hiv most-at-risk populations (marps) men who have sex with men (msm) commercial sex workers (csws) gender norms aids people living with hiv (plhiv) antiretroviral therapy (art) concentrated epidemics policy health care workers adherence human rights stigma and discrimination counseling peer outreach and education transgender health care waste management (hcwm) injection safety women mental health people who inject drugs (pwid) gender-based violence (gbv) risk reduction youth india hiv testing alcohol-related hiv risk aidstar-one/nigeria empowerment aidstar-one/uganda pmtct nutrition combination prevention injecting drug use who hiv treatment guidelines orphans and other vulnerable youth national guidelines hiv treatment guidelines violence and coercion sexual and reproductive health condom promotion children pediatric treatment workplace policies and programs public-private partnerships integration gender-based violence livelihoods sex workers gender russian language post-conflict community engagement community mobilization conflict settings positive health advocacy school-based interventions male norms migrant populations aidstar-one/india behavior change transactional sex sexually transmitted infections (stis) child health community healthcare water sanitation & hygiene (wash) infection prevention and control blood safety training mixed epidemics uganda community nigeria rwanda kenya msm russia burma cotrimoxazole tuberculosis georgia alcohol namibia aidstar-one/lac bureau counseling and testing religion faith-based organizations (fbos) implementation child protection strategic frameworks costing family planning (fp) antenatal care universal access infant feeding contraception mentoring early childhood development (ecd) linkages and referrals facility-level interventions mass media aidstar-one/africa bureau partner reduction substance abuse technical assistance male involvement sexual assault monitoring and evaluation (m&e) comprehensive interventions cost-effectiveness serodiscordancy microbicides prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pmtct) maternal health aidstar-one/ethiopia chimpanzees monkeys jane goodall ghana burkina faso most-at-risk populations togo health care waste management health care health waste avert society breastfeeding case study editorial treatment emergency treatments complex emergencies male circumcision transition in care orphan work green income-generating activities malnutrition environmentally friendly permaculture home-based testing hbhtc gates foundation avahan microfinance mozambique dignity polyclinic of hope corridor communities border towns multiple concurrent partnerships risky business zambia fatherhood south africa norms men cso civil society organizations project and program management lgbt human rights and liberties health care provider harm reduction ukraine hiv alliance preventive medicine vietnam pcaf conflict peter c. alderman foundation
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