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Case presentation
Diana Girnita, MD, PhD
The Christ Hospital
CC: shortness of breath
42 yo Caucasian F pregnant, (P2G2) 28 weeks, seen by cardiology for
dyspnea on exertion, since her first trimester of pregnancy that got
progressively worse.
▪ In the last month, DOE with walking the length of 2 rooms, walking up the
stairs and sometimes at rest. 
▪ Orthopnea episodes in the middle of the night.
▪ Pressure in the mid -chest, rated 2/10, constant, not irradiating, not
accentuated by inspiration.
▪ Not feeling comfortable to lay flat in bed and will use up to 3 pillows to
▪ Denies palpitations, cough, flu like symptoms, sick contacts or recent
▪ At 21 weeks of pregnancy was dg with Hodgkin lymphoma, but
chemotherapy was currently postponed close to her delivery term. 
▪ Had no similar complains with previous pregnancy, although had pedal
  Allergy  
 Hodgkin Lymphoma stage IIA
▪ Hx appendectomy  
▪  D&c after delivery  
▪ Cesarean delivery
Allergies : Ciprofloxacin    (Hives)  
SH: Former Smoker -- 0.5 packs/day
FH: father with LAD infarction (died in
the 40’s)
Home Medication
▪ cetirizine (ZYRTEC) 10 mg PO
▪ Constitutional: No fevers, chills, or weight loss.  
▪ Skin: no skin, hair, nail changes, rash or pruritis
▪ Neurologic: No syncope, weakness, seizure disorder, headaches or gait
▪ Endocrine: No history of DM, HLD, thyroid disorder
▪ Eyes: No blurred vision  
▪ Cardiovascular: + SOB,  No palpitations. No claudication.  
▪ Respiratory: + SOB , no wheezing, coughing, asthma, COPD or chronic
▪ Gastrointestinal: No change in appetite, dysphagia, N/V/D/C  
▪ Psychiatric: No depressed mood / anxiety/No memory loss or altered
mental status
Vital signs
▪ BP 127/70
▪ Pulse 83
▪ Temp 97.7 °F (36.5 °C) (Oral)
▪ Resp 18
▪ SpO2 95%
▪ Constitutional:  NAD, Non-toxic appearance
▪ HEENT: NC/AT, Bilateral external ears, oropharynx moist, nose
normal.  Eyes normal. L side submandibular
▪ Neck: Normal ROM, No JVD, carotid upstrokes are preserved
without audible bruits.
▪ Cardiovascular: RRR,  Normal S1 and S2. No rubs, gallops, or
▪ Lungs:  Clear to auscultation.
▪ GI: BS normal, Soft, No tenderness, No masses, No pulsatile
masses. No spleno/ hepatomegaly
▪ Extremities:  Intact distal pulses, No pedal edema, No
▪ Neurologic:  Alert & oriented x 3, Normal motor function,
Normal sensory function, No focal deficits.
▪ Hb 12, Ht 34, WBC 10, Platelets 235
▪ EP1: Na133, K 4.3, Co2 18, AG 10, Bun 6,
Cr 0.52, GFR 138
▪ Alk phosp 96
▪ Albumin 3.4
▪ Chol 184, HDL 39, LDL 128, TG
▪ ESR 82
CXR 8/17 Large mediastinal and hilar
lymphadenopathy ; does not appear to be
significantly changed.
CXR 09/06 Little change since August,
2012 with a mediastinal and bilateral hilar
lymphadenopathy consistent with clinically
reported Hodgkin's lymphoma. No
evidence of acute cardiopulmonary
MRI abdomen
1. No definite abdominal or retroperitoneal
2. Partial visualization of mediastinal
3. Left cardiophrenic lymphadenopathy.
4. Borderline splenomegaly.
ECHO 9/5
▪ Left ventricle: The cavity size was normal. Wall
thickness was normal.
▪ Systolic function was mildly reduced. The estimated
ejection fraction was 45%. Hypokinesis of the
anteroseptal and inferoseptal myocardium.
▪ Left ventricular diastolic function parameters were
▪ Pericardium, extracardiac: A moderate pericardial
effusion was identified circumferential to the heart.
There was no evidence of hemodynamic compromise.
There was no chamber collapse.
▪ Respirophasic change in stroke volume was normal.
Cardiology was consulted
Diagnostic approach
▪ Pericardiocentesis.
▪ Impression: Moderate to large pericardial
▪ The fluid was noted to be clear yellow-
placement of the pericardial catheter
▪ A repeat echo demonstrated resolution of the
Pericardial effusion features
Clarity, Fluid Cloudy
Lymphs, Fluid 85
Macrophage count 4
Neutrophil Count, Fluid 11
Nucl Cell, Fluid 3286
RBC, Fluid 2681
LDH 203
Glucose 83
CEA <0.5
No AFB isolated
No fungus isolated
Routine Cx- no
organism seen
Anaerobes- pending
Cytology pending
ECHO 9/8 at discharge
▪ Left ventricle: The cavity size was normal. Wall
thickness was normal.
▪ Systolic function was normal.
▪ The estimated EF 55% to 60%.
▪ Wall motion was normal; there were no regional
wall motion abnormalities.
▪ Pericardium, extracardiac: A small, free-flowing
pericardial effusion was identified circumferential
to the heart.
Pericardial effusion
▪ is an accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space, with or
without associated pericarditis.
Pericardial effusion
▪ can develop in patients with acute pericarditis or
in association with a variety of systemic disorders.
▪ important implications
▪ for prognosis (pts with intrathoracic neoplasm)
▪ for diagnosis (myopericarditis or acute pericarditis)
▪ or both (as in Ao ascending dissection).
▪ Idiopathic 
▪ Infections 
A. Viral - Coxsackie, echo, adeno, EBV, CMV, influenza, varicella,
rubella, HIV, hepatitis B, mumps, parvovirus B19
B. Bacterial - Staph, Strep, Haemophilus, Neisseria, Chlamydia,
Legionella, TB, Salmonella, Lyme disease.
C. Mycoplasma
D. Fungal - Histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, blastomycosis,
coccidiodomycosis, actinomycosis, nocardia, candida
E. Parasitic - Echinococcus, amebiasis, toxoplasmosis
▪ Cardiac 
A. Early infarction pericarditis
B. Late postcardiac injury syndrome (Dressler's
C. Myocarditis
D. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
▪ Trauma 
▪ Iatrogenic - Catheter and pacemaker perforations,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, post-thoracic surgery
▪ Malignancy
▪ Autoimmune 
A. Rheumatic diseases – SLE, RA, MCTD,scleroderma
B. Wegener's granulomatosis, PAN, sarcoidosis, IBD
(Crohn's, ulcerative colitis), Whipple's, giant cell
arteritis, Behcet's disease, rheumatic fever
▪ Drugs  (Procainamide, isoniazid, or hydralazine,cromolyn
sodium, dantrolene, anticoagulants, thrombolytics,
phenytoin, penicillin, phenylbutazone, doxorubicin)
▪ Metabolic (Hypothyroidism - primarily pericardial effusion,
Uremia, Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
Diagnostic approach
▪History (suspect in all cases of acute
▪CXR/ CT chest
▪Echo is required for establishing dg
ECG - Electrical alternans.
▪ beat-to-beat shift in
the QRS (and
sometimes the P
wave) axis,
amplitude, and/or
▪ occurs in
association with
swinging of the
heart, usually in a
large pericardial
ECG - Low voltage QRS
Low voltage
▪ is probably due to short-circuiting of cardiac potentials by the
fluid surrounding the heart.
▪ Defined as
▪ QRS complexes ≤5 mm (0.5 mV) in all of the limb leads.
▪ +/-- low voltage in the chest leads, QRS amplitude of ≤10 mm
in V1 to V6
CT chest
ECHO –confirms the diagnosis
▪ Small
collections of
pericardial fluid
can be
physiologic if
visible during
▪ Effusions > 25
to 50 mL are
seen as an
echo-free space
throughout the
cardiac cycle
Hemodynamic compromise
▪ Factors that determine the degree of hemodynamic compromise
the volume of pericardial fluid
the rate at which the effusion accumulates
whether or not the pericardium is scarred or
Acute vs subacute cardiac tamponade
▪ Sudden onset
▪ chest pain and dyspnea, and
is life-threatening if not
promptly treated.
▪ JVD markedly elevated
▪ Hypotension due to the decline
in CO
▪ heart sounds muted.
▪ effusion is relatively small.
▪ less dramatic process.
▪ asymptomatic or c/o dyspnea,
chest discomfort or fullness,
▪ Peripheral edema in chronic
▪ Hypotension with a narrow
pulse pressure (limited stroke
volume)/ preexisting HTN may
remain hypertensive due to the
increased sympathetic activity
Acute vs subacute cardiac tamponade
Question no. 1
▪ 67 yo M is evaluated for an asymptomatic large pericardial effusion that has
persisted for 4 months. He denies chest pain, dyspnea, fever, chills, cough,
edema, and weight loss. He has a 30-year history of HTN which he takes
amlodipine. CXR performed 4 months ago to evaluate chronic cough
demonstrated an enlarged cardiac silhouette. Lab results at that time
included normal CBC, electrolytes, creatinine, BUN, TSH. ANA and PPD were
negative. Chest CT scan was normal. Echo performed 4 and 2 months ago
showed a moderate pericardial effusion, no evidence of tamponade, and
normal left and right ventricular function and size.
▪ PE: temp is normal, BP 135/75 mm Hg, HR 76/min, RR 16/min. Estimated
CVP less than 5 cm H2O. Cardiac examination reveals muffled heart sounds,
an absent apical impulse, and no pericardial friction rub. Pulmonary
auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.
▪ Echo shows a large circumferential pericardial effusion and no findings of
tamponade, and is otherwise without change from 4 and 2 months ago.
Which of the following is the most
appropriate next step in management?
A. Colchicine
B. Indomethacin
C. Pericardiectomy
D. Pericardiocentesis
E. Prednisone
▪ Correct : D
▪ A pericardiocenthesis should be done when an
idiopathic pericardial effusion persists more
then 3 months.
▪ An idiopathic pericardial effusion lasting less
than 3 months in a stable patient requires no
specific therapy, but serial echocardiography
based on clinical status, as was done in this
patient, is advisable.
Cardiac tamponade – clinical features to
look for:
▪ sinus tachycardia, even in the absence of frank hypotension,
may indicate significant hemodynamic compromise from
tamponade and serve as an indication for immediate
▪ Elevated jugular venous pressure
▪ Pulsus paradoxus —  defined as an abnormally large decrease
in systolic blood pressure (>10 mmHg) on inspirations
▪ Pericardial rub 
▪ Kussmaul's sign —  is the absence of an inspiratory decline in
jugular venous pressure
Pulsus paradoxus
Question no. 2
▪ A 45 yo M is evaluated in ED for 3-day history of progressively
worsening dyspnea on exertion to the point that he is unable to walk
more than one block without resting. He has had sharp intermittent
pleuritic chest pain and a nonproductive cough with myalgias and
malaise for 7 days and has had orthostatic dizziness for 2 days. He is
taking no medications.
▪ On PE: temp- 37.7°C (99.9 °F), BP 88/44 mmHg, HR- 125/min, and
RR 29/min; BMI is 27. O2 sats at RA is 95%. Pulsus paradoxus is 15
mm Hg. Estimated central venous pressure is 10 cm H2O. Cardiac
examination discloses muffled heart sounds with no rubs. Lung
auscultation reveals normal breath sounds and no crackles. There is
2+ pedal edema. BP and HR are unchanged after a 500-mL
intravenous normal saline challenge.
▪ Laboratory studies:
▪ Prothrombin time 12 s
▪ Activated partial thromboplastin time28 s
▪ Creatinine1.3 mg/dL (99.2 µmol/L); BUN 26 mg/dL (9.3
▪ ECG: sinus tachycardia, diffuse low voltage, no ST-segment
▪ ECHO: shows a large circumferential pericardial effusion, right
ventricular and atrial free wall diastolic collapse, normal LV
systolic function, and EF of 70%.
▪ CXR shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette and no pulmonary
▪ Which of the following is the most appropriate
B.Levofloxacin and tobramycin
D.Surgical pericardiectomy
▪ Correct answer: C
▪ This patient has examination findings that indicate
cardiac tamponade. Physical examination reveals
tachycardia, reduced blood pressure, distended
jugular veins, elevated pulsus paradoxus (>10 mm
Hg), and an unremarkable lung examination.
▪ Neoplasm 
A. Metastatic – Lung, breast Ca, Hodgkin, leukemia,
B. Primary - rhabdomyosarcoma, teratoma, fibroma,
lipoma, leiomyoma, angioma
C. Paraneoplastic
▪ Radiation 
Relative incidence of metastatic heart tumors in autopsy
studies for frequent primary neoplasms.
Reynen K et al. Ann Oncol 2004;15:375-381
European Society for Medical Oncology
▪ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jan;141(1):34-8
▪ Wagner PL et al “Pericardial effusions in the cancer
population: prognostic factors after pericardial window
and the impact of paradoxical hemodynamic instability”
▪ Retrospective review of 179 pericardial windows performed for
pericardial effusion over a 5-year period (2004- 2009)
▪ RESULTS: The most common malignancies were
▪ lung (44%)
▪ breast (20%)
▪ hematologic (10%)
▪ gastrointestinal (7%)
▪ Heart Fail Rev. 2012 May 26
▪ Karatolios K et al “Diagnostic value of biochemical
biomarkers in malignant and non-malignant
pericardial effusion”
▪ Biochemical parameters and tumor markers to discriminate
malignant from benign effusion in 105 pts
▪ Malignant pericardial effusions had significantly higher pericardial
fluid levels of the tumor markers CEA, CA 19-9, CA 72-4, SCC and
NSE as well as higher pericardial fluid hemoglobin (p < 0.001),
▪ None of the biochemical or cell-count parameters
tested proved to be accurate enough for distinguishing
malignant from benign effusions.
▪ However, measurement of pericardial CA 72-4
levels offered a high diagnostic accuracy
for malignancy, particularly in bloody
pericardial effusions.
Cytology in pericardial effusions
▪ Cytology and pericardial biopsy — whenever there is a
reason to suspect malignancy.
▪ Especially important if the effusion is hemorrhagic, and
there is no history of antecedent trauma
▪ Negative cytology should not be used to exclude the
diagnosis of malignancy, particularly if the index of
suspicion is high
▪ A positive cytology may be predictive of a poorer
Outcome prediction
▪ Prognosis and status of the underlying malignancy — most
patients with a symptomatic malignant pericardial effusion
have a short life expectancy (median two to four months)
▪ Patients with breast cancer or hematologic malignancies
had a better median survival (9 and 17 months,
respectively) than those with lung cancer.
▪ MKSAP 15
▪ John Hopkins Internal medicine review book
▪ Up to date
▪ Reynen K et al. Ann Oncol 2004;15:375-381
▪ Karatolios K et al “Diagnostic value of biochemical
biomarkers in malignant and non-malignant pericardial
effusion” Heart Fail Rev. 2012 May 26
▪ Wagner PL et al “Pericardial effusions in the cancer
population: prognostic factors after pericardial window and
the impact of paradoxical hemodynamic instability” J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jan;141(1):34-8

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Pericardial effusion- case report and review

  • 1. Case presentation Diana Girnita, MD, PhD The Christ Hospital
  • 2. CC: shortness of breath 42 yo Caucasian F pregnant, (P2G2) 28 weeks, seen by cardiology for dyspnea on exertion, since her first trimester of pregnancy that got progressively worse. ▪ In the last month, DOE with walking the length of 2 rooms, walking up the stairs and sometimes at rest.  ▪ Orthopnea episodes in the middle of the night. ▪ Pressure in the mid -chest, rated 2/10, constant, not irradiating, not accentuated by inspiration. ▪ Not feeling comfortable to lay flat in bed and will use up to 3 pillows to sleep ▪ Denies palpitations, cough, flu like symptoms, sick contacts or recent travel. ▪ At 21 weeks of pregnancy was dg with Hodgkin lymphoma, but chemotherapy was currently postponed close to her delivery term.  ▪ Had no similar complains with previous pregnancy, although had pedal edema.
  • 3. PMH   Allergy    Hodgkin Lymphoma stage IIA PMS ▪ Hx appendectomy   ▪  D&c after delivery   ▪ Cesarean delivery Allergies : Ciprofloxacin    (Hives)  
  • 4. SH: Former Smoker -- 0.5 packs/day FH: father with LAD infarction (died in the 40’s) Home Medication ▪ cetirizine (ZYRTEC) 10 mg PO ▪ PRENATAL VITAMINS-IRON-FA PO 
  • 5. ROS ▪ Constitutional: No fevers, chills, or weight loss.   ▪ Skin: no skin, hair, nail changes, rash or pruritis ▪ Neurologic: No syncope, weakness, seizure disorder, headaches or gait abnormalities.   ▪ Endocrine: No history of DM, HLD, thyroid disorder ▪ Eyes: No blurred vision   ▪ Cardiovascular: + SOB,  No palpitations. No claudication.   ▪ Respiratory: + SOB , no wheezing, coughing, asthma, COPD or chronic bronchitis ▪ Gastrointestinal: No change in appetite, dysphagia, N/V/D/C   ▪ Psychiatric: No depressed mood / anxiety/No memory loss or altered mental status
  • 6. Vital signs ▪ BP 127/70 ▪ Pulse 83 ▪ Temp 97.7 °F (36.5 °C) (Oral) ▪ Resp 18 ▪ SpO2 95%
  • 7. PHYSICAL EXAM ▪ Constitutional:  NAD, Non-toxic appearance ▪ HEENT: NC/AT, Bilateral external ears, oropharynx moist, nose normal.  Eyes normal. L side submandibular lymphadenopathy ▪ Neck: Normal ROM, No JVD, carotid upstrokes are preserved without audible bruits. ▪ Cardiovascular: RRR,  Normal S1 and S2. No rubs, gallops, or murmurs. ▪ Lungs:  Clear to auscultation. ▪ GI: BS normal, Soft, No tenderness, No masses, No pulsatile masses. No spleno/ hepatomegaly ▪ Extremities:  Intact distal pulses, No pedal edema, No tenderness. ▪ Neurologic:  Alert & oriented x 3, Normal motor function, Normal sensory function, No focal deficits.
  • 8. Labs ▪ Hb 12, Ht 34, WBC 10, Platelets 235 ▪ EP1: Na133, K 4.3, Co2 18, AG 10, Bun 6, Cr 0.52, GFR 138 ▪ Alk phosp 96 ▪ Albumin 3.4 ▪ Chol 184, HDL 39, LDL 128, TG ▪ ESR 82
  • 9. ECG
  • 10. CXR
  • 11. CXR CXR 8/17 Large mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy ; does not appear to be significantly changed. CXR 09/06 Little change since August, 2012 with a mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy consistent with clinically reported Hodgkin's lymphoma. No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease.
  • 12. MRI abdomen 1. No definite abdominal or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. 2. Partial visualization of mediastinal lymphadenopathy. 3. Left cardiophrenic lymphadenopathy. 4. Borderline splenomegaly.
  • 13. ECHO 9/5 ▪ Left ventricle: The cavity size was normal. Wall thickness was normal. ▪ Systolic function was mildly reduced. The estimated ejection fraction was 45%. Hypokinesis of the anteroseptal and inferoseptal myocardium. ▪ Left ventricular diastolic function parameters were normal. ▪ Pericardium, extracardiac: A moderate pericardial effusion was identified circumferential to the heart. There was no evidence of hemodynamic compromise. There was no chamber collapse. ▪ Respirophasic change in stroke volume was normal.  
  • 15. Diagnostic approach ▪ Pericardiocentesis. ▪ Impression: Moderate to large pericardial effusion ▪ The fluid was noted to be clear yellow- placement of the pericardial catheter ▪ A repeat echo demonstrated resolution of the effusion
  • 16. Pericardial effusion features 9/7/2012 Clarity, Fluid Cloudy Lymphs, Fluid 85 Macrophage count 4 Neutrophil Count, Fluid 11 Nucl Cell, Fluid 3286 RBC, Fluid 2681 LDH 203 Glucose 83 CEA <0.5 MICRO No AFB isolated No fungus isolated Routine Cx- no organism seen Anaerobes- pending Cytology pending
  • 17. ECHO 9/8 at discharge ▪ Left ventricle: The cavity size was normal. Wall thickness was normal. ▪ Systolic function was normal. ▪ The estimated EF 55% to 60%. ▪ Wall motion was normal; there were no regional wall motion abnormalities. ▪ Pericardium, extracardiac: A small, free-flowing pericardial effusion was identified circumferential to the heart.  
  • 19. Pericardial effusion ▪ is an accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space, with or without associated pericarditis.
  • 20. Pericardial effusion ▪ can develop in patients with acute pericarditis or in association with a variety of systemic disorders. ▪ important implications ▪ for prognosis (pts with intrathoracic neoplasm) ▪ for diagnosis (myopericarditis or acute pericarditis) ▪ or both (as in Ao ascending dissection).
  • 21. Etiology ▪ Idiopathic  ▪ Infections  A. Viral - Coxsackie, echo, adeno, EBV, CMV, influenza, varicella, rubella, HIV, hepatitis B, mumps, parvovirus B19 B. Bacterial - Staph, Strep, Haemophilus, Neisseria, Chlamydia, Legionella, TB, Salmonella, Lyme disease. C. Mycoplasma D. Fungal - Histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, blastomycosis, coccidiodomycosis, actinomycosis, nocardia, candida E. Parasitic - Echinococcus, amebiasis, toxoplasmosis
  • 22. Etiology ▪ Cardiac  A. Early infarction pericarditis B. Late postcardiac injury syndrome (Dressler's syndrome) C. Myocarditis D. Dissecting aortic aneurysm ▪ Trauma  ▪ Iatrogenic - Catheter and pacemaker perforations, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, post-thoracic surgery ▪ Malignancy
  • 23. Etiology ▪ Autoimmune  A. Rheumatic diseases – SLE, RA, MCTD,scleroderma B. Wegener's granulomatosis, PAN, sarcoidosis, IBD (Crohn's, ulcerative colitis), Whipple's, giant cell arteritis, Behcet's disease, rheumatic fever ▪ Drugs  (Procainamide, isoniazid, or hydralazine,cromolyn sodium, dantrolene, anticoagulants, thrombolytics, phenytoin, penicillin, phenylbutazone, doxorubicin) ▪ Metabolic (Hypothyroidism - primarily pericardial effusion, Uremia, Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
  • 24. Diagnostic approach ▪History (suspect in all cases of acute pericarditis) ▪ECG ▪CXR/ CT chest ▪Echo is required for establishing dg
  • 25. ECG - Electrical alternans. ▪ beat-to-beat shift in the QRS (and sometimes the P wave) axis, amplitude, and/or morphology. ▪ occurs in association with swinging of the heart, usually in a large pericardial effusion
  • 26. ECG - Low voltage QRS
  • 27. Low voltage ▪ is probably due to short-circuiting of cardiac potentials by the fluid surrounding the heart. ▪ Defined as ▪ QRS complexes ≤5 mm (0.5 mV) in all of the limb leads. ▪ +/-- low voltage in the chest leads, QRS amplitude of ≤10 mm in V1 to V6
  • 28. CXR
  • 30. ECHO –confirms the diagnosis ▪ Small collections of pericardial fluid can be physiologic if visible during ventricular systole. ▪ Effusions > 25 to 50 mL are seen as an echo-free space throughout the cardiac cycle
  • 31. ECHO
  • 32. Hemodynamic compromise assesment ▪ Factors that determine the degree of hemodynamic compromise include the volume of pericardial fluid the rate at which the effusion accumulates whether or not the pericardium is scarred or adherent.
  • 33. Acute vs subacute cardiac tamponade ACUTE ▪ Sudden onset ▪ chest pain and dyspnea, and is life-threatening if not promptly treated. ▪ JVD markedly elevated ▪ Hypotension due to the decline in CO ▪ heart sounds muted. ▪ effusion is relatively small. SUBACUTE ▪ less dramatic process. ▪ asymptomatic or c/o dyspnea, chest discomfort or fullness, fatiguability. ▪ Peripheral edema in chronic tamponade. ▪ Hypotension with a narrow pulse pressure (limited stroke volume)/ preexisting HTN may remain hypertensive due to the increased sympathetic activity
  • 34. Acute vs subacute cardiac tamponade
  • 35. Question no. 1 ▪ 67 yo M is evaluated for an asymptomatic large pericardial effusion that has persisted for 4 months. He denies chest pain, dyspnea, fever, chills, cough, edema, and weight loss. He has a 30-year history of HTN which he takes amlodipine. CXR performed 4 months ago to evaluate chronic cough demonstrated an enlarged cardiac silhouette. Lab results at that time included normal CBC, electrolytes, creatinine, BUN, TSH. ANA and PPD were negative. Chest CT scan was normal. Echo performed 4 and 2 months ago showed a moderate pericardial effusion, no evidence of tamponade, and normal left and right ventricular function and size. ▪ PE: temp is normal, BP 135/75 mm Hg, HR 76/min, RR 16/min. Estimated CVP less than 5 cm H2O. Cardiac examination reveals muffled heart sounds, an absent apical impulse, and no pericardial friction rub. Pulmonary auscultation reveals normal breath sounds. ▪ Echo shows a large circumferential pericardial effusion and no findings of tamponade, and is otherwise without change from 4 and 2 months ago.
  • 36. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management? A. Colchicine B. Indomethacin C. Pericardiectomy D. Pericardiocentesis E. Prednisone
  • 37. Answer ▪ Correct : D ▪ A pericardiocenthesis should be done when an idiopathic pericardial effusion persists more then 3 months. ▪ An idiopathic pericardial effusion lasting less than 3 months in a stable patient requires no specific therapy, but serial echocardiography based on clinical status, as was done in this patient, is advisable.
  • 38. Cardiac tamponade – clinical features to look for: ▪ sinus tachycardia, even in the absence of frank hypotension, may indicate significant hemodynamic compromise from tamponade and serve as an indication for immediate pericardiocentesis. ▪ Elevated jugular venous pressure ▪ Pulsus paradoxus —  defined as an abnormally large decrease in systolic blood pressure (>10 mmHg) on inspirations ▪ Pericardial rub  ▪ Kussmaul's sign —  is the absence of an inspiratory decline in jugular venous pressure
  • 40. Question no. 2 ▪ A 45 yo M is evaluated in ED for 3-day history of progressively worsening dyspnea on exertion to the point that he is unable to walk more than one block without resting. He has had sharp intermittent pleuritic chest pain and a nonproductive cough with myalgias and malaise for 7 days and has had orthostatic dizziness for 2 days. He is taking no medications. ▪ On PE: temp- 37.7°C (99.9 °F), BP 88/44 mmHg, HR- 125/min, and RR 29/min; BMI is 27. O2 sats at RA is 95%. Pulsus paradoxus is 15 mm Hg. Estimated central venous pressure is 10 cm H2O. Cardiac examination discloses muffled heart sounds with no rubs. Lung auscultation reveals normal breath sounds and no crackles. There is 2+ pedal edema. BP and HR are unchanged after a 500-mL intravenous normal saline challenge.
  • 41. ▪ Laboratory studies: ▪ Prothrombin time 12 s ▪ Activated partial thromboplastin time28 s ▪ Creatinine1.3 mg/dL (99.2 µmol/L); BUN 26 mg/dL (9.3 mmol/L) ▪ ECG: sinus tachycardia, diffuse low voltage, no ST-segment shifts. ▪ ECHO: shows a large circumferential pericardial effusion, right ventricular and atrial free wall diastolic collapse, normal LV systolic function, and EF of 70%. ▪ CXR shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette and no pulmonary infiltrates.
  • 42. ▪ Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment? A.Dobutamine B.Levofloxacin and tobramycin C.Pericardiocentesis D.Surgical pericardiectomy
  • 43. Answer ▪ Correct answer: C ▪ This patient has examination findings that indicate cardiac tamponade. Physical examination reveals tachycardia, reduced blood pressure, distended jugular veins, elevated pulsus paradoxus (>10 mm Hg), and an unremarkable lung examination.
  • 45. Etiology ▪ Neoplasm  A. Metastatic – Lung, breast Ca, Hodgkin, leukemia, melanoma B. Primary - rhabdomyosarcoma, teratoma, fibroma, lipoma, leiomyoma, angioma C. Paraneoplastic ▪ Radiation 
  • 46. Relative incidence of metastatic heart tumors in autopsy studies for frequent primary neoplasms. Reynen K et al. Ann Oncol 2004;15:375-381 European Society for Medical Oncology
  • 47. ▪ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jan;141(1):34-8 ▪ Wagner PL et al “Pericardial effusions in the cancer population: prognostic factors after pericardial window and the impact of paradoxical hemodynamic instability” ▪ Retrospective review of 179 pericardial windows performed for pericardial effusion over a 5-year period (2004- 2009) ▪ RESULTS: The most common malignancies were ▪ lung (44%) ▪ breast (20%) ▪ hematologic (10%) ▪ gastrointestinal (7%)
  • 48. ▪ Heart Fail Rev. 2012 May 26 ▪ Karatolios K et al “Diagnostic value of biochemical biomarkers in malignant and non-malignant pericardial effusion” ▪ Biochemical parameters and tumor markers to discriminate malignant from benign effusion in 105 pts ▪ Malignant pericardial effusions had significantly higher pericardial fluid levels of the tumor markers CEA, CA 19-9, CA 72-4, SCC and NSE as well as higher pericardial fluid hemoglobin (p < 0.001), WBC, LDH
  • 49. ▪ None of the biochemical or cell-count parameters tested proved to be accurate enough for distinguishing malignant from benign effusions. ▪ However, measurement of pericardial CA 72-4 levels offered a high diagnostic accuracy for malignancy, particularly in bloody pericardial effusions.
  • 50. Cytology in pericardial effusions ▪ Cytology and pericardial biopsy — whenever there is a reason to suspect malignancy. ▪ Especially important if the effusion is hemorrhagic, and there is no history of antecedent trauma ▪ Negative cytology should not be used to exclude the diagnosis of malignancy, particularly if the index of suspicion is high ▪ A positive cytology may be predictive of a poorer outcome
  • 51. Outcome prediction ▪ Prognosis and status of the underlying malignancy — most patients with a symptomatic malignant pericardial effusion have a short life expectancy (median two to four months) ▪ Patients with breast cancer or hematologic malignancies had a better median survival (9 and 17 months, respectively) than those with lung cancer.
  • 53. References ▪ MKSAP 15 ▪ John Hopkins Internal medicine review book ▪ Up to date ▪ Reynen K et al. Ann Oncol 2004;15:375-381 ▪ Karatolios K et al “Diagnostic value of biochemical biomarkers in malignant and non-malignant pericardial effusion” Heart Fail Rev. 2012 May 26 ▪ Wagner PL et al “Pericardial effusions in the cancer population: prognostic factors after pericardial window and the impact of paradoxical hemodynamic instability” J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Jan;141(1):34-8

Notas del editor

  1. The difference between the systolic pressure at which the first Korotkoff sounds are heard during expiration and the pressure at which they are heard throughout the respiratory cycle quantifies pulsus paradoxus
  2. Figure 1. Relative incidence of metastatic heart tumors in autopsy studies for frequent primary neoplasms. Shown is a summary of four large series: white shading, Burke and Virmani [3]; light gray shading, Davies [13]; dark gray shading, Hanfling [10]; hatched shading, Scott and Garvin [5].