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Referral System as a Tool for
Health Care Delivery
Dr. Abubakr .Y. Ibrahim
Associate Professor - Community medicine
Community medicine Department
Elrazi University
Referral System &Health Care Delivery
Take place in clinical medicine in Europe during
19th century when lines were started to be
drawn between primordial clinical specialists.
It can not take place without looking at the
context in which health service delivered at its
all levels.
 Ultimately affects how various aspects of the
health system function.
Referral System &Health Care Delivery
 Does not depend on a structured system only,
but on a potential interaction between facilities
of different technical capacity.
High proportion of consumer seen at outpatient
clinics at 2nd facilities could be appropriately
looked after at primary health care centres at
lower overall cost, if referral system is adapted.
Referral System &Health Care Delivery
In order to have efficient referral system the
national health system should be provided for
three tiers of health care; primary, secondary
and tertiary.
The three levels should adopt referral system
as main linkage between them.
Referral System &Health Care Delivery
For the P.H.C.C are the1st point of contact
though it is supposed to be referred from here
to other levels of health care.
 Referral should be a process by which a
health worker transfers the responsibility of care
temporarily or permanently to another health
professional or social worker or to community.
What is Referral System?
It is a two-way system advocated from lowest
level of health care to the highest (Village
health worker to Basic Health Units, to Primary
Health Care, to Comprehensive Health Centre
and to State General Hospital, Specialized /
Teaching Hospitals ), by sending customers to
another health facility through a referral paper
authorizing his visit, with exception of the
emergency cases when patients can attend to
any of the facilities for immediate treatment.
Referral System
Definition :
It is a process, in which the treating physician
at the primary level has inadequate skills by
virtue of his qualification or has a lesser facilities
at his level to mange a clinical condition and
seeks assistance of a better equipped and
specifically trained person with better resources
at the higher level in the hospital.
Reasons for Referral
Reasons either emergency or routine can be :
To seek expert opinion.
To seek additional or different services .
To seek admission and management .
To seek use of diagnostic & therapeutic tools.
For co-management or further management
of the illness e.g. complications in pregnancy.
For continuity of care.
Rationale of Referral System
Most common ,most complicated and life
threatening diseases requires different levels.
Maximize limited resources & avoid duplication
of services.
 Ensures a close relationship between all levels
of the health system.
Helps people receive the best possible care
closest to home.
Assists in making cost-effective use of hospitals
& primary health care services.
Rationale of Referral System
Support primary health centers & outreach
services by experienced staff from the
hospital or district health office.
 Helps to build capacity & enhance access to
better quality care.
 Reduce the high proportion of customers
seen at the outpatient clinics at 2nd facilities
Rationale of Referral System
A good referral system can help to ensure:
customers receive optimal care at the
appropriate level& not unnecessarily costly.
Hospital facilities are used optimally and
customers who most need specialist services
can access them in a timely way.
Primary health services are well utilized and
their reputation is enhanced
Promotes continuity of treatment.
Levels of Referral System
It was developed as a product of widely
heeded concept which classifies health care
need according to illness severity into:
primary, secondary, and tertiary care levels,
which in turn presents the need of referral
system to interlink or interconnect one to
Levels for Referral System
Primary level of care
Developed to urban and rural areas
Referral site for the to Village health worker
& Basic Health Units
Usually is the 1st contact level between
community & other levels of health facility.
Provide management for common &minor
alignments requiring simple uncomplicated
Levels for Referral System
Secondary level of care
Referral site for the primary care facilities
Given by physicians with basic health training.
Usually given in health facilities either private
owned or government operated.
 Rural hospitals, State General Hospital, out-
patient departments are main sites of care.
Rendered by specialists in health facilities.
Provide care for serious conditions that needs
technical interventions & inpatient care which are
not expected to available at P.H.C level
Levels for Referral System
Tertiary level of care
Referral site for the secondary care facilities.
Can be Medical centers, Regional , Provincial
Hospitals and Specialized Hospitals.
Provide care for complicated, uncommon and
serious diseases requiring highly specialized
or high technology interventions
Referral System Design
The most important inputs are resource,
management and technology and most of
its problems related to them.
Design & functioning can be influenced by:
Health systems determinants:
Capabilities of lower levels.
Availability of specialized personnel.
Training capacity.
Organizational arrangements.
Cultural & political issues, and traditions
Referral System Design
Design & functioning can be influenced by:
General determinants:
Population size and density.
Terrain and distances between urban
Pattern and burden of disease.
Demand for and ability to pay for referral
Referral System Design
Framework of the two way system should:
Encourage an environment in which referral
hospital is viewed as a community resource.
Be responsive to local situations, while being
part of over all province-wide referral system
 Be inclusive of private medical sector & NGOs
involved in the provision of community based
health care.
 Include a properly functioning communication
and transport system (telephone, radiophone,
ambulance, email …etc).
Basic health unit
1st level Primary
Health Care
2nd care level
Rural Hospital
Tertiary Care level
Care level
Care level
Components of a Referral System
Can be adjusted relevant to the local situation.
Components can include :
1. Health System.
2. Referral process at the 1st level of care
3. Referral activities
4. Referral process at 2nd or tertiary level
5. Supervision and capacity building
Components of Referral System Flow chart
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
For its best; relationships are formalized and
the procedures agreed upon.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
To be functioning appropriately each facility:
Have clear idea about their role, responsibilities
and limitations.
Have readily available protocols of care for that
level of service.
Have suitable means of communication and
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
To be functioning appropriately each facility:
The communication route can be by :
• The referral forms.
• Additional means ( radio, phone or fax).
Community-based system of organizing
transport can be the alternative where there is
shortage to provide an ambulance for health
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
 Customers bypassing lower level services to
higher level facilities and this be overcome by:
Improvement in resource availability.
Quality of care at the lower levels should be
the 1st priority by strengthening P.H.C services
to make them attractive and credible .
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
In overcrowded hospital:
The [outpatient, queuing systems] :
• Designed to separate & fast-track referred
• Explain to who bypass primary services why
they have to wait longer .
• Penalty fees charged to those who arrive at
higher level facilities without a referral letter.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
In urban areas, having primary & secondary
services in separate (but proximate) locations
enables rigorous enforcement of the referral
only policy at the secondary facilities.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Service providers & quality of care:
Intensive public communication &education is
essential to:
 Inform how, where and when they should
seek health care at different levels.
 Build their confidence that lower level facilities
really can offer acceptable quality care when
they need it.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Performance expectations &involvement of
 The system will function effectively if :
All service providers are expected to :
Adhere to the referral discipline.
Refer appropriately.
 Follow the agreed protocols of care (where
system applied).
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Performance expectations &involvement of
 It is the role of supervising organization &
facility supervisors to monitor referral statistics
& to provide feedback as appropriate.
The national health authorities (e.g. MoH) must
expect the supervisors to regularly take action
to ensure that the referral system progressively
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
1- Health System Issues
Performance expectations &involvement of
To achieve the level of consistent professional
performance :
Appropriate education at medical & nursing
 Involvement of medical & nursing professional
associations in setting standards for the
referral processes.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility )
During visits of H.C, it is important that the
health worker:
 Attends to them promptly.
 Treats with respect, privacy & confidentiality.
 Acknowledge the cultural beliefs.
 Identify their needs.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility )
For proper performance the health workers :
Need to have ready access to used protocols.
 Familiar with, the agreed upon regional or
national protocols for that level of facility.
 assess the consumer, gather relevant
information & provide any necessary care
possible at that facility.
In an emergency situation, maintain all vital
functions to minimize any further damage.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility )
Protocols need to include :
Likely circumstances for referral .
Details of the information and documents that
should be sent with the consumer.
Making decision to refer comes after the
gathering and analyzing relevant information
using protocols as a guide.
Deciding to refer does not mean that the health
worker is inadequate or bad.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
 Adoption of standardized referral form to
ensure equality whenever a referral is initiated
 The referral form:
Be designed to facilitate communication in both
Initiating facility completes the top part or the
outward referral.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
Pts referred out should be accompanied by :
A written record of the clinical findings.
 Any treatment given before referral.
Specific reasons for making the referral.
The referred customer :
 Referral form should accompanied (often
carried by them)
Should given a clear designation of to which
facility is being sent.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
 Carefully filled referral card cab helps to get
timely attention at the receiving facility.
In some situations it will be necessary to
communicate with the receiving facility:
To make appointment or other arrangements
 Let them know of the pending arrival of an
emergency case.
Emergency cases should be accompanied with
a health worker.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
When taking decision to refer give relevant
information to reduce frightening or distressing
such as:
Reasons and importance of the referral.
 Risks associated with not going.
How to get receiving facility, location &transport
Who to see and what is likely to happen.
The process of follow-up on their return.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
Show empathy in understanding implications of
referral for consumer &their family that may be:
Frightened of the unknown.
frightened of becoming more ill or even dying
concerned about meeting costs of transport,
treatment and family accommodation.
Concerned about leaving work that needs to be
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
3- Referral activities
Each facility:
 Should have a referral register to keep track of
all the referrals made & received.
 Should use the information from the register to
monitor referral patterns and trends.
 Use the standardized referral register
throughout the network of service providers
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
 The receiving facility :
If forewarned:
Can anticipate the arrival .
Receive the customer with their referral form.
Use the information sent to begin a thorough
assessment and management .
Use its particular resources to provide high
quality care.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
 The receiving facility :
Maintain documentation according to agreed
As the progresses a plan for rehabilitation or
follow-up programme or support network should
be initiated.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
 The receiving facility :
When care has finished at the higher level
facility, back referral to the original facility is
important after completing the lower part of form .
The back referral:
 Should contain Information on investigations,
findings, diagnosis and treatment given
Follow up expected from the lower level facility.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
 The receiving facility :
The back referral:
 Can be delivered by consumer to the initiating
facility, or sent by fax or post, which is better to
ensure receiving feed back.
 It assures proper patient care and provides
continuing education to initiating facility & their
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
The supervisor :
Should check that back referral is received .
 In its absence, pursue relevant staff at the
higher level to provide proper back referral
Receiving facility can give feedback to the
initiating facility on appropriateness of referral.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
4-Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )
If there are any issues regarding the need for
referral, timing, speed or information sent, then it
is important that the higher level facility provides
specific feedback to the initiating facility to assist
the lower level facility to be more sure of referral
process in the future.
The receiving facility completes its own register
of referrals in and out, from their perspective
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
5- Supervision and capacity building
Facility managers & supervisors at all levels
should monitor all referrals to & from facilities .
Usually between 5% and 10% of customers
seen in a P.H.C will be referred for diagnostic
services or more specialized care.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
5- Supervision and capacity building
Supervisors should discuss referred cases to:
Identify cases which should have been treated
at the facility without referral.
Identify cases which should have been referred
but were handled locally.
Check back referrals received to determine
whether the information is adequate and being
acted upon by the facility.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
5- Supervision and capacity building
Supervisors should discuss referred cases:
Follow up cases that have been referred but no
feedback yet received to assure that the
consumer has arrived at the higher level
Identify issues regarding timing, promptness &
completeness of information sent
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
5- Supervision and capacity building
Results of analysis can be covered at meetings
with hospital &clinic staff or together.
 After issues are discussed, identify what is
needed to be improve that might include :
Clinical training.
 Strengthening of particular parts of the referral
system or its procedures.
Facility managers &supervisors need to ensure
that items discussed are followed-up & acted on.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
5- Supervision and capacity building
In-service education &capacity strengthening
can be reinforced by good supervision.
Long-term treatment of chronic illnesses such
as DM, HPT, &psychiatric managed at suitably
resourced P.H.C.C:
 Assures high quality of care for customers.
 Greater convenience to utilize service provided
Maintain fewer burdens on consumer and
higher levels of health system.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
6- Continuous quality improvement
 It must be open to revision in the light of
practical experience, in order to meet the overall
goals of health system.
Periodically, there may be need to analyze the
functioning of the referral system, beyond
looking at the statistical patterns and trends.
 The methodology used to assess the status of
and constraints to referral vary according to the
standard adopted for an entire region or country.
Perspectives & Issues of Establishing
6- Continuous quality improvement
The methodology can be adapted to varying
circumstances is to examine referral system by
using indicators regarding:
Structure and resource indicators.
Procedures indicators.
Outcome indicators.
It is essential for cohesiveness &integration of
health care delivery .
It is conceived as a technical process that
enhance the transfer of pts. through care
delivery levels according to guidelines &
protocols agreed upon.
The subsequent developments & increase
demands for specialist care, made the system
as an important tool to evaluate, assess &
monitor the adequacy & equity of the health
delivery system as a whole.
It needs to be two-way system, while there can
be horizontal referral at the different levels.
 Cooperation between health professionals is
crucial ,in how to operate a referral system and
to ensure that referral works.
 The cooperation should be backed up by
written protocols and service guidelines.
In order for the system to function properly
there should be a number of supporting
activities at the community, health centre and
hospital levels.
 Monitoring & evaluation is essential to ensure
that the proper functioning of referral system
and this can be done, either through periodic
audits, random review and field visits for
validation or review meetings at the different
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Referral System Guide for Better Healthcare

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Referral System Guide for Better Healthcare

  • 1. Referral System as a Tool for Health Care Delivery Dr. Abubakr .Y. Ibrahim Associate Professor - Community medicine Community medicine Department Elrazi University
  • 2. Referral System &Health Care Delivery Introduction: Take place in clinical medicine in Europe during 19th century when lines were started to be drawn between primordial clinical specialists. It can not take place without looking at the context in which health service delivered at its all levels.  Ultimately affects how various aspects of the health system function.
  • 3. Referral System &Health Care Delivery Introduction:  Does not depend on a structured system only, but on a potential interaction between facilities of different technical capacity. High proportion of consumer seen at outpatient clinics at 2nd facilities could be appropriately looked after at primary health care centres at lower overall cost, if referral system is adapted.
  • 4. Referral System &Health Care Delivery Introduction: In order to have efficient referral system the national health system should be provided for three tiers of health care; primary, secondary and tertiary. The three levels should adopt referral system as main linkage between them.
  • 5. Referral System &Health Care Delivery Introduction: For the P.H.C.C are the1st point of contact though it is supposed to be referred from here to other levels of health care.  Referral should be a process by which a health worker transfers the responsibility of care temporarily or permanently to another health professional or social worker or to community.
  • 6. What is Referral System? It is a two-way system advocated from lowest level of health care to the highest (Village health worker to Basic Health Units, to Primary Health Care, to Comprehensive Health Centre and to State General Hospital, Specialized / Teaching Hospitals ), by sending customers to another health facility through a referral paper authorizing his visit, with exception of the emergency cases when patients can attend to any of the facilities for immediate treatment.
  • 7. Referral System Definition : It is a process, in which the treating physician at the primary level has inadequate skills by virtue of his qualification or has a lesser facilities at his level to mange a clinical condition and seeks assistance of a better equipped and specifically trained person with better resources at the higher level in the hospital.
  • 8. Reasons for Referral Reasons either emergency or routine can be : To seek expert opinion. To seek additional or different services . To seek admission and management . To seek use of diagnostic & therapeutic tools. For co-management or further management of the illness e.g. complications in pregnancy. For continuity of care.
  • 9. Rationale of Referral System Most common ,most complicated and life threatening diseases requires different levels. Maximize limited resources & avoid duplication of services.  Ensures a close relationship between all levels of the health system. Helps people receive the best possible care closest to home. Assists in making cost-effective use of hospitals & primary health care services.
  • 10. Rationale of Referral System Support primary health centers & outreach services by experienced staff from the hospital or district health office.  Helps to build capacity & enhance access to better quality care.  Reduce the high proportion of customers seen at the outpatient clinics at 2nd facilities
  • 11. Rationale of Referral System A good referral system can help to ensure: customers receive optimal care at the appropriate level& not unnecessarily costly. Hospital facilities are used optimally and cost-effectively. customers who most need specialist services can access them in a timely way. Primary health services are well utilized and their reputation is enhanced Promotes continuity of treatment.
  • 12. Levels of Referral System It was developed as a product of widely heeded concept which classifies health care need according to illness severity into: primary, secondary, and tertiary care levels, which in turn presents the need of referral system to interlink or interconnect one to another.
  • 13. Levels for Referral System Primary level of care Developed to urban and rural areas Referral site for the to Village health worker & Basic Health Units Usually is the 1st contact level between community & other levels of health facility. Provide management for common &minor alignments requiring simple uncomplicated interventions
  • 14. Levels for Referral System Secondary level of care Referral site for the primary care facilities Given by physicians with basic health training. Usually given in health facilities either private owned or government operated.  Rural hospitals, State General Hospital, out- patient departments are main sites of care. Rendered by specialists in health facilities. Provide care for serious conditions that needs technical interventions & inpatient care which are not expected to available at P.H.C level
  • 15. Levels for Referral System Tertiary level of care Referral site for the secondary care facilities. Can be Medical centers, Regional , Provincial Hospitals and Specialized Hospitals. Provide care for complicated, uncommon and serious diseases requiring highly specialized or high technology interventions
  • 16. Referral System Design The most important inputs are resource, management and technology and most of its problems related to them. Design & functioning can be influenced by: Health systems determinants: Capabilities of lower levels. Availability of specialized personnel. Training capacity. Organizational arrangements. Cultural & political issues, and traditions
  • 17. Referral System Design Design & functioning can be influenced by: General determinants: Population size and density. Terrain and distances between urban centers. Pattern and burden of disease. Demand for and ability to pay for referral care.
  • 18. Referral System Design Framework of the two way system should: Encourage an environment in which referral hospital is viewed as a community resource. Be responsive to local situations, while being part of over all province-wide referral system  Be inclusive of private medical sector & NGOs involved in the provision of community based health care.  Include a properly functioning communication and transport system (telephone, radiophone, ambulance, email …etc).
  • 19. Basic health unit 1st level Primary Health Care 2nd care level Rural Hospital Tertiary Care level Tertiary Care level Tertiary Care level FLOW CHART OF REFERRAL SYSTEM
  • 20. Components of a Referral System Can be adjusted relevant to the local situation. Components can include : 1. Health System. 2. Referral process at the 1st level of care 3. Referral activities 4. Referral process at 2nd or tertiary level 5. Supervision and capacity building
  • 21. Components of Referral System Flow chart
  • 22. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: For its best; relationships are formalized and the procedures agreed upon.
  • 23. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: To be functioning appropriately each facility: Have clear idea about their role, responsibilities and limitations. Have readily available protocols of care for that level of service. Have suitable means of communication and transport.
  • 24. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: To be functioning appropriately each facility: The communication route can be by : • The referral forms. • Additional means ( radio, phone or fax). Community-based system of organizing transport can be the alternative where there is shortage to provide an ambulance for health centres.
  • 25. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care:  Customers bypassing lower level services to higher level facilities and this be overcome by: Improvement in resource availability. Quality of care at the lower levels should be the 1st priority by strengthening P.H.C services to make them attractive and credible .
  • 26. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: In overcrowded hospital: The [outpatient, queuing systems] : • Designed to separate & fast-track referred customers. • Explain to who bypass primary services why they have to wait longer . • Penalty fees charged to those who arrive at higher level facilities without a referral letter.
  • 27. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: In urban areas, having primary & secondary services in separate (but proximate) locations enables rigorous enforcement of the referral only policy at the secondary facilities.
  • 28. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Service providers & quality of care: Intensive public communication &education is essential to:  Inform how, where and when they should seek health care at different levels.  Build their confidence that lower level facilities really can offer acceptable quality care when they need it.
  • 29. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Performance expectations &involvement of organizations  The system will function effectively if : All service providers are expected to : Adhere to the referral discipline. Refer appropriately.  Follow the agreed protocols of care (where system applied).
  • 30. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Performance expectations &involvement of organizations  It is the role of supervising organization & facility supervisors to monitor referral statistics & to provide feedback as appropriate. The national health authorities (e.g. MoH) must expect the supervisors to regularly take action to ensure that the referral system progressively improves.
  • 31. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 1- Health System Issues Performance expectations &involvement of organizations To achieve the level of consistent professional performance : Appropriate education at medical & nursing schools.  Involvement of medical & nursing professional associations in setting standards for the referral processes.
  • 32. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility ) During visits of H.C, it is important that the health worker:  Attends to them promptly.  Treats with respect, privacy & confidentiality.  Acknowledge the cultural beliefs.  Identify their needs.
  • 33. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility ) For proper performance the health workers : Need to have ready access to used protocols.  Familiar with, the agreed upon regional or national protocols for that level of facility.  assess the consumer, gather relevant information & provide any necessary care possible at that facility. In an emergency situation, maintain all vital functions to minimize any further damage.
  • 34. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 2-Referral process at 1st level (initiating facility ) Protocols need to include : Likely circumstances for referral . Details of the information and documents that should be sent with the consumer. Making decision to refer comes after the gathering and analyzing relevant information using protocols as a guide. Deciding to refer does not mean that the health worker is inadequate or bad.
  • 35. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities  Adoption of standardized referral form to ensure equality whenever a referral is initiated  The referral form: Be designed to facilitate communication in both directions Initiating facility completes the top part or the outward referral.
  • 36. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities Pts referred out should be accompanied by : A written record of the clinical findings.  Any treatment given before referral. Specific reasons for making the referral. The referred customer :  Referral form should accompanied (often carried by them) Should given a clear designation of to which facility is being sent.
  • 37. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities  Carefully filled referral card cab helps to get timely attention at the receiving facility. In some situations it will be necessary to communicate with the receiving facility: To make appointment or other arrangements  Let them know of the pending arrival of an emergency case. Emergency cases should be accompanied with a health worker.
  • 38. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities When taking decision to refer give relevant information to reduce frightening or distressing such as: Reasons and importance of the referral.  Risks associated with not going. How to get receiving facility, location &transport Who to see and what is likely to happen. The process of follow-up on their return.
  • 39. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities Show empathy in understanding implications of referral for consumer &their family that may be: Frightened of the unknown. frightened of becoming more ill or even dying concerned about meeting costs of transport, treatment and family accommodation. Concerned about leaving work that needs to be done.
  • 40. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 3- Referral activities Each facility:  Should have a referral register to keep track of all the referrals made & received.  Should use the information from the register to monitor referral patterns and trends.  Use the standardized referral register throughout the network of service providers
  • 41. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )  The receiving facility : If forewarned: Can anticipate the arrival . Receive the customer with their referral form. Use the information sent to begin a thorough assessment and management . Use its particular resources to provide high quality care.
  • 42. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )  The receiving facility : Maintain documentation according to agreed standards. As the progresses a plan for rehabilitation or follow-up programme or support network should be initiated.
  • 43. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )  The receiving facility : When care has finished at the higher level facility, back referral to the original facility is important after completing the lower part of form . The back referral:  Should contain Information on investigations, findings, diagnosis and treatment given Follow up expected from the lower level facility.
  • 44. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility )  The receiving facility : The back referral:  Can be delivered by consumer to the initiating facility, or sent by fax or post, which is better to ensure receiving feed back.  It assures proper patient care and provides continuing education to initiating facility & their staff.
  • 45. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4- Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility ) The supervisor : Should check that back referral is received .  In its absence, pursue relevant staff at the higher level to provide proper back referral information. Receiving facility can give feedback to the initiating facility on appropriateness of referral.
  • 46. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 4-Referral process at 2nd or 3rd level (receiving facility ) If there are any issues regarding the need for referral, timing, speed or information sent, then it is important that the higher level facility provides specific feedback to the initiating facility to assist the lower level facility to be more sure of referral process in the future. The receiving facility completes its own register of referrals in and out, from their perspective
  • 47. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 5- Supervision and capacity building Facility managers & supervisors at all levels should monitor all referrals to & from facilities . Usually between 5% and 10% of customers seen in a P.H.C will be referred for diagnostic services or more specialized care.
  • 48. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 5- Supervision and capacity building Supervisors should discuss referred cases to: Identify cases which should have been treated at the facility without referral. Identify cases which should have been referred but were handled locally. Check back referrals received to determine whether the information is adequate and being acted upon by the facility.
  • 49. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 5- Supervision and capacity building Supervisors should discuss referred cases: Follow up cases that have been referred but no feedback yet received to assure that the consumer has arrived at the higher level Identify issues regarding timing, promptness & completeness of information sent
  • 50. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 5- Supervision and capacity building Results of analysis can be covered at meetings with hospital &clinic staff or together.  After issues are discussed, identify what is needed to be improve that might include : Clinical training.  Strengthening of particular parts of the referral system or its procedures. Facility managers &supervisors need to ensure that items discussed are followed-up & acted on.
  • 51. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 5- Supervision and capacity building In-service education &capacity strengthening can be reinforced by good supervision. Long-term treatment of chronic illnesses such as DM, HPT, &psychiatric managed at suitably resourced P.H.C.C:  Assures high quality of care for customers.  Greater convenience to utilize service provided Maintain fewer burdens on consumer and higher levels of health system.
  • 52. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 6- Continuous quality improvement  It must be open to revision in the light of practical experience, in order to meet the overall goals of health system. Periodically, there may be need to analyze the functioning of the referral system, beyond looking at the statistical patterns and trends.  The methodology used to assess the status of and constraints to referral vary according to the standard adopted for an entire region or country.
  • 53. Perspectives & Issues of Establishing 6- Continuous quality improvement The methodology can be adapted to varying circumstances is to examine referral system by using indicators regarding: Structure and resource indicators. Procedures indicators. Outcome indicators.
  • 54. Conclusion It is essential for cohesiveness &integration of health care delivery . It is conceived as a technical process that enhance the transfer of pts. through care delivery levels according to guidelines & protocols agreed upon. The subsequent developments & increase demands for specialist care, made the system as an important tool to evaluate, assess & monitor the adequacy & equity of the health delivery system as a whole.
  • 55. Conclusion It needs to be two-way system, while there can be horizontal referral at the different levels.  Cooperation between health professionals is crucial ,in how to operate a referral system and to ensure that referral works.  The cooperation should be backed up by written protocols and service guidelines.
  • 56. Conclusion In order for the system to function properly there should be a number of supporting activities at the community, health centre and hospital levels.  Monitoring & evaluation is essential to ensure that the proper functioning of referral system and this can be done, either through periodic audits, random review and field visits for validation or review meetings at the different levels.
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