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.How does an electric power plant works?
.Types of electric power plants
Nuclear powers plants
Thermal powers plants
Hydroelectric power plants
Wind powers plants
Solar powers plants
Geothermal power plants
Biomass Thermal power plants
Ocean power plants
Environment impacts
Stage of energy consumption
Extraction of natural resources
Transport fuels
Energy generation
Final use
Waste treatment
Some solution for environment problems
Can wind energy produce fresh water?
It is the flow or movement of electrons though
 a material.It is the most used energy in our
 society, because it can be transformed easily
 and it can be transporyed long distances.
How does an electric power
        plant works?
In a generating plant,the energy of different fuels is
 converted into another form of energy. This occurs
 in a turbine-alternator system. The fan-like blades
 turn with the help of energy inside the turbine. The
 shaft turn with the blades.This caused a magnetic
 field that makes generator to move and this produce
 electricity. Electricity cannot be stored,it must be
 transported to consumption centres
Types of Electric Power Plants
Non-conventional   Conventional
 Nuclear Power     Wind farms
                   Solar power Plants

 Fossil fuel       Geothermal power
  thermal power     plants
                   Biomass thermal
 Hydroelectric      power plants
  Power Plants
                   Ocean power plants
Nuclear power plant
Energy is produce from a nuclear
 fission.When a radioactive mineral
 breaks down produce heat, this
 ocurr in the reactor.Then in the
 pipes the high pressure steam that
 was produced move a turbine and a
 generator.This produce
 electricity.The most used energy
 mineral is uranium. Advantage:
 the produce a lot of
 energy.Disvantage: an accident can
 be very dangerous for environment
Advantage:                      Disvantage:
the produce a lot of energy.    an accident can be very
                                  dangerous for environment
They don't generate polluting
                                  and society.
 gases to the atmosphere as
 fossils fuels                  The waste generate can't be
Thermal power plant
Fuels(coal,fuel oil...)are burn in the boiler, these produce heat
 than converts the water into high pressure steam.This make
 turn a turbine that is connecte to a generator,it produce
Advantages:                           Disdvantages:
Fuels are cheap                       It produce pollutant smokes and
They require less space than other
                                      Huge requirement of water
Waste" heat might be used for
 district heating, or an industrial   Efficiency of thermal plant is quite
 process                                less
Combines cycle power plant
Electricity is roduced by the burn of a mixture of air and gas.
That, in a boiler, transform into high pressure gas that move aa
turbine and a generator. The combustion gases are transported to
another boiler where the heat of the gas is used to heat water.
That is a second cycle.
This type of power plant produce more electricuty and performs better than
 the other ones that have only one cycle.
Hydroelectric power plants
They use the force of the water. The force of gravity and the height of the
 flow of water helps the move of the bladews of the turbine to turn quicklier
 by kinetic energy

 There are 2000 hydroelectric powerplants in the USA. This makes USA one of the
                      biggest producers of Hydraulic energy.
Gravity-driven hydraulic power plants: Water used follows the
course okf a river. Water is not reuse.

Pump-driven hydraulic power plants: water descent to another
reservoir in a lower heigh. Tha water stored on it is pumped to the highest
level again. Water is reuse
Wind Power Plants
Wind power plants use
the force of the wind for
move the blades which
tourn a generatour at
the top a the mills. It is
one of the best
alternatives to fossil
fuels because wind
energy is clean and
Wind farms
They're groups of wind turbines together. Thay can

Onshore : They're on the land

Offshore : They're on the sea near coast.
  Europe is leader of this type of wind energy.
Solar Power Plants
They can be:

Photovoltaic power plants : They use sun energy to produce electricity.
 They can be also named as Solar cells. They're made of semiconductive
 materials and the energy provided is produced by a group of Solar Cells
 connected together. They need large places full of Solar Cells. There are also
 Smaller power plants called Isolated wich are used for domestic production.
Photo-thermal power plants:
Use the heat of the sun for heating water that produce steam that turn a rotor
 in a generator. They use Heliostats ( strange type of mirror that reflect the
 sunlight and concentrate it at one point)
Geothermal Power Plants
They use the subsoil heat founded at deep leevls of the earth crust. This heat
 reach the surface in the form of steam, hot water or gases
    They can be:
    Directly: That use the stracted heat directly
    Indirectly: Use the heat for production of electricity.
Biomass Thermal Power Plants
They produce energy from the burning of organic compounds such
 as urba, agricultural and food wastes.
This occurs in Biomas Power Plants, where fuels are burned to
 produce energy that heat water which produce steam that move a
Ocean Power PLants
They use the force of sea to move a turbine and a generator which produce
 electricity. They use:

Energy from tides
Energy from waves

They're not very usual because their production is low
Environmental impact assessment
Is the evalution of the possible negative or positive impact that the
electric power plants can made in the environment.Environmental
impact:The diferences forms of electric power plants,made
envariomental impacts, in their building and operating.

The impact of each electric power plant

Name of the power                  Environmental impact
FOSSIL FUEL THERMAL POWER PLANT:   The air is pollute because the combustion.The cooling system release
                                   warm water.The extraction and production of the coal, oil and natural gas
                                   can produce dust, noise,hydrocarbon emissions, solid and liquid waste,
                                   blowouts, leaks.

NUCLEAR:                           The waste that are produce are non recycable, it only can be use once.The
                                   radiation contamination pollute the plants, the water and the animals

Hydroelectric:                     Produce a lot of carbon dioxide , methane and gases of greenhouse
                                   effect.Seasonal changes in water level produces a continuous supply of
                                   material decomposition.The environment change.

Wind power                         Cause a visual impact, because always there are a lot of wind
                                   turbines.Also cause a sound impact,because there are not insulations.But
                                   there are not polllution.

Solar:                             It can produce pollution if contact with the environment.It need large areas.It can
                                   produce changes in the flora and in the fauna. During the manufacture of the
                                   materials used for solar panels and solar cells (steel, copper and aluminum,that
                                   are often used as raw material) produces pollution.

Biomass                            Produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen and in some
                                   cases oxides of sulfer, when biomass it burns.If we use a lot of biomass can
                                   affect the greenhouse effects.

Ocean power:                       There are not visual impact.Only there are impact when it is building.Affect to the
                                   animals, that some of them were killed.
Stage of the energy consumption

Extraction of energy resources
The deforestation of the areas where the resources are is ocurr,this
 causes serious consequences to the environment.Also this causes
 that the resources are running out.Pollute the air and the water by
 the machines and techniques that are use to the extraction.The
 changes in the fauna and in the flora.Can be environment damage
 cause by accident.Uranium mining leads to radioactive dust
 releases, mine water seepage, protection of workers from
 radioactivity, and the disposal of a large quantity of mine waste
 containing a low level of radioactivity.Coal mining, particularly
 surface mining, has both long-term and short-term effects on land...
Fuel Transport
Is transport in oil pipelines and oil tankers.

  1.Oil pipelines can cause damage in the environment by
    nature or human error.This lead a spill.If there are
    a leak or a break can damage the soil and the
    water.Some agricultural activities will be affect.Can
    cause the disappearance of the plants in a
    forest...They can change the marina environment, if
    they are building near the coast.
  2.If Oil tankers spill afect directy to the soil,water,air
    and flora and fauna. The sand of the beaches is very
    difficult to clean,is neccesary years to clean all, this
    leave the soil unusable.The water has less
    oxygen,organic and inorganic material and it has
    more salinity.The flora and fauna can't live in the
    sea or ocean and began to die.
Electricity Generation
Conventional thermal power plants produce different problems:
 When they burns the carbon we transform into carbon dioxide, that it stays in the
  atmosphere ,this increase the greenhouse effect and the global warming.
 They also emit sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that contribute to the acid rain and
  the smog.They damage a lot the environment.
 The animals and plants of the marine ecosystem are affected by the warm water used
  in the cooling system that is expelled to the oceans, rivers andseas.
Hydroelectric power plants:
  They needs water reservoirs , and this change the water circle of the rivers.Sometimes flood
   large land areas.
  They block the fish routes, and destroy river ecosystems.
Nuclear thermal power plant:
  The release of the nuclear wastes is very difficult and dangerous because they are radioactive.
  Accidents in nuclear power plants have a high risk of environmental contamination
  Nuclear accidents can cause large amounts of radioactive contamination, many deaths, and
   leave the near land unusable for the next century
Final Use:
The fuels that we use in some of our daily needs
produce gases that pollute the air, for example the
vehicles.All the electricity that we use before cause
environmental impacts during it extraction,
transportation and generation.We have to thing about
Waste Treament
Waste and their consequences from the thermal power plant can be reduce
 if we:
    Use carbon with low sulphur to reduce the acid rain that is produce bay this
    Maintain and increase the forests that act as a sink of the carbon dioxide.
    Install special filters to the canonades of the power plant to catch some
      pollutants gases for example : sulphur and nitrogen oxide.
Nuclear power plant waste :
 Is stored in steel drums,it must be close very well to prevent leaks , it is
  buried underground in specialized sites
 Also in ocean trenches can be store,but have the risk of the material
  leaking because the steel drums corroding
Some solution for enviromental problems
  ●   We have tu reduce the energy that we consume,use for example electric car, of use products
       that have low fuels.
  ●   The goverment has to worry about the pollution problems, have to implant environment laws,
       and have to punish the people don't carry out them
Energy savings:
Adopt our live to reduce the comsuption of all forms of energy, and habits that are more
  ●   Use transport that pollute less( public or bicycles)
  ●   Turn off the electrical appliances when we stop use.
  ●   Don't open the window if the heating is set.
  ●   Try to save water
  ●   .Don't turn on the light if it is day.Replaces the normal bulbs for low consumption bulbs.

Energy diversification
The fundamental thing is to use renewable energy such
as:wind,solar,biomass,ocean,hydroelectric,because the non-renewable such as fuels
are more expensive and will end.And use to produce electricity alternative power
plants.The goverments also help to aim this objective
Can wind energy produce fresh water?

 Yes.A French eneering discovered a form
to do this.Eole water is working now in a
Firts the energy is produce like the normals
wind turbines, the kinetic energy of the wind
move the blades of a rotor that is on a top of a
tower.Then an 'air blower' sucked air
thought a nose that is in the turbine.A
electric cooling compressor extracts the
humidity of the air that it condensed and it is
collected.The water collect is carry through
stainless steel pipes to a tank in the
turbine.Finally the water that was obtain is
filtered and purified,then is ready for use
and consume.
By: Inés Garcia
Álvaro Domínguez
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Trabajo energia (2)

  • 2. .Electrity INDEX .How does an electric power plant works? .Types of electric power plants Nuclear powers plants Thermal powers plants Hydroelectric power plants Wind powers plants Solar powers plants Geothermal power plants Biomass Thermal power plants
  • 3. MORE INDEX Ocean power plants Environment impacts Stage of energy consumption Extraction of natural resources Transport fuels Energy generation Final use Waste treatment Some solution for environment problems Can wind energy produce fresh water?
  • 4. Electricity It is the flow or movement of electrons though a material.It is the most used energy in our society, because it can be transformed easily and it can be transporyed long distances.
  • 5. How does an electric power plant works? In a generating plant,the energy of different fuels is converted into another form of energy. This occurs in a turbine-alternator system. The fan-like blades turn with the help of energy inside the turbine. The shaft turn with the blades.This caused a magnetic field that makes generator to move and this produce electricity. Electricity cannot be stored,it must be transported to consumption centres
  • 6. Types of Electric Power Plants Non-conventional Conventional Nuclear Power Wind farms Plants Solar power Plants Fossil fuel Geothermal power thermal power plants Plants Biomass thermal Hydroelectric power plants Power Plants Ocean power plants
  • 7. Nuclear power plant Energy is produce from a nuclear fission.When a radioactive mineral breaks down produce heat, this ocurr in the reactor.Then in the pipes the high pressure steam that was produced move a turbine and a generator.This produce electricity.The most used energy mineral is uranium. Advantage: the produce a lot of energy.Disvantage: an accident can be very dangerous for environment
  • 8.
  • 9. Advantage: Disvantage: the produce a lot of energy. an accident can be very dangerous for environment They don't generate polluting and society. gases to the atmosphere as fossils fuels The waste generate can't be eliminated
  • 10. Thermal power plant Fuels(coal,fuel oil...)are burn in the boiler, these produce heat than converts the water into high pressure steam.This make turn a turbine that is connecte to a generator,it produce electricity.
  • 11. Advantages: Disdvantages: Fuels are cheap It produce pollutant smokes and fumes. They require less space than other Huge requirement of water Waste" heat might be used for district heating, or an industrial Efficiency of thermal plant is quite process less
  • 12. Combines cycle power plant Electricity is roduced by the burn of a mixture of air and gas. That, in a boiler, transform into high pressure gas that move aa turbine and a generator. The combustion gases are transported to another boiler where the heat of the gas is used to heat water. That is a second cycle. This type of power plant produce more electricuty and performs better than the other ones that have only one cycle.
  • 13. Hydroelectric power plants They use the force of the water. The force of gravity and the height of the flow of water helps the move of the bladews of the turbine to turn quicklier by kinetic energy There are 2000 hydroelectric powerplants in the USA. This makes USA one of the biggest producers of Hydraulic energy.
  • 14. Gravity-driven hydraulic power plants: Water used follows the course okf a river. Water is not reuse. Pump-driven hydraulic power plants: water descent to another reservoir in a lower heigh. Tha water stored on it is pumped to the highest level again. Water is reuse
  • 15. Wind Power Plants Wind power plants use the force of the wind for move the blades which tourn a generatour at the top a the mills. It is one of the best alternatives to fossil fuels because wind energy is clean and renewable.
  • 16. Wind farms They're groups of wind turbines together. Thay can be Onshore : They're on the land Offshore : They're on the sea near coast. Europe is leader of this type of wind energy.
  • 17. Solar Power Plants They can be: Photovoltaic power plants : They use sun energy to produce electricity. They can be also named as Solar cells. They're made of semiconductive materials and the energy provided is produced by a group of Solar Cells connected together. They need large places full of Solar Cells. There are also Smaller power plants called Isolated wich are used for domestic production.
  • 18. Photo-thermal power plants: Use the heat of the sun for heating water that produce steam that turn a rotor in a generator. They use Heliostats ( strange type of mirror that reflect the sunlight and concentrate it at one point)
  • 19. Geothermal Power Plants They use the subsoil heat founded at deep leevls of the earth crust. This heat reach the surface in the form of steam, hot water or gases They can be: Directly: That use the stracted heat directly Indirectly: Use the heat for production of electricity.
  • 20. Biomass Thermal Power Plants They produce energy from the burning of organic compounds such as urba, agricultural and food wastes. This occurs in Biomas Power Plants, where fuels are burned to produce energy that heat water which produce steam that move a generator.
  • 21. Ocean Power PLants They use the force of sea to move a turbine and a generator which produce electricity. They use: Energy from tides Energy from waves They're not very usual because their production is low
  • 22. Environmental impact assessment Is the evalution of the possible negative or positive impact that the electric power plants can made in the environment.Environmental impact:The diferences forms of electric power plants,made envariomental impacts, in their building and operating. .
  • 23. The impact of each electric power plant Name of the power Environmental impact plant. FOSSIL FUEL THERMAL POWER PLANT: The air is pollute because the combustion.The cooling system release warm water.The extraction and production of the coal, oil and natural gas can produce dust, noise,hydrocarbon emissions, solid and liquid waste, blowouts, leaks. NUCLEAR: The waste that are produce are non recycable, it only can be use once.The radiation contamination pollute the plants, the water and the animals Hydroelectric: Produce a lot of carbon dioxide , methane and gases of greenhouse effect.Seasonal changes in water level produces a continuous supply of material decomposition.The environment change. Wind power Cause a visual impact, because always there are a lot of wind turbines.Also cause a sound impact,because there are not insulations.But there are not polllution. Solar: It can produce pollution if contact with the environment.It need large areas.It can produce changes in the flora and in the fauna. During the manufacture of the materials used for solar panels and solar cells (steel, copper and aluminum,that are often used as raw material) produces pollution. Biomass Produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen and in some cases oxides of sulfer, when biomass it burns.If we use a lot of biomass can affect the greenhouse effects. Ocean power: There are not visual impact.Only there are impact when it is building.Affect to the animals, that some of them were killed.
  • 24. Stage of the energy consumption 1.EXTRACTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 2. FUEL TRANSPORT
  • 26. Extraction of energy resources The deforestation of the areas where the resources are is ocurr,this causes serious consequences to the environment.Also this causes that the resources are running out.Pollute the air and the water by the machines and techniques that are use to the extraction.The changes in the fauna and in the flora.Can be environment damage cause by accident.Uranium mining leads to radioactive dust releases, mine water seepage, protection of workers from radioactivity, and the disposal of a large quantity of mine waste containing a low level of radioactivity.Coal mining, particularly surface mining, has both long-term and short-term effects on land...
  • 27. Fuel Transport Is transport in oil pipelines and oil tankers. 1.Oil pipelines can cause damage in the environment by nature or human error.This lead a spill.If there are a leak or a break can damage the soil and the water.Some agricultural activities will be affect.Can cause the disappearance of the plants in a forest...They can change the marina environment, if they are building near the coast. 2.If Oil tankers spill afect directy to the soil,water,air and flora and fauna. The sand of the beaches is very difficult to clean,is neccesary years to clean all, this leave the soil unusable.The water has less oxygen,organic and inorganic material and it has more salinity.The flora and fauna can't live in the sea or ocean and began to die.
  • 28. Electricity Generation Conventional thermal power plants produce different problems: When they burns the carbon we transform into carbon dioxide, that it stays in the atmosphere ,this increase the greenhouse effect and the global warming. They also emit sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that contribute to the acid rain and the smog.They damage a lot the environment. The animals and plants of the marine ecosystem are affected by the warm water used in the cooling system that is expelled to the oceans, rivers andseas.
  • 29. Hydroelectric power plants: They needs water reservoirs , and this change the water circle of the rivers.Sometimes flood large land areas. They block the fish routes, and destroy river ecosystems. Nuclear thermal power plant: The release of the nuclear wastes is very difficult and dangerous because they are radioactive. Accidents in nuclear power plants have a high risk of environmental contamination Nuclear accidents can cause large amounts of radioactive contamination, many deaths, and leave the near land unusable for the next century
  • 30. Final Use: The fuels that we use in some of our daily needs produce gases that pollute the air, for example the vehicles.All the electricity that we use before cause environmental impacts during it extraction, transportation and generation.We have to thing about it.
  • 31. Waste Treament Waste and their consequences from the thermal power plant can be reduce if we: Use carbon with low sulphur to reduce the acid rain that is produce bay this element Maintain and increase the forests that act as a sink of the carbon dioxide. Install special filters to the canonades of the power plant to catch some pollutants gases for example : sulphur and nitrogen oxide. .
  • 32. Nuclear power plant waste : Is stored in steel drums,it must be close very well to prevent leaks , it is buried underground in specialized sites Also in ocean trenches can be store,but have the risk of the material leaking because the steel drums corroding
  • 33. Some solution for enviromental problems Effiency: ● We have tu reduce the energy that we consume,use for example electric car, of use products that have low fuels. ● The goverment has to worry about the pollution problems, have to implant environment laws, and have to punish the people don't carry out them . Energy savings: Adopt our live to reduce the comsuption of all forms of energy, and habits that are more environmentally.Examples: ● Use transport that pollute less( public or bicycles) ● Turn off the electrical appliances when we stop use. ● Don't open the window if the heating is set. ● Try to save water ● .Don't turn on the light if it is day.Replaces the normal bulbs for low consumption bulbs. Energy diversification The fundamental thing is to use renewable energy such as:wind,solar,biomass,ocean,hydroelectric,because the non-renewable such as fuels are more expensive and will end.And use to produce electricity alternative power plants.The goverments also help to aim this objective
  • 34. Can wind energy produce fresh water? Yes.A French eneering discovered a form to do this.Eole water is working now in a prototype. Firts the energy is produce like the normals wind turbines, the kinetic energy of the wind move the blades of a rotor that is on a top of a tower.Then an 'air blower' sucked air thought a nose that is in the turbine.A electric cooling compressor extracts the humidity of the air that it condensed and it is collected.The water collect is carry through stainless steel pipes to a tank in the turbine.Finally the water that was obtain is filtered and purified,then is ready for use and consume.
  • 35. By: Inés Garcia Cáceres and Álvaro Domínguez Larios