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Grammar Book

By: Antonio Capozzi
Table of Contents
3.     Presente -ar –er –ir
4.     Stem Changers
5.     Irregulars –go –zco –yo
6.     Saber vs conocer
7.     Reflexives
8.     ‘se’ impersonal
9.     Dipthongs
10.    Verbs like…Uir/guir
11.    Verbs like…Cer/cir
12.    Verbs like…Ger/gir
13.    Hace +__+ que + present/presentente
14.   Imperfecto
15.   Preterite
16.   Car, gar, zar
17.   Spock
18.   cucaracha
19.   Snake/snakeys
20.   Comparatives/Superlatives
21.   Futuro
Ar, Er, Ir
   • Los verbos regulares en el presente
     o         amos                            o        imos
     as        an         Er-
                                               es       en
     a                    o       emos
Caminar-                  Es      en

Camino     Caminamos      e
                       Comer-                Vivir-
Caminas Caminan
                       Como     Comemos      Vivo     Vivimos
                       Comes    Comen        Vives    Viven

                       Come                  Vive
Stem Changers aka Boot verbs
• The verbs change in the root
• They do not change in the nosotros form or
  the vosotros      Pensar-
• E  ie
• O ue
• U ue

                        Yo            nosotros
                        Tú            vosotros
                        El/ella/utd   Ellos/Ellas/Utds
Irregulars -go -zco -yo
• The “go” “zco” verbs are only in the irregulars in the
  yo form
                                                       Yo – Tengo
• “go” verbs- caer, decir, oir, puner, hacer, tener, traer,
                                                       Yo – Hago
  venir                                                Yo - Vengo
• “zco” verbs (cer/cir)- conocer, producir, conducir
• y los demás – ser, ir, estar, ver,             Yo - Conozco
                                                 Yo - Produzco
 saber, dar                                      Yo - Conduzco
       Ser-           Ir-
       Soy    Somos   Voy   Vamos
       Eres   Son     Vas   Van
       Es             Va
Saber Vs Conocer
• Both saber y conocer translate to the English
  verb to know
• Both “yo” forms are irregular

                            Saber –
                            Sé      sabemos
  Conozco conocemos
                            Sabes   saben
  Conoces Conocen
• Brenda se lava- se is reflexive
• Reflexives also can be added on the end of an
  infinitive. Such as…- Puedo verme en el espejo
‘se impersonal
• pronoun ”se” is in front of verbs to make
  general statements.
• ¿cómo se dice man en español?
• In English it translates to either “you say” or
  “one says.”
Dipthongs w/accents
• Dipthongs are the strong or weak vowels in a
  word next to each other.       *two
• Strong vowel sounds are a,e,o. vowels
                                 cannot be
• Weak vowel sounds are i,u,y.   in the same
• puerto, ciudad, siete, hay.
Verbs like…Uir/Guir
Guir                                 Uir
                                     -Nosotros form is the only that doesn’t
-Yo form only changes from Gu to G
                                     -Verbs that end in -uir (not guir) add y
consigo                              before o, e, and a endings
conseguimos                          atribuyo
consiguen                            atribuyes
Verbs like…Cer/cir
• Verbs that end in a vowel + cer or cir add z
  before the c in the yo form only.
• Verbs that end in a consonant + cer or cir
  change the c to z in the yo form only.
• conducir = conduzco
• ejercer = ejerzo
Verbs like…Ger/gir
• Verbs that end in ger and gir change the g to j
  in the yo form only.
• coger = cojo
• fingir = finjo
Hace +__+ que +
• The yo form is the only irregular
• Hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacen
• The imperfect tense is used to refer to actions
  in the past that occurred repeatedly.
• Yo caminaba todo los días.
Ser-              Ver-               Er/Ir-
era               veía               ía
eras              veías              ías
         Ir-                Ar-
era               veía               ía
éramos            veíamos   aba
         iba                         íamos
eran              veían     abas
         ibas                        ían
• “Snapshot” of time.
• Known beginning and or ending
• Trigger words: ayer, anoche, aneayer, la
  semana pasada ect…

   É      Í
   Aste   iste
   ó      ió
   Amos   imos
   Aron   ieron
Car, gar, zar
•   Car qué
•   Gar  qué
•   Zar  cé
•   * 1st person only “yo”
Hacer                        Dar/ver

hice                         d/v - i
hiciste    Fui               d/v - iste
hizo       Fuiste            d/v - io
hicimos    Fue               d/v - imos
hicieron   Fuimos            d/v - ieron
Andar  anduv
Estar  estuv         É
Poder  pud           iste
Poner  pus           O
Querer quis          imos
Saber  sup           ieron
Tener  tuv           “j” verbs  i
Venir  vin
Conducir  conduj
Producir  produj
Traducir  traduj      Eron
Traer  traj           Eron
Decir  dij
• Stem changers and Y changers

Dormir-                Leer-
Dormi dormimos         Leí      leimos
Dormiste               Leiste
Durmio Durmieron       Leyó     leyeron
Adjective    Comparative Translation   Superlative Translation

bueno        good        mejor que     better      el / la mejor the best

malo         bad         peor que      worse       el / la peor   the worst
viejo        old         mayor que     older       el / la mayor the oldest

joven        young       menor que     younger     el / la menor the youngest
“Will factor”

                                  El Futuro
    • Infinitives & -           É
                                Emos    Ir + a + infinitive
    vivir = viviré              Án      (immediate future)

   Decir- to say
   Haber- there to be/to have
   Hacer- to make do
   Poder-to be able
   Poner- to put,place,rest
   Querer-to want, love
   Saber- to know
   Salir- to leave, go out
   Tener-to have
   Valer- to be worth
   Venir- to come
Parte Dos
                                                   Imperfect - words and phrases
Preterite - words and phrases indicate specific    that are repetitive, vague or non-
time frames                                        specific time frames

ayer (yesterday)                                  cada día (every day)
anoche (last night)                               cada semana (every week)
esta mañana (this morning)                        cada mes (every month)
el otro día (the other day)                       cada año (every year)
Future/ conditional
                                   Irregulars              Conditional
                                     tener  tendr-
                                     venir  vendr-          Conditional Endings-
  Future Endings
                                     poner   pondr-         ía -íamos
  -é     -emos
                                     salir saldr-           -ías -íais
  -ás -éis
                                     saber  sabr-           -ía -ían
  -á     -án
                                     poder   podr-
English: They will eat with us.      haber   habr-    English: They would eat with us
Spanish: Ellos comerán con nosotros. caber  cabr-     Spanish: Ellos comerían con nosotros
                                     decir  dir-
                                     hacer   har-
                                     querer querr-
• 1) Used to indicate motion or general location
     Around, through, along, by
• 2) Durations of an action
     For, during, in
• 3) Reason or motion for an action
      Because of, on account of, on behalf of
• 4) object of a search
     For, in search of                           Por aqui - around here
• 5) means by which something is done            Por ejemplo - for example
     be, by way of, by means of                  Por eso - that’s why/ therefore
                                                 Por fin - finally
• 6) exchange or substitution
      In exchange for
• 7) unit of measure
     Per, by
• Portal – idea of passing through
• Portugal – general location
• “por”ever – how long something lasts
• Porpose – the case of something
• Import/export – an exchange
• Im por, pay for me – doing something in the
  place of someone else
• Transportation – a means of transportation
•   1) Destination
        toward, in direction of
•   2) dead line or specific time in the future
       By, for
•   3) purpose or goal + infinitive
       In order to
•   4) purpose + noun
       For, used for
•   5) recipient of something
•   6) comparison with others or an opinion
       For, considering
•   7)in the employ of
• Surprise Paratay – for whom something is
• Paraguay – destination
• The purpose for which something is done
• Paradoname - to express an opinion
• Comparason - to contrast or compare
• Paramedic - to express the idea of a dead line
Por                   Por vs para
• Approximate time or duration
   (for, during, in, per)               • A destination (for, to)
• Manner or means (by)
• Movement (along, through, by,         • A purpose, goal, or
   via, around)                         objective (for, by)
• Exchange (for, in exchange for)
• Cause, motivation, or benefit (for,   • A point of view (for)
   because of, on behalf of, for the
   sake of)                             • A point of reference or
• Agent or cause of an action (by)      comparison (for)
• Por ciento = percent, por hora =
   per hour
                                        • Para + infinitive = in order
• Por + infinitive = because of, for
                                        to (verb)
   reason of
Commands               Usted (Formal
                                         AR VERBS

                                                        IR/ER VERBS

                       Ustedes (Plural
                                           en                   an
Infinitive   Yo form   Ud. Command Form
                                            If the Yo form is
  Salir       Salgo           Salga
                                            irregular in the
 Hacer        Hago            Haga          Present Tense, it
 Poner       Pongo            Ponga         will be irregular
                                            in the Formal &
  Decir       Digo            Diga          Plural command
  Venir      Vengo            Venga         form.
Infinitive   Yo form   Ud. Command Form
  Estar       Estoy            Esté         With verbs that
   Dar        Doy              Dé           end in "Y" in the Yo
   Ser        Soy              Sea          form as well as
                                            Saber are very
    Ir        Voy             Vaya          irregular
 Saber         Sé             Sepa
                       Pres. Perfects                      has
Used with have, has,                                       hemos
or had                                                     han

                                    Juan ha pagado las cuentas.
                                    Juan has paid the bills.

  He comido.      I have eaten.
  Has comido.     You have eaten.
Double Object Pronouns
  Give it to me
                                                   Tell her it
                                                   NO LELO!!

Ya nos lo dijeron. - They already told it to us.
                                                        Direct Object Pronouns
Véndamelos. - Sell them to me!                          and Indirect Object
                                                        Pronouns are placed
Se lo di a ella. - I gave it to her.                    either directly before a
                                                        conjugated verb or
                                                        attached to an
Adverbs   Some adverbs don’t always
                                   get the –mente and need to
                                   be memorized such as
Add –mente to
the end of a                   bastante
word to give it                     quite
the ly feeling                 demasiado
Difícil = difícilmente              badly
                                    a lot
Some common clauses that can
be found that associate with
subjunctive feelings              The subjunctive is not a
a menos que ...                   tense; rather, it is a
unless ...                        mood. Tense refers to when
antes (de) que ...                an action takes place (past,
before ...                        present, future),
con tal (de) que ...              whilemood merely reflects
provided that ...                 how the speaker feels about
cuando ...                        the action. The subjunctive
when ...                          mood is rarely used in
conviene que ...                  English, but it is widely used
it is advisable that ...          in Spanish.
después (de) que ...
after ...
dudar que ...
to doubt that ...
en caso de que ...
in case ...
Se impersonal
Used to avoid specifying
a person who is doing               When using se the verb it is
the action of the verb              always in 3rd person

1) Se vende fruta en la
fruteria                               1) Aqui se habla espanol

                   Can be used in all tenses

                     1) Se hizo mucho
                     2) Se hara mucho
                     3) Se habia mucho
Progressive w/ ir andar seguir
          • + ando/iendo/yendo
    Ir    • Is slowly but surely_____ing

          • + ando/iendo/yendo
Andar     • Is going around _____ing

 Seguir    • + ando/iendo/yendo
  (e>i)    • Is still _____ing

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Grammar book

  • 2. Table of Contents 3. Presente -ar –er –ir 4. Stem Changers 5. Irregulars –go –zco –yo 6. Saber vs conocer 7. Reflexives 8. ‘se’ impersonal 9. Dipthongs 10. Verbs like…Uir/guir 11. Verbs like…Cer/cir 12. Verbs like…Ger/gir 13. Hace +__+ que + present/presentente 14. Imperfecto 15. Preterite 16. Car, gar, zar 17. Spock 18. cucaracha 19. Snake/snakeys 20. Comparatives/Superlatives 21. Futuro
  • 3. Ar, Er, Ir • Los verbos regulares en el presente Ir- Ar- o amos o imos as an Er- es en a o emos e Caminar- Es en Camino Caminamos e Comer- Vivir- Caminas Caminan Como Comemos Vivo Vivimos Camina Comes Comen Vives Viven Come Vive
  • 4. Stem Changers aka Boot verbs • The verbs change in the root • They do not change in the nosotros form or the vosotros Pensar- Penso • E  ie Pienso • O ue • U ue Yo nosotros Tú vosotros El/ella/utd Ellos/Ellas/Utds
  • 5. Irregulars -go -zco -yo • The “go” “zco” verbs are only in the irregulars in the yo form Yo – Tengo • “go” verbs- caer, decir, oir, puner, hacer, tener, traer, Yo – Hago venir Yo - Vengo • “zco” verbs (cer/cir)- conocer, producir, conducir • y los demás – ser, ir, estar, ver, Yo - Conozco Yo - Produzco saber, dar Yo - Conduzco Ser- Ir- Soy Somos Voy Vamos Eres Son Vas Van Es Va
  • 6. Saber Vs Conocer • Both saber y conocer translate to the English verb to know • Both “yo” forms are irregular Saber – Conocer- Sé sabemos Conozco conocemos Sabes saben Conoces Conocen Sabe Conoce
  • 7. Reflexives • Brenda se lava- se is reflexive • Reflexives also can be added on the end of an infinitive. Such as…- Puedo verme en el espejo
  • 8. ‘se impersonal • pronoun ”se” is in front of verbs to make general statements. • ¿cómo se dice man en español? • In English it translates to either “you say” or “one says.”
  • 9. Dipthongs w/accents • Dipthongs are the strong or weak vowels in a word next to each other. *two strong • Strong vowel sounds are a,e,o. vowels cannot be • Weak vowel sounds are i,u,y. in the same syllable • puerto, ciudad, siete, hay.
  • 10. Verbs like…Uir/Guir Guir Uir -Nosotros form is the only that doesn’t -Yo form only changes from Gu to G change. -Conseguir -Verbs that end in -uir (not guir) add y consigo before o, e, and a endings consigues -atribuir consigue conseguimos atribuyo consiguen atribuyes atribuye atribuimos atribuyen
  • 11. Verbs like…Cer/cir • Verbs that end in a vowel + cer or cir add z before the c in the yo form only. • Verbs that end in a consonant + cer or cir change the c to z in the yo form only. • conducir = conduzco • ejercer = ejerzo
  • 12. Verbs like…Ger/gir • Verbs that end in ger and gir change the g to j in the yo form only. • coger = cojo • fingir = finjo
  • 13. Hace +__+ que + Present/Presentente • The yo form is the only irregular • Hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacen
  • 14. Imperfecto • The imperfect tense is used to refer to actions in the past that occurred repeatedly. • Yo caminaba todo los días. Ser- Ver- Er/Ir- era veía ía eras veías ías Ir- Ar- era veía ía éramos veíamos aba iba íamos eran veían abas ibas ían aba iba ábamos íbamos aban iban
  • 15. Preterite • “Snapshot” of time. • Known beginning and or ending • Trigger words: ayer, anoche, aneayer, la semana pasada ect… É Í Aste iste ó ió Amos imos Aron ieron
  • 16. Car, gar, zar • Car qué • Gar  qué • Zar  cé • * 1st person only “yo”
  • 17. Spock Hacer Dar/ver Ir/ser hice d/v - i hiciste Fui d/v - iste hizo Fuiste d/v - io hicimos Fue d/v - imos hicieron Fuimos d/v - ieron Fueron
  • 18. Cucaracha Andar  anduv Estar  estuv É Poder  pud iste Poner  pus O Querer quis imos Saber  sup ieron Tener  tuv “j” verbs  i Venir  vin Conducir  conduj Producir  produj Traducir  traduj Eron Traer  traj Eron Decir  dij
  • 19. Snake/Snakey • Stem changers and Y changers Dormir- Leer- Dormi dormimos Leí leimos Dormiste Leiste Durmio Durmieron Leyó leyeron
  • 20. Comparatives/Superlatives Adjective Comparative Translation Superlative Translation bueno good mejor que better el / la mejor the best malo bad peor que worse el / la peor the worst viejo old mayor que older el / la mayor the oldest joven young menor que younger el / la menor the youngest
  • 21. “Will factor” El Futuro • Infinitives & - É Ás Á Emos Ir + a + infinitive vivir = viviré Án (immediate future) Decir- to say Haber- there to be/to have Hacer- to make do Poder-to be able Poner- to put,place,rest Querer-to want, love Saber- to know Salir- to leave, go out Tener-to have Valer- to be worth Venir- to come
  • 23. Pret/imp Imperfect - words and phrases Preterite - words and phrases indicate specific that are repetitive, vague or non- time frames specific time frames ayer (yesterday) cada día (every day) anoche (last night) cada semana (every week) esta mañana (this morning) cada mes (every month) el otro día (the other day) cada año (every year)
  • 24. Future/ conditional Irregulars Conditional Future tener tendr- venir vendr- Conditional Endings- Future Endings poner pondr- ía -íamos -é -emos salir saldr- -ías -íais -ás -éis saber sabr- -ía -ían -á -án poder podr- English: They will eat with us. haber habr- English: They would eat with us Spanish: Ellos comerán con nosotros. caber cabr- Spanish: Ellos comerían con nosotros decir dir- hacer har- querer querr-
  • 25. por • 1) Used to indicate motion or general location Around, through, along, by • 2) Durations of an action For, during, in • 3) Reason or motion for an action Because of, on account of, on behalf of • 4) object of a search For, in search of Por aqui - around here • 5) means by which something is done Por ejemplo - for example be, by way of, by means of Por eso - that’s why/ therefore Por fin - finally • 6) exchange or substitution In exchange for • 7) unit of measure Per, by
  • 26. por • Portal – idea of passing through • Portugal – general location • “por”ever – how long something lasts • Porpose – the case of something • Import/export – an exchange • Im por, pay for me – doing something in the place of someone else • Transportation – a means of transportation
  • 27. para • 1) Destination toward, in direction of • 2) dead line or specific time in the future By, for • 3) purpose or goal + infinitive In order to • 4) purpose + noun For, used for • 5) recipient of something for • 6) comparison with others or an opinion For, considering • 7)in the employ of for
  • 28. Para • Surprise Paratay – for whom something is done • Paraguay – destination • The purpose for which something is done • Paradoname - to express an opinion • Comparason - to contrast or compare • Paramedic - to express the idea of a dead line
  • 29. Por Por vs para Para • Approximate time or duration (for, during, in, per) • A destination (for, to) • Manner or means (by) • Movement (along, through, by, • A purpose, goal, or via, around) objective (for, by) • Exchange (for, in exchange for) • Cause, motivation, or benefit (for, • A point of view (for) because of, on behalf of, for the sake of) • A point of reference or • Agent or cause of an action (by) comparison (for) • Por ciento = percent, por hora = per hour • Para + infinitive = in order • Por + infinitive = because of, for to (verb) reason of
  • 30. Commands Usted (Formal AR VERBS e IR/ER VERBS a form) Ustedes (Plural en an form) Infinitive Yo form Ud. Command Form If the Yo form is Salir Salgo Salga irregular in the Hacer Hago Haga Present Tense, it Poner Pongo Ponga will be irregular in the Formal & Decir Digo Diga Plural command Venir Vengo Venga form. Infinitive Yo form Ud. Command Form Estar Estoy Esté With verbs that Dar Doy Dé end in "Y" in the Yo Ser Soy Sea form as well as Saber are very Ir Voy Vaya irregular Saber Sé Sepa
  • 31. he Pres. Perfects has ha Used with have, has, hemos or had han Juan ha pagado las cuentas. Juan has paid the bills. He comido. I have eaten. Has comido. You have eaten.
  • 32. Double Object Pronouns Give it to me Tell her it Da-me-lo Di-le-lo da’melo NO LELO!! Di’sela Ya nos lo dijeron. - They already told it to us. Direct Object Pronouns Véndamelos. - Sell them to me! and Indirect Object Pronouns are placed Se lo di a ella. - I gave it to her. either directly before a conjugated verb or attached to an infinitive
  • 33. Adverbs Some adverbs don’t always get the –mente and need to be memorized such as Add –mente to the end of a bastante word to give it quite the ly feeling demasiado too mal Difícil = difícilmente badly mucho a lot muy very nunca never peor worse poco little siempre always
  • 34. Subjunctive Some common clauses that can be found that associate with subjunctive feelings The subjunctive is not a a menos que ... tense; rather, it is a unless ... mood. Tense refers to when antes (de) que ... an action takes place (past, before ... present, future), con tal (de) que ... whilemood merely reflects provided that ... how the speaker feels about cuando ... the action. The subjunctive when ... mood is rarely used in conviene que ... English, but it is widely used it is advisable that ... in Spanish. después (de) que ... after ... dudar que ... to doubt that ... en caso de que ... in case ...
  • 35. Se impersonal Used to avoid specifying a person who is doing When using se the verb it is the action of the verb always in 3rd person 1) Se vende fruta en la fruteria 1) Aqui se habla espanol Can be used in all tenses 1) Se hizo mucho 2) Se hara mucho 3) Se habia mucho
  • 36. Progressive w/ ir andar seguir • + ando/iendo/yendo Ir • Is slowly but surely_____ing • + ando/iendo/yendo Andar • Is going around _____ing Seguir • + ando/iendo/yendo (e>i) • Is still _____ing