106
Date of birth Age Yrs.
Nationality Religion
Identity card no. Expiration date
.................... . ................... .
Height cm. Weight kgs.
Military status Exempted Served
Not yet served
Marital status Single Married
Widowed Separated
Sex Male Female
Family Information
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Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.107
- .................................................................……....
Father’s name-surname Age
Yrs. Occupation
- .........................................................................
Mother’s name-surname Age
Yrs. Occupation
/ ….………………………………
……………….……… ……………….…………
Name of wife / Husband Working Place
Number of children
( ) ............. .............
Number of Members in the family Male
Female You’re the child of the family
Name Age Occupation
English for Management
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Institution Major
High school
. / .
English for Management
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.109
Working Experience In Chronological
- )
Position Job
ns of
Language Ability
(Speaking) (Writing) (Reading)
Fair P
d Fair Po
d Fair
English for Management
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.110
Special Ability
: ............ /
............ /
Typing No Yes Thai Words/Minute English
Computer No Yes (Please Mention)
Driving No Yes Driving License No.
Office Machine
Hobbies Please Mention
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.111
Favourite SportPlease Mention
Special knowledge Please Mention
Others Please Mention
I can work up Country No Yes Others
(Please Mention)
Person to be notified in case of emergency
Related to the applicnt as
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.112
.................... .
Address Tel.
Sources of job information
Have you ever been seriously or contracted with contagious
disease? Yes No
If yes, explain fully
Give the name of relatives / friends , working with us known to
Please provide any further information about yourself which
will allow our company to know you better
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MCU.Raikhing College Page.113
I certify all statement given in this application form is true
if any is found to be untrue after engagement. The Company
has right to terminate my employment without any
compensation or severance pay what’s ever.
Applicants signature
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.114
Position Department Salary Baht/
Starting date Allowances
Human resource department
Authorized signature
………… ……… ………
……… ……… ………
Signature of
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.115
(Specimen of Application Letter)
52/107 Buaban Villa
Sukhaphiban 2
12 March 1990
The Bureau Chief
NHK TV, 6 F MOT Building,
Rama 6 Road,
Bangkok 10310
Dear Sir,
Your advertisement in the Bangkok Post of March 10,
1990, for the position of a translator has attracted my
attention because I think that my qualifications will fulfill your
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.116
I am a graduate from poona University in India and hold
a Master’s degree in Politics and Public Administration. While
studying at the University, I had a part-time job as a translator
for the royal Thai Consulate in Bombay. From time to time, I
also contributed some English articles to the University’s
magazine and won several prizes in the essay contests. My
English and Thai typing speeds are 50 words and 40 words a
minute respectively. Because of my translation and writing
experience, I am confident that I will be able to do a good job
for you.
H.E. Prateep Rewangnam, Consul-General in Bombay,
has permitted me to use his name as a referee, Enclosed you
will find my detailed Resume, a degree certificate and two
recent photographs.
I shall be able to call for and interview at your
convenience and shall be glad to give you any further
information that you may require. If you wish to telephone me,
my number is 433-1907
Your faithfully
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.117
12 2540
POST 10 2540
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.118
Application Form =
Application Letter =
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.119
Applicant =
To be completed in =
Own handwriting
Confidential =
Photo attached here =
Position applied for/ =
Position sought/
Position desired
Expected Salary =
Personal data =
Curriculum vitae, Bio-data,
Data Sheet, Resume
Name-Surname =
Maiden Name =
Sex = Male Female)
Present address =
Permanent address =
Postal code =
Date of birth =
Age =
Nationality =
Race =
Domicile =
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.120
Religion = Buddhism, Islam, Catholic)
Height =
Weight =
Colour of eyes =
Colour of hair =
Complexion =
Marital status =
Spouse =
Single =
Married =
Widowed =
Divorced =
Occupation =
Dependants =
House’s Registration =
Identity Card No., I.D.Card No. =
Identification Card (I.D.Card) =
Relative =
Issued by……….. = ……….
Issued Date =
Valid Date ; Expire Date =
Student Housing =
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.121
Own House =
Rent House =
Live with Parents =
Boarding House =
Ordainment =
Person to notify in case of =
Military status =
Exempted =
Black Slot =
No Military Service =
Primary School; Elementary =
Secondary School =
High School =
Vocational Certificate =
Vocational =
High Vocational Certificate =
Bachelor’s degree =
Experience/Previous =
Reasons for leaving =
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.122
Reference =
Applicant signature =
Applicant name =
Imagination is important than knowledge
I never teach my pupils;
I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.
Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings
Documentaries Descriptions and Suggestion for
Readings 614-203 English for management
Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings
Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings
000117 Advanced English.
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.123
Bryant, Margaret (1945). A functional English grammar.
D.C. Heath and company.
Carter Ronald, McCarthy, Michael (2006). Cambridge
Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide, Cambridge
University Press.
Cobbett, William (2003, originally 1818). A Grammar of
the English Language (Oxford Language Classics), Oxford
University Press.
Fries Charles, Carpenter. (1952). The structure of
English; an introduction to the construction of English
sentences. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
Greenbaum, Sidney (1996). Oxford English Grammar,
Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Greenbaum, Sidney (1990). A Student's Grammar of the
English Language. Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Halliday M. A. K; Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M. (revised
by) (2004).An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 3rd.
edition. London: Hodder Arnold.
Huddleston, Rodney D. (1984) Introduction to the
grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Huddleston, Rodney D. (1988) English grammar: An
outline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.124
Huddleston, Rodney D.; Pullum, Geoffrey K., eds (2002).
The Cambridge grammar of the English language.Cambridge
University Press.
Huddleston, Rodney D.; Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2005).A
student's introduction to English grammar.Cambridge
University Press.
Jespersen, Otto. (1909–1949). A modern English
grammar on historical principles (Vols. 1-7). Heidelberg: C.
Schibsbye, Knud (1970). A Modern English Grammar:
Second Edition. London: Oxford University Press.
Sledd, James. (1959) A short introduction to English
grammar Chicago: Scott, Foresman.
Strang, Barbara M. H. (1968) Modern English structure
(2nd ed.) London: Arnold.
Thomson, A. J. (Audrey Jean); Martinet, A. V. (Agnes V.)
(1986). A practical English grammar:Fourth Edition. Oxford
University Press.
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.125
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.126
Course Syllabus
Curriculum Bachelor of Arts
In Buddhist Management
Section of Subject General Education
Code of Subject 614 203, Credit Numbers
Subject English for
Graduate School Class
Course Description
To study the technique of reading, writing, interpreting
and skill practicing of language in the name of universal
language, and practicing skills in listening, speaking, reading,
writing, which emphasized on reading, writing, and
comprehension sentences forms that have vocabularies, and
sentences structures related with document in using for
Objectives of Study
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.127
1. Learning to know and understand the technique of
reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in
the name of universal language.
2. Learning to know and understand the technique of
reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in
the name of universal language in order to able phrases
building, paragraph and sentences forms in English.
3. Learning to know and understand the technique of
reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in
the name of universal language in order to use listening skills,
speaking, reading, and writing in English to communication
Objectives of Virtues
1. An appreciate in English learning for communication
with foreigners around the world.
2. An appreciate and benefits of English using for
propagation of the Buddhism
Course Objectives
1. English vocabularies involved management from A-Z
2. English pretest: English for communication
3. English vocabularies for management project
4. Seminar in English
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.128
5. Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for
Details, Reading for Topic
6. News Form for reading and understanding
7. CV & Resume/ Application later
Course Outline
1. English vocabularies involved management from A-Z
2. English pretest: English for communication
3. English vocabularies for management project
4. Seminar in English
5. Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for
Details, Reading for Topic
6. News Form for reading and understanding
7. CV & Resume/ Application later
Educational Activities
1. Explanations
2. Discussions
3. Personal/Group Research
4. Media Using in Teaching
5. Project Working
6. The Four Skills Practicing
Instruction Media
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.129
1. Document Teaching, Power point, Movies, Books, and
so on.
Evaluation Qualifies
1. Attention class, cooperation, manners, 10
relationships, honesty and responsibility
2. Skills ability(readiness, skillfully 10
in expression)
3. Intelligence (knowledge, comprehension, 20
documentary applying, report, midterm exam.
4. Final exam 60 Marks
Total100 Marks
Measure of Evaluation and Mark Levels
Excellent A
Very Good B +
Good B
Very Fair C +
Fair C
Quite Fair D +
Poor D
Failed F
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.130
Phramaha Yota Payutto (Chaiworamankul)
Date of Birth: February 13, 1987
Place of Birth: Buriram Province, Kra-Sang District, Sung Nurn
Subdistrict, 31160
Residence: Wat Raikhing, Raikhing Subdistrict Samphran
District, Nakhornpathom Province 73210,
Mobile: 082-052-9790, 034-326-912, Fax:034-
326-912, Email address and Facebook
Education: Advanced Dhamma Education
Pāli Education grade IV
Bachelor degree, Major in English
Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (International
English for Management
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
MCU.Raikhing College Page.131

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A.0.3 english for management

  • 1. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.1 1 Section I Introduction (Section I) (Management Meaning)
  • 2. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.2 2 Ricky W. Griffin, 1999, p.6) Man) Money) Material) (Machine) Method) Management) 6M’s “Management” 2545, 18-19) “ ” “ ” 1. “ ” (Administration) Public Administration) “ ” (Administrator) Schermerhorn, 1999, p.G-2) Planning) Organizing) Leading/Directing) Controlling)
  • 3. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.3 3 6 M’s) 2. “ ” (Management) Business management) “ ” (Manager) Management) A set of functions) (Efficient) (Cost-effective) Effective) Right decision) Griffin, 1997, p.4)
  • 4. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.4 4 Certo, 2000, p.555) “ ” (Administration) “ ” (Management) 2 , 2543, 3) Management) 1) 2) 3) Productivity) Efficiency) ( Effectiveness) ( 4)
  • 5. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.5 5 (Management Process) 4 1) Planning) Mission)
  • 6. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.6 6 (Proactive) Reactive) Decision Making) 2) Organizing) Work Specialization) Delegating Authority) Job Description) Job Specification)
  • 7. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.7 7 Organization Structure) Span of Control) Chain of Command) Functional) Divisional) Strategic business unit) Matrix) 3) Leading/Directing)
  • 8. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.8 8 4) Controlling) (John R. Schermerhorn, op. cit. p.327) 4 Standard) Measurement)
  • 9. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.9 9 (Comparison) Take Action) 4 (Stephen P. Robbins, Managing Today, 1997, p.391) Section II Human Resources Vocabularies (HR.)
  • 10. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.10 10 Section II A –Z A-Z English Vocabularies Related with Management from A-Z A Absence (n) : adj ) = absent, the state of being away from work Absentceism (n) : regular absence from work ) Ad (n): advertisement ) Classified ads (n) :
  • 11. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.11 11 Adjust (v) : n) = adjustment ( change slightly in order to fit into new job or condition ) Analyse (n) : examine in detail ) n) = analysis job analysis (n) : Applicant (n) : person who makes a request in writing for a job ) Application from (n) : application blank Apply (v) : n) : application( request something, e.g. a job, usually in writing ) Appointee (n) : Appraise (v) : n) = appraisal( judge the value of somebody or something ) Appraisee (n) : Appraiser (n) : Apprentice (n) : young person who is learning a skill ) Apprenticeship (n) :
  • 12. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.12 12 Aptitude (n) : natural ability ) Arbitrate (v) : n) = arbitration( act as a judge to settle a dispute ) Appitrator (n) : Assess (v) : n) : assessment ( judge the quality or quantity of somebody or something) Attendance: Accuracy: Adaptability: Attitude: Appearance: Approaches to Appraisal: Appraisal Methods: B Aargain (v) : n) = bargaining( discuss in order to reach agreement on something ) collective bargaining =
  • 13. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.13 13 Basic (adj) : n) = basis( normal ; that on which everything else depends ) Basic pay (n) = Behave (n) : n) = behaviour( act ) Benefit (n) : advantage ; profit ) Fringe benefit = Blue - collar (adj) : relating to manual work ) Blue - collar jobs (n) = Board of directors (n) : group of people chosen by the shareholders to develop company policy ) Bonus (n) : additional payment ) C
  • 14. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.14 14 Candidate (n) : person who puts him/herself forward for a job ) Canteen (n) : staff restaurant ) Career (n) : ( job or profession for which one is trained and which oneintends to do throughout one' s life ) Career development (n) = Chart (n) : information shown in the from of a drawing or graphic ) Organization chart t (n) = Process chart (n) = Checklist (n) : a complete list of items which is easy to use Clerk (n) : adj ) = clerical( person employed in an office to do routine tasks )
  • 15. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.15 15 Clerical worker (n) = Coach (n) : person who trains another person ) Communication (n) : v) = communicate( exchange of views and information either in speech or writing ) Compare (v) : v) = comparison( look at several things to find similarities and differences ) Compensate (v) : n) = compensation( give something, e.g. money, to someone for loss or damage ) Compete (v) : n) = competition( try to win ) Competence (n) : n) = competent( skill or efficiency ) Condition (n) : Conditions (n. pl.) = Conditions of employment (n) =
  • 16. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.16 16 Conflict (n) : v) = conflict( disagreement ) Consult (v) : n) = consultation( ask someone for information or advice ) Contract (n) : agreement between two or more people which has the force of law ) Contract of employment (n) = Core time (n) : ( flexitime period of working day when all employees must be at work ) Counsel (v) : advise ) (n) = counselling CV (n) : curriculum vitae( written statement of education and previous employment ) D Deduction (n) : v) = deduct( money taken away from total pay for ax, social security,etc. )
  • 17. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.17 17 Department (n) : part of an organization ) Department head = Discipline (n) : training to produce self-control ) Dismiss (v) : n) = dismissal( send away from/terminate employment ; sack ) E Earnings ( : wages or salary ) Employ (v) : n) = employment( take on or use a person as a paid worker ) Employee (n) = Employer (n) = Employment agency (n) = Engage (v) : take on a person as a paid worker ) Entitlement (n) : a person's right (v) = entitle
  • 18. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.18 18 Equal opportunity (n) : no discrimination in terms of colour, sex, religion for employment )etc. Evaluate (v) : n) = evaluation( calculate the value of something ) Expertise (n) : particular knowledge or skill ) F Face-to-face discussion (n): discussion between people who are in each other's sight ) Feedback (n) : information about the results of an activity ) Fire (v) : send away from employment ; sack ) Flat hourly rate (n) : 1 fixed pay for one hour's work Flexitime (n) : flextime core
  • 19. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.19 19 time flexible system of working in which workers can choosewhat time to start finish ) Follow-up (n) : action taken as a result of what was done before ) Forecast (n) : prediction ) G Go - slow (n) : action of working slowly as a protest to management ) Grievance (n) : complaint made by worker to management ) group selection method (n) : method of selecting staff by evaluating their ability to workwith others Guidelines ( : ( suggestions about how to do something )
  • 20. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.20 20 H Hand in (v) : deliver by hand ) Hand in one's notice (v) = Hire (v) : take on a paid worker ) HRD (n) : Human resources development ( activities to develop the organization's workforce ) Human resources (n) : workforce of an organization ) Human resources management (n) = I Incentive (n) : something which encourages the workers to work harder ) Income (n) : wages and salary ) Induction (n) : activity of introducing new employees the company )
  • 21. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.21 21 Induction period = Industrial action (n) : strike ) Industrial injury (n) : injury which happened at work ) Industrial relations (n) : relations between management and workers ) Industrial unrest (n) : disagreement between management and workers resulting in go-slows and strikes ) Insure (v) : n) = insurance( protect someone against loss, damage, injury or death bypaying a sum of money ) Interview (n) : v) = interview ( meeting to decide if a person is suitable for a job) Interviewee (n) = Interviewer (n) =
  • 22. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.22 22 J Job (n) : piece of work ) Job analysis (n) = Job analyst's (n) = Job description (n) = Job mobility (n) = Job rotation (n) = Job specification (n) = K Key (adj ) : important ; essential ) l
  • 23. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.23 23 Labour (n) : work ) Labour market (n) = Labour relations ( = ( Labour shortage (n) = Labour supply (n) = Lay - off/layoff (n) : action of stopping a worker's employment for a time,especially when there is little work to do ) M Management (n) : group of people who control an organization ) Middle management (n) = Senior management (n) = Manager (n) : person who manager an organization or part of it )
  • 24. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.24 24 Line manager (n) = Plant manager (n) = factory manager Staff manager (n) = line manager Manpower (n) : total number of workers for a certain type of work or for an area ) Manual (adj) : using the hands ) Motivate (v) : give someone a reason or incentive for doing something ) N Negotiate (n) : discuss with another or others to reach agreement; bargain Notice (n) : information about something that will happen ; information that a person will leave his employment )
  • 25. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.25 25 O Occupation (n) : job ) ( adj ) = occupational Off - the- job (adj) : separate from normal work ) On-the-job (adj) : part of normal work ) Opening (n) : job ; vacancy ) Organization (n) : organization chart( diagram which shows the areas of responsibility in an organizationand the relationships between the personnel ) orient (v) : guide ; direct ) Orientation (n) = OTE (n) : on-target earnings "
  • 26. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.26 26 often given in job advertisements as the target income, consisting of basic pay plus bonuses and other incentive payments) Overtime (n) : ( time after normal working time, normally paid at an extra rate ) P Part-time (n) : working for only part of the working day ) past-time pass-time pastime Pay (n) : money for working ; wage ; salary ) Pay claim (n) = Pay package (n) = all the elements in
  • 27. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.27 27 pay, i.e. basic pay, overtime, bonuses, plus non-financial benefits ) Pay packet (n) = Pay restraint (n) = Payroll (n) = Penalize (v) : punish ) Pension (n) : amount of money paid regularly after a person stops work, either because of old age or illness ) Pep talk (n) : talk to encourage a person to improve his performance ) Perform (v) : do well or badly ) ( n) = performance Performance analysis (n) =
  • 28. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.28 28 Performance appraisal (n) = Performance standard (n) = Perk (n) : ( benefit given to a worker in addition to salary ) Person specification (n) : ( statement of the human characteristics and experience required to do a job ) Personality (n) : nature or character of a person ) Personnel (n) : people employed by a company ) Personnel policies (n) = Personnel record (n) =
  • 29. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.29 29 Phase (n) : stop slowly or in controlled stages ) Picket (n) : striking worker who stands at the entrance to a company building to prevent other workers from entering ) Piece work (n) : payment system based on the number of pieces produced ) Potential (n) : person's innate capability for future developments ) " possible ) Probation (n) : adj ) = probationary, period of testing a new employee Profit (n) : money earned by a company minus money spent )
  • 30. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.30 30 Profit sharing (n) = Promote (n) : give someone a better job ) (n) = promotion Protege (n) : ( a person chosen for a special task or job, and then helped and guided) Q Qualify (v) : have the right education and background ) Qualifications ( = Qualification (n) = Questionnaire (n) : from consisting of a number of questions )
  • 31. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.31 31 R Recruit (v) : take on a new person ) (n) = recruitment Redundant (adj) : having lost one's job ) (n) = redundancy Reference (n) : written report on someone's personality and / or ability, often written by a previous employer ) Regulation (n) : rule ) Remuneration (n) : pay) Remuneration package (n)= Resign (n) : give up one's job ) (n) = resignation Retire (v) : n) = retirement ( stop working because of old age or illness ) Reward (n) : something in given for good work ) (v) = reward
  • 32. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.32 32 Role playing (n) : activity in which people play the part of others- often used as a training exercise) Rule (n) : something fixed by an organization that a person must do ) S Sack (v) : dismiss ; send away from employment ) (n) = sack Salary (n) : pay, usually paid monthly ) Screen (v) : examine in detail ) (n) = screening Select (v) : choose ) (n) = selection Semi-skilled (adj) : of workers with some training ) Settle (v) : agree on a solution to a problem ) (n) = settlement Shift (n ) : part of the working day in a factory )
  • 33. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.33 33 Shop (n) : place where products are sold or stored ) Close shop(n)= Open shop (n) = Shopfloor (n) = Shop steward (n) = Shortlist (n) : list of successful people who go through to the next stage of aselection process ) Sick (adj) : ill ) (n) = sickness Sick leave (n) = Sick note (n) = Sick pay (n) =
  • 34. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.34 34 Skill (n) : ability ) Communication skill (n) = Skilled employee (n) = Staff (n) : people employed by a company) Stoppage (n) : act of stopping work because of a strike or breakdown ofequipment ) Strike (n) : organized stopping of work ) Subordinate ( n) : person below another in the company hierarchy ) Suggestion box (n): scheme for collecting worker's ideas to improve a company's operations ) Superior (n) : person above anther in the company hierarchy )
  • 35. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.35 35 Supervisor (n) : person who is in charge of others ) T Temporary (adj) : only for a short time or limited time ) Temporary post (n) = Terminate (v) : end ) (n) = termination Time off (n) : time away from work as result of ilness or other cause ) Trade union (n) : group of workers organized together in order to bargain with management about terms and conditions of employment ) Train (v) : teach or learn ) (n) = training Trainee (n) = Transfer (v) : move to another place,e.g. a department )
  • 36. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.36 36 Turnover (n) : gross sales of a company ; number of people who leave accompany) U Understudy (n) : person who is learning how to do a job from someone else sothat the learner can take over the job in the future) Unemployment (n) : state of being without a job ) Unemployment benefit (n) = V Vacancy (n) : adj) = vacant( job which needs to be filled ) Vacation (n) : holiday) Vocation (n) : adj) = vocational( type of work that a person has an ability for ) W
  • 37. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.37 37 Wage (n) : weekly pay ) Wage freeze (n) = Wastage (n) : loss of workers through resignation or retirement ) Welfare (n) : system of looking after employees ) White-collar (adj) : relating to office workers ) Work (n) : doing jobs ) Work station (n) = Work conditions (n) = Working houre ( =
  • 38. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.38 38 Work to rule (n) = Workshop(n)=
  • 39. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.39 39 Section III English Vocabularies for Management Project Section III ? ? English Vocabularies for Management Project
  • 40. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.40 40 Define the scope project scope scope Establish a timeline timeline Specify target outcomes ? target outcomes Determine necessary outputs outputs target outcomes Put a project team together project team
  • 41. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.41 41 Record milestones project team Milestones Create baseline metrics baseline metrics, Set a budget cost budget cost budget Produce deliverables deliverables, Execute risk management risks risk management
  • 42. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.42 42 Any suggestions or comments regarding to this stuff, feel free to let me know. Seminar in English Classroom, U- Shape, Meeting Board, Theatre, Reception, O-Shape ,Moon- Shape Executive Staff Chief
  • 43. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.43 43 1. 5 I – Introductions II - Reviewing Past Business III - Beginning the Meeting IV - Discussing Items V - Finishing the Meeting 2. Opening Welcoming and Introducing Stating the Principal Objectives Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting Dealing with Recent Developments Moving Forward Introducing the Agenda(Program) Allocating Roles (secretary, participants)
  • 44. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.44 44 Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting Introducing the First Item on the Agenda Closing an Item Next Item Giving Control to the Next Participant Summarizing Finishing Up Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting Thanking Participants for Attending Closing the Meeting 3. Getting the Chairperson's Attention Giving Opinions Asking for Opinions Commenting Agreeing Disagreeing Advising and Suggesting Clarifying Requesting Information Asking for Repetition
  • 45. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.45 45 Asking for Clarification Asking for Verification Asking for Spelling Asking for Contributions Correcting Information Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance, decisions) Work Presentation in English Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. My name’s……….., and I’m in charge of corporate finance at our headquarters here in Had Yai. We are here today………………to review some figures and to outline financial strategy over the next five years. So what I
  • 46. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.46 46 intend to do is to break down this presentation into three parts: first, the financial review; second, the options facing us; and finally, the strategy I propose. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me, but I should also say there’ll be an opportunity to discuss issues at greater length after my talk. Words for Speaking 1. I’m delighted 2. I take care 3. Devide 4. Sections 5. Don’t hesitate 6. A chance
  • 47. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.47 47 Oral Communication Skills for Effective Presentations 1. Introductions Good / morning / and thank you for coming / afternoon / / evening / Let me introduce myself. My name is (…Yota Chai… and I am(…. a second year Ph.D. student in a school of English…..) The / subject / of my talk today is……. / topic / Today / I’d like to
  • 48. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.48 48 look at….. In this presentation, / I’d like to look at….. 2. Outlining the Structure of the Talk Today / I’m going to / look at / three main areas.. / I’ d like to / consider / /discuss / / talk about / I’m going to divide this presentation into three main sections. First, / Second, / Third,….. Firstly, / Secondly, / Thirdly,….. To start with, / Next, / Finally,…. If you have any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them at the end of the presentation. 3. Introducing a New Point/ Section
  • 49. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.49 49 Moving on now to / look at….. / consider… / my next point… Having looked to…, / I’d now like to move on to…. / let’s now consider… 4. Concluding a point/section So , you can see that….. To summarize my point,… 5. Changing focus Moving away from…to consider… Let’s now look at a different / example / topic /subject . 6. Introducing an Example For example, For instance, To take ( just) one example,……. 7.
  • 50. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.50 50 Referring to Visual Aids If you look at this / OHT / now you can see…. / slide / / graph / / table / / picture / To illustrate this point, have a look at this /table /chart /diagram You can see from this / chart / that / table / / diagram / In this / chart / you can see… Look at this / table / it is clear that… / diagram / 8.
  • 51. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.51 51 Concluding and summarizing In summary,………. In conclusion,…….. To summarize,……. To sum up/ what I’ve been saying…. To conclude/ what I’ve been saying…. By way of conclusion, I’d like to……… So,……… I hope this presentation has /provided / some useful information I hope this presentation has /given you / some issues to think about I hope this presentation has /given you / some help with…. I hope this presentation has /given you / an insight into…. I’d like to conclude by…….
  • 52. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.52 52 Thank you for /your attention. Thank you for /listening. Thank you for /your time. 9. Inviting Questions Now, if anyone has many questions, I’d pleased to answer them. Does anyone have any / questions? Does anyone have any / comments? What questions do you have? 10. Dealing with Questions Perhaps I can answer that by / referring to…. Perhaps I can answer that by / looking at… I’m not quite sure about that, but I’ll think about it and get back to you.
  • 53. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.53 53 What does everyone else think? Section IV Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for Details
  • 54. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.54 54 “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” Section IV Reading for Topic Directions: Choose the correct answer. Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Chester’s Grill, Burger King, Mcdonald’s are _____________. 1. What is the suitable topic noun? a. breakfast b. stationary c. bookstore d. fast food restaurants Siam Paragon, Central World Plaza, Pratunam Center and The Mall
  • 55. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.55 55 are very popular ________ in Bangkok. 2. What is the best answer? a. malls b. parks c. markets d. restaurants In my country, bread is an important part of our everyday food. When we sit down for a meal, there is always bread on the table. For breakfast, we have bread with butter or cheese. Some people have jam or olives. For lunch, we have bread with meat or vegetable dish. Poor people eat more bread with small pieces of meat, vegetable or cheese. 3. What is the most suitable topic for this paragraph? a. A meal b. My country c. Food d. Bread The sea is very deep in some places. Sometimes it is less deep. Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But in some places it is very deep.
  • 56. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.56 56 4. What is the topic noun? a. the sea b. the deep sea c. the shallow sea d. the places in the sea My sister and I always watch TV, read comic books, and play computer games when we are free. These are our________. 5. What is the best answer? a. sports b. hobbies c. indoors life d. outdoors life The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings and no tail. It does not have any feathers like other birds. Instead it has hair on its body. Each foot has four toes and its mouth is very long. 6. What is the most appropriate topic for this paragraph? a. a strange bird b. a New Zealand bird c. the kiwi looks like a chicken d. the kiwi, a strange New Zealand bird
  • 57. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.57 57 Mexico City is a popular place for tourists. Every year thousands of people go to Mexico City. They visit the old and beautiful buildings in this city. In the museum they learn about the history of Mexico. And in the restaurant they enjoy the spicy and delicious Mexican food. 7. What is the best topic of the paragraph? a. Mexican food b. Mexico c. Mexico City d. the spicy food 8. What‘s the best topic for this paragraph? a. Cats b. Dogs c. Cats and dogs d. Pets Cats and dogs are both popular pets. But cats are nicer pets in some ways. First, cats are cleaner. They stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also quieter than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise. Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats almost never do. And finally, cats are easier to take care of. You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many cats prefer to be alone.
  • 58. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.58 58 Birds are excellent source of food. Chickens and turkeys are examples of birds which supply man with great quantities of meat. Chickens and other birds also supply eggs. Farmers consider most birds as friends because they eat insect pests and the seeds of weeds. Birds are useful to people. 9. The topic of paragraph is about ________ . a. birds b. farmers c. chickens d. chickens and turkeys 10. What’s the best topic for this paragraph? a. bicycles b. many countries c. air pollution d. bicycles and cars Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many people use bicycle for exercise. But exercise is only one of the reasons why bicycles are popular. Another reason is money. Bicycles are not expensive to buy. They do not need gas to make them go. In cities, many people like bicycles better than cars. With a bicycle, they never have to wait in traffic. It is also to find a place to park. And finally, bicycles do not cause any pollution! Nice Try!
  • 59. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.59 59 : Direction: Choose the Most Appropriate Topic of a Paragraph I really like apples. They are sweet, crisp, juicy and just enough to make me full. When I eat apples, I also think of the vitamins and minerals they, contain and the fiber they supply to keep me healthy. 1. What is the paragraph about? a. I like apples. b. They are sweet. c. I eat apple. d. I think of the vitamins. The food in Mexico sometimes surprises tourists. It can be very spicy! Mexican cooks use a special kind of pepper. This pepper is so spicy it almost burns your mouth. But most people start to like the spices after a While, They learn to like Mexican food very much. 2. What is the topic of paragraph about? a. The Mexico City b. The Mexican food c. The special kind of pepper d. The tourists
  • 60. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.60 60 What animal has the longest nose in the world? If you thought the elephant, you were right. The elephant’s nose, called a trunk, is also the most useful nose in the world. The elephant uses its nose to sniff food, roll logs, and fight foes. When it is thirsty, the elephant can drink six quarts with its nose. It also uses its nose for taking a bath too. 3. The topic of paragraph is about ____________ . a. elephant’s activities b. a nose that fight c. packing a trunk d. the elephant’s nose What do you know about the sea? The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. You can see that there is less land than sea. The sea covers three quarters of the world. Its depth is different at different places. 4. The topic of paragraph is about ____________ . a. the world b. the sea c. the depth d. the first thing to remember Some insects destroy plants and trees. Some destroy stored grain, flour, and meal. Some attack clothing and
  • 61. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.61 61 carpets. Others cause discomfort to animals by boring into their skin, biting or stinging. Some insects are real pests but many are helpful, too. Some eat harmful larvae. Others help with decay by eat rotting woods and plants. 5. The topic of paragraph is about ________ . a. pests b. animals c. some insects d. plants and trees Section V English Conversation
  • 62. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.62 62 Section V Conversation 1 Greeting and Response - How are you? - How are you doing? - Are you doing okay? - How’s it going?
  • 63. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.63 63 - How’s everything? - And you? - How are things going? - Are you OK? - I’m doing very well. - Very well. - Great. - Fantastic! - I’m fine. - Fine - Oh, so – so. - Not bad. - Pretty good. - Okay (OK) - All right. - They are all fine.
  • 64. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.64 64 -Awful! - Pretty bad! - Terrible! - Not so good. - Not very well. - How do you do? - My pleasure. Practice Conversation 2 A: Good morning, Ann. B: They‘re all fine. A: I’m doing very well, thank you, and you? B: Very well, thank you. Self – Introductions Self – Introductions Response - Let me introduce myself. I’m........................... - May I introduce myself? My name’s .............. - How do you do? My name ‘s ..........................
  • 65. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.65 65 - Good to meet you. I’m .................................... - Hello. I don’t think we know each other. My name‘s.................................................... - It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s ............. - It’s nice to meet you. I’m .................................. - Glad to meet you. I’m ....................................... - It’s nice meeting you. My name’s .................... - It was very good to meet you. - Please to meet you. - How do you do? -It’s been great seeing you. My name‘s............ Saying Goodbye and Responses Self – Introductions Response - It was nice talking to you. - I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. - I’ve enjoyed talking to you.
  • 66. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.66 66 - I’ve enjoyed seeing you. - I’d better be going. - Well, it’s getting pretty late. - It’s been wonderful seeing you again. - Goodbye. - Goodbye for now. - See you around. - Let’s get together again. - Please drop me a line (Please write me a letter.) - I hope we’ll meet again. - Take care. - Have a nice day. - Have a pleasant weekend. - Have a nice working day. - Have fun. - Have a good time.
  • 67. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.67 67 - All right. Bye now. - So long. Conversation 3 A: May I introduce myself? My name‘s Susan. I’m a teacher. B: It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Somchai. I work at Nakhonnayok hospital. A: I’ve enjoyed talking to you. B: Let’s go together again. Third – Party Introductions Third – Party Introductions Responses Response - I’d like you to meet ........................ - I’d like to introduce you to ........... - Let me introduce you to ............. - This is ........................................ (Give appropriate background information, your relationship to the two people.) - How do you do?
  • 68. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.68 68 - It’s pleasure to meet you. - I’ m pleased to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Hello. Good to meet you. - It’s nice to meet you too. - It’s a pleasure to meet you. - Nice meeting you, too. - My pleasure. Conversation 4 A: Hey, Tony. B: Oh, Hi, Max. A: This is Wasana and Jurai. They are new students in my class. They come from Ongkarak. B: I’m please to meet you all. Students: Please to meet you too. Language Points:
  • 69. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.69 69 Affirmative Sentence: Present Simple (I do, work, like etc.) She works in the office. They talk about their project. Subject Verb I / We / You /They work talk use play watch do He / She / It works talks uses plays watches does Example: I live in Nakonnayok but my sister lives in Prachinburi. We use the present simple for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the times: - I walk to school. - The museum open at 09.00 a.m. and closes at 05.30 p.m. - Suda goes to work in the morning. - He does everything that she asks. We use the present simple with always/ never/ often / usually / sometimes:
  • 70. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.70 70 - We always travel by train. - I often try to fix my computer. - He washes his car every weekend. - She usually carries her note book computer to work. Negative Sentences: Pattern: I don’t + verb (present simple negative) Example: Santa doesn’t come. The racing car doesn’t slow. Subject Auxiliary Verb + not Verb I / You / We / They don’ t work He / She / It doesn’t work - I drink coffee but I don’t drink tea. - The children don’t play in the park. - Mary doesn’t go to the library. - She drinks tea but she doesn’t drink coffee. Question Sentence: Pattern: Do you..... (Present simple question)....?
  • 71. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.71 71 Example: Do they work? Does she work? Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb +? Do I /we / you / they work? Does He / she/ it work? - Do you smoke? No, I don’t. - Do they speak English? Yes, they do. - Does she work hard? Yes, she does - Does your brother live in Bangkok? No, he does. The Testing English for Communication Speaking and Writing Ability Part I: Speaking Ability Situational Dialogs Instructions: Read each situational dialogue carefully and choose the most appropriate expression for each situation.
  • 72. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.72 72 Your teacher asks your opinion about an outside reading book. You found it boring but you want to be polite so you say, “…………..” a How could you assign such a boring book? b The book I liked was certainly not this one. c I prefer the book we read last term. d The book was unreadable, wasn’t it? e It’s the worst book I’ve ever read. Bill and Anne have been to a pop concert to listen to their favorite band. On their way home, Anne says disappointedly, “……….” a They are not as good as they used to be. b They are less good than they ever were. c They were much worse during the last month. d They always play such brilliant music. e They are awesome.
  • 73. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.73 73 3. Myra has been unable to study because of the loud hammering coming from the room next to hers. She phones the apartment manager and says, “………….., but could you do something about the noise?” 1. I’m sorry to bother you 2. There’s something going on 3. Excuse me for saying this 4. Please accept my apologies, do you? 5. Can I help you? 4. In an examination room, a student’s mobile phone starts to ring. The teacher says, “………” a. Turn that off. b. Let it out. c. Who’s calling? d. What happens? e. Shut up.
  • 74. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.74 74 5. A friend is walking with you along the pavement. You see he is about to step in a puddle of water and say, “……….” a. Loop up! b. Look out! c. Step along! d. Step over! e. Look over! 2. Dialogue A. Instructions: Read the dialogue carefully and choose the most appropriate expression for the missing parts. Situation : Ted is having lunch with his close friend Helen. Ted : So how are things going ? Is your boss still giving you a hard time? Helen : Did you have to ___6_____ while we’re eating ? I’ve had a terrible morning.
  • 75. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.75 75 Ted : Forgive me. Helen : It’s just that I can never seem to do anything right ___7_____. Ted : Do you want to talk about it ? Sometimes it’s better to get it ___8_____ Helen : I guess you’re right. Well Brenda, my boss, always seems to be checking up on me to see if I come to work late or leave early. She’s always asking other people about me. I’m really ___9_____ Ted : Why don’t you ___10_____ looking for another job. If it’s really as bad as you say, you should leave. Helen : ___11_____, Ted. Don’t forget I have a rent to pay and food to buy. I have no savings so I can’t afford to be ___12_____
  • 76. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.76 76 Ted : Why not try talking to Brenda. Be calm and, ___13_____, be nice. As they say, you always get more with honey than with vinegar. Helen : You’re right. I’ll just have to have a more positive attitude ___14_____. Ted : ___15_____ Things are improving already ! 6. a. pass that around b. bring that up c. tell me to do that d. speak like that e. get over it 7. a. in her eyes b. from her thoughts c. on her mind d. with her outlook e. from her heart
  • 77. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.77 77 8. a. by lunch time b. in the news c. off your chest d. out of sight e. out of date 9. a. sick of it b. bored by you c. mad about them d. crazy for her e. happy to see her 10. a. try out b. make up c. think about d. let on e. give up 11. a. Easier said than done
  • 78. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.78 78 b. Too much too soon c. The more the merrier d. Slow but sure e. Better late than never 12. a. out of work b. on the run c. away from home d. off the record e. in danger 13. a. over all b. above all c. after all d. all of a sudden e. all in one 14. a. before this b. since then
  • 79. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.79 79 c. now and then d. from now on e. up to now 15. a. Hear? b. See? c. Watch! d. Tell? e. Sure?
  • 80. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.80 80 Section VI News Form for Reading and Understanding Section VI Reading Skill English Vocabulary ---- -
  • 81. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.81 81 1. 1. News Form 3. 4. dictionary) 5. 6. main subject main verb main idea)
  • 82. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.82 82 7. 10-15 News Form) 3 1. Headline - ( Sub-Headline 2. Lead - 3. Story/Body -
  • 83. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.83 83 The scoop tabloid rag broadsheet ( gazette, journal, chronicle times •front page articles (
  • 84. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.84 84 •headline Exports shoot up as dollar plunges Headlines •classifieds personals •editor editor Editorial •journalist journalists reporters the press •circulation
  • 85. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.85 85 •Readers readership circulation ( •paparazzi •scoop get the scoop •breaking news Hot off the press!
  • 86. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.86 86 amst. ans. ad advt acct a/c AC amount answer advertisement advertisement account account Air-Conditioning Admn Asst assn agcy agt Apt. Administration assistant association agency agent Apartment
  • 87. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.87 87 apt approx. avail avg Ave. bal bk br bdrm balc bldg. by appt. Capt. Cap. chap. Co. Co., Ltd. cmfts cond cps cr. cml. ctns. apartment approximately available average Avenue balance bank bedroom bedroom balcony building by appointment Captain Capital chapter Company Company Limited comforts condition carpets credit commercial curtains
  • 88. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.88 88 Section VII CV & Resume/ Application later Job Latter Resume) Application Latter
  • 89. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.89 89 “ 24 2536 ” “ 25 2536 ” ” ” - 30
  • 90. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.90 90 - - 5 “ ” 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. “ ” 3.
  • 91. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.91 91 “ ” “ ” 3 The Structure of Application Latter 2 1. Covering Letter) 1 2
  • 92. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.92 92 2. Application Letter ) 1 ) 1. Sender''s address ) 2. Date ) 3. ( Receiver''s Address ) 4. ( Salutation ) 5. Body Of Letter ) 1 … ( First Paragraph ) … … … 2 … ( Second Paragraph ) … …
  • 93. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.93 93 3 … ( Third Paragraph ) … … … 6. Asking for Interview ) … (Final Paragraph ) ………. 7. ( Complimentary close ) 8. ( Signature ) 9. ( Enclosures ) 1 ) Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn 19/24 Moo 5, Phaholyothin 50 Lad-yao, Bangkhen Bangkok 10900 November 25,1993 The Advertiser Post Box No.4444 Bangkok 10310 Dear sir, I have seen your advertisement for the post of "Public Relations Officer" in yesterday''s Bangkok Post and I''m interested in applying for the job I''m 24 years old, single and a graduate of Communication Arts from Bangkok University. I
  • 94. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.94 94 can speak both English and French fluently and have a pleasant personality. Although I''m quite fresh from the University. I may assure you that I have the ability of arranging the whole public relations on modernlines. I''m interested in the challenging job that allows me greater potential in the public relations field and your company is well know for its out - standing professionalism in the field. I''m ready to be called for an interview at your convenience and look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn
  • 95. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.95 95 Personal Data Candidate Miss Walaiporn Pluwangkarn Address 19/24 Moo 5 , Phaholyothin 50 Lad-yao , Bangkhen Bangkok 10900 Tel 549-0189 Position Applied for : Public Relations Officer Educational Background : Bachelor Degree in Communication Arts from Bangkok University majoring in Public Relationwithgrade point average 3.50 Experiences - Chairwoman of the English Specking Club - Master of ceremonies of the of the Communication Arts Freshy Night - Trainee as a public relations assistant of the Grammy Entertainment Company Limited from March 14 - May 25, 1993
  • 96. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.96 96 Personal Details Age : 24 Birth Place : San-Phran, Nakornprathom Height : 1.60 m. Weight 48 Kgs. Birth Date : November 15,2515 Nationality : Thai Religion : Buddhism Marital Status : Single Health : Good References : 1. Archan Adchara Panthanwong, Chairperson of Department of Public Relations, Bangkok University Tel. 02-249-0141-4 : 2. Mr.Peawat Phuttnan , President of the Grammy Entertainment Company Limited. Tel. 02-281-3450 2 ) 1. Sender''s address ) 2. Date ) 3. ( Receiver''s address ) 4. ( Salutation )
  • 97. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.97 97 5. Body Of letter ) 1 … ( First Paragraph ) … … …….. … 6. Age 7. Education 8. Experience 9. Special skills 10. References 11. Hobbies Last Paragraph ) …. Asking for interview ) 12. ( Complimentary close ) 13. Signature ) 14. Enclosures ) 2 ) Miss Boonrudee Weerode 400/64 Soi Soonvichai II New Petchburi Road Prayathai Bangkok 10310 25 th November 1993 The General Manager
  • 98. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.98 98 Thai International Product Co,Ltd. 31-33 Yukol II Road , Dhebsirin District Bangkok 10100 Dear sir, I wish to apply for the post of a "Purchase Officer " advertised in "Thai Rut" November 21,1993 Below are some of my particulars for your kind consideration Age : 23 Education : Bachelor''s Degree from Bangkok University majoring in Accounting Special skills : English typing : 70 words per minute Thai typing : 55 words per minute Shorthand : 110 words per minute Hobbies : Swimming and photoqraphy Reference 1. Miss Pavinee Choysunirachorn, Dean School of Accounting Bangkok University. Tel: 02-249-0141-4 ,02-249-5132-6 2. Mr.Akom Smuthkovhorn , Director of Sports and Student activity
  • 99. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.99 99 Office Bangkok University Tel: 02-249 0141-4 , 02-249-5131-6 3. Miss Veena Nauwaluc Director of Education Service and status welfare Bangkok University Tel: 02-249-0141-4 , 02-249-5132-6 I''d appreciate your kind consideration, and I''m ready for the interview all any time when is convenient for you Yours faithfully Miss Boonrudee Weerod Resume Form Writing Resume Photo Mr/Mrs/Miss …… ……… Expected Jobs: …………. Expected Salary: ………. Personnel Information Address: … Phone: …
  • 100. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.100 100 Age: … Nationality: … Religion: … Height: … Weight: … Marital Status: Single, Separated, Divorced, Widowed Military Service: Passed, Not Passed, Exempted( Education Vocational: Grad. in ( From ( GPA. ( High Vocational: ……… Bachelor: … … … Training Job( … Project( … Thesis( … Activities( … Work Experience 2004 – Present: Work for ( as ( , salary…bath/month 2000 – 2004: …
  • 101. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.101 101 1998 – 2000: … … … Skill Computer Skill: … English: Speaking…Reading…Writing…(poor, fair, good, excellent) Other Language( … Driving: Drive(yes/no)…Driving License(yes/no)…Own Vehicle(yes/no) Typing: Thai…w/m English…w/m Additional Infomation ( Seminar( … Important Document( … testimonial), certificate), engineering license),… Creation( … Other( … Curriculum Vitae
  • 102. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.102 102 Name: Rita Srednickaite Date of Birth: 27/02/1983 Nationality: Lithuanian Tel. 66-81-8111111 Email address: PERSONAL PROFILE I am a well-motivated, enthusiastic young woman who would like to complete a Hospitality placement to improve my English and work experience within the industry. EDUCATION 1999 - 2002 Vilnius University – Tourism and Business Degree Subjects included: Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Tourism, Hospitality, Hotel Management and Accounts. 1996 - 1998 Vilnius High School – Vilnius, Lithuania EMPLOYMENT
  • 103. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.103 103 Jun 2003 -Aug 2004 Vilnius Restaurant. – Vilnius Lithuania Waitress & Bartender – Serving and taking orders from Customer’s, cash handling and general cleaning of the Restaurant. May 2002 – Sept 2002 Big Al’s restaurant – Florida USA Waitress & Kitchen Assistant – Serving and taking orders For Customer’s, cash handling, assisting in the preparation and serving of food, washing up and other general kitchen duties. IT SKILLS Windows 95/98/ME Office 2000: Word, PowerPoint, Sphinx, Excel & Access Internet Explorer & Outlook Express INTERESTS In my spare time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, cinema and socializing with my friends.
  • 104. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.104 104 Application for Employment (To be completed in own handwriting) : ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………. Name 1 .…………………….…….…………………… ……………….... /
  • 105. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.105 105 Position Applied for 2 …………………………………………………. Salary Bath / month Personal information …………….. ……..… ............……………....……..... / Present address Moo Road District / ……………………………………. ...…………...........….......... …………………... Amphur Province Post code ………........………...........…...…. ...............……...........…… Tel. Pager Mobile .……………………………………………………………………… ……………………… E-mail Living with parent Own home Hired house Hiredflat / Hostel
  • 106. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.106 106 ................…………................ ……................... Date of birth Age Yrs. Race ……………………………................ ………………….................... Nationality Religion ..............…...................... ...…………….............. Identity card no. Expiration date .................... . ................... . Height cm. Weight kgs. Military status Exempted Served Not yet served Marital status Single Married Widowed Separated Sex Male Female Family Information
  • 107. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.107 107 - .................................................................…….... ........... Father’s name-surname Age Yrs. Occupation - ......................................................................... ........... Mother’s name-surname Age Yrs. Occupation / ….……………………………… ……………….……… ……………….………… Name of wife / Husband Working Place Position …………. Number of children ( ) ............. ............. ............. Number of Members in the family Male Female You’re the child of the family Name Age Occupation
  • 108. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.108 108 Education Educational Level Institution Major Fro m To High school . Vocational . / . Diploma Bachelor degree Post- Graduate Others
  • 109. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.109 109 Working Experience In Chronological - ) Company Time Position Job descriptio n Sal ary Reaso ns of resign ation Fro m To Language Ability Languag e (Speaking) (Writing) (Reading) Go od Fair P oor Goo d Fair Po or Goo d Fair Po or (Thai) (English )
  • 110. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.110 110 (Japan) (Other) Special Ability : ............ / ............ / Typing No Yes Thai Words/Minute English Words/Minute : Computer No Yes (Please Mention) ………………………………………………………… : Driving No Yes Driving License No. ……………………………………… Office Machine ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… : Hobbies Please Mention ……………………………………………………………………………… ………...
  • 111. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.111 111 : Favourite SportPlease Mention ……………………………………………………………………………… ………... : Special knowledge Please Mention ……………………………………………………………………………… …… : Others Please Mention ……………………………………………………………………………… ………... ….............................................. I can work up Country No Yes Others (Please Mention) - ……............................................. Person to be notified in case of emergency Related to the applicnt as
  • 112. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.112 112 .................................................................................................. .................... . Address Tel. .................................................................................................. .......................................... Sources of job information ? Have you ever been seriously or contracted with contagious disease? Yes No .................................................................................................. ............................................ If yes, explain fully / ............................................................................................. Give the name of relatives / friends , working with us known to you Please provide any further information about yourself which will allow our company to know you better
  • 113. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.113 113 .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ...................................... .................................................................................................. .................................................... I certify all statement given in this application form is true if any is found to be untrue after engagement. The Company has right to terminate my employment without any compensation or severance pay what’s ever. Applicants signature
  • 114. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.114 114 Position Department Salary Baht/ month Starting date Allowances …………………………… ……………………… Human resource department Authorized signature ………… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……………………….. Signature of Applicant ………../………./…… ..
  • 115. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.115 115 Resume (Specimen of Application Letter) 52/107 Buaban Villa Sukhaphiban 2 Bangkapi Bangkok 12 March 1990 The Bureau Chief NHK TV, 6 F MOT Building, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10310 Dear Sir, Your advertisement in the Bangkok Post of March 10, 1990, for the position of a translator has attracted my attention because I think that my qualifications will fulfill your requirements.
  • 116. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.116 116 I am a graduate from poona University in India and hold a Master’s degree in Politics and Public Administration. While studying at the University, I had a part-time job as a translator for the royal Thai Consulate in Bombay. From time to time, I also contributed some English articles to the University’s magazine and won several prizes in the essay contests. My English and Thai typing speeds are 50 words and 40 words a minute respectively. Because of my translation and writing experience, I am confident that I will be able to do a good job for you. H.E. Prateep Rewangnam, Consul-General in Bombay, has permitted me to use his name as a referee, Enclosed you will find my detailed Resume, a degree certificate and two recent photographs. I shall be able to call for and interview at your convenience and shall be glad to give you any further information that you may require. If you wish to telephone me, my number is 433-1907 Your faithfully (Mr. BANDIT SAISAARD) 52/107
  • 117. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.117 117 2 12 2540 1. 2. 3. THE BANGKOK POST 10 2540 1. 2.
  • 118. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.118 118 3. 4. ( Application Form = Application Letter =
  • 119. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.119 119 Applicant = To be completed in = Own handwriting Confidential = Photo attached here = Position applied for/ = Position sought/ Position desired Expected Salary = Personal data = Curriculum vitae, Bio-data, Data Sheet, Resume Name-Surname = Maiden Name = Sex = Male Female) Present address = Permanent address = Postal code = Date of birth = Age = Nationality = Race = Domicile =
  • 120. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.120 - 120 Religion = Buddhism, Islam, Catholic) Height = Weight = Colour of eyes = Colour of hair = Complexion = Marital status = Spouse = Single = Married = Widowed = Divorced = Occupation = Dependants = House’s Registration = Identity Card No., I.D.Card No. = Identification Card (I.D.Card) = Relative = Issued by……….. = ………. Issued Date = Valid Date ; Expire Date = Student Housing =
  • 121. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.121 121 Own House = Rent House = Live with Parents = Boarding House = Ordainment = Person to notify in case of = emergency Military status = Exempted = Black Slot = No Military Service = Primary School; Elementary = School Secondary School = High School = Vocational Certificate = Vocational = High Vocational Certificate = Bachelor’s degree = Experience/Previous = employment Reasons for leaving =
  • 122. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.122 - 122 Reference = Applicant signature = Applicant name = Imagination is important than knowledge I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. Bibliography Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings Documentaries Descriptions and Suggestion for Readings 614-203 English for management Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings Documentaries Descriptions and Suggested Readings 000117 Advanced English.
  • 123. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.123 123 Bryant, Margaret (1945). A functional English grammar. D.C. Heath and company. Carter Ronald, McCarthy, Michael (2006). Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide, Cambridge University Press. Cobbett, William (2003, originally 1818). A Grammar of the English Language (Oxford Language Classics), Oxford University Press. Fries Charles, Carpenter. (1952). The structure of English; an introduction to the construction of English sentences. New York: Harcourt, Brace. Greenbaum, Sidney (1996). Oxford English Grammar, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Greenbaum, Sidney (1990). A Student's Grammar of the English Language. Addison Wesley Publishing Company Halliday M. A. K; Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M. (revised by) (2004).An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 3rd. edition. London: Hodder Arnold. Huddleston, Rodney D. (1984) Introduction to the grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Huddleston, Rodney D. (1988) English grammar: An outline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 124. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.124 124 Huddleston, Rodney D.; Pullum, Geoffrey K., eds (2002). The Cambridge grammar of the English language.Cambridge University Press. Huddleston, Rodney D.; Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2005).A student's introduction to English grammar.Cambridge University Press. Jespersen, Otto. (1909–1949). A modern English grammar on historical principles (Vols. 1-7). Heidelberg: C. Winter. Schibsbye, Knud (1970). A Modern English Grammar: Second Edition. London: Oxford University Press. Sledd, James. (1959) A short introduction to English grammar Chicago: Scott, Foresman. Strang, Barbara M. H. (1968) Modern English structure (2nd ed.) London: Arnold. Thomson, A. J. (Audrey Jean); Martinet, A. V. (Agnes V.) (1986). A practical English grammar:Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press.
  • 125. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.125 125
  • 126. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.126 126 Course Syllabus Curriculum Bachelor of Arts Programme In Buddhist Management Section of Subject General Education Code of Subject 614 203, Credit Numbers 3(3-0-6) Subject English for Management Graduate School Class Course Description To study the technique of reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in the name of universal language, and practicing skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, which emphasized on reading, writing, and comprehension sentences forms that have vocabularies, and sentences structures related with document in using for studies. Objectives of Study
  • 127. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.127 127 1. Learning to know and understand the technique of reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in the name of universal language. 2. Learning to know and understand the technique of reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in the name of universal language in order to able phrases building, paragraph and sentences forms in English. 3. Learning to know and understand the technique of reading, writing, interpreting and skill practicing of language in the name of universal language in order to use listening skills, speaking, reading, and writing in English to communication correctly. Objectives of Virtues 1. An appreciate in English learning for communication with foreigners around the world. 2. An appreciate and benefits of English using for propagation of the Buddhism Course Objectives 1. English vocabularies involved management from A-Z 2. English pretest: English for communication 3. English vocabularies for management project 4. Seminar in English
  • 128. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.128 128 5. Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for Details, Reading for Topic 6. News Form for reading and understanding 7. CV & Resume/ Application later Course Outline 1. English vocabularies involved management from A-Z 2. English pretest: English for communication 3. English vocabularies for management project 4. Seminar in English 5. Reading for Topic, Reading for Main Idea, Reading for Details, Reading for Topic 6. News Form for reading and understanding 7. CV & Resume/ Application later Educational Activities 1. Explanations 2. Discussions 3. Personal/Group Research 4. Media Using in Teaching 5. Project Working 6. The Four Skills Practicing Instruction Media
  • 129. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.129 129 1. Document Teaching, Power point, Movies, Books, and so on. Evaluation Qualifies 1. Attention class, cooperation, manners, 10 Marks relationships, honesty and responsibility 2. Skills ability(readiness, skillfully 10 Marks in expression) 3. Intelligence (knowledge, comprehension, 20 Marks documentary applying, report, midterm exam. 4. Final exam 60 Marks Total100 Marks Measure of Evaluation and Mark Levels Excellent A Very Good B + Good B Very Fair C + Fair C Quite Fair D + Poor D Failed F
  • 130. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.130 130 Biography Biography Phramaha Yota Payutto (Chaiworamankul) Date of Birth: February 13, 1987 Place of Birth: Buriram Province, Kra-Sang District, Sung Nurn Subdistrict, 31160 Residence: Wat Raikhing, Raikhing Subdistrict Samphran District, Nakhornpathom Province 73210, Mobile: 082-052-9790, 034-326-912, Fax:034- 326-912, Email address and Facebook Education: Advanced Dhamma Education Pāli Education grade IV Bachelor degree, Major in English Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (International
  • 131. English for Management Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University MCU.Raikhing College Page.131 131 Author