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Engineering the aggregate
Danilo Pianini
Alma Mater Studiorum—Universit`a di Bologna
Software Engineering for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems
2017-08-25 – Dagstuhl, Germany, EU
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 1 / 43
Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 1 / 43
Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
The world is becoming a crowded and complex place
Future and emerging Internet-of-things are witnessing:
devices increasingly wearable, mobile, embedded, flying...
increasing availability of heterogeneous wireless connectivity
increasing availability of computational resources (device/edge/cloud)
increasing production and analysis of data, everywhere, anytime
⇒ business, security, and privacy concerns will be drivers as well
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1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
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Programming models for mobile and IoT applications
Client side
Single-device program: objects, functions, actors, futures, tasks,
Local intelligence
Client-server communication
SOA (Http/Rest), MoM (RabbitMQ)
Server side
Storage: OO, relational, NoSQL — in memory or on-disk
Coordination (orchestration, mediation, rules enactment)
Situation recognition (online/offline, mining, business intelligence,
stream processing)
Scalability server-side calls for cloud-ification
Not really orthogonal to the whole programming model
It often dramatically affects system design
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Heterogeneity of deployment contexts
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Where does programming effort end up into?
Programs of clients and servers highly depend on:
Platform and API
Communication technology
Number, type, and dislocation of devices
⇒ Design and deployments hardly tolerate changes
⇒ IoT systems tend to be rigid, and costly to debug, evolve, and maintain
The technological result
Few of the opportunities of large-scale IoT are currently exploited
Virtually, any computational mechanism (sensing, actuation, processing,
storage) could involve spontaneous, adaptive cooperation of large sets of
How many large-scale deployments of adaptive IoT systems around?
Where are the “Collective Adaptive Systems”?
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A programming model perspective
What do we lack in large-scale IoT systems?
The plain old platform-independent programming abstraction
Delegating to the underlying platform everything but the core logic:
non-functional aspects (network performance, battery saving...)
deployment issues
The challenge
Let’s tackle the worst possible scenario:
Countless heterogeneous, moving devices unpredictably situated
Pervasive sensing and actuation
Contextual (spatio-temporal) behavior
Abstract away the infrastructure
We can’t rely on the cloud or fog
But we must be ready to exploit the opportunity they provide
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Aggregate computing
1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
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Aggregate computing
Manifesto of aggregate computing
Motto: program the aggregate, not individual devices!
1 The reference computing machine
⇒ an aggregate of devices as a single entity fading to the actual space
2 The reference elaboration process
⇒ atomic manipulation of a collective data structure
3 The actual networked computation
⇒ a proximity-based self-org system hidden “under-the-hood”
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Aggregate computing
Computing with fields
Field: a distributed data structure mapping each device to a value
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Aggregate computing
Language based approach
The approach naturally maps on a new programming paradigm
A core calculus for such language families exists [DVPB15]
Allowing for mathematical proofs of properties
Proofs valid for the calculus hold for any practical language based on it
Aggregate programming languages are proven to be universal...
...nevertheless, integration with existing language and libraries is key
Don’t reinvent the wheel
What about a middleware?
Middlewares have explicit APIs, which we want to avoid
Nevertheless, a middleware is required for practical languages to work
For networking, mostly
Aggregate programming could be used to easily program some
features of novel middlewares as well
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Aggregate computing
Core language constructs: evolution over time
(fun (x) (+ x 1))
(rep x 0 (+ x 1))
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Aggregate computing
Core language constructs: gather data from neighborhood
nbr de
(nbr e)
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Aggregate computing
Core language constructs: domain restriction (distributed
(if eb e false)
The channel computes in a different domain, but does not get disrupted!
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Aggregate computing
Scalability and compositionality [BV14, VBDP15, FPBV17]
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Aggregate computing
Toolchain I
A set of practical tools are available for engineering the aggregate
Practical languages
Protelisa [PVB15, PBV17] – Stand-alone programming language,
duck-typed, Java-interoperable (with some limitations), rich library,
SASO tutorial available to learn it at
Scafi [CV16] – Scala internal DSL, inherits the Scala type system
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Aggregate computing
Toolchain II
Simulation platforms
Simulation is paramount: is the only way to test and reproducibly debug a
situated self-organizing system.
Alchemista [PMV13, VCP16b] – By far the most largely used
simulator when programming in aggregate, supports both Protelis and
Scafi, supports (bidimensional) euclidean spaces, floor plans, real
world maps (including on-street navigation and GPS traces)
NASA World Wind and other simulatorsb – Protelis can be
attached reasonably easily to Java simulation platforms, NASA World
Wind has been used in the past for simulating airborne drones
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Existing applications
1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
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Existing applications
Crowd density estimation [BPV15]
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Existing applications
Metaprogramming: P2P version upgrade [BPV15]
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Existing applications
Metaprogramming: process priority modulation [BPV15]
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Existing applications
Resilient P2P communication with replicated channel [VPR+15, VPRC17]
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Existing applications
Metaprogramming: improved gossip dynamics [PBV16]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (simulated rounds)
Minimum, istantaneous mean value of the network
C + G
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Existing applications
Crowd dispersal [VBPB16]
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Existing applications
Indoor alarm and selective dispersal [VCP16b]
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Existing applications
Distributed Recovery for Enterprise Services [CBP15]
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Existing applications
Context-sensitive steering [BVPD17, BVPD16]
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Existing applications
Smart allocation of limited resources [FPBV17]
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Existing applications
Target counting in WSN [PDV17]
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Existing applications
Airborne sensor sharing [BUL+18] and task reallocation [BUL+16]
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Promising applications
1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
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Promising applications
Smart cameras coordination [EL17]
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Promising applications
Drone exploration
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Promising applications
Augmented fields
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 30 / 43
Open issues
1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped
2 Device-centrism
3 Aggregate computing
4 Existing applications
5 Promising applications
6 Open issues
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 30 / 43
Open issues
Open issues I
Network overlays
Aggregate programming relies on the concept of “neighbors” in order
to build fields to compute upon
The network of devices may (in opportunistic and P2P networks) or
may not (in the classic Internet) reflect the actual network structure
A better understanding of how to build network overlays for specific
applications is required
Anonymous networks
Aggregate programming is tightly bound to device identity
An extension / restriction of the calculus for anonymous networks
may expand the applicability of the approach
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 31 / 43
Open issues
Open issues II
Security and privacy
The kind of open systems aggregate computing promotes is a fertile
ground for malicious attackers
Metaprogramming can be used to inject and diffuse malicious
aggregate processes in the system rather efficiently
Byzantine attacks may disrupt entire algorithms
Malfunctioning nodes detection is (undesirably) offloaded to the
application level
Little work has been done on security [CAV17]
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Open issues
Open issues III
Cloud offloading
Existing back-ends for aggregate programming do not take full
advantage of cloud / fog resources
Offloading part of the computation to the cloud when available may
speed up algorithms and reduce bandwidth and battery usage
Little has been done on this side [VCP16a]
Better understanding of aggregate alorithms through control theory
Currently most algorithms are validated via simulation
Possibly, a large number of them could be studied with a different
perspective using control theory
Much more solid results, better insights
Very little work availabile [KBDM15]
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Open issues
Open issues IV
Limited resource scenarios
None of the platforms for aggregate programming was conceived with
a commitment to low resource usage
Some early work exists to allow using LoRaWAN [All15] as network
But packets sent by current implementations are huge and prevent
practical use
Strategies for reducing resource usage must be devised
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Open issues
Open issues V
“Computational relativity”
Communication speed bounds the speed at which the various part of
the aggregate machine perceives updates
May be impacting on several deployments
Somehow resembles the shift from classical mechanic to relativity
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References I
LoRa Alliance.
A technical overview of lora and lorawan.
White Paper, November, 2015.
Jacob Beal, Danilo Pianini, and Mirko Viroli.
Aggregate programming for the internet of things.
IEEE Computer, 48(9):22–30, 2015.
Jacob Beal, Kyle Usbeck, Joseph P. Loyall, Mason Rowe, and James M. Metzler.
Adaptive task reallocation for airborne sensor sharing.
In 2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self*
Systems (FAS*W), Augsburg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016, pages 168–173, 2016.
Jacob Beal, Kyle Usbeck, Joseph P. Loyall, Mason Rowe, and James M. Metzler.
Adaptive opportunistic airborne sensor sharing.
TAAS, 13(1):6:1–6:29, 2018.
Jacob Beal and Mirko Viroli.
Building blocks for aggregate programming of self-organising applications.
In Eighth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Workshops, SASOW 2014, London, United Kingdom, September 8-12, 2014, pages 8–13,
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References II
Jacob Beal, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Ferruccio Damiani.
Self-adaptation to device distribution changes.
In 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
SASO 2016, Augsburg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016, pages 60–69, 2016.
Jacob Beal, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Ferruccio Damiani.
Self-adaptation to device distribution in the internet of things.
ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., 12(3):12:1–12:29, September 2017.
Roberto Casadei, Alessandro Aldini, and Mirko Viroli.
Combining trust and aggregate computing.
In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SEFM 2017 Collocated Workshops:
DataMod, FAACS, MSE, CoSim-CPS, and FOCLASA, Trento, Italy, September 4-5, 2017,
Revised Selected Papers, pages 507–522, 2017.
Shane S. Clark, Jacob Beal, and Partha P. Pal.
Distributed recovery for enterprise services.
In 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 111–120, 2015.
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References III
Roberto Casadei, Giancarlo Fortino, Danilo Pianini, Wilma Russo, Claudio Savaglio, and
Mirko Viroli.
Modelling and simulation of opportunistic iot services with aggregate computing.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018.
Submitted for publication.
Roberto Casadei and Mirko Viroli.
Towards aggregate programming in scala.
In First Workshop on Programming Models and Languages for Distributed Computing,
PMLDC@ECOOP 2016, Rome, Italy, July 17, 2016, page 5, 2016.
Simon Dobson, Mirko Viroli, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Franco Zambonelli, Graeme
Stevenson, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Sara Montagna, Danilo Pianini, Juan Ye,
Gabriella Castelli, and et al.
Spatial awareness in pervasive ecosystems.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(4):343–366, Sep 2016.
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References IV
Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal.
Code mobility meets self-organisation: A higher-order calculus of computational fields.
In Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems - 35th IFIP WG
6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2015, Held as Part of the 10th International
Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2015, Grenoble,
France, June 2-4, 2015, Proceedings, pages 113–128, 2015.
Lukas Esterle and Peter R. Lewis.
Online multi-object k-coverage with mobile smart cameras.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras,
Stanford, CA, USA, September 5-7, 2017, pages 107–112, 2017.
Matteo Francia, Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli.
Towards a foundational API for resilient distributed systems design.
In 2nd IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems,
FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 27–32,
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 38 / 43
References V
Amy Kumar, Jacob Beal, Soura Dasgupta, and Raghu Mudumbai.
Toward predicting distributed systems dynamics.
In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Workshops, SASO Workshops 2015, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages
68–73, 2015.
Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli.
Improving gossip dynamics through overlapping replicates.
In Coordination Models and Languages - 18th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference,
COORDINATION 2016, Held as Part of the 11th International Federated Conference on
Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 6-9,
2016, Proceedings, pages 192–207, 2016.
Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli.
Practical aggregate programming with protelis.
In 2nd IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems,
FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 391–392,
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 39 / 43
References VI
Danilo Pianini, Angelo Croatti, Alessandro Ricci, and Mirko Viroli.
Computational fields meet augmented reality: Perspectives and challenges.
In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Workshops, SASO Workshops 2015, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages
80–85, 2015.
Danilo Pianini, Simon Dobson, and Mirko Viroli.
Self-stabilising target counting in wireless sensor networks using euler integration.
In 11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
SASO 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 11–20, 2017.
Danilo Pianini, Sara Montagna, and Mirko Viroli.
Chemical-oriented simulation of computational systems with ALCHEMIST.
J. Simulation, 7(3):202–215, 2013.
Danilo Pianini, Mirko Viroli, and Jacob Beal.
Protelis: practical aggregate programming.
In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Salamanca,
Spain, April 13-17, 2015, pages 1846–1853, 2015.
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 40 / 43
References VII
Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani, Angelo Croatti, and
Danilo Pianini.
Spatial tuples: Augmenting reality with tuples.
Expert Systems, page e12273, apr 2018.
Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, and Danilo Pianini.
Engineering resilient collective adaptive systems by self-stabilisation.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 28(2):1–28, mar 2018.
Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal.
A higher-order calculus of computational fields.
CoRR, abs/1610.08116, 2016.
Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal.
A higher-order calculus of computational fields.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2017.
Submitted for publication.
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 41 / 43
References VIII
Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Giorgio Audrito, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo
From field-based coordination to aggregate computing.
In Coordination Models and Languages 2018. Proceedings, 2018.
To appear.
Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, and Danilo Pianini.
Efficient engineering of complex self-organising systems by self-stabilising fields.
In 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 81–90, 2015.
Mirko Viroli, Antonio Bucchiarone, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal.
Combining self-organisation and autonomic computing in cass with aggregate-mape.
pages 186–191, 2016.
Mirko Viroli, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo Pianini.
On execution platforms for large-scale aggregate computing.
In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp Adjunct 2016, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-16,
2016, pages 1321–1326, 2016.
Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 42 / 43
References IX
Mirko Viroli, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo Pianini.
Simulating large-scale aggregate mass with alchemist and scala.
In Proceedings of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information
Systems, FedCSIS 2016, Gda´nsk, Poland, September 11-14, 2016., pages 1495–1504, 2016.
Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal.
Linda in space-time: An adaptive coordination model for mobile ad-hoc environments.
In Coordination Models and Languages - 14th International Conference, COORDINATION
2012, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-15, 2012. Proceedings, pages 212–229, 2012.
Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, Alessandro Ricci, Pietro Brunetti, and Angelo Croatti.
Multi-agent systems meet aggregate programming: Towards a notion of aggregate plan.
In PRIMA 2015: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems - 18th International
Conference, Bertinoro, Italy, October 26-30, 2015, Proceedings, pages 49–64, 2015.
Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, Alessandro Ricci, and Angelo Croatti.
Aggregate plans for multiagent systems.
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 5(4):336, 2017.
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Más de Danilo Pianini

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Engineering the Aggregate - Talk at Software Engineering for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (SEfIAS), Dagstuhl, 2018

  • 1. images/logo Engineering the aggregate Danilo Pianini Alma Mater Studiorum—Universit`a di Bologna Software Engineering for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems 2017-08-25 – Dagstuhl, Germany, EU Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 1 / 43
  • 2. images/logo Boring context introduction to be probably skipped Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 1 / 43
  • 3. images/logo Boring context introduction to be probably skipped The world is becoming a crowded and complex place Future and emerging Internet-of-things are witnessing: devices increasingly wearable, mobile, embedded, flying... increasing availability of heterogeneous wireless connectivity increasing availability of computational resources (device/edge/cloud) increasing production and analysis of data, everywhere, anytime ⇒ business, security, and privacy concerns will be drivers as well Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 2 / 43
  • 4. images/logo Device-centrism Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 2 / 43
  • 5. images/logo Device-centrism Programming models for mobile and IoT applications Client side Single-device program: objects, functions, actors, futures, tasks, activities Local intelligence Client-server communication SOA (Http/Rest), MoM (RabbitMQ) Server side Storage: OO, relational, NoSQL — in memory or on-disk Coordination (orchestration, mediation, rules enactment) Situation recognition (online/offline, mining, business intelligence, stream processing) Scalability server-side calls for cloud-ification Not really orthogonal to the whole programming model It often dramatically affects system design Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 3 / 43
  • 6. images/logo Device-centrism Heterogeneity of deployment contexts Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 4 / 43
  • 7. images/logo Device-centrism Implications Where does programming effort end up into? Programs of clients and servers highly depend on: Platform and API Communication technology Number, type, and dislocation of devices ⇒ Design and deployments hardly tolerate changes ⇒ IoT systems tend to be rigid, and costly to debug, evolve, and maintain The technological result Few of the opportunities of large-scale IoT are currently exploited Virtually, any computational mechanism (sensing, actuation, processing, storage) could involve spontaneous, adaptive cooperation of large sets of devices How many large-scale deployments of adaptive IoT systems around? Where are the “Collective Adaptive Systems”? Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 5 / 43
  • 8. images/logo Device-centrism A programming model perspective What do we lack in large-scale IoT systems? The plain old platform-independent programming abstraction Delegating to the underlying platform everything but the core logic: non-functional aspects (network performance, battery saving...) deployment issues The challenge Let’s tackle the worst possible scenario: Countless heterogeneous, moving devices unpredictably situated Pervasive sensing and actuation Contextual (spatio-temporal) behavior Abstract away the infrastructure We can’t rely on the cloud or fog But we must be ready to exploit the opportunity they provide Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 6 / 43
  • 9. images/logo Aggregate computing Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 6 / 43
  • 10. images/logo Aggregate computing Manifesto of aggregate computing Motto: program the aggregate, not individual devices! 1 The reference computing machine ⇒ an aggregate of devices as a single entity fading to the actual space 2 The reference elaboration process ⇒ atomic manipulation of a collective data structure 3 The actual networked computation ⇒ a proximity-based self-org system hidden “under-the-hood” neighborhood device Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 7 / 43
  • 11. images/logo Aggregate computing Computing with fields Field: a distributed data structure mapping each device to a value ()0 1 + - 1 -1 ef(0,1) ef Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 8 / 43
  • 12. images/logo Aggregate computing Language based approach The approach naturally maps on a new programming paradigm A core calculus for such language families exists [DVPB15] Allowing for mathematical proofs of properties Proofs valid for the calculus hold for any practical language based on it Aggregate programming languages are proven to be universal... ...nevertheless, integration with existing language and libraries is key Don’t reinvent the wheel What about a middleware? Middlewares have explicit APIs, which we want to avoid Nevertheless, a middleware is required for practical languages to work For networking, mostly Aggregate programming could be used to easily program some features of novel middlewares as well Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 9 / 43
  • 13. images/logo Aggregate computing Core language constructs: evolution over time rep 0 (fun (x) (+ x 1)) t v0 t v1 .. (rep x 0 (+ x 1)) Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 10 / 43
  • 14. images/logo Aggregate computing Core language constructs: gather data from neighborhood nbr de (nbr e) φd=[d1→v1,..,dn→vn] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 11 / 43
  • 15. images/logo Aggregate computing Core language constructs: domain restriction (distributed if) if eb if cond then else (if eb e false) false e The channel computes in a different domain, but does not get disrupted! Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 12 / 43
  • 16. images/logo Aggregate computing Scalability and compositionality [BV14, VBDP15, FPBV17] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 13 / 43
  • 17. images/logo Aggregate computing Toolchain I A set of practical tools are available for engineering the aggregate Practical languages Protelisa [PVB15, PBV17] – Stand-alone programming language, duck-typed, Java-interoperable (with some limitations), rich library, mature SASO tutorial available to learn it at Scafi [CV16] – Scala internal DSL, inherits the Scala type system a Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 14 / 43
  • 18. images/logo Aggregate computing Toolchain II Simulation platforms Simulation is paramount: is the only way to test and reproducibly debug a situated self-organizing system. Alchemista [PMV13, VCP16b] – By far the most largely used simulator when programming in aggregate, supports both Protelis and Scafi, supports (bidimensional) euclidean spaces, floor plans, real world maps (including on-street navigation and GPS traces) NASA World Wind and other simulatorsb – Protelis can be attached reasonably easily to Java simulation platforms, NASA World Wind has been used in the past for simulating airborne drones [BUL+18]. a b Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 15 / 43
  • 19. images/logo Existing applications Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 15 / 43
  • 20. images/logo Existing applications Crowd density estimation [BPV15] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 16 / 43
  • 21. images/logo Existing applications Metaprogramming: P2P version upgrade [BPV15] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 17 / 43
  • 22. images/logo Existing applications Metaprogramming: process priority modulation [BPV15] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 18 / 43
  • 23. images/logo Existing applications Resilient P2P communication with replicated channel [VPR+15, VPRC17] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 19 / 43
  • 24. images/logo Existing applications Metaprogramming: improved gossip dynamics [PBV16] 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (simulated rounds) Minimum, istantaneous mean value of the network Actual R-Gossip Gossip C + G TR-Gossip Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 20 / 43
  • 25. images/logo Existing applications Crowd dispersal [VBPB16] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 21 / 43
  • 26. images/logo Existing applications Indoor alarm and selective dispersal [VCP16b] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 22 / 43
  • 27. images/logo Existing applications Distributed Recovery for Enterprise Services [CBP15] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 23 / 43
  • 28. images/logo Existing applications Context-sensitive steering [BVPD17, BVPD16] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 24 / 43
  • 29. images/logo Existing applications Smart allocation of limited resources [FPBV17] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 25 / 43
  • 30. images/logo Existing applications Target counting in WSN [PDV17] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 26 / 43
  • 31. images/logo Existing applications Airborne sensor sharing [BUL+18] and task reallocation [BUL+16] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 27 / 43
  • 32. images/logo Promising applications Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 27 / 43
  • 33. images/logo Promising applications Smart cameras coordination [EL17] C C C C C Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 28 / 43
  • 34. images/logo Promising applications Drone exploration Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 29 / 43
  • 35. images/logo Promising applications Augmented fields Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 30 / 43
  • 36. images/logo Open issues Outline 1 Boring context introduction to be probably skipped 2 Device-centrism 3 Aggregate computing 4 Existing applications 5 Promising applications 6 Open issues Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 30 / 43
  • 37. images/logo Open issues Open issues I Network overlays Aggregate programming relies on the concept of “neighbors” in order to build fields to compute upon The network of devices may (in opportunistic and P2P networks) or may not (in the classic Internet) reflect the actual network structure A better understanding of how to build network overlays for specific applications is required Anonymous networks Aggregate programming is tightly bound to device identity An extension / restriction of the calculus for anonymous networks may expand the applicability of the approach Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 31 / 43
  • 38. images/logo Open issues Open issues II Security and privacy The kind of open systems aggregate computing promotes is a fertile ground for malicious attackers Metaprogramming can be used to inject and diffuse malicious aggregate processes in the system rather efficiently Byzantine attacks may disrupt entire algorithms Malfunctioning nodes detection is (undesirably) offloaded to the application level Little work has been done on security [CAV17] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 32 / 43
  • 39. images/logo Open issues Open issues III Cloud offloading Existing back-ends for aggregate programming do not take full advantage of cloud / fog resources Offloading part of the computation to the cloud when available may speed up algorithms and reduce bandwidth and battery usage Little has been done on this side [VCP16a] Better understanding of aggregate alorithms through control theory Currently most algorithms are validated via simulation Possibly, a large number of them could be studied with a different perspective using control theory Much more solid results, better insights Very little work availabile [KBDM15] Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 33 / 43
  • 40. images/logo Open issues Open issues IV Limited resource scenarios None of the platforms for aggregate programming was conceived with a commitment to low resource usage Some early work exists to allow using LoRaWAN [All15] as network backend But packets sent by current implementations are huge and prevent practical use Strategies for reducing resource usage must be devised Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 34 / 43
  • 41. images/logo Open issues Open issues V “Computational relativity” Communication speed bounds the speed at which the various part of the aggregate machine perceives updates May be impacting on several deployments Somehow resembles the shift from classical mechanic to relativity Time% Space% Time%Like( Future( Time%Like( Future( Time%Like( History( device& device& device& device& device& device& spa*al&&sec*on& m2% m1% m3% SM% Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 35 / 43
  • 42. images/logo References References I LoRa Alliance. A technical overview of lora and lorawan. White Paper, November, 2015. Jacob Beal, Danilo Pianini, and Mirko Viroli. Aggregate programming for the internet of things. IEEE Computer, 48(9):22–30, 2015. Jacob Beal, Kyle Usbeck, Joseph P. Loyall, Mason Rowe, and James M. Metzler. Adaptive task reallocation for airborne sensor sharing. In 2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), Augsburg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016, pages 168–173, 2016. Jacob Beal, Kyle Usbeck, Joseph P. Loyall, Mason Rowe, and James M. Metzler. Adaptive opportunistic airborne sensor sharing. TAAS, 13(1):6:1–6:29, 2018. Jacob Beal and Mirko Viroli. Building blocks for aggregate programming of self-organising applications. In Eighth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2014, London, United Kingdom, September 8-12, 2014, pages 8–13, 2014. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 35 / 43
  • 43. images/logo References References II Jacob Beal, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Ferruccio Damiani. Self-adaptation to device distribution changes. In 10th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2016, Augsburg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016, pages 60–69, 2016. Jacob Beal, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Ferruccio Damiani. Self-adaptation to device distribution in the internet of things. ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., 12(3):12:1–12:29, September 2017. Roberto Casadei, Alessandro Aldini, and Mirko Viroli. Combining trust and aggregate computing. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SEFM 2017 Collocated Workshops: DataMod, FAACS, MSE, CoSim-CPS, and FOCLASA, Trento, Italy, September 4-5, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, pages 507–522, 2017. Shane S. Clark, Jacob Beal, and Partha P. Pal. Distributed recovery for enterprise services. In 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 111–120, 2015. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 36 / 43
  • 44. images/logo References References III Roberto Casadei, Giancarlo Fortino, Danilo Pianini, Wilma Russo, Claudio Savaglio, and Mirko Viroli. Modelling and simulation of opportunistic iot services with aggregate computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018. Submitted for publication. Roberto Casadei and Mirko Viroli. Towards aggregate programming in scala. In First Workshop on Programming Models and Languages for Distributed Computing, PMLDC@ECOOP 2016, Rome, Italy, July 17, 2016, page 5, 2016. Simon Dobson, Mirko Viroli, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Franco Zambonelli, Graeme Stevenson, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Sara Montagna, Danilo Pianini, Juan Ye, Gabriella Castelli, and et al. Spatial awareness in pervasive ecosystems. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(4):343–366, Sep 2016. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 37 / 43
  • 45. images/logo References References IV Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal. Code mobility meets self-organisation: A higher-order calculus of computational fields. In Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems - 35th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2015, Held as Part of the 10th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2015, Grenoble, France, June 2-4, 2015, Proceedings, pages 113–128, 2015. Lukas Esterle and Peter R. Lewis. Online multi-object k-coverage with mobile smart cameras. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Stanford, CA, USA, September 5-7, 2017, pages 107–112, 2017. Matteo Francia, Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli. Towards a foundational API for resilient distributed systems design. In 2nd IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 27–32, 2017. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 38 / 43
  • 46. images/logo References References V Amy Kumar, Jacob Beal, Soura Dasgupta, and Raghu Mudumbai. Toward predicting distributed systems dynamics. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASO Workshops 2015, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 68–73, 2015. Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli. Improving gossip dynamics through overlapping replicates. In Coordination Models and Languages - 18th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2016, Held as Part of the 11th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 6-9, 2016, Proceedings, pages 192–207, 2016. Danilo Pianini, Jacob Beal, and Mirko Viroli. Practical aggregate programming with protelis. In 2nd IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 391–392, 2017. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 39 / 43
  • 47. images/logo References References VI Danilo Pianini, Angelo Croatti, Alessandro Ricci, and Mirko Viroli. Computational fields meet augmented reality: Perspectives and challenges. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASO Workshops 2015, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 80–85, 2015. Danilo Pianini, Simon Dobson, and Mirko Viroli. Self-stabilising target counting in wireless sensor networks using euler integration. In 11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2017, Tucson, AZ, USA, September 18-22, 2017, pages 11–20, 2017. Danilo Pianini, Sara Montagna, and Mirko Viroli. Chemical-oriented simulation of computational systems with ALCHEMIST. J. Simulation, 7(3):202–215, 2013. Danilo Pianini, Mirko Viroli, and Jacob Beal. Protelis: practical aggregate programming. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Salamanca, Spain, April 13-17, 2015, pages 1846–1853, 2015. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 40 / 43
  • 48. images/logo References References VII Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani, Angelo Croatti, and Danilo Pianini. Spatial tuples: Augmenting reality with tuples. Expert Systems, page e12273, apr 2018. Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, and Danilo Pianini. Engineering resilient collective adaptive systems by self-stabilisation. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 28(2):1–28, mar 2018. Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal. A higher-order calculus of computational fields. CoRR, abs/1610.08116, 2016. Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal. A higher-order calculus of computational fields. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2017. Submitted for publication. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 41 / 43
  • 49. images/logo References References VIII Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Giorgio Audrito, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo Pianini. From field-based coordination to aggregate computing. In Coordination Models and Languages 2018. Proceedings, 2018. To appear. Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, and Danilo Pianini. Efficient engineering of complex self-organising systems by self-stabilising fields. In 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 21-25, 2015, pages 81–90, 2015. Mirko Viroli, Antonio Bucchiarone, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal. Combining self-organisation and autonomic computing in cass with aggregate-mape. pages 186–191, 2016. Mirko Viroli, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo Pianini. On execution platforms for large-scale aggregate computing. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp Adjunct 2016, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-16, 2016, pages 1321–1326, 2016. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 42 / 43
  • 50. images/logo References References IX Mirko Viroli, Roberto Casadei, and Danilo Pianini. Simulating large-scale aggregate mass with alchemist and scala. In Proceedings of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2016, Gda´nsk, Poland, September 11-14, 2016., pages 1495–1504, 2016. Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, and Jacob Beal. Linda in space-time: An adaptive coordination model for mobile ad-hoc environments. In Coordination Models and Languages - 14th International Conference, COORDINATION 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-15, 2012. Proceedings, pages 212–229, 2012. Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, Alessandro Ricci, Pietro Brunetti, and Angelo Croatti. Multi-agent systems meet aggregate programming: Towards a notion of aggregate plan. In PRIMA 2015: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems - 18th International Conference, Bertinoro, Italy, October 26-30, 2015, Proceedings, pages 49–64, 2015. Mirko Viroli, Danilo Pianini, Alessandro Ricci, and Angelo Croatti. Aggregate plans for multiagent systems. International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 5(4):336, 2017. Danilo Pianini (University of Bologna) Engineering the aggregate 2018-08-25 – SEfIAS 43 / 43