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Thriller conventions
• Can, and does frequently take place in constricted locations.
• Protagonists tend to be unprepared for the situation so it’s
easier to relate to the protagonist.
• Tracking to inform the audience of who they should be
interested in
• POV Shots to immerse the audience in the film
• Slow panning shots to maintain mystery and/or tension
• Close-up shots to convey character emotions
• Usually uses dim lighting to convey mystery and maintain the
audience’s fear
Action film conventions
• Usually takes place in multiple locations (usually urban
• Protagonists usually muscle-bound men
• Racing against time
• Quick-cut editing to convey urgency or tension
• Star Power: Particular actors known for action films
cast, highlighted in posters and trailers
• Big budget for special effects (True Lies cost $115
million to produce)
Thriller Iconography
Knives have connotations of
pain, death and brutality.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho
immortalized this as a weapon
synonymous with keeping
audiences scared.
Silhouettes and shadows create
mystery for the audience because it
indicates that the protagonist is being
watched by someone/thing.
Woods are often used for
thrillers as they make the
audience feel as if they are
lost. The woods also have
connotations of isolation
and vulnerability.
Street lights at night are
used in thrillers to
emphasise the fact the
protagonist is surrounded
by darkness.
Using confined spaces makes the
audience feel as if they are trapped.
The protagonist starts to breathe
heavily and wonder how they can
Thriller Iconography
Action Iconography
Explosions are synonymous with action
films as they are exciting for the
audience. The effect is increased when
the character walks away from an
explosion, as it makes the protagonist
seem much cooler to the audience.
Car chases are one of the most exciting sequences that are
created in action films. Bullitt is considered to have the first car
chase, The French Connection increased the tension by having
cars drive against traffic and the Watchowski Brothers
discovered that tension can be increased by having characters
on top of cars while they’re moving in The Matrix Revolutions.
Spy gadgets such as the underwater
car in The Spy Who Loved Me
immerse the audience in the idea
being a secret agent.
Guns are one of the most integral parts of action
movies and are usually absolutely essential to
creating action scenes. They are even used in
“gun-fu”, a sophisticated form of close-quarters
gunplay. This is used in The Matrix trilogy.
Muscle-bound protagonists are
very commonplace in action
films. They are the ultimate
image of masculinity and it
draws immerses men into that
character. It makes the audience
want to be them. The 80’s were
the golden age of action movies
and most big blockbusters such
as Predator had muscle-bound
actors like Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Sylvester
Stallone and Jean Claude Van
Damme in them.
Hand-to-hand fighting is very
common in Asian action films.
Kung-fu in particular is popular
amongst that industry. Bruce
Lee is a legendary martial arts
actor who appeared in 33
movies prior to his death at 32.
Jackie Chan was a martial arts
superstar in the west in the
Action Iconography
Notable Thrillers
Notable Action films
Notable Thriller directors
• Alfred Hitchcock (Rear Window, Psycho,
• Marin Scorsese (Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, The
• Steven Spielberg (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost
Ark, Minority Report)
Notable Action directors
• Michael Bay (Armageddon, Bad Boys II,
• John McTiernan (Die Hard, Predator, The Hunt
for Red October)
• John Woo (Hard Boiled, Mission Impossible II,
Hard Target)
Thriller poster analysis
The complete and utter darkness on
the left side of the poster presents
the main threat of the movie: Space.
No oxygen, no air pressure, nothing to
carry sound, no friction to stop you
from tumbling through it and utterly
The words “Don’t let go” are small so
they don’t downplay the threat of
space by taking up most of the poster.
It simply works as a tagline as the
movie presents the idea that if you’re
not holding on to anything in space,
you’re effectively dead.
You can see that this is from the point
of view of one of the astronauts. This
may encourage people to see this
movie in 3D. POV shots are used often
in thrillers in order to keep suspense.
The light from the sun obscures any
immediate threat, yet it’s made very
clear that there is one. This
emphasises the idea that life is
impossible in space. You can see
debris flying at high speed however,
so you know that something is going
to create this tension.
Action poster analysis
This references to a line in the trailer
“Remember when I said I’ll kill you
last? Yeah, yeah that’s right! I lied.
This was a favourite amongst fans of
the film and is very prominent in
marketing material.
This poster was released when the
movie was being released on home
video, which means that it will be
marketed to those who like the film.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a
megastar when this film was released;
just his surname is enough to make
fans excited enough to see most films.
In order to easily appeal to fans, a
picture of John Matrix in his combat
attire was used to recall memories of
the most memorable section of the
film, the finale.
These words are the first thing you see in the
trailer, giving the scientific reasons why space is a
scary place.
This sentence simply serves to put a fine point on
the previous information. It does create a slight bit
of suspense because it’s on a black background.
The first bit of sound in the trailer is an explosion
caused by some debris hitting a space station.
Despite the fact that there’s no sound in space, it
still scares the audience.
The debris has caused the station to start spinning, and
there is someone caught on an arm. They are practically
fixated to it, preventing them from getting off. If they
were to get off somehow, they’d probably be flung off
into space, so they have to stay on.
Suddenly, another piece of debris hits the arm, sending
the arm spinning around on it’s own. The astronaut on it
is terrified as you can briefly hear her scream. There is
now a lot more debris around, which could foreshadow
more collisions.
Dr Stone, the astronaut on the arm is repeatedly asking
“What do I do?” She has been horrified by all of this. In
the background, another part of the station explodes,
leaving very little for her to get to in case she survives
This part of the trailer pulsates along with Dr Stone’s terrified panting. There is no
additional sound currently in the background which adds tension.
The viewpoint now stays in front of Dr Stone who
is still spinning on the arm. You can see the Earth
in her visor which may give the audience a sense
of how much she misses it.
The viewpoint now shifts down to Dr Stone’s clasp. Another
astronaut keeps telling her to detach otherwise she will die.
The intense background music continues to heighten. Keep in
mind that everything since the first explosion has been done
over one consistent shot. This highlights Alfonso Cuaron’s
ability as a director.
Dr Stone detaches and you hear her voice echo
for a split-second. She begins to tumble into
complete darkness, which may make the
audience question if she will be able to come
One of the following shots shows Dr Stone
simply spinning in space. There is light on some
parts of her spacesuit, but otherwise she has
been submerged into darkness. She has been
contacted, but is still scared out of her mind.
This shot also promotes the potential for
great cinematography that really takes
advantage of the amazing CGI alongside
all of the tension, as this is set in space.
You see Dr Stone colliding with some
equipment that she’s trying to grab onto so
she can briefly be safe. It quickly goes wrong
so the audience’s relief is turned into worry.
One of the following shots shows Dr Stone
simply spinning in space. There is light on some
parts of her spacesuit, but otherwise she has
been submerged into darkness. She has been
contacted, but is still scared out of her mind.
The juxtaposition of this shot and Dr Stone saying “I had
a daughter” makes her seem more human instead of
something that millions aspire to be. The fact that she’s
not wearing the spacesuit makes her seem more
vulnerable to the explosion inside the space station.
George Clooney’s character, Matt Kowalski is holding a
rope for dear life. You can see the utter darkness
behind him. If he lets go, he will start drifting into
space. The darkness creates fear of space, the ultimate
threat in this film, despite how quickly this shot is
The pieces of debris travelling quickly while
ignited may suggest that they’ve begun to fall
through the atmosphere. Could Dr Stone have
gotten into one of these and on the way home?
And if so, can she survive the heat?
The first-person POV shot here suggests the
immersion that this film may present the
audience with. It may make some people want
to see this movie in 3D.
You can see that one of the astronauts is simply hanging
from some wires. They can do very little to help
themselves other than hope that these wires will pull
them back. It shows how easily you can slip away from
any kind of foundation in space.
The destruction that the debris causes in this
scene is catastrophic and goes to show just how
well the CGI is used in this film. It may make
some people want to see it simply for the eye
This portrait of Dr Stone and her family
gives both her and the audience
something to lose; a reason to survive all
of these catastrophes.
You can see that that one of the astronauts is holding
onto a structure, and the motion blur makes it very
clear that both it and her are moving very fast. It’s a
very raw kind of thrill in comparison to simply watching
the space station get utterly destroyed.
The first shot is a helicopter flying over the
camera. The voice-over artist says “They hunted
him down…”, suggesting that whichever force is
hunting the protagonist is a powerful one.
“They hunted his friends…” is used with this
shot of someone running running a salesman
over and crashing through a window, which
suggests that they are ruthless.
“…and they took the only thing he’d kill for.” is used
with this shot of a small girl strapped to a chair with a
man in dressed in dark colours standing over her. This
gives both the protagonist and the audience something
to lose. The use of darkness in the background
compliments the rest of the shot, making it seem more
There is a sequence of three shots of the protagonist gearing up and preparing to fight for his daughter. His
face is concealed throughout most of this sequence, adding suspense. This particular trope is extremely
common in most action movies, not just ones created in the 80’s. However, their popularity has dwindled.
The juxtaposition of the protagonist’s rival saying
“He’ll do what he’s told.” and this shot of him
running from a group of soldiers while the
buildings around them explode suggest that either
he’ll have to fight for the wrong side or it works as
This woman in the car saying “Will you please tell
me what’s going on now?!” hints at the idea of
Schwarzenegger having a sidekick/love interest in
this movie. It also suggests that the film will have
a touch of comedy, despite the possibility of the
protagonist losing a daughter.
This shot of the protagonist firing a gun works to
promote Schwarzenegger as an actor; you can see
him firing the gun, but not who he’s firing it at. If
you saw his enemies being hit it would make the
protagonist seem more like a merciless killer, but
the camera focuses on Schwarzenegger.
The juxtaposition of this the protagonist telling an
air hostess not to bother this man because he’s
“dead tired” after hitting him in the face with his
elbow. This keeps up the tradition of puns in 80’s
action movies. These days you’re more likely to
hear them in throwbacks like The Expendables.
Now there is another shot that promotes
Schwarzenegger, this time without his combat
jacket. This is juxtaposed with him crashing
through a window, so despite his proficiency as a
killer, he may be facing a truly deadly force.
This is a shot of the protagonist’s sidekick/love
interest firing a rpg in the wrong direction. This
indicates that there will still be a focus on comedy
in the film.
This is a shot of the protagonist hanging onto the
back of an airplane while it’s taking off a runway.
It indicates that he will do whatever he can to find
and rescue his daughter. It maintains a steely
glare while he hangs on. He is utterly unfazed
while he tries to find his daughter.
This is a shot of the protagonist holding an enemy
by the ankle over a cliff. This scene contained one
of the most iconic lines: “Remember when I said
I’d kill you last? Yeah, yeah that’s right! I lied.” This
indicates once again that he will do whatever he
can to save his daughter, and that he will kill
whatever stands in his way. One of the most
prominent tropes in a “Damsel In Distress” action
This is a shot of the protagonist holding a metal
plate to defend himself from his rival’s attack. This
time, he is bare-chested. This indicates that
despite his proficiency as a ruthless killing
machine, there are those who can kill him, making
the audience worry about his wellbeing and that
of his daughter.
The British Board of Film Classification
Who are the BBFC?
• The BBFC is an independent body which has
classified films since 1912 and home video
media since 1984 within the UK.
• They sometimes rate video games but only in
circumstances where they depict human
sexual activity, human genital organs or gory
acts of violence.
Symbol Name Description
Universal Nothing unsuitable for anyone.
All ages admitted, but some scenes may be
unsuitable for young children.
12A Cinemas only. Unsuitable for very young
people. If aged 12, must be accompanied by
an adult aged at least 18.
12 Home media only since 2002. Nobody
younger than age 12 can rent or buy home
video of this rating.
15 Only those aged over 15 are admitted to
watch/buy this film, be it at home or in the
18 Only adults allowed. Nobody younger than
age 18 can buy/watch this film, be it in the
cinema or at home.
BBFC Rating System
How the BBFC affects genre
• The focus on thrillers is
threat instead of violence. A
15 rating is warranted if
disturbing scenes are
frequent or sustained.
• An 18 rating tends to be
warranted if said threat is
sadistic or sexualised.
• Depending on the type of action film, the rating may be
relaxed. Lack of blood, for example can lower a film’s
rating. This doesn’t work to the advantage of superhero
films like The Wolverine because he spends most of the
film cutting people, yet there’s no blood. FOX have
decided not to have any because they couldn’t have a 12
rating and the movie wouldn’t make as much money
because it would reach a limited audience.
• On the other hand, macho action films like The
Transporter series and The Expendables can easily have
a 18 rating because that’s it’s key demographic. B
movies such as Machete and Sharknado have gory
The Advertising Standards Authority
Who are the ASA
• The ASA is the UK’s regulator of advertising in
all forms of media.
• It was originally founded in 1962 after the
Advertising Association established the
Committee of Advertising Practice. To draft
the CAP Code. (British Code of Advertising
How the ASA affects genre
• Trailers for films that carry a 15 or
18 certificate are not allowed to be
broadcast around programmes that
are targeted at under 16s which
means that more thriller trailers
can be shown around then, but
they’ll probably be directed at
adults watching television at those
times, and even then, you’re more
likely to see an advert for
blockbuster at that time.
• Trailers for films that carry a 15 or
18 certificate are not allowed to
be broadcast around programmes
that are targeted at under 16s,
which means that if any action
film trailers are being shown
then, they’re probably for action
comedies or superhero films, so
those are more likely to get
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Genre comparison

  • 1.
  • 2. Thriller conventions • Can, and does frequently take place in constricted locations. • Protagonists tend to be unprepared for the situation so it’s easier to relate to the protagonist. • Tracking to inform the audience of who they should be interested in • POV Shots to immerse the audience in the film • Slow panning shots to maintain mystery and/or tension • Close-up shots to convey character emotions • Usually uses dim lighting to convey mystery and maintain the audience’s fear
  • 3. Action film conventions • Usually takes place in multiple locations (usually urban areas) • Protagonists usually muscle-bound men • Racing against time • Quick-cut editing to convey urgency or tension • Star Power: Particular actors known for action films cast, highlighted in posters and trailers • Big budget for special effects (True Lies cost $115 million to produce)
  • 4. Thriller Iconography Knives have connotations of pain, death and brutality. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho immortalized this as a weapon synonymous with keeping audiences scared. Silhouettes and shadows create mystery for the audience because it indicates that the protagonist is being watched by someone/thing. Woods are often used for thrillers as they make the audience feel as if they are lost. The woods also have connotations of isolation and vulnerability. Street lights at night are used in thrillers to emphasise the fact the protagonist is surrounded by darkness. Using confined spaces makes the audience feel as if they are trapped. The protagonist starts to breathe heavily and wonder how they can escape.
  • 6. Action Iconography Explosions are synonymous with action films as they are exciting for the audience. The effect is increased when the character walks away from an explosion, as it makes the protagonist seem much cooler to the audience. Car chases are one of the most exciting sequences that are created in action films. Bullitt is considered to have the first car chase, The French Connection increased the tension by having cars drive against traffic and the Watchowski Brothers discovered that tension can be increased by having characters on top of cars while they’re moving in The Matrix Revolutions. Spy gadgets such as the underwater car in The Spy Who Loved Me immerse the audience in the idea being a secret agent. Guns are one of the most integral parts of action movies and are usually absolutely essential to creating action scenes. They are even used in “gun-fu”, a sophisticated form of close-quarters gunplay. This is used in The Matrix trilogy. Muscle-bound protagonists are very commonplace in action films. They are the ultimate image of masculinity and it draws immerses men into that character. It makes the audience want to be them. The 80’s were the golden age of action movies and most big blockbusters such as Predator had muscle-bound actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Jean Claude Van Damme in them. Hand-to-hand fighting is very common in Asian action films. Kung-fu in particular is popular amongst that industry. Bruce Lee is a legendary martial arts actor who appeared in 33 movies prior to his death at 32. Jackie Chan was a martial arts superstar in the west in the 2000s.
  • 10. Notable Thriller directors • Alfred Hitchcock (Rear Window, Psycho, Vertigo) • Marin Scorsese (Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, The Departed) • Steven Spielberg (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Minority Report)
  • 11. Notable Action directors • Michael Bay (Armageddon, Bad Boys II, Transformers) • John McTiernan (Die Hard, Predator, The Hunt for Red October) • John Woo (Hard Boiled, Mission Impossible II, Hard Target)
  • 12. Thriller poster analysis The complete and utter darkness on the left side of the poster presents the main threat of the movie: Space. No oxygen, no air pressure, nothing to carry sound, no friction to stop you from tumbling through it and utterly dark. The words “Don’t let go” are small so they don’t downplay the threat of space by taking up most of the poster. It simply works as a tagline as the movie presents the idea that if you’re not holding on to anything in space, you’re effectively dead. You can see that this is from the point of view of one of the astronauts. This may encourage people to see this movie in 3D. POV shots are used often in thrillers in order to keep suspense. The light from the sun obscures any immediate threat, yet it’s made very clear that there is one. This emphasises the idea that life is impossible in space. You can see debris flying at high speed however, so you know that something is going to create this tension.
  • 13. Action poster analysis This references to a line in the trailer “Remember when I said I’ll kill you last? Yeah, yeah that’s right! I lied. This was a favourite amongst fans of the film and is very prominent in marketing material. This poster was released when the movie was being released on home video, which means that it will be marketed to those who like the film. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a megastar when this film was released; just his surname is enough to make fans excited enough to see most films. In order to easily appeal to fans, a picture of John Matrix in his combat attire was used to recall memories of the most memorable section of the film, the finale.
  • 14. These words are the first thing you see in the trailer, giving the scientific reasons why space is a scary place. This sentence simply serves to put a fine point on the previous information. It does create a slight bit of suspense because it’s on a black background. The first bit of sound in the trailer is an explosion caused by some debris hitting a space station. Despite the fact that there’s no sound in space, it still scares the audience. The debris has caused the station to start spinning, and there is someone caught on an arm. They are practically fixated to it, preventing them from getting off. If they were to get off somehow, they’d probably be flung off into space, so they have to stay on. Suddenly, another piece of debris hits the arm, sending the arm spinning around on it’s own. The astronaut on it is terrified as you can briefly hear her scream. There is now a lot more debris around, which could foreshadow more collisions. Dr Stone, the astronaut on the arm is repeatedly asking “What do I do?” She has been horrified by all of this. In the background, another part of the station explodes, leaving very little for her to get to in case she survives this.
  • 15. This part of the trailer pulsates along with Dr Stone’s terrified panting. There is no additional sound currently in the background which adds tension. The viewpoint now stays in front of Dr Stone who is still spinning on the arm. You can see the Earth in her visor which may give the audience a sense of how much she misses it. The viewpoint now shifts down to Dr Stone’s clasp. Another astronaut keeps telling her to detach otherwise she will die. The intense background music continues to heighten. Keep in mind that everything since the first explosion has been done over one consistent shot. This highlights Alfonso Cuaron’s ability as a director. Dr Stone detaches and you hear her voice echo for a split-second. She begins to tumble into complete darkness, which may make the audience question if she will be able to come back.
  • 16. One of the following shots shows Dr Stone simply spinning in space. There is light on some parts of her spacesuit, but otherwise she has been submerged into darkness. She has been contacted, but is still scared out of her mind. This shot also promotes the potential for great cinematography that really takes advantage of the amazing CGI alongside all of the tension, as this is set in space. You see Dr Stone colliding with some equipment that she’s trying to grab onto so she can briefly be safe. It quickly goes wrong so the audience’s relief is turned into worry. One of the following shots shows Dr Stone simply spinning in space. There is light on some parts of her spacesuit, but otherwise she has been submerged into darkness. She has been contacted, but is still scared out of her mind. The juxtaposition of this shot and Dr Stone saying “I had a daughter” makes her seem more human instead of something that millions aspire to be. The fact that she’s not wearing the spacesuit makes her seem more vulnerable to the explosion inside the space station. George Clooney’s character, Matt Kowalski is holding a rope for dear life. You can see the utter darkness behind him. If he lets go, he will start drifting into space. The darkness creates fear of space, the ultimate threat in this film, despite how quickly this shot is shown.
  • 17. The pieces of debris travelling quickly while ignited may suggest that they’ve begun to fall through the atmosphere. Could Dr Stone have gotten into one of these and on the way home? And if so, can she survive the heat? The first-person POV shot here suggests the immersion that this film may present the audience with. It may make some people want to see this movie in 3D. You can see that one of the astronauts is simply hanging from some wires. They can do very little to help themselves other than hope that these wires will pull them back. It shows how easily you can slip away from any kind of foundation in space. The destruction that the debris causes in this scene is catastrophic and goes to show just how well the CGI is used in this film. It may make some people want to see it simply for the eye candy. This portrait of Dr Stone and her family gives both her and the audience something to lose; a reason to survive all of these catastrophes. You can see that that one of the astronauts is holding onto a structure, and the motion blur makes it very clear that both it and her are moving very fast. It’s a very raw kind of thrill in comparison to simply watching the space station get utterly destroyed.
  • 18. The first shot is a helicopter flying over the camera. The voice-over artist says “They hunted him down…”, suggesting that whichever force is hunting the protagonist is a powerful one. “They hunted his friends…” is used with this shot of someone running running a salesman over and crashing through a window, which suggests that they are ruthless. “…and they took the only thing he’d kill for.” is used with this shot of a small girl strapped to a chair with a man in dressed in dark colours standing over her. This gives both the protagonist and the audience something to lose. The use of darkness in the background compliments the rest of the shot, making it seem more dangerous. There is a sequence of three shots of the protagonist gearing up and preparing to fight for his daughter. His face is concealed throughout most of this sequence, adding suspense. This particular trope is extremely common in most action movies, not just ones created in the 80’s. However, their popularity has dwindled.
  • 19. The juxtaposition of the protagonist’s rival saying “He’ll do what he’s told.” and this shot of him running from a group of soldiers while the buildings around them explode suggest that either he’ll have to fight for the wrong side or it works as irony. This woman in the car saying “Will you please tell me what’s going on now?!” hints at the idea of Schwarzenegger having a sidekick/love interest in this movie. It also suggests that the film will have a touch of comedy, despite the possibility of the protagonist losing a daughter. This shot of the protagonist firing a gun works to promote Schwarzenegger as an actor; you can see him firing the gun, but not who he’s firing it at. If you saw his enemies being hit it would make the protagonist seem more like a merciless killer, but the camera focuses on Schwarzenegger. The juxtaposition of this the protagonist telling an air hostess not to bother this man because he’s “dead tired” after hitting him in the face with his elbow. This keeps up the tradition of puns in 80’s action movies. These days you’re more likely to hear them in throwbacks like The Expendables. Now there is another shot that promotes Schwarzenegger, this time without his combat jacket. This is juxtaposed with him crashing through a window, so despite his proficiency as a killer, he may be facing a truly deadly force. This is a shot of the protagonist’s sidekick/love interest firing a rpg in the wrong direction. This indicates that there will still be a focus on comedy in the film.
  • 20. This is a shot of the protagonist hanging onto the back of an airplane while it’s taking off a runway. It indicates that he will do whatever he can to find and rescue his daughter. It maintains a steely glare while he hangs on. He is utterly unfazed while he tries to find his daughter. This is a shot of the protagonist holding an enemy by the ankle over a cliff. This scene contained one of the most iconic lines: “Remember when I said I’d kill you last? Yeah, yeah that’s right! I lied.” This indicates once again that he will do whatever he can to save his daughter, and that he will kill whatever stands in his way. One of the most prominent tropes in a “Damsel In Distress” action movie. This is a shot of the protagonist holding a metal plate to defend himself from his rival’s attack. This time, he is bare-chested. This indicates that despite his proficiency as a ruthless killing machine, there are those who can kill him, making the audience worry about his wellbeing and that of his daughter.
  • 21. The British Board of Film Classification
  • 22. Who are the BBFC? • The BBFC is an independent body which has classified films since 1912 and home video media since 1984 within the UK. • They sometimes rate video games but only in circumstances where they depict human sexual activity, human genital organs or gory acts of violence.
  • 23. Symbol Name Description Universal Nothing unsuitable for anyone. Parental Guidance All ages admitted, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. 12A Cinemas only. Unsuitable for very young people. If aged 12, must be accompanied by an adult aged at least 18. 12 Home media only since 2002. Nobody younger than age 12 can rent or buy home video of this rating. 15 Only those aged over 15 are admitted to watch/buy this film, be it at home or in the cinema. 18 Only adults allowed. Nobody younger than age 18 can buy/watch this film, be it in the cinema or at home. BBFC Rating System
  • 24. How the BBFC affects genre Thriller • The focus on thrillers is threat instead of violence. A 15 rating is warranted if disturbing scenes are frequent or sustained. • An 18 rating tends to be warranted if said threat is sadistic or sexualised. Action • Depending on the type of action film, the rating may be relaxed. Lack of blood, for example can lower a film’s rating. This doesn’t work to the advantage of superhero films like The Wolverine because he spends most of the film cutting people, yet there’s no blood. FOX have decided not to have any because they couldn’t have a 12 rating and the movie wouldn’t make as much money because it would reach a limited audience. • On the other hand, macho action films like The Transporter series and The Expendables can easily have a 18 rating because that’s it’s key demographic. B movies such as Machete and Sharknado have gory sequences.
  • 26. Who are the ASA • The ASA is the UK’s regulator of advertising in all forms of media. • It was originally founded in 1962 after the Advertising Association established the Committee of Advertising Practice. To draft the CAP Code. (British Code of Advertising Practise)
  • 27. How the ASA affects genre Thriller • Trailers for films that carry a 15 or 18 certificate are not allowed to be broadcast around programmes that are targeted at under 16s which means that more thriller trailers can be shown around then, but they’ll probably be directed at adults watching television at those times, and even then, you’re more likely to see an advert for blockbuster at that time. Action • Trailers for films that carry a 15 or 18 certificate are not allowed to be broadcast around programmes that are targeted at under 16s, which means that if any action film trailers are being shown then, they’re probably for action comedies or superhero films, so those are more likely to get money.