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Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Rya: Accumulo Indexing
Strategies for Searching
Semantic Networks
Dr. Caleb Meier, Puja Valiyil, David Lotts, Aaron Mihalik,
Dr. Adina Crainiceanu
Presenter’s NameDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for
public release; distribution is unlimited.
ONR Case Number 43-2117-16 EXIM APPROVED Parsons #459 8 OCT 16
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• The work presented herein was funded by the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) and the National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency (NGA) under contract # N00014-12-C-
• This presentation was sponsored by Parsons
• This work is the collective effort of:
 Parsons’ Rya Team: Puja Valiyil, Aaron Mihalik, Caleb
Meier, David Lotts, Jennifer Brown
 Rya Founders: Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu,
and David Rapp
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 2
• Rya Background
• Materialized Views in Rya
• Entity-Centric Index
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 3
• Materialized Views in Rya
• Entity-Centric Index
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Apache Rya (incubating): Resource Description
Framework (RDF) Triplestore built on top of
Accumulo or MongoDB
• RDF: W3C standard for representing
linked/graph data
 Represents data as statements (assertions) about
 Serialized as triples in {subject, predicate, object} form
 Example:
 {Caleb, worksAt, Parsons}
 {Caleb, livesIn, Virginia}
Rya and RDF
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 5
SELECT ?people WHERE {
?people <worksAt> <Parsons>.
?people <livesIn> <Virginia>.
• RDF Queries are described using SPARQL
 SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
• SQL-like syntax for finding triples matching
specific patterns
 Look for subgraphs that match triple statement patterns
 Joins are performed when there are variables common to two or
more statement patterns
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• RDF4J* Interface for interacting with RDF data
stored on Accumulo
 RDF4J Open Source Java
framework for storing and
querying RDF data
 RDF4J provides several
central for interacting with
an RDF datastore
 SAIL interface for
interacting with underlying persisted RDF model
 SAIL: Storage And Inference Layer
Rya Architecture
Data storage layer
Query processing in SAIL layer
Rya and RDF4J
Rya QueryPlanner
*The project was previously named “Open RDF”, then “Sesame”.
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• 3 Tables
 SPO : subject, predicate, object
 POS : predicate, object, subject
 OSP : object, subject, predicate
• Store triples in the Row ID of the table
• Store graph name (context) in the Column Family
• Advantages:
 Native lexicographical sorting of row keys  fast range queries
 All patterns can be translated into a scan of one of these tables
Storage: Triple Table Index
Accumulo Composite Index and Table Design
Key for SPO Table
Row ID
Column Timestam
pFamily Qualifier Visibility
subject, predicate, object,
graph name (not used) visibility timestamp
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Subject, Predicate,
Bob, livesIn, California
Greta, livesIn, Virginia
John, livesIn, Virginia
Anatomy of a RYA SPARQL Query
Query Planning
Step 2: For each ?x, SPO
Table lookup
Subject, Predicate, Object
Greta, commuteMethod,
John, commuteMethod, Bus
Step 3: For each ?x, SPO
Table lookup
Step 1: POS Table – scan
range for worksAt
?x worksAt ?y ?x livesIn Virginia
?x commuteMethod bike
?x <worksAt> ?y.
?x <livesIn> Virginia.
?x <commuteMethod> bike.
Predicate, Object,
studiesAt, Joe,
talksTo, Joe, Bob
worksAt, Netflix, Bob
worksAt, Parsons, Greta
worksAt, PlayStation,
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Out of the box, Rya SPARQL query evaluation requires
joining Accumulo scan results client side
• Joins are performed using a hybrid of nested loop and
hash joins
 Range prefixes for scans are determined by results of previous
 Sorted nested loop
 Results of scan are joined with any values not used to form range
 Hash joins
• BatchScanner boosts performance
 Evaluates results in batches
 Client side join evaluation is still a bottle neck
 Especially for queries with:
 Large intermediate join results
 Large number of joins
Costly Joins of Accumulo Scans
Query Evaluation
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Materialized Views in Rya: Index Frequently Issued Queries or Frequent
1. Pre-compute a portion of the query
2. Store SPARQL describing the query along with pre-computed values in
3. Normalize query variables to match stored SPARQL variables during query
• Entity-Centric Index: Add new indices to eliminate need for hash joins
1. Apply Document Partitioned Indexing to graph data
 Design tables so that all properties for each entity appear on single tablet
2. Find entities with intersecting properties
 Use a variation of an Intersecting Iterator
 Perform merge joins on the server
• Additional indexing strategies could eliminate the need for client side
 Clear trade off between query performance and memory footprint
 Mitigate “data plume”
Indexing Strategies for Dealing With Costly Joins
Query Evaluation
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 11
• Rya Background
Views in Rya
• Entity-Centric Index
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Determine which query results to cache given that
capacity is limited
• Caching Strategies
 Preference: manually submit queries to cache
 Recent use
 Complexity: number of joins, estimates of intermediate results
 Relevance
 Relevance to data (frequent subgraphs)
 Relevance to users (query logs)
• A comprehensive strategy should use all of the
criteria above
• Terms: Materialized Views and Precomputed Joins
 A Materialized View is a cache of query results
 Precomputed Joins in Rya are Materialized Views for SPARQL
queries consisting of joins and filters
Determining which Queries to Cache
Materialized Views in Rya
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• During query planning, statement patterns in a query are grouped
according to common variables and common constants
• Groups can be precomputed and cached, trading faster response times
for increased storage
Query Planning: Anatomy of a Rya SPARQL Query using a Precomputed Join
Materialized Views in Rya
?x :livesIn :Arlington
?y :talksTo ?x
?y :livesIn :DC.
?x :commutesBy :Bike
Pre-Computed Join Index
Select ?a, ?b where {
?a :livesIn :DC . ?a :talksTo
?b .}
?a=Joe, ?b=Caleb
?a=Mike, ?b=Dave
?a=Rob, ?b=Aaron
Join Index
select ?x ?y where { ?y :livesIn :DC. ?y :talksTo ?x.
?x :livesIn :Arlington. ?x :commutesBy :Bike.}
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Batch Update
 Re-compute precomputed join tables periodically using MapReduce
 Benefit:
 Minimizes data plume
 Drawback:
 Large possibility of stale data
 Query plans that use precomputed joins may contain inaccurate results
• Incrementally update tables as triples are ingested
 Use some sort of observer framework to update intermediate results as
new triples are ingested
 Benefit:
 No staleness in query results
 Query plans that use precomputed joins are more accurate
 Significantly less latency for updates
 Drawbacks:
 Data plume
 Intermediate query results have to be stored to incrementally update
 Observer framework increases the complexity of the system
Batch Updates
Strategies for Maintaining Materialized Views
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 15
Incremental Transactions Using Apache Fluo (incubating)
Fluo Background
• Address maintenance problem by incrementally
updating cached results using Fluo
 Fluo was created for Accumulo based on the Percolator paper1
by Google Inc.
 Fluo provides additional features that Accumulo does not:
 Multi-row transactions prevent write-write conflicts
 Observer framework (next slide)
• Use cases
 Maintain large scale computation using series of small
transaction updates
 Join existing large data cache with new data
 Formerly done by periodic batch processing jobs recreating the data
1. Daniel Peng, Frank Dabek. USENIX. 2010. Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 16
Creating an Application using the Observer Framework
Fluo Background
• Overview of the Fluo Observer Framework
 Observers monitor a given Fluo table column
 When the observed column is updated, a notification is
triggered which tells the observer to perform a
 The transaction is specified by the implementation of
the observer’s process method
 Takes in a transaction object, row and column
 Uses the data to perform an action such as writing to
another column in the table
• Perform complex incremental updates by
Chaining Observers
 Decompose problem into a collection of interacting observers
 Observers can write notifications that trigger other observers
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 17
Join Observer:
Output: {?patron, ?employee,
Statement Pattern
?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee
Output: {?patron, ?employee}
Statement Pattern Observer:
?employee <http://worksAt> ?business
Output: {?employee, ?business}
People who talk to employees and
where that employee works.
Pairs of people who talk to each
Where people
SELECT ?patron ?employee ?business
?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee.
?employee <http://worksAt> ?business
Formulating a SPARQL Query as a Chain of Observers
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 18
Join Observer:
Output: {?patron, ?employee,
Statement Pattern
?patron <http://talksTo>
Output: {?patron, ?employee}
Statement Pattern Observer:
?employee <http://worksAt> ?business
Output: {?employee, ?business}
{patron=Alice, employee=Bob,
{Alice, talksTo, Bob},
{Charlie, talksTo, David},
{Bob, worksAt,
{Eve, worksAt,
{Alice, talksTo, Bob},
{Charlie, talksTo, David},
{Bob, worksAt,
{Eve, worksAt,
Incrementally Creating Results Using Query Observers (1 of 2)
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 19
Join Observer:
Output: {?patron, ?employee,
Statement Pattern
?patron <http://talksTo>
Output: {?patron, ?employee}
Statement Pattern Observer:
?employee <http://worksAt> ?business
Output: {?employee, ?business}
{patron=Alice, employee=Bob,
{patron=Charlie, employee=David,
{David, worksAt,
{David, worksAt,
Incrementally Creating Results Using Query Observers (2 of 2)
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Adding or deleting
statements to the
repository requires
updating the
precomputed join
index table
This requires
updates to
intermediate results
within the Fluo
Overview of Rya Fluo Application
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
Rya Precomputed Join (PCJ) App
Rya Client
Insert Triples
PCJ Index Table
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 21
System Overview
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
Rya Core Tables
Rya PCJ Table
Fluo App Table
Inserts Statements
Inserts Historic
SP Matches
Rya PCJ Table
Rya PCJ Table
Rya PCJ Table
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Core Rya
Fluo App
Registering a New Query
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
1. Register Query
2. Scan for historic
Statement Pattern matches
4. Compute Results
5. Export Results to PCJ Index
3. Insert Statement
Pattern matches
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Core Rya
Fluo App
Streaming While Registering Query
Maintaining Precomputed Joins
2. Scan for historic
Statement Pattern matches
3. Insert Statement Pattern
4. Compute Results
1. Register Query
A. Write new Statement
B. Write new Statement
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• The results on this slide and the next were obtained using proprietary queries and data
 Q1 is the most complex and consists of 14 joins, 6 of which are left joins
 Q2 obtained from Q1 by removing two left joins and two joins
 Q3-Q5 decrease in complexity as well and are obtained using a similar process
 Q5 is similar to Q1, with all left joins replaced by joins
• 4192 results were obtained by querying a Rya Instance with 500,000 triples installed
on Parsons’ internal cluster
 8 worker nodes, each with 2 x 6 Core Xeon E5-2440 (2.4GHz) Processors and 48 GB RAM
• Table below presents results with average query time over 10 iterations with standard
Benchmark results for Rya with No Precomputed Joins and No Optimizations
Materialized Views in Rya
Q Rya with one exact PCJ (s) Rya with no PCJ (s)
Q1 1.284 ± 0.047 516.774 ± 6.265
Q2 0.851 ± 0.042 345.606 ± 5.991
Q3 0.598 ± 0.026 180.663 ± 3.354
Q4 0.368 ± 0.026 63.588 ± 1.527
Q5 1.334 ± 0.074 97.101 ± 1.765
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 25
• Rya Background
• Materialized Views in Rya
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 26
Facebook’s Unicorn Paper: Motivating Example
Entity-Centric Index
The problem is reduced to finding the intersection of lists:
How do I find all documents containing “dog” and “bark”?
1. View docs and terms as a graph, with edges drawn from docs to the
terms they contain
2. Efficiently represent graph as a collection of adjacency lists
bark doc4 doc5dog doc6
doc3 doc8
doc1 doc2 doc3
doc4 doc5 doc6
doc4 doc5 doc6
doc7 doc8
Adjacency lists of dog and bark
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
What if the adjacency lists are really large? The terms
“dog” and “barks” could appear in lots of documents!
• Distribute the problem by partitioning adjacency lists of
documents across servers
 Involves some type of sharding
• Each server finds intersections of smaller lists:
Facebook’s Unicorn Paper: Distributing the Problem
Entity-Centric Index
1 2 3
4 5 6
4 5 …
7 8 …
Server 1
ShardID = 0
Server 2
ShardID = 1
ShardID = (doc num)%3
Server 3
ShardID = 2
3 6 ...
6 ...
1 4 ...
4 7 ...
2 5 ...
5 8 ...
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 28
Unicorn Applied to Accumulo
Entity-Centric Index
Accumulo Key
Row: doc shard Column
CF: term CQ: document id
• Unicorn Framework outlines the basis for a distributed
document partitioned index
• Accumulo has a framework1 in place for creating this index
 Uses IndexedDocIterator which is an extension of an
• Uses the following key design:
1. Accumulo: Application Development, Table Design, and Best Practices, Cordova A., Rinaldi B.,
Wall M., O’Reilly 2015
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 29
RowID ColF ColQ
0 bark 6
0 dog 3
0 dog 6
RowID ColF ColQ
1 bark 1
1 bark 4
1 dog 4
1 dog 7
RowID ColF ColQ
2 bark 2
2 bark 5
2 dog 5
2 dog 8
Server 1
Server 2 Server 3
Documents that
contain dog and bark
R:6 R:4
Elements in adjacency lists of “bark” and
“dog” stored in Accumulo in a Document
Partitioned Index
• RowID = shardID (doc num % 3)
• Column Family = term (bark or dog)
• Column Qualifier = adjacency
element (document number)
Using this index, can evaluate “entity-
centric queries” entirely on server
• On each server,
• iter1 scans “bark”
• iter2 scans “dog”
• Iterators intersect when colQ1 =
colQ2, then return result
Unicorn Implemented in Accumulo using Intersecting Iterators
Entity-Centric Index
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 30
Unicorn Applied to RDF
Entity-Centric Index
• Adjacency Lists capture the edge label as well as the
pers1 pers2 pers3
dog SUV
pers1 pers2 pers4
pers2 pers4
Adjacency lists of SUV and USGovt and do
• This SPARQL query asks for all people who own a dog,
drive a SUV, and work for the U.S. Government:
SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person <hasPet> <dog> .
?person <drives> <SUV> .
<USGovt> <employs> ?person . }
pers2 pers3 pers4
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• For each triple (subj, pred, obj, graph-name), insert the following two
Accumulo keys in the same Entity-Centric Index table:
Key Design in Accumulo
Entity-Centric Index
Row: uri:John, CF: uri:worksAt, CQ: parsonsEmployeesx00objectx00uri:Parsons
Row: uri:Parsons, CF: uri:worksAt, CQ: parsonsEmployeesx00subjectx00uri:John
Accumulo Key
Accumulo Key
Row:<object> Column
• The triple (uri:John, uri:worksAt, uri:Parsons, graph context:
parsonEmployees) is added as the following two rows:
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 32
Query Evaluation: Merge Joins and the Reduction of Network Traffic
Entity-Centric Index
SELECT ?person WHERE {
?person <hasPet> <dog>.
?person <drives> <SUV>.
<USGovt> <employs> ?person.}
R:pers2 R:pers4
Using this index, can evaluate “entity-centric queries” entirely on server
• iter1 scans col: employs colQ: subject USGovt,
• iter2 scans col: drives colQ: object SUV,
• iter3 scans col: hasPet colQ: object dog
• Iterators intersect when rowID 1 = rowID 2 = rowID 3
ColF ColQ
dog hasPet S ….
pers1 hasPet O dog
pers2 employ
S USGovt
pers2 drives O bicycle
pers2 drives O SUV
pers2 hasPet O dog
ColF ColQ
pers3 drives 0 SUV
pers4 employ
S USGovt
pers4 drives O SUV
pers4 hasPet O dog
pers5 drives O SUV
SUV drives S ….
O pers2
O pers4
Server 1
Server 2
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 33
Which Queries Can We Evaluate?
Entity-Centric Index
• Generalize Document Partitioned Index to accommodate a broad
range of SPARQL queries
• Solve as many Entity-Centric queries server side as possible
 Entity-Centric means all statement patterns share a common variable or constant
select ?x ?y ?z
A aa ?x
A bb ?y
A cc ?z
select ?x
?x aa C
?x bb B
?x cc D
select ?x ?y ?z
B aa ?x
?x bb ?y
?x cc ?z
Entity with Properties
?x ?y
Properties for an Entity
B ?y
“Friends of Friends”
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• During query planning, group statement patterns according to
common variables and common constants
• Groups which have the highest “priority” are consolidated into an
Entity-Centric Index node
Query Planning: Anatomy of a Rya SPARQL Query using the Entity-Centric Index
Entity-Centric Index
?x livesIn Arlington
?y talksTo ?x
?y livesIn D.C.
?x commutesBy Bike
Entity-Centric Index
Joe, livesIn, D.C.
Joe, talksTo, Rob
Rob, commutesBy, Bike
Rob, livesIn, Arlington
Entity-Centric Index Node
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 35
Entity Centric Benchmarking Results
Entity-Centric Index
• Results were obtained by running 13 queries (see Appendix) against the Lehigh
University Benchmark (LUBM) data set consisting of 33.34 million triples
• The Entity Centric Index table was split into 19 tablets distributed across 8
 All predicates found in LUBM data were set as locality groups for the Entity Centric Index table
• Queries were issued using a BatchScanner with 15 threads
Query Entity Total Time (s) Rya Total Time (s) Results Ret.
LUBMStar Q1 23.6 624.702 1024789
LUBMStar Q2 0.3724 0.732 7
LUBMStar Q3 0.545 1.221 499
LUBMStar Q4 4.37 379.239 180002
LUBMStar Q5 1.475 6.072 40665
LUBMStar Q6 0.222 6.613 5003
LUBMStar Q7 11 0.3258 3
LUBMStar Q8 7.2 0.267 1
LUBMStar Q9 12.763 0.748 8
LUBMStar Q10 34.934 1929.984 1,259,374
LUBMStar Q11 0.0412 0.284 3
LUBMStar Q12 0.0358 0.311 2
LUBMStar Q13 0.0291 0.137 30
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Next Steps:
 Implement strategies to determine PCJs dynamically
 Calculate frequent subgraphs
 Develop query logging framework
 Perform semantic analysis of queries to determine common
components to cache
 Streamline query planning with respect to PCJs
 Query planning time increases as number of PCJs increases
 Explore strategies for pruning PCJ query plan search space
to quickly determine efficient PCJ combinations for query
 Index PCJs using underlying query components so that PCJs
can be efficiently discovered using the matching subquery
Next Steps for Precomputed Joins
Future Research
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
• Next Steps for Entity Centric Index
 Explore ways to improve join performance of Entity Centric Query
 Add capability to explicitly define Entity Types for Index
 Entities implicitly defined as nodes containing specified combination of
 Explicitly register entities with index and allow users to query by type
 Specify entities using OWL (Web Ontology Language) class and
property combinations
 Leverage additional structure using more targeted queries involving
identifying features for the give entity type
• Future Research in Server Side Join Evaluation
 Utilize Spark GraphX or Spark DataFrames to create a distributed
query evaluation framework for Rya
 Joins performed on Rya Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) in
remote SparkContext on Server
Next Steps for Entity Centric Index and Server Side Join Evaluation
Future Research
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 38
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 39
• Useful Links
• Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Useful Links
 Standard --
 Tutorial --
 Primer --
 Paper -- Michael Curtiss, et al., Unicorn: A System for Searching the Social Graph, Facebook
Apache Rya (Incubating)
 Home -- Home page for Apache Rya (Incubating)
 Rya Office Hours -- Biweekly phone conference. Updates, issues, upcoming features.
Up-coming announcements with dial-in numbers are sent on the dev mailing list
 Mailing List -- is for usage questions, help, and
people who want to contribute code to Rya. subscribe, unsubscribe, archives
 Javadoc OpenRDF=Sesame=RDF4J --
 Tutorial for RDF4J --
 Paper -- Punnoose R., Crainiceanu A., Rapp D. 2012. Rya: a scalable RDF triple
store for the clouds. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud
 Paper -- Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu, David Rapp. SPARQL in the Clouds
Using Rya. Information Systems Journal (2013). 40
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (1 of 5)
The Entity Centric index was tested by issuing the following queries against the LUBM data set.
LUBM Star Q1 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2
?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y4
?Y1 ub:advisor ?X
?X ub:emailAddress ?Y3
LUBM Star Q2 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom <>
?X ub:headOf ?Y1
LUBM Star Q3 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom <>
?X ub:teacherOf ?Y1
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
LUBM Star Q4 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2
?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y4
?Y1 ub:advisor ?X
?X ub:emailAddress ?Y3
LUBM Star Q5 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
?X ub:headOf ?Y2
?Y1 ub:advisor ?X
LUBM Star Q6 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
?X ub:headOf ?Y1
?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2
Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (2 of 5)
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
LUBM Star Q7 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
<> ub:takesCourse ?Y1
?Y2 ub:teacherOf ?Y1
LUBM Star Q8 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
<> ub:memberOf ?X
?X ub:subOrganizationOf ?Y
LUBM Star Q9 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
?X ub:takesCourse <>
?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1
?X ub:emailAddress ?Y2
?X ub:memberOf ?Y3
Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (3 of 5)
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
LUBM Star Q10 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
?X ub:takesCourse ?Y4
?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1
?X ub:emailAddress ?Y2
?X ub:memberOf ?Y3
LUBM Star Q11 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
<> ub:takesCourse ?Y4
<> ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1
<> ub:emailAddress ?Y2
<> ub:memberOf ?Y3
LUBM Star Q12 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4
<> ub:takesCourse ?Y4
<> ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1
<> ub:emailAddress ?Y2
<> ub:memberOf ?Y3
Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (4 of 5)
Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks
LUBM Star Q13 = PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ub:<>
?Y1 ub:takesCourse <>
?Y2 ub:teacherOf <>
Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (5 of 5)

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Accumulo Summit 2016: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks

  • 1. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Dr. Caleb Meier, Puja Valiyil, David Lotts, Aaron Mihalik, Dr. Adina Crainiceanu 00.00.00 Presenter’s NameDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. ONR Case Number 43-2117-16 EXIM APPROVED Parsons #459 8 OCT 16
  • 2. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Acknowledgements • The work presented herein was funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency (NGA) under contract # N00014-12-C- 0365 • This presentation was sponsored by Parsons • This work is the collective effort of:  Parsons’ Rya Team: Puja Valiyil, Aaron Mihalik, Caleb Meier, David Lotts, Jennifer Brown  Rya Founders: Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu, and David Rapp 1
  • 3. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 2 Agenda • Rya Background • Materialized Views in Rya • Entity-Centric Index
  • 4. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 3 Agenda •Rya Background • Materialized Views in Rya • Entity-Centric Index
  • 5. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Apache Rya (incubating): Resource Description Framework (RDF) Triplestore built on top of Accumulo or MongoDB • RDF: W3C standard for representing linked/graph data  Represents data as statements (assertions) about resources  Serialized as triples in {subject, predicate, object} form  Example:  {Caleb, worksAt, Parsons}  {Caleb, livesIn, Virginia} 4 Rya and RDF Background Caleb Parsons Virginia worksAt livesIn
  • 6. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 5 SPARQL Background SELECT ?people WHERE { ?people <worksAt> <Parsons>. ?people <livesIn> <Virginia>. } • RDF Queries are described using SPARQL  SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language • SQL-like syntax for finding triples matching specific patterns  Look for subgraphs that match triple statement patterns  Joins are performed when there are variables common to two or more statement patterns
  • 7. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • RDF4J* Interface for interacting with RDF data stored on Accumulo  RDF4J Open Source Java framework for storing and querying RDF data  RDF4J provides several interfaces/abstractions central for interacting with an RDF datastore  SAIL interface for interacting with underlying persisted RDF model  SAIL: Storage And Inference Layer 6 Rya Architecture Background Data storage layer Query processing in SAIL layer SPARQL Rya and RDF4J Rya QueryPlanner Accumulo *The project was previously named “Open RDF”, then “Sesame”.
  • 8. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • 3 Tables  SPO : subject, predicate, object  POS : predicate, object, subject  OSP : object, subject, predicate • Store triples in the Row ID of the table • Store graph name (context) in the Column Family • Advantages:  Native lexicographical sorting of row keys  fast range queries  All patterns can be translated into a scan of one of these tables 7 Storage: Triple Table Index Accumulo Composite Index and Table Design Key for SPO Table Row ID Column Timestam pFamily Qualifier Visibility subject, predicate, object, type graph name (not used) visibility timestamp
  • 9. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Subject, Predicate, Object … Bob, livesIn, California … Greta, livesIn, Virginia … John, livesIn, Virginia … Anatomy of a RYA SPARQL Query Query Planning Step 2: For each ?x, SPO Table lookup Subject, Predicate, Object … Greta, commuteMethod, bike … John, commuteMethod, Bus … Step 3: For each ?x, SPO Table lookup Step 1: POS Table – scan range for worksAt ?x worksAt ?y ?x livesIn Virginia ?x commuteMethod bike SELECT ?x, ?y WHERE { ?x <worksAt> ?y. ?x <livesIn> Virginia. ?x <commuteMethod> bike. } Predicate, Object, Subject … studiesAt, Joe, Georgetown talksTo, Joe, Bob worksAt, Netflix, Bob worksAt, Parsons, Greta worksAt, PlayStation, John
  • 10. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Out of the box, Rya SPARQL query evaluation requires joining Accumulo scan results client side • Joins are performed using a hybrid of nested loop and hash joins  Range prefixes for scans are determined by results of previous scan  Sorted nested loop  Results of scan are joined with any values not used to form range prefix  Hash joins • BatchScanner boosts performance  Evaluates results in batches  Client side join evaluation is still a bottle neck  Especially for queries with:  Large intermediate join results  Large number of joins 9 Costly Joins of Accumulo Scans Query Evaluation
  • 11. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Materialized Views in Rya: Index Frequently Issued Queries or Frequent Subgraphs 1. Pre-compute a portion of the query 2. Store SPARQL describing the query along with pre-computed values in Accumulo 3. Normalize query variables to match stored SPARQL variables during query execution • Entity-Centric Index: Add new indices to eliminate need for hash joins 1. Apply Document Partitioned Indexing to graph data  Design tables so that all properties for each entity appear on single tablet 2. Find entities with intersecting properties  Use a variation of an Intersecting Iterator  Perform merge joins on the server • Additional indexing strategies could eliminate the need for client side joins  Clear trade off between query performance and memory footprint  Mitigate “data plume” 10 Indexing Strategies for Dealing With Costly Joins Query Evaluation
  • 12. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 11 Agenda • Rya Background •Materialized Views in Rya • Entity-Centric Index
  • 13. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Determine which query results to cache given that capacity is limited • Caching Strategies  Preference: manually submit queries to cache  Recent use  Complexity: number of joins, estimates of intermediate results  Relevance  Relevance to data (frequent subgraphs)  Relevance to users (query logs) • A comprehensive strategy should use all of the criteria above • Terms: Materialized Views and Precomputed Joins  A Materialized View is a cache of query results  Precomputed Joins in Rya are Materialized Views for SPARQL queries consisting of joins and filters 12 Determining which Queries to Cache Materialized Views in Rya
  • 14. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • During query planning, statement patterns in a query are grouped according to common variables and common constants • Groups can be precomputed and cached, trading faster response times for increased storage 13 Query Planning: Anatomy of a Rya SPARQL Query using a Precomputed Join Materialized Views in Rya ?x :livesIn :Arlington ?y :talksTo ?x ?y :livesIn :DC. ?x :commutesBy :Bike Pre-Computed Join Index table Select ?a, ?b where { ?a :livesIn :DC . ?a :talksTo ?b .} ?a=Joe, ?b=Caleb ?a=Mike, ?b=Dave … ?a=Rob, ?b=Aaron Pre- Computed Join Index Node Join Join Join select ?x ?y where { ?y :livesIn :DC. ?y :talksTo ?x. ?x :livesIn :Arlington. ?x :commutesBy :Bike.}
  • 15. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Batch Update  Re-compute precomputed join tables periodically using MapReduce  Benefit:  Minimizes data plume  Drawback:  Large possibility of stale data  Query plans that use precomputed joins may contain inaccurate results • Incrementally update tables as triples are ingested  Use some sort of observer framework to update intermediate results as new triples are ingested  Benefit:  No staleness in query results  Query plans that use precomputed joins are more accurate  Significantly less latency for updates  Drawbacks:  Data plume  Intermediate query results have to be stored to incrementally update results  Observer framework increases the complexity of the system 14 Batch Updates Strategies for Maintaining Materialized Views
  • 16. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 15 Incremental Transactions Using Apache Fluo (incubating) Fluo Background • Address maintenance problem by incrementally updating cached results using Fluo  Fluo was created for Accumulo based on the Percolator paper1 by Google Inc.  Fluo provides additional features that Accumulo does not:  Multi-row transactions prevent write-write conflicts  Observer framework (next slide) • Use cases  Maintain large scale computation using series of small transaction updates  Join existing large data cache with new data  Formerly done by periodic batch processing jobs recreating the data cache 1. Daniel Peng, Frank Dabek. USENIX. 2010. Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications.
  • 17. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 16 Creating an Application using the Observer Framework Fluo Background • Overview of the Fluo Observer Framework  Observers monitor a given Fluo table column  When the observed column is updated, a notification is triggered which tells the observer to perform a transaction  The transaction is specified by the implementation of the observer’s process method  Takes in a transaction object, row and column  Uses the data to perform an action such as writing to another column in the table • Perform complex incremental updates by Chaining Observers  Decompose problem into a collection of interacting observers  Observers can write notifications that trigger other observers
  • 18. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 17 Join Observer: Output: {?patron, ?employee, ?business} Statement Pattern Observer: ?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee Output: {?patron, ?employee} Statement Pattern Observer: ?employee <http://worksAt> ?business Output: {?employee, ?business} People who talk to employees and where that employee works. Pairs of people who talk to each other Where people work Streamed Statements Streamed Statements SPARQL Query SELECT ?patron ?employee ?business WHERE { ?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee. ?employee <http://worksAt> ?business } Formulating a SPARQL Query as a Chain of Observers Maintaining Precomputed Joins
  • 19. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 18 Join Observer: Output: {?patron, ?employee, ?business} Statement Pattern Observer: ?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee Output: {?patron, ?employee} Statement Pattern Observer: ?employee <http://worksAt> ?business Output: {?employee, ?business} {patron=Alice, employee=Bob, business=CoffeeShop} {patron=Alice, employee=Bob}, {patron=Charlie, employee=David} {employee=Bob, business=CoffeeShop}, {employee=Eve, business=PizzaPlace} {Alice, talksTo, Bob}, {Charlie, talksTo, David}, {Bob, worksAt, CoffeeShop}, {Eve, worksAt, PizzaPlace} {Alice, talksTo, Bob}, {Charlie, talksTo, David}, {Bob, worksAt, CoffeeShop}, {Eve, worksAt, PizzaPlace} Incrementally Creating Results Using Query Observers (1 of 2) Maintaining Precomputed Joins
  • 20. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 19 Join Observer: Output: {?patron, ?employee, ?business} Statement Pattern Observer: ?patron <http://talksTo> ?employee Output: {?patron, ?employee} Statement Pattern Observer: ?employee <http://worksAt> ?business Output: {?employee, ?business} {patron=Alice, employee=Bob, business=CoffeeShop}, {patron=Charlie, employee=David, business=CoffeeShop} {patron=Alice, employee=Bob}, {patron=Charlie, employee=David} {employee=Bob, business=CoffeeShop}, {employee=Eve, business=PizzaPlace}, {employee=David, business=CoffeeShop} {David, worksAt, CoffeeShop} {David, worksAt, CoffeeShop} Incrementally Creating Results Using Query Observers (2 of 2) Maintaining Precomputed Joins
  • 21. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Adding or deleting statements to the repository requires updating the precomputed join index table This requires updates to intermediate results within the Fluo Table 20 Overview of Rya Fluo Application Maintaining Precomputed Joins Triple Observer Join Observer Filter Observer Statement Pattern Observer Query Result Observer Fluo Rya Precomputed Join (PCJ) App Rya Client Insert Triples Accumulo PCJ Index Table
  • 22. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 21 System Overview Maintaining Precomputed Joins PCJ Client Statement Stream Rya Client Rya Core Tables (SPO, POS, OSP) Rya PCJ Table Fluo App Table Accumulo Fluo Incremental PCJ App Processes ExportsResults Inserts Statements Inserts Historic SP Matches Rya PCJ Table Rya PCJ Table Rya PCJ Table 1 2 3
  • 23. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks PCJ Client PCJ Index Core Rya Tables Fluo App Registering a New Query Maintaining Precomputed Joins 1. Register Query 2. Scan for historic Statement Pattern matches 4. Compute Results 5. Export Results to PCJ Index 22 3. Insert Statement Pattern matches
  • 24. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks PCJ Client Statement Stream Core Rya Tables Fluo App Streaming While Registering Query Maintaining Precomputed Joins 2. Scan for historic Statement Pattern matches 3. Insert Statement Pattern matches 4. Compute Results 1. Register Query A. Write new Statement B. Write new Statement 23
  • 25. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • The results on this slide and the next were obtained using proprietary queries and data  Q1 is the most complex and consists of 14 joins, 6 of which are left joins  Q2 obtained from Q1 by removing two left joins and two joins  Q3-Q5 decrease in complexity as well and are obtained using a similar process  Q5 is similar to Q1, with all left joins replaced by joins • 4192 results were obtained by querying a Rya Instance with 500,000 triples installed on Parsons’ internal cluster  8 worker nodes, each with 2 x 6 Core Xeon E5-2440 (2.4GHz) Processors and 48 GB RAM • Table below presents results with average query time over 10 iterations with standard deviation: 24 Benchmark results for Rya with No Precomputed Joins and No Optimizations Materialized Views in Rya Q Rya with one exact PCJ (s) Rya with no PCJ (s) Q1 1.284 ± 0.047 516.774 ± 6.265 Q2 0.851 ± 0.042 345.606 ± 5.991 Q3 0.598 ± 0.026 180.663 ± 3.354 Q4 0.368 ± 0.026 63.588 ± 1.527 Q5 1.334 ± 0.074 97.101 ± 1.765
  • 26. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 25 Agenda • Rya Background • Materialized Views in Rya •Entity-Centric Index
  • 27. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 26 Facebook’s Unicorn Paper: Motivating Example Entity-Centric Index The problem is reduced to finding the intersection of lists: How do I find all documents containing “dog” and “bark”? 1. View docs and terms as a graph, with edges drawn from docs to the terms they contain 2. Efficiently represent graph as a collection of adjacency lists bark doc4 doc5dog doc6 doc1 doc4 doc2 doc5 doc7 dog bark doc3 doc8 doc6 dog bark doc1 doc2 doc3 doc4 doc5 doc6 doc4 doc5 doc6 doc7 doc8 Adjacency lists of dog and bark
  • 28. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks What if the adjacency lists are really large? The terms “dog” and “barks” could appear in lots of documents! • Distribute the problem by partitioning adjacency lists of documents across servers  Involves some type of sharding • Each server finds intersections of smaller lists: 27 Facebook’s Unicorn Paper: Distributing the Problem Entity-Centric Index dog bark dog bark 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 … 7 8 … Server 1 ShardID = 0 Server 2 ShardID = 1 ShardID = (doc num)%3 Server 3 ShardID = 2 3 6 ... 6 ... 1 4 ... 4 7 ... 2 5 ... 5 8 ... dog dog bark bark
  • 29. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 28 Unicorn Applied to Accumulo Entity-Centric Index Accumulo Key Row: doc shard Column CF: term CQ: document id • Unicorn Framework outlines the basis for a distributed document partitioned index • Accumulo has a framework1 in place for creating this index  Uses IndexedDocIterator which is an extension of an IntersectingIterator • Uses the following key design: 1. Accumulo: Application Development, Table Design, and Best Practices, Cordova A., Rinaldi B., Wall M., O’Reilly 2015
  • 30. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 29 RowID ColF ColQ 0 bark 6 0 dog 3 0 dog 6 RowID ColF ColQ 1 bark 1 1 bark 4 1 dog 4 1 dog 7 RowID ColF ColQ 2 bark 2 2 bark 5 2 dog 5 2 dog 8 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Documents that contain dog and bark Iter1 Iter2 Iter1 Iter2 Iter1 Iter2 Q Q Q R:6 R:4 R:5 Elements in adjacency lists of “bark” and “dog” stored in Accumulo in a Document Partitioned Index • RowID = shardID (doc num % 3) • Column Family = term (bark or dog) • Column Qualifier = adjacency element (document number) Using this index, can evaluate “entity- centric queries” entirely on server • On each server, • iter1 scans “bark” • iter2 scans “dog” • Iterators intersect when colQ1 = colQ2, then return result Unicorn Implemented in Accumulo using Intersecting Iterators Entity-Centric Index
  • 31. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 30 Unicorn Applied to RDF Entity-Centric Index • Adjacency Lists capture the edge label as well as the connection pers1 pers2 pers3 dog SUV pers4 hasPet obj/dog employs subj/USGovt pers1 pers2 pers4 pers2 pers4 Adjacency lists of SUV and USGovt and do • This SPARQL query asks for all people who own a dog, drive a SUV, and work for the U.S. Government: SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person <hasPet> <dog> . ?person <drives> <SUV> . <USGovt> <employs> ?person . } drives hasPet employs USGovt employs drives drives drives obj/SUV pers2 pers3 pers4
  • 32. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • For each triple (subj, pred, obj, graph-name), insert the following two Accumulo keys in the same Entity-Centric Index table: 31 Key Design in Accumulo Entity-Centric Index Row: uri:John, CF: uri:worksAt, CQ: parsonsEmployeesx00objectx00uri:Parsons Row: uri:Parsons, CF: uri:worksAt, CQ: parsonsEmployeesx00subjectx00uri:John Accumulo Key Row:<subject > Column CF:<predicate > CQ:<graphName>x00objectx00<object> Accumulo Key Row:<object> Column CF:<predicate> CQ:<graphName>x00subjectx00<subject > • The triple (uri:John, uri:worksAt, uri:Parsons, graph context: parsonEmployees) is added as the following two rows:
  • 33. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 32 Query Evaluation: Merge Joins and the Reduction of Network Traffic Entity-Centric Index SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person <hasPet> <dog>. ?person <drives> <SUV>. <USGovt> <employs> ?person.} Iter2 Q Q R:pers2 R:pers4 Iter1 Iter3 Iter1 Iter3 Iter2 Using this index, can evaluate “entity-centric queries” entirely on server • iter1 scans col: employs colQ: subject USGovt, • iter2 scans col: drives colQ: object SUV, • iter3 scans col: hasPet colQ: object dog • Iterators intersect when rowID 1 = rowID 2 = rowID 3 RowI D ColF ColQ dog hasPet S …. pers1 hasPet O dog pers2 employ s S USGovt pers2 drives O bicycle pers2 drives O SUV pers2 hasPet O dog RowI D ColF ColQ pers3 drives 0 SUV pers4 employ s S USGovt pers4 drives O SUV pers4 hasPet O dog pers5 drives O SUV SUV drives S …. USGov t employ s O pers2 USGov t employ s O pers4 Server 1 Server 2
  • 34. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 33 Which Queries Can We Evaluate? Entity-Centric Index • Generalize Document Partitioned Index to accommodate a broad range of SPARQL queries • Solve as many Entity-Centric queries server side as possible  Entity-Centric means all statement patterns share a common variable or constant 33 select ?x ?y ?z where{ A aa ?x A bb ?y A cc ?z } select ?x where{ ?x aa C ?x bb B ?x cc D } select ?x ?y ?z where{ B aa ?x ?x bb ?y ?x cc ?z } B C D ?x Entity with Properties ?x ?y ?z A Properties for an Entity B ?y ?z ?x “Friends of Friends” aa bb cc aa bb cc aa bb cc
  • 35. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • During query planning, group statement patterns according to common variables and common constants • Groups which have the highest “priority” are consolidated into an Entity-Centric Index node 34 Query Planning: Anatomy of a Rya SPARQL Query using the Entity-Centric Index Entity-Centric Index ?x livesIn Arlington ?y talksTo ?x ?y livesIn D.C. ?x commutesBy Bike Entity-Centric Index … Joe, livesIn, D.C. Joe, talksTo, Rob … Rob, commutesBy, Bike Rob, livesIn, Arlington … Entity- Centric Index Node Entity-Centric Index Node 1 2 Join Join Join
  • 36. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 35 Entity Centric Benchmarking Results Entity-Centric Index • Results were obtained by running 13 queries (see Appendix) against the Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM) data set consisting of 33.34 million triples • The Entity Centric Index table was split into 19 tablets distributed across 8 servers  All predicates found in LUBM data were set as locality groups for the Entity Centric Index table • Queries were issued using a BatchScanner with 15 threads Query Entity Total Time (s) Rya Total Time (s) Results Ret. LUBMStar Q1 23.6 624.702 1024789 LUBMStar Q2 0.3724 0.732 7 LUBMStar Q3 0.545 1.221 499 LUBMStar Q4 4.37 379.239 180002 LUBMStar Q5 1.475 6.072 40665 LUBMStar Q6 0.222 6.613 5003 LUBMStar Q7 11 0.3258 3 LUBMStar Q8 7.2 0.267 1 LUBMStar Q9 12.763 0.748 8 LUBMStar Q10 34.934 1929.984 1,259,374 LUBMStar Q11 0.0412 0.284 3 LUBMStar Q12 0.0358 0.311 2 LUBMStar Q13 0.0291 0.137 30
  • 37. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Next Steps:  Implement strategies to determine PCJs dynamically  Calculate frequent subgraphs  Develop query logging framework  Perform semantic analysis of queries to determine common components to cache  Streamline query planning with respect to PCJs  Query planning time increases as number of PCJs increases  Explore strategies for pruning PCJ query plan search space to quickly determine efficient PCJ combinations for query plans  Index PCJs using underlying query components so that PCJs can be efficiently discovered using the matching subquery 36 Next Steps for Precomputed Joins Future Research
  • 38. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks • Next Steps for Entity Centric Index  Explore ways to improve join performance of Entity Centric Query Nodes  Add capability to explicitly define Entity Types for Index  Entities implicitly defined as nodes containing specified combination of properties  Explicitly register entities with index and allow users to query by type  Specify entities using OWL (Web Ontology Language) class and property combinations  Leverage additional structure using more targeted queries involving identifying features for the give entity type • Future Research in Server Side Join Evaluation  Utilize Spark GraphX or Spark DataFrames to create a distributed query evaluation framework for Rya  Joins performed on Rya Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) in remote SparkContext on Server 37 Next Steps for Entity Centric Index and Server Side Join Evaluation Future Research
  • 39. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 38 Questions?
  • 40. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks 39 • Useful Links • Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries Appendix
  • 41. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Useful Links SPARQL  Standard --  Tutorial -- RDF  Primer -- Unicorn  Paper -- Michael Curtiss, et al., Unicorn: A System for Searching the Social Graph, Facebook Inc. graph/ Apache Rya (Incubating)  Home -- Home page for Apache Rya (Incubating)  Rya Office Hours -- Biweekly phone conference. Updates, issues, upcoming features. Up-coming announcements with dial-in numbers are sent on the dev mailing list  Mailing List -- is for usage questions, help, and people who want to contribute code to Rya. subscribe, unsubscribe, archives  Javadoc OpenRDF=Sesame=RDF4J --  Tutorial for RDF4J --  Paper -- Punnoose R., Crainiceanu A., Rapp D. 2012. Rya: a scalable RDF triple store for the clouds. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence.  Paper -- Roshan Punnoose, Adina Crainiceanu, David Rapp. SPARQL in the Clouds Using Rya. Information Systems Journal (2013). 40
  • 42. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (1 of 5) The Entity Centric index was tested by issuing the following queries against the LUBM data set. LUBM Star Q1 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { ?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2 ?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y4 ?Y1 ub:advisor ?X ?X ub:emailAddress ?Y3 } LUBM Star Q2 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 WHERE { ?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom <> ?X ub:headOf ?Y1 } LUBM Star Q3 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 WHERE { ?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom <> ?X ub:teacherOf ?Y1 } 41
  • 43. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks LUBM Star Q4 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { ?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2 ?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y4 ?Y1 ub:advisor ?X ?X ub:emailAddress ?Y3 } LUBM Star Q5 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 WHERE { ?X ub:headOf ?Y2 ?Y1 ub:advisor ?X } LUBM Star Q6 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 WHERE { ?X ub:headOf ?Y1 ?X ub:doctoralDegreeFrom ?Y2 } 42 Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (2 of 5)
  • 44. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks LUBM Star Q7 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 WHERE { <> ub:takesCourse ?Y1 ?Y2 ub:teacherOf ?Y1 } LUBM Star Q8 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y WHERE { <> ub:memberOf ?X ?X ub:subOrganizationOf ?Y } LUBM Star Q9 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { ?X ub:takesCourse <> ?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1 ?X ub:emailAddress ?Y2 ?X ub:memberOf ?Y3 } 43 Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (3 of 5)
  • 45. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks LUBM Star Q10 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { ?X ub:takesCourse ?Y4 ?X ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1 ?X ub:emailAddress ?Y2 ?X ub:memberOf ?Y3 } LUBM Star Q11 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { <> ub:takesCourse ?Y4 <> ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1 <> ub:emailAddress ?Y2 <> ub:memberOf ?Y3 } LUBM Star Q12 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?X ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 ?Y4 WHERE { <> ub:takesCourse ?Y4 <> ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom ?Y1 <> ub:emailAddress ?Y2 <> ub:memberOf ?Y3 "} 44 Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (4 of 5)
  • 46. Rya: Accumulo Indexing Strategies for Searching Semantic Networks LUBM Star Q13 = PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX ub:<> SELECT ?Y1 ?Y2 WHERE" { ?Y1 ub:takesCourse <> ?Y2 ub:teacherOf <> } 45 Entity Centric LUBM Star Queries (5 of 5)

Notas del editor

  1. During query planning, statement patterns in a query are grouped according to common variables and common constants Those groups that can match the statement patterns of a cached precomputed join index table can then be replaced by the results stored in that table, trading faster response time for increased storage
  2. Proof that we can stream while constructing new queries: You can stream new results into the Core Rya Tables and Fluo App while you are registering a new query without missing any Statement Pattern matches so long as you finish writing the query to fluo before you start scanning for historic matches AND you write new statements to Rya before you write them to Fluo. There are 4 atoms of work related to this process: Write Statement to Fluo (WF) Write Statement to Rya (WR) Commit Query to Fluo (Q) Scan Rya for historic results (S) Orderings that will result in one of the two ways a statement can be found missing the statement: WF … Q = The Triples observer will miss the Statement for the SP. S … WR = The historic scan will miss the Statement when scanning for the SP. We can avoid the state where both of these cases are true by following these ordering rules: Q must come before S WR must come before WF These rules leave us with the following operation orderings, all of which do not miss any statements: Q, S, WR, WF Q, WR, S, WF Q, WR, WF, S WR, WF, Q, S WR, Q, WF, S WR, Q , S, WF WF, Q, S, WR = missed statement
  3. Using the Entity-Centric Index, lists of “bark” and “dog” are stored in Accumulo in a Document Partitioned Index