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Perspectives 2
Ideas, insight and direction
from DevOps leaders
Introduction												 3
On enterprise DevOps transformation						 6
DevOps in an age of big data								 12
Shadow IT: opportunity or threat to DevOps?					 15
ITIL – help or hindrance?									 17
Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner				 21
DevOps - bending to the needs of the software testers?		 24
DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own? 					 25
Contributors												 28
devops perspectives 2
This need to grasp the DevOps opportunity is an immediate
imperative for all technologists if we accept that we are in
the middle of what we now call the application economy – a
place where customers are far more likely to experience your
brand and interact with your enterprise through a software
application than a living person. According to the results of
the most recent CA Technologies study* on the application
economy and the role of DevOps, 88 percent of 1,425 IT
and Line of Business (LoB) executives already have or plan to
adopt DevOps sometime within the next five years.
DevOps has a problem. In many ways it
has become a victim of its own success,
and the industry might already be accused
of ‘over-talking’ it in much the same way
as Cloud hype. It’s like we’ve been waiting
for some new unification paradigm to
span the two sister worlds of software
application development and operations …
and now it’s here, and now we need to get
to grips with it fast—but we’re still drinking
from a firehose of innovation.
devops perspectives 2 | introduction
But there are questions still to be answered. Should it really
have been called OpsDev anyway? Is the balance in the
very DNA of DevOps imperfect in some ways? Is DevOps
evolving with enough LoB relevance to ensure productive
implementation in all environments? Do we even
understand that DevOps is a workplace culture rather than
some packaged product that might have come shipped in a
DVD-ROM box were we still back in the 1990s?
Finding ourselves inside this maelstrom of discussion is
healthy in some ways; i.e. these are the teething pains that
any new and emerging technology should go through on its
way to adolescence and beyond. But long-term confusion
will be unhealthy and disruptive forces will turn negative,
as stated in CA’s paper ‘DevOps: The Worst-Kept Secret to
Winning in the application economy’* – those experienced
with DevOps are already seeing measurable results (15
to 21 percent improvements) in quality and performance
of applications; enhanced end customer experiences; and
cross-platform simultaneous software deployment.
Of course DevOps is already beyond its initial adolescence
and is seen played out and fully executed by the types of
firms we feature here in this eBook. What matters now are
the more real-world mechanics and minutiae of the way
we bring DevOps to bear in current working environments,
which are so heavily driven by the need for Continuous
Delivery and Continuous Integration.
Should it really have been called
OpsDev anyway?
“Implementing DevOps
properly will be a political,
economic, technical and
personal issue.”
of all enterprises plan to
adopt DevOps
*DevOps: The Worst-Kept Secret to Winning in the
application economy, a study commissioned by CA and
conducted by Vanson Bourne between July-August 2014
devops perspectives 2 | introduction
As we now work to ‘map’ the scope of our own
technology ecosystems onto DevOps-empowered
workflows, we will need to step back and almost
deconstruct each individual approach to software
development and delivery. DevOps has to now eat at
the same dinner table as lifecycle process management
and collaboration tools and it will need to pick up some
good manners very quickly if it doesn’t want to come
across as some raucous upstart.
Implementing DevOps properly will be a political,
economic, technical and personal issue. Given this
sensitivity (yet huge potential for success) it is crucial
that we form working groups and discussion forums
to do thing right. As many as half of all respondents
in a Vanson Bourne survey for CA reported that their
industry is being ‘very’ or ‘highly’ disrupted by the arrival
of the application economy – but this can be a positive
disruption if the opportunities are grasped with strategic
insight. If DevOps has any problems, we are all stronger
if we ‘share with the group’ and flesh these issues out
now. Tomorrow should look brighter, continuously.
Mind your manners
improvement in quality 		
and performance
devops perspectives 2 | introduction
DevOps started life among the ‘born-on-the-web’ companies, such as Facebook,
Spotify and Google, a fact that has led some in the DevOps community and beyond
to question whether it is suited to the more traditional large enterprise companies.
Many of those enterprises have been stung over the years by technology vendor hype,
so if there is sometimes an underlying fear that those providers and consultants
talking about Enterprise DevOps are just trying to repurpose and resell what is already
there, that may be a forgivable assumption.
But having spent time looking at how to apply DevOps in an enterprise setting, my
conclusion is that DevOps in an enterprise environment deserves its status as a niche
within a niche and is in many ways a more potent tool in that environment.
This is reflected in the increased number of questions I find myself being asked by CxOs
within large enterprises about enterprise DevOps transformation and how to achieve it. 
When attempting a DevOps transformation within the enterprise we need to consider
three things – people, process and technology.  If all three are not in line, the initiative
will likely not reach its full potential.
On enterprise
transformationBenjamin Wootton, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of
DevOps Consultancy, Contino assesses the place of DevOps in
an enterprise culture.
DevOps practitioners talk a lot about culture, but that is
a hard thing to transform. How do you measure culture
and how do we change and influence it? I think we need
to get a lot more rigorous than that sort of question to
achieve transformation of an enterprise towards DevOps
ways of working.
One of the first things we need to consider is organisational
design.  Here we are interested in the departmental
structures, the job roles and responsibilities, the reporting
lines and the way people are incentivised and so on. This
involves looking at the job roles within the enterprise, their
function, what and how much you are asking people to do
on a day-to-day basis and what rewards and incentives are
being offered to achieve all this. 
This is all about getting everyone pointing in the same
direction. The importance of this step means that you
need to have a top-down approach with senior-level buy-
in to make it work, but you also need to look at wherever
responsibility sits in the organisation in order to drive this. 
Then you need to think about your skills in the IT
organisation. Specifically, do you have the necessary
DevOps talent on the books and if not, where are you going
to find them?  Are you going to go out to the market to
source them or will you ‘grow your own’ internally?  
“As an industry we do
a bad job in bringing
juniors into IT.”
devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
The latter takes time of course, but the former is not
necessarily an easier option. It is frankly hard to find
people with the requisite skill set. Industries and
education have been set up around siloed thinking. 
If we’re honest, as an industry we do a bad job in bringing
juniors into IT. We need to look again at how we do that.
It’s a really common challenge that enterprises face, that
they can’t find the profiles they need out there in the
market. Some enterprises I know have been trying to hire
DevOps people for a long, long time. 
It really is a candidate-driven market and I can’t see that
changing any time soon. The universities are still very
‘old world’ in their thinking and companies don’t seem
willing to invest in bringing new talent through. So what
happens is that you end up with the senior engineers
who are already there getting paid more and more
and becoming more critical to the enterprise while the
juniors aren’t coming up behind them.  
Assuming that you are going to try to recruit, you need
to think in terms of incentives and culture. What needs
to be changed or be in place not only to attract new
recruits of the right calibre, but to retain them once they
are on board. You don’t want to train someone up, only
to see that person disappear to a competitor that offers
a more conducive work environment.
Remember that while financial recompense is clearly a factor,
DevOps people also tend to be incentivised by delivery. They
want to see what they’re doing getting out there into the
market and being used. They’re looking for flexible working
and they want to use the latest and greatest tools to do the
job. You need to factor all this in before making someone an
offer if you hope to lure them in. 
devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
Here you need to consider the organisation and
its business processes, ranging from requirements
capture and prioritisation through software releases
and operational processes such as change and
incident management. 
In a DevOps world, these processes should change so the
knowledge and responsibilities sit with the right people. 
At the moment in most enterprises, there is a really
process-driven approach to IT. There are people who do
this, people who do that, it’s all very process-centric. 
People aren’t robots. You need to move the culture
towards one of collaboration and personal responsibility.
These are intelligent and highly skilled people. You need
to let them make their own decisions and to work with
one another. 
That typically means putting the right culture in place on
the ground. Earlier I talked about the need for top-down
support and how that is essential, but cultures also change
from the ground up. Top-down, ground-up and hope they
meet in the middle.
Of course there are always likely to be incumbent
processes, particularly in larger, more established
enterprises. Things have worked in a certain way for a long
time and got the business, so how do you start changing
these long-established working practices? There’s human
nature coming into play here as well. Even people who
are change-friendly can become set in their ways. 
We can see across industries that even the simplest of
organisational changes can be difficult. This is DevOps,
this is something complex that’s touching people,
processes and technology. The key message here: don’t
underestimate the challenge of process transformation. 
“You need to move the
culture towards one
of collaboration and
personal responsibility.”
devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
The third element is technology and here we see a
technology landscape within established enterprise
organisations that is much more complex and
complicated than that of a start-up. You have baggage.
You’ve invested in CRM and ERP and SFA and HCM.
You’ve got core systems on which your business has
been built and you’ve layered more and more on top 	
of those over the years. 
Now you find yourself with a spaghetti-mound of
systems with multiple integration points between them.
There’s a massive diversity of technologies, platforms
and providers. And because of the way this stuff went in
over the years, there’s limited automation in place, you
struggle to keep up with updates and new releases and
frankly there’s a backlog of investment needed that you
probably can’t afford. 
So just as you need to transform the organisation
and business processes, you need to transition your
technology platforms. You need to look at new
delivery models and technologies, such as cloud and
virtualisation, to make IT easier to manage and to inject
greater agility into the infrastructure. 
But sadly I don’t see people taking full advantage of
the potential of, for example, virtualisation, where
server provisioning still takes weeks if not months,
environments are static and not dynamic or transient
and not enough automation is in place to give
consistent configuration-managed base images. 
Applications in production today are often very
monolithic and need to be broken up to make them
easier to release, manage, maintain and change.  
Developers are frequently held back waiting on changes
to servers by very siloed infrastructure teams when they
should probably be owning more of the layers of that
infrastructure themselves. 
These situations all have to change for successful
enterprise DevOps transformation. 
“Applications in
production today are
often very monolithic...”
devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
I don’t think we always help ourselves as DevOps
professionals. Some of us are actively hostile to the idea
of Enterprise DevOps and don’t want DevOps escaping
its ivory tower and entering the mainstream. 
To my mind, we need to embrace the fact that DevOps
is growing in popularity and help the organisations
who are trying to do DevOps at enterprise scale by
giving them a more detailed and rigorous roadmap for
the transformation.  We know that DevOps is about
culture and empathy at its heart, but I think we need
much more detail about how we move enterprise
organisations from A to B in terms of concrete activities
and process changes.  
Enterprise DevOps is an underserved niche and working
with it rather than against it will be key in growing
DevOps adoption.
“We need to embrace
the fact that DevOps is
growing in popularity...”
devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
While metrics are clearly essential building blocks of any
DevOps strategy, the sheer availability of massive amounts
of information can lead to the risk of curating too many
data points, resulting in a kind of data blindness.
“More is not better,” says Robert Benefield, CTO, Evolve
Beyond, bluntly. “Metrics and data that are not clearly
useful create noise that obfuscates and slows down the
delivery of those that are. When in doubt, don’t collect it.
DevOps in an age
of big data
This is the age of big data, Hadoop and Cassandra clusters, which provides
organisations with more opportunity to mine and gather DevOps metrics than ever
before. Opinion is divided on whether this is a good thing …
Collecting data with no clear motive beyond a hope that
it might someday be useful for something is not only
wasteful but can bury or crowd out more immediately
useful metrics in a sea of noise.”
So how do you determine which data points are
useful and which are not? Start by getting back to first
principles, argues Benefield. “Useful metrics should
either inform or validate,” he states. “Where they inform,
they indicate anomalies or hazardous trends that need
to be actively investigated and resolved quickly.” This
would include such things as a flurry of unexpected
application restarts, dropped sessions, or dangerously
increasing resource utilisation, all of which are
anomalous and require action to be taken.
“Where metrics validate, they are providing proof against
a hypothesis or event,” he adds. “This includes proving
the validity of expected usage patterns and behaviours,
as well as things such as metering for billing. The
audience is typically trying to verify business value,
confirm user experience and engagement patterns, or
validate technical and architectural behaviours. Like
useful informative metrics, validation metrics also
determine a course of action, even if that action is ‘stay
on the current course’.
“When determining what metrics to gather, know
what is being looked for, by whom and why. If you
can’t answer any one of those, or the answer does
not indicate that there is anything actionable that
the person consuming them can reasonably take, the
chances are that the metric is either flawed or not
sufficiently useful.”
“Useful metrics should
either inform or
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
In order for DevOps metrics to deliver validated and
informative data, rather than just a lot of data, it’s useful
to question whether the five Vs of big data can be
applied: volume, velocity, variety, value and veracity.
The answer to this is yes, up to a point, according
to Peter Matthews, Research Staff Member, CA
Technologies Labs, who argues that the first three
categories are easily resolved in a DevOps context.
“Variety depends on the scope of the metric data
collection,” he posits. “If you are just looking at change
logs, error rates and time to resolution then the variety
is low. However, if you are measuring inception to
retirement of software, there is most likely to be a wide
variety of data ranging from configurations, project
plans, user stories etc.
“Volume depends on the size and scope, but it is easy
to see large volumes of data being collected in busy IT
shops. Finally, velocity is not in doubt when there is a
major incident that is being tracked and managed.”
That leaves two categories outstanding – value and
veracity. The first principle here is that any metrics
you gather need to have a value, but organisations
mustn’t fall into the trap of assuming that all metrics
automatically carry value.
Not just a lot of data
“Some metrics are of little value,” suggests Matthews.
“Terabytes of metrics telling you that the system is
operating within normal parameters are likely to be
needed during the early days of use when no-one is sure
what is normal operation. After the system has stabilised,
some of those metrics should not be kept, but discarded
or ignored. It is important to establish the value of any
measure, what it tells you in its own right and what it
allows you to infer when allied to other measures.”
When it comes to veracity of metrics, this is a familiar
issue. “The accuracy of data is always a concern when
analytics are applied,” notes Matthews, who argues that
a major criticism of big data is the view that all data has
value if only we knew how to analyse it. DevOps metrics
fall into that group, he notes.
“There are suggestions that data collection regarding
DevOps metrics should discriminate in favour of data
that brings value and that the collection of large swathes
of data creates noise,” he explains. “This is to ignore
the output of techniques such as data triangulation.
Data triangulation is the technique of using multiple,
potentially related data sources to validate or create an
unknown data point.
“It is taken from the concept of navigation and is much used
in social sciences but can take advantage of all the data that
is retained as part of a big data strategy to triangulate fixes
for broken data. Once large volumes of data are used for
improving DevOps metrics for analysis and prediction, the
value of that data can be more easily established.
“More data gives the opportunity to discover new truths
about the behaviour of the DevOps systems and predict
problems and divergences before they occur. It is worth
noting that a ‘good enough data’ approach can be
complemented by a ‘good enough’ prediction to enable
trends and patterns to be established more consistently.”
“It’s useful to question
whether the five Vs of
big data can be applied:
volume, velocity, variety,
value and veracity.”
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
It is important to be aware of the fact that there often
is more than one audience who could benefit from the
metrics gathered, states Benefield. “Metrics traditionally
gathered by operations staff, such as faults, application
and infrastructure errors and conditions, as well as
resource utilisation can provide important insight to help
development and testing efforts.
“Equally, code quality, build and testing metrics can
improve operational understanding of potential risk hot
spots to watch out for. Usage information and customer
experience expectations can help guide design,
configuration and maintenance decisions being made by
both business as well as technical groups.”
Be careful how DevOps metrics end up being used, adds
Matthew Skelton, Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher
Consulting: “When collecting metrics in a DevOps context,
we need to be very careful not to let those metrics be
used in a way which induces negative behaviour in
teams,” he says. “For instance, rating product teams based
on the number of deployment failures or rewarding teams
based on the speed of blue-green switchover would be
counterproductive. Metrics should always be there to
empower and support teams in improving their work, not
to punish teams for ‘getting it wrong’.”
It is important how time sensitive the data is. “Service
and infrastructure health metrics are typically far more
time sensitive than analytics captured for strategic
business intelligence,” argues Benefield. “Some need to
be captured and relayed quickly to the right place with
enough context that the right action can be taken, while
others can be batched off and processed offline.”
That demands having the necessary skills in place to
make the necessary choices around identifying what data
is important and when. “The purpose and real meaning
of metrics must be clear,” says Skelton. “It is important
to have staff who really understand mathematical
correlation and how to interpret data properly.”
Audience Timing
Other considerations
Another factor to consider is the scope of your service
ecosystem. The more effective you are at authoritatively
capturing, eliminating and preventing discrepancies
from entering parts of your ecosystem, the more
consistently representative and sophisticated your
metrics can be.
“One of the most important and neglected factors that
affects the efficacy of metrics is the level of hygiene
present in the service ecosystem,” says Benefield.
“Slight differences in configurations, handling and other
environmental factors can obfuscate or interfere with
the capture, delivery and understanding of metrics data.”
The value of metrics is not a constant. “The usefulness
of metrics waxes and wanes over time, requiring that
metrics be regularly assessed for their value and actively
pruned and managed,” concludes Benefield. “Friction
with curation greatly increases the amount of effort
required, reducing both the responsiveness and will for
the organisation to change what is captured and tracked
to adapt to changing conditions.”
Don’t ignore the service ecosystem
Nothing stays the same
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
The velocity of application delivery cycles has increased
massively over the past few years. This has placed
pressure on development, test, release and operations
teams, who face demands for more agile technology
delivered more quickly and more responsively.
It also has an impact on Line of Business (LoB) heads,
directly tasked with introducing new products and
services to grow the bottom line. All too often those
business users vent frustration on not having the ‘right’
IT to enable and support them, but which is instead
blamed for holding them back.
This in turn has given rise to the spectre of Shadow IT.
This can be defined as any team that builds or deploys
Shadow IT: opportunity or
threat to DevOps?
CIO Magazine’s 2014 State of the CIO Survey results revealed four out of five IT
leaders feel IT projects done without IT involvement create problems. CA Digital
Transformation Lead, Justin Vaughan Brown, asks how DevOps should deal with 	
the rising spectre of Shadow IT.
a service using infrastructure or environments not
approved by the IT department.
Or to put it in another way, it’s LoB people going
‘rogue’ to address a business imperative because the
traditional routes are too expensive, too complicated,
too frustrating, but most of all, too slow.
Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, etc. have all made the options
easy to order and pay for – and in a language the
business understands. This is a generation used to
swiping a credit card to get browser-based Business-
to-Consumer application functionality. What’s so
different in the workplace?
Well, quite a bit of course in terms of governance,
compliance, security, not to mention the dangers of
multiple-track IT architecture strategies emerging.
How does DevOps approach this symptom of the age we
work in? Does DevOps ignore it, welcome it or fight it?
Like many things in life, the situation isn’t totally
black and white. Overleaf in more detail are a few
reasons why understandably Shadow IT causes some
concerns for DevOps.
devops perspectives 2 | Shadow IT
When DevOps is trying to standardise the production line,
Shadow IT creates another ‘factory’ that creates another
silo of activity running parallel. Which one dominates?
What reports are created that empirically demonstrate
which team or individual approved deployment to the next
environment, or most importantly into production? Certain
industries such as financial services and pharmaceuticals
have very strict regulations around the creation of approval
or audit trail.
How will the Shadow IT project map to other applications?
What visibility is there of the relative release stage?
The business got what it wanted and delivered the
application, but what next? How will Shadow IT
approach the next release? In the DevOps world,
application development and deployment needs to be
a repeatable process not a project. Shadow IT threatens
this by looking at each requirement from a piecemeal,
departmental and one-off viewpoint.
What are the risks of API exposure to threats? Does
the business understand the dangers of opening the
gates to unforeseen attacks when it builds a third-party
integration? (Answer: almost certainly not, why should
they? That’s your job.)
Parallel worlds
Continuous Delivery transparency
Dark shadows Light shadows
The existence of Shadow IT reveals where current IT
practices are not matching the desire velocity of the
business. That sounds like the perfect moment for a ‘Let
me explain DevOps to you’ conversation, and a chance to
win parts of the business over to the cause.
Equally, there are a few reasons why Shadow IT can 	
also be a good thing for DevOps:
Shadow IT can also highlight a potential testing ground
for an initial DevOps project. Here you need to find a
situation where the business has a compelling need and
is willing to consider non-traditional delivery methods.
Then, step up to the mark.
With so much of Shadow IT utilising the availability of
cheaply and easily accessible Cloud-based applications
and platforms, there is potential to explain how DevOps is
geared up for fast delivery/provisioning in public, private
and hybrid cloud environments.
Casting light
DevOps project alert
The Cloud
Action plan
So perhaps the best course of action for anyone involved in
a DevOps programme when confronted by Shadow IT is to:
»» Understand what has led to traditional IT being
bypassed and what the genuine concerns/grievances/
frustrations of the business users are.
»» Establish how (if possible) the requirement can be
adopted into a current or future DevOps-centric
»» Meet with the LoB heads who have considered going
their own way and outline the collaborative DevOps
vision. Remember – few employees will actively seek
to be a maverick in this context.
»» Maintain contact with the Shadow IT advocates
and continue to illustrate how DevOps can achieve
Continuous Delivery but with security and quality still
Shadow IT is a sign of the times. However DevOps
enthusiasts view the topic or choose to react, it is simply
too important to be ignored.
devops perspectives 2 | Shadow IT
ITIL – help or hindrance?
The ITIL 2011 framework provides guidance on the process and functions required to
deliver quality IT services that are aligned with the business goals and objectives.
It’s widely respected as a service management framework, but is it necessarily as
applicable to effective DevOps as some of its more evangelical advocates would insist?
“ITIL is a library of good practices for IT service
management, not a prescriptive framework,” argues
Matthew Skelton, Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher
Consulting. “It also emphasises continual improvement
of ongoing services, not ‘finished’ software. A key aspect
of a DevOps approach is that handoffs are to be avoided
if speed and quality of delivery (and effectiveness of
operation) are to be maximised.
“Agile, ITIL, and DevOps all have a shared focus
on working software, and emphasise iterative
improvement and collaboration. Agile methods favour
iterative, early delivery, collaboration with stakeholders,
responding to change, and working software rather than
extensive documentation and planning.”
So there is certainly some commonality of purpose at
play, but expectations do need to be kept in check, argues
Harry Vazanias, Principal, The North Highland Company.
“The question of whether ITIL helps or hinders DevOps is
a common one,” he says. “This is the wrong question, and
actually distracts from the right question, which is ‘What
governance do you need to nurture the right DevOps
environment?’. This may or may not heavily draw on ITIL.”
Vazanias’s contention is that ITIL itself doesn’t notably
hinder or drive DevOps because it’s not set up to do
either. “ITIL is a framework so if any element proves
too bureaucratic and siloed for DevOps, you have the
flexibility to ignore it,” he elaborates. “Hence ITIL only
gets in the way if that is how you tailored it.”
“ITIL is not designed to comment on or support Agile or
DevOps,” he adds. “Equally, its guidelines contain little to
challenge DevOps.”
He also notes that while ITIL ticks off Service Strategy
and Design, it doesn’t really cover the ‘Build’ part of
IT but rather goes straight to Transition. “The build
processes are missing,” he states. “DevOps, a movement
born heavily from the Dev world, is not addressed. By
not addressing it in any real way, ITIL doesn’t do much
to support or conflict with DevOps.”
There’s also the danger that ITIL in its present
form hasn’t really kept up to date with current tech
developments. “ITIL 2011 is the latest version and really
only a minor update of V3 from 2006/7,” says Vazanias.
“In other words, ITIL core thinking comes from a time
pre-Smartphone apps when Agile was only beginning to
get into large, long-standing corporates.”
Let’s start with the basics –
what is ITIL in reality?
“While ITIL ticks off
Service Strategy and
Design, it doesn’t really
cover the ‘Build’ part
of IT but rather goes
straight to Transition.”
devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
But Patrick Hyland, DevOps Engineering Manager,
Pearson, argues that DevOps can be highly effective
in the transition and operations stages of an ITIL V3
lifecycle-enabled service provider, which is being
managed using lean.
“Using Kanban to interconnect the lifecycle processes
that deliver the service creates visibility of the service
provider’s entire organisational system, leading to a
more profound understanding of the system,” he argues.
“This is akin to Gene Kim’s 1st way ‘Systems Thinking’
but with ITIL V3 strategy and design connecting into
development and operations.
“Furthermore a feedback loop from problem management
in operations can extend all the way back into all parts
of the lifecycle, not only the transition phase which is the
typical DevOps framed area of the lifecycle. This can take
the feedback deep into the early lifecycle phases.”
As an example, Hyland cities the instance of operations
doing problem management on a service that is
performing poorly, then being able to tell strategy that
the design capacity has not been regulated to meet the
strategic demand.
“The service provider can then use Theory of Constraints
to see why this may be happening,” he explains.
“Perhaps capacity management is a bottleneck and
needs to be appropriately exploited? Or perhaps
capacity management is in fact overproducing and the
consequences are being felt in service validation and
testing? What does the WIP (Work In Progress) inventory
Hyland argues that ITIL can be very effective if it is
considered in this lifecycle sense. “ITIL V3 provides
an impeccably sound map for left to right service
delivery,” he says. “In the transition phase, application
development, service validation and testing, change
management and release and deployment management
are the areas directly relevant, ripe for automation and
synthesisable with continuous delivery which forms the
backbone of the DevOps value stream.
“Applying lean to ITIL V3 interconnects all the lifecycle
phases, casting the collaboration net wide, from Strategy
through to Operations, not limiting it to collaboration
between Development and Operations.”
But all of this does take time and consideration to get
results; it’s not a miracle cure for anything. As Vazanias
concludes: “People keep looking for a silver bullet to
make DevOps work, and expect ITIL to do this ‘out of the
box’ and when it doesn’t, claim it’s not fit for purpose.”
An opposing view
devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
»» How does authorisation for dev to production work,
especially when delineation of responsibilities is
required and single DevOps roles aren’t feasible?
»» How do you streamline (lean) your dev to production
processes for faster deployment?
»» How do you run a change process that allows for
multiple deployments a day?
»» How do you perform transition planning when using
»» How and where do you utilise DevOps teams in
conjunction with more traditional Dev and Ops silos?
»» How do you reward failure in the right way?
Governance questions
to ask of ITIL
Harry Vazanias
There are several ways in which Dev and Ops teams can be
brought together within Agile and ITIL® contexts to build a
collaborative DevOps approach:
»» Run Book collaboration where Dev teams write a draft
Run Book, seeking help from Ops teams on the details
»» Choose tools that encourage collaboration and avoid
expensive Production-only ones
»» Test early for operational readiness, using network
emulators like NE-ONE from iTrinegy, network fault injectors
like Saboteur, and security test frameworks like Gauntlt
»» Single product backlog, avoiding the term ‘NFRs’, with user-
visible and operational features in the same backlog
Practical steps for
joining up Agile + ITIL
Matthew Skelton
»» Keep changes small
»» Rotate people through Dev and Ops teams
»» Ensure that the right kind of collaboration is set up
between Dev and Ops teams, and shared tools are
used effectively in order to reduce Continual Service
Improvement feedback loops timings to minutes or
hours, rather than days or weeks. How do you reward
failure in the right way?
devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
Six habits of the
effective DevOps
What makes a highly effective DevOps practitioner?
Clearly this will vary from person to person and organisation to
organisation. But the following list is a curated view of the views
of three experts: Matthew Skelton, chair of the DevOps Summit
London 2013; Dave Farley, author of ‘Continuous Delivery’; and
Benjamin Wootton, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of
DevOps Consultancy Contino, who also provides commentary on
the recommendations.
Don’t focus all attention on the computer screen in front
of you but get involved with the wider context. This
means having an ongoing dialogue with many teams
across the organisation, even if the dialogue is awkward.
Wootton says: “Go and sit with your other colleagues
across the technology organisation – the developers, the
architects, the testers and the operations teams.  Learn
what constitutes good software development, good IT
operations, good testing and the challenges inherent to
those activities.”
What is it that your customer wants from you and your
products? And do those products reflect those desires
and demands? Are the feedback processes in place to
facilitate this level of understanding of customer needs?
Wootton says: “I am increasingly seeing a customer and
product focus from effective DevOps practitioners.  They
understand what customers are looking from the systems
they support and have good collaborative relationships
with their users.  They want to enable the business to
deliver the features in short cycle times, primarily in order
to satisfy user demand. They care about user experience
above all else – more than their day-to-day role as
developers, testers or operations engineers.”
This is not a personal mission; it’s a team effort and that
means collaborating and sharing information and best
Wootton says: “Make an effort to get involved in
activities across the software development lifecycle
in order to put your own perspective across in a
collaborative way.  It’s easy to say ‘break down silos’,
but the power to start that process is generally in
individuals’ hands even in the most bureaucratic,
process-driven, stilted organisation imaginable!”
Look up from the keyboard. Be customer and product focused and
use feedback to refine and adapt, at all
levels of detail.
Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate.
devops perspectives 2 | Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner
1 2 3
Again this is about the wider mission. What are the
business objectives that you and your colleagues are
working towards or working to support? Are you able to
assist and support others in their understanding of those
objectives so that you are all on a common journey?
Wootton says: “Share your learning with colleagues in your
own teams and make sure that requirements that will
make everyone’s lives easier are captured and reflected
in what you do. When technologists are aligned with the
business around customer experience or product, a lot of
DevOps-like principles emerge naturally.”
Having a lean and agile organisational structure and
processes in place is essential if the DevOps team is to
service the business at maximum capacity. This means
stripping away all surplus weight and focusing on the
essentials needed for the DevOps practitioner to do his
or her job in the most productive fashion.
Wootton comments: “DevOps practitioners want to
capture data about how their product features are being
used and have that data back with the product managers
to inform the next iteration and improve the product.”
This means allowing computers to do what they
are good at and people to do what they are good at,
and automate everything, but allow people to make
decisions based on information, rather than guesswork.
Wootton says: “DevOps practitioners know that
transformation is about people as much as technology,
but I think we need to realise that the people elements
begin at home in our own daily job roles and activities.”
Help colleagues to focus on the
purpose of their work (‘the goal’) and
work on the most valuable things for
the business
Eliminate waste and
optimise the whole process,
not just parts of it
Use computers, but don’t forget
the human beings
4 5 6
devops perspectives 2 | Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner
DevOps – bending to the needs
of the software testers?
A knock-on consequence of the rise of the Application
Economy is the question of how does DevOps bend to
accommodate the needs of software testers in a mobile
world driven by web/cloud-based applications under strain
to roll out at the speed of Continuous Delivery?
With software development and delivery an increasingly
fast-paced business, especially in the world of mobile,
project durations are typically short and solutions need to
be delivered to a potentially large user base that, through
the use of application stores, have the ability to quickly
give very visible feedback. In these situations, testing can
frequently, and incorrectly, be seen as a bottleneck in the
delivery process.
But DevOps doesn’t necessarily need to bend to
accommodate the needs of software testers, says Steven
Janaway, Test Coach and Trainer at The Net-A-Porter
Group, arguing that one major advantage of the DevOps
movement is that it places operations skills into the cross-
functional delivery team and away from a siloed and
separate team.
“The efficiencies of such an approach are already well
understood within testing,” he suggests. “Moving all the
required competencies to design, build and deliver software
into a single responsible team just makes sense. A single
responsible team takes responsibility for quality and
whatever is required in order to understand it.”
The move towards DevOps should be seen as another
opportunity for teams to own quality, Janaway advocates.
“Just as testing should be seen as a team activity then so
should the ability to deploy to, and maintain, live systems,”
he says. “A user story should not be considered ‘done’
unless it has been running for a certain time in production,
with the required metrics indicating it meets customer
demands. This feedback can supplement the feedback that
testing can give to the team.”
It’s also the case that DevOps can help solve the issues
that testers have traditionally had when obtaining and
maintaining production-like test environments. “Testing
on a production-like environment, or production itself, is
becoming increasingly important as we move towards
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps – enabling the Application Economy
faster release cycles,” says Janaway. “Testers can learn
from those responsible for operations and moving those
people into the team or moving the aspects of the role
onto existing developers gives further opportunity to the
software tester. A team that understand their production
environments is able to assess where their testing effort is
best spent, whether that be pre or post deploy.”
All of this is contingent on companies learning to adapt to
new ways of working though, cautions Janaway. “Just as
the move towards DevOps required a mindset shift, the
movement towards single team ownership and testing
in production requires the same,” he concludes. “Moving
some testing activities to post deployment requires a
change in the perception of risk. The risk appetite of a
company needs to be understood and potentially changed,
to allow companies to get the maximum benefit.”
DevOps talent – buy in or
grow your own?
Hiring talented DevOps rock stars is the foundation of a
strong DevOps culture. Rapid adoption of open source
tooling and immediate and (sometimes) cheap access to
computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS)
have significantly empowered individual engineers to build
highly flexible and automated systems.
But with empowerment comes accountability. I have
never known a time in our industry when businesses have
been able to accomplish so much with so few individual
IT resources. This empowerment comes with an even
greater accountability to create a quality workplace and
environment for excellent engineers.
With many IT departments adopting a DevOps culture
now, a single engineer can make the difference between
a high-functioning team contributing boundless work in
complete alignment with the business goals or a stymied
mismatch of inefficient engineers fraught with tech politics
and personal agendas.
Making a considered effort to develop domain talent and
attract and hire engineers who appreciate the implications
of the DevOps way will enable organisations with the
competitive advantage they seek.
At my own firm Speerhead, we have hired hundreds of
DevOps engineers with our clients across all our European
offices. Over the last three years, our experience has led us
to come up with our own Five Tips for Success:
Paul Speers, CEO of Speerhead, a leading DevOps search and recruitment practice
offers five tips for finding DevOps talent.
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
The reality is that this is a candidate-driven market with
top talent hard to find and seemingly everyone working.
We see hundreds of dull and boring and not thought-
through job specs. Those are not going to attract the
right people to you.
You need to create an engaging set of materials. This is
a chance to sell the company and sell the great IT team
and work ethos you have.
Generate a clear understanding of the technical
transition the business is going through and call out the
great projects and the technologies that the team will
use. An outline of where you are in the DevOps journey
or your path to Continuous Delivery is essential.
There are many profiles on the internet of DevOps skills.
Half of these should be soft skills and communication
skills, which are essential alongside tech ability.
Benchmark your existing engineers using Speerhead’s
online tech profiler. Once complete, you have an
accurate profile of the engineer’s personality traits, then
match the personality sets with all new candidates
as they apply. We provide this as part of the CV when
selecting engineers.
You need a company mentor who can inspire and engage
with the new engineers. You need to create the magic and
make first impressions last through the hiring process. Do
you know who that person is inside your organisation?
You need to move fast. Most DevOps engineers are
snapped up very quickly in the market. So many
companies lose top talent because they are on their
‘seventh interview’.
Your process has to be aligned with the market and
most companies are not. We’re talking about a two-
week window for you to find your mentor, excite
the candidate by selling the role and company and
complete the hire.
Sell yourself
Personality, personality, personality
Who’s the Daddy (or Mummy)? Tick tock, tick tock
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
Imagine a service that hires top development graduates
or talent from colleges, then places them with you for
six months. Over that six months Speerhead can train
the junior engineer on the relevant skills to become
YOUR DevOps engineer, and at the end they transfer to
your business full-time.
They will undergo soft skills training, Process re-
engineering, IT automation and tooling and Continuous
Delivery principles and practices. At the end of the six
months whilst they have been working in your domain
and business they are fully equipped to add their skills
to the team.
So why is this such a great idea? Salaries are rising and
the contract market is booming for DevOps engineers,
and this has led to a shortage of experienced engineers
with exposure to the tech and practices to make it a
reality in your organisation.
Grow your own
Bringing on new talent under a defined training
programme with an understanding of your domain and
then backed by a solid on-the-job training programme will
help you develop your own loyal and trusted engineers.
The result? They will grasp the principles and all the
cultural attributes of the engineering role whilst being
trained on the specific tooling and services that can
transform infrastructures. Whilst they are technically
competent, they would be shown the direction in
which to develop with strong emphasis on soft skills
like presentations, meeting, leadership, planning and
IT and HR teams need to think hard and significantly
alter their hiring practices and processes to attract and
keep talented engineers in their business.
Long gone are the days of putting a job ad out and
expecting a flood of responses. Hiring measures will
also have to change around the impact these engineers
make to the business rather than the normal hiring KPIs.
Connect and engage socially with the communities, go
to the relevant meet-ups and open source vendor events
and conferences. The best talent is out there, but you
need to go and find it.
So many companies lose top talent because
they are on their ‘seventh interview’.
devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
Benjamin is the co-founder of Contino, a consultancy
helping enterprise organisations adopt DevOps and
Continuous Delivery tools, practices and approaches.
Benjamin has over a decade of experience as a
hands on agile software developer and consultant.
His experience ranges from hands on software
development and IT operations roles through to agile
transformation and organisational change with large
organizations such as Goldman Sachs, UBS, Deutsche
Bank and Oracle Consulting.
LinkedIn: Benjamin Wootton
Robert Benefield has over 20 years of executive leadership
experience building and leading world-class global
lean and high-performance engineering and technical
operations organisations in demanding high-uptime
environments spanning industries such as investment
banking, defence, telco, and internet service industries.
Robert has led transformations utilising Agile and Lean,
and has developed and successfully implemented
best-of-class Cloud and elastic computing techniques
in a variety of complex environments. Robert enjoys
solving complex problems, creatively using technology
and organisational techniques to bring a new level of
understanding and dynamism across businesses and
their markets. 
LinkedIn: Robert Benefield
Harry is a leading expert on technology strategies and
transformations, heading up North Highland’s thinking
on the next generation of IT and digital. He has over
15 years’ experience working with dev and operations
teams, helping them to redefine their delivery models
and value proposition to the rest of the business.
Harry has led the redesign of IT and digital functions
at world-class brands across various industry sectors
including retail, media and telco. His focus is now on
helping companies to move towards enterprise agile
and DevOps ways of working, with a focus on product
development, not project.   
The North Highland Company
Benjamin Wootton
Co-Founder and Principal Consultant 	
of DevOps Consultancy, Contino
Robert Benefield
CTO, Evolve Beyond
Harry Vazanias
Head of Technology, 				
The North Highland Company
devops perspectives 2 | contributors
Matthew Skelton has been building, deploying, and
operating commercial software systems since 1998.
Co-founder and Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher
Consulting, he specialises in helping organisations
to adopt and sustain good practices for building and
operating software systems: Continuous Delivery,
DevOps, aspects of ITIL, and software operability.
Matthew founded and leads the 1000-member London
Continuous Delivery meet-up group, and instigated
the first conference in Europe dedicated to Continuous
Delivery, PIPELINE Conference. He also co-facilitates the
popular Experience DevOps workshop series and is
co-editor of Build Quality In, a book of Continuous
Delivery and DevOps experience reports.
Skelton Thatcher Consulting
Patrick Hyland is the founder of DevOps Associates, a
London-based consultancy concerned with application
engineering management. The consultancy applies
a blend of agile methods, connected ITIL lifecycle
processes and DevOps collaboration/engineering
practices to help companies design, build, deliver and
operate outstanding application services.
Patrick is an ITIL expert with 18 years of development
and operations experience. He is particularly interested
in management via Eli Goldratt’s theory of constraints,
applying a lean manufacturing mindset within an IT
Service Management context.
DevOps Associates
Matthew Skelton
Co-founder and Principal Consultant,
Skelton Thatcher Consulting Ltd
Patrick Hyland
Founder, DevOps Associates
devops perspectives 2 | contributors
Dave Farley is co-author of the Jolt Award-winning
book Continuous Delivery. He has been having fun with
computers for over 30 years. Over that period he has
worked on most types of software. He has a wide range
of experience leading the development of complex
software in teams, large and small.
Dave was an early adopter of agile development
techniques, employing iterative development,
continuous integration and significant levels of
automated testing on commercial projects from the
early 1990s. More recently Dave has worked in the field
of low-latency computing, developing high-performance
software for the finance industry. Dave currently works
for KCG Europe Ltd.
LinkedIn: Dave Farley
Dave Farley
Co-author of Continuous Delivery,
Architect at KCG Europe Ltd
Stephen is a mobile and e-commerce Test Coach,
Strategist and Manager. Over the last 15 years he’s worked
for companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola and
The Net-a-Porter Group, as well as advising a number of
mobile application companies on testing and delivery
strategies. He has written and presented many times
about testing, frequently with a focus on mobile devices
and mobile applications. Stephen also provides training
courses and coaching, focused on both mobile software
testing and software testing in general.
Stephen loves talking to others about software testing,
test techniques and the mobile device and application
world in general.
Paul Speers is the CEO of Speerhead. He started the
company over 5 years ago to direct Speerhead on
the path to long-term growth, further its commercial
success in the DevOps market and drive the launch of
its revolutionary DevOps Recruitment franchise and play
a leading role in the creation of DevOps Training and
Certification IP.
Not only is Paul focused on leading the DevOps market,
but also on building the successes of the company’s
global customer base and recruitment solutions for
explosive growth. Paul is a vital conduit between
Speerhead’s customers, its global franchise partners and
the DevOps industry as a whole.
Stephen Janaway
Test Coach and Trainer at
The Net-A-Porter Group
Paul Speers
CEO, Speerhead Group
devops perspectives 2 | contributors
Paul brings to Speerhead over 20 years’ experience in
sales and marketing within the IT industry, having held
senior positions at Opsware – the first IT Automation
vendor from Marc Andersson. He is also the co-founder
of Fox IT, the Global ITIL vendor.
LinkedIn: Paul Speers
Justin Vaughan-Brown is Global Digital Transformation
Lead, Product Marketing at CA Technologies. He is the
author of ‘The Digital Transformation Journey: Key
Technology Considerations’ paper, hosts the quarterly
DevOps Influencer Dinners and is responsible for the
DevOps Simulation Experience, an interactive online
workshop that explains core DevOps principles.
Peter Matthews is a Vice President and research
scientist in CA Technologies. Over 35 years in IT Peter
has worked in enterprise scale mainframe, Unix and
PC environments. His current research covers cloud
computing, privacy, security and analytics and the
streamlining of the IT supply chain. His co-author of ‘The
Innovative CIO’.
Justin Vaughan Brown
Global Digital
Transformation Lead, CA
Peter Matthews
VP and Research Scientist, CA
devops perspectives 2 | contributors
Next Steps
Mainstream adoption of DevOps is here. Is your organization ready to seize all the business benefits and
opportunities it presents? At CA Technologies, we have built a portfolio of products and solutions on our
DevOps expertise.
Visit to learn more about how CA can help you close the gap between your developers and
your operations—and keep your competitive edge in the application economy.
For more information on DevOps solutions from CA Technologies, go to:
Contributions and comments were solicited following a discussion held in July 2014 and in subsequent email interviews. 		
Copyright ©2015 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

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DevOps Model: What is DevOps and Its BenefitsDevOps Model: What is DevOps and Its Benefits
DevOps Model: What is DevOps and Its Benefits
Why a DevOps approach is critical to achieve digital transformation
Why a DevOps approach is critical to achieve digital transformationWhy a DevOps approach is critical to achieve digital transformation
Why a DevOps approach is critical to achieve digital transformation

DevOps Perspectives II

  • 1. 1 DevOps Perspectives 2 Ideas, insight and direction from DevOps leaders
  • 2. CONTENTS Introduction 3 On enterprise DevOps transformation 6 DevOps in an age of big data 12 Shadow IT: opportunity or threat to DevOps? 15 ITIL – help or hindrance? 17 Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner 21 DevOps - bending to the needs of the software testers? 24 DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own? 25 Contributors 28 devops perspectives 2
  • 3. 3 This need to grasp the DevOps opportunity is an immediate imperative for all technologists if we accept that we are in the middle of what we now call the application economy – a place where customers are far more likely to experience your brand and interact with your enterprise through a software application than a living person. According to the results of the most recent CA Technologies study* on the application economy and the role of DevOps, 88 percent of 1,425 IT and Line of Business (LoB) executives already have or plan to adopt DevOps sometime within the next five years. DevOps has a problem. In many ways it has become a victim of its own success, and the industry might already be accused of ‘over-talking’ it in much the same way as Cloud hype. It’s like we’ve been waiting for some new unification paradigm to span the two sister worlds of software application development and operations … and now it’s here, and now we need to get to grips with it fast—but we’re still drinking from a firehose of innovation. devops perspectives 2 | introduction
  • 4. 4 But there are questions still to be answered. Should it really have been called OpsDev anyway? Is the balance in the very DNA of DevOps imperfect in some ways? Is DevOps evolving with enough LoB relevance to ensure productive implementation in all environments? Do we even understand that DevOps is a workplace culture rather than some packaged product that might have come shipped in a DVD-ROM box were we still back in the 1990s? Finding ourselves inside this maelstrom of discussion is healthy in some ways; i.e. these are the teething pains that any new and emerging technology should go through on its way to adolescence and beyond. But long-term confusion will be unhealthy and disruptive forces will turn negative, as stated in CA’s paper ‘DevOps: The Worst-Kept Secret to Winning in the application economy’* – those experienced with DevOps are already seeing measurable results (15 to 21 percent improvements) in quality and performance of applications; enhanced end customer experiences; and cross-platform simultaneous software deployment. Of course DevOps is already beyond its initial adolescence and is seen played out and fully executed by the types of firms we feature here in this eBook. What matters now are the more real-world mechanics and minutiae of the way we bring DevOps to bear in current working environments, which are so heavily driven by the need for Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration. Should it really have been called OpsDev anyway? “Implementing DevOps properly will be a political, economic, technical and personal issue.” 88% of all enterprises plan to adopt DevOps *DevOps: The Worst-Kept Secret to Winning in the application economy, a study commissioned by CA and conducted by Vanson Bourne between July-August 2014 devops perspectives 2 | introduction
  • 5. 5 As we now work to ‘map’ the scope of our own technology ecosystems onto DevOps-empowered workflows, we will need to step back and almost deconstruct each individual approach to software development and delivery. DevOps has to now eat at the same dinner table as lifecycle process management and collaboration tools and it will need to pick up some good manners very quickly if it doesn’t want to come across as some raucous upstart. Implementing DevOps properly will be a political, economic, technical and personal issue. Given this sensitivity (yet huge potential for success) it is crucial that we form working groups and discussion forums to do thing right. As many as half of all respondents in a Vanson Bourne survey for CA reported that their industry is being ‘very’ or ‘highly’ disrupted by the arrival of the application economy – but this can be a positive disruption if the opportunities are grasped with strategic insight. If DevOps has any problems, we are all stronger if we ‘share with the group’ and flesh these issues out now. Tomorrow should look brighter, continuously. Mind your manners 19% improvement in quality and performance devops perspectives 2 | introduction
  • 6. 6 DevOps started life among the ‘born-on-the-web’ companies, such as Facebook, Spotify and Google, a fact that has led some in the DevOps community and beyond to question whether it is suited to the more traditional large enterprise companies. Many of those enterprises have been stung over the years by technology vendor hype, so if there is sometimes an underlying fear that those providers and consultants talking about Enterprise DevOps are just trying to repurpose and resell what is already there, that may be a forgivable assumption. But having spent time looking at how to apply DevOps in an enterprise setting, my conclusion is that DevOps in an enterprise environment deserves its status as a niche within a niche and is in many ways a more potent tool in that environment. This is reflected in the increased number of questions I find myself being asked by CxOs within large enterprises about enterprise DevOps transformation and how to achieve it.  When attempting a DevOps transformation within the enterprise we need to consider three things – people, process and technology.  If all three are not in line, the initiative will likely not reach its full potential. On enterprise DevOps transformationBenjamin Wootton, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of DevOps Consultancy, Contino assesses the place of DevOps in an enterprise culture.
  • 7. 7 DevOps practitioners talk a lot about culture, but that is a hard thing to transform. How do you measure culture and how do we change and influence it? I think we need to get a lot more rigorous than that sort of question to achieve transformation of an enterprise towards DevOps ways of working. One of the first things we need to consider is organisational design.  Here we are interested in the departmental structures, the job roles and responsibilities, the reporting lines and the way people are incentivised and so on. This involves looking at the job roles within the enterprise, their function, what and how much you are asking people to do on a day-to-day basis and what rewards and incentives are being offered to achieve all this.  This is all about getting everyone pointing in the same direction. The importance of this step means that you need to have a top-down approach with senior-level buy- in to make it work, but you also need to look at wherever responsibility sits in the organisation in order to drive this.  Then you need to think about your skills in the IT organisation. Specifically, do you have the necessary DevOps talent on the books and if not, where are you going to find them?  Are you going to go out to the market to source them or will you ‘grow your own’ internally?   “As an industry we do a bad job in bringing juniors into IT.” People devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
  • 8. 8 The latter takes time of course, but the former is not necessarily an easier option. It is frankly hard to find people with the requisite skill set. Industries and education have been set up around siloed thinking.  If we’re honest, as an industry we do a bad job in bringing juniors into IT. We need to look again at how we do that. It’s a really common challenge that enterprises face, that they can’t find the profiles they need out there in the market. Some enterprises I know have been trying to hire DevOps people for a long, long time.  It really is a candidate-driven market and I can’t see that changing any time soon. The universities are still very ‘old world’ in their thinking and companies don’t seem willing to invest in bringing new talent through. So what happens is that you end up with the senior engineers who are already there getting paid more and more and becoming more critical to the enterprise while the juniors aren’t coming up behind them.   Assuming that you are going to try to recruit, you need to think in terms of incentives and culture. What needs to be changed or be in place not only to attract new recruits of the right calibre, but to retain them once they are on board. You don’t want to train someone up, only to see that person disappear to a competitor that offers a more conducive work environment. Remember that while financial recompense is clearly a factor, DevOps people also tend to be incentivised by delivery. They want to see what they’re doing getting out there into the market and being used. They’re looking for flexible working and they want to use the latest and greatest tools to do the job. You need to factor all this in before making someone an offer if you hope to lure them in.  devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
  • 9. 9 Here you need to consider the organisation and its business processes, ranging from requirements capture and prioritisation through software releases and operational processes such as change and incident management.  In a DevOps world, these processes should change so the knowledge and responsibilities sit with the right people.  At the moment in most enterprises, there is a really process-driven approach to IT. There are people who do this, people who do that, it’s all very process-centric.  People aren’t robots. You need to move the culture towards one of collaboration and personal responsibility. These are intelligent and highly skilled people. You need to let them make their own decisions and to work with one another.  That typically means putting the right culture in place on the ground. Earlier I talked about the need for top-down support and how that is essential, but cultures also change from the ground up. Top-down, ground-up and hope they meet in the middle. Of course there are always likely to be incumbent processes, particularly in larger, more established enterprises. Things have worked in a certain way for a long time and got the business, so how do you start changing these long-established working practices? There’s human nature coming into play here as well. Even people who are change-friendly can become set in their ways.  We can see across industries that even the simplest of organisational changes can be difficult. This is DevOps, this is something complex that’s touching people, processes and technology. The key message here: don’t underestimate the challenge of process transformation.  “You need to move the culture towards one of collaboration and personal responsibility.” Process devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
  • 10. 10 The third element is technology and here we see a technology landscape within established enterprise organisations that is much more complex and complicated than that of a start-up. You have baggage. You’ve invested in CRM and ERP and SFA and HCM. You’ve got core systems on which your business has been built and you’ve layered more and more on top of those over the years.  Now you find yourself with a spaghetti-mound of systems with multiple integration points between them. There’s a massive diversity of technologies, platforms and providers. And because of the way this stuff went in over the years, there’s limited automation in place, you struggle to keep up with updates and new releases and frankly there’s a backlog of investment needed that you probably can’t afford.  So just as you need to transform the organisation and business processes, you need to transition your technology platforms. You need to look at new delivery models and technologies, such as cloud and virtualisation, to make IT easier to manage and to inject greater agility into the infrastructure.  But sadly I don’t see people taking full advantage of the potential of, for example, virtualisation, where server provisioning still takes weeks if not months, environments are static and not dynamic or transient and not enough automation is in place to give consistent configuration-managed base images.  Applications in production today are often very monolithic and need to be broken up to make them easier to release, manage, maintain and change.   Developers are frequently held back waiting on changes to servers by very siloed infrastructure teams when they should probably be owning more of the layers of that infrastructure themselves.  These situations all have to change for successful enterprise DevOps transformation.  Technology “Applications in production today are often very monolithic...” devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
  • 11. 11 I don’t think we always help ourselves as DevOps professionals. Some of us are actively hostile to the idea of Enterprise DevOps and don’t want DevOps escaping its ivory tower and entering the mainstream.  To my mind, we need to embrace the fact that DevOps is growing in popularity and help the organisations who are trying to do DevOps at enterprise scale by giving them a more detailed and rigorous roadmap for the transformation.  We know that DevOps is about culture and empathy at its heart, but I think we need much more detail about how we move enterprise organisations from A to B in terms of concrete activities and process changes.   Enterprise DevOps is an underserved niche and working with it rather than against it will be key in growing DevOps adoption. Conclusion “We need to embrace the fact that DevOps is growing in popularity...” devops perspectives 2 | On Enterprise DevOps Transformation
  • 12. 12 While metrics are clearly essential building blocks of any DevOps strategy, the sheer availability of massive amounts of information can lead to the risk of curating too many data points, resulting in a kind of data blindness. “More is not better,” says Robert Benefield, CTO, Evolve Beyond, bluntly. “Metrics and data that are not clearly useful create noise that obfuscates and slows down the delivery of those that are. When in doubt, don’t collect it. DevOps in an age of big data This is the age of big data, Hadoop and Cassandra clusters, which provides organisations with more opportunity to mine and gather DevOps metrics than ever before. Opinion is divided on whether this is a good thing … Collecting data with no clear motive beyond a hope that it might someday be useful for something is not only wasteful but can bury or crowd out more immediately useful metrics in a sea of noise.” So how do you determine which data points are useful and which are not? Start by getting back to first principles, argues Benefield. “Useful metrics should either inform or validate,” he states. “Where they inform, they indicate anomalies or hazardous trends that need to be actively investigated and resolved quickly.” This would include such things as a flurry of unexpected application restarts, dropped sessions, or dangerously increasing resource utilisation, all of which are anomalous and require action to be taken. “Where metrics validate, they are providing proof against a hypothesis or event,” he adds. “This includes proving the validity of expected usage patterns and behaviours, as well as things such as metering for billing. The audience is typically trying to verify business value, confirm user experience and engagement patterns, or validate technical and architectural behaviours. Like useful informative metrics, validation metrics also determine a course of action, even if that action is ‘stay on the current course’. “When determining what metrics to gather, know what is being looked for, by whom and why. If you can’t answer any one of those, or the answer does not indicate that there is anything actionable that the person consuming them can reasonably take, the chances are that the metric is either flawed or not sufficiently useful.” “Useful metrics should either inform or validate.” devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
  • 13. 13 In order for DevOps metrics to deliver validated and informative data, rather than just a lot of data, it’s useful to question whether the five Vs of big data can be applied: volume, velocity, variety, value and veracity. The answer to this is yes, up to a point, according to Peter Matthews, Research Staff Member, CA Technologies Labs, who argues that the first three categories are easily resolved in a DevOps context. “Variety depends on the scope of the metric data collection,” he posits. “If you are just looking at change logs, error rates and time to resolution then the variety is low. However, if you are measuring inception to retirement of software, there is most likely to be a wide variety of data ranging from configurations, project plans, user stories etc. “Volume depends on the size and scope, but it is easy to see large volumes of data being collected in busy IT shops. Finally, velocity is not in doubt when there is a major incident that is being tracked and managed.” That leaves two categories outstanding – value and veracity. The first principle here is that any metrics you gather need to have a value, but organisations mustn’t fall into the trap of assuming that all metrics automatically carry value. Not just a lot of data “Some metrics are of little value,” suggests Matthews. “Terabytes of metrics telling you that the system is operating within normal parameters are likely to be needed during the early days of use when no-one is sure what is normal operation. After the system has stabilised, some of those metrics should not be kept, but discarded or ignored. It is important to establish the value of any measure, what it tells you in its own right and what it allows you to infer when allied to other measures.” When it comes to veracity of metrics, this is a familiar issue. “The accuracy of data is always a concern when analytics are applied,” notes Matthews, who argues that a major criticism of big data is the view that all data has value if only we knew how to analyse it. DevOps metrics fall into that group, he notes. “There are suggestions that data collection regarding DevOps metrics should discriminate in favour of data that brings value and that the collection of large swathes of data creates noise,” he explains. “This is to ignore the output of techniques such as data triangulation. Data triangulation is the technique of using multiple, potentially related data sources to validate or create an unknown data point. “It is taken from the concept of navigation and is much used in social sciences but can take advantage of all the data that is retained as part of a big data strategy to triangulate fixes for broken data. Once large volumes of data are used for improving DevOps metrics for analysis and prediction, the value of that data can be more easily established. “More data gives the opportunity to discover new truths about the behaviour of the DevOps systems and predict problems and divergences before they occur. It is worth noting that a ‘good enough data’ approach can be complemented by a ‘good enough’ prediction to enable trends and patterns to be established more consistently.” “It’s useful to question whether the five Vs of big data can be applied: volume, velocity, variety, value and veracity.” devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
  • 14. It is important to be aware of the fact that there often is more than one audience who could benefit from the metrics gathered, states Benefield. “Metrics traditionally gathered by operations staff, such as faults, application and infrastructure errors and conditions, as well as resource utilisation can provide important insight to help development and testing efforts. “Equally, code quality, build and testing metrics can improve operational understanding of potential risk hot spots to watch out for. Usage information and customer experience expectations can help guide design, configuration and maintenance decisions being made by both business as well as technical groups.” Be careful how DevOps metrics end up being used, adds Matthew Skelton, Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher Consulting: “When collecting metrics in a DevOps context, we need to be very careful not to let those metrics be used in a way which induces negative behaviour in teams,” he says. “For instance, rating product teams based on the number of deployment failures or rewarding teams based on the speed of blue-green switchover would be counterproductive. Metrics should always be there to empower and support teams in improving their work, not to punish teams for ‘getting it wrong’.” It is important how time sensitive the data is. “Service and infrastructure health metrics are typically far more time sensitive than analytics captured for strategic business intelligence,” argues Benefield. “Some need to be captured and relayed quickly to the right place with enough context that the right action can be taken, while others can be batched off and processed offline.” That demands having the necessary skills in place to make the necessary choices around identifying what data is important and when. “The purpose and real meaning of metrics must be clear,” says Skelton. “It is important to have staff who really understand mathematical correlation and how to interpret data properly.” Audience Timing Other considerations Another factor to consider is the scope of your service ecosystem. The more effective you are at authoritatively capturing, eliminating and preventing discrepancies from entering parts of your ecosystem, the more consistently representative and sophisticated your metrics can be. “One of the most important and neglected factors that affects the efficacy of metrics is the level of hygiene present in the service ecosystem,” says Benefield. “Slight differences in configurations, handling and other environmental factors can obfuscate or interfere with the capture, delivery and understanding of metrics data.” The value of metrics is not a constant. “The usefulness of metrics waxes and wanes over time, requiring that metrics be regularly assessed for their value and actively pruned and managed,” concludes Benefield. “Friction with curation greatly increases the amount of effort required, reducing both the responsiveness and will for the organisation to change what is captured and tracked to adapt to changing conditions.” Don’t ignore the service ecosystem Nothing stays the same devops perspectives 2 | DevOps in an age of Big Data
  • 15. 15 The velocity of application delivery cycles has increased massively over the past few years. This has placed pressure on development, test, release and operations teams, who face demands for more agile technology delivered more quickly and more responsively. It also has an impact on Line of Business (LoB) heads, directly tasked with introducing new products and services to grow the bottom line. All too often those business users vent frustration on not having the ‘right’ IT to enable and support them, but which is instead blamed for holding them back. This in turn has given rise to the spectre of Shadow IT. This can be defined as any team that builds or deploys Shadow IT: opportunity or threat to DevOps? CIO Magazine’s 2014 State of the CIO Survey results revealed four out of five IT leaders feel IT projects done without IT involvement create problems. CA Digital Transformation Lead, Justin Vaughan Brown, asks how DevOps should deal with the rising spectre of Shadow IT. a service using infrastructure or environments not approved by the IT department. Or to put it in another way, it’s LoB people going ‘rogue’ to address a business imperative because the traditional routes are too expensive, too complicated, too frustrating, but most of all, too slow. Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, etc. have all made the options easy to order and pay for – and in a language the business understands. This is a generation used to swiping a credit card to get browser-based Business- to-Consumer application functionality. What’s so different in the workplace? Well, quite a bit of course in terms of governance, compliance, security, not to mention the dangers of multiple-track IT architecture strategies emerging. How does DevOps approach this symptom of the age we work in? Does DevOps ignore it, welcome it or fight it? Like many things in life, the situation isn’t totally black and white. Overleaf in more detail are a few reasons why understandably Shadow IT causes some concerns for DevOps. devops perspectives 2 | Shadow IT
  • 16. When DevOps is trying to standardise the production line, Shadow IT creates another ‘factory’ that creates another silo of activity running parallel. Which one dominates? What reports are created that empirically demonstrate which team or individual approved deployment to the next environment, or most importantly into production? Certain industries such as financial services and pharmaceuticals have very strict regulations around the creation of approval or audit trail. How will the Shadow IT project map to other applications? What visibility is there of the relative release stage? The business got what it wanted and delivered the application, but what next? How will Shadow IT approach the next release? In the DevOps world, application development and deployment needs to be a repeatable process not a project. Shadow IT threatens this by looking at each requirement from a piecemeal, departmental and one-off viewpoint. What are the risks of API exposure to threats? Does the business understand the dangers of opening the gates to unforeseen attacks when it builds a third-party integration? (Answer: almost certainly not, why should they? That’s your job.) Parallel worlds Governance Continuous Delivery transparency Reuse Security Dark shadows Light shadows The existence of Shadow IT reveals where current IT practices are not matching the desire velocity of the business. That sounds like the perfect moment for a ‘Let me explain DevOps to you’ conversation, and a chance to win parts of the business over to the cause. Equally, there are a few reasons why Shadow IT can also be a good thing for DevOps: Shadow IT can also highlight a potential testing ground for an initial DevOps project. Here you need to find a situation where the business has a compelling need and is willing to consider non-traditional delivery methods. Then, step up to the mark. With so much of Shadow IT utilising the availability of cheaply and easily accessible Cloud-based applications and platforms, there is potential to explain how DevOps is geared up for fast delivery/provisioning in public, private and hybrid cloud environments. Casting light DevOps project alert The Cloud Action plan So perhaps the best course of action for anyone involved in a DevOps programme when confronted by Shadow IT is to: »» Understand what has led to traditional IT being bypassed and what the genuine concerns/grievances/ frustrations of the business users are. »» Establish how (if possible) the requirement can be adopted into a current or future DevOps-centric project. »» Meet with the LoB heads who have considered going their own way and outline the collaborative DevOps vision. Remember – few employees will actively seek to be a maverick in this context. »» Maintain contact with the Shadow IT advocates and continue to illustrate how DevOps can achieve Continuous Delivery but with security and quality still paramount. Shadow IT is a sign of the times. However DevOps enthusiasts view the topic or choose to react, it is simply too important to be ignored. devops perspectives 2 | Shadow IT
  • 17. 17 ITIL – help or hindrance? The ITIL 2011 framework provides guidance on the process and functions required to deliver quality IT services that are aligned with the business goals and objectives. It’s widely respected as a service management framework, but is it necessarily as applicable to effective DevOps as some of its more evangelical advocates would insist?
  • 18. 18 “ITIL is a library of good practices for IT service management, not a prescriptive framework,” argues Matthew Skelton, Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher Consulting. “It also emphasises continual improvement of ongoing services, not ‘finished’ software. A key aspect of a DevOps approach is that handoffs are to be avoided if speed and quality of delivery (and effectiveness of operation) are to be maximised. “Agile, ITIL, and DevOps all have a shared focus on working software, and emphasise iterative improvement and collaboration. Agile methods favour iterative, early delivery, collaboration with stakeholders, responding to change, and working software rather than extensive documentation and planning.” So there is certainly some commonality of purpose at play, but expectations do need to be kept in check, argues Harry Vazanias, Principal, The North Highland Company. “The question of whether ITIL helps or hinders DevOps is a common one,” he says. “This is the wrong question, and actually distracts from the right question, which is ‘What governance do you need to nurture the right DevOps environment?’. This may or may not heavily draw on ITIL.”   Vazanias’s contention is that ITIL itself doesn’t notably hinder or drive DevOps because it’s not set up to do either. “ITIL is a framework so if any element proves too bureaucratic and siloed for DevOps, you have the flexibility to ignore it,” he elaborates. “Hence ITIL only gets in the way if that is how you tailored it.” “ITIL is not designed to comment on or support Agile or DevOps,” he adds. “Equally, its guidelines contain little to challenge DevOps.” He also notes that while ITIL ticks off Service Strategy and Design, it doesn’t really cover the ‘Build’ part of IT but rather goes straight to Transition. “The build processes are missing,” he states. “DevOps, a movement born heavily from the Dev world, is not addressed. By not addressing it in any real way, ITIL doesn’t do much to support or conflict with DevOps.” There’s also the danger that ITIL in its present form hasn’t really kept up to date with current tech developments. “ITIL 2011 is the latest version and really only a minor update of V3 from 2006/7,” says Vazanias. “In other words, ITIL core thinking comes from a time pre-Smartphone apps when Agile was only beginning to get into large, long-standing corporates.” Let’s start with the basics – what is ITIL in reality? “While ITIL ticks off Service Strategy and Design, it doesn’t really cover the ‘Build’ part of IT but rather goes straight to Transition.” devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
  • 19. 19 But Patrick Hyland, DevOps Engineering Manager, Pearson, argues that DevOps can be highly effective in the transition and operations stages of an ITIL V3 lifecycle-enabled service provider, which is being managed using lean. “Using Kanban to interconnect the lifecycle processes that deliver the service creates visibility of the service provider’s entire organisational system, leading to a more profound understanding of the system,” he argues. “This is akin to Gene Kim’s 1st way ‘Systems Thinking’ but with ITIL V3 strategy and design connecting into development and operations. “Furthermore a feedback loop from problem management in operations can extend all the way back into all parts of the lifecycle, not only the transition phase which is the typical DevOps framed area of the lifecycle. This can take the feedback deep into the early lifecycle phases.” As an example, Hyland cities the instance of operations doing problem management on a service that is performing poorly, then being able to tell strategy that the design capacity has not been regulated to meet the strategic demand. “The service provider can then use Theory of Constraints to see why this may be happening,” he explains. “Perhaps capacity management is a bottleneck and needs to be appropriately exploited? Or perhaps capacity management is in fact overproducing and the consequences are being felt in service validation and testing? What does the WIP (Work In Progress) inventory say?” Hyland argues that ITIL can be very effective if it is considered in this lifecycle sense. “ITIL V3 provides an impeccably sound map for left to right service delivery,” he says. “In the transition phase, application development, service validation and testing, change management and release and deployment management are the areas directly relevant, ripe for automation and synthesisable with continuous delivery which forms the backbone of the DevOps value stream. “Applying lean to ITIL V3 interconnects all the lifecycle phases, casting the collaboration net wide, from Strategy through to Operations, not limiting it to collaboration between Development and Operations.” But all of this does take time and consideration to get results; it’s not a miracle cure for anything. As Vazanias concludes: “People keep looking for a silver bullet to make DevOps work, and expect ITIL to do this ‘out of the box’ and when it doesn’t, claim it’s not fit for purpose.” An opposing view devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
  • 20. »» How does authorisation for dev to production work, especially when delineation of responsibilities is required and single DevOps roles aren’t feasible? »» How do you streamline (lean) your dev to production processes for faster deployment? »» How do you run a change process that allows for multiple deployments a day? »» How do you perform transition planning when using Agile? »» How and where do you utilise DevOps teams in conjunction with more traditional Dev and Ops silos? »» How do you reward failure in the right way? Governance questions to ask of ITIL Harry Vazanias There are several ways in which Dev and Ops teams can be brought together within Agile and ITIL® contexts to build a collaborative DevOps approach: »» Run Book collaboration where Dev teams write a draft Run Book, seeking help from Ops teams on the details »» Choose tools that encourage collaboration and avoid expensive Production-only ones »» Test early for operational readiness, using network emulators like NE-ONE from iTrinegy, network fault injectors like Saboteur, and security test frameworks like Gauntlt »» Single product backlog, avoiding the term ‘NFRs’, with user- visible and operational features in the same backlog Practical steps for joining up Agile + ITIL Matthew Skelton »» Keep changes small »» Rotate people through Dev and Ops teams »» Ensure that the right kind of collaboration is set up between Dev and Ops teams, and shared tools are used effectively in order to reduce Continual Service Improvement feedback loops timings to minutes or hours, rather than days or weeks. How do you reward failure in the right way? devops perspectives 2 | ITIL – help or hindrance?
  • 21. 21 Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner What makes a highly effective DevOps practitioner? Clearly this will vary from person to person and organisation to organisation. But the following list is a curated view of the views of three experts: Matthew Skelton, chair of the DevOps Summit London 2013; Dave Farley, author of ‘Continuous Delivery’; and Benjamin Wootton, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of DevOps Consultancy Contino, who also provides commentary on the recommendations.
  • 22. 22 Don’t focus all attention on the computer screen in front of you but get involved with the wider context. This means having an ongoing dialogue with many teams across the organisation, even if the dialogue is awkward. Wootton says: “Go and sit with your other colleagues across the technology organisation – the developers, the architects, the testers and the operations teams.  Learn what constitutes good software development, good IT operations, good testing and the challenges inherent to those activities.” What is it that your customer wants from you and your products? And do those products reflect those desires and demands? Are the feedback processes in place to facilitate this level of understanding of customer needs? Wootton says: “I am increasingly seeing a customer and product focus from effective DevOps practitioners.  They understand what customers are looking from the systems they support and have good collaborative relationships with their users.  They want to enable the business to deliver the features in short cycle times, primarily in order to satisfy user demand. They care about user experience above all else – more than their day-to-day role as developers, testers or operations engineers.” This is not a personal mission; it’s a team effort and that means collaborating and sharing information and best practice. Wootton says: “Make an effort to get involved in activities across the software development lifecycle in order to put your own perspective across in a collaborative way.  It’s easy to say ‘break down silos’, but the power to start that process is generally in individuals’ hands even in the most bureaucratic, process-driven, stilted organisation imaginable!” Look up from the keyboard. Be customer and product focused and use feedback to refine and adapt, at all levels of detail. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate. devops perspectives 2 | Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner 1 2 3
  • 23. 23 Again this is about the wider mission. What are the business objectives that you and your colleagues are working towards or working to support? Are you able to assist and support others in their understanding of those objectives so that you are all on a common journey? Wootton says: “Share your learning with colleagues in your own teams and make sure that requirements that will make everyone’s lives easier are captured and reflected in what you do. When technologists are aligned with the business around customer experience or product, a lot of DevOps-like principles emerge naturally.” Having a lean and agile organisational structure and processes in place is essential if the DevOps team is to service the business at maximum capacity. This means stripping away all surplus weight and focusing on the essentials needed for the DevOps practitioner to do his or her job in the most productive fashion. Wootton comments: “DevOps practitioners want to capture data about how their product features are being used and have that data back with the product managers to inform the next iteration and improve the product.” This means allowing computers to do what they are good at and people to do what they are good at, and automate everything, but allow people to make decisions based on information, rather than guesswork. Wootton says: “DevOps practitioners know that transformation is about people as much as technology, but I think we need to realise that the people elements begin at home in our own daily job roles and activities.” Help colleagues to focus on the purpose of their work (‘the goal’) and work on the most valuable things for the business Eliminate waste and optimise the whole process, not just parts of it Use computers, but don’t forget the human beings 4 5 6 devops perspectives 2 | Six habits of the effective DevOps practitioner
  • 24. DevOps – bending to the needs of the software testers? A knock-on consequence of the rise of the Application Economy is the question of how does DevOps bend to accommodate the needs of software testers in a mobile world driven by web/cloud-based applications under strain to roll out at the speed of Continuous Delivery? With software development and delivery an increasingly fast-paced business, especially in the world of mobile, project durations are typically short and solutions need to be delivered to a potentially large user base that, through the use of application stores, have the ability to quickly give very visible feedback. In these situations, testing can frequently, and incorrectly, be seen as a bottleneck in the delivery process. But DevOps doesn’t necessarily need to bend to accommodate the needs of software testers, says Steven Janaway, Test Coach and Trainer at The Net-A-Porter Group, arguing that one major advantage of the DevOps movement is that it places operations skills into the cross- functional delivery team and away from a siloed and separate team. “The efficiencies of such an approach are already well understood within testing,” he suggests. “Moving all the required competencies to design, build and deliver software into a single responsible team just makes sense. A single responsible team takes responsibility for quality and whatever is required in order to understand it.” The move towards DevOps should be seen as another opportunity for teams to own quality, Janaway advocates. “Just as testing should be seen as a team activity then so should the ability to deploy to, and maintain, live systems,” he says. “A user story should not be considered ‘done’ unless it has been running for a certain time in production, with the required metrics indicating it meets customer demands. This feedback can supplement the feedback that testing can give to the team.” It’s also the case that DevOps can help solve the issues that testers have traditionally had when obtaining and maintaining production-like test environments. “Testing on a production-like environment, or production itself, is becoming increasingly important as we move towards devops perspectives 2 | DevOps – enabling the Application Economy faster release cycles,” says Janaway. “Testers can learn from those responsible for operations and moving those people into the team or moving the aspects of the role onto existing developers gives further opportunity to the software tester. A team that understand their production environments is able to assess where their testing effort is best spent, whether that be pre or post deploy.” All of this is contingent on companies learning to adapt to new ways of working though, cautions Janaway. “Just as the move towards DevOps required a mindset shift, the movement towards single team ownership and testing in production requires the same,” he concludes. “Moving some testing activities to post deployment requires a change in the perception of risk. The risk appetite of a company needs to be understood and potentially changed, to allow companies to get the maximum benefit.”
  • 25. 25 DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own? Hiring talented DevOps rock stars is the foundation of a strong DevOps culture. Rapid adoption of open source tooling and immediate and (sometimes) cheap access to computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) have significantly empowered individual engineers to build highly flexible and automated systems. But with empowerment comes accountability. I have never known a time in our industry when businesses have been able to accomplish so much with so few individual IT resources. This empowerment comes with an even greater accountability to create a quality workplace and environment for excellent engineers. With many IT departments adopting a DevOps culture now, a single engineer can make the difference between a high-functioning team contributing boundless work in complete alignment with the business goals or a stymied mismatch of inefficient engineers fraught with tech politics and personal agendas. Making a considered effort to develop domain talent and attract and hire engineers who appreciate the implications of the DevOps way will enable organisations with the competitive advantage they seek. At my own firm Speerhead, we have hired hundreds of DevOps engineers with our clients across all our European offices. Over the last three years, our experience has led us to come up with our own Five Tips for Success: Paul Speers, CEO of Speerhead, a leading DevOps search and recruitment practice offers five tips for finding DevOps talent. devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
  • 26. 26 The reality is that this is a candidate-driven market with top talent hard to find and seemingly everyone working. We see hundreds of dull and boring and not thought- through job specs. Those are not going to attract the right people to you. You need to create an engaging set of materials. This is a chance to sell the company and sell the great IT team and work ethos you have. Generate a clear understanding of the technical transition the business is going through and call out the great projects and the technologies that the team will use. An outline of where you are in the DevOps journey or your path to Continuous Delivery is essential. There are many profiles on the internet of DevOps skills. Half of these should be soft skills and communication skills, which are essential alongside tech ability. Benchmark your existing engineers using Speerhead’s online tech profiler. Once complete, you have an accurate profile of the engineer’s personality traits, then match the personality sets with all new candidates as they apply. We provide this as part of the CV when selecting engineers. You need a company mentor who can inspire and engage with the new engineers. You need to create the magic and make first impressions last through the hiring process. Do you know who that person is inside your organisation? You need to move fast. Most DevOps engineers are snapped up very quickly in the market. So many companies lose top talent because they are on their ‘seventh interview’. Your process has to be aligned with the market and most companies are not. We’re talking about a two- week window for you to find your mentor, excite the candidate by selling the role and company and complete the hire. Sell yourself Personality, personality, personality Who’s the Daddy (or Mummy)? Tick tock, tick tock devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
  • 27. 27 Imagine a service that hires top development graduates or talent from colleges, then places them with you for six months. Over that six months Speerhead can train the junior engineer on the relevant skills to become YOUR DevOps engineer, and at the end they transfer to your business full-time. They will undergo soft skills training, Process re- engineering, IT automation and tooling and Continuous Delivery principles and practices. At the end of the six months whilst they have been working in your domain and business they are fully equipped to add their skills to the team. So why is this such a great idea? Salaries are rising and the contract market is booming for DevOps engineers, and this has led to a shortage of experienced engineers with exposure to the tech and practices to make it a reality in your organisation. Grow your own Bringing on new talent under a defined training programme with an understanding of your domain and then backed by a solid on-the-job training programme will help you develop your own loyal and trusted engineers. The result? They will grasp the principles and all the cultural attributes of the engineering role whilst being trained on the specific tooling and services that can transform infrastructures. Whilst they are technically competent, they would be shown the direction in which to develop with strong emphasis on soft skills like presentations, meeting, leadership, planning and organisation. IT and HR teams need to think hard and significantly alter their hiring practices and processes to attract and keep talented engineers in their business. Long gone are the days of putting a job ad out and expecting a flood of responses. Hiring measures will also have to change around the impact these engineers make to the business rather than the normal hiring KPIs. Connect and engage socially with the communities, go to the relevant meet-ups and open source vendor events and conferences. The best talent is out there, but you need to go and find it. Conclusion So many companies lose top talent because they are on their ‘seventh interview’. devops perspectives 2 | DevOps talent – buy in or grow your own?
  • 28. 28 Benjamin is the co-founder of Contino, a consultancy helping enterprise organisations adopt DevOps and Continuous Delivery tools, practices and approaches. Benjamin has over a decade of experience as a hands on agile software developer and consultant. His experience ranges from hands on software development and IT operations roles through to agile transformation and organisational change with large organizations such as Goldman Sachs, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Oracle Consulting. LinkedIn: Benjamin Wootton Robert Benefield has over 20 years of executive leadership experience building and leading world-class global lean and high-performance engineering and technical operations organisations in demanding high-uptime environments spanning industries such as investment banking, defence, telco, and internet service industries. Robert has led transformations utilising Agile and Lean, and has developed and successfully implemented best-of-class Cloud and elastic computing techniques in a variety of complex environments. Robert enjoys solving complex problems, creatively using technology and organisational techniques to bring a new level of understanding and dynamism across businesses and their markets.  LinkedIn: Robert Benefield Harry is a leading expert on technology strategies and transformations, heading up North Highland’s thinking on the next generation of IT and digital. He has over 15 years’ experience working with dev and operations teams, helping them to redefine their delivery models and value proposition to the rest of the business. Harry has led the redesign of IT and digital functions at world-class brands across various industry sectors including retail, media and telco. His focus is now on helping companies to move towards enterprise agile and DevOps ways of working, with a focus on product development, not project.    The North Highland Company Benjamin Wootton Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of DevOps Consultancy, Contino Robert Benefield CTO, Evolve Beyond Harry Vazanias Head of Technology, The North Highland Company devops perspectives 2 | contributors
  • 29. 29 Matthew Skelton has been building, deploying, and operating commercial software systems since 1998. Co-founder and Principal Consultant at Skelton Thatcher Consulting, he specialises in helping organisations to adopt and sustain good practices for building and operating software systems: Continuous Delivery, DevOps, aspects of ITIL, and software operability. Matthew founded and leads the 1000-member London Continuous Delivery meet-up group, and instigated the first conference in Europe dedicated to Continuous Delivery, PIPELINE Conference. He also co-facilitates the popular Experience DevOps workshop series and is co-editor of Build Quality In, a book of Continuous Delivery and DevOps experience reports. Skelton Thatcher Consulting Patrick Hyland is the founder of DevOps Associates, a London-based consultancy concerned with application engineering management. The consultancy applies a blend of agile methods, connected ITIL lifecycle processes and DevOps collaboration/engineering practices to help companies design, build, deliver and operate outstanding application services. Patrick is an ITIL expert with 18 years of development and operations experience. He is particularly interested in management via Eli Goldratt’s theory of constraints, applying a lean manufacturing mindset within an IT Service Management context. DevOps Associates Matthew Skelton Co-founder and Principal Consultant, Skelton Thatcher Consulting Ltd Patrick Hyland Founder, DevOps Associates devops perspectives 2 | contributors Dave Farley is co-author of the Jolt Award-winning book Continuous Delivery. He has been having fun with computers for over 30 years. Over that period he has worked on most types of software. He has a wide range of experience leading the development of complex software in teams, large and small. Dave was an early adopter of agile development techniques, employing iterative development, continuous integration and significant levels of automated testing on commercial projects from the early 1990s. More recently Dave has worked in the field of low-latency computing, developing high-performance software for the finance industry. Dave currently works for KCG Europe Ltd. LinkedIn: Dave Farley Dave Farley Co-author of Continuous Delivery, Architect at KCG Europe Ltd
  • 30. 30 Stephen is a mobile and e-commerce Test Coach, Strategist and Manager. Over the last 15 years he’s worked for companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola and The Net-a-Porter Group, as well as advising a number of mobile application companies on testing and delivery strategies. He has written and presented many times about testing, frequently with a focus on mobile devices and mobile applications. Stephen also provides training courses and coaching, focused on both mobile software testing and software testing in general. Stephen loves talking to others about software testing, test techniques and the mobile device and application world in general. Paul Speers is the CEO of Speerhead. He started the company over 5 years ago to direct Speerhead on the path to long-term growth, further its commercial success in the DevOps market and drive the launch of its revolutionary DevOps Recruitment franchise and play a leading role in the creation of DevOps Training and Certification IP. Not only is Paul focused on leading the DevOps market, but also on building the successes of the company’s global customer base and recruitment solutions for explosive growth. Paul is a vital conduit between Speerhead’s customers, its global franchise partners and the DevOps industry as a whole. Stephen Janaway Test Coach and Trainer at The Net-A-Porter Group Paul Speers CEO, Speerhead Group devops perspectives 2 | contributors Paul brings to Speerhead over 20 years’ experience in sales and marketing within the IT industry, having held senior positions at Opsware – the first IT Automation vendor from Marc Andersson. He is also the co-founder of Fox IT, the Global ITIL vendor. LinkedIn: Paul Speers
  • 31. 31 Justin Vaughan-Brown is Global Digital Transformation Lead, Product Marketing at CA Technologies. He is the author of ‘The Digital Transformation Journey: Key Technology Considerations’ paper, hosts the quarterly DevOps Influencer Dinners and is responsible for the DevOps Simulation Experience, an interactive online workshop that explains core DevOps principles. Peter Matthews is a Vice President and research scientist in CA Technologies. Over 35 years in IT Peter has worked in enterprise scale mainframe, Unix and PC environments. His current research covers cloud computing, privacy, security and analytics and the streamlining of the IT supply chain. His co-author of ‘The Innovative CIO’. Justin Vaughan Brown Global Digital Transformation Lead, CA Peter Matthews VP and Research Scientist, CA devops perspectives 2 | contributors
  • 32. Next Steps Mainstream adoption of DevOps is here. Is your organization ready to seize all the business benefits and opportunities it presents? At CA Technologies, we have built a portfolio of products and solutions on our DevOps expertise. Visit to learn more about how CA can help you close the gap between your developers and your operations—and keep your competitive edge in the application economy. For more information on DevOps solutions from CA Technologies, go to: #BusinessReWrittenBySoftware Contributions and comments were solicited following a discussion held in July 2014 and in subsequent email interviews. Copyright ©2015 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.