internet of things ibm iot watsoniot ibm watson engineering digital twin conference operations software maximo anywhere ai connected operations manufacturing events cognitive iot buildings smart buildings intelligent buildings artificial intelligence product design continuous engineering systems engineering asset management enterprise asset management watson iot industry 4.0 cognitive computing technology think2019 devops munich europe iiot assets product lifecycle maximoworld automotive distracted driving carsthatcare driving emotions accidents electronics energy earth day environment iot day slam iot slam iot day blockchain daimler mercedes girls who code sandvik visa l'oréal arrow women in ai women in tech gender bias bias cloud computing reliability agile engineering agile software development learning agile cto digital thread hannover messe hmi hm18 smart city smart cities earth week earthday plastics green transportation africa ibm cloud conservation pollution offshore drilling utilities petroleum houston genius of things requirements management model based systems engineering summit connected products think2018 connected home design field service managment mobility máximo driver safety auto distracted drivers driver road rage safety statistics emotional drivers iotslam drones industrial iot industry industrial event conferences atthack cognitive apps api developerworks developers attshape cloud services hackathon att developers real estate london construction lease accounting facilities management building information modeling predictive maintenance green energy sustainability
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