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Arnoud Otte, Assistant Director Cloud & Data Architecture, Cambia Health Solutions
Rich Uhl, CTO / Founder, 1Strategy
Ujjwal Ratan, Solutions Architect, AWS
November 28, 2016
Data Science and Healthcare: Running Large
Scale Analytics and Machine Learning on AWS
What to Expect from the Session
• Benefits from large-scale analytics with PHI - Arnoud
• Securing Amazon EMR & Elasticsearch - Rich
• Additional solution components for HIPAA compliance [demo] - Rich
• Reducing cost and improve quality of care with Amazon Machine
Learning [demo] - Ujjwal
NOTE: This is a deep dive session on HOW rather than WHAT. We will show
implementation details.
• This session expects familiarity with:
• AWS services - EMR and S3
 BDM401 - Deep Dive: Amazon EMR Best Practices & Design Patterns
 BDA206 - Building Big Data Applications with the AWS Big Data Platform
• Encryption and distributed systems like Hadoop and Elasticsearch
Arnoud Otte
Assistant Director Cloud & Data Architecture
Cambia Health Solutions
Our Roots
Born from an inspired idea
Our Cause
Becoming catalysts
for transformation
Our Vision
Delivering a reimagined
health care experience
HIPAA eligible
Managed Service
Master Data
Data Science
& Analytics
Data Center
Elasticsearch Service
Data Lake
Data Science
& Analytics
Master Data
Master Data Management
Source A Source B
John John
Doe Doe
DOB 1970-01-01 2016-11-28
Street 105 Main St 105 Main St
City Portland Portland
State OR OR
Source A Source B
Jillian Jill
Doe Doe-Doe
SSN 123-45-6789 123-45-6789
Street 605 Oak Dr 105 Main Street
City PDX Portland
State OR Oregon
No. Fatherandson. Yes.Married,changedname,andmoved.
This is artificial data fabricated for illustration purposes only.
Are these the same people?
Master Data Management – Approach
record of
best values
Match and Merge
on Amazon EMR
Master Data Management – Quality
Match Correctness
Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1
Match Completeness
Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1
7,000+ records containing 1,600+ matches
Manually checked and confirmed in the real world
Master Data Management – Performance
90 minutes 40 minutes
Run time
Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1
2160 minutes
or 36 hours
17.7M records containing 1.8M matches
Next Steps
in and out or up and down
Amazon Machine
Build out healthcare
data science models
HIPAA compliant
search on data
SecurityBig Data | @1strategy_cloud | Booth #408
Rich Uhl
Founder & CTO
At Rest – when data is in a stored location
Definition of Terms
In Transit – when data is moved to and from storage
In Process – when data is in temporary space for processing state
Data Center
Elasticsearch Service
Data Lake
Data Science
& Analytics
Master Data
Encryption Keys Exchanging Keys Temporary KeysMaster Key
Key Management
Encryption at Rest
on S3
EMRFS on S3 – This is achieved via s3 client-side encryption with AWS KMS.
HDFS – via Hadoop File System (HDFS) transparent data encryption as
described in the Apache Docs.
EMR Cluster
Config File
Encryption at Rest
"Sid": "DenyUnEncryptedObjectUploads",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::prd-datalake/*",
"Condition": {
"StringNotEquals": {
"s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256"
on S3
Encryption at Rest
Key (DEK)
Envelope Data
Encryption Key
Hadoop KMS
Bootstrap Script
Uses native Hadoop HDFS Transparent Data Encryption (DEK/EDEK)
EMR Cluster
Encryption at Rest
"Classification": "hdfs-site",
"Properties": {
"dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri": "kms://…”,
"": "file:///…",
"": "/mnt/encrypted/…",
"": "/mnt/encrypted/…",
"": "file:///…"
Bootstrap Script
EMR Cluster
Encryption at Rest
on S3
EMR Cluster
Summary of Encryption at Rest
Encryption in Transit
EMR Cluster
on S3
Encryption in Transit
Encryption in Transit
<!-- Client certificate Store -->
<!-- Client Trust Store -->
Three areas to address
1. Hadoop RPC - Hadoop RPC is used by API clients of MapReduce
2. HDFS DTP - HDFS Transparent encryption this traffic is automatically encrypted
3. Hadoop MapReduce Shuffle - MapReduce shuffles and sorts the output of each map task to reducers
on different nodes
on EMR
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
Hadoop RPC - Hadoop RPC is used by API clients of MapReduce
on S3
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
For those cases where the same RPC protocol is implemented by multiple
servers, this configuration is required for specifying the principal
name to use for the service when the client wishes to make an RPC call.
<description>A comma-separated list of protection values for secured sasl
connections. Possible values are authentication, integrity and privacy.
authentication means authentication only and no integrity or privacy;
integrity implies authentication and integrity are enabled; and privacy
implies all of authentication, integrity and privacy are enabled. can be used to override
the for a connection at the server side.
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
Key (DEK)
Envelope Data
Encryption Key
Hadoop KMS
HDFS Data Transfer Protocol (DTP) – Using HDFS
Transparent encryption enabled ensures automatic
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
on S3
Whether or not actual block data that is read/written from/to HDFS should
be encrypted on the wire. This only needs to be set on the NN and DNs,
clients will deduce this automatically. It is possible to override this setting
per connection by specifying custom logic via dfs.trustedchannel.resolver.class.
This value may be set to either "3des" or "rc4". If nothing is set, then
the configured JCE default on the system is used (usually 3DES.) It is
widely believed that 3DES is more cryptographically secure, but RC4 is
substantially faster.
Key (DEK)
Envelope Data
Encryption Key
Hadoop KMS
Hadoop Data Transfer Protocol (DTP) configured on
startup with a bootstrap script
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
Shuffle and Sort
Hadoop MapReduce Shuffle - In the shuffle phase, Hadoop MapReduce (MRv2) shuffles the output of
each map task to reducers on different nodes using HTTP by default.
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
on S3
"Classification": "mapred-site",
"Properties": {
"mapreduce.shuffle.ssl.enabled": "true",
"mapred.local.dir": "/mnt/encrypted/mapred,/mnt1/encrypted/mapred",
"mapreduce.cluster.local.dir": "/mnt/encrypted/mapred,/mnt1/encrypted/mapred",
"mapreduce.application.classpath": "$HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*,n
$HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*,n /usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/*,n
/usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/conf,n /usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/lib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/auxlib/*,n
/usr/share/aws/emr/lib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/ddb/lib/emr-ddb-hadoop.jar,n
/usr/share/aws/emr/goodies/lib/emr-hadoop-goodies.jar,n /usr/share/aws/emr/kinesis/lib/emr-kinesis-
hadoop.jar,n /usr/share/aws/emr/cloudwatch-sink/lib/*,n /etc/emr/security/conf"
Shuffle and Sort
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
on S3
Encryption in Transit - Cluster
Spark block transfer service – This is can be encrypted using SASL encryption in Spark 1.5.1 and later.
"Classification": "spark-env",
"Properties": {
"spark.authenticate.enableSaslEncryption": "true",
"": "true"
Encryption in Transit
Encryption in Process
Space on EBS
Bootstrap Script
Encryption in Process
Bootstrap Script
function encrypt_disk() {
local dev=$1
local dir=$2
local cryptname="crypt_${dir:1}"
# Unmount the drive
sudo umount "$dev"
# Encrypt the drive
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-file "$PWD_FILE" "$dev"
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen -q --key-file "$PWD_FILE" "$dev" "$cryptname"
# Format the drive
sudo mkfs -t xfs "/dev/mapper/$cryptname"
sudo mount -o defaults,noatime,inode64 "/dev/mapper/$cryptname" "$dir"
sudo rm -rf "$dir/lost+found"
sudo mkdir -p "$dir/encrypted"
sudo chown -R hadoop:hadoop "$dir"
echo "/dev/mapper/$cryptname $dir xfs defaults,noatime,inode64 0 0" |
sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
echo "$cryptname $dev $PWD_FILE" | sudo tee -a /etc/crypttab
Space on EBS
Encryption in Process
EMR ClusterEMRFS on S3
Temporary Space
on EBS Volumes
Hadoop Encrypted
Shuffle and Sort
Native DTP
Summary of the EMR Encryption Process
EMR Updates
1Strategy blog links
September 21st, 2016
AWS EMR Encryption Documentation
EMR Updates and how they play into this
Space on EBS
ElasticSearch for HealthCare
Encryption and AuthenticationElasticSearch
on EC2
Temporary Space
on EBS Volumes
ElasticSearch on EC2
ElasticSearch Encryption Process Summary
HIPAA is more than encryption
Auditing & custom tools:
• Audit script to show limited users have access to encrypted S3 data
• S3 Buckets are encrypted
• Show S3 Objects are encrypted
*Working with Cambia to open source these tools
Ujjwal Ratan
Solutions Architect, AWS
Machine Learning inside Healthcare
Analyzing Medical Images
Prescription Compliance Prediction
Evidence Based & Precision Medicine
Text classification and mining
Medicare and Medicaid Fraud
Hospital Bed Utilization
Treatment Queries and Suggestions
Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials
Population Health
Vaccination and Immunization
Omics and Clinical Data Integration
Patient Outcomes
Patient Readmission
Prediction through risk
Real World Problem – Hospital Readmissions
• Hospital Readmission Reduction
Program (HRRP) part of the Affordable
Care Act.
• Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) required to reduce
payments to hospitals with excess
• Not all readmissions can be prevented
• Facilities with high readmission rates
had their Medicare payment cut by 1%
in 2013 which rose to 2% in 2014.
Source -
Our Focus
Utilizing AWS For Machine Learning (ML)
Continuum of Machine Learning Solutions
• Limited ML Options
• Binary
• Multiclass
• Regression
• Simple to train
• Easy to evaluate
• Quick to deploy
• Comprehensive ML options
• Requires work to train
• No support for evaluation
• Additional work to deploy
• Scalable
• Customizable
Amazon EMR
+ Spark ML
Amazon Machine
Introducing Amazon Machine Learning (AML)
• Easy to use, managed machine learning
service built for developers
• Robust, powerful machine learning
technology based on Amazon’s internal
• Use your data already stored in the
AWS cloud
• Models in production within seconds
Machine Learning
Proactive Prediction of Readmission
Patient History
Other features
High Risk Patient
Low Risk Patient
Moderate Risk
Amazon Machine
1 2 3
S3 Static
AML Application for Predicting Readmissions
Clinical Data Set
• 101,766 rows
• 10 years of clinical care
• 130 US hospitals
• 50+ attributes of diabetes patients and hospital outcomes
Ingesting Data into S3 - Staging
Table Name Table Type
admission_source.csv Master
admission_type.csv Master
discharge_disposition.csv Master
Diabetic_data.csv Transaction
aws s3 cp /tmp/foo/ s3://bucket/ --recursive
Schema in Redshift
create table admission_type (
admission_type_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
description varchar(100)
create table discharge_disposition (
discharge_disposition_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR(500)
create table admission_source (
admission_source_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR(500)
create table diabetes_data (
// ~50 attributes
Data Load and Standardization
COPY<Redshift_Table_Name> FROM's3://<file_path.csv>' CREDENTIALS
'aws_access_key_id=<>;aws_secret_access_key=<>’ DELIMITER ',’ IGNOREHEADER 1;
Data Load
• Updated NULL values
• Change attributes values which do not comply with standard patterns.
• ex: Phone = (206) XXX-XXXX
• Complete geographical data where possible
• Include timeline values if possible
• Group granular attributes in sets.
• ex: Ages 0 to 20 as youth, 20 to 40 as adult and so on.
Data Standardization
Create AML Data Source with Redshift
CreateDataSourceFromRedshift API
Real-time Predictions Using API
• Synchronous, low-latency, high-throughput prediction generation
• Request through service API or server or mobile SDKs
• Best for interaction applications that deal with individual data records
>>> import boto
>>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning()
>>> ml.predict(
record={’key1':’value1’, ’key2':’value2’})
'Prediction': {
'predictedValue': 13.284348,
'details': {
'Algorithm': 'SGD',
'PredictiveModelType': 'REGRESSION’
Application Website Hosted on S3
var machinelearning = new AWS.MachineLearning({apiVersion:
var params = {
MLModelId: ‘<AML Model ID>',
PredictEndpoint: ‘<AML Model Real Time End Point>',
Record: <Selected Attributes record set>
var request = machinelearning.predict(params);
Application calls the Predict() API using necessary parameters
Website hosting in S3 without web servers eliminates complexities of
scaling hardware based on traffic routed to your application. - Demo - Blog
Expanded Architecture
Amazon Machine
Learning Amazon
Corporate Data Center
Make data suitable to acting as
an ML data source
An ML model is
created with Redshift
as the data source
EC2 as a frontend
for AML end point
Process unstructured and
semi-structured data
Data Lake
RDS users
Batch prediction
generated and
stored in S3
DB Schemas
CSV Files
Unstructured files
generates BI reports
on prediction data.
An RDS schema
acts as a source
for QuickSight
Thank you!
Join us tonight at the Health Care happy hour
sponsored by Cambia Health Solutions, and AWS at:
Japonais restaurant in the Mirage
on Monday 11/28 from 6-8 PM
AWS and Cambia are co-presenting:
SEC305 – Scaling Security Resources for
Your First 10 Million Customers
Tuesday, Nov 29, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Do you want to know
more about how to
secure health data?
Remember to complete
your evaluations!

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AWS re:Invent 2016| HLC301 | Data Science and Healthcare: Running Large Scale Analytics and Machine Learning on AWS

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Arnoud Otte, Assistant Director Cloud & Data Architecture, Cambia Health Solutions Rich Uhl, CTO / Founder, 1Strategy Ujjwal Ratan, Solutions Architect, AWS November 28, 2016 HLC301 Data Science and Healthcare: Running Large Scale Analytics and Machine Learning on AWS
  • 2. What to Expect from the Session • Benefits from large-scale analytics with PHI - Arnoud • Securing Amazon EMR & Elasticsearch - Rich • Additional solution components for HIPAA compliance [demo] - Rich • Reducing cost and improve quality of care with Amazon Machine Learning [demo] - Ujjwal NOTE: This is a deep dive session on HOW rather than WHAT. We will show implementation details. • This session expects familiarity with: • AWS services - EMR and S3  BDM401 - Deep Dive: Amazon EMR Best Practices & Design Patterns  BDA206 - Building Big Data Applications with the AWS Big Data Platform • Encryption and distributed systems like Hadoop and Elasticsearch
  • 3. Arnoud Otte Assistant Director Cloud & Data Architecture
  • 4. Cambia Health Solutions Our Roots Born from an inspired idea Our Cause Becoming catalysts for transformation Our Vision Delivering a reimagined health care experience
  • 6. Architecture Amazon CloudWatch AWS CloudTrail AWS IAM Cambia Data Center Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB AWS Lambda Amazon EMR Amazon Elasticsearch Service Data Lake Metadata Security Amazon Redshift Amazon EMR Data Science & Analytics Amazon EMR Master Data Management
  • 7. Master Data Management Source A Source B First Name John John Last Name Doe Doe DOB 1970-01-01 2016-11-28 Street 105 Main St 105 Main St City Portland Portland State OR OR Source A Source B First Name Jillian Jill Last Name Doe Doe-Doe SSN 123-45-6789 123-45-6789 Street 605 Oak Dr 105 Main Street City PDX Portland State OR Oregon No. Fatherandson. Yes.Married,changedname,andmoved. This is artificial data fabricated for illustration purposes only. Are these the same people?
  • 8. Master Data Management – Approach Demographics Laboratory Pharmaceutics Geography Claims Composite record of best values Cambia Match and Merge on Amazon EMR
  • 9. Master Data Management – Quality 98.50% 99.90% 99.99% 97.5% 98.0% 98.5% 99.0% 99.5% 100.0% Match Correctness Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1 98.80% 84.30% 98.10% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0% 100.0% Match Completeness Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1 7,000+ records containing 1,600+ matches Manually checked and confirmed in the real world
  • 10. Master Data Management – Performance 90 minutes 40 minutes 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 minutes Run time Vendor Cambia V1 Cambia V1.1 2160 minutes or 36 hours 17.7M records containing 1.8M matches
  • 11. Next Steps Scale in and out or up and down Amazon Machine Learning Amazon EMR Build out healthcare data science models HIPAA compliant search on data Amazon EC2
  • 12. SecurityBig Data | @1strategy_cloud | Booth #408 Rich Uhl Founder & CTO
  • 13. At Rest – when data is in a stored location Definition of Terms In Transit – when data is moved to and from storage In Process – when data is in temporary space for processing state
  • 14. Architecture Amazon CloudWatch AWS CloudTrail AWS IAM Cambia Data Center Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB AWS Lambda Amazon EMR Amazon Elasticsearch Service Data Lake Metadata Security Amazon Redshift Amazon EMR Data Science & Analytics Amazon EMR Master Data Management
  • 15. AWS KMS Encryption Keys Exchanging Keys Temporary KeysMaster Key Key Management
  • 17. EMRFS on S3 EMRFS on S3 – This is achieved via s3 client-side encryption with AWS KMS. HDFS – via Hadoop File System (HDFS) transparent data encryption as described in the Apache Docs. HDFS on EMR Cluster Config File Encrypted Encryption at Rest
  • 18. { "Sid": "DenyUnEncryptedObjectUploads", "Effect": "Deny", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::prd-datalake/*", "Condition": { "StringNotEquals": { "s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256" } } } EMRFS on S3 Encryption at Rest
  • 19. Data Encryption Key (DEK) Envelope Data Encryption Key (EDEK) Hadoop KMS Bootstrap Script Uses native Hadoop HDFS Transparent Data Encryption (DEK/EDEK) HDFS on EMR Cluster Encryption at Rest
  • 20. { "Classification": "hdfs-site", "Properties": { "dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri": "kms://…”, "": "file:///…", "": "/mnt/encrypted/…", "": "/mnt/encrypted/…", "": "file:///…" } Bootstrap Script HDFS on EMR Cluster Encryption at Rest
  • 21. EMRFS on S3 HDFS on EMR Cluster Summary of Encryption at Rest
  • 23. HDFS on EMR Cluster EMRFS on S3 Encryption in Transit
  • 24. EMRFS on S3 HDFS on EMR Cluster Encryption in Transit <!-- Client certificate Store --> <property> <name>ssl.client.keystore.type</name> <value>jks</value> </property> <property> <name>ssl.client.keystore.location</name> <value>/etc/emr/security/ssl/keystore.jks</value> </property> <property> <name>ssl.client.keystore.password</name> <value>changeit</value> </property> <!-- Client Trust Store --> <property> <name>ssl.client.truststore.type</name> <value>jks</value> </property> <property> <name>ssl.client.truststore.location</name> <value>/etc/emr/security/ssl/truststore.jks</value> </property> <property> <name>ssl.client.truststore.password</name> <value>changeit</value> </property> <property> <name>ssl.client.truststore.reload.interval</name> <value>10000</value> </property> </configuration>
  • 25. Three areas to address 1. Hadoop RPC - Hadoop RPC is used by API clients of MapReduce 2. HDFS DTP - HDFS Transparent encryption this traffic is automatically encrypted 3. Hadoop MapReduce Shuffle - MapReduce shuffles and sorts the output of each map task to reducers on different nodes HDFS on EMR Cluster Encryption in Transit - Cluster
  • 26. RPC client Hadoop RPC - Hadoop RPC is used by API clients of MapReduce EMR Cluster EMRFS on S3 Encryption in Transit - Cluster
  • 27. RPC client <property> <name></name> <value></value> <description> For those cases where the same RPC protocol is implemented by multiple servers, this configuration is required for specifying the principal name to use for the service when the client wishes to make an RPC call. </description> </property> <property> <name></name> <value>authentication</value> <description>A comma-separated list of protection values for secured sasl connections. Possible values are authentication, integrity and privacy. authentication means authentication only and no integrity or privacy; integrity implies authentication and integrity are enabled; and privacy implies all of authentication, integrity and privacy are enabled. can be used to override the for a connection at the server side. </description> </property> Encryption in Transit - Cluster
  • 28. Data Encryption Key (DEK) Envelope Data Encryption Key (EDEK) Hadoop KMS HDFS Data Transfer Protocol (DTP) – Using HDFS Transparent encryption enabled ensures automatic encryption Encryption in Transit - Cluster EMRFS on S3 EMR Cluster
  • 29. <property> <name></name> <value>true</value> <description> Whether or not actual block data that is read/written from/to HDFS should be encrypted on the wire. This only needs to be set on the NN and DNs, clients will deduce this automatically. It is possible to override this setting per connection by specifying custom logic via dfs.trustedchannel.resolver.class. </description> </property> <property> <name></name> <value></value> <description> This value may be set to either "3des" or "rc4". If nothing is set, then the configured JCE default on the system is used (usually 3DES.) It is widely believed that 3DES is more cryptographically secure, but RC4 is substantially faster. </description> </property> Data Encryption Key (DEK) Envelope Data Encryption Key (EDEK) Hadoop KMS Hadoop Data Transfer Protocol (DTP) configured on startup with a bootstrap script Encryption in Transit - Cluster
  • 30. Hadoop Encrypted Shuffle and Sort Hadoop MapReduce Shuffle - In the shuffle phase, Hadoop MapReduce (MRv2) shuffles the output of each map task to reducers on different nodes using HTTP by default. EMR Cluster Encryption in Transit - Cluster EMRFS on S3
  • 31. { "Classification": "mapred-site", "Properties": { "mapreduce.shuffle.ssl.enabled": "true", "mapred.local.dir": "/mnt/encrypted/mapred,/mnt1/encrypted/mapred", "mapreduce.cluster.local.dir": "/mnt/encrypted/mapred,/mnt1/encrypted/mapred", "mapreduce.application.classpath": "$HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*,n $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*,n /usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/conf,n /usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/lib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/emrfs/auxlib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/lib/*,n /usr/share/aws/emr/ddb/lib/emr-ddb-hadoop.jar,n /usr/share/aws/emr/goodies/lib/emr-hadoop-goodies.jar,n /usr/share/aws/emr/kinesis/lib/emr-kinesis- hadoop.jar,n /usr/share/aws/emr/cloudwatch-sink/lib/*,n /etc/emr/security/conf" } Hadoop Encrypted Shuffle and Sort Encryption in Transit - Cluster
  • 32. EMRFS on S3 EMR Cluster Encryption in Transit - Cluster Spark block transfer service – This is can be encrypted using SASL encryption in Spark 1.5.1 and later.
  • 33. { "Classification": "spark-env", "Properties": { "spark.authenticate.enableSaslEncryption": "true", "": "true" } Encryption in Transit
  • 36. Bootstrap Script function encrypt_disk() { local dev=$1 local dir=$2 local cryptname="crypt_${dir:1}" # Unmount the drive sudo umount "$dev" # Encrypt the drive sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-file "$PWD_FILE" "$dev" sudo cryptsetup luksOpen -q --key-file "$PWD_FILE" "$dev" "$cryptname" # Format the drive sudo mkfs -t xfs "/dev/mapper/$cryptname" sudo mount -o defaults,noatime,inode64 "/dev/mapper/$cryptname" "$dir" sudo rm -rf "$dir/lost+found" sudo mkdir -p "$dir/encrypted" sudo chown -R hadoop:hadoop "$dir" echo "/dev/mapper/$cryptname $dir xfs defaults,noatime,inode64 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab echo "$cryptname $dev $PWD_FILE" | sudo tee -a /etc/crypttab } Temporary Space on EBS Volumes Encryption in Process
  • 37. HDFS on EMR ClusterEMRFS on S3 Temporary Space on EBS Volumes RPC Hadoop Encrypted Shuffle and Sort Native DTP Summary of the EMR Encryption Process
  • 38. EMR Updates 1Strategy blog links September 21st, 2016 AWS EMR Encryption Documentation
  • 39. EMR Updates and how they play into this
  • 40.
  • 41. Temporary Space on EBS Volumes ElasticSearch for HealthCare Encryption and AuthenticationElasticSearch on EC2 Instances
  • 42. EMRFS on S3 Temporary Space on EBS Volumes ElasticSearch on EC2 Instances ElasticSearch Encryption Process Summary
  • 43. HIPAA is more than encryption Auditing & custom tools: • Audit script to show limited users have access to encrypted S3 data • S3 Buckets are encrypted • Show S3 Objects are encrypted *Working with Cambia to open source these tools
  • 44. Demo
  • 45. Ujjwal Ratan Solutions Architect, AWS
  • 46. Machine Learning inside Healthcare Analyzing Medical Images Prescription Compliance Prediction Evidence Based & Precision Medicine Text classification and mining Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Hospital Bed Utilization Treatment Queries and Suggestions Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials Population Health Vaccination and Immunization Omics and Clinical Data Integration Patient Outcomes Patient Readmission Prediction through risk stratification
  • 47. Real World Problem – Hospital Readmissions • Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) part of the Affordable Care Act. • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) required to reduce payments to hospitals with excess readmissions. • Not all readmissions can be prevented • Facilities with high readmission rates had their Medicare payment cut by 1% in 2013 which rose to 2% in 2014. Source -
  • 48. Our Focus Utilizing AWS For Machine Learning (ML) Continuum of Machine Learning Solutions • Limited ML Options • Binary • Multiclass • Regression • Simple to train • Easy to evaluate • Quick to deploy • Comprehensive ML options • Requires work to train • No support for evaluation • Additional work to deploy • Scalable • Customizable Amazon EMR + Spark ML Amazon Machine Learning
  • 49. Introducing Amazon Machine Learning (AML) • Easy to use, managed machine learning service built for developers • Robust, powerful machine learning technology based on Amazon’s internal systems • Use your data already stored in the AWS cloud • Models in production within seconds
  • 50. Machine Learning Proactive Prediction of Readmission Patient Demographics Patient History Admission Attributes Other features Patient High Risk Patient Low Risk Patient Moderate Risk Patient
  • 51. Amazon S3 Amazon Redshift Amazon Machine Learning users Internet CSV Files 1 2 3 5 Amazon Cognito S3 Static Website Internet 4 AML Application for Predicting Readmissions
  • 52. Clinical Data Set • 101,766 rows • 10 years of clinical care • 130 US hospitals • 50+ attributes of diabetes patients and hospital outcomes
  • 53. Ingesting Data into S3 - Staging Table Name Table Type admission_source.csv Master admission_type.csv Master discharge_disposition.csv Master Diabetic_data.csv Transaction aws s3 cp /tmp/foo/ s3://bucket/ --recursive
  • 54. Schema in Redshift Fact create table admission_type ( admission_type_id INTEGER NOT NULL, description varchar(100) ); create table discharge_disposition ( discharge_disposition_id INTEGER NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(500) ); create table admission_source ( admission_source_id INTEGER NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(500) ); create table diabetes_data ( // ~50 attributes ); Dim2 Dim3 Dim1
  • 55. Data Load and Standardization COPY<Redshift_Table_Name> FROM's3://<file_path.csv>' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<>;aws_secret_access_key=<>’ DELIMITER ',’ IGNOREHEADER 1; Data Load • Updated NULL values • Change attributes values which do not comply with standard patterns. • ex: Phone = (206) XXX-XXXX • Complete geographical data where possible • Include timeline values if possible • Group granular attributes in sets. • ex: Ages 0 to 20 as youth, 20 to 40 as adult and so on. Data Standardization
  • 56. Create AML Data Source with Redshift CreateDataSourceFromRedshift API Console
  • 57. Real-time Predictions Using API • Synchronous, low-latency, high-throughput prediction generation • Request through service API or server or mobile SDKs • Best for interaction applications that deal with individual data records >>> import boto >>> ml = boto.connect_machinelearning() >>> ml.predict( ml_model_id=’my_model', predict_endpoint=’example_endpoint’, record={’key1':’value1’, ’key2':’value2’}) { 'Prediction': { 'predictedValue': 13.284348, 'details': { 'Algorithm': 'SGD', 'PredictiveModelType': 'REGRESSION’ } } }
  • 58.
  • 59. Application Website Hosted on S3 var machinelearning = new AWS.MachineLearning({apiVersion: '2014-12-12'}); var params = { MLModelId: ‘<AML Model ID>', PredictEndpoint: ‘<AML Model Real Time End Point>', Record: <Selected Attributes record set> }; var request = machinelearning.predict(params); Application calls the Predict() API using necessary parameters Website hosting in S3 without web servers eliminates complexities of scaling hardware based on traffic routed to your application. - Demo - Blog
  • 60. Expanded Architecture Amazon S3 Amazon Redshift Amazon Machine Learning Amazon EC2 Amazon EMR users Internet Corporate Data Center Make data suitable to acting as an ML data source An ML model is created with Redshift as the data source EC2 as a frontend for AML end point Process unstructured and semi-structured data Data Lake Amazon S3 Amazon QuickSight Amazon RDS users Batch prediction generated and stored in S3 DB Schemas CSV Files Unstructured files QuickSight generates BI reports on prediction data. An RDS schema acts as a source for QuickSight
  • 62. Join us tonight at the Health Care happy hour sponsored by Cambia Health Solutions, and AWS at: Japonais restaurant in the Mirage on Monday 11/28 from 6-8 PM AWS and Cambia are co-presenting: SEC305 – Scaling Security Resources for Your First 10 Million Customers Tuesday, Nov 29, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Do you want to know more about how to secure health data?