girls in stem stem facs home economics coding stem education computer coding computer science stem impressionists family and consumer science girls in technology education kitchen safety technology coding4all girls in engineering computer programming stem club scratch computer programming engineering beginner scratch vocabulary computer words after school stem club home ec ib codetiger scratchbeginner scratch diversity in computer science hour of code ibmyp hackathon black history sewing food safety qr codes american history middle school robotics science textile engineering teacher 21st century editor newsletter discrimination black lives matter racism high school stem program hands-on projects design cycle history sip resume prejudice ncwit diversity in stem problem solving design black fccla food cte textile finance myp math hacksip vita student experience hands-on education computing student community building kids solving problems community service design thinking csforall e-textiles electrical circuit competition first lego league robot fll tech steam check writing classroom economics business textiles smart technology kitchen raspberry pi science fair josti jobs virtual seminar racial understanding cs teacher material cs4all input devices computer devices diversity in engineering stem impressionist vexrobotics children life planning recycle real problems ib design cycle rubric glasgow middle school ettiquette circuit sewing sewing machine engineering careers slavery information technology health collaboration chemistry avid teaching student created tools classroom professional development k12 cs standards world competition stem competition artificial intelligence columbia engineering fcps zoom seminar angela dehart emanda seifu abrar omeish confederate 1619 project jim crow documentaries movies film george floyd sandra bland environment women in technology women in stem diversity in programming engineering activities society of women engineers input output devices output devices computer input microbit physics mentor vexiq fairfax vex team vex code child development child responsibilities family responsibilities family self awareness personal development personal planning life guide paradigm challenge recycling kids sticker book jie qi circuit sketchbook mit basic electronics circuit sticker book sticker sketchbook hand sewing cooking fccla at the table computer history reflection manners writing education and training physician doctors national engineering week challenge fun motivation badge lego robots food lab food coloring microsoft economics checks after school sew quilt quilting burns qr vatfacs privacy future ethics civil liberty trash eliminate earth day next generation carbon footprint save ocean grocery plastic bags sustainability aldi belonging inclusion cs teacher standards csta stem career stem presentation stem bloom bloom george mason focus online stem online education stem for girls tanisha dhami sip resume pallab noora aabed bioengineering pi day moon landing international women in engineering day cs education week space day national static electricity day national robotics week stem calendar stem camp for girls summer camp for girls registration maker foundation stem projects coolest project donors choose stem grants capitol one iteea scratch stories brightcs smallpox oral tradition massacre pequot people first thanksgiving abraham lincoln mark charles wampanoag tribe turkey harvest mayflower native land indians native americans pilgrims thanksgiving medical college essay essay writing college talk university scholarships school resources college civ school say her name say their name presentation maya angelou martin lugher king colin kaepernick beyond 1619 equity terms civil war slam poetry clint smith dr clint smith 1619 quotes malcolmx whitness justice white supremacy reconstruction zone time tool global citizen conversion time zone conversion united states time zones time zone time management time sexism overcoming adversity adversity female history overlooked women forgotten women women's history women beginnermicrobit bbcmicrobit nametag care save the environment save the earth earthday green cr2032 disposal of batteries batteries volunteering service learning service project diabetes computing and technology award for aspirations mobile application development computer information system computer education female leadership leadership leadership development proposal swe designlab designlab swenext elementary stem education community swe algorithm computer output concentration business class brochure wonderleague dash configure cosmic ray detector count muons muons cte science science education physics education plateauing science data cosmic rays cosmic ray detector particle physics codedotorg costumes theatre design post consumables props consumables theatre mclean regional competition va state vex competition coding robots robot education cool code awards food borne illness stop infection patient care hospital hygiene personal hygiene hygiene stop germs don't spread germs germs on hands germs wash hands properly steps for hand washing hand washing washing hands healthcare child babysitting students north carolina state ncstate textile contest parenttoolbox parenting child care young kids scientific cycle engineering cycle searching for an apartment where can i live in the dc area where can i live how much rent can i afford getting your first apartment personal finance budgeting budget paying rent first apartment types of families definition of family communication teamwork working well with others teams working together getting along education summit pathways smartbrief extension projects self discovery peer-to-peer training unit planner student unit planner personal growth personal resources character development conflict resolution overcoming challenges all about me life review my life review young to old life line lifeline review life learning names summative formative mind mapping mind map educational technology constructing modern knowledge cmk2017 food waste bee pollinator colonycollapse bees pollinators food poisoning digital badges student motivation badges firstjob salary stem skills wage va fccla fccla career connection helping others donation glasgow pta quiet book maslow's hierarchy app inventor capital one student feedback language arts feedback hacking ib myp design cycle cooking home economics facs catering at the table 4th generation computers pascaline 3rd generation computers eniac jacquard loom 2nd generation computers hollerith charles babbage ada lovelace abacus jacquard 1st generation computers babbage system of numbers schickard emotional intelligence teacher reflection social development cognitive development intelligence k-12 behav appreciation thanks writing a note thank you thank you note saying thank you quilt variety machine quiting quilt history light emitting diode electronics led personal economics cornell notes careers gems reptiles snakes crocodiles alligators geckos fccla @ the table recognition acknowledgement incentive reward art symmetry nature animals even novalabsrobotics ftc training project based interdisciplinary check mixed media simple machines textile arts homeeconomics homeec copy pbl digital excel word office software store girls club mooc electrical shock byod codes integration dehart
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