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This Supplemental Expert Report responds to comments of Claimants, Chevron 
Corporation and Texaco Petroleum Company (hereafter collectively, Chevron), on 
my opinions contained in the Rejoinder Expert Report of Jeffrey W. Short, Ph.D. 
Regarding Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Texaco‐ 
Petroecuador Concession, Republic of Ecuador (hereafter Short December 2013 
Rejoinder Report). 
I reaffirm my opinions expressed in my December 2013 Rejoinder Report, and 
provide additional evidence to support these opinions in this Supplemental Expert 
Report. In addition, I offer here supplemental opinions to address issues raised in 
the three rebuttal documents filed by Chevron listed above. 
* * * * 
I have been retained by the Louis Berger Group, Inc. (hereafter Louis Berger) to review 
and comment on the above Chevron documents. I have also been retained to interpret 
data from the chemical analysis of soil, sediment and water samples collected by Louis 
Berger from oil contaminated sites in Chevron’s former Concession Area during the 
spring and summer of 2014. In preparation of this Supplemental Expert Report, I have 
reviewed the following: 
 Expert Opinion of John A. Connor, P.E., P.G., B.C.E.E. Regarding Remediation 
Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Petroecuador – Texaco 
Concession, Oriente Region, Ecuador, Response to LBG Report of December 
2013, Issued 7 May 2014 (hereafter Connor May 2014 Response Report), 
 Second Expert Report by Robert E. Hinchee, Ph.D., P.E., Issued 9 May 2014 
(hereafter Hinchee May 2014 Response Report), 
 The Matter of An Arbitration Under the Rules of the United Nations on 
International Trade law; Chevron Corporation and Texaco Petroleum 
Company, Claimants, v. The Republic of Ecuador, Respondent, Claimants’ 
Supplemental Memorial, Track 2, Issued 9 May 2014 (hereafter Claimants’ May 
2014 Supplemental Memorial), 
 Louis Berger’s Supplemental Expert Report, Issued 7 November 2014,
 Preliminary results1 of chemical analyses for hydrocarbons produced by Axys 
Laboratory, Katahdin Laboratory, and Battelle Memorial Institute provided to me 
by Louis Berger, 
 all scientific literature and deposition documents cited herein, 
 numerous chemical analysis reports produced by Dr. Gregory Douglas at 
Newfields Environmental Forensics Practice, and associated chemical analysis 
reports produced by Alpha Woods Hole Group and Severn Trent Laboratories. 
I am currently an independent consultant and have never been an employee of Louis 
Berger or of Winston & Strawn LLP. 
My opinions in this expert report are given to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty. 
They are based on my education, professional experience, information and data available 
in the scientific literature, and information and data about this lawsuit identified herein 
and in my earlier report. 
I continue to review available information, and I reserve the right to amend or 
supplement this report and the opinions contained in this report on the basis of any 
subsequently obtained material information. 
* * * * 
3.1 Results from Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014 Confirm My Previously 
Expressed Opinions: 
 Measurement of total petroleum hydrocarbons by Method 8015B – the 
method employed and relied upon by Claimants’ experts ‐ detects less than 
20% of the petroleum actually present in contaminated soils and sediments 
in former Concession Area oil fields. 
 US EPA Method 418.1 was much more accurate for determining the extent of 
petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in former Concession Area oil fields 
than was Method 8015B. 
 The weathering state of petroleum in samples collected in 2014 was little 
changed from samples collected in 2013, consistent with my prior opinion 
that petroleum weathering is now largely arrested in the former Concession 
Area. Given these results and the observed conditions of contamination, I do 
1 As of the writing of this report the laboratories and Louis Berger had not yet 
completed validation of the 2014 sampling data.
not believe that weathering will naturally remediate the contaminated areas 
to an appreciable extent within the next few decades. 
3.2 Based on My Analysis of Results from Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014, I 
Conclude the Following: 
 The average natural background of organic material extractable with 
dichloromethane in soils and sediments of the former Concession Area is 
about 160 mg/Kg, and is almost certainly less than 400 mg/Kg, which is 
negligible for most concerns. 
 The natural background for total polycyclic aromatic compounds (total PAC) 
in soils and sediments of the former Concession Area is most likely less than 
about 0.05 mg/Kg and almost certainly less than about 0.1 mg/Kg, 
 The natural background for total petroleum hydrocarbons measured by 
Method 8015B (TPH8015) in soils and sediments of the former Concession 
Area is most likely about 50 mg/Kg and almost certainly less than 100 
 When PACs and TPH8015 are detected above background concentrations the 
detected compounds were almost certainly derived from petroleum that was 
originally produced at the oil field where sampling occurred, 
 Petroleum contamination in groundwater samples is predominantly present 
as whole, free‐phase oil rather than as compounds dissolved from petroleum. 
 Most petroleum detected in the samples analyzed was only moderately 
weathered but still fluid at ambient temperatures within the former 
Concession Area, and could be readily dispersed into water and transported 
by groundwater. 
3.3 Criticisms by Dr. Robert Hinchee of My Prior Reports are Without Merit: 
 Contrary to Dr. Hinchee’s claims, the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching 
Procedure (TCLP) as applied in the former Concession Area was not intended 
to evaluate the mobility of free‐phase oil in soils and sediments, but TCLP 
was instead applied according to the procedure specified for evaluating 
dissolution of oil components into receiving water. 
 The most important consequence of the flawed method used by Dr. Hinchee 
and Mr. Connor to evaluate oil weathering, that I pointed out in my previous 
report, is the greater fluidity implied by the less‐weathered oil, enabling it to 
be more readily transported in ground‐ and surface waters, not the effect this
error had on their inferences regarding the solubilities of oil components, a 
relatively minor concern in comparison. 
 Dr. Hinchee objects to the weathering scale I used to evaluate the extent of 
weathering of petroleum‐contaminated samples, yet this is the very same 
scale used by Chevron’s own experts, on whose interpretations and reports 
Dr. Hinchee himself had previously relied. Also, Dr. Hinchee simply ignores 
fundamental principles of scientific inference when he concludes that the 
Louis Berger samples from 2013 show significant additional weathering 
compared with samples collected nearly a decade earlier for the Judicial 
3.4 Comparison of Toxic Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Petroleum from 
the Former Concession Area and Bunker Oil from the Prestige Oil Spill 
 I compared distributions of relative PAC abundances in Bunker oil 
discharged during the Prestige oil spill off the Spanish coast in 2002 with un‐weathered 
Shushufindi crude oil to confirm that they broadly shared the 
same suites of toxic PAC, which validates the relevance of toxicological 
studies performed after the Prestige oil spill to conditions in the former 
Concession Area. 
* * * * 
4.1 Results From Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014 Confirm My Previously 
Expressed Opinions 
Results from chemical analysis of samples collected from the former Concession 
Area during Louis Berger’s 2014 sampling campaign confirm opinions I set forth in 
my previous report2. Some of the collected soil and sediment samples were analyzed 
by three methods: (1) USEPA Method 8015B for “total petroleum hydrocarbons” 
(TPH, hereafter denoted as TPH8015), (2) gravimetrically for total extractable 
material (TEM) based on dichloromethane extraction (which I recommended in my 
earlier report3), and (3) USEPA Method 8270 for polycyclic aromatic compounds 
(PAC), alkanes and petroleum biomarkers. These analyses were performed on 
portions of the same samples so that the results are directly comparable. The 
results corroborate several conclusions in my previous report4. 
2 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 
3 Ibid. 
4 Ibid.
The gravimetric TEM method is especially simple, involving extraction of petroleum 
into dichloromethane, separation of the extract from soil or sediment particles by 
filtration, evaporation of the dichloromethane and weighing the petroleum residue 
left behind. This gravimetric TEM method is an adaptation of US EPA Method 413.1, 
Oil and Grease (gravimetric, separatory funnel extraction)5. The adaptations 
include: (1) use of dichloromethane as the extraction solvent instead of the now 
banned trichlorotrifluoroethane specified in Method 413.1; and (2) application to 
soils and sediments. This method for gravimetric determination of TEM was 
successfully used to quantitatively determine residual petroleum on beaches of 
Prince William Sound, Alaska, 12 years after the petroleum was deposited by the 
1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill6. These and other closely related methods, including US 
EPA Method 418.17, ASTM D7066‐048, and APHA Standard Method 5520B and 
5520C9 all use chemically similar extraction solvents into which petroleum can 
dissolve completely, and use detection methods that can detect all the low‐volatility 
components of petroleum (i.e. by infrared spectroscopy or by gravimetric 
weighing)10, so they produce closely comparable results. 
Comparison of TEM results with TPH8015 results confirms that Method 8015B 
detects less than 20% of the petroleum actually present in samples of soils or 
sediments. This finding is illustrated in Figure 1, where results for TPH8015 are 
plotted against the gravimetrically‐determined TEM. The regression line coefficient 
r2 of 0.96 indicates that the gravimetric TEM measurement accounts for 96% of the 
variation in the TPH8015 measurements. The regression line slope of 0.189 indicates 
that Method 8015B detects about 19% of the petroleum actually present. At lower 
levels of petroleum contamination, this regression slope decreases to 0.124, 
indicating detection of only 12% of the petroleum actually present, consistent with 
the trend toward greater weathering in less contaminated soils and sediments 
noted in my earlier reports11. This finding is expected because Method 8015B 
5 see 
6 Short JW, Lindeberg MR, Harris PM, Maselko JM, Pella JJ, and Rice SD (2004) 
Estimate of oil persisting on the beaches of Prince William Sound 12 years after the 
Exxon Valdez oil spill. Environmental Science and Technology 38:19‐25 
7 This method was discontinued by EPA because vapors from the 
trichlorotrifluoroethane used as the extraction solvent depletes atmospheric ozone. 
8 American Society for Testing and Materials International Method D7066‐04 is a 
replacement method for EPA Method 418.1 and uses chlorotrifluoroethylene, 
9 The American Public Health Association Standard Method 5520 for oil and grease 
determination provides for both gravimetric (Method 5520B) and infrared (Method 
5520C) detection of oil and grease extracted from samples; see 
10 American Petroleum Institute Publication Number 4709 (2001), Risk‐based 
methodologies for evaluation petroleum hydrocarbon impacts at oil and natural gas 
E&P sites, p. 35 
11 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report; Expert Opinion of Kenneth J. Goldstein, 
M.A., CGWP and Jeffrey W. Short, Ph.D. Regarding the Environmental Contamination 
cannot detect a substantial fraction of the crude oil present, for reasons stated in my 
earlier report12. Moreover, this undetected fraction increases as crude oil weathers 
following release into the environment. These results also corroborate the 
greater than 4:1 DRO:TPH relationship between Method 8015B and TPH as 
determined by USEPA Method 418.1 and discussed in our first report.13 
Figure 1. Comparison of TPH8015 and TEM by gravimetric extraction in soil and 
sediment samples collected from the former Concession Area during spring and 
summer 2014. 
Furthermore, the PACs found in the samples indicate that the TEM in these samples 
is almost always weathered crude oil. This finding is illustrated in Figure 2, where 
results for total PAC are plotted against the gravimetrically‐determined TEM. The 
regression line coefficient r2 of 0.65 indicates that the gravimetric TEM 
measurement accounts for 65% of the variation in the total PAC measurements. The 
regression line slope of 0.00528 indicates that on average the weathered crude oil in 
the samples collected contained about 0.53% total PAC, compared with 0.85% 
From Texpet’s E&P Activities in the Former Napo Concession Area Oriente Region, 
Ecuador” (hereafter Louis Berger, 2013) 
12 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 
13 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 35‐37
typical of un‐weathered Oriente crude oils.14 Concentrations of total PAC that were 
lower than expected on the basis of the gravimetric TPH are almost certainly the 
result of weathering losses. The weaker association of total PAC with gravimetric 
TEM (65%) in comparison with the TPH8015 by Method 8015B and gravimetric TEM 
(96%) mainly reflects the greater susceptibility of PACs to weathering losses in 
comparison with crude oil components measured by Method 8015B. 
Figure 2. Total PAC concentrations in soil and sediment samples collected from the 
former Concession area during spring and summer 2014. 
These strong correlations between TPH8015 by Method 8015B and total PAC with 
gravimetric TEM indicates that concerns raised by Chevron’s experts that Method 
418.1 is susceptible to serious positive interferences from naturally occurring 
organic compounds in environmental samples are considerably overstated. As I 
noted in my previous report15, substantial interferences of this sort are unlikely 
based on simple mass balance considerations. Results from the Louis Berger 2014 
samples corroborate this view. Substantial interferences from natural sources of 
organics would be evident in anomalously high concentrations of PAC or alkane 
hydrocarbons, with abundance distributions differing markedly from those typical 
14 Alpha Woods Hole Group, laboratory sample number 0406054‐01 at GSD305171, 
identified as Shushufindi Suroeste oil at GSD 207000 (hereafter GSD305171) 
15 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 
of petroleum, and that are associated with higher concentrations of gravimetric 
TEM. Instead, the strong association of TPH measured by Method 8015B and 
TPH measured gravimetrically as TEM (Fig. 1) shows that contributions of 
organics from unknown, natural sources are generally negligible in the Oriente, 
especially after making appropriate allowance for weathering on the Method 
8015B results. 
Finally, gravimetric TEM concentrations in soils or sediments above about 2,000 
mg/Kg are accompanied by biomarker distributions characteristic of Oriente crude 
oils, and concentrations above 1,000 mg/Kg are almost always associated with PAC 
abundance distributions characteristic of crude oil. These results corroborate the 
argument I presented in my earlier report16 that interference from natural sources 
is negligible in comparison to crude oil contamination above 1,000 mg/Kg. 
Consequently, results based on Method 418.1 should not be dismissed on the 
basis of speculative assumptions, now clearly shown to be incorrect, and 
especially not in deference to Method 8015B, which is shown to be susceptible to 
far worse bias towards false negative results. 
4.2 Genetic Relationships Among Petroleum Contaminants 
The petroleum biomarker fingerprints are remarkably constant throughout the 
samples analyzed, based on 16 diagnostic biomarker ratios recommended for 
fingerprinting crude oils17 (Table 1). This indicates that all of the soil and sediment 
samples analyzed for petroleum biomarkers have crude oil sources, most likely from 
their respective oil fields. The slight departures that do occur from the overall 
biomarker fingerprint are most likely the combined result of varying susceptibility 
to alteration through weathering processes and variation associated with low 
biomarker concentrations as detection limits are approached, although comparison 
of two diagnostic ratios suggest real differences in the biomarker fingerprints 
characterizing the Aguarico and Shushufindi oil fields (Table 1). Conversely, there is 
scant evidence of the presence of petroleum from sources outside the Oriente oil 
fields of Ecuador. Results for diagnostic biomarker ratios are listed in Table 1 for 
soil and sediment samples containing at least 2,000 mg/Kg TEM as measured by the 
gravimetric method to ensure sufficient biomarker concentrations for accurate 
determinations of all the constituent biomarkers used to calculate the ratios 
Table 1. Petroleum hydrocarbon biomarker used for computation of 16 diagnostic 
ratios and their ranges in soil and sediments at each of the three former Concession 
Area oil fields sampled during spring and summer 2014. Numbers in parentheses 
following the oil field labels indicate the number of samples included for 
16 Ibid. p. 14 
17 Daling PS, Faksness LG, Hansen AB and Stout SA (2002) Improved and 
standardized methodology for oil spill fingerprinting. Environmental Forensics 
determination of the range for each oil field. Biomarker ranges in boldface indicate 
potential differences in the biomarker fingerprints of crude oils from the Aguarico 
compared with the Shushufindi oil fields. 
4.3 Weathering State of Petroleum Contamination 
Most samples collected by Louis Berger in 2014, whether soils, sediments or 
groundwater, contained petroleum at the Kaplan and Galperin (1996)18 weathering 
index of 5, indicated by extensive losses of volatile compounds and of n‐alkanes, but 
only slight to modest losses of PACs, mainly naphthalenes (Tables 2 – 4). Several 
samples were more weathered, having weathering indexes of 6 or 7, indicated by 
more extensive losses of PACs. However, some samples had a weathering index of 4, 
indicated by loss of most n‐alkanes but of scant PACs. Two samples, collected from 
the same bore hole at SSF‐13, had a weathering index of 2, retaining all but the 
lightest n‐alkanes, suggesting the oil was either remarkably well preserved, or more 
likely was spilled relatively recently. 
As expected, the petroleum contaminating stream sediments is generally more 
weathered than petroleum in soils. The weathering index for stream sediments is 
often 6 or 7, whereas it is usually 5 and sometimes 4 or less in soils. Weathering 
indexes could often be assigned to the more contaminated groundwater and surface 
water samples, and when assigned were usually 5 or 6.19 
18 Kaplan, I.R., Galperin, Y., Alimi, H, Lee, R.P., and Lu, S.T. 1996, Patterns of Chemical 
Changes during Environmental Alteration of Hydrocarbon Fuels, Groundwater 
Monitoring and Remediation 113 – 114 (hereafter Kaplan and Galperin 1996) 
19 Weathering states were assigned when total PAC exceeded 0.5 mg/Kg in soils or 
stream sediments, or exceeded 0.5 ug/L in groundwater or surface water samples. 
These thresholds for assigning weathering states do not reflect thresholds for the 
Overall, the samples collected during the 2014 sampling campaign show little 
indication of additional weathering since the previous sampling campaign 
conducted by Louis Berger in 2013. The samples taken in 2014 further confirm my 
conclusion that weathering has been largely arrested for oil contamination in the 
Oriente. As I discussed in my 2013 Reports20, this is most likely because the 
petroleum has been buried where oxygen and other conditions conducive for 
weathering are largely absent. To be clear, I have never opined that no weathering 
has occurred. Weathering can substantially change the composition of petroleum 
on time scales that range from hours to hundreds of years or more, in which latter 
case the weathering rate becomes “largely arrested”21. I recognize that some 
weathering has occurred and continues to occur, but mostly at rates that are now 
negligible over the course of years to decades. As a result, while some volatile 
fractions of crude oil are no longer present, other toxic and carcinogenic 
components, like PACs, are still present in substantial concentrations. Given these 
results and the observed conditions of contamination, I do not believe weathering 
will naturally remediate the contaminated areas to an appreciable extent within the 
next few decades. 
4.4 Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Analyses of Field Samples Collected from 
Ecuador in 2014 
4.4.1 Amount and Extent of Petroleum Contamination 
Although concentrations varied widely among the samples collected, indications of 
heavy petroleum contamination were evident at all three of the Oriente oil fields 
(Shushufindi, Lago Agrio and Aguarico) where samples were collected and analyzed 
for petroleum hydrocarbons. Lower concentrations of oil contamination in soil, 
sediments, and groundwater were also evident at these sites. In contrast, PAC 
evidence of surface water contamination by petroleum was evident only in water 
samples from the Lago Agrio field, and the concentrations were modest (i.e. less 
than 2.2 g/L total PAC22, or parts per billion). 
Most of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the samples are present as whole oil, 
meaning oil as a distinct phase separate from water, rather than as components of 
natural background of hydrocarbons in soils, sediments or groundwaters of the 
former Concession Area soils. The natural background concentrations are 
considerably lower. 
20 Louis Berger, 2013, Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 
21 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 61 
22 Total PAC refers to the sum of 48 parent polycyclic aromatic compounds, PAC, and 
classes of alkylated PAC, ranging from naphthalene with two aromatic rings 
through benzo[g,h,i]perylene with six. Excepting dibenzothiophene and the 
alkylated dibenzothiophenes, the other PAC are all polycyclic aromatic 
hydrocarbons, or PAH.
oil dissolved into water. This association with whole oil is indicated by the 
concurrent presence of aliphatic hydrocarbons, especially pristane and phytane, 
which are relatively persistent branched alkane hydrocarbons, along with PAC. This 
evidence supports the conclusion that whole oil is migrating through or along with 
ambient media. 
4.4.2 Shushufindi 
Samples collected from the Shushufindi oil field contained some of the most and 
least contaminated samples of the 2014 sampling campaign (Table 2). The lowest 
concentration samples serve to indicate the background concentrations of total PAC, 
n‐alkanes, TPH8015 and gravimetric TEM in the region. The highest concentration 
samples include the least‐weathered samples analyzed. 
Table 2. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and 
summer 2014 from Shushufindi oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented 
as mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two 
significant figures. 
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
SSF13‐SL001 0.021 0.55 400 26 NA 
SSF13‐SL002 (1)25 0.027 0.77 100 28 NA 
SSF13‐SL003 0.030 1.3 120 10 NA 
SSF13‐SL004 (2) 0.026 0.53 92 41 NA 
SSF13‐SL005 0.032 0.27 140 9 NA 
SSF13‐SL006 0.020 0.22 250 27 NA 
SSF13‐SL007 0.69 2.7 760 39 5 
SSF13‐SL008 0.022 0.40 80 9 NA 
SSF13‐SL009 0.036 0.47 80 9 NA 
SSF13‐SL010 1.85 100 47 5 
SSF13‐SL011 (3) 650 2300 19,000 9,700 2 Y 
SSF13‐SL012 (4) 2.0 1.2 710 90 5 
SSF13‐SL013 (1) 330 23 NA 
SSF13‐SL015 (3) 660 2500 2 
SSF13‐SL016 (4) 560 86 
SSF13‐SL017 (2) 0.028 0.36 NA 
SSF25‐SL029 0.025 0.28 100 10 NA 
SSF34‐SL001 0.052 0.48 640 87 NA 
SSF34‐SL002 0.040 0.33 110 15 NA 
23 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996. 
24 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker 
fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y‐“ indicates a 
biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but probably altered by weathering. 
25 Numbers in parentheses following the site identification labels in column 1 
indicate field duplicate samples.
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
SSF34‐SL003 0.054 0.20 120 15 NA 
SSF34‐SL004 0.051 0.55 130 17 NA 
SSF34‐SL006 0.083 0.90 120 38 NA 
SSF34‐SL007 0.076 1.4 360 25 NA 
SSF34‐SL008 0.068 0.61 1,700 24 NA 
SSF34‐SL009 4000 410 140,000 53,000 4 Y 
SSF34‐SL010 630 63 33,000 7,000 4 Y 
SSF34‐SL011 780 71 40,000 11,000 4 Y 
SSF34‐SL012 0.91 1.7 150 80 5 
SSF43‐SL001 15 31 2,300 1,200 4 Y 
SSF13‐SE001 0.048 0.40 930 12 NA 
SSF13‐SE002 0.075 13 26,000 30 NA 
SSF13‐SE003 1.2 9.3 880 75 7 
SSF13‐SE004 (5) 1.4 9.9 39,000 460 7 Y‐SSF13‐ 
SE006 2.6 38 1,500 77 7 
SSF13‐SE007 0.65 8.6 2,200 100 7 Y‐SSF13‐ 
SE008 0.86 13 1,100 54 7 
SSF13‐SE009 1.7 33 2,000 140 7 Y‐SSF13‐ 
SE010 0.74 3.0 320 27 6 
SSF13‐SE011 (5) 2.0 17 11,000 330 6 Y‐SSF55‐ 
SE001 (6) 900 211 53,000 14,000 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE002 240 65 11,000 5,000 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE003 3.3 9.3 2,700 230 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE004 250 76 53,000 6,500 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE005 80 60 30,000 2,800 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE006 0.87 11 1,800 120 7 
SSF55‐SE007 18 77 22,000 5,000 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE008 150 69 50,000 5,900 5 Y 
SSF55‐SE009 (6) 410 85 23,000 6,900 5 Y 
SSF13‐GW001 0.75 12 130 6 
SSF13‐GW002 (7) 0.44 2.4 130 NA 
SSF13‐GW003 0.52 3.5 200 5 
SSF13‐GW004 0.32 3.1 39 NA 
SSF13‐GW005 (7) 0.53 3.4 150 6 
SSF25‐GW008 0.25 7.9 210 NA 
SSF25‐GW009 0.19 1.7 39 NA 
SSF25‐GW010 83 11 2,100 5 
SSF25‐GW011 11 1.9 1,100 6 
SSF34‐GW001 (8) 0.19 7.6 53 NA 
SSF34‐GW002 0.22 21 55 NA 
SSF34‐GW003 0.28 46 61 NA 
SSF34‐GW004 0.23 21 110 NA 
SSF34‐GW005 (8) 0.17 5.9 43 NA 
SSF43‐GW002 0.18 1.9 140 NA 
SSF43‐GW003 3.4 3.1 210 5
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
Surface Water 
SSF13‐SW001 0.22 0.56 62 NA 
SSF13‐SW002 0.21 0.94 30 NA 
SSF13‐SW003 0.13 0.41 35 NA 
SSF13‐SW004 0.25 0.41 110 NA 
SSF13‐SW005 0.068 0.73 33 NA 
SSF13‐SW006 0.076 0.83 60 NA 
SSF13‐SW007 0.26 8.6 100 NA 
SSF13‐SW008 0.076 1.3 62 NA 
SSF13‐SW009 0.13 4.3 90 NA 
SSF13‐SW010 0.12 1.4 140 NA SSF‐13 
Most of the Shushufindi soil and sediment samples were collected from this site. Of 
the 14 soil samples collected and analyzed for PAC, 9 had very low concentrations of 
total PAC ranging from 0.021 – 0.036 mg/Kg (parts per million; Table 2). This 
concentration range for total PAC most likely reflects the natural PAC background of 
soils and sediments in the region. This natural background pattern of PAC 
abundance is depicted in Fig. 3, and is characterized by relatively little increase of 
alkyl‐substituted PAC abundance in comparison with the respective un‐substituted 
parent PAC of a homologous series, in contrast to soils contaminated with low 
concentrations of petroleum. Petroleum contamination in the LA16‐SL002 sample 
is indicated by the increased abundances of the alkyl‐substituted PAC in comparison 
with respective un‐substituted parent PAC, by the presence of chrysene and the 
alkyl‐substituted chrysene homologues, and the low abundances of the 
unsubstituted 5‐ring PAH (i.e. BBF, BKF, BEP, BAP, GHI, DA and IND).26 
The comparison depicted in Fig. 3 suggests that the upper limit for the natural PAC 
background lies between 0.040 mg/Kg and 0.16 mg/Kg total PAC. The TPH8015 
concentrations corresponding to this PAC background are less than 50 mg/Kg 
(Table 2), suggesting that the natural background for TPH8015 is almost certainly less 
than twice this concentration (i.e. 100 mg/Kg). Similarly, the TEM concentrations 
corresponding to the PAC background range from 80 – 400 mg/Kg, with an average 
of 160 mg/Kg. 
26 Abbreviations for these compound classes are as follows: N=naphthalene, 
B=biphenyl, AY=acenaphthylene, AE=acenaphthene, B=biphenyl, F=fluorene, 
A=anthracene, P=phenanthrene, D=dibenzothiophene, FL=fluoranthene, PY=pyrene, 
BA=benzo[a]anthracene, C=chrysene, BBF=benzo[b]fluoranthene, 
BFK=benzo[k]fluoranthene, BEP=benzo[e]pyrene, BAP=benzo[a]pyrene, 
BP=benzopyrenes, PER=perylene, IND=indenopyrene, DA=dibenzoanthracene, 
GHI=benzoperylene; numbers following PAH abbreviations indicate the number of 
carbon atoms of alkyl substituents.
Figure 3. Distribution of background PAC in soil (blue bars) compared with a soil 
sample (LA16‐SL002) containing a low level of contamination by petroleum (red 
Soil samples from three other sites at SSF‐13had total PAC concentrations that 
ranged from 0.69 – 2.0 mg/Kg of total PAC. However, two soil samples, collected 
from the same bore hole inside the reserve pit (i.e. SSF13‐SL011 and –SL‐015), had 
total PAC concentrations of about 650 mg/Kg, associated with a total n‐alkane 
concentration of 2,300 – 2,500 mg/Kg, a TEM of 19,000 mg/Kg (or 1.9%) and a 
biomarker fingerprint indicating contamination by petroleum. The weathering state 
of these samples was 2, indicating loss of volatile alkanes and aromatics but little 
else. Comparison of the ratio of pristane to n‐heptadecane, or of phytane to n‐octadecane 
shows little difference from respective ratios of un‐weathered 
Shushufindi crude oil, indicating little biodegradation has occurred. These results 
strongly suggest that petroleum was recently (less than a year) discharged to the 
soil that was sampled. 
Only 2 of the 10 samples of stream sediments from the SSF‐13 site contained 
background concentrations of total PAC, one at 0.048 and the other at 0.075 mg/Kg. 
Concentrations in the remaining 8 samples ranged from 0.65 to 2.6 ug/g, indicating 
low but clear contamination by petroleum.
Total PAC concentrations in the 5 groundwater samples analyzed from SSF‐13 
ranged from 0.32 – 0.750 ug/L (i.e. parts per billion). While low, these 
concentrations indicate clear contamination of the sampled groundwater by 
petroleum, confirmed by the concurrent presence of pristane and phytane. 
Total PAC concentrations in the 10 surface water samples analyzed from SSF‐13 
ranged from 0.068 – 0.26 ug/L, with PAC distributions indicative of petroleum 
contamination. SSF‐25 
This site was more extensively analyzed in 2013 and my overall conclusions as 
relate to this site are included in my December 2013 Report. I maintain those 
conclusions. Limited sampling was conducted in 2014 at this site which I discuss 
The single soil sample analyzed from the SSF‐25 site contained only the background 
concentration of total PAC (i.e. 0.025 mg/Kg). 
Concentrations of total PAC in 2 of the 4 groundwater samples collected from the 
SSF‐25 site were 0.19 and 0.25 ug/L, and as with surface water samples at SSF‐13, 
have PAC distributions indicative of petroleum contamination. Two other samples 
contained total PAC concentrations of 11 and 83 ug/L, indicating clear 
contamination of the sampled groundwater by petroleum, confirmed by the 
concurrent presence of pristane and phytane. SSF‐34 
Seven of the 11 soil samples from SSF‐34 contained background concentrations of 
total PAC, ranging from 0.028 – 0.083 mg/Kg, with corresponding concentrations of 
TPH8015 ranging from 15 – 87 mg/Kg. Although corresponding TEM concentrations 
were usually less than 400 mg/Kg, one sample (SSF‐34 SL008) had a TEM 
concentration of 1,700 mg/Kg, despite concentrations of total PAC and TPH8015 of 68 
mg/Kg and 24 mg/Kg, respectively. This sample was collected from 3.3 m depth 
near a pit, and inspection of the Method 8015B chromatogram revealed an unusual 
broad, large peak spanning a retention time window of nearly a minute, suggesting a 
possible contaminant associated with a product used by oil‐production operations, 
which are often proprietary. 
One sample (SSF‐34 SL012) contained low (0.91 mg/Kg) total PAC that was clearly 
derived from petroleum, and the other 3 were heavily contaminated by petroleum, 
with total PAC concentrations ranging from 630 mg/Kg to 4,000 mg/Kg. In addition 
to a PAC abundance distribution typical of petroleum contamination, the biomarker 
fingerprint provides additional confirmation of the petroleum source for these 
samples. The sample from SSF34‐SL009 was the most contaminated of all the soil
and stream sediment samples collected from the Shushufindi oil field, and with TEM 
at 140,000 mg/Kg (or 14%) implies soil that is near or at saturation with petroleum. 
No stream sediment samples were analyzed from SSF‐34. 
The 5 groundwater samples analyzed from SSF‐34 contained total PAC 
concentrations ranging from 0.17 – 0.28 ug/L, generally consistent with the low‐level 
petroleum contamination PAC pattern depicted in Fig. 3. SSF‐43 
The single soil sample analyzed from SSF‐43 contained a concentration of 15 mg/Kg 
total PAC, indicating moderate petroleum contamination and confirmed by the 
biomarker fingerprint. 
One of the 2 groundwater samples contained a total PAC of 0.18 ug/L, generally 
consistent with the low‐level petroleum contamination PAC pattern depicted in Fig. 
3. The other sample contained 3.4 ug/L, indicating moderate petroleum 
contamination. SSF‐55 
Only stream sediment samples were analyzed from SSF‐55. Most of these were 
heavily contaminated by petroleum. Of the 9 samples analyzed, 7 had total PAC 
concentrations ranging from 80 mg/Kg to 900 mg/Kg, while the other 2 samples 
had concentrations of 0.87 and 3.3 mg/Kg, indicating moderate petroleum 
contamination. All of these samples except the one containing 0.87 mg/Kg total PAC 
had positive biomarker fingerprints consistent with oil contamination found 
elsewhere in the Shushufindi oil field. 
4.4.3 Lago Agrio 
Petroleum contamination was evident in analyzed samples of soil, stream 
sediments, groundwaters and surface waters from the Lago Agrio sites (Table 3). 
The overall pattern and distribution of results is similar to those at the Shushufindi 
Table 3. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and 
summer 2014 from Lago Agrio oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented as 
mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two 
significant figures. 
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
LA02‐SL022 0.98 1.9 130 44 5 
LA02‐SL023 35 18 2,800 6 
LA02‐SL024 1.2 18 130 6 
LA16‐SL001 130 18 7,600 2,400 5 Y 
LA16‐SL002 0.16 2.7 1,800 15 NA 
LA16‐SL003 0.16 1.2 300 8 NA Y? 
LA16‐SL004 (1)29 9.1 7.9 520 280 5 Y 
LA16‐SL005 0.072 1.1 130 14 NA 
LA16‐SL006 0.069 0.12 590 10 NA 
LA16‐SL007 23 2,500 710 5 Y 
LA16‐SL008 0.22 0.66 91 12 NA 
LA16‐SL009 0.63 1.3 220 55 5 Y? 
LA16‐SL010 0.86 2.4 200 37 5 Y? 
LA16‐SL011 (2) 0.91 1.4 320 41 5 Y? 
LA16‐SL012 0.95 4.0 92 75 6 
LA16‐SL014 (2) 260 90 Y? 
LA16‐SL015 (1) 9.7 5 
LA35‐SE001 270 456 88,000 5,200 5 Y 
LA35‐SE002 600 71 29,000 6,500 5 Y 
LA35‐SE003 36 19 14,000 5,400 6 Y 
LA35‐SE004 4.5 5.8 9,000 570 6 Y 
LA35‐SE005 2.4 6.9 44,000 320 7 Y 
LA16‐GW001 66 7.3 1,100 5 
LA16‐GW002 0.32 15 78 NA 
LA16‐GW003 0.24 2.8 130 NA 
LA16‐GW005 0.30 2.4 72 NA 
LA02‐GW007 2.1 6.5 290 6 
LA02‐GW008 3.8 1.9 110 5 
LA02‐GW009 (3) 42 6.1 91 5 
27 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996 
28 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker 
fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y?“ indicates a 
biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but with the least abundant 
biomarker compounds not detected. 
29 Numbers in parentheses following the site identification labels in column 1 
indicate field duplicate samples.
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
LA02‐GW010 200 32 2,000 5 
LA02‐GW011 0.070 2.1 61 NA 
LA02‐GW012 (3) 42 6.0 780 5 
Surface Water 
LA35‐SW002 0.82 4.3 67 5 
LA35‐SW003 (4) 0.49 3.8 82 NA 
LA35‐SW004 2.2 17 55 5 
LA35‐SW005 1.86 2.3 2,700 6 
LA35‐SW006 (4) 0.72 1.8 190 6 LA‐02 
This site was more extensively analyzed in 2013 and my overall conclusions as 
relate to this site are included in my December 2013 Report. I maintain those 
conclusions. Limited sampling was conducted in 2014 at this site which I discuss 
Two of the 3 soil samples analyzed for PAC from LA‐02 had low but clear levels of 
petroleum contamination, with total PAC concentrations of 0.98 and 1.2 mg/Kg. 
Petroleum contamination in the third sample analyzed was heavy, with the 
concentration of total PAC at 35 mg/Kg. Biomarkers were not analyzed in this 
sample because of insufficient sample mass collected for all the analyses to be 
Petroleum contamination of groundwater at LA‐02 was also clearly evident. While 1 
sample contained a background concentration of total PAC at 0.070 ug/L, 
concentrations in the other 5 samples ranged from 2.1 ug/L to 200 ug/L, and 3 of 
the 5 samples had concentrations above 40 ug/L. Elevated concentrations of 
pristane and phytane indicate this contamination was mainly present as whole, free‐phase 
oil. The hydrocarbons detected in these 5 samples were sufficiently abundant 
that weathering states could be assigned, all of which were 5. LA‐16 
Four of the 13 soil samples analyzed for PAC from LA‐16 had moderate or heavy 
levels of petroleum contamination. The highest total PAC concentration was 130 
mg/Kg, followed by 23 mg/Kg in another sample and concentrations above 9 mg/Kg 
in the remaining two. Another 5 soil samples had low but clear petroleum 
contamination, with total PAC concentrations ranging from 0.63 – 0.95 mg/Kg. 
Petroleum in most of these samples was confirmed by biomarker fingerprints. The 
remaining 4 samples had total PAC concentrations near or at the natural 
background, ranging from 0.069 – 0.16 mg/Kg.
Of the 4 groundwater samples analyzed for PAC, one was heavily contaminated by 
petroleum, with a total PAC concentration of 66 ug/L at a weathering state of 5. 
Concentrations in the other 3 samples ranged from 0.24 – 0.32 ug/L, and consisted 
of PAC distributions depicted in Fig. 3 as indicative of low‐level petroleum 
20 LA‐35 
Only stream sediment and surface water samples were analyzed for PAC from LA‐ 
35. Of the 5 stream sediment samples, the highest concentration of total PAC was 
600 mg/Kg, followed by another sample containing 270 mg/Kg. A third sample 
contained about 36 mg/Kg, all indicating heavy petroleum contamination. The 
remaining two samples contained 2.4 and 4.5 mg/Kg, indicating modest petroleum 
contamination. Petroleum contamination in all these samples was confirmed by the 
biomarker fingerprints, and the weathering states ranged from 5 to 7, the latter 
indicating very weathered oil. 
All 5 of the surface water samples analyzed for PAC contained elevated 
concentrations indicative of petroleum contamination, ranging from 0.49 ug/L to 
2.2 ug/L. 
4.4.4 Aguarico 
As with the samples from Lago Agrio, samples from the Aguarico oil field sites 
reflect the general pattern of petroleum contamination in the region (Table 4). 
Table 4. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and 
summer 2014 from Aguarico oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented as 
mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two 
significant figures. 
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
AG04‐SL001 3285 1362 690,000 120,000 5 Y 
AG04‐SL002 2894 1137 590,000 120,000 5 Y 
AG06‐SL001 7.7 5.7 890 230 5 Y? 
AG06‐SL002 0.18 1.9 150 18 NA Y? 
AG06‐SL003 0.15 1.2 2,100 16 NA Y? 
AG06‐SL004 0.35 7.8 300 26 NA Y? 
AG06‐SL005 12 12 3,600 360 5 Y 
30 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996 
31 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker 
fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y?“ indicates a 
biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but with the least abundant 
biomarker compounds not detected.
Total n‐ 
Alkanes TEM 
TPH by 
AG06‐SL006 31 11 2,000 580 5 Y 
AG06‐SL007 13 6.7 2,500 390 5 Y 
AG06‐SL008 126 14,000 2,300 5 Y 
AG06‐SL009 75 20 6,800 1,600 5 Y 
AG06‐SE001 0.52 29 1,000 66 7 
AG06‐SE002 2.1 2.7 2,200 100 6 Y 
AG06‐SE003 0.59 4.2 1,900 34 5 Y 
AG06‐SE004 0.33 11 780 34 NA Y 
AG06‐SE005 0.63 5.8 740 31 7 Y 
AG06‐GW005 5.5 6.6 130 5 
AG06‐GW007 0.60 4.5 220 5 
AG06‐GW008 26 10 2,800 5 
AG06‐GW009 3.2 21 320 5 
AG06‐GW010 214 86 3,500 5 
AG06‐GW011 7.2 13 490 5 
Surface Water 
AG06‐SW001 0.091 1.0 42 NA 
AG06‐SW002 0.078 9.7 39 NA 
AG06‐SW003 0.10 0.51 40 NA 
AG06‐SW004 0.094 0.48 40 NA 
AG06‐SW005 0.089 0.85 50 NA AG‐04 
Only 2 samples, both of heavily contaminated soils, were collected from the AG‐04 
site. Both were heavily contaminated by petroleum, with concentrations of total 
PAC of 2,900 and 3,300 mg/Kg. The associated TEM concentrations of 590,000 – 
690,000 mg/Kg imply samples consisting of more oil than inorganics (i.e. 59% ‐ 
69% oil). The biomarker fingerprints corroborate the petroleum source. AG‐06 
Concentrations of total PAC in the 9 soil samples analyzed from AG‐06 ranged from 
near background concentrations (3 samples ranging from 0.15 to 0.35 mg/Kg total 
PAC) to heavily contaminated by petroleum. The highest total PAC concentration at 
AG‐06 was 130 mg/Kg, with 5 other samples ranging from 7.8 – 75 mg/Kg. All of 
these samples had biomarker fingerprints indicative of oil, and the 5 most 
contaminated samples had weathering states of 5. 
Five samples of stream sediments were collected and analyzed for PAC, and had 
concentrations of total PAC ranging from 0.33 – 2.1 ug/L. The PAC distribution
indicates a petroleum source, confirmed by the biomarker fingerprint in 4 of the 
samples. The weathering states of these samples ranged from 5 – 7, again 
consistent with the pattern of more advanced weathering in oil‐contaminated 
stream sediments than in soils. 
Six groundwater samples had concentrations of total PAC as high as 210 ug/L. 
Another sample contained 26 ug/L, and three more samples contained from 3.2 – 
7.2 ug/L The lowest concentration found was 0.60 ug/L. All of these concentrations 
are clearly above the natural background, and the PAC distribution indicates a 
petroleum source. The weathering states of the oil in these samples were all 5. 
Finally, 5 surface water samples were collected and analyzed for PAC. 
Concentrations of total PAC ranged from 0.078 – 0.11 ug/L, with abundance 
distributions reflecting mainly the natural background distribution of PAC depicted 
in Fig. 3. 
4.5. Response to Hinchee Memorial of May 2014 
In his May 2014 Reply Memorial, Hinchee raised objections to three of the points I 
made in my December 2013 Rejoinder Report.32 The first objection is with regard to 
the appropriateness of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for 
use in conjunction with the RAP remediation. The second is with regard to my 
criticism of Hinchee’s and Connor’s method to determine the extent of oil 
weathering. The third is with regard to my characterization of oil weathering and 
evidence for the rate of weathering of oil‐contaminated soils and sediments in the 
former Concession Area. I find all three of Dr. Hinchee’s objections without merit, 
and I stand by the positions I stated in earlier reports. My responses to Dr. 
Hinchee’s objections follow, in the order presented above. 
4.5.1 Appropriateness of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure 
In my December 2013 Rejoinder Report33 I noted that it is in principle not possible 
for any combination of oil components to reach the regulatory threshold 
concentration of 1000 mg/L (or even 200 mg/L) through dissolution alone. 
Consequently, I concluded that to reach this threshold, soils or sediments would 
have to be saturated with oil, allowing the oil to drain out of soils or sediments as a 
separate organic phase. 
In his objection, Dr. Hinchee asserts that this was actually the intention of the test34, 
that is, to determine whether the oil was sufficiently mobile in soils or sediments to 
move as a separate phase under application of pressure. But this assertion is belied 
32 Short 2013 Rejoinder Report 
33 Ibid., p. 23 
34 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 6
by the instructions given by the EPA for this test,35 which state that when 
multiphasic samples (i.e. samples that consist of an oil phase and a solid inorganic 
phase such as oiled soil or sediment samples) are involved, the liquid phase must 
first be separated from the solid phase, prior to addition of the acidified aqueous 
phase and subsequent mixing, followed by a second filtration step to separate the 
added water from the solids. This is not how the tests were actually conducted for 
the RAP.36 Instead, the acidified water was added immediately before evaluating 
whether oil could flow out of the soil or sediment sample. The addition of acidified 
water at the start of the procedure impaired the ability of the oil to flow through the 
filtration device, an issue noted in our initial February 2013 report.37 
4.5.2 Consequences of the Flawed Oil Weathering Method used by Drs. 
Hinchee and Connor 
Dr. Hinchee claims that the most important consequence of the flaws I pointed out 
in the O’Reilly and Thorsen method38 for determining the extent of oil weathering is 
the effect it has on the solubility of oil components.39 I have never disputed that oil 
composition changes resulting from differential losses of some components during 
weathering do affect the effective solubility of the components remaining in the oil. 
But I do not believe that is the most important consequence of the flawed O’Reilly 
and Thorsen method for determining oil weathering. 
Both Dr. Hinchee and Mr. Connor relied on the flawed O’Reilly and Thorsen method 
to support their claim that the overwhelming majority of oil remaining in 
contaminated soils and sediments is so weathered that it has become an immobile 
hardened solid. By showing how this claim is seriously flawed, I raise the likelihood 
that contaminating oils that remain in the region’s soils and sediments could flow 
through them. If some of the remaining oil is still sufficiently fluid to be carried by 
water through flow channels in subsurface clays, a mechanism for transporting free‐phase 
weathered crude oil from inside to outside un‐lined pits becomes plausible. 
Louis Berger has observed sites where this transportation mechanism seems likely 
and my analysis shows that it is not precluded as Dr. Hinchee and Mr. Connor 
believe. This is a much more serious consequence of the mistaken inferences based 
on the flawed O’Reilly and Thorsen method. 
4.5.3 Characterization of Weathering Rates for Crude Oil Remaining in 
Concession Area Soils and Sediments 
35 USEPA Method 1311, July 1992, p. 11 
36 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 52 
37 Ibid., p. 54 
38 O’Reilly, K. and Thorsen, W., 2010, Impact of Crude Oil Weathering on the 
Calculated Effective Solubility of Aromatic Compounds: Evaluation of Soils from 
Ecuadorean Oil Fields, Soil and Sediment Contamination, 19:391 – 404 
39 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 10
Dr. Hinchee claims that the method I relied on for determining the weathering state 
of oil in the former Concession Area is qualitative and questionable, and in any case 
my application of this method to samples collected in 2013 by Louis Berger in 
comparison with samples collected earlier and summarized by Chevron expert Dr. 
Douglas do not support my conclusion regarding weathering rates, inaccurately 
portrayed by Dr. Hinchee as “arrested biodegradation”. I reject these claims on the 
basis of the following three observations: 
1. Dr. Hinchee states that I claimed that “...hydrocarbons in the former Concession 
area are in a state of arrested biodegradation...”40. What I actually said was that 
hydrocarbons are in a state of largely arrested biodegradation41 – a crucially 
important difference. Under conditions of low oxygen and high oil concentration in 
soils or sediments, biodegradation rates may be orders of magnitude slower than 
when oil is spread out as thin layers or small droplets at the soil surface. A state of 
largely arrested biodegradation does not mean that biodegradation has stopped, but 
instead that it is so slow that oil may persist, largely unchanged, for decades or 
2. The method I relied on to determine oil weathering states is presented in Kaplan 
and Galperin,42 which is exactly the same method used by Chevron expert Dr. 
Gregory Douglas to characterize the weathering states of hundreds of oiled soil and 
sediment samples.43 I used this method in part to avoid the sort of objection raised 
here by Dr. Hinchee, reasoning that adopting the method used by Chevron’s experts 
would be viewed as reasonable. In any case I view the qualitative basis of the 
method as a strength rather than a weakness, because it recognizes the regular 
sequence of composition changes as oil products weather in the environment, and 
hence is not vulnerable to quantitative disputes that arise when different analytical 
methods are applied. For example, complete loss of all the normal alkanes from 
crude oil by weathering is unmistakable, regardless of the subtle differences in the 
gas chromatographic or other methods used to measure them. 
3. Finally, Dr. Hinchee asserts that comparison of results for determining 
weathering rates should (ideally) be from the same locations and depths44, but then 
proceeds to ignore his own advice to arrive at unjustified conclusions regarding 
weathering rates. Samples collected from the same locations and depths at the 
beginning and again at the end of a time interval of sufficient duration for reliable 
detection of weathering are not available. In their absence, weathering changes 
might be inferred from averaged weathering states of a representative set of 
40 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 
41 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 61 
42 Kaplan and Galperin , 1996 
43 Summary of Forensic Analyses of Crude Oil Weathering from 45 Judicial 
Inspections, August 2004 – November 2006, Chevron, Oriente Region, Ecuador. GSI 
Environmental, Inc., 2211 Norfolk, Suite 1000, Texas 77098‐4054, May 17, 2007 
44 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 
samples. Unfortunately, neither the samples collected for the Judicial Inspections by 
Chevron in the mid‐2000’s, nor the samples collected by Louis Berger in 2013, can 
be taken as representative in this sense of the environment sampled, because 
neither sampling program included a random selection component to the sampling 
selection process. 
When Chevron claims their sampling was “representative”45, they are using the term 
loosely as a synonym for “typical” or “indicative” of results that may be expected at 
or very near the precise location sampled, and not in the strict scientific sense of the 
term “representative”. Scientifically, “representative sampling” indicates the 
sampling locations were selected in a manner such that every possible sampling 
location within the area represented has an equal chance of actually being sampled. 
Sampling in this “equal‐probability” manner is the only way to guarantee that the 
results of the sampling truly represent the entire area sampled. Neither sampling in 
“typical” areas, nor even “haphazard” sampling, can be taken as truly 
“representative” in this sense. 
The sampling conducted by Louis Berger in 2013 and in 2014 was also not truly 
“representative” in the strict scientific sense of this term, nor has it made out to be 
so. Instead, the Louis Berger sampling was conducted to evaluate other specific 
questions such as the plausibility of petroleum migration pathways from the inside 
to the outside of oiled pits and beyond. Such targeted sampling, tailored for specific 
purposes that are explicitly stated in advance, is perfectly legitimate, as was 
acknowledged by Chevron expert Dr. Robert Hinchee46. But this kind of targeted 
sampling still cannot be taken as “representative” of the broad area where sampling 
occurred, and especially not for quantitative comparisons on which computations 
of petroleum weathering rates are based. For example, sampling results indicate 
that residual petroleum in stream sediments is generally more weathered than 
petroleum buried in soils. Hence, if sampling one year includes a substantially 
smaller proportion of stream sediments in comparison to a succeeding year, then 
the change in the average weathering between these two years may simply reflect 
the differences in the proportions of sediment and soil samples between the two 
years, instead of actual differences in weathering. 
When Dr. Hinchee compares results from Chevron’s Judicial Inspections (JI) during 
the mid‐2000’s with the 2013 Louis Berger samples to conclude that the average 
Kaplan & Galperin weathering index increased from 4.6 in to 6.1, he presumes 
implicitly that both sampling programs were truly representative in the strict 
scientific sense, and he simply ignores a host of plausible alternative explanations 
for these results. These alternative explanations are plausible because the sampling 
45 Expert Opinion of John A. Connor, P.E., P.G., B.C.E.E. Regarding Remediation 
Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Petroecuador – Texaco 
Concession, Oriente Region, Ecuador, Response to LBG Report of February 2013, Issued 
3 June 2013, p. 12 
46 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 
was in fact not truly representative, and so the results compared may reflect 
primarily differences in the proportions of stream sediments, of surface oil samples 
(which also tend to be more weathered than buried oil) and of oil buried in soils 
between the sample sets collected for the mid‐2000’s JI sampling and the 2013 
Louis Berger sampling, rather than the actual progress of oil weathering during the 
intervening time interval. Consequently, Dr. Hinchee’s comparison of average 
weathering states from the two sampling programs to make inferences with regard 
to the statistical significance of their differences rests on the clearly unjustifiable 
assumption that these samples are representative, in flagrant disregard for 
fundamental principles of scientific inference. 
In my December 2013 Rejoinder Report47 I noted that the ranges of weathering 
states from Chevron’s and Louis Berger’s sampling programs broadly overlap, 
suggesting that little weathering had occurred during the nearly 10 years between 
them. This in itself is a remarkable testament to the slow rate of weathering. But I 
did not infer more broadly because any such inferences are limited by the way that 
sampling was conducted for both the Chevron and the Louis Berger sampling 
4.6. Comparison of Ecuador Oriente Crude Oil with Bunker Oil Spilled from 
the Prestige Oil Spill 
Considerable research has been done on the toxicological effects of other oil spills, 
especially the Prestige oil spill off the Spanish coast in 2002. To compare this 
research with conditions in the Oriente requires establishing that the oils involved 
share at least a broadly similar suite of toxic compounds. The product released in 
the Prestige oil spill was number 6 fuel oil, also known as Bunker oil, a heavy oil 
consisting mainly of residual hydrocarbons, resins and asphaltenes that remain 
after distillation of lighter components during the petroleum refining process. 
Although removal of these lighter components alters the concentrations of the 
compounds that remain in the number 6 fuel oil, the abundance distribution of 
PAHs, usually considered the most persistent class of toxic compounds in 
petroleum, is broadly similar to that of the original petroleum. 
The distribution of PACs in the number 6 fuel oil released from the Prestige is 
presented in Figure 4, along with the comparable distribution in Shushufindi crude 
oil. Note that both contain the same types of PACs in generally similar proportions, 
although concentrations of some of the PACs in the Prestige oil are substantially 
greater than their counterparts in Shushufindi crude oil. However, as Shushufindi 
crude oil weathers these concentrations will tend to converge, because losses of the 
lighter petroleum components during weathering mimics to an extent the 
distillation process in a refinery. The result is that after even modest weathering 
the toxicity of the Shushufindi crude oil caused by PACs would be broadly 
comparable with that of the Prestige oil. 
47 Short 2013 Rejoinder Report
Figure 4. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds in No. 6 fuel oil 
released by the T/V Prestige (blue bars)48 and in un‐weathered Shushufindi crude 
oil49 (red bars). BF=benzofluoranthenes; see Fig. 3 legend for other abbreviations. 
48 Alzaga A., Montuori P, Ortiz L, Bayona JM, Albaigés J (2004) Fast solid‐phase 
extraction‐gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry procedure for oil fingerprinting 
Application to the Prestige oil spill. Journal of Chromatography A 1025:133‐138 
49 GSD305171 

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Chevron Case: Re 25 - Public - Short Expert Report (nov. 7, 2014)

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Supplemental Expert Report responds to comments of Claimants, Chevron Corporation and Texaco Petroleum Company (hereafter collectively, Chevron), on my opinions contained in the Rejoinder Expert Report of Jeffrey W. Short, Ph.D. Regarding Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Texaco‐ Petroecuador Concession, Republic of Ecuador (hereafter Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report). I reaffirm my opinions expressed in my December 2013 Rejoinder Report, and provide additional evidence to support these opinions in this Supplemental Expert Report. In addition, I offer here supplemental opinions to address issues raised in the three rebuttal documents filed by Chevron listed above. * * * * 2.0 MATERIALS REVIEWED I have been retained by the Louis Berger Group, Inc. (hereafter Louis Berger) to review and comment on the above Chevron documents. I have also been retained to interpret data from the chemical analysis of soil, sediment and water samples collected by Louis Berger from oil contaminated sites in Chevron’s former Concession Area during the spring and summer of 2014. In preparation of this Supplemental Expert Report, I have reviewed the following:  Expert Opinion of John A. Connor, P.E., P.G., B.C.E.E. Regarding Remediation Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Petroecuador – Texaco Concession, Oriente Region, Ecuador, Response to LBG Report of December 2013, Issued 7 May 2014 (hereafter Connor May 2014 Response Report),  Second Expert Report by Robert E. Hinchee, Ph.D., P.E., Issued 9 May 2014 (hereafter Hinchee May 2014 Response Report),  The Matter of An Arbitration Under the Rules of the United Nations on International Trade law; Chevron Corporation and Texaco Petroleum Company, Claimants, v. The Republic of Ecuador, Respondent, Claimants’ Supplemental Memorial, Track 2, Issued 9 May 2014 (hereafter Claimants’ May 2014 Supplemental Memorial),  Louis Berger’s Supplemental Expert Report, Issued 7 November 2014,
  • 3. 3  Preliminary results1 of chemical analyses for hydrocarbons produced by Axys Laboratory, Katahdin Laboratory, and Battelle Memorial Institute provided to me by Louis Berger,  all scientific literature and deposition documents cited herein,  numerous chemical analysis reports produced by Dr. Gregory Douglas at Newfields Environmental Forensics Practice, and associated chemical analysis reports produced by Alpha Woods Hole Group and Severn Trent Laboratories. I am currently an independent consultant and have never been an employee of Louis Berger or of Winston & Strawn LLP. My opinions in this expert report are given to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty. They are based on my education, professional experience, information and data available in the scientific literature, and information and data about this lawsuit identified herein and in my earlier report. I continue to review available information, and I reserve the right to amend or supplement this report and the opinions contained in this report on the basis of any subsequently obtained material information. * * * * 3. SUMMARY OF SUPPLEMENTAL OPINIONS 3.1 Results from Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014 Confirm My Previously Expressed Opinions:  Measurement of total petroleum hydrocarbons by Method 8015B – the method employed and relied upon by Claimants’ experts ‐ detects less than 20% of the petroleum actually present in contaminated soils and sediments in former Concession Area oil fields.  US EPA Method 418.1 was much more accurate for determining the extent of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in former Concession Area oil fields than was Method 8015B.  The weathering state of petroleum in samples collected in 2014 was little changed from samples collected in 2013, consistent with my prior opinion that petroleum weathering is now largely arrested in the former Concession Area. Given these results and the observed conditions of contamination, I do 1 As of the writing of this report the laboratories and Louis Berger had not yet completed validation of the 2014 sampling data.
  • 4. not believe that weathering will naturally remediate the contaminated areas to an appreciable extent within the next few decades. 4 3.2 Based on My Analysis of Results from Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014, I Conclude the Following:  The average natural background of organic material extractable with dichloromethane in soils and sediments of the former Concession Area is about 160 mg/Kg, and is almost certainly less than 400 mg/Kg, which is negligible for most concerns.  The natural background for total polycyclic aromatic compounds (total PAC) in soils and sediments of the former Concession Area is most likely less than about 0.05 mg/Kg and almost certainly less than about 0.1 mg/Kg,  The natural background for total petroleum hydrocarbons measured by Method 8015B (TPH8015) in soils and sediments of the former Concession Area is most likely about 50 mg/Kg and almost certainly less than 100 mg/Kg,  When PACs and TPH8015 are detected above background concentrations the detected compounds were almost certainly derived from petroleum that was originally produced at the oil field where sampling occurred,  Petroleum contamination in groundwater samples is predominantly present as whole, free‐phase oil rather than as compounds dissolved from petroleum.  Most petroleum detected in the samples analyzed was only moderately weathered but still fluid at ambient temperatures within the former Concession Area, and could be readily dispersed into water and transported by groundwater. 3.3 Criticisms by Dr. Robert Hinchee of My Prior Reports are Without Merit:  Contrary to Dr. Hinchee’s claims, the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) as applied in the former Concession Area was not intended to evaluate the mobility of free‐phase oil in soils and sediments, but TCLP was instead applied according to the procedure specified for evaluating dissolution of oil components into receiving water.  The most important consequence of the flawed method used by Dr. Hinchee and Mr. Connor to evaluate oil weathering, that I pointed out in my previous report, is the greater fluidity implied by the less‐weathered oil, enabling it to be more readily transported in ground‐ and surface waters, not the effect this
  • 5. 5 error had on their inferences regarding the solubilities of oil components, a relatively minor concern in comparison.  Dr. Hinchee objects to the weathering scale I used to evaluate the extent of weathering of petroleum‐contaminated samples, yet this is the very same scale used by Chevron’s own experts, on whose interpretations and reports Dr. Hinchee himself had previously relied. Also, Dr. Hinchee simply ignores fundamental principles of scientific inference when he concludes that the Louis Berger samples from 2013 show significant additional weathering compared with samples collected nearly a decade earlier for the Judicial Inspections. 3.4 Comparison of Toxic Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Petroleum from the Former Concession Area and Bunker Oil from the Prestige Oil Spill  I compared distributions of relative PAC abundances in Bunker oil discharged during the Prestige oil spill off the Spanish coast in 2002 with un‐weathered Shushufindi crude oil to confirm that they broadly shared the same suites of toxic PAC, which validates the relevance of toxicological studies performed after the Prestige oil spill to conditions in the former Concession Area. * * * * 4.0 SUPPLEMENTAL OPINIONS 4.1 Results From Louis Berger’s Sampling in 2014 Confirm My Previously Expressed Opinions Results from chemical analysis of samples collected from the former Concession Area during Louis Berger’s 2014 sampling campaign confirm opinions I set forth in my previous report2. Some of the collected soil and sediment samples were analyzed by three methods: (1) USEPA Method 8015B for “total petroleum hydrocarbons” (TPH, hereafter denoted as TPH8015), (2) gravimetrically for total extractable material (TEM) based on dichloromethane extraction (which I recommended in my earlier report3), and (3) USEPA Method 8270 for polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC), alkanes and petroleum biomarkers. These analyses were performed on portions of the same samples so that the results are directly comparable. The results corroborate several conclusions in my previous report4. 2 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid.
  • 6. The gravimetric TEM method is especially simple, involving extraction of petroleum into dichloromethane, separation of the extract from soil or sediment particles by filtration, evaporation of the dichloromethane and weighing the petroleum residue left behind. This gravimetric TEM method is an adaptation of US EPA Method 413.1, Oil and Grease (gravimetric, separatory funnel extraction)5. The adaptations include: (1) use of dichloromethane as the extraction solvent instead of the now banned trichlorotrifluoroethane specified in Method 413.1; and (2) application to soils and sediments. This method for gravimetric determination of TEM was successfully used to quantitatively determine residual petroleum on beaches of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 12 years after the petroleum was deposited by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill6. These and other closely related methods, including US EPA Method 418.17, ASTM D7066‐048, and APHA Standard Method 5520B and 5520C9 all use chemically similar extraction solvents into which petroleum can dissolve completely, and use detection methods that can detect all the low‐volatility components of petroleum (i.e. by infrared spectroscopy or by gravimetric weighing)10, so they produce closely comparable results. Comparison of TEM results with TPH8015 results confirms that Method 8015B detects less than 20% of the petroleum actually present in samples of soils or sediments. This finding is illustrated in Figure 1, where results for TPH8015 are plotted against the gravimetrically‐determined TEM. The regression line coefficient r2 of 0.96 indicates that the gravimetric TEM measurement accounts for 96% of the variation in the TPH8015 measurements. The regression line slope of 0.189 indicates that Method 8015B detects about 19% of the petroleum actually present. At lower levels of petroleum contamination, this regression slope decreases to 0.124, indicating detection of only 12% of the petroleum actually present, consistent with the trend toward greater weathering in less contaminated soils and sediments noted in my earlier reports11. This finding is expected because Method 8015B 5 see 6 Short JW, Lindeberg MR, Harris PM, Maselko JM, Pella JJ, and Rice SD (2004) Estimate of oil persisting on the beaches of Prince William Sound 12 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Environmental Science and Technology 38:19‐25 7 This method was discontinued by EPA because vapors from the trichlorotrifluoroethane used as the extraction solvent depletes atmospheric ozone. 8 American Society for Testing and Materials International Method D7066‐04 is a replacement method for EPA Method 418.1 and uses chlorotrifluoroethylene, 9 The American Public Health Association Standard Method 5520 for oil and grease determination provides for both gravimetric (Method 5520B) and infrared (Method 5520C) detection of oil and grease extracted from samples; see 10 American Petroleum Institute Publication Number 4709 (2001), Risk‐based methodologies for evaluation petroleum hydrocarbon impacts at oil and natural gas E&P sites, p. 35 11 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report; Expert Opinion of Kenneth J. Goldstein, M.A., CGWP and Jeffrey W. Short, Ph.D. Regarding the Environmental Contamination 6
  • 7. cannot detect a substantial fraction of the crude oil present, for reasons stated in my earlier report12. Moreover, this undetected fraction increases as crude oil weathers following release into the environment. These results also corroborate the greater than 4:1 DRO:TPH relationship between Method 8015B and TPH as determined by USEPA Method 418.1 and discussed in our first report.13 Figure 1. Comparison of TPH8015 and TEM by gravimetric extraction in soil and sediment samples collected from the former Concession Area during spring and summer 2014. Furthermore, the PACs found in the samples indicate that the TEM in these samples is almost always weathered crude oil. This finding is illustrated in Figure 2, where results for total PAC are plotted against the gravimetrically‐determined TEM. The regression line coefficient r2 of 0.65 indicates that the gravimetric TEM measurement accounts for 65% of the variation in the total PAC measurements. The regression line slope of 0.00528 indicates that on average the weathered crude oil in the samples collected contained about 0.53% total PAC, compared with 0.85% 7 From Texpet’s E&P Activities in the Former Napo Concession Area Oriente Region, Ecuador” (hereafter Louis Berger, 2013) 12 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 13 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 35‐37
  • 8. typical of un‐weathered Oriente crude oils.14 Concentrations of total PAC that were lower than expected on the basis of the gravimetric TPH are almost certainly the result of weathering losses. The weaker association of total PAC with gravimetric TEM (65%) in comparison with the TPH8015 by Method 8015B and gravimetric TEM (96%) mainly reflects the greater susceptibility of PACs to weathering losses in comparison with crude oil components measured by Method 8015B. Figure 2. Total PAC concentrations in soil and sediment samples collected from the former Concession area during spring and summer 2014. These strong correlations between TPH8015 by Method 8015B and total PAC with gravimetric TEM indicates that concerns raised by Chevron’s experts that Method 418.1 is susceptible to serious positive interferences from naturally occurring organic compounds in environmental samples are considerably overstated. As I noted in my previous report15, substantial interferences of this sort are unlikely based on simple mass balance considerations. Results from the Louis Berger 2014 samples corroborate this view. Substantial interferences from natural sources of organics would be evident in anomalously high concentrations of PAC or alkane hydrocarbons, with abundance distributions differing markedly from those typical 14 Alpha Woods Hole Group, laboratory sample number 0406054‐01 at GSD305171, identified as Shushufindi Suroeste oil at GSD 207000 (hereafter GSD305171) 15 Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 8
  • 9. of petroleum, and that are associated with higher concentrations of gravimetric TEM. Instead, the strong association of TPH measured by Method 8015B and TPH measured gravimetrically as TEM (Fig. 1) shows that contributions of organics from unknown, natural sources are generally negligible in the Oriente, especially after making appropriate allowance for weathering on the Method 8015B results. Finally, gravimetric TEM concentrations in soils or sediments above about 2,000 mg/Kg are accompanied by biomarker distributions characteristic of Oriente crude oils, and concentrations above 1,000 mg/Kg are almost always associated with PAC abundance distributions characteristic of crude oil. These results corroborate the argument I presented in my earlier report16 that interference from natural sources is negligible in comparison to crude oil contamination above 1,000 mg/Kg. Consequently, results based on Method 418.1 should not be dismissed on the basis of speculative assumptions, now clearly shown to be incorrect, and especially not in deference to Method 8015B, which is shown to be susceptible to far worse bias towards false negative results. 4.2 Genetic Relationships Among Petroleum Contaminants The petroleum biomarker fingerprints are remarkably constant throughout the samples analyzed, based on 16 diagnostic biomarker ratios recommended for fingerprinting crude oils17 (Table 1). This indicates that all of the soil and sediment samples analyzed for petroleum biomarkers have crude oil sources, most likely from their respective oil fields. The slight departures that do occur from the overall biomarker fingerprint are most likely the combined result of varying susceptibility to alteration through weathering processes and variation associated with low biomarker concentrations as detection limits are approached, although comparison of two diagnostic ratios suggest real differences in the biomarker fingerprints characterizing the Aguarico and Shushufindi oil fields (Table 1). Conversely, there is scant evidence of the presence of petroleum from sources outside the Oriente oil fields of Ecuador. Results for diagnostic biomarker ratios are listed in Table 1 for soil and sediment samples containing at least 2,000 mg/Kg TEM as measured by the gravimetric method to ensure sufficient biomarker concentrations for accurate determinations of all the constituent biomarkers used to calculate the ratios detected. Table 1. Petroleum hydrocarbon biomarker used for computation of 16 diagnostic ratios and their ranges in soil and sediments at each of the three former Concession Area oil fields sampled during spring and summer 2014. Numbers in parentheses following the oil field labels indicate the number of samples included for 9 16 Ibid. p. 14 17 Daling PS, Faksness LG, Hansen AB and Stout SA (2002) Improved and standardized methodology for oil spill fingerprinting. Environmental Forensics 3:263‐278
  • 10. determination of the range for each oil field. Biomarker ranges in boldface indicate potential differences in the biomarker fingerprints of crude oils from the Aguarico compared with the Shushufindi oil fields. 4.3 Weathering State of Petroleum Contamination Most samples collected by Louis Berger in 2014, whether soils, sediments or groundwater, contained petroleum at the Kaplan and Galperin (1996)18 weathering index of 5, indicated by extensive losses of volatile compounds and of n‐alkanes, but only slight to modest losses of PACs, mainly naphthalenes (Tables 2 – 4). Several samples were more weathered, having weathering indexes of 6 or 7, indicated by more extensive losses of PACs. However, some samples had a weathering index of 4, indicated by loss of most n‐alkanes but of scant PACs. Two samples, collected from the same bore hole at SSF‐13, had a weathering index of 2, retaining all but the lightest n‐alkanes, suggesting the oil was either remarkably well preserved, or more likely was spilled relatively recently. As expected, the petroleum contaminating stream sediments is generally more weathered than petroleum in soils. The weathering index for stream sediments is often 6 or 7, whereas it is usually 5 and sometimes 4 or less in soils. Weathering indexes could often be assigned to the more contaminated groundwater and surface water samples, and when assigned were usually 5 or 6.19 18 Kaplan, I.R., Galperin, Y., Alimi, H, Lee, R.P., and Lu, S.T. 1996, Patterns of Chemical Changes during Environmental Alteration of Hydrocarbon Fuels, Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation 113 – 114 (hereafter Kaplan and Galperin 1996) 19 Weathering states were assigned when total PAC exceeded 0.5 mg/Kg in soils or stream sediments, or exceeded 0.5 ug/L in groundwater or surface water samples. These thresholds for assigning weathering states do not reflect thresholds for the 10
  • 11. Overall, the samples collected during the 2014 sampling campaign show little indication of additional weathering since the previous sampling campaign conducted by Louis Berger in 2013. The samples taken in 2014 further confirm my conclusion that weathering has been largely arrested for oil contamination in the Oriente. As I discussed in my 2013 Reports20, this is most likely because the petroleum has been buried where oxygen and other conditions conducive for weathering are largely absent. To be clear, I have never opined that no weathering has occurred. Weathering can substantially change the composition of petroleum on time scales that range from hours to hundreds of years or more, in which latter case the weathering rate becomes “largely arrested”21. I recognize that some weathering has occurred and continues to occur, but mostly at rates that are now negligible over the course of years to decades. As a result, while some volatile fractions of crude oil are no longer present, other toxic and carcinogenic components, like PACs, are still present in substantial concentrations. Given these results and the observed conditions of contamination, I do not believe weathering will naturally remediate the contaminated areas to an appreciable extent within the next few decades. 4.4 Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Analyses of Field Samples Collected from Ecuador in 2014 11 4.4.1 Amount and Extent of Petroleum Contamination Although concentrations varied widely among the samples collected, indications of heavy petroleum contamination were evident at all three of the Oriente oil fields (Shushufindi, Lago Agrio and Aguarico) where samples were collected and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons. Lower concentrations of oil contamination in soil, sediments, and groundwater were also evident at these sites. In contrast, PAC evidence of surface water contamination by petroleum was evident only in water samples from the Lago Agrio field, and the concentrations were modest (i.e. less than 2.2 g/L total PAC22, or parts per billion). Most of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the samples are present as whole oil, meaning oil as a distinct phase separate from water, rather than as components of natural background of hydrocarbons in soils, sediments or groundwaters of the former Concession Area soils. The natural background concentrations are considerably lower. 20 Louis Berger, 2013, Short December 2013 Rejoinder Report 21 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 61 22 Total PAC refers to the sum of 48 parent polycyclic aromatic compounds, PAC, and classes of alkylated PAC, ranging from naphthalene with two aromatic rings through benzo[g,h,i]perylene with six. Excepting dibenzothiophene and the alkylated dibenzothiophenes, the other PAC are all polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH.
  • 12. oil dissolved into water. This association with whole oil is indicated by the concurrent presence of aliphatic hydrocarbons, especially pristane and phytane, which are relatively persistent branched alkane hydrocarbons, along with PAC. This evidence supports the conclusion that whole oil is migrating through or along with ambient media. 12 4.4.2 Shushufindi Samples collected from the Shushufindi oil field contained some of the most and least contaminated samples of the 2014 sampling campaign (Table 2). The lowest concentration samples serve to indicate the background concentrations of total PAC, n‐alkanes, TPH8015 and gravimetric TEM in the region. The highest concentration samples include the least‐weathered samples analyzed. Table 2. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and summer 2014 from Shushufindi oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented as mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two significant figures. Site Total PAC Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State23 Diagnostic Biomarkers24 Soils SSF13‐SL001 0.021 0.55 400 26 NA SSF13‐SL002 (1)25 0.027 0.77 100 28 NA SSF13‐SL003 0.030 1.3 120 10 NA SSF13‐SL004 (2) 0.026 0.53 92 41 NA SSF13‐SL005 0.032 0.27 140 9 NA SSF13‐SL006 0.020 0.22 250 27 NA SSF13‐SL007 0.69 2.7 760 39 5 SSF13‐SL008 0.022 0.40 80 9 NA SSF13‐SL009 0.036 0.47 80 9 NA SSF13‐SL010 1.85 100 47 5 SSF13‐SL011 (3) 650 2300 19,000 9,700 2 Y SSF13‐SL012 (4) 2.0 1.2 710 90 5 SSF13‐SL013 (1) 330 23 NA SSF13‐SL015 (3) 660 2500 2 SSF13‐SL016 (4) 560 86 SSF13‐SL017 (2) 0.028 0.36 NA SSF25‐SL029 0.025 0.28 100 10 NA SSF34‐SL001 0.052 0.48 640 87 NA SSF34‐SL002 0.040 0.33 110 15 NA 23 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996. 24 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y‐“ indicates a biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but probably altered by weathering. 25 Numbers in parentheses following the site identification labels in column 1 indicate field duplicate samples.
  • 13. 13 Site Total PAC Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State23 Diagnostic Biomarkers24 SSF34‐SL003 0.054 0.20 120 15 NA SSF34‐SL004 0.051 0.55 130 17 NA SSF34‐SL006 0.083 0.90 120 38 NA SSF34‐SL007 0.076 1.4 360 25 NA SSF34‐SL008 0.068 0.61 1,700 24 NA SSF34‐SL009 4000 410 140,000 53,000 4 Y SSF34‐SL010 630 63 33,000 7,000 4 Y SSF34‐SL011 780 71 40,000 11,000 4 Y SSF34‐SL012 0.91 1.7 150 80 5 SSF43‐SL001 15 31 2,300 1,200 4 Y Sediments SSF13‐SE001 0.048 0.40 930 12 NA SSF13‐SE002 0.075 13 26,000 30 NA SSF13‐SE003 1.2 9.3 880 75 7 SSF13‐SE004 (5) 1.4 9.9 39,000 460 7 Y‐SSF13‐ SE006 2.6 38 1,500 77 7 SSF13‐SE007 0.65 8.6 2,200 100 7 Y‐SSF13‐ SE008 0.86 13 1,100 54 7 SSF13‐SE009 1.7 33 2,000 140 7 Y‐SSF13‐ SE010 0.74 3.0 320 27 6 SSF13‐SE011 (5) 2.0 17 11,000 330 6 Y‐SSF55‐ SE001 (6) 900 211 53,000 14,000 5 Y SSF55‐SE002 240 65 11,000 5,000 5 Y SSF55‐SE003 3.3 9.3 2,700 230 5 Y SSF55‐SE004 250 76 53,000 6,500 5 Y SSF55‐SE005 80 60 30,000 2,800 5 Y SSF55‐SE006 0.87 11 1,800 120 7 SSF55‐SE007 18 77 22,000 5,000 5 Y SSF55‐SE008 150 69 50,000 5,900 5 Y SSF55‐SE009 (6) 410 85 23,000 6,900 5 Y Groundwater SSF13‐GW001 0.75 12 130 6 SSF13‐GW002 (7) 0.44 2.4 130 NA SSF13‐GW003 0.52 3.5 200 5 SSF13‐GW004 0.32 3.1 39 NA SSF13‐GW005 (7) 0.53 3.4 150 6 SSF25‐GW008 0.25 7.9 210 NA SSF25‐GW009 0.19 1.7 39 NA SSF25‐GW010 83 11 2,100 5 SSF25‐GW011 11 1.9 1,100 6 SSF34‐GW001 (8) 0.19 7.6 53 NA SSF34‐GW002 0.22 21 55 NA SSF34‐GW003 0.28 46 61 NA SSF34‐GW004 0.23 21 110 NA SSF34‐GW005 (8) 0.17 5.9 43 NA SSF43‐GW002 0.18 1.9 140 NA SSF43‐GW003 3.4 3.1 210 5
  • 14. 14 Site Total PAC Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State23 Diagnostic Biomarkers24 Surface Water SSF13‐SW001 0.22 0.56 62 NA SSF13‐SW002 0.21 0.94 30 NA SSF13‐SW003 0.13 0.41 35 NA SSF13‐SW004 0.25 0.41 110 NA SSF13‐SW005 0.068 0.73 33 NA SSF13‐SW006 0.076 0.83 60 NA SSF13‐SW007 0.26 8.6 100 NA SSF13‐SW008 0.076 1.3 62 NA SSF13‐SW009 0.13 4.3 90 NA SSF13‐SW010 0.12 1.4 140 NA SSF‐13 Most of the Shushufindi soil and sediment samples were collected from this site. Of the 14 soil samples collected and analyzed for PAC, 9 had very low concentrations of total PAC ranging from 0.021 – 0.036 mg/Kg (parts per million; Table 2). This concentration range for total PAC most likely reflects the natural PAC background of soils and sediments in the region. This natural background pattern of PAC abundance is depicted in Fig. 3, and is characterized by relatively little increase of alkyl‐substituted PAC abundance in comparison with the respective un‐substituted parent PAC of a homologous series, in contrast to soils contaminated with low concentrations of petroleum. Petroleum contamination in the LA16‐SL002 sample is indicated by the increased abundances of the alkyl‐substituted PAC in comparison with respective un‐substituted parent PAC, by the presence of chrysene and the alkyl‐substituted chrysene homologues, and the low abundances of the unsubstituted 5‐ring PAH (i.e. BBF, BKF, BEP, BAP, GHI, DA and IND).26 The comparison depicted in Fig. 3 suggests that the upper limit for the natural PAC background lies between 0.040 mg/Kg and 0.16 mg/Kg total PAC. The TPH8015 concentrations corresponding to this PAC background are less than 50 mg/Kg (Table 2), suggesting that the natural background for TPH8015 is almost certainly less than twice this concentration (i.e. 100 mg/Kg). Similarly, the TEM concentrations corresponding to the PAC background range from 80 – 400 mg/Kg, with an average of 160 mg/Kg. 26 Abbreviations for these compound classes are as follows: N=naphthalene, B=biphenyl, AY=acenaphthylene, AE=acenaphthene, B=biphenyl, F=fluorene, A=anthracene, P=phenanthrene, D=dibenzothiophene, FL=fluoranthene, PY=pyrene, BA=benzo[a]anthracene, C=chrysene, BBF=benzo[b]fluoranthene, BFK=benzo[k]fluoranthene, BEP=benzo[e]pyrene, BAP=benzo[a]pyrene, BP=benzopyrenes, PER=perylene, IND=indenopyrene, DA=dibenzoanthracene, GHI=benzoperylene; numbers following PAH abbreviations indicate the number of carbon atoms of alkyl substituents.
  • 15. Figure 3. Distribution of background PAC in soil (blue bars) compared with a soil sample (LA16‐SL002) containing a low level of contamination by petroleum (red bars). Soil samples from three other sites at SSF‐13had total PAC concentrations that ranged from 0.69 – 2.0 mg/Kg of total PAC. However, two soil samples, collected from the same bore hole inside the reserve pit (i.e. SSF13‐SL011 and –SL‐015), had total PAC concentrations of about 650 mg/Kg, associated with a total n‐alkane concentration of 2,300 – 2,500 mg/Kg, a TEM of 19,000 mg/Kg (or 1.9%) and a biomarker fingerprint indicating contamination by petroleum. The weathering state of these samples was 2, indicating loss of volatile alkanes and aromatics but little else. Comparison of the ratio of pristane to n‐heptadecane, or of phytane to n‐octadecane 15 shows little difference from respective ratios of un‐weathered Shushufindi crude oil, indicating little biodegradation has occurred. These results strongly suggest that petroleum was recently (less than a year) discharged to the soil that was sampled. Only 2 of the 10 samples of stream sediments from the SSF‐13 site contained background concentrations of total PAC, one at 0.048 and the other at 0.075 mg/Kg. Concentrations in the remaining 8 samples ranged from 0.65 to 2.6 ug/g, indicating low but clear contamination by petroleum.
  • 16. 16 Total PAC concentrations in the 5 groundwater samples analyzed from SSF‐13 ranged from 0.32 – 0.750 ug/L (i.e. parts per billion). While low, these concentrations indicate clear contamination of the sampled groundwater by petroleum, confirmed by the concurrent presence of pristane and phytane. Total PAC concentrations in the 10 surface water samples analyzed from SSF‐13 ranged from 0.068 – 0.26 ug/L, with PAC distributions indicative of petroleum contamination. SSF‐25 This site was more extensively analyzed in 2013 and my overall conclusions as relate to this site are included in my December 2013 Report. I maintain those conclusions. Limited sampling was conducted in 2014 at this site which I discuss below. The single soil sample analyzed from the SSF‐25 site contained only the background concentration of total PAC (i.e. 0.025 mg/Kg). Concentrations of total PAC in 2 of the 4 groundwater samples collected from the SSF‐25 site were 0.19 and 0.25 ug/L, and as with surface water samples at SSF‐13, have PAC distributions indicative of petroleum contamination. Two other samples contained total PAC concentrations of 11 and 83 ug/L, indicating clear contamination of the sampled groundwater by petroleum, confirmed by the concurrent presence of pristane and phytane. SSF‐34 Seven of the 11 soil samples from SSF‐34 contained background concentrations of total PAC, ranging from 0.028 – 0.083 mg/Kg, with corresponding concentrations of TPH8015 ranging from 15 – 87 mg/Kg. Although corresponding TEM concentrations were usually less than 400 mg/Kg, one sample (SSF‐34 SL008) had a TEM concentration of 1,700 mg/Kg, despite concentrations of total PAC and TPH8015 of 68 mg/Kg and 24 mg/Kg, respectively. This sample was collected from 3.3 m depth near a pit, and inspection of the Method 8015B chromatogram revealed an unusual broad, large peak spanning a retention time window of nearly a minute, suggesting a possible contaminant associated with a product used by oil‐production operations, which are often proprietary. One sample (SSF‐34 SL012) contained low (0.91 mg/Kg) total PAC that was clearly derived from petroleum, and the other 3 were heavily contaminated by petroleum, with total PAC concentrations ranging from 630 mg/Kg to 4,000 mg/Kg. In addition to a PAC abundance distribution typical of petroleum contamination, the biomarker fingerprint provides additional confirmation of the petroleum source for these samples. The sample from SSF34‐SL009 was the most contaminated of all the soil
  • 17. and stream sediment samples collected from the Shushufindi oil field, and with TEM at 140,000 mg/Kg (or 14%) implies soil that is near or at saturation with petroleum. No stream sediment samples were analyzed from SSF‐34. The 5 groundwater samples analyzed from SSF‐34 contained total PAC concentrations ranging from 0.17 – 0.28 ug/L, generally consistent with the low‐level 17 petroleum contamination PAC pattern depicted in Fig. 3. SSF‐43 The single soil sample analyzed from SSF‐43 contained a concentration of 15 mg/Kg total PAC, indicating moderate petroleum contamination and confirmed by the biomarker fingerprint. One of the 2 groundwater samples contained a total PAC of 0.18 ug/L, generally consistent with the low‐level petroleum contamination PAC pattern depicted in Fig. 3. The other sample contained 3.4 ug/L, indicating moderate petroleum contamination. SSF‐55 Only stream sediment samples were analyzed from SSF‐55. Most of these were heavily contaminated by petroleum. Of the 9 samples analyzed, 7 had total PAC concentrations ranging from 80 mg/Kg to 900 mg/Kg, while the other 2 samples had concentrations of 0.87 and 3.3 mg/Kg, indicating moderate petroleum contamination. All of these samples except the one containing 0.87 mg/Kg total PAC had positive biomarker fingerprints consistent with oil contamination found elsewhere in the Shushufindi oil field. 4.4.3 Lago Agrio Petroleum contamination was evident in analyzed samples of soil, stream sediments, groundwaters and surface waters from the Lago Agrio sites (Table 3). The overall pattern and distribution of results is similar to those at the Shushufindi field.
  • 18. Table 3. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and summer 2014 from Lago Agrio oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented as mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two significant figures. 18 Site Total PAC Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State27 Diagnostic Biomarkers28 Soils LA02‐SL022 0.98 1.9 130 44 5 LA02‐SL023 35 18 2,800 6 LA02‐SL024 1.2 18 130 6 LA16‐SL001 130 18 7,600 2,400 5 Y LA16‐SL002 0.16 2.7 1,800 15 NA LA16‐SL003 0.16 1.2 300 8 NA Y? LA16‐SL004 (1)29 9.1 7.9 520 280 5 Y LA16‐SL005 0.072 1.1 130 14 NA LA16‐SL006 0.069 0.12 590 10 NA LA16‐SL007 23 2,500 710 5 Y LA16‐SL008 0.22 0.66 91 12 NA LA16‐SL009 0.63 1.3 220 55 5 Y? LA16‐SL010 0.86 2.4 200 37 5 Y? LA16‐SL011 (2) 0.91 1.4 320 41 5 Y? LA16‐SL012 0.95 4.0 92 75 6 LA16‐SL014 (2) 260 90 Y? LA16‐SL015 (1) 9.7 5 Sediments LA35‐SE001 270 456 88,000 5,200 5 Y LA35‐SE002 600 71 29,000 6,500 5 Y LA35‐SE003 36 19 14,000 5,400 6 Y LA35‐SE004 4.5 5.8 9,000 570 6 Y LA35‐SE005 2.4 6.9 44,000 320 7 Y Groundwater LA16‐GW001 66 7.3 1,100 5 LA16‐GW002 0.32 15 78 NA LA16‐GW003 0.24 2.8 130 NA LA16‐GW005 0.30 2.4 72 NA LA02‐GW007 2.1 6.5 290 6 LA02‐GW008 3.8 1.9 110 5 LA02‐GW009 (3) 42 6.1 91 5 27 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996 28 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y?“ indicates a biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but with the least abundant biomarker compounds not detected. 29 Numbers in parentheses following the site identification labels in column 1 indicate field duplicate samples.
  • 19. 19 Site Total PAC Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State27 Diagnostic Biomarkers28 LA02‐GW010 200 32 2,000 5 LA02‐GW011 0.070 2.1 61 NA LA02‐GW012 (3) 42 6.0 780 5 Surface Water LA35‐SW002 0.82 4.3 67 5 LA35‐SW003 (4) 0.49 3.8 82 NA LA35‐SW004 2.2 17 55 5 LA35‐SW005 1.86 2.3 2,700 6 LA35‐SW006 (4) 0.72 1.8 190 6 LA‐02 This site was more extensively analyzed in 2013 and my overall conclusions as relate to this site are included in my December 2013 Report. I maintain those conclusions. Limited sampling was conducted in 2014 at this site which I discuss below. Two of the 3 soil samples analyzed for PAC from LA‐02 had low but clear levels of petroleum contamination, with total PAC concentrations of 0.98 and 1.2 mg/Kg. Petroleum contamination in the third sample analyzed was heavy, with the concentration of total PAC at 35 mg/Kg. Biomarkers were not analyzed in this sample because of insufficient sample mass collected for all the analyses to be performed. Petroleum contamination of groundwater at LA‐02 was also clearly evident. While 1 sample contained a background concentration of total PAC at 0.070 ug/L, concentrations in the other 5 samples ranged from 2.1 ug/L to 200 ug/L, and 3 of the 5 samples had concentrations above 40 ug/L. Elevated concentrations of pristane and phytane indicate this contamination was mainly present as whole, free‐phase oil. The hydrocarbons detected in these 5 samples were sufficiently abundant that weathering states could be assigned, all of which were 5. LA‐16 Four of the 13 soil samples analyzed for PAC from LA‐16 had moderate or heavy levels of petroleum contamination. The highest total PAC concentration was 130 mg/Kg, followed by 23 mg/Kg in another sample and concentrations above 9 mg/Kg in the remaining two. Another 5 soil samples had low but clear petroleum contamination, with total PAC concentrations ranging from 0.63 – 0.95 mg/Kg. Petroleum in most of these samples was confirmed by biomarker fingerprints. The remaining 4 samples had total PAC concentrations near or at the natural background, ranging from 0.069 – 0.16 mg/Kg.
  • 20. Of the 4 groundwater samples analyzed for PAC, one was heavily contaminated by petroleum, with a total PAC concentration of 66 ug/L at a weathering state of 5. Concentrations in the other 3 samples ranged from 0.24 – 0.32 ug/L, and consisted of PAC distributions depicted in Fig. 3 as indicative of low‐level petroleum contamination. 20 LA‐35 Only stream sediment and surface water samples were analyzed for PAC from LA‐ 35. Of the 5 stream sediment samples, the highest concentration of total PAC was 600 mg/Kg, followed by another sample containing 270 mg/Kg. A third sample contained about 36 mg/Kg, all indicating heavy petroleum contamination. The remaining two samples contained 2.4 and 4.5 mg/Kg, indicating modest petroleum contamination. Petroleum contamination in all these samples was confirmed by the biomarker fingerprints, and the weathering states ranged from 5 to 7, the latter indicating very weathered oil. All 5 of the surface water samples analyzed for PAC contained elevated concentrations indicative of petroleum contamination, ranging from 0.49 ug/L to 2.2 ug/L. 4.4.4 Aguarico As with the samples from Lago Agrio, samples from the Aguarico oil field sites reflect the general pattern of petroleum contamination in the region (Table 4). Table 4. Summary of hydrocarbon analyses for samples collected during spring and summer 2014 from Aguarico oil field, Ecuador. Analytical results are presented as mg/Kg for soils and sediments and ug/L for water samples, all given with two significant figures. Site Total PAH Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State30 Diagnostic Biomarkers31 Soils AG04‐SL001 3285 1362 690,000 120,000 5 Y AG04‐SL002 2894 1137 590,000 120,000 5 Y AG06‐SL001 7.7 5.7 890 230 5 Y? AG06‐SL002 0.18 1.9 150 18 NA Y? AG06‐SL003 0.15 1.2 2,100 16 NA Y? AG06‐SL004 0.35 7.8 300 26 NA Y? AG06‐SL005 12 12 3,600 360 5 Y 30 Weathering state is based on Kaplan & Galperin 1996 31 Diagnostic biomarker symbols “Y” indicates a definite petroleum biomarker fingerprint consistent with the pattern presented in Table 1 above; “Y?“ indicates a biomarker fingerprint indicative of petroleum but with the least abundant biomarker compounds not detected.
  • 21. 21 Site Total PAH Total n‐ Alkanes TEM TPH by 8015B Weathering State30 Diagnostic Biomarkers31 AG06‐SL006 31 11 2,000 580 5 Y AG06‐SL007 13 6.7 2,500 390 5 Y AG06‐SL008 126 14,000 2,300 5 Y AG06‐SL009 75 20 6,800 1,600 5 Y Sediments AG06‐SE001 0.52 29 1,000 66 7 AG06‐SE002 2.1 2.7 2,200 100 6 Y AG06‐SE003 0.59 4.2 1,900 34 5 Y AG06‐SE004 0.33 11 780 34 NA Y AG06‐SE005 0.63 5.8 740 31 7 Y Groundwater AG06‐GW005 5.5 6.6 130 5 AG06‐GW007 0.60 4.5 220 5 AG06‐GW008 26 10 2,800 5 AG06‐GW009 3.2 21 320 5 AG06‐GW010 214 86 3,500 5 AG06‐GW011 7.2 13 490 5 Surface Water AG06‐SW001 0.091 1.0 42 NA AG06‐SW002 0.078 9.7 39 NA AG06‐SW003 0.10 0.51 40 NA AG06‐SW004 0.094 0.48 40 NA AG06‐SW005 0.089 0.85 50 NA AG‐04 Only 2 samples, both of heavily contaminated soils, were collected from the AG‐04 site. Both were heavily contaminated by petroleum, with concentrations of total PAC of 2,900 and 3,300 mg/Kg. The associated TEM concentrations of 590,000 – 690,000 mg/Kg imply samples consisting of more oil than inorganics (i.e. 59% ‐ 69% oil). The biomarker fingerprints corroborate the petroleum source. AG‐06 Concentrations of total PAC in the 9 soil samples analyzed from AG‐06 ranged from near background concentrations (3 samples ranging from 0.15 to 0.35 mg/Kg total PAC) to heavily contaminated by petroleum. The highest total PAC concentration at AG‐06 was 130 mg/Kg, with 5 other samples ranging from 7.8 – 75 mg/Kg. All of these samples had biomarker fingerprints indicative of oil, and the 5 most contaminated samples had weathering states of 5. Five samples of stream sediments were collected and analyzed for PAC, and had concentrations of total PAC ranging from 0.33 – 2.1 ug/L. The PAC distribution
  • 22. indicates a petroleum source, confirmed by the biomarker fingerprint in 4 of the samples. The weathering states of these samples ranged from 5 – 7, again consistent with the pattern of more advanced weathering in oil‐contaminated stream sediments than in soils. Six groundwater samples had concentrations of total PAC as high as 210 ug/L. Another sample contained 26 ug/L, and three more samples contained from 3.2 – 7.2 ug/L The lowest concentration found was 0.60 ug/L. All of these concentrations are clearly above the natural background, and the PAC distribution indicates a petroleum source. The weathering states of the oil in these samples were all 5. Finally, 5 surface water samples were collected and analyzed for PAC. Concentrations of total PAC ranged from 0.078 – 0.11 ug/L, with abundance distributions reflecting mainly the natural background distribution of PAC depicted in Fig. 3. 4.5. Response to Hinchee Memorial of May 2014 In his May 2014 Reply Memorial, Hinchee raised objections to three of the points I made in my December 2013 Rejoinder Report.32 The first objection is with regard to the appropriateness of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for use in conjunction with the RAP remediation. The second is with regard to my criticism of Hinchee’s and Connor’s method to determine the extent of oil weathering. The third is with regard to my characterization of oil weathering and evidence for the rate of weathering of oil‐contaminated soils and sediments in the former Concession Area. I find all three of Dr. Hinchee’s objections without merit, and I stand by the positions I stated in earlier reports. My responses to Dr. Hinchee’s objections follow, in the order presented above. 4.5.1 Appropriateness of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure In my December 2013 Rejoinder Report33 I noted that it is in principle not possible for any combination of oil components to reach the regulatory threshold concentration of 1000 mg/L (or even 200 mg/L) through dissolution alone. Consequently, I concluded that to reach this threshold, soils or sediments would have to be saturated with oil, allowing the oil to drain out of soils or sediments as a separate organic phase. In his objection, Dr. Hinchee asserts that this was actually the intention of the test34, that is, to determine whether the oil was sufficiently mobile in soils or sediments to move as a separate phase under application of pressure. But this assertion is belied 22 32 Short 2013 Rejoinder Report 33 Ibid., p. 23 34 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 6
  • 23. by the instructions given by the EPA for this test,35 which state that when multiphasic samples (i.e. samples that consist of an oil phase and a solid inorganic phase such as oiled soil or sediment samples) are involved, the liquid phase must first be separated from the solid phase, prior to addition of the acidified aqueous phase and subsequent mixing, followed by a second filtration step to separate the added water from the solids. This is not how the tests were actually conducted for the RAP.36 Instead, the acidified water was added immediately before evaluating whether oil could flow out of the soil or sediment sample. The addition of acidified water at the start of the procedure impaired the ability of the oil to flow through the filtration device, an issue noted in our initial February 2013 report.37 4.5.2 Consequences of the Flawed Oil Weathering Method used by Drs. Hinchee and Connor Dr. Hinchee claims that the most important consequence of the flaws I pointed out in the O’Reilly and Thorsen method38 for determining the extent of oil weathering is the effect it has on the solubility of oil components.39 I have never disputed that oil composition changes resulting from differential losses of some components during weathering do affect the effective solubility of the components remaining in the oil. But I do not believe that is the most important consequence of the flawed O’Reilly and Thorsen method for determining oil weathering. Both Dr. Hinchee and Mr. Connor relied on the flawed O’Reilly and Thorsen method to support their claim that the overwhelming majority of oil remaining in contaminated soils and sediments is so weathered that it has become an immobile hardened solid. By showing how this claim is seriously flawed, I raise the likelihood that contaminating oils that remain in the region’s soils and sediments could flow through them. If some of the remaining oil is still sufficiently fluid to be carried by water through flow channels in subsurface clays, a mechanism for transporting free‐phase 23 weathered crude oil from inside to outside un‐lined pits becomes plausible. Louis Berger has observed sites where this transportation mechanism seems likely and my analysis shows that it is not precluded as Dr. Hinchee and Mr. Connor believe. This is a much more serious consequence of the mistaken inferences based on the flawed O’Reilly and Thorsen method. 4.5.3 Characterization of Weathering Rates for Crude Oil Remaining in Concession Area Soils and Sediments 35 USEPA Method 1311, July 1992, p. 11 36 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 52 37 Ibid., p. 54 38 O’Reilly, K. and Thorsen, W., 2010, Impact of Crude Oil Weathering on the Calculated Effective Solubility of Aromatic Compounds: Evaluation of Soils from Ecuadorean Oil Fields, Soil and Sediment Contamination, 19:391 – 404 39 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 10
  • 24. Dr. Hinchee claims that the method I relied on for determining the weathering state of oil in the former Concession Area is qualitative and questionable, and in any case my application of this method to samples collected in 2013 by Louis Berger in comparison with samples collected earlier and summarized by Chevron expert Dr. Douglas do not support my conclusion regarding weathering rates, inaccurately portrayed by Dr. Hinchee as “arrested biodegradation”. I reject these claims on the basis of the following three observations: 1. Dr. Hinchee states that I claimed that “...hydrocarbons in the former Concession area are in a state of arrested biodegradation...”40. What I actually said was that hydrocarbons are in a state of largely arrested biodegradation41 – a crucially important difference. Under conditions of low oxygen and high oil concentration in soils or sediments, biodegradation rates may be orders of magnitude slower than when oil is spread out as thin layers or small droplets at the soil surface. A state of largely arrested biodegradation does not mean that biodegradation has stopped, but instead that it is so slow that oil may persist, largely unchanged, for decades or longer. 2. The method I relied on to determine oil weathering states is presented in Kaplan and Galperin,42 which is exactly the same method used by Chevron expert Dr. Gregory Douglas to characterize the weathering states of hundreds of oiled soil and sediment samples.43 I used this method in part to avoid the sort of objection raised here by Dr. Hinchee, reasoning that adopting the method used by Chevron’s experts would be viewed as reasonable. In any case I view the qualitative basis of the method as a strength rather than a weakness, because it recognizes the regular sequence of composition changes as oil products weather in the environment, and hence is not vulnerable to quantitative disputes that arise when different analytical methods are applied. For example, complete loss of all the normal alkanes from crude oil by weathering is unmistakable, regardless of the subtle differences in the gas chromatographic or other methods used to measure them. 3. Finally, Dr. Hinchee asserts that comparison of results for determining weathering rates should (ideally) be from the same locations and depths44, but then proceeds to ignore his own advice to arrive at unjustified conclusions regarding weathering rates. Samples collected from the same locations and depths at the beginning and again at the end of a time interval of sufficient duration for reliable detection of weathering are not available. In their absence, weathering changes might be inferred from averaged weathering states of a representative set of 40 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 41 Louis Berger, 2013, p. 61 42 Kaplan and Galperin , 1996 43 Summary of Forensic Analyses of Crude Oil Weathering from 45 Judicial Inspections, August 2004 – November 2006, Chevron, Oriente Region, Ecuador. GSI Environmental, Inc., 2211 Norfolk, Suite 1000, Texas 77098‐4054, May 17, 2007 44 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 24
  • 25. samples. Unfortunately, neither the samples collected for the Judicial Inspections by Chevron in the mid‐2000’s, nor the samples collected by Louis Berger in 2013, can be taken as representative in this sense of the environment sampled, because neither sampling program included a random selection component to the sampling selection process. When Chevron claims their sampling was “representative”45, they are using the term loosely as a synonym for “typical” or “indicative” of results that may be expected at or very near the precise location sampled, and not in the strict scientific sense of the term “representative”. Scientifically, “representative sampling” indicates the sampling locations were selected in a manner such that every possible sampling location within the area represented has an equal chance of actually being sampled. Sampling in this “equal‐probability” manner is the only way to guarantee that the results of the sampling truly represent the entire area sampled. Neither sampling in “typical” areas, nor even “haphazard” sampling, can be taken as truly “representative” in this sense. The sampling conducted by Louis Berger in 2013 and in 2014 was also not truly “representative” in the strict scientific sense of this term, nor has it made out to be so. Instead, the Louis Berger sampling was conducted to evaluate other specific questions such as the plausibility of petroleum migration pathways from the inside to the outside of oiled pits and beyond. Such targeted sampling, tailored for specific purposes that are explicitly stated in advance, is perfectly legitimate, as was acknowledged by Chevron expert Dr. Robert Hinchee46. But this kind of targeted sampling still cannot be taken as “representative” of the broad area where sampling occurred, and especially not for quantitative comparisons on which computations of petroleum weathering rates are based. For example, sampling results indicate that residual petroleum in stream sediments is generally more weathered than petroleum buried in soils. Hence, if sampling one year includes a substantially smaller proportion of stream sediments in comparison to a succeeding year, then the change in the average weathering between these two years may simply reflect the differences in the proportions of sediment and soil samples between the two years, instead of actual differences in weathering. When Dr. Hinchee compares results from Chevron’s Judicial Inspections (JI) during the mid‐2000’s with the 2013 Louis Berger samples to conclude that the average Kaplan & Galperin weathering index increased from 4.6 in to 6.1, he presumes implicitly that both sampling programs were truly representative in the strict scientific sense, and he simply ignores a host of plausible alternative explanations for these results. These alternative explanations are plausible because the sampling 45 Expert Opinion of John A. Connor, P.E., P.G., B.C.E.E. Regarding Remediation Activities and Environmental Conditions in the Former Petroecuador – Texaco Concession, Oriente Region, Ecuador, Response to LBG Report of February 2013, Issued 3 June 2013, p. 12 46 Hinchee May 2014 Response Report, p. 12 25
  • 26. was in fact not truly representative, and so the results compared may reflect primarily differences in the proportions of stream sediments, of surface oil samples (which also tend to be more weathered than buried oil) and of oil buried in soils between the sample sets collected for the mid‐2000’s JI sampling and the 2013 Louis Berger sampling, rather than the actual progress of oil weathering during the intervening time interval. Consequently, Dr. Hinchee’s comparison of average weathering states from the two sampling programs to make inferences with regard to the statistical significance of their differences rests on the clearly unjustifiable assumption that these samples are representative, in flagrant disregard for fundamental principles of scientific inference. In my December 2013 Rejoinder Report47 I noted that the ranges of weathering states from Chevron’s and Louis Berger’s sampling programs broadly overlap, suggesting that little weathering had occurred during the nearly 10 years between them. This in itself is a remarkable testament to the slow rate of weathering. But I did not infer more broadly because any such inferences are limited by the way that sampling was conducted for both the Chevron and the Louis Berger sampling campaigns. 4.6. Comparison of Ecuador Oriente Crude Oil with Bunker Oil Spilled from the Prestige Oil Spill Considerable research has been done on the toxicological effects of other oil spills, especially the Prestige oil spill off the Spanish coast in 2002. To compare this research with conditions in the Oriente requires establishing that the oils involved share at least a broadly similar suite of toxic compounds. The product released in the Prestige oil spill was number 6 fuel oil, also known as Bunker oil, a heavy oil consisting mainly of residual hydrocarbons, resins and asphaltenes that remain after distillation of lighter components during the petroleum refining process. Although removal of these lighter components alters the concentrations of the compounds that remain in the number 6 fuel oil, the abundance distribution of PAHs, usually considered the most persistent class of toxic compounds in petroleum, is broadly similar to that of the original petroleum. The distribution of PACs in the number 6 fuel oil released from the Prestige is presented in Figure 4, along with the comparable distribution in Shushufindi crude oil. Note that both contain the same types of PACs in generally similar proportions, although concentrations of some of the PACs in the Prestige oil are substantially greater than their counterparts in Shushufindi crude oil. However, as Shushufindi crude oil weathers these concentrations will tend to converge, because losses of the lighter petroleum components during weathering mimics to an extent the distillation process in a refinery. The result is that after even modest weathering the toxicity of the Shushufindi crude oil caused by PACs would be broadly comparable with that of the Prestige oil. 26 47 Short 2013 Rejoinder Report
  • 27. Figure 4. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds in No. 6 fuel oil released by the T/V Prestige (blue bars)48 and in un‐weathered Shushufindi crude oil49 (red bars). BF=benzofluoranthenes; see Fig. 3 legend for other abbreviations. 48 Alzaga A., Montuori P, Ortiz L, Bayona JM, Albaigés J (2004) Fast solid‐phase extraction‐gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry procedure for oil fingerprinting Application to the Prestige oil spill. Journal of Chromatography A 1025:133‐138 49 GSD305171 27