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                                            Bringing the University to You
                                                                                        Fact Sheet 91-54

               Developing a Water-Efficient Landscape
                            Dr. David M. Cox, Extension Educator, East Clark County

    Throughout the West, people are changing              doesn't grow – decks, patio, sidewalks, fences,
traditional ideas of planting and maintaining             benches, gazebos, etc.).
home landscapes. Drought, agricultural irriga-               To establish a water-efficient landscape,
tion, urban development, and growing popula-              consider the following ten guidelines.
tion are placing increased demands on available              • planning and design
water. As the demand for and the cost of water               • practical turf areas
increases, water-efficient landscaping is a trend            • efficient irrigation
gaining in popularity.                                       • soil amendments
    A number of terms describe water-                        • mulches
conserving landscaping. Among them are                       • appropriate plant selection
"xeriscaping," "low water use," "drought-                    • plant at proper times
tolerant," waterwise," and "desert" landscaping.             • windscreens
Xeriscaping, a widely promoted term the past                 • maintenance
several years, is a word of Greek origin with                • flexibility
xeros meaning dry, combined with landscaping.
Drought-tolerant indicates the ability of a plant                       Planning and Design
to survive on limited water, although these                   Start by drawing a plot plan of your property
plants usually look better as water is increased.         to scale on graph paper (1/8" or 1/10 " = 1', for
With improper watering, a drought-resistant               example). Include all the buildings, doors and
plant may become a water guzzler in the land-             windows, driveways, property lines, porches,
scape. This publication will use the term "water-         steps, sidewalks, buried services (water, tele-
efficient" to describe the water-conserving land-         phone, etc.) and any other features including the
scape.                                                    present landscaping.
    Unfortunately, many people associate water-               Make your plot plan complete and accurate,
conserving landscapes with sand, gravel, cactus,          and draw plants to at least 3/4 of their mature
skimpy plantings, and a hot sun-baked look (the           size. This will prove invaluable in helping you
"desert" image). Nothing is further from the              visualize the features of your yard and consider
truth. The potential beauty of these landscapes           plant placement. Common mistakes include
when well designed is limited only by the                 planting trees and shrubs too close to house
imagination. The idea is to maintain the beauty           foundations, septic systems, under eaves or
without being thirsty.                                    where they encroach into walkways and drives.
    A water-efficient garden is a "balanced               Include locating plants where they receive pro-
landscape," one that uses water efficiently and           tection from sun and wind (next to buildings,
balances the lawn area, shrubs, and flowers with          decks, or porches), and situating sun and wind-
the hardscape (everything in the landscape that           screens to protect your home.
                                                                                            (Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1)                                     The Elemental Hyrdozone includes natural
     In planning your landscape, group plants          plantings that are capable of surviving on the
with similar water needs together in the layout,       available natural precipitation. No supplemental
and locate turf strategically for function, benefit,   irrigation takes place in this zone and plantings
and water efficiency. Zoned irrigation                 seldom, if ever, come into human contact or ac-
(hydrozoning), the most efficient way to irri-         tivity. Utility areas and mulched, native plant-
gate, delivers water to individual plants or           ings are examples typical of this hydrozone.
matches the amount of water applied to plants
with similar moisture requirements. By reducing                        Practical Turf Areas
overwatering and runoff, fewer plants will die or           A water-efficient landscape promotes a
develop diseases that result from overwatering.        practical turf area that is based on function. It
     The concepts of hydrozoning are based on          includes no more turf area than what is required
the interaction of people with areas of the land-      for the family recreational area or to satisfy the
scape. Areas of high people activity result in         personal needs and desires of family members.
more contact and interaction with plants, which             As you plan, remember that a lawn is an in-
result in more requirements for supplemental           tegral component of many landscapes. At the
irrigation to support these plantings. Areas of        same time, the lawn represents the single great-
less people activity require fewer plantings and       est area for misuse of irrigation in the land-
less supplemental irrigation. Generally, there are     scape. In the Desert Southwest, turf must be irri-
four potential hydrozones found in a landscape.        gated or it will become stressed and eventually
     The Principal Hydrozone is the area of            lost. Drought-tolerant turfgrass species such as
greatest human activity and interaction with the       Bermuda are available that will survive extreme
landscape. This high-traffic area is both func-        drought conditions. These varieties may turn
tionally and visually important as the place           brown under such conditions, but will green up
where people walk, sit, play, relax, and contact       again when water is applied.
the plant environment. Sometimes referred to as             Lawns require mowing, fertilization, weed
an "oasis" in landscape design, this area of the       control and other intensive maintenance activi-
landscape results in the greatest water use.           ties to keep an attractive appearance. Use the
     The Secondary Hydrozone is visually im-           following guidelines to reduce turfgrass irriga-
portant to the landscape, but represents an area       tion.
of less human traffic and interaction. These ar-            • Zone your landscape and locate turf areas
eas are more passive in function and serve to de-             based on water use.
lineate space and design. Accent areas such as              • Plant adapted, low-water demand turf spe-
flower borders, shrub beds, bulb gardens, or                  cies and varieties.
specimen plants are all examples of the types of            • Use turf in areas that provide function
medium-water-use plantings found in a secon-                  (recreational, aesthetic, foot traffic, dust
dary hyrdozone.                                               and noise abatement, glare reduction, tem-
     The Minimal Hydrozone contains plants that               perature mitigation).
require minimal water to survive the existing               • Irrigate turf based on true water require-
climatic conditions. These areas receive infre-               ments.
quent contact with people and are less visually             • Reduce fertilizer and make applications
important in the landscape. Buffer zones, se-                 only when grass turns off-color and irriga-
cluded or screened views, parkways, and em-                   tion is available.
bankments are all examples of this zone. The                The turf needs of every family are different.
typical vegetation in this hydrozone includes          Some experts recommend that a maximum of
low-water-use and drought-tolerant trees,              25% of the landscape is enough turf. Others say
shrubs, and ground cover.                              that 600 to 800 square feet is adequate for most
                                                       family activities.
                                                                                          (Continued on page 3)
Efficient Irrigation                                   Soil Amendments
    Properly designed, installed, maintained,             Desert soils are poor and require the addi-
and operated sprinkler and drip irrigation sys-       tion of organic matter to improve them. Routine
tems may apply water very efficiently to the          cultivation with the incorporation of organic
landscape plants. Plant selection will determine      matter (manure, peat moss, rotted sawdust, com-
which system to use. Often a combination of           post, etc.) will increase the ability of the soil to
drip for trees and shrubs, and sprinkler for turf     conserve water and avoid compaction.
and ground covers works best. With drip sys-
tems, plan and install sufficient emitters to water                        Mulches
individual plants thoroughly and deeply. The              The use of organic and inorganic mulches in
system must have sufficient capacity to allow         the landscape will conserve soil moisture by re-
the addition of emitters as the plants grow. Lar-     ducing evaporation. Also, as these mulches de-
ger plants will require more emitters with time.      compose, they mix with the existing soil to im-
    Whatever system you use, keep it well             prove it. Mulches also prevent weed growth and
maintained and in good working order. Check           control erosion in problem areas.
the system frequently to se it is operating effi-         The use of mulches adds interest and color
ciently, repair leaks, clear plugged sprinkler        to the landscape. These materials also serve as
heads and emitters, and correct uneven water          an alternative for turf. Examples of organic
applications. Place emitters to water trees and       mulches are bark, well-rotted sawdust, peat
shrubs evenly about the plant. Maintain flexibil-     moss, and compost. Inorganic mulches would
ity with the system, as emitters will require         include colored stone, rocks, and gravel.
moving as the plant grows.
    Both drip and sprinkler systems have the ca-                Appropriate Plant Selection
pabilities of clock-controlled watering. This is a        Selection of your permanent plants should
big advantage for watering while you are away         follow careful thought and include the needs,
from home. It is also a disadvantage when the         use, and desires of the family. Final selections
entire system relies on a control device, and gar-    of turfgrass and woody plants should be adapted
deners need to recognize that malfunctions are a      to the existing climate. For a list of water-
possibility. The drip system requires long run        efficient plants, request Fact Sheet 91-32, Low
times and is separate from the controller for the     Water Use Plants of Southern Nevada.*
sprinklers. However, more expensive clocks
may accommodate both.                                              Plant at Proper Times
    Remember that clocks will need adjustment             The best time of the year to plant is in the
to match the seasons and the watering require-        spring or early fall. Plant annuals and herba-
ments. To prevent evaporation and wind drift,         ceous perennials in the spring so they become
set your system to water early in the morning (6      established before the arrival of harsh summer
a.m.). Select and install emitters that will apply    conditions. Shrubs and trees have the best suc-
sufficient water to deep-water your plants for        cess when planted in the fall. Fall planting en-
the time and days the system is operating.            courages root development, and plants become
    Make sure you don't overwater. Runoff,            well established before winter dormancy.
visible by simple observation of your system
when operating, wastes water and leaches nutri-                          Windscreens
ents. Overwatering also results in a continual            Some of the more tender landscape plant-
saturation of the plant root zone and will kill or    ings may need protection from the hot southerly
damage many plants. Periodically, heavier soils       summer winds or the cold, northerly flows of
will require leaching with additional watering to     winter. Either of these drying winds will quickly
flush the salts.                                      desiccate or dry out plants. Careful planning
                                                                                          (Continued on page 4)
(Continued from page 3)                                                  Flexibility
(determine the prevailing wind directions for             Gardeners in desert climates have a chal-
your property) and the use of hardscape              lenging assignment. Harsh weather, poor or
(buildings, fences) will shelter plantings from      salty soils, mixed irrigation methods, drought,
both wind and sun. Buffer zones created by har-      and poor drainage are factors the successful
dier trees and shrubs will also protect plantings.   landscaper must master. Paying attention to de-
Evergreens are often planted to create year-         tails, exercising patience, and remaining flexible
round protection for the less wind-tolerant          as you develop and work with your landscape
plants. Examples of evergreens planted as wind-      all help.
breaks include Oleander, Blue Point and Spartan           Of the guidelines offered for water-efficient
Juniper, and Italian and Leyland Cypress.            landscaping, water management provides the
                                                     greatest opportunity for water conservation in
                  Maintenance                        the landscape. Remember that plants do not
    Haphazard maintenance results in wasting         waste water, people do. Also, irrigation systems
many gallons of water per year and defeats the       do not save or waste water, people do. To de-
purpose of establishing a water-efficient land-      velop water-efficient landscapes, it is first nec-
scape. Water-efficient landscaping requires pay-     essary to change attitudes and irrigation habits.
ing attention to details:                            We can all do much to use water efficiently in
    • eliminate leaking faucets and valves           the landscape.
    • sprinkler and drip systems distribute water
      evenly                                             *For northern Nevada, request "Fact Sheet
    • sprinklers are upright and at grade                88-73, Hardy, Drought-Tolerant and Mod-
    • water plants when they need the moisture           erately Salt-Tolerant Trees for Northern Ne-
    • apply the actual amount of water plants            vada or "Fact Sheet 89-05, Hardy, Drought-
      need and apply it at a rate the soil can           Tolerant and Moderately Salt-Tolerant
      readily absorb.                                    Shrubs and Vines for Northern Nevada".

     Other maintenance activities include weed-      References:
ing, fertilizing, mowing, and pruning. Weeds         Korr, Marge. (1992 July/August) Countdown to
grow well in the irrigated landscape areas and         Xeri. National Gardening, 24-27.
take water from desirable plantings. Eliminate       Smith, Ken. (1978). Western Home Landscap-
or control weeds by hoeing, hand pulling, or us-       ing. Tucson, Arizona: HP Books.
ing a herbicide. After weeding, apply a mulch to     Waterwise Gardening. (1989) Menlo Park, Cali-
these problem areas to control future weed             fornia: Lane Publishing Co.
growth.                                              Welsh, Douglas F., Ph.D. (1991) Practical turf
     Fertilizing and pruning are maintenance ac-       areas: the controversial xeriscape guideline.
tivities performed on an "as-needed" basis.            Turf and the Landscape Architect.
Spring is the best time to fertilize turf. Use a
high-potassium fertilizer and follow the instruc-
                                                      The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Employment Op-
tions on the package for the amount to apply.         portunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discrimi-
Excessive fertilization will cause unnecessary        nate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, na-
growth that will use more water. Taking a soil        tional origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and
                                                      sexual orientation in any program or activity it operates. The
test every two to three years will identify soil      University of Nevada employs only United States citizens and
deficiencies and determine fertilizer needs.          aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States.

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Developing A Water-Efficient Landscape - University of Nevada, Reno

  • 1. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Bringing the University to You Fact Sheet 91-54 Developing a Water-Efficient Landscape Dr. David M. Cox, Extension Educator, East Clark County Throughout the West, people are changing doesn't grow – decks, patio, sidewalks, fences, traditional ideas of planting and maintaining benches, gazebos, etc.). home landscapes. Drought, agricultural irriga- To establish a water-efficient landscape, tion, urban development, and growing popula- consider the following ten guidelines. tion are placing increased demands on available • planning and design water. As the demand for and the cost of water • practical turf areas increases, water-efficient landscaping is a trend • efficient irrigation gaining in popularity. • soil amendments A number of terms describe water- • mulches conserving landscaping. Among them are • appropriate plant selection "xeriscaping," "low water use," "drought- • plant at proper times tolerant," waterwise," and "desert" landscaping. • windscreens Xeriscaping, a widely promoted term the past • maintenance several years, is a word of Greek origin with • flexibility xeros meaning dry, combined with landscaping. Drought-tolerant indicates the ability of a plant Planning and Design to survive on limited water, although these Start by drawing a plot plan of your property plants usually look better as water is increased. to scale on graph paper (1/8" or 1/10 " = 1', for With improper watering, a drought-resistant example). Include all the buildings, doors and plant may become a water guzzler in the land- windows, driveways, property lines, porches, scape. This publication will use the term "water- steps, sidewalks, buried services (water, tele- efficient" to describe the water-conserving land- phone, etc.) and any other features including the scape. present landscaping. Unfortunately, many people associate water- Make your plot plan complete and accurate, conserving landscapes with sand, gravel, cactus, and draw plants to at least 3/4 of their mature skimpy plantings, and a hot sun-baked look (the size. This will prove invaluable in helping you "desert" image). Nothing is further from the visualize the features of your yard and consider truth. The potential beauty of these landscapes plant placement. Common mistakes include when well designed is limited only by the planting trees and shrubs too close to house imagination. The idea is to maintain the beauty foundations, septic systems, under eaves or without being thirsty. where they encroach into walkways and drives. A water-efficient garden is a "balanced Include locating plants where they receive pro- landscape," one that uses water efficiently and tection from sun and wind (next to buildings, balances the lawn area, shrubs, and flowers with decks, or porches), and situating sun and wind- the hardscape (everything in the landscape that screens to protect your home. (Continued on page 2)
  • 2. (Continued from page 1) The Elemental Hyrdozone includes natural In planning your landscape, group plants plantings that are capable of surviving on the with similar water needs together in the layout, available natural precipitation. No supplemental and locate turf strategically for function, benefit, irrigation takes place in this zone and plantings and water efficiency. Zoned irrigation seldom, if ever, come into human contact or ac- (hydrozoning), the most efficient way to irri- tivity. Utility areas and mulched, native plant- gate, delivers water to individual plants or ings are examples typical of this hydrozone. matches the amount of water applied to plants with similar moisture requirements. By reducing Practical Turf Areas overwatering and runoff, fewer plants will die or A water-efficient landscape promotes a develop diseases that result from overwatering. practical turf area that is based on function. It The concepts of hydrozoning are based on includes no more turf area than what is required the interaction of people with areas of the land- for the family recreational area or to satisfy the scape. Areas of high people activity result in personal needs and desires of family members. more contact and interaction with plants, which As you plan, remember that a lawn is an in- result in more requirements for supplemental tegral component of many landscapes. At the irrigation to support these plantings. Areas of same time, the lawn represents the single great- less people activity require fewer plantings and est area for misuse of irrigation in the land- less supplemental irrigation. Generally, there are scape. In the Desert Southwest, turf must be irri- four potential hydrozones found in a landscape. gated or it will become stressed and eventually The Principal Hydrozone is the area of lost. Drought-tolerant turfgrass species such as greatest human activity and interaction with the Bermuda are available that will survive extreme landscape. This high-traffic area is both func- drought conditions. These varieties may turn tionally and visually important as the place brown under such conditions, but will green up where people walk, sit, play, relax, and contact again when water is applied. the plant environment. Sometimes referred to as Lawns require mowing, fertilization, weed an "oasis" in landscape design, this area of the control and other intensive maintenance activi- landscape results in the greatest water use. ties to keep an attractive appearance. Use the The Secondary Hydrozone is visually im- following guidelines to reduce turfgrass irriga- portant to the landscape, but represents an area tion. of less human traffic and interaction. These ar- • Zone your landscape and locate turf areas eas are more passive in function and serve to de- based on water use. lineate space and design. Accent areas such as • Plant adapted, low-water demand turf spe- flower borders, shrub beds, bulb gardens, or cies and varieties. specimen plants are all examples of the types of • Use turf in areas that provide function medium-water-use plantings found in a secon- (recreational, aesthetic, foot traffic, dust dary hyrdozone. and noise abatement, glare reduction, tem- The Minimal Hydrozone contains plants that perature mitigation). require minimal water to survive the existing • Irrigate turf based on true water require- climatic conditions. These areas receive infre- ments. quent contact with people and are less visually • Reduce fertilizer and make applications important in the landscape. Buffer zones, se- only when grass turns off-color and irriga- cluded or screened views, parkways, and em- tion is available. bankments are all examples of this zone. The The turf needs of every family are different. typical vegetation in this hydrozone includes Some experts recommend that a maximum of low-water-use and drought-tolerant trees, 25% of the landscape is enough turf. Others say shrubs, and ground cover. that 600 to 800 square feet is adequate for most family activities. (Continued on page 3)
  • 3. Efficient Irrigation Soil Amendments Properly designed, installed, maintained, Desert soils are poor and require the addi- and operated sprinkler and drip irrigation sys- tion of organic matter to improve them. Routine tems may apply water very efficiently to the cultivation with the incorporation of organic landscape plants. Plant selection will determine matter (manure, peat moss, rotted sawdust, com- which system to use. Often a combination of post, etc.) will increase the ability of the soil to drip for trees and shrubs, and sprinkler for turf conserve water and avoid compaction. and ground covers works best. With drip sys- tems, plan and install sufficient emitters to water Mulches individual plants thoroughly and deeply. The The use of organic and inorganic mulches in system must have sufficient capacity to allow the landscape will conserve soil moisture by re- the addition of emitters as the plants grow. Lar- ducing evaporation. Also, as these mulches de- ger plants will require more emitters with time. compose, they mix with the existing soil to im- Whatever system you use, keep it well prove it. Mulches also prevent weed growth and maintained and in good working order. Check control erosion in problem areas. the system frequently to se it is operating effi- The use of mulches adds interest and color ciently, repair leaks, clear plugged sprinkler to the landscape. These materials also serve as heads and emitters, and correct uneven water an alternative for turf. Examples of organic applications. Place emitters to water trees and mulches are bark, well-rotted sawdust, peat shrubs evenly about the plant. Maintain flexibil- moss, and compost. Inorganic mulches would ity with the system, as emitters will require include colored stone, rocks, and gravel. moving as the plant grows. Both drip and sprinkler systems have the ca- Appropriate Plant Selection pabilities of clock-controlled watering. This is a Selection of your permanent plants should big advantage for watering while you are away follow careful thought and include the needs, from home. It is also a disadvantage when the use, and desires of the family. Final selections entire system relies on a control device, and gar- of turfgrass and woody plants should be adapted deners need to recognize that malfunctions are a to the existing climate. For a list of water- possibility. The drip system requires long run efficient plants, request Fact Sheet 91-32, Low times and is separate from the controller for the Water Use Plants of Southern Nevada.* sprinklers. However, more expensive clocks may accommodate both. Plant at Proper Times Remember that clocks will need adjustment The best time of the year to plant is in the to match the seasons and the watering require- spring or early fall. Plant annuals and herba- ments. To prevent evaporation and wind drift, ceous perennials in the spring so they become set your system to water early in the morning (6 established before the arrival of harsh summer a.m.). Select and install emitters that will apply conditions. Shrubs and trees have the best suc- sufficient water to deep-water your plants for cess when planted in the fall. Fall planting en- the time and days the system is operating. courages root development, and plants become Make sure you don't overwater. Runoff, well established before winter dormancy. visible by simple observation of your system when operating, wastes water and leaches nutri- Windscreens ents. Overwatering also results in a continual Some of the more tender landscape plant- saturation of the plant root zone and will kill or ings may need protection from the hot southerly damage many plants. Periodically, heavier soils summer winds or the cold, northerly flows of will require leaching with additional watering to winter. Either of these drying winds will quickly flush the salts. desiccate or dry out plants. Careful planning (Continued on page 4)
  • 4. (Continued from page 3) Flexibility (determine the prevailing wind directions for Gardeners in desert climates have a chal- your property) and the use of hardscape lenging assignment. Harsh weather, poor or (buildings, fences) will shelter plantings from salty soils, mixed irrigation methods, drought, both wind and sun. Buffer zones created by har- and poor drainage are factors the successful dier trees and shrubs will also protect plantings. landscaper must master. Paying attention to de- Evergreens are often planted to create year- tails, exercising patience, and remaining flexible round protection for the less wind-tolerant as you develop and work with your landscape plants. Examples of evergreens planted as wind- all help. breaks include Oleander, Blue Point and Spartan Of the guidelines offered for water-efficient Juniper, and Italian and Leyland Cypress. landscaping, water management provides the greatest opportunity for water conservation in Maintenance the landscape. Remember that plants do not Haphazard maintenance results in wasting waste water, people do. Also, irrigation systems many gallons of water per year and defeats the do not save or waste water, people do. To de- purpose of establishing a water-efficient land- velop water-efficient landscapes, it is first nec- scape. Water-efficient landscaping requires pay- essary to change attitudes and irrigation habits. ing attention to details: We can all do much to use water efficiently in • eliminate leaking faucets and valves the landscape. • sprinkler and drip systems distribute water evenly *For northern Nevada, request "Fact Sheet • sprinklers are upright and at grade 88-73, Hardy, Drought-Tolerant and Mod- • water plants when they need the moisture erately Salt-Tolerant Trees for Northern Ne- • apply the actual amount of water plants vada or "Fact Sheet 89-05, Hardy, Drought- need and apply it at a rate the soil can Tolerant and Moderately Salt-Tolerant readily absorb. Shrubs and Vines for Northern Nevada". Other maintenance activities include weed- References: ing, fertilizing, mowing, and pruning. Weeds Korr, Marge. (1992 July/August) Countdown to grow well in the irrigated landscape areas and Xeri. National Gardening, 24-27. take water from desirable plantings. Eliminate Smith, Ken. (1978). Western Home Landscap- or control weeds by hoeing, hand pulling, or us- ing. Tucson, Arizona: HP Books. ing a herbicide. After weeding, apply a mulch to Waterwise Gardening. (1989) Menlo Park, Cali- these problem areas to control future weed fornia: Lane Publishing Co. growth. Welsh, Douglas F., Ph.D. (1991) Practical turf Fertilizing and pruning are maintenance ac- areas: the controversial xeriscape guideline. tivities performed on an "as-needed" basis. Turf and the Landscape Architect. Spring is the best time to fertilize turf. Use a high-potassium fertilizer and follow the instruc- The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Employment Op- tions on the package for the amount to apply. portunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discrimi- Excessive fertilization will cause unnecessary nate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, na- growth that will use more water. Taking a soil tional origin, veteran status, physical or mental disability, and sexual orientation in any program or activity it operates. The test every two to three years will identify soil University of Nevada employs only United States citizens and deficiencies and determine fertilizer needs. aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States.