workshop history iupui research civil rights art evolution epistemology environment digital humanities digital history grants teaching cold war imperialism empire colonialism marxism industrialization charles lyell natural selection charles darwin ideology empiricism descartes anthropocene lecture scientific revolution seminar literature religion epic noah gilgamesh flood iu indiana university publishing novel gothic romanticism mary shelley volcano environmental history world history tambora frankenstein commons project management higher education tenure public scholarship american historical association dh public history academia consciousness film glossary techniques treaty pennsylvania william penn lenni lenape shackamaxon new media education museum studies soul sensibility body nerves nervous system darwinism darwin science history of science falsification vienna circle is/ought correlation causation rationalism logical positivism a posteriori a priori karl popper gender independence history of sexuality discrimination jim crow 1956 icbm detente hungary pearl harbor hiroshima and nagasaki international brigades holocaust spanish civil war 2nd sino-japanese war shoah appeasement stalingrad anschluss purges gulag stalin hitler fascism great depression mussolini mein kampf lebensraum palmer raids red scare w.e.b. dubois racism pan-afrcanism architecture culture modernism dada bauhaus weimar germany surrealism international style new economic policy the treaty of versailles war guilt clause reparations spartacus league treaty of brest-litovsk rosa luxembourg junius pamphlet no mans land home front schlieffen plan gavrilo princip over the top world war i feminism suffrage trade unionism emile zola womens rights alfred dreyfus second industrial revolution mass politics dreyfus affair genocide colony scramble for africa herero trail of tears indian boarding schools phases of empire civilizing mission manifest destiny white man's burden karl marx flora tristan industrial revolution class consciousness class william paley clockwork universe teleology thomas malthus providence jean-baptiste lamarck mutation nationalism romantic nationalism imagined communities liberalism olympe de gouges conservatism republic george iii louis xvi us constitution constitutional monarchy london corresponding society declaration of independence iroquois jacobin six nations absolute monarchy declaration of the rights of man and the citizen rights of man the terror tennis court oath contradictions of the enlightenment robert-françois damiens capital punishment separate spheres torture justice diderot kant locke enlightenment western civilization rené copernicus isaac newton deduction induction columbus day columbian exchange columbus cosmology reformation new world gravity rivers metadata semantic web medicine aquinas medieval synthesis flowchart virtual exhibition digital exhibition
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