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Managing Secrets in
Container Environments
Jeff Mitchell
About Me
● Project Lead on Vault
○ A HashiCorp tool for managing secrets
● Previously, Architect at Akamai
○ Heavy focus on containerization and managing container security
What this talk is...
● A discussion of paradigms and considerations necessary
for managing secrets in container environments
● Applied security, not crypto theory
○ Goal: “Know what you need to know” when figuring out your
organization’s security policy
...and what this talk isn’t
● One True Answer™
○ Support requirements impact available technology/workflows
○ Each organization must set their own security policy and
implement practices that satisfy it
● A discussion of container/hypervisor/OS security
○ Let’s talk Linux containerization
...and what this talk isn’t
● Not a deep dive into security rabbit holes
(3-4 turtles max)
...and what this talk isn’t
● Not a deep dive into security rabbit holes
(3-4 turtles max)
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Problem Space
Bear with me for four slides while I wax
What is “Security”?
● Security is the practice of risk management
○ Accepting some risks, guarding against violations of norms
● Anything that can elevate risk is a threat
○ Modeling threats informs security policy
● Risk increases with system complexity
○ More points of failure, confusion, and ingress = harder to secure
What is a “Secret”?
● A secret is something that will elevate your risk if exposed
to unauthorized entities
○ Undesired consequences are harm
○ Harm may come in many forms
■ Unauthorized data access
■ Identity spoofing
■ Private data egress
■ Regulatory fines
● An exposed secret is a threat
Secrets vs. Identifiers
● Not all things that can be disclosed are secrets, some are
○ Username (identifier) vs. Password (secret)
○ TLS certificate (identifier) vs. TLS Key (secret)
○ GitHub user name (identifier) vs. API key (secret)
● Identifiers aren’t completely risk-free
○ Have chosen to ignore that risk
What is “Trust”?
● A trusted entity is one that will not divulge the secrets it
has access to
● Modeling trusted entities is companion to modeling threats
● Two concepts:
○ Circle of trust
○ Chain of trust
Circle of Trust
Entities we trust with any secret. For this talk:
Circle of Trust
Only allowed long-term storage is in circle of trust
Random Wi-
Fi Hotspot
Your Mother’s
Notepad.txt Employees?
Chain of Trust
● The set of links (e.g. network hops) that any particular
secret travels through from entity A to entity B
○ Source/destination must be in circle of trust
● Any link is an access point/interception point
○ Accidental logging
○ Exploitation by attacker
○ Lookup by operator
○ Employee Post-It™
○ Conspiracy of One/Compromised employee
Problem Space
● We can now establish the problem space:
○ Managing secrets in an environment means establishing trust
chains in the environment
○ Links in the chains have associated risk
■ Minimize hops and minimize risk-per-link
■ Risk cannot be fully mitigated; must assume any given secret will
eventually be divulged
● Ultimate goal: zero trust
○ Don’t give the opportunity for risks to occur in the first place
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Goal: Securely
move secret from
originator to new
container’s RAM
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Secret Protection
● Establishing a train of trust requires defining the
requirements it must fulfill to keep secrets protected
● Good news: we only need to do this for one secret!
Secure Introduction
● First secret authenticates us to allow direct access to
● If you can protect this secret, you can protect any secret
○ (Generally)
● This concept is secure introduction (SI)
Secret Protection
● How do you protect secrets (perform SI)?
○ First establish success criteria based on acceptable risk
● For this talk:
○ Don’t let them live forever (rotate/expire)
○ Distribute them securely
○ Limit exposure if disclosed
○ Have a break-glass procedure
○ Detect unauthorized access
● As lifetime increases, chance for exposure → ∞
○ Caches/logs
○ Cracked over time/enough packets
○ Debugging
● Secrets should be rotated “frequently”
○ User passwords vs. machine secrets
■ xkcd’s ______ ______ ______ ______ → bad policies + frequent
rotation = written down user passwords
■ Less frequently/more used = more likely overseen
■ Machines: it’s just data - plan/build for rotation and rotate often
● The literal movement along the chain of trust
○ To/From
■ People
■ Machines
● Base level: never plaintext, always covered
○ Encryption
○ Wrapping
○ Etc.
Limit Exposure
● Principle of least privilege
○ DB credentials: only specific tables/operations
○ Login credentials: not root
○ API credentials: minimal function set
Access Detection
● Things have a way of being leaky
● Env vars: common way to pass in secrets. Also:
○ Often logged, sometimes multiple places
○ Easily discoverable by operator
■ Both Docker commands and non-Docker commands can spill the
Access Detection
● Equally as important as protecting a secret is knowing if
an unintended party has intercepted it
● Audit logs are great…
○ ...but do you look at them?
● Active detection (when possible) is even better
● Compromised?
○ Stop all further access to protected resources
○ Perform forensics
○ Rotate all secrets after re-establishing identities of legitimate
○ …
● Figure this out during the planning process -- not after!
● So...this is complicated…
● ...but there’s good news!
● Recent explosion of FOSS Secret Management (SM) tools
○ Vault
○ KeyWhiz
○ Knox
○ Conjur (Docker only)
○ Many more (apologies if I missed your favorite)...
Secret Management Tools
● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure
they are the following:
● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure
they are the following:
1. Write your own crypto
● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure
they are the following:
1. Write your own crypto
2. Use it in a Secret Management tool
● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure
they are the following:
1. Write your own crypto
2. Use it in a Secret Management tool
● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure
they are the following:
1. Use a Secret Management tool
2. Don’t roll your own
Secret Management Tools
● Why?
○ Central, secure storage (avoid sprawl)
○ Central management
○ Codified, secure access mechanisms
○ Centralized auditing
■ Ensure knowledge of what secrets have been seen by what
○ Secret rotation/revocation/expiration
Big Caveat
● This isn’t a vendor talk, but I have a bias
● I don’t have exhaustive knowledge of non-Vault SMs
● Anything I say a SM can do can be done with Vault, and
may or may not be possible with other solutions
○ They may absolutely do things Vault can’t
● Explicit focus on the secure introduction problem
○ Core competency from ground up
○ Necessary tools/capabilities/primitives
● Containers can support existing SI paradigms
○ If you can securely get credentials to it, but imagine…
■ Managing 100k LDAP/AD users churning at high rate
■ Generating/dropping 100k Kerberos keytabs
○ ...and you’ve solved SI anyways
● Platform agnostic (with platform-based enhancements)
○ Change authentication mechanism “front-end”
■ Containers
■ EC2
■ Bare metal
■ Users
SMs <3 Schedulers
● Anyone working with containers at scale uses a scheduler
○ Nomad
○ Mesos
○ Fleet
○ Swarm
○ Kubernetes (All-In-One)
SMs <3 Schedulers
● Schedulers are sources of truth and provide hooks
● SM tools and schedulers can be a magical combination
○ May not be direct integration, glue code needed
○ OTOH avoiding tight coupling means better reuse across
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
SI #1 (Traditional)
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
SI #1 (Traditional)
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
SI #2 (New)
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
● Suppose a SM authentication token has:
○ Unlimited or limited use-count
○ Limited time-to-live (TTL), possibly renewable
○ Set of authorization policies
■ e.g. use first secret (auth token) to get application secrets
○ Consistent ID in audit logs
○ Token-scoped secure storage tied to token lifetime
● Claim: These primitives allow excellent SI for containers
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
App: db_writer
Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
App: db_writer
Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Secret Management Tool
Create Token:
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Create Token:
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: 1
TTL: 30s (non-renewable)
Policy: none
Private storage:
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
App: db_writer
Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
ContainerImage: db_writer
TOKEN: (outer token)
Uses: 1
TTL: 30s (non-renewable)
Policy: none
Private storage:
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: 1
TTL: 30s (non-renewable)
Policy: none
Private storage:
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Get DB
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
User: db_user
Password: db_pass
Expiration: 24h
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Get S3
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Expiration: 24h
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Certificate: ...
Private Key: ...
Issuing CA: ...
How’d we do?
● Look at previous list:
○ Don’t let them live forever (rotate/expire)
✓ Outer token expires (use limit) with only copy of inner token value
○ Distribute them securely
✓ Inner token covered the entire way
○ Limit exposure if disclosed
✓ Only specific policies granted, can only access specific secrets
○ Have a break-glass procedure
✓ Can lock down access at SM tool
✓ Audit logs ensure we know area of exposure
○ Detect unauthorized access
Secret Management Tool
Scheduler Agent
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
Uses: 1
TTL: 30s (non-renewable)
Policy: none
Private storage:
Uses: ∞
TTL: 1h (renewable)
Policy: app_db_rw_pol
Uses: ∞
TTL: 8h (renewable)
Policy: create_app_tokens
How’d we do?
● Can detect unauthorized access of “real” authentication token due to
time and use limit
● Application:
○ Reads inner token: success
○ Reads storage but no inner token found: log error and recover (e.
g. fail job)
○ Denied access from invalid token: raise high-priority security alert
and check audit logs:
■ Access of outer token storage in audit logs? Unauthorized use
■ No access? Probably timing issue, but investigate carefully
How’d we do?
● Mechanism not container-specific
○ CM tool drops wrapping/outer token on EC2 instance
○ File injected into chroot
○ Etc.
Other Paradigms
● Remember, security is risk management
● Depending on your tech stack:
○ Different primitives might be available
○ May be constrained
● Never forget your success criteria
● Plan your risk tolerance/security policy/success criteria in
○ Do it now!
● Use a secret management tool
○ You’re smart, but it’s hard
● Schedulers provide perfect integration points

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ContainerDays Boston 2016: "Hiding in Plain Sight: Managing Secrets in a Container Environment" (Jeff Mitchell)

  • 1. Managing Secrets in Container Environments Jeff Mitchell HashiCorp @jefferai
  • 2. About Me ● Project Lead on Vault ○ A HashiCorp tool for managing secrets ○ ● Previously, Architect at Akamai ○ Heavy focus on containerization and managing container security
  • 3. What this talk is... ● A discussion of paradigms and considerations necessary for managing secrets in container environments ● Applied security, not crypto theory ○ Goal: “Know what you need to know” when figuring out your organization’s security policy
  • 4. ...and what this talk isn’t ● One True Answer™ ○ Support requirements impact available technology/workflows ○ Each organization must set their own security policy and implement practices that satisfy it ● A discussion of container/hypervisor/OS security ○ Let’s talk Linux containerization
  • 5. ...and what this talk isn’t ● Not a deep dive into security rabbit holes (3-4 turtles max)
  • 6. ...and what this talk isn’t ● Not a deep dive into security rabbit holes (3-4 turtles max)
  • 7. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Container Problem Space
  • 8. Bear with me for four slides while I wax philosophical…
  • 9. What is “Security”? ● Security is the practice of risk management ○ Accepting some risks, guarding against violations of norms ● Anything that can elevate risk is a threat ○ Modeling threats informs security policy ● Risk increases with system complexity ○ More points of failure, confusion, and ingress = harder to secure
  • 10. What is a “Secret”? ● A secret is something that will elevate your risk if exposed to unauthorized entities ○ Undesired consequences are harm ○ Harm may come in many forms ■ Unauthorized data access ■ Identity spoofing ■ Private data egress ■ Regulatory fines ● An exposed secret is a threat
  • 11. Secrets vs. Identifiers ● Not all things that can be disclosed are secrets, some are identifiers ○ Username (identifier) vs. Password (secret) ○ TLS certificate (identifier) vs. TLS Key (secret) ○ GitHub user name (identifier) vs. API key (secret) ● Identifiers aren’t completely risk-free ○ Have chosen to ignore that risk
  • 12. What is “Trust”? ● A trusted entity is one that will not divulge the secrets it has access to ● Modeling trusted entities is companion to modeling threats ● Two concepts: ○ Circle of trust ○ Chain of trust
  • 13. Circle of Trust Entities we trust with any secret. For this talk: RAM root Secret Management ToolEmployees? CPU Cloud?
  • 14. Circle of Trust Only allowed long-term storage is in circle of trust RAM root Secret Management Tool Persistent Storage Random Users General apps/services NSA Random Wi- Fi Hotspot Your Mother’s Notepad.txt Employees? CPU Cloud?
  • 15. Chain of Trust ● The set of links (e.g. network hops) that any particular secret travels through from entity A to entity B ○ Source/destination must be in circle of trust ● Any link is an access point/interception point ○ Accidental logging ○ Exploitation by attacker ○ Lookup by operator ○ Employee Post-It™ ○ Conspiracy of One/Compromised employee
  • 16. Problem Space ● We can now establish the problem space: ○ Managing secrets in an environment means establishing trust chains in the environment ○ Links in the chains have associated risk ■ Minimize hops and minimize risk-per-link ■ Risk cannot be fully mitigated; must assume any given secret will eventually be divulged ● Ultimate goal: zero trust ○ Don’t give the opportunity for risks to occur in the first place
  • 17. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Container Goal: Securely move secret from originator to new container’s RAM
  • 21. Secret Protection ● Establishing a train of trust requires defining the requirements it must fulfill to keep secrets protected ● Good news: we only need to do this for one secret!
  • 22. Secure Introduction ● First secret authenticates us to allow direct access to more ● If you can protect this secret, you can protect any secret ○ (Generally) ● This concept is secure introduction (SI)
  • 23. Secret Protection ● How do you protect secrets (perform SI)? ○ First establish success criteria based on acceptable risk ● For this talk: ○ Don’t let them live forever (rotate/expire) ○ Distribute them securely ○ Limit exposure if disclosed ○ Have a break-glass procedure ○ Detect unauthorized access
  • 24. Rotation ● As lifetime increases, chance for exposure → ∞ ○ Caches/logs ○ Cracked over time/enough packets ○ Debugging ● Secrets should be rotated “frequently” ○ User passwords vs. machine secrets ■ xkcd’s ______ ______ ______ ______ → bad policies + frequent rotation = written down user passwords ■ Less frequently/more used = more likely overseen ■ Machines: it’s just data - plan/build for rotation and rotate often
  • 25. Distribution ● The literal movement along the chain of trust ○ To/From ■ People ■ Machines ● Base level: never plaintext, always covered ○ Encryption ○ Wrapping ○ Etc.
  • 26. Limit Exposure ● Principle of least privilege ○ DB credentials: only specific tables/operations ○ Login credentials: not root ○ API credentials: minimal function set
  • 27. Access Detection ● Things have a way of being leaky ● Env vars: common way to pass in secrets. Also: ○ Often logged, sometimes multiple places ○ Easily discoverable by operator ■ Both Docker commands and non-Docker commands can spill the beans
  • 28. Access Detection ● Equally as important as protecting a secret is knowing if an unintended party has intercepted it ● Audit logs are great… ○ ...but do you look at them? ● Active detection (when possible) is even better
  • 29. Break-Glass ● Compromised? ○ Stop all further access to protected resources ○ Perform forensics ○ Rotate all secrets after re-establishing identities of legitimate secret-holders ○ … ● Figure this out during the planning process -- not after!
  • 30. ● So...this is complicated… ● ...but there’s good news!
  • 31. ● Recent explosion of FOSS Secret Management (SM) tools ○ Vault ○ KeyWhiz ○ Knox ○ Conjur (Docker only) ○ Many more (apologies if I missed your favorite)... Secret Management Tools
  • 32. ● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure they are the following:
  • 33. ● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure they are the following: 1. Write your own crypto
  • 34. ● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure they are the following: 1. Write your own crypto 2. Use it in a Secret Management tool
  • 35. ● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure they are the following: 1. Write your own crypto 2. Use it in a Secret Management tool NO! NO!
  • 36. ● If you only take away two things from this talk, make sure they are the following: 1. Use a Secret Management tool 2. Don’t roll your own
  • 37. Secret Management Tools ● Why? ○ Central, secure storage (avoid sprawl) ○ Central management ○ Codified, secure access mechanisms ○ Centralized auditing ■ Ensure knowledge of what secrets have been seen by what users/services ○ Secret rotation/revocation/expiration
  • 38. Big Caveat ● This isn’t a vendor talk, but I have a bias ● I don’t have exhaustive knowledge of non-Vault SMs ● Anything I say a SM can do can be done with Vault, and may or may not be possible with other solutions ○ They may absolutely do things Vault can’t
  • 39. SM + SI ● Explicit focus on the secure introduction problem ○ Core competency from ground up ○ Necessary tools/capabilities/primitives ● Containers can support existing SI paradigms ○ If you can securely get credentials to it, but imagine… ■ Managing 100k LDAP/AD users churning at high rate ■ Generating/dropping 100k Kerberos keytabs ○ ...and you’ve solved SI anyways
  • 40. SM + SI ● Platform agnostic (with platform-based enhancements) ○ Change authentication mechanism “front-end” ■ Containers ■ EC2 ■ Bare metal ■ Users
  • 41. SMs <3 Schedulers ● Anyone working with containers at scale uses a scheduler ○ Nomad ○ Mesos ○ Fleet ○ Swarm ○ Kubernetes (All-In-One)
  • 42. SMs <3 Schedulers ● Schedulers are sources of truth and provide hooks ● SM tools and schedulers can be a magical combination ○ May not be direct integration, glue code needed ○ OTOH avoiding tight coupling means better reuse across environments
  • 44. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Container SI #1 (Traditional)
  • 45. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Container SI #1 (Traditional) Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens
  • 46. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Container SI #2 (New) Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens
  • 47. Preconditions ● Suppose a SM authentication token has: ○ Unlimited or limited use-count ○ Limited time-to-live (TTL), possibly renewable ○ Set of authorization policies ■ e.g. use first secret (auth token) to get application secrets ○ Consistent ID in audit logs ○ Token-scoped secure storage tied to token lifetime ● Claim: These primitives allow excellent SI for containers
  • 48. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container
  • 49. Scheduler App: db_writer Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container
  • 50. Scheduler App: db_writer Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol Secret Management Tool Create Token: Policy: app_db_rw_pol Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container
  • 51. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Create Token: Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: 1 TTL: 30s (non-renewable) Policy: none Private storage: Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens App: db_writer Security Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container
  • 52. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens ContainerImage: db_writer TOKEN: (outer token) Uses: 1 TTL: 30s (non-renewable) Policy: none Private storage: Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens
  • 53. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: 1 TTL: 30s (non-renewable) Policy: none Private storage: Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Unwrap
  • 54. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol
  • 55. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Get DB Creds
  • 56. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens User: db_user Password: db_pass Expiration: 24h Container
  • 57. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Get S3 Creds
  • 58. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens ACCESS_KEY: ... SECRET_KEY: ... Expiration: 24h Container
  • 59. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Get TLS Cert
  • 60. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Certificate: ... Private Key: ... Issuing CA: ... Container
  • 61. How’d we do? ● Look at previous list: ○ Don’t let them live forever (rotate/expire) ✓ Outer token expires (use limit) with only copy of inner token value ○ Distribute them securely ✓ Inner token covered the entire way ○ Limit exposure if disclosed ✓ Only specific policies granted, can only access specific secrets ○ Have a break-glass procedure ✓ Can lock down access at SM tool ✓ Audit logs ensure we know area of exposure ○ Detect unauthorized access
  • 62. Scheduler Secret Management Tool Scheduler Agent Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Container Uses: 1 TTL: 30s (non-renewable) Policy: none Private storage: Uses: ∞ TTL: 1h (renewable) Policy: app_db_rw_pol Uses: ∞ TTL: 8h (renewable) Policy: create_app_tokens Unwrap
  • 63. How’d we do? ● Can detect unauthorized access of “real” authentication token due to time and use limit ● Application: ○ Reads inner token: success ○ Reads storage but no inner token found: log error and recover (e. g. fail job) ○ Denied access from invalid token: raise high-priority security alert and check audit logs: ■ Access of outer token storage in audit logs? Unauthorized use ■ No access? Probably timing issue, but investigate carefully
  • 64. How’d we do? ● Mechanism not container-specific ○ CM tool drops wrapping/outer token on EC2 instance ○ File injected into chroot ○ Etc.
  • 65. Other Paradigms ● Remember, security is risk management ● Depending on your tech stack: ○ Different primitives might be available ○ May be constrained ● Never forget your success criteria
  • 66. Wrap-Up ● Plan your risk tolerance/security policy/success criteria in advance ○ Do it now! ● Use a secret management tool ○ You’re smart, but it’s hard ● Schedulers provide perfect integration points