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-Chapter one- The Beginning
Now if I started this story from the day I born not only would it be full of really, unnecessary details
but it would also take several books to get to the beginning of the exciting part of my life. It would also
be so dreadfully boring and you would have put this book down by the second line of the story because I
know I would have. Let’s face it real life isn’t all that interesting. Therefore, being that, that is the case I
will hurry up and skip ahead to the time around my fifteenth birthday.
Up until the days after that, I thought that I was a normal kid with normal parents going to a
normal school and living in a normal house. However, guess what? I’m not as normal as I had thought
that I was it seems. I figured that out after having been sort of kidnapped in a robot thing that is alive
and as if that isn’t enough I found out I’m sorta kinda in a way part demon or something similar to it.
If you think that’s crazy it seems that I’m in some type of thousand year’s foretold ancient
prophecy on a different freaking planet something that my teachers conveniently forgot to mention
existed in school. Nevertheless, I am getting way ahead of myself. My name is Maxwell but my few
friends call me Max. If you had not guessed I just turned fifteen and up until a few days after my
birthday I was like every other teen that had nothing to do. My parents fit the stereotypes for being
parents since they were embarrassing and old school I mean come on the newest group that they listened
to on any type of musical media was Journey and they called it up to date.
Anyway, into the reason you are reading this the story. Believe it or not, I got into this
predicament because of a dog. A talking dog. A talking dog you might ask. How could a talking dog
start a long adventured filled sometimes-happy sometimes-sad story you may ask. Well I will tell you
how just keep reading. (Or as an alternative you can spare yourself a couple tragic events and make-
believe my story anyway you want and make it a very happy story. I was just making a little suggestion
for you consider it all right.)
Hmm how to start… Well it was two days after my birthday and I was taking the family dog for a
walk for the second time that day. I enjoy walking the dog but please do not tell my parents that. Yes,
our one blue eye one red eye collie is the talking dog if you were wondering. Now imagine you’re
walking your dog if you don’t have one imagine a friend’s if you don’t have a friend with one imagine
one you saw one a movie or television. Anyway you’re walking the dog when all of a sudden, she says
-you will please follow me. - I mean she says it but directly into your head. Now you are completely
stunned and you are following because you are certain that this is some kind of weird dream. She leads
you into the woods deeper and deeper into the woods you go and by now you think you’re lost but your
dog seems to know exactly where she is going then she suddenly she stops.
Then you see the most amazing thing a gigantic black robot that looks like something that stepped
right out of an anime. Suddenly you hear a hiss, the cockpit opens, and the robot bends down. Your dog
hops into the lower of the two seats and tells you to get into the other seat. However, you are frozen to
the spot. Blue light up tentacles reach out and grab you. You try to scream but nothing comes out. The
tentacles deposit you into the other seat. The hatch starts to close and your dog starts to presses some
buttons she seems to know what she is doing. You suddenly feel really tired like you haven’t slept in
days and you fall asleep. It didn’t feel like it, but later you learn that you had walked for hours. It’s just
after nightfall and the last thing you hear is your dog’s mind voice say good night.
If you hadn’t guessed that’s what happened to me. To tell you the truth I had the weirdest dream I
was in this virtual reality type place and I had a sword that I felt somewhat connected to as though it
was an old friend. I have no idea how that could be possible but it felt familiar. It was like all of a sudden
I was some sort of samurai. To be completely honest I didn’t find the sword it’s was more like it found
me as crazy as it seemed. I was just walking in the virtual reality and it came to me as if it couldn’t wait
to be in my hand. Together the sword and I defeated everything that came our way. What came our way
you may ask? Well rabid bears for starters and strange large creatures that were like ink and could
change their shape into…well almost everything. I lost to the last enemy it was a hairy smelly three-
headed beast. But suddenly I felt a burst of energy my sword seemed to copy me.
I screamed as the energy ran through my body.
I grabbed the sword with both hands, ran up to it jumped up to dodge the tail, and hopped on its
tail I put the sword’s point down luckily it was long, pointy, and somehow still sharp even with all the
things that it had sliced. I really shouldn’t have been surprised it was a dream after all. I sliced upward. I
jumped off I had won. Then like all good things, it came to an end and I woke up feeling dreadfully ill.
-Wow simply amazing I heard a familiar mind voice say. You did great in the simulator. How are
you feeling? -
“Sick” I said slowly coming to the realization that it all wasn’t a dream.
I opened my eyes the light was too bright to see anything I closed them again and attempted to
sit up but a gentle paw pushed me back down.
-Rest- said Collie. (Did I forget to mention that our collie’s name was Collie I did oh my bad.) -I
will explain more when you wake up okay. -
“Collie what about the sword was that real too?” I asked.
-Yes. -
“Could I have it?” I asked realizing that I really needed to be near that sword for some odd
-Reach out. -
I did and I felt it I bring it close and I was instantly asleep. When I woke up again I felt worse I
felt like I was going to be sick. Now somebody must have known this because it was an old rusty bucket
next to me. To my surprise I didn’t vomit and I soon felt much better I slowly got to my feet. I scratched
my head my hair is very long by the way. I stopped when I felt something warm it was furry and pointy
it was a… I felt the sides of my head to confirm, no ears, yes the things on the top of my head were ears.
What was the first thought to go through my head you may ask and if you didn’t I’m still going to tell
you: it was ‘I am going to scream.’ Then I was ashamed of myself because what in the world was wrong
with me.
Was I going mad I mean dog-ears what could be better than that? I found out two seconds later
when I noticed the tail long sleek and black. I was amazed. I was also going through a lot of other
emotion I was happy, confused, awed, and even I’ll admit it a little bit scared.
I walked around and finally began to notice my surroundings. I was in a room with no windows
but even so, it was comfortable. It had the mat I had been sleeping on in the middle of it. It had two
doors and the room was large with the walls painted dark blue and surprisingly the floor felt like an extra
comfortable but it looked like the ground but somehow I could tell it wasn’t.
Suddenly one of the doors began to open and instinctively I ducked into a corner and hid. Collie
walked into the room she looked around and almost didn’t see me when she finally spotted me she
spoke to me in my mind as I was used to now. - I have something to show to you- she said.
Then a strange wind came up and it began to swirl around her suddenly it stopped in my dog’s
place stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was about five foot three and looked about my
age. She had the same eyes as when she was the collie and her jet black hair was just past her shoulders.
She wore a plain shirt and pair of navy blue shorts nothing fancy she was also barefoot.
“Max” she said in a voice as sweet as honey. “It’s me.”
Then I realized how I was staring.
“I came to check on you see if you were awake, to see if you were hungry and if you were taking
the changes well.”
“I like the changes” I answered truthfully “and I’m absolutely starved,” I said just realizing it
myself. I was also just realizing the last time I ate was days ago.
“Follow me,” said the girl “and I would prefer to continue being called Collie I have grown to
like it.”
She stood up and left I scrambled to my feet grabbed the sword it was so light and luckily I had
on my belt. I stuck it in and hurried after Collie. I stepped outside and had to blink my eyes to get used
to the sun again. It was then that I noticed Collie was like me with the ears and the tail only hers were
white. I looked around and saw that this place looked like a mid evil times village. Then I noticed
everyone was staring at me human, dog-human and dog alike. I didn’t like it and I stayed so close to
Collie I was basically her shadow. Why were they looking at me like that?
“Collie” I said softly to get her attention. “Why are they staring at me?” I asked as we walked
into another place a room that looked like mine only with tan colored walls one extra mat.
“You and the sword chose each other” she said that must have been the answer to my question
or as much of one as she was going to give. “Mom we’re here.” Hearing the call a short older friendly
faced women came out carrying a tray with a bowl of soup on it.
“Sit” she said in a heavy accent that I couldn’t identify.
I did so in the spot she indicated and she sat the bowl in front of me. I secretly thanked my
parents for the manners they had forced me learn.
Then I thought this is the first time that I thought about them. I sipped some of the soup it was
delicious but I hardly could taste it. ‘I miss them’ I thought. Suddenly I felt like I was going to cry. I
looked down into the soup bowl aware they were both watching me I blinked back the tears I would not
cry I promised myself. Then I felt gentle hands in my hair I looked up.
“Thought you might want to keep your hair out of your face while you eat” said Collie.
I nodded my thanks I didn’t trust myself to talk just yet. I drank more of the soup because if I
didn’t I would probably regret it but I wasn’t hungry anymore thinking about my mom and dad had
taken away my appetite.
You want to know what was worse. All this time I was busy but I should’ve thought about them
somewhere in between don’t you think. Then I felt a small vibration a hum from the sword. Could it feel
my sadness? I had the weirdest feeling that it could. It was something special about this sword. But what
I wondered? I got my answer almost immediately I felt a jolt as though I had been struck by lighting and
I think I cried out but I’m not sure. Then I was somewhere different it was all dark with a spotlight and
there in that light was someone. He was a tall guy with long hair in a kind of Japanese outfit that was
like a black robe. I couldn’t see his face it was all dark and shadowy.
“Who are you?” I asked
“Y-you can see me?”
“Of course I can” I said “should I not be able to?”
He didn’t answer my question in words instead he rushed up to me and hugged me lifted me off
my feet and spun me around in obvious delight.
Then he released me and cleared his throat and launched into a tale that seemed fully rehearsed. “My full
name is too much so you may just call me Jin. Before I was murdered many, many years ago I was a
great swordsman the best in fact perhaps the best in the world at the time.” Now that may have sounded
like boasting but the way he said it was as though he had simply stated a fact as if he had told me that
the sky was blue.
“When I did my soul was somehow put into the blade that you now carry. It was my best sword
my favorite too. I have waited many, many years for one of whom I thought worthy enough to wield my
blade at its full potential. I choose you.”
Before I could ask anything else I regaining consciousness. When my brain was functional again I
thought was it all just a dream.
-No it was not- said Jin.
When I heard his voice I jumped high very high I’d bet money that if the two pairs of hands that
held me down weren’t there I would’ve went through the roof. While my brain was working, the rest of
me wasn’t. I was shaking badly and I could not control it maybe my body was reacting to all the stuff it
had been through kind of like some sort of a delayed reaction.
However, I was content to lay there and converse with Jin and even though I was aware I was
only on the brink of consciousness so my body and mind felt somewhat separate. So it was all real I
responded silently.
-Of course- he said.
You said that you were murdered right. I asked him
-Yes, that jealous swordsman that wanted to best me in sword fighting but he never could so he
murdered me. He was so ignorant to the fact that he just needed to focus and train some more. So one
night on a full moon, I had denied his challenge since I had grown tired of fighting him. I wanted him to
practice but he took the denial badly. He got mad and in my opinion went mad and killed me and made it
look like I had killed myself. That I think is why my soul became imprisoned in my blade so very long
ago. -
Oh, I said for what else could be said.
“Max. Max are you okay? Max please. Hey Max do you hear me. Max wake up?”
“I f- fine” I managed to choke out. “Collie, why I am so important what is so special about me?”
I asked a minute later when I could speak coherently again
She didn’t seem like she was going to answer I opened my eyes and looked at her.
“Max you are important because you are part of Gossom’s prophecy.” When I gave her that
questioning look, she continued.
“Gossom was a seeer meaning that he saw into the future. What we managed to piece together
from the ancient text is that he foresaw two young Cainians would defeat the great evil that plagues this
world. Together with they would save La-Mystica.
“What and where is this La- whatever place?” I asked
“This world” she responded simply.
“Wait hold up wait a minute you mean we aren’t on Earth anymore?” I said noticing that I was
back in my room and propping myself on my elbows.
“No we are not on Earth anymore. That’s why everything looks so out of date there are no guns
and no technology like on your planet.”
Wanting to forget about it badly I asked “How long have I been out?”
“Only about a half of day” she stood up -get some rest- she said mind to mind, -we set off
tonight. - Then she left out off my room. What was going to happen next? I wondered. Even though I
was worried, I managed to sleep and when Collie woke me, I felt refreshed for once and not just more
tired than I had been before I had slept. We left my room it was so dark but I could see well enough. We
walked north of the village toward the forest.
We hadn’t got far from the village when we heard screaming. Collie immediately began running
back and told me - it was more of an order- to stay where I was and she’d come back for me soon. I
waited and then I saw fire and somehow I knew that it was coming from her mother’s place and I felt
somehow that is where she was. I looked and couldn’t see anything because of the smoke and flames.
I cautiously went back to the village listening hard for any of the people who had set the fire. I
didn’t hear anything so taking a chance and praying to God to get me out of this alive, I jumped into the
flaming building. Right in the middle of the room I saw Collie bleeding and scratched up crying over her
mother who I knew was dead.
“It’s your fault all your fault they wanted you! They wanted you!” she yelled at me still crying.
It hurt me so much when she said that but now was not to time to give in to emotion we had to
get out of there quick. I grabbed Collie and her mom and ran to get out and I was almost out when I
tripped I regained my balance before I fell but a small piece of something caught part of my leg and it
got burnt but I had to get them out and from this one thought I drew strength. I was just barely out
when the building collapsed. I sat them down and went to a decent looking area and began to dig. I dug
for about an hour before I had a good sized hole I then put Collie’s mom in. then I got a piece of wood
and carved messily with a claw: here lays a brave and kindhearted lady who was a mother that will be
Then I propped it up on a rock. If I ever came back I would make sure to make her a proper
headstone because even though I hadn’t known her long she was nice to me and she knew what was
being risked they all did. The other reason was fairly simple she was Collie’s mother and that was all that
there was to it.
After the burying I crawled over to Collie and sat by her and hugged her and let her rest her head
on my shoulder. After she had finished crying we helped out any survivors we could as best we could. It
was a real rescue mission I had to go into a few more burning buildings and I had to bandage wounds on
animal, human and the dog-humans. After we made sure things we somewhat okay we set off once
We didn’t talk though we were caught up in our own thoughts. Later on I decided to look and see what
we were passing. There wasn’t much to see but grassy hills some trees and a river and the dark sky
overhead, the sky was the one thing that looked the same. The constellations of course were different
but I thought I could make out a horse shape in their light but maybe it was just my imagination seeking
anything to make this world and mine more similar.
Collie all of a sudden said “I forgot to give you these.” then she threw some clothes at me I
looked down at myself and was nearly the first person in history to die of embarrassment.
“Thanks” I said and went down to the river and dipped my finger in it was warm.
I looked at Collie she nodded then I striped to my swim trunks that I had on and jumped in I
swam around. Five minutes later I getting dressed in the clothes I was given by Collie.
There was a white shirt, blue pants made of a light but warm material and a jacket made of the
same material as the pants. Then Collie gave me a long piece of cloth to tie around my waist to support
my sword. Surprisingly that only took about ten minutes and then we were walking again.
About twenty minutes later we were at a forest and she said we would stop here. I sank down
gratefully the burn I had received hurt so much and walking did nothing but make it ache even more.
“I’m sorry about what I said back at the village.” Collie said slowly. “I was just so upset and she
was my only family I had left… connected to me by blood anyway.”
“I understand” I said rubbing at the skin around my burn “but it is my fault if I hadn’t come
nothing would have happened to your mom or your village. They wanted me maybe I should give myself
up I don’t want people or animals to have to die because of me.”
“No you can’t if you are indeed the boy of legend then this world is certain to be doomed if HE
gets his hands on you.” She paused momentarily before she continued maybe to calm herself for my
“Max how is your leg doing? Also did I ever thank you for saving my life.” She asked looking
down as she said the last line I guessed that she had never really been on the receiving side of life saving
for a while.
“It hurts really badly and as for thanking me I don’t believe you did.”
“Alright thank you for saving my life. Now let me tend to your burn.” she grabbed the leg gently
and lifted the pants on the leg she whispered something it sounded sort of like ‘Heeara’ and the pain was
better. Then she proceeded to wrap the wound gently to let it heal.
“What did you just do?” but my answer didn’t come from her it came from Jin.
-She said a word in the divine language. It’s a lost art of magik. -
-Jin- I thought back -long time no hear. - He said nothing in response to my humor.
“Sleep” ordered Collie “you begin training tomorrow and I’ll warn you right now it will be
“Okay” I said and then I was sleep as the sun began to rise.
When the warm heat that could reach me through the trees filtered down to caress me it turned
my dreams to pure light.
You have reached the end of chapter one. So take a break look around check the time
don’t want to get you in trouble if it is a school night and it’s past you’re bed time. Now
that that’s done Please make your choice to put down the book or resume reading .thanks
in advance for reading and please enjoy the upcoming chapter.

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Chapter !

  • 1. -Chapter one- The Beginning Now if I started this story from the day I born not only would it be full of really, unnecessary details but it would also take several books to get to the beginning of the exciting part of my life. It would also be so dreadfully boring and you would have put this book down by the second line of the story because I know I would have. Let’s face it real life isn’t all that interesting. Therefore, being that, that is the case I will hurry up and skip ahead to the time around my fifteenth birthday. Up until the days after that, I thought that I was a normal kid with normal parents going to a normal school and living in a normal house. However, guess what? I’m not as normal as I had thought that I was it seems. I figured that out after having been sort of kidnapped in a robot thing that is alive and as if that isn’t enough I found out I’m sorta kinda in a way part demon or something similar to it. If you think that’s crazy it seems that I’m in some type of thousand year’s foretold ancient prophecy on a different freaking planet something that my teachers conveniently forgot to mention existed in school. Nevertheless, I am getting way ahead of myself. My name is Maxwell but my few friends call me Max. If you had not guessed I just turned fifteen and up until a few days after my birthday I was like every other teen that had nothing to do. My parents fit the stereotypes for being parents since they were embarrassing and old school I mean come on the newest group that they listened to on any type of musical media was Journey and they called it up to date. Anyway, into the reason you are reading this the story. Believe it or not, I got into this predicament because of a dog. A talking dog. A talking dog you might ask. How could a talking dog start a long adventured filled sometimes-happy sometimes-sad story you may ask. Well I will tell you how just keep reading. (Or as an alternative you can spare yourself a couple tragic events and make- believe my story anyway you want and make it a very happy story. I was just making a little suggestion for you consider it all right.)
  • 2. Hmm how to start… Well it was two days after my birthday and I was taking the family dog for a walk for the second time that day. I enjoy walking the dog but please do not tell my parents that. Yes, our one blue eye one red eye collie is the talking dog if you were wondering. Now imagine you’re walking your dog if you don’t have one imagine a friend’s if you don’t have a friend with one imagine one you saw one a movie or television. Anyway you’re walking the dog when all of a sudden, she says -you will please follow me. - I mean she says it but directly into your head. Now you are completely stunned and you are following because you are certain that this is some kind of weird dream. She leads you into the woods deeper and deeper into the woods you go and by now you think you’re lost but your dog seems to know exactly where she is going then she suddenly she stops. Then you see the most amazing thing a gigantic black robot that looks like something that stepped right out of an anime. Suddenly you hear a hiss, the cockpit opens, and the robot bends down. Your dog hops into the lower of the two seats and tells you to get into the other seat. However, you are frozen to the spot. Blue light up tentacles reach out and grab you. You try to scream but nothing comes out. The tentacles deposit you into the other seat. The hatch starts to close and your dog starts to presses some buttons she seems to know what she is doing. You suddenly feel really tired like you haven’t slept in days and you fall asleep. It didn’t feel like it, but later you learn that you had walked for hours. It’s just after nightfall and the last thing you hear is your dog’s mind voice say good night. If you hadn’t guessed that’s what happened to me. To tell you the truth I had the weirdest dream I was in this virtual reality type place and I had a sword that I felt somewhat connected to as though it was an old friend. I have no idea how that could be possible but it felt familiar. It was like all of a sudden I was some sort of samurai. To be completely honest I didn’t find the sword it’s was more like it found me as crazy as it seemed. I was just walking in the virtual reality and it came to me as if it couldn’t wait to be in my hand. Together the sword and I defeated everything that came our way. What came our way you may ask? Well rabid bears for starters and strange large creatures that were like ink and could change their shape into…well almost everything. I lost to the last enemy it was a hairy smelly three-
  • 3. headed beast. But suddenly I felt a burst of energy my sword seemed to copy me. I screamed as the energy ran through my body. I grabbed the sword with both hands, ran up to it jumped up to dodge the tail, and hopped on its tail I put the sword’s point down luckily it was long, pointy, and somehow still sharp even with all the things that it had sliced. I really shouldn’t have been surprised it was a dream after all. I sliced upward. I jumped off I had won. Then like all good things, it came to an end and I woke up feeling dreadfully ill. -Wow simply amazing I heard a familiar mind voice say. You did great in the simulator. How are you feeling? - “Sick” I said slowly coming to the realization that it all wasn’t a dream. I opened my eyes the light was too bright to see anything I closed them again and attempted to sit up but a gentle paw pushed me back down. -Rest- said Collie. (Did I forget to mention that our collie’s name was Collie I did oh my bad.) -I will explain more when you wake up okay. - “Collie what about the sword was that real too?” I asked. -Yes. - “Could I have it?” I asked realizing that I really needed to be near that sword for some odd reason. -Reach out. - I did and I felt it I bring it close and I was instantly asleep. When I woke up again I felt worse I felt like I was going to be sick. Now somebody must have known this because it was an old rusty bucket next to me. To my surprise I didn’t vomit and I soon felt much better I slowly got to my feet. I scratched my head my hair is very long by the way. I stopped when I felt something warm it was furry and pointy it was a… I felt the sides of my head to confirm, no ears, yes the things on the top of my head were ears. What was the first thought to go through my head you may ask and if you didn’t I’m still going to tell you: it was ‘I am going to scream.’ Then I was ashamed of myself because what in the world was wrong
  • 4. with me. Was I going mad I mean dog-ears what could be better than that? I found out two seconds later when I noticed the tail long sleek and black. I was amazed. I was also going through a lot of other emotion I was happy, confused, awed, and even I’ll admit it a little bit scared. I walked around and finally began to notice my surroundings. I was in a room with no windows but even so, it was comfortable. It had the mat I had been sleeping on in the middle of it. It had two doors and the room was large with the walls painted dark blue and surprisingly the floor felt like an extra comfortable but it looked like the ground but somehow I could tell it wasn’t. Suddenly one of the doors began to open and instinctively I ducked into a corner and hid. Collie walked into the room she looked around and almost didn’t see me when she finally spotted me she spoke to me in my mind as I was used to now. - I have something to show to you- she said. Then a strange wind came up and it began to swirl around her suddenly it stopped in my dog’s place stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was about five foot three and looked about my age. She had the same eyes as when she was the collie and her jet black hair was just past her shoulders. She wore a plain shirt and pair of navy blue shorts nothing fancy she was also barefoot. “Max” she said in a voice as sweet as honey. “It’s me.” Then I realized how I was staring. “I came to check on you see if you were awake, to see if you were hungry and if you were taking the changes well.” “I like the changes” I answered truthfully “and I’m absolutely starved,” I said just realizing it myself. I was also just realizing the last time I ate was days ago. “Follow me,” said the girl “and I would prefer to continue being called Collie I have grown to like it.” She stood up and left I scrambled to my feet grabbed the sword it was so light and luckily I had on my belt. I stuck it in and hurried after Collie. I stepped outside and had to blink my eyes to get used
  • 5. to the sun again. It was then that I noticed Collie was like me with the ears and the tail only hers were white. I looked around and saw that this place looked like a mid evil times village. Then I noticed everyone was staring at me human, dog-human and dog alike. I didn’t like it and I stayed so close to Collie I was basically her shadow. Why were they looking at me like that? “Collie” I said softly to get her attention. “Why are they staring at me?” I asked as we walked into another place a room that looked like mine only with tan colored walls one extra mat. “You and the sword chose each other” she said that must have been the answer to my question or as much of one as she was going to give. “Mom we’re here.” Hearing the call a short older friendly faced women came out carrying a tray with a bowl of soup on it. “Sit” she said in a heavy accent that I couldn’t identify. I did so in the spot she indicated and she sat the bowl in front of me. I secretly thanked my parents for the manners they had forced me learn. Then I thought this is the first time that I thought about them. I sipped some of the soup it was delicious but I hardly could taste it. ‘I miss them’ I thought. Suddenly I felt like I was going to cry. I looked down into the soup bowl aware they were both watching me I blinked back the tears I would not cry I promised myself. Then I felt gentle hands in my hair I looked up. “Thought you might want to keep your hair out of your face while you eat” said Collie. I nodded my thanks I didn’t trust myself to talk just yet. I drank more of the soup because if I didn’t I would probably regret it but I wasn’t hungry anymore thinking about my mom and dad had taken away my appetite. You want to know what was worse. All this time I was busy but I should’ve thought about them somewhere in between don’t you think. Then I felt a small vibration a hum from the sword. Could it feel my sadness? I had the weirdest feeling that it could. It was something special about this sword. But what I wondered? I got my answer almost immediately I felt a jolt as though I had been struck by lighting and I think I cried out but I’m not sure. Then I was somewhere different it was all dark with a spotlight and
  • 6. there in that light was someone. He was a tall guy with long hair in a kind of Japanese outfit that was like a black robe. I couldn’t see his face it was all dark and shadowy. “Who are you?” I asked “Y-you can see me?” “Of course I can” I said “should I not be able to?” He didn’t answer my question in words instead he rushed up to me and hugged me lifted me off my feet and spun me around in obvious delight. Then he released me and cleared his throat and launched into a tale that seemed fully rehearsed. “My full name is too much so you may just call me Jin. Before I was murdered many, many years ago I was a great swordsman the best in fact perhaps the best in the world at the time.” Now that may have sounded like boasting but the way he said it was as though he had simply stated a fact as if he had told me that the sky was blue. “When I did my soul was somehow put into the blade that you now carry. It was my best sword my favorite too. I have waited many, many years for one of whom I thought worthy enough to wield my blade at its full potential. I choose you.” Before I could ask anything else I regaining consciousness. When my brain was functional again I thought was it all just a dream. -No it was not- said Jin. When I heard his voice I jumped high very high I’d bet money that if the two pairs of hands that held me down weren’t there I would’ve went through the roof. While my brain was working, the rest of me wasn’t. I was shaking badly and I could not control it maybe my body was reacting to all the stuff it had been through kind of like some sort of a delayed reaction. However, I was content to lay there and converse with Jin and even though I was aware I was only on the brink of consciousness so my body and mind felt somewhat separate. So it was all real I responded silently.
  • 7. -Of course- he said. You said that you were murdered right. I asked him -Yes, that jealous swordsman that wanted to best me in sword fighting but he never could so he murdered me. He was so ignorant to the fact that he just needed to focus and train some more. So one night on a full moon, I had denied his challenge since I had grown tired of fighting him. I wanted him to practice but he took the denial badly. He got mad and in my opinion went mad and killed me and made it look like I had killed myself. That I think is why my soul became imprisoned in my blade so very long ago. - Oh, I said for what else could be said. “Max. Max are you okay? Max please. Hey Max do you hear me. Max wake up?” “I f- fine” I managed to choke out. “Collie, why I am so important what is so special about me?” I asked a minute later when I could speak coherently again She didn’t seem like she was going to answer I opened my eyes and looked at her. “Max you are important because you are part of Gossom’s prophecy.” When I gave her that questioning look, she continued. “Gossom was a seeer meaning that he saw into the future. What we managed to piece together from the ancient text is that he foresaw two young Cainians would defeat the great evil that plagues this world. Together with they would save La-Mystica. “What and where is this La- whatever place?” I asked “This world” she responded simply. “Wait hold up wait a minute you mean we aren’t on Earth anymore?” I said noticing that I was back in my room and propping myself on my elbows. “No we are not on Earth anymore. That’s why everything looks so out of date there are no guns and no technology like on your planet.” Wanting to forget about it badly I asked “How long have I been out?”
  • 8. “Only about a half of day” she stood up -get some rest- she said mind to mind, -we set off tonight. - Then she left out off my room. What was going to happen next? I wondered. Even though I was worried, I managed to sleep and when Collie woke me, I felt refreshed for once and not just more tired than I had been before I had slept. We left my room it was so dark but I could see well enough. We walked north of the village toward the forest. We hadn’t got far from the village when we heard screaming. Collie immediately began running back and told me - it was more of an order- to stay where I was and she’d come back for me soon. I waited and then I saw fire and somehow I knew that it was coming from her mother’s place and I felt somehow that is where she was. I looked and couldn’t see anything because of the smoke and flames. I cautiously went back to the village listening hard for any of the people who had set the fire. I didn’t hear anything so taking a chance and praying to God to get me out of this alive, I jumped into the flaming building. Right in the middle of the room I saw Collie bleeding and scratched up crying over her mother who I knew was dead. “It’s your fault all your fault they wanted you! They wanted you!” she yelled at me still crying. It hurt me so much when she said that but now was not to time to give in to emotion we had to get out of there quick. I grabbed Collie and her mom and ran to get out and I was almost out when I tripped I regained my balance before I fell but a small piece of something caught part of my leg and it got burnt but I had to get them out and from this one thought I drew strength. I was just barely out when the building collapsed. I sat them down and went to a decent looking area and began to dig. I dug for about an hour before I had a good sized hole I then put Collie’s mom in. then I got a piece of wood and carved messily with a claw: here lays a brave and kindhearted lady who was a mother that will be missed. Then I propped it up on a rock. If I ever came back I would make sure to make her a proper headstone because even though I hadn’t known her long she was nice to me and she knew what was being risked they all did. The other reason was fairly simple she was Collie’s mother and that was all that
  • 9. there was to it. After the burying I crawled over to Collie and sat by her and hugged her and let her rest her head on my shoulder. After she had finished crying we helped out any survivors we could as best we could. It was a real rescue mission I had to go into a few more burning buildings and I had to bandage wounds on animal, human and the dog-humans. After we made sure things we somewhat okay we set off once again. We didn’t talk though we were caught up in our own thoughts. Later on I decided to look and see what we were passing. There wasn’t much to see but grassy hills some trees and a river and the dark sky overhead, the sky was the one thing that looked the same. The constellations of course were different but I thought I could make out a horse shape in their light but maybe it was just my imagination seeking anything to make this world and mine more similar. Collie all of a sudden said “I forgot to give you these.” then she threw some clothes at me I looked down at myself and was nearly the first person in history to die of embarrassment. “Thanks” I said and went down to the river and dipped my finger in it was warm. I looked at Collie she nodded then I striped to my swim trunks that I had on and jumped in I swam around. Five minutes later I getting dressed in the clothes I was given by Collie. There was a white shirt, blue pants made of a light but warm material and a jacket made of the same material as the pants. Then Collie gave me a long piece of cloth to tie around my waist to support my sword. Surprisingly that only took about ten minutes and then we were walking again. About twenty minutes later we were at a forest and she said we would stop here. I sank down gratefully the burn I had received hurt so much and walking did nothing but make it ache even more. “I’m sorry about what I said back at the village.” Collie said slowly. “I was just so upset and she was my only family I had left… connected to me by blood anyway.” “I understand” I said rubbing at the skin around my burn “but it is my fault if I hadn’t come nothing would have happened to your mom or your village. They wanted me maybe I should give myself
  • 10. up I don’t want people or animals to have to die because of me.” “No you can’t if you are indeed the boy of legend then this world is certain to be doomed if HE gets his hands on you.” She paused momentarily before she continued maybe to calm herself for my sake. “Max how is your leg doing? Also did I ever thank you for saving my life.” She asked looking down as she said the last line I guessed that she had never really been on the receiving side of life saving for a while. “It hurts really badly and as for thanking me I don’t believe you did.” “Alright thank you for saving my life. Now let me tend to your burn.” she grabbed the leg gently and lifted the pants on the leg she whispered something it sounded sort of like ‘Heeara’ and the pain was better. Then she proceeded to wrap the wound gently to let it heal. “What did you just do?” but my answer didn’t come from her it came from Jin. -She said a word in the divine language. It’s a lost art of magik. - -Jin- I thought back -long time no hear. - He said nothing in response to my humor. “Sleep” ordered Collie “you begin training tomorrow and I’ll warn you right now it will be hard.” “Okay” I said and then I was sleep as the sun began to rise. When the warm heat that could reach me through the trees filtered down to caress me it turned my dreams to pure light. You have reached the end of chapter one. So take a break look around check the time don’t want to get you in trouble if it is a school night and it’s past you’re bed time. Now that that’s done Please make your choice to put down the book or resume reading .thanks in advance for reading and please enjoy the upcoming chapter.