big data big data europe bde security space transport big data platform sc2 workshop bdesc2w2 sc5 open data bdesc2w3 cessda earth observation horizon2020 agriculture workshop 3 pilot food data management intelligent transport swc open science energy statistics bde first workshop sc6 horizon 2020 societal challenge 1 health data it infrastructure traffic management big data architecture open phacts sc6 its health bigdataeurope 1st workshop sc6 eurostat data analysis big data tools semantic web webinar bigdataeurope 1st sc5 workshop open research smart statistics docker emergency response gesis eu maas bigdataeurope big data technology social science technologies iasis bigdataeurope webinar semantic data lake hangout cologne demonstration societal challenges mobility as a service pilots deployment research data climate europe european commission social media data technologies bigdataeurope h2020 bde pilot pilot application budget execution data budget data sc6 pilot martin kaltenboeck semantic web company tenforce components applications big data integrator amsterdam research infrastructure cessda eric fair principles ron dekker research infrastructure research landscape big data europe project wind europe systems monitoring metadata l3s iasis project philips bigmedilytics university of ulster michaela black midas midas project open phacts foundation chris evelo evan bolton wikipathways ncbi pubchem cea jrodos dare brussels trusted smart statistics digital humanities transformingtransport indra automat atos lemo panteia hadoop hbase msd halyard big data transport mobility pilot icwe big data euorpe ehealth week thessaloniki real time data transportation big data analysis mobility sc4 societal challenge 6 spending data budget variety user interface end user big data end user big data value bdva bigdataeurope big data value association bdva sc2` agrimetrics big data edbt icdt bigdataeurope smart management bde. sc6 bitcoin virtual currency currency pattern matching plume methodology dispersion substance release nuclear big dta europe demokritos technical bigdataeurope big data platform management bigdataeurope pilots societal challenges platform transport challenge flink spark getting started bigdataeurope apache integrator platform ec platform architecture pilot demo project european project agricultural data godan data revolution 1st climate pilot use case first pilot sc1 traffic platform personal data eu regulation data protection privacy nsd vigdis kvalheim regulation gdpr project introduction csa introduction news architecture technical big data architecture platform pilots first sc5 bde hangout first online sc5 bde hangout first hangout of sc5 in big data europe industry policy data deluge multipurpose statistics visualisation data-driven economy data footprint multisource statistics data ethics sensors datafication cross-europe financial comparability tracking comparative analysis economic open data economic data bigdataeurope 1st workshop sc6 sensors examples survey data integrator data platform data infrastructure online survey system monitoring in energy data aggregation data gathering vehicle sensors tarffic information public transport performance measurement road transport data sources logistics societal challenge communities lambda architecture support action data communities linked data food safety lod smart farming cgiar climate change climate smart agriculture private public partnership horticultural products ppp wageningen agricuture challenges inra jpi climate strategy on open knowledge the projects teleios & leo big data in ecmwf antonio cofino univ. of cantabria meteorological institute of norway big data transport bigdataeurope h2020 big data secure societies bigdataeurope h2020 bigdataeurope big data inclusive reflective socie big data food agriculture h2020 bigdataeurope big data energy bigdataeurope h2020 big data climate environment h2020 bigdataeurope bigdataeurope big data project societal challenges big data health bigdataeurope
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