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History of Organizational
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
History of I/O Psychology:

W. L. Bryan
! Early President of A.P.A (American
Psychological Association)
! In the 1904 presidential address to APA,
W.L. Bryan, encouraged psychologists
to study "concrete activities and
functions as the appear in every day
life". Although he didn't cite industry
directly, he encouraged these sorts of
"real life" applications of a science of
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
History of I/O Psychology:

W. L. Bryan
❑ But not really considered father of I/O Psych
because he was a originator, before the
field was established.
❑ Postscript note: "The term 'industrial
psychology' first appeared in a 1904 article
of Bryan's APA address. Ironically, it
appeared in print only as a typographical
error. Bryan was quoting a sentence he had
written five years earlier in which he spoke
of the need for more research in individual
psychology. Instead, Bryan wrote industrial
psychology and did not catch his
mistake." (Muchinsky, 1997, p10;)
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP

● Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
➢Interested in improving productivity
and efficiency of industrial engineers.
➢Argued for the use of psychology in
the work lives of industrial engineers.
➢Led to the merger of psychology with
applied interests.
➢The nameless was crowned
industrial psychology in 1910.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Gilbreth is
called the
Mother of Modern
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Lillian Gilbreth

The Mother of Modern Management
! In 1900 at age 22, she
earned a BA in Lit from
Berkeley, despite her
Father’s belief that
educating women was a
waste of time.
! She spoke at the
commencement, the 1st
woman ever to do .
! She earned a MA from
Berkeley (also in Lit.) in
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Lillian Gilbreth

The Mother of Modern Management
! After graduation, she meets and falls
in love with an uneducated builder
named Frank Gilbreth.
! Frank is interested in workplace
efficiency, and Lillian looks into
scientific management principles.
They begin consulting together.
! In 1915, Lillian receives a PhD in
Educational Psychology, with an
emphasis in management, at Brown
University. At commencement, she is
accompanied by her 4 children, all
under age 5.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Lillian Gilbreth

The Mother of Modern Management
! 1924: Nine years have passed, and she
has had another 8 children. She and
Frank perform groundbreaking work in
process simplification, efficiency and
employee motivation. She is the first to
recognize the impact of stress and
fatigue on time management.
! Lillian continues to work full time until
the age of 88, and makes tremendous
contributions to how we work, which
endure to this day. She puts all of her
12 children through college.
! 2 of her children write a book modeled
after her, called Cheaper By the
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Lillian Gilbreth

Some of her contributions:
! Designed the layout of keys on a
typewriter keyboard
! Invented scaffolding
! Created the process hospitals use to
organize instruments during surgery
! Designed the first continuous-surface-
model kitchen (created to assist
handicapped women work in the
! Invented “hospital corners” to prevent
back injuries in nurses
! Designed a myriad of household
appliances and industrial equipment.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Industrial Organizational Psychology

World War I
!Robert Yerkes was the most
influential in getting psychology into the war
! He proposed ways of screening recruits for
mental deficiency and assigning selected
recruits to army jobs
! Committees of psychologists also
investigated soldier motivation, morale,
psychological problems of physical
incapacity ("shell shock"), and discipline
! Army was skeptical and approved only a
modest number of proposals, primarily in
the assessment of recruits -- which Yerkes
and others developed as a general
intelligence test.
! Walter Dill Scott classified and placed
enlistees, conducted performance
evaluations of officers, and developed and
prepared job duties and qualifications for
over 500 military jobs
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
World War I - I/O field catalyst
!Robert Yerkes and Walter Dill
❑ Screening recruits for mental deficiency—
Army Alpha and Beta intelligence tests
❑ Classification of selected recruits into jobs
❑ Performance evaluations of officers
❑ Job Analysis
❑ soldier motivation and morale
❑ Discipline
First journal of applied psychology began in 1917
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Industrial Organizational Psych.

After World War I
! Psychological Corporation started
by James Cattell in 1921
! Main purpose was to advance
psychology and promote its
usefulness to industry
! Also to maintain quality reputation
of field by serving as a place for
companies to get reference
checks on prospective
! Helped companies weed out quacks
from qualified professionals
! Mission has shifted: Today serves as
one of largest publishers of
psychological tests
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Industrial Organizational Psychology.

The Hawthorne Studies
! In 1933 Elton Mayo made his interim
report on the Hawthorne studies. It
contains the first significant call for the
human relations movement
! Mayo showed the existence of
informal employee groups and their
effects on production, the importance
of employee attitudes, the value of a
sympathetic and understanding
supervisor, and the need to treat
people as people -- not simply as
human capital
! This was one of the benchmark events
in the development of industrial
! By this time, several Universities offered
a PhD program in I/O Psychology. 

Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Industrial Organizational Psychology

The Hawthorne Studies
! In 1924 a series of experiments began
at the Hawthorne Works of the
Western Electric Company
! Researchers from Harvard University
set out to study the relation between
lighting and efficiency
! Increased lighting resulted in
increased efficiency, but to their
surprise, efficiency continued to
improve as the lighting dimmed to
faint moonlight levels
! The Hawthorne Effect -- change in
behavior following the onset of a
novel treatment (generally new or
increased attention). Effect
eventually wears off (behavior returns
to original) as the "novelty" dissipates
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
The 3 Founding Fathers
❖Walter Dill Scott (American Psychologist)
❖Hugo Munsterberg (German)
❖Frederick Taylor (American Engineer)
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
!in 1903, he gave a talk to
Chicago business leaders on
the application of psychology to
advertising, which led to the
publication of two books on the
topic published in 1903 & 1908.
!By 1911 he had published two
more books :
1. Influencing Men in Business
2. Increasing Human
Efficiency in Business
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
● First to apply the
principles of psychology to
motivation and productivity
in the workplace.
● Would later become
instrumental in the
application of personnel
procedures within the
army during World War I.
● He boosted industrial
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hugo Munsterberg
!Pioneered the
application of
psychological findings
from laboratory
experiments to practical
!He was the first to
encourage government
funded research in the
area of industrial
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hugo Munsterberg
! In 1911 he cautioned
managers to be
concerned with "all the
questions of the fatigue,
monotony, interest,
learning, work
satisfaction, and
In 1913 his book
Psychology and Industrial
Efficiency addressed such
things as personnel
selection and equipment
design .
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hugo Munsterberg
!Munsterberg’s early concept of
I/O psychology assumed that :
1. People need to fit the
organization -- training!
2. Applied behavioral sciences
should help organizations to
shape people to serve as
replacement parts for
organizational machines---
His ideas were influential well
into the 1950's
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Frederick Taylor
! About the same time as
Munsterberg, Frederick Taylor
began publishing similar
philosophies on management --
which had a tremendous impact on
organizational management
! Taylor realized the value of
redesigning the work situation (thru
use of time and motion studies) to
achieve both higher output for the
company and higher wages for the
worker “Pay the worker, not the job”.
! His book Shop Management (1909)
explained management's role in
motivating workers to avoid "natural
soldiering", i.e., the natural
tendency of people to "take it easy"

Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! Born in 1856 in Germantown, Pennsylvania,
a suburb of Philadelphia.
! was the son of affluent parents and spent
a great deal of his childhood travelling in
! At the age of 18, he turned down the
opportunity to study at Harvard, and
instead accepted a position as an
apprentice at the Enterprise Hydraulic
Works in Philadelphia.
! worked there for two years before moving
to Midvale Steel.
! prospered at Midvale, working his way up
to the supervisory ranks by the age of 24.
Frederick Winslow Taylor: 

Father of Scientific Management
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Frederick Winslow Taylor: 

Father of Scientific Management
! It was during his time at Midvale that
Taylor developed an interest in work
methods and procedures—an
interest that would lead to the
famous pig iron experiments and
ultimately to the development of
Scientific Management.
! eventually left Midvale, worked for
several other organizations, and
ultimately went out on his own and
became one of the first
management consultants.
! His scientific management faced
serious controversy.
! died in 1915 at the age of 59.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Frederick Taylor
Principles of Scientific Management
(1911) suggested:
`1. Scientifically design work methods for
2. Select the best workers and train them in
the best
3. A study he did showed workers who
handle heavy iron become more productive
when given work rests .
4. Training when to work and when to rest
raised productivity from 12.5 to 47.0 tons
moved per day .
❑ Less fatigue reported by the workers
❑ This allowed for increased wages
increased wages
❑ Costs dropped from 9.2 to 3.9 cents per
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Frederick Taylor
The controversy…
! `Taylor's methods led to charges that he
inhumanely exploited workers for higher
wages and that great numbers of
workers would be unemployed because
fewer were needed (a sensitive topic
since unemployment was already high
at the time)
! Both the Interstate Commerce
Commission and the U.S. House of
Representatives began investigations
! Taylor replied that increased efficiency
would produce greater not lesser
! Outbreak of WWI distracted most from
the controversy before much was
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Max Weber: Pioneer in the 

study of Organizational design
! Born in 1864 in the Hanseatic town
of Erfurt (which is now part of
Germany) but spent the majority of
his childhood in Berlin.
! entered Heidelberg University to
study law, although he never
became a practicing lawyer.
! Instead, he completed his doctoral
dissertation on medieval trading
companies in 1889,
! and eventually secured a university
appointment in Berlin.
! Moved back to Heidelberg in 1896,
and, shortly after, suffered a
nervous breakdown that plagued
his academic career for several
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Max Weber: Pioneer in the 

study of Organizational design
! Following his travels, Weber
completed influential essays on
methods and procedures for
studying social behavior, as well as
the Protestant ethic.
! These essays were followed by a
series of studies on legal institutions,
religious systems, political
economy, and authority relations.
! For organizational psychology, the
studies of authority relations were
especially significant because out
of these came the well-known
“principles of bureaucracy.”
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hawthorne Studies
! The Hawthorne studies is collaborative
effort between the Western Electric
Company and a group of researchers
from Harvard University,
! took place between 1927 and 1932
! The original purpose of the Hawthorne
studies was to investigate the impact
of environmental factors—such as
illumination, wage incentives, and rest
pauses—on employee productivity.
! Given the time period in which the
Hawthorne studies were initiated
(early 1920s), these topics were
central to the dominant mode of
managerial thought at the time:
scientific management.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hawthorne Studies
! What made the Hawthorne studies so important to the
field of organizational psychology were the
unexpected, serendipitous findings that came out of
the series of investigations.
! Perhaps the best known were the findings that came
from the illumination experiments.
! Specifically, the Hawthorne researchers found that
productivity increased regardless of the changes in
level of illumination.
! This became the basis for what is termed the
Hawthorne effect, or the idea that people will respond
positively to any novel change in the work
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hawthorne Effect
❑ A positive change in behavior
that occurs at the onset of an
intervention followed by a
gradual decline, often to the
original level of the behavior
prior to the intervention.
❑ explains that a subject will
improve or modify an aspect of
their behavior in response to the
fact they are being studied or
watched and not in response to
any part of the actual study.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hawthorne Effect
❑ A Hawthorne effect might occur
when a relatively trivial change is
made in a person’s job, and that
person initially responds to this
change very positively but the
effect does not last long.
❑ Hawthorne researchers
discovered that work groups
established and enforced
production norms.
❑ In fact, it was found that those
who did not adhere to
production norms often met with
very negative consequences
from the other members of the
work group, and that employees
responded very differently to
various methods of supervision.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Hawthorne Effect
! The overall implication
of the Hawthorne
studies, which later
formed the impetus for
psychology, was that
social factors impact
behavior in
organizational settings.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! During the period of union growth in the
1930s, another event occurred that would
prove to be very significant for the
development of the field of
organizational psychology:
! Kurt Lewin fled Nazi Germany and
ultimately took a post at the University of
Iowa Child Welfare Research Station.
! By the time he immigrated to the United
States, Lewin was already a prominent
social psychologist who had a variety of
research interests, many of which were
relevant to the emerging field of
organizational psychology.
History of Organizational Psychology:
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Kurt Lewin:

The Practical theorist
! born in 1890 in the village of Mogilno,
which was then part of the
Prussianprovince of Posen (now part
of Poland).
! Lewin’s father owned a general store,
as well as a small farm.
! In 1905, Lewin’s family moved to
! Lewin entered the University of
Frieberg in 1909, initially with the goal
of studying medicine.
! He switchedhis interest to biology.
! This led to a transfer first to the
University of Munich and ultimately to
the University of Berlin, where he
earned his doctorate in 1916.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Kurt Lewin:

The Practical theorist
! After returning from military service
during World War I, he began his
academic career.
! Began to develop an interest in the
application of psychology to
applied problems such as
agricultural labor, production
efficiency, and the design of jobs.
! became quite interested in scientific
management, particularly the
impact of this system on workers.
! His ideas continue to influence the
study of a number of areas such as
employee motivation, leadership,
group dynamics, and organizational
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! World War II (1941-1945) had a
tremendous impact on the growth of
organizational psychology.
! For example, one of the results of World
War II was that women were needed to
fill many of the positions in factories that
were vacated by the men called into
military service.
! Also, shortly after World War II in 1948,
President Harry S. Truman made the
decision to pursue racial integration of
the military.
! Both events were extremely important
because they represented initial attempts
to understand the impact of diversity on
the workplace.
! World War II also served as the impetus for
major studies of morale and leadership
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1930s-1950s
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! Birmingham led an advisory committee or
classification of military personnel,
including the development of a test that
sorted new recruits into 5 categories
( Army General Classification Test).
! Psychologist worked on the development
and use situational stress tests to assess
candidates for assignment to military
intelligence units.
! Industrial psychology was used in civilian
life and the use of employment test in
industry increased greatly.
! Industrial discovered that many of the
techniques of industrial psychologist were
useful in the areas of selection, training
and machine design.
! As the field evolved and became
accepted as professional practice, more
colleges and universities offered courses
in industrial psychology
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! In 1946, The Division of Industrial
Psychology of the APA was created.
! Subspecialties emerged such as
engineering psychology ( ergonomics)
and personnel psychology which
specialized in personnel selection,
classification and training
! E. Mayo founded the human relations
movement and emphasized individual
needs, informal groups and social
relationships as the primary bases for
behavior within organizations.
! More focus was given on social influences
that impinges on behavior in organizations
! In 1964, The Civil Rights Act was passed to
address issue of discrimination in the
workplace. Companies were legally
mandated to demonstrate that their
employment test did not discriminate
against any minority group.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! More selection techniques were
developed aside from paper-and pencil
! Changing market has led to the need for
frequent changes in workers
responsibilities, task and work
! Speed of delivery was added as a new
critical standard for judging organizations
aside from the quality and quantity of
products and services
! With the innovation of telecommuting,
virtual work teams and offices and
wireless communications, work is no
longer a physical place.
! In the modern times, the field is tasked to
increase the fit between the workforce at
a time when the composition of both is
rapid changing.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! Another very important event in the
development of organizational psychology was
the publication of Morris Viteles’ book Motivation
and Morale in Industry (1953).
! It signified that the organizational side of the field
had finally “arrived” and had a significant role to
play in the broader field of industrial psychology.
! It was also during the post-WWII period that the
human relations perspective emerged within the
! During this time, for example, Herzberg
conducted his studies of job design and job
enrichment, and major research programs
investigating both leadership and job
satisfaction were conducted.
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1950s-1960s
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! By the early 1960s, organizational
psychology was clearly an equal partner
with the industrial side of the field in terms of
the research topics studied and the activities
of those in nonacademic settings
! Another broader social factor impacted the
development of organizational psychology
was during the 1960s and early 1970s:
! the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War,
which led to many cultural changes in
America and in other countries.
! During this period, for example, many young
people began to question the wisdom of
societal institutions such as education,
government, and the legal system.
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1960s-1970s
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! the recognition that behavior in organizations is impacted by
forces at the group and organizational levels (e.g., James &
! 1974; Rousseau, 1985).
! This “multilevel”perspective has had major implications for the
field in guiding theory development as well as statistical
methodology (e.g., Dansereau, Alutto, & Yammarino, 1984;
James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984).
! Organizational psychologists began to devote increasing
attention to what could be called “nontraditional” topics.
! For example; literature began to appear on work/family issues
(e.g., Greenhaus & Buetell, 1985), job-related stress and health
(Beehr & Newman, 1978), and retirement (Beehr, 1986).
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1970s-1980s
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! Organizational psychology began to mature as a field of
! During the early 1970s, the name of Division 14 of the
American Psychological Association (APA) was formally
changed from “Industrial Psychology” to “Industrial/
Organizational Psychology.”
! Organizational psychologists began to break significant new
ground in both theory and research.
! As just a few examples, Salancik and Pfeffer (1978) proposed
Social Information Processing Theory (SIP) as an alternative to
more traditional need-based theories of job satisfaction and
job design.
! Also, organizational psychology began to “rediscover” the
impact of personality and dispositions on things such as job
attitudes (Staw & Ross, 1985) and perceptions of job-related
stress (Watson & Clark, 1984).
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1970s-1980s
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! A number of trends have impacted and will continue to
impact the field of organizational psychology.
! If one takes a global perspective, perhaps the most significant
event of this period was the breakup of the Soviet Union and
the eventual fall of many Communist regimes.
! These extraordinary events have implications for organizational
psychology because a number of the nations that embraced
democracy during this period have also attempted to establish
free market economies.
! Another important trend, both in the United States and
worldwide, is the change in the demographic composition of
the work-force.
History of Organizational
Psychology: 1980s-present
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! 1982 Division 14 renamed as Society for Industrial
Psychology exceeds from 1,800 membership
! 1986 SIOP hold first annual national conference separate
from APA
! 1989 Supreme Court sets conservative trend and becomes
more “ employer friendly.
! 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act Passed. SIOP
Membership exceeds 2,500
! 1991 Civil Rights Act of 1991 passed to overcome 1989
conservative Supreme Court Decision
History of Organizational Psychology:
Important Events
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
! 1997 SIOP celebrates golden anniversary at its annual
! 2000 SIOP Membership exceeds 3,600
! 2005 OFCCP and EEOC become aggressive in fighting
systematic discrimination
History of Organizational Psychology:
Important Events
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
Ethics in I/O Field
It is essential for the psychologists in the profession
to follow the Ethical Code developed by American
Psychological Association (APA), in order prevent
any harm to the client.
The code includes both ethical principles and
statements of appropriate professional conduct.
Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
1. Competence: A psychologist only does work that he/she is competent
to perform.
2.Integrity: Psychologists are fair and honest in their professional dealing
with others.
3.Professional and Scientific Responsibility: Psychologists maintain high
standards of professional behavior.
4. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity: Psychologists respect the rights
of confidentiality and privacy of others.
5. Concern for Other’s Welfare: Psychologists attempt to help others
through their professional work.
6. Social Responsibility: Psychologists have a responsibility to use their skills
to benefit society.
Six Ethical Principles of APA Code

Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP

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History of Industrial -Organizational Psychology

  • 1. History of Organizational Psychology Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 2. History of I/O Psychology:
 (1900-1916) W. L. Bryan ! Early President of A.P.A (American Psychological Association) ! In the 1904 presidential address to APA, W.L. Bryan, encouraged psychologists to study "concrete activities and functions as the appear in every day life". Although he didn't cite industry directly, he encouraged these sorts of "real life" applications of a science of psychology. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 3. History of I/O Psychology:
 (1900-1916) W. L. Bryan ❑ But not really considered father of I/O Psych because he was a originator, before the field was established. ❑ Postscript note: "The term 'industrial psychology' first appeared in a 1904 article of Bryan's APA address. Ironically, it appeared in print only as a typographical error. Bryan was quoting a sentence he had written five years earlier in which he spoke of the need for more research in individual psychology. Instead, Bryan wrote industrial psychology and did not catch his mistake." (Muchinsky, 1997, p10;) Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
 ● Frank and Lillian Gilbreth ➢Interested in improving productivity and efficiency of industrial engineers. ➢Argued for the use of psychology in the work lives of industrial engineers. ➢Led to the merger of psychology with applied interests. ➢The nameless was crowned industrial psychology in 1910. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 5. Lillian Gilbreth is called the Mother of Modern Management Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 6. Lillian Gilbreth
 The Mother of Modern Management ! In 1900 at age 22, she earned a BA in Lit from Berkeley, despite her Father’s belief that educating women was a waste of time. ! She spoke at the commencement, the 1st woman ever to do . ! She earned a MA from Berkeley (also in Lit.) in 1902. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 7. Lillian Gilbreth
 The Mother of Modern Management ! After graduation, she meets and falls in love with an uneducated builder named Frank Gilbreth. ! Frank is interested in workplace efficiency, and Lillian looks into scientific management principles. They begin consulting together. ! In 1915, Lillian receives a PhD in Educational Psychology, with an emphasis in management, at Brown University. At commencement, she is accompanied by her 4 children, all under age 5. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 8. Lillian Gilbreth
 The Mother of Modern Management ! 1924: Nine years have passed, and she has had another 8 children. She and Frank perform groundbreaking work in process simplification, efficiency and employee motivation. She is the first to recognize the impact of stress and fatigue on time management. ! Lillian continues to work full time until the age of 88, and makes tremendous contributions to how we work, which endure to this day. She puts all of her 12 children through college. ! 2 of her children write a book modeled after her, called Cheaper By the Dozen. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 9. Lillian Gilbreth
 Some of her contributions: ! Designed the layout of keys on a typewriter keyboard ! Invented scaffolding ! Created the process hospitals use to organize instruments during surgery ! Designed the first continuous-surface- model kitchen (created to assist handicapped women work in the kitchen) ! Invented “hospital corners” to prevent back injuries in nurses ! Designed a myriad of household appliances and industrial equipment. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 10. Industrial Organizational Psychology
 World War I !Robert Yerkes was the most influential in getting psychology into the war ! He proposed ways of screening recruits for mental deficiency and assigning selected recruits to army jobs ! Committees of psychologists also investigated soldier motivation, morale, psychological problems of physical incapacity ("shell shock"), and discipline ! Army was skeptical and approved only a modest number of proposals, primarily in the assessment of recruits -- which Yerkes and others developed as a general intelligence test. ! Walter Dill Scott classified and placed enlistees, conducted performance evaluations of officers, and developed and prepared job duties and qualifications for over 500 military jobs ROBERT YERKES Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 11. World War I - I/O field catalyst !Robert Yerkes and Walter Dill Scott: ❑ Screening recruits for mental deficiency— Army Alpha and Beta intelligence tests developed. ❑ Classification of selected recruits into jobs ❑ Performance evaluations of officers ❑ Job Analysis ❑ soldier motivation and morale ❑ Discipline First journal of applied psychology began in 1917 Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 12. Industrial Organizational Psych.
 After World War I ! Psychological Corporation started by James Cattell in 1921 ! Main purpose was to advance psychology and promote its usefulness to industry ! Also to maintain quality reputation of field by serving as a place for companies to get reference checks on prospective psychologists ! Helped companies weed out quacks from qualified professionals ! Mission has shifted: Today serves as one of largest publishers of psychological tests JAMES CATTELL Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 13. Industrial Organizational Psychology.
 The Hawthorne Studies ! In 1933 Elton Mayo made his interim report on the Hawthorne studies. It contains the first significant call for the human relations movement ! Mayo showed the existence of informal employee groups and their effects on production, the importance of employee attitudes, the value of a sympathetic and understanding supervisor, and the need to treat people as people -- not simply as human capital ! This was one of the benchmark events in the development of industrial psychology ! By this time, several Universities offered a PhD program in I/O Psychology. 
 ELTON MAYO Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 14. Industrial Organizational Psychology
 The Hawthorne Studies ! In 1924 a series of experiments began at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company ! Researchers from Harvard University set out to study the relation between lighting and efficiency ! Increased lighting resulted in increased efficiency, but to their surprise, efficiency continued to improve as the lighting dimmed to faint moonlight levels ! The Hawthorne Effect -- change in behavior following the onset of a novel treatment (generally new or increased attention). Effect eventually wears off (behavior returns to original) as the "novelty" dissipates Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 15. The 3 Founding Fathers ❖Walter Dill Scott (American Psychologist) ❖Hugo Munsterberg (German) ❖Frederick Taylor (American Engineer) Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 16. WALTER DILL SCOTT !in 1903, he gave a talk to Chicago business leaders on the application of psychology to advertising, which led to the publication of two books on the topic published in 1903 & 1908. !By 1911 he had published two more books : 1. Influencing Men in Business 2. Increasing Human Efficiency in Business Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 17. WALTER DILL SCOTT ● First to apply the principles of psychology to motivation and productivity in the workplace. ● Would later become instrumental in the application of personnel procedures within the army during World War I. ● He boosted industrial psychology Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 18. Hugo Munsterberg !Pioneered the application of psychological findings from laboratory experiments to practical matters !He was the first to encourage government funded research in the area of industrial psychology. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 19. Hugo Munsterberg ! In 1911 he cautioned managers to be concerned with "all the questions of the fatigue, monotony, interest, learning, work satisfaction, and rewards." In 1913 his book Psychology and Industrial Efficiency addressed such things as personnel selection and equipment design . Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 20. Hugo Munsterberg !Munsterberg’s early concept of I/O psychology assumed that : 1. People need to fit the organization -- training! 2. Applied behavioral sciences should help organizations to shape people to serve as replacement parts for organizational machines--- Mechanistic. His ideas were influential well into the 1950's Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 21. Frederick Taylor ! About the same time as Munsterberg, Frederick Taylor began publishing similar philosophies on management -- which had a tremendous impact on organizational management ! Taylor realized the value of redesigning the work situation (thru use of time and motion studies) to achieve both higher output for the company and higher wages for the worker “Pay the worker, not the job”. ! His book Shop Management (1909) explained management's role in motivating workers to avoid "natural soldiering", i.e., the natural tendency of people to "take it easy"
 Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 22. ! Born in 1856 in Germantown, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. ! was the son of affluent parents and spent a great deal of his childhood travelling in Europe. ! At the age of 18, he turned down the opportunity to study at Harvard, and instead accepted a position as an apprentice at the Enterprise Hydraulic Works in Philadelphia. ! worked there for two years before moving to Midvale Steel. ! prospered at Midvale, working his way up to the supervisory ranks by the age of 24. Frederick Winslow Taylor: 
 Father of Scientific Management Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 23. Frederick Winslow Taylor: 
 Father of Scientific Management ! It was during his time at Midvale that Taylor developed an interest in work methods and procedures—an interest that would lead to the famous pig iron experiments and ultimately to the development of Scientific Management. ! eventually left Midvale, worked for several other organizations, and ultimately went out on his own and became one of the first management consultants. ! His scientific management faced serious controversy. ! died in 1915 at the age of 59. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 24. Frederick Taylor Principles of Scientific Management (1911) suggested: `1. Scientifically design work methods for efficiency. 2. Select the best workers and train them in the best methods. 3. A study he did showed workers who handle heavy iron become more productive when given work rests . 4. Training when to work and when to rest raised productivity from 12.5 to 47.0 tons moved per day . ❑ Less fatigue reported by the workers ❑ This allowed for increased wages increased wages ❑ Costs dropped from 9.2 to 3.9 cents per ton Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 25. Frederick Taylor The controversy… ! `Taylor's methods led to charges that he inhumanely exploited workers for higher wages and that great numbers of workers would be unemployed because fewer were needed (a sensitive topic since unemployment was already high at the time) ! Both the Interstate Commerce Commission and the U.S. House of Representatives began investigations ! Taylor replied that increased efficiency would produce greater not lesser prosperity ! Outbreak of WWI distracted most from the controversy before much was resolved Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 26. Max Weber: Pioneer in the 
 study of Organizational design ! Born in 1864 in the Hanseatic town of Erfurt (which is now part of Germany) but spent the majority of his childhood in Berlin. ! entered Heidelberg University to study law, although he never became a practicing lawyer. ! Instead, he completed his doctoral dissertation on medieval trading companies in 1889, ! and eventually secured a university appointment in Berlin. ! Moved back to Heidelberg in 1896, and, shortly after, suffered a nervous breakdown that plagued his academic career for several years. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 27. Max Weber: Pioneer in the 
 study of Organizational design ! Following his travels, Weber completed influential essays on methods and procedures for studying social behavior, as well as the Protestant ethic. ! These essays were followed by a series of studies on legal institutions, religious systems, political economy, and authority relations. ! For organizational psychology, the studies of authority relations were especially significant because out of these came the well-known “principles of bureaucracy.” Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 28. Hawthorne Studies ! The Hawthorne studies is collaborative effort between the Western Electric Company and a group of researchers from Harvard University, ! took place between 1927 and 1932 ! The original purpose of the Hawthorne studies was to investigate the impact of environmental factors—such as illumination, wage incentives, and rest pauses—on employee productivity. ! Given the time period in which the Hawthorne studies were initiated (early 1920s), these topics were central to the dominant mode of managerial thought at the time: scientific management. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 29. Hawthorne Studies ! What made the Hawthorne studies so important to the field of organizational psychology were the unexpected, serendipitous findings that came out of the series of investigations. ! Perhaps the best known were the findings that came from the illumination experiments. ! Specifically, the Hawthorne researchers found that productivity increased regardless of the changes in level of illumination. ! This became the basis for what is termed the Hawthorne effect, or the idea that people will respond positively to any novel change in the work environment. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 30. Hawthorne Effect ❑ A positive change in behavior that occurs at the onset of an intervention followed by a gradual decline, often to the original level of the behavior prior to the intervention. ❑ explains that a subject will improve or modify an aspect of their behavior in response to the fact they are being studied or watched and not in response to any part of the actual study. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 31. Hawthorne Effect ❑ A Hawthorne effect might occur when a relatively trivial change is made in a person’s job, and that person initially responds to this change very positively but the effect does not last long. ❑ Hawthorne researchers discovered that work groups established and enforced production norms. ❑ In fact, it was found that those who did not adhere to production norms often met with very negative consequences from the other members of the work group, and that employees responded very differently to various methods of supervision. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 32. Hawthorne Effect ! The overall implication of the Hawthorne studies, which later formed the impetus for organizational psychology, was that social factors impact behavior in organizational settings. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 33. ! During the period of union growth in the 1930s, another event occurred that would prove to be very significant for the development of the field of organizational psychology: ! Kurt Lewin fled Nazi Germany and ultimately took a post at the University of Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. ! By the time he immigrated to the United States, Lewin was already a prominent social psychologist who had a variety of research interests, many of which were relevant to the emerging field of organizational psychology. History of Organizational Psychology: 1930s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 34. Kurt Lewin:
 The Practical theorist ! born in 1890 in the village of Mogilno, which was then part of the Prussianprovince of Posen (now part of Poland). ! Lewin’s father owned a general store, as well as a small farm. ! In 1905, Lewin’s family moved to Berlin. ! Lewin entered the University of Frieberg in 1909, initially with the goal of studying medicine. ! He switchedhis interest to biology. ! This led to a transfer first to the University of Munich and ultimately to the University of Berlin, where he earned his doctorate in 1916. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 35. Kurt Lewin:
 The Practical theorist ! After returning from military service during World War I, he began his academic career. ! Began to develop an interest in the application of psychology to applied problems such as agricultural labor, production efficiency, and the design of jobs. ! became quite interested in scientific management, particularly the impact of this system on workers. ! His ideas continue to influence the study of a number of areas such as employee motivation, leadership, group dynamics, and organizational development. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 36. ! World War II (1941-1945) had a tremendous impact on the growth of organizational psychology. ! For example, one of the results of World War II was that women were needed to fill many of the positions in factories that were vacated by the men called into military service. ! Also, shortly after World War II in 1948, President Harry S. Truman made the decision to pursue racial integration of the military. ! Both events were extremely important because they represented initial attempts to understand the impact of diversity on the workplace. ! World War II also served as the impetus for major studies of morale and leadership styles. History of Organizational Psychology: 1930s-1950s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 37. ! Birmingham led an advisory committee or classification of military personnel, including the development of a test that sorted new recruits into 5 categories ( Army General Classification Test). ! Psychologist worked on the development and use situational stress tests to assess candidates for assignment to military intelligence units. ! Industrial psychology was used in civilian life and the use of employment test in industry increased greatly. ! Industrial discovered that many of the techniques of industrial psychologist were useful in the areas of selection, training and machine design. ! As the field evolved and became accepted as professional practice, more colleges and universities offered courses in industrial psychology WORLD WAR II Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 38. ! In 1946, The Division of Industrial Psychology of the APA was created. ! Subspecialties emerged such as engineering psychology ( ergonomics) and personnel psychology which specialized in personnel selection, classification and training ! E. Mayo founded the human relations movement and emphasized individual needs, informal groups and social relationships as the primary bases for behavior within organizations. ! More focus was given on social influences that impinges on behavior in organizations ! In 1964, The Civil Rights Act was passed to address issue of discrimination in the workplace. Companies were legally mandated to demonstrate that their employment test did not discriminate against any minority group. WORLD WAR II Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 39. ! More selection techniques were developed aside from paper-and pencil test. ! Changing market has led to the need for frequent changes in workers responsibilities, task and work relationships. ! Speed of delivery was added as a new critical standard for judging organizations aside from the quality and quantity of products and services ! With the innovation of telecommuting, virtual work teams and offices and wireless communications, work is no longer a physical place. ! In the modern times, the field is tasked to increase the fit between the workforce at a time when the composition of both is rapid changing. WORLD WAR II Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 40. ! Another very important event in the development of organizational psychology was the publication of Morris Viteles’ book Motivation and Morale in Industry (1953). ! It signified that the organizational side of the field had finally “arrived” and had a significant role to play in the broader field of industrial psychology. ! It was also during the post-WWII period that the human relations perspective emerged within the field. ! During this time, for example, Herzberg conducted his studies of job design and job enrichment, and major research programs investigating both leadership and job satisfaction were conducted. History of Organizational Psychology: 1950s-1960s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 41. ! By the early 1960s, organizational psychology was clearly an equal partner with the industrial side of the field in terms of the research topics studied and the activities of those in nonacademic settings ! Another broader social factor impacted the development of organizational psychology was during the 1960s and early 1970s: ! the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, which led to many cultural changes in America and in other countries. ! During this period, for example, many young people began to question the wisdom of societal institutions such as education, government, and the legal system. History of Organizational Psychology: 1960s-1970s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 42. ! the recognition that behavior in organizations is impacted by forces at the group and organizational levels (e.g., James & Jones, ! 1974; Rousseau, 1985). ! This “multilevel”perspective has had major implications for the field in guiding theory development as well as statistical methodology (e.g., Dansereau, Alutto, & Yammarino, 1984; James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984). ! Organizational psychologists began to devote increasing attention to what could be called “nontraditional” topics. ! For example; literature began to appear on work/family issues (e.g., Greenhaus & Buetell, 1985), job-related stress and health (Beehr & Newman, 1978), and retirement (Beehr, 1986). History of Organizational Psychology: 1970s-1980s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 43. ! Organizational psychology began to mature as a field of study. ! During the early 1970s, the name of Division 14 of the American Psychological Association (APA) was formally changed from “Industrial Psychology” to “Industrial/ Organizational Psychology.” ! Organizational psychologists began to break significant new ground in both theory and research. ! As just a few examples, Salancik and Pfeffer (1978) proposed Social Information Processing Theory (SIP) as an alternative to more traditional need-based theories of job satisfaction and job design. ! Also, organizational psychology began to “rediscover” the impact of personality and dispositions on things such as job attitudes (Staw & Ross, 1985) and perceptions of job-related stress (Watson & Clark, 1984). History of Organizational Psychology: 1970s-1980s Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 44. ! A number of trends have impacted and will continue to impact the field of organizational psychology. ! If one takes a global perspective, perhaps the most significant event of this period was the breakup of the Soviet Union and the eventual fall of many Communist regimes. ! These extraordinary events have implications for organizational psychology because a number of the nations that embraced democracy during this period have also attempted to establish free market economies. ! Another important trend, both in the United States and worldwide, is the change in the demographic composition of the work-force. History of Organizational Psychology: 1980s-present Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 45. ! 1982 Division 14 renamed as Society for Industrial Psychology exceeds from 1,800 membership ! 1986 SIOP hold first annual national conference separate from APA ! 1989 Supreme Court sets conservative trend and becomes more “ employer friendly. ! 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act Passed. SIOP Membership exceeds 2,500 ! 1991 Civil Rights Act of 1991 passed to overcome 1989 conservative Supreme Court Decision History of Organizational Psychology: Important Events Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 46. ! 1997 SIOP celebrates golden anniversary at its annual conference ! 2000 SIOP Membership exceeds 3,600 ! 2005 OFCCP and EEOC become aggressive in fighting systematic discrimination History of Organizational Psychology: Important Events Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 47. Ethics in I/O Field It is essential for the psychologists in the profession to follow the Ethical Code developed by American Psychological Association (APA), in order prevent any harm to the client. The code includes both ethical principles and statements of appropriate professional conduct. Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP
  • 48. 1. Competence: A psychologist only does work that he/she is competent to perform. 2.Integrity: Psychologists are fair and honest in their professional dealing with others. 3.Professional and Scientific Responsibility: Psychologists maintain high standards of professional behavior. 4. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity: Psychologists respect the rights of confidentiality and privacy of others. 5. Concern for Other’s Welfare: Psychologists attempt to help others through their professional work. 6. Social Responsibility: Psychologists have a responsibility to use their skills to benefit society. Six Ethical Principles of APA Code
 (CIPRCS) Presented by: Dr. Rhea Lowella Santillan Fiser, RPsy, RPm, CSIOP