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Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin
Cake Solutions @cakesolutions
Presented by Anirvan Chakraborty @anirvan_c
● Introduction
● Event sourcing and CQRS
● An emerging technology stack to handle data
● A reference application and it’s architecture
● A few use cases of the reference application
● Conclusion
● Increasing importance of data analytics
● Current state
○ Destructive updates
○ Analytics tools with poor scalability and integration
○ Manual processes
○ Slow iterations
○ Not suitable for large amounts of data
● Whole lifecycle of data
● Data processing
● Data stores
● Integration and messaging
● Distributed computing primitives
● Cluster managers and task schedulers
● Deployment, configuration management and DevOps
● Data analytics and machine learning
● Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka (SMACK, Infinity)
ACID Mutable State
● Create, Read, Update, Delete
● Exposes mutable internal state
● Many read methods on repositories
● Mapping of data model and objects (impedance mismatch)
● No auditing
● No separation of concerns (read / write, command / event)
● Strongly consistent
● Difficult optimizations of reads / writes
● Difficult to scale
● Intent, behaviour, history, is lost
Balance = 5
Balance = 10
Balance = 10
Kappa architecture
Client Views
Lambda Architecture
Batch Layer Serving
Stream layer (fast)
Allyourdata Serving DB
[2, 3]
● Append only data store
● No updates or deletes (rewriting history)
● Immutable data model
● Decouples data model of the application and storage
● Current state not persisted, but derived. A sequence of updates that led to it.
● History, state known at any point in time
● Replayable
● Source of truth
● Optimisations possible
● Works well in distributed environment - easy partitioning, conflicts
● Helps avoiding transactions
● Works well with DDD
userId date change
1 24/10/2015 +100
Event journal
● Command Query Responsibility Segregation
● Read and write logically and physically separated
● Reasoning about the application
● Clear separation of concerns (business logic)
● Often different technology, scalability
● Often lower consistency - eventual, causal
● Write side
● Messages, requests to mutate state
● Behaviour, serialized method call essentially
● Don’t expose state
● Validated and may be rejected or emit one or more events (e.g. submitting a form)
● Write side
● Immutable
● Indicating something that has happened
● Atomic record of state change
● Audit log
● Read side
● Precomputed
userId = 1
userId date change
1 24/10/2015 +100
Event journal
1 100
userId = 1
balance = 100
● Partial order of events for each entity
● Operation semantics, CRDTs
● Localization
● Conflicting concurrent histories
○ Resubmission
○ Deduplication
○ Replication
● Identifier
● Version
● Timestamp
● Vector clock
● Actor framework for truly concurrent and distributed systems
● Thread safe mutable state - consistency boundary
● Domain modelling, distributed state
● Simple programming model - asynchronously send messages, create
new actors, change behaviour
● Supports CQRS/ES
● Fully distributed - asynchronous, delivery guarantees, failures, time
and order, consistency, availability, communication patterns, data
locality, persistence, durability, concurrent updates, conflicts,
divergence, invariants, ...
? + 1
? + 1
? + 2
UserId = 1
Name = Bob
BankAccountId = 1
Balance = 1000
UserId = 1
Name = Alice
● Distributed domain modelling
● In memory
● Ordering, consistency
id = 1
● Actor backed by data store
● Immutable event sourced journal
● Supports CQRS (write and read side)
● Persistence, replay on failure, rebalance, at least once delivery
user1, event 2
user1, event 3
user1, event 4
user1, event 1
class UserActor extends PersistentActor {
override def persistenceId: String = UserPersistenceId(
override def receiveCommand: Receive = notRegistered(DistributedData(context.system).replicator)
def notRegistered(distributedData: ActorRef): Receive = {
case cmd: AccountCommand =>
persist(AccountEvent(cmd.account)){ acc =>
sender() ! /-()
def registered(account: Account): Receive = {
case eres @ EntireResistanceExerciseSession(id, session, sets, examples, deviations) =>
persist(eres)(data => sender() ! /-(id))
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
● Akka Persistence Cassandra journal
○ Globally distributed journal
○ Scalable, resilient, highly available
○ Performant, operational database
● Community plugins
akka {
persistence {
journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal"
snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store"
● Partition-size
● Events in each cluster partition ordered (persistenceId - partition pair)
processor_id text,
partition_nr bigint,
sequence_nr bigint,
marker text,
message blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((processor_id, partition_nr),
sequence_nr, marker))
AND gc_grace_seconds = ${config.
processor_id partition_nr sequence_nr marker message
user-1 0 0 H 0x0a6643b334...
user-1 0 1 A 0x0ab2020801...
user-1 0 2 A 0x0a98020801...
● Internal state, moment in time
● Read optimization
processor_id text,
sequence_nr bigint,
timestamp bigint,
snapshot blob,
PRIMARY KEY (processor_id, sequence_nr))
processor_id sequence_nr snapshot timestamp
user-1 16 0x0400000001... 1441696908210
user-1 20 0x0400000001... 1441697587765
● Uses Akka serialization
0x0a6643b334 …
Payload: T
actor {
serialization-bindings {
"io.muvr.exercise.ExercisePlanDeviation" = kryo,
"io.muvr.exercise.ResistanceExercise" = kryo,
serializers {
java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer"
kryo = "com.twitter.chill.akka.AkkaSerializer"
class UserActorView(userId: String) extends PersistentView {
override def persistenceId: String = UserPersistenceId(userId).persistenceId
override def viewId: String = UserPersistenceId(userId).persistentViewId
override def autoUpdateInterval: FiniteDuration = FiniteDuration(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def receive: Receive = viewState(List.empty)
def viewState(processedDeviations: List[ExercisePlanProcessedDeviation]): Receive = {
case EntireResistanceExerciseSession(_, _, _, _, deviations) if isPersistent =>
context.become(viewState(deviations.filter(condition).map(process) ::: processedDeviations))
case GetProcessedDeviations => sender() ! processedDeviations
● Akka 2.4
● Potentially infinite stream of data
● Ordered, replayable, resumable
● Aggregation, transformation, moving data
● EventsByPersistenceId
● AllPersistenceids
● EventsByTag
val readJournal =
val source = readJournal.query(
EventsByPersistenceId(UserPersistenceId(name).persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue), NoRefresh)
.collect{ case s: EntireResistanceExerciseSession => s }
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
val result = source.runFold(List.empty[ExercisePlanDeviation])((x, y) => y :: x)
● Potentially infinite stream of events
Publisher Subscriber
● In Akka we have the read and write sides separated,
in Cassandra we don’t
● Different data model
● Avoid using operational datastore
● Eventual consistency
● Streaming transformations to different format
● Unify journalled and other data
● Computations and analytics queries on the data
● Often iterative, complex, expensive computations
● Prepared and interactive queries
● Data from multiple sources, joins and transformations
● Often directly on a stream of data
● Whole history of events
● Historical behaviour
● Works retrospectively, can answer questions in the future that we don’t
know exist yet
● Various data types from various sources
● Large amounts of fast data
● Automated analytics
● Cassandra 3.0 - user defined functions, functional indexes, aggregation
functions, materialized views
● Server side denormalization
● Eventual consistency
● Copy of data with different partitioning
● In memory dataflow distributed data processing framework, streaming
and batch
● Distributes computation using a higher level API
● Load balancing
● Moves computation to data
● Fault tolerant
● Resilient Distributed Datasets
● Fault tolerance
● Caching
● Serialization
● Transformations
○ Lazy, form the DAG
○ map, filter, flatMap, union, group, reduce, sort, join, repartition, cartesian, glom, ...
● Actions
○ Execute DAG, retrieve result
○ reduce, collect, count, first, take, foreach, saveAs…, min, max, ...
● Accumulators
● Broadcast Variables
● Integration
● Streaming
● Machine Learning
● Graph Processing
textFile mapmap
.map(line => line.split("t"))
.map(word => (word(0), word(1).toInt))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
Spark master
Spark worker
● Cassandra can store
● Spark can process
● Gathering large amounts of heterogeneous data
● Queries
● Transformations
● Complex computations
● Machine learning, data mining, analytics
● Now possible
● Prepared and interactive queries
lazy val sparkConf: SparkConf =
new SparkConf()
.setAppName(...).setMaster(...).set("", "")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val data = sc.cassandraTable[T]("keyspace", "table").select("columns")
val processedData = data.flatMap(...)...
processedData.saveToCassandra("keyspace", "table")
● Akka Analytics project
● Handles custom Akka serialization
case class JournalKey(persistenceId: String, partition: Long, sequenceNr: Long)
lazy val sparkConf: SparkConf =
new SparkConf()
.setAppName(...).setMaster(...).set("", "")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable()
● Spark streaming
● Precomputing using spark or replication often aiming for different data
Operational cluster Analytics cluster
Precomputation /
Integration with
other data sources
val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache().filterClass[EntireResistanceExerciseSession].flatMap(_.deviations)
val deviationsFrequency = sqlContext.sql(
"""SELECT planned.exercise, hour(time), COUNT(1)
FROM exerciseDeviations
WHERE planned.exercise = 'bench press'
GROUP BY planned.exercise, hour(time)""")
val deviationsFrequency2 = exerciseDeviationsDF
.where(exerciseDeviationsDF("planned.exercise") === "bench press")
val deviationsFrequency3 = exerciseDeviations
.filter(_.planned.exercise == "bench press")
.groupBy(d => (d.planned.exercise, d.time.getHours))
.map(d => (d._1, d._2.size))
def toVector(user: User): mllib.linalg.Vector =
user.frequency, user.performanceIndex, user.improvementIndex)
val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache()
val users: RDD[User] = events.filterClass[User]
val kmeans = new KMeans()
val clusters =
val weight: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache()
val exerciseDeviations = events
.flatMap(session =>
session.sets.flatMap(set => => (, exercise.exercise))))
.groupBy(e => e)
.map(g =>
Rating(normalize(g._1._1), normalize(g._1._2),
val model = new ALS().run(ratings)
val predictions = model.predict(recommend)
user 1 5 2
user 2 4 3
user 3 5 2
user 4 3 1
val events = sc.eventTable().cache().toDF()
val lr = new LinearRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(new UserFilter(), new ZScoreNormalizer(),
new IntensityFeatureExtractor(), lr))
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
.addGrid(lr.regParam, Array(0.1, 0.01))
.addGrid(lr.fitIntercept, Array(true, false))
getEligibleUsers(events, sessionEndedBefore)
.map { user =>
val trainValidationSplit = new TrainValidationSplit()
.setEvaluator(new RegressionEvaluator)
val model =
ParamMap(ParamPair(userIdParam, user)))
val testData = // Prepare test data.
val predictions = model.transform(testData)
submitResult(userId, predictions, config)
val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache()
val connections = events.filterClass[Connections]
val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, Long)] = => (, 1l))
val edges: RDD[Edge[Long]] = connections
.flatMap(c => c.connections
.map(Edge(, _, 1l)))
val graph = Graph(vertices, edges)
val ranks = graph.pageRank(0.0001).vertices
7 * Dumbbell
Alternating Curl
Error %
● Exercise domain as an example
● Analytics of both batch (offline) and streaming (online) data
● Analytics important in other areas (banking, stock market, network,
cluster monitoring, business intelligence, commerce, internet of things, ...)
● Enabling value of data
● Event sourcing
● Technologies to handle the data
○ Spark
○ Mesos
○ Akka
○ Cassandra
○ Kafka
● Handling data
● Insights and analytics enable value in data
● Jobs at
● Code at
● Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin
● Anirvan Chakraborty @anirvan_c

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Cassandra as event sourced journal for big data analytics

  • 1. Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin Cake Solutions @cakesolutions #CassandraSummit Presented by Anirvan Chakraborty @anirvan_c
  • 2. ● Introduction ● Event sourcing and CQRS ● An emerging technology stack to handle data ● A reference application and it’s architecture ● A few use cases of the reference application ● Conclusion
  • 3. ● Increasing importance of data analytics ● Current state ○ Destructive updates ○ Analytics tools with poor scalability and integration ○ Manual processes ○ Slow iterations ○ Not suitable for large amounts of data
  • 4. ● Whole lifecycle of data ● Data processing ● Data stores ● Integration and messaging ● Distributed computing primitives ● Cluster managers and task schedulers ● Deployment, configuration management and DevOps ● Data analytics and machine learning ● Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka (SMACK, Infinity)
  • 6. ● Create, Read, Update, Delete ● Exposes mutable internal state ● Many read methods on repositories ● Mapping of data model and objects (impedance mismatch) ● No auditing ● No separation of concerns (read / write, command / event) ● Strongly consistent ● Difficult optimizations of reads / writes ● Difficult to scale ● Intent, behaviour, history, is lost Balance = 5 Balance = 10 Update Account Balance = 10 Account
  • 9. ● Append only data store ● No updates or deletes (rewriting history) ● Immutable data model ● Decouples data model of the application and storage ● Current state not persisted, but derived. A sequence of updates that led to it. ● History, state known at any point in time ● Replayable ● Source of truth ● Optimisations possible ● Works well in distributed environment - easy partitioning, conflicts ● Helps avoiding transactions ● Works well with DDD
  • 10. userId date change 1 1 1 10/10/2015 11/10/2015 23/10/2015 +300 -100 -200 1 24/10/2015 +100 balanceChanged event balanceChanged balanceChanged balanceChanged Event journal
  • 11. ● Command Query Responsibility Segregation ● Read and write logically and physically separated ● Reasoning about the application ● Clear separation of concerns (business logic) ● Often different technology, scalability ● Often lower consistency - eventual, causal
  • 12. Command ● Write side ● Messages, requests to mutate state ● Behaviour, serialized method call essentially ● Don’t expose state ● Validated and may be rejected or emit one or more events (e.g. submitting a form) Event ● Write side ● Immutable ● Indicating something that has happened ● Atomic record of state change ● Audit log Query ● Read side ● Precomputed
  • 13. userId = 1 updateBalance (+100) Write Command Event userId date change 1 1 1 10/10/2015 11/10/2015 23/10/2015 +300 -100 -200 1 24/10/2015 +100 balance Changed event balance Changed balance Changed balance Changed Event journal Command handler Read balance 1 100 userId = 1 balance = 100 Query userId
  • 14. ● Partial order of events for each entity ● Operation semantics, CRDTs UserNameUpdated(B) UserNameUpdated(B) UserNameUpdated(A) UserNameUpdated(A)
  • 15. ● Localization ● Conflicting concurrent histories ○ Resubmission ○ Deduplication ○ Replication ● Identifier ● Version ● Timestamp ● Vector clock
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. ● Actor framework for truly concurrent and distributed systems ● Thread safe mutable state - consistency boundary ● Domain modelling, distributed state ● Simple programming model - asynchronously send messages, create new actors, change behaviour ● Supports CQRS/ES ● Fully distributed - asynchronous, delivery guarantees, failures, time and order, consistency, availability, communication patterns, data locality, persistence, durability, concurrent updates, conflicts, divergence, invariants, ...
  • 19. ? ? ? + 1 ? + 1 ? + 2 UserId = 1 Name = Bob BankAccountId = 1 Balance = 1000 UserId = 1 Name = Alice
  • 20. ● Distributed domain modelling ● In memory ● Ordering, consistency id = 1
  • 21. ● Actor backed by data store ● Immutable event sourced journal ● Supports CQRS (write and read side) ● Persistence, replay on failure, rebalance, at least once delivery
  • 22. user1, event 2 user1, event 3 user1, event 4 user1, event 1
  • 23. class UserActor extends PersistentActor { override def persistenceId: String = UserPersistenceId( override def receiveCommand: Receive = notRegistered(DistributedData(context.system).replicator) def notRegistered(distributedData: ActorRef): Receive = { case cmd: AccountCommand => persist(AccountEvent(cmd.account)){ acc => context.become(registered(acc)) sender() ! /-() } } def registered(account: Account): Receive = { case eres @ EntireResistanceExerciseSession(id, session, sets, examples, deviations) => persist(eres)(data => sender() ! /-(id)) } override def receiveRecover: Receive = { ... } }
  • 24. ● Akka Persistence Cassandra journal ○ Globally distributed journal ○ Scalable, resilient, highly available ○ Performant, operational database ● Community plugins akka { persistence { journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal" snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store" } }
  • 25. ● Partition-size ● Events in each cluster partition ordered (persistenceId - partition pair) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tableName} ( processor_id text, partition_nr bigint, sequence_nr bigint, marker text, message blob, PRIMARY KEY ((processor_id, partition_nr), sequence_nr, marker)) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND gc_grace_seconds = ${config. gc_grace_seconds} processor_id partition_nr sequence_nr marker message user-1 0 0 H 0x0a6643b334... user-1 0 1 A 0x0ab2020801... user-1 0 2 A 0x0a98020801...
  • 26. ● Internal state, moment in time ● Read optimization CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tableName} ( processor_id text, sequence_nr bigint, timestamp bigint, snapshot blob, PRIMARY KEY (processor_id, sequence_nr)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (sequence_nr DESC) processor_id sequence_nr snapshot timestamp user-1 16 0x0400000001... 1441696908210 user-1 20 0x0400000001... 1441697587765
  • 27. ● Uses Akka serialization 0x0a6643b334 … PersistentRepr Akka.Serialization Payload: T Protobuff actor { serialization-bindings { "io.muvr.exercise.ExercisePlanDeviation" = kryo, "io.muvr.exercise.ResistanceExercise" = kryo, } serializers { java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer" kryo = "com.twitter.chill.akka.AkkaSerializer" } }
  • 28. class UserActorView(userId: String) extends PersistentView { override def persistenceId: String = UserPersistenceId(userId).persistenceId override def viewId: String = UserPersistenceId(userId).persistentViewId override def autoUpdateInterval: FiniteDuration = FiniteDuration(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def receive: Receive = viewState(List.empty) def viewState(processedDeviations: List[ExercisePlanProcessedDeviation]): Receive = { case EntireResistanceExerciseSession(_, _, _, _, deviations) if isPersistent => context.become(viewState(deviations.filter(condition).map(process) ::: processedDeviations)) case GetProcessedDeviations => sender() ! processedDeviations } }
  • 29. ● Akka 2.4 ● Potentially infinite stream of data ● Ordered, replayable, resumable ● Aggregation, transformation, moving data ● EventsByPersistenceId ● AllPersistenceids ● EventsByTag
  • 30. val readJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor(CassandraJournal.Identifier) val source = readJournal.query( EventsByPersistenceId(UserPersistenceId(name).persistenceId, 0, Long.MaxValue), NoRefresh) .map(_.event) .collect{ case s: EntireResistanceExerciseSession => s } .mapConcat(_.deviations) .filter(condition) .map(process) implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() val result = source.runFold(List.empty[ExercisePlanDeviation])((x, y) => y :: x)
  • 31. ● Potentially infinite stream of events Source[Any].map(process).filter(condition) Publisher Subscriber process condition backpressure
  • 32. ● In Akka we have the read and write sides separated, in Cassandra we don’t ● Different data model ● Avoid using operational datastore ● Eventual consistency ● Streaming transformations to different format ● Unify journalled and other data
  • 33. ● Computations and analytics queries on the data ● Often iterative, complex, expensive computations ● Prepared and interactive queries ● Data from multiple sources, joins and transformations ● Often directly on a stream of data ● Whole history of events ● Historical behaviour ● Works retrospectively, can answer questions in the future that we don’t know exist yet ● Various data types from various sources ● Large amounts of fast data ● Automated analytics
  • 34. ● Cassandra 3.0 - user defined functions, functional indexes, aggregation functions, materialized views ● Server side denormalization ● Eventual consistency ● Copy of data with different partitioning userId performance
  • 35. ● In memory dataflow distributed data processing framework, streaming and batch ● Distributes computation using a higher level API ● Load balancing ● Moves computation to data ● Fault tolerant
  • 36. ● Resilient Distributed Datasets ● Fault tolerance ● Caching ● Serialization ● Transformations ○ Lazy, form the DAG ○ map, filter, flatMap, union, group, reduce, sort, join, repartition, cartesian, glom, ... ● Actions ○ Execute DAG, retrieve result ○ reduce, collect, count, first, take, foreach, saveAs…, min, max, ... ● Accumulators ● Broadcast Variables ● Integration ● Streaming ● Machine Learning ● Graph Processing
  • 37. textFile mapmap reduceByKey collect sc.textFile("counts") .map(line => line.split("t")) .map(word => (word(0), word(1).toInt)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .collect() [4]
  • 39. ● Cassandra can store ● Spark can process ● Gathering large amounts of heterogeneous data ● Queries ● Transformations ● Complex computations ● Machine learning, data mining, analytics ● Now possible ● Prepared and interactive queries
  • 40. lazy val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(...).setMaster(...).set("", "") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val data = sc.cassandraTable[T]("keyspace", "table").select("columns") val processedData = data.flatMap(...)... processedData.saveToCassandra("keyspace", "table")
  • 41. ● Akka Analytics project ● Handles custom Akka serialization case class JournalKey(persistenceId: String, partition: Long, sequenceNr: Long) lazy val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(...).setMaster(...).set("", "") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable() events.sortByKey().map(...).filter(...).collect().foreach(println)
  • 42. ● Spark streaming ● Precomputing using spark or replication often aiming for different data model Operational cluster Analytics cluster Precomputation / replication Integration with other data sources
  • 43. val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache().filterClass[EntireResistanceExerciseSession].flatMap(_.deviations) val deviationsFrequency = sqlContext.sql( """SELECT planned.exercise, hour(time), COUNT(1) FROM exerciseDeviations WHERE planned.exercise = 'bench press' GROUP BY planned.exercise, hour(time)""") val deviationsFrequency2 = exerciseDeviationsDF .where(exerciseDeviationsDF("planned.exercise") === "bench press") .groupBy( exerciseDeviationsDF("planned.exercise"), exerciseDeviationsDF("time”)) .count() val deviationsFrequency3 = exerciseDeviations .filter(_.planned.exercise == "bench press") .groupBy(d => (d.planned.exercise, d.time.getHours)) .map(d => (d._1, d._2.size))
  • 44. def toVector(user: User): mllib.linalg.Vector = Vectors.dense( user.frequency, user.performanceIndex, user.improvementIndex) val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache() val users: RDD[User] = events.filterClass[User] val kmeans = new KMeans() .setK(5) .set... val clusters =
  • 45. val weight: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache() val exerciseDeviations = events .filterClass[EntireResistanceExerciseSession] .flatMap(session => session.sets.flatMap(set => => (, exercise.exercise)))) .groupBy(e => e) .map(g => Rating(normalize(g._1._1), normalize(g._1._2), normalize(g._2.size))) val model = new ALS().run(ratings) val predictions = model.predict(recommend) bench press bicep curl dead lift user 1 5 2 user 2 4 3 user 3 5 2 user 4 3 1
  • 46. val events = sc.eventTable().cache().toDF() val lr = new LinearRegression() val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(new UserFilter(), new ZScoreNormalizer(), new IntensityFeatureExtractor(), lr)) val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder() .addGrid(lr.regParam, Array(0.1, 0.01)) .addGrid(lr.fitIntercept, Array(true, false)) getEligibleUsers(events, sessionEndedBefore) .map { user => val trainValidationSplit = new TrainValidationSplit() .setEstimator(pipeline) .setEvaluator(new RegressionEvaluator) .setEstimatorParamMaps(paramGrid) val model = events, ParamMap(ParamPair(userIdParam, user))) val testData = // Prepare test data. val predictions = model.transform(testData) submitResult(userId, predictions, config) }
  • 47. val events: RDD[(JournalKey, Any)] = sc.eventTable().cache() val connections = events.filterClass[Connections] val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, Long)] = => (, 1l)) val edges: RDD[Edge[Long]] = connections .flatMap(c => c.connections .map(Edge(, _, 1l))) val graph = Graph(vertices, edges) val ranks = graph.pageRank(0.0001).vertices
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 53. ● Exercise domain as an example ● Analytics of both batch (offline) and streaming (online) data ● Analytics important in other areas (banking, stock market, network, cluster monitoring, business intelligence, commerce, internet of things, ...) ● Enabling value of data
  • 54. ● Event sourcing ● CQRS ● Technologies to handle the data ○ Spark ○ Mesos ○ Akka ○ Cassandra ○ Kafka ● Handling data ● Insights and analytics enable value in data
  • 55.
  • 56. ● Jobs at ● Code at ● Martin Zapletal @zapletal_martin ● Anirvan Chakraborty @anirvan_c
  • 57. [1] [2] [3] [4]