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一 , 前述

二 , 角色定位                             五 , 我们的期盼
Role to Play                         Our Expectations

   三 ,NGO 的作用                     四 , 我们的行动
  NGO’s Responsibility             Our Actions
                  The 2012 theme for World Environment
  今年六 · 五世界环境日主
                  Day is the "Green Economy: Does it
题“绿色经济:你参与了吗?”    include you?" it will undercover the
揭示了每一个社会成员的责任。    responsibility of every member of the
发展绿色经济就是坚持经济发     society to answer this question. To
                  develop green economy is to insist on
                  economic development, social
调和统一。联合国可持续发展     development, the coordination and
大会的召开,在凝聚共识的基     reunion with environment protection.
础上,必将绿色发展的潮流推     The convening of the UN conference,
                  will definitely push the trend to a higher
                  point, on the foundation of common
。                 view.
一、前述                 Preface

                Combining with current Chinese feature,
   结合中国的国情,我们   the green economy that we comprehend
理解的绿色经济内含:它是可   include: it is an important way to
                sustainable development, the developing
                mode of environment protection and the
境保护与资源科持续利用为本   sustainable usage of resource as the
质条件的发展模式。它具有代   fundamental condition. Green economy
价小、效益好、排放低、可持   cost less, more benefit, low discharge and
                is sustainable. It focuses on human’s
                healthy first, reduces the damage of the
康与福祉,减少人类活动对环   environment human caused, fully
境的损害,充分认识原生态系   comprehends the functions and value that
统和人工系统提供的服务功能   the original ecology and artificial system
                provides, finally achieves new economy
                rise through innovation and effective
管理获得新的经济增长点。    management.
二、角色定位              Role to Play

     Leading Role

Enterprises’ Main
      Role          公众参与和推动
                     Public’s Role of
                    Participation and
In the progression of sustainable
                 development drived by green
在以绿色经济推进可持续发展    economy, every parts of the society
进程中,每一个社会组成部分    must position themselves, improve
都必须找准自己的位置,完善    its function, play the role and take
自身的功能,发挥独特的作用    the responsibility. The government is
,承当应尽的责任。政府是主    dominant, should act as leading
导,应发挥有效的引导作用。    guide. Enterprises are the main part
                 of the market economy as well as the
                 development of the green economy.
也是发展绿色经济的主体。公    The public is the participants and
众是绿色经济的参与和推动者。   promoters. Economy development
经济发展促进社会进步,最终    promotes society progression,
目的是满足消费者需求。      eventually satisfies the need of the
三、 NGO 的作用         NGO’s Role

                 The history of China’s environmental NGO
                 is less than 20 years. There are already
在中国环保 NGO 的历史    almost 4000 NGOs according to statistics.
 不足二十年,具不完全      At the early stage, NGO’s activities mainly
 统计目前环保 NGO 已接   focused on environmental education and
 近 4000 家。早期的    dissemination. In the recent year, Chinese
 NGO 活动大部分集中于    government and people of all circles
 环保的宣传、教育。近      began to pay more attention on public
 年来政府和社会各界开      welfare interests. In the process of
 始更多的关注公共利益      transition to economy greening, China’s
 ,在绿色经济转型中,      environmental NGOs are able to play
 中国的环保 NGO 能够发   increasingly prominent role mainly facing
 挥日益显著的推动作用      to the whole society to support
 。               government by their own action. Spread
                 and implementation of the policy,
三、 NGO 的作用     NGO’s Role

主要表现在:面向社会以自   urge the government( especially local
身的行动支持政府;正确决   government) correct themselves in
策的传播和实施;敦促政府   environment protection, supervise
(特别是地方政府)改变在   enterprises to correct activities which
具体环保事项上的职责缺失   are against green development, help
;监督企业纠正违背绿色发   enterprises to carry out social duties.
展的生产活动,协助企业履   Develop activities that guide the
行社会责任;积极开展引导   public change consuming ways to
社会民众转变消费方式践行   green ways. Refer to and utilize the
绿色消费的具体行为;借鉴   production and living ways of
和运用符合环保理念的生产   environment protection, helping the
、生活方式,帮助贫困群体   poors to improve the living standards
改善生活困境等等。同时在   etc. all the circumstances above have
开展国际合作方面也日趋活   certain cases in many places in china,
跃。             and will be promoted and expanded.
四、我们的行动                           Our Actions

中华环境保护基金会作为中国环保 NGO 的成员之一,成立于一九九三年

Founded in 1993, China Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF) is the
first nation-wide public-funding foundation dedicated to environmental
protection in China. In accordance with the principle of "using what is taken
from the people to serve for the people, protecting the environment and
working for the benefits of mankind", CEPF sponsored and carried out
various kinds of philanthropy activities and projects on environment, which
are all closely related to the theme of today’s conference.
四、我们的行动                Our Actions

      中华环境奖                      环境与健康宣
             China               传 Environment
       Environment                and Health
         Award                    Propaganda

清洁能源                                   高校环保社
 项目                  环保嘉年                 团
Clean Energy         华                   资助
   Project                             Small grant for
                     The Green         Campus Green
                      Carnival           Initiatives
• 中华环境奖
 连续 7 届共计 145 个单位和个人获得表彰。近年来在受到
• China Environment Award
 China Environment Award is the highest grade of social
 reward in China’s environmental protection field for honoring
 organizations and individuals that have made significant
 contributions for China’s environmental protection,
 sustainable development, and construction of ecological
 civilization. In 7 years, 145 collective and individual winners
 have been awarded. On the award list, we can find many cities
 and enterprises that made outstanding achievements in the
 practice of green economy.
China Environment Award

   全国人大副委员长陈至立为           曲格平理事长为第五届中华环境
   获得获得第七届中华环境奖           奖生态保护类获奖者国际野生生
   城镇环境类的江苏省苏州市           物保护学会副主席乔治 · 夏勒博
   颁奖                     士颁奖
获奖城市 --- 苏州介绍
Introduction on the Award-Winning City--Su Zhou

                              Suzhou is a China’s well-known city for
苏州做为中国历史文化名城和                 its history, culture and tourism, it is the
著名的风景旅游城市,是经济                 center of city economic development. In
发展的中心城市。 2011 年全              2011 the city‘s GDP reaches more than
                              1 trillion, and per capita disposable
市生产总值超过 1 万亿,居民
                              income of more than 30,000RMB.
人均可支配收入超过 3 万元。               Manufacturing industrial totaled to
制造业总量达到全国第二位,                 second place, taking less than 1% of the
它以占全国不足 0.1% 的土地              in the country, producing a 2.3% of
                              GDP and 3% of revenue respectively.
面积创造了全国 2.3% 的
                              The concept of “ecological and
GDP 和 3% 的财政收入。以              environmental protection” as priority
生态立市、环保优先的理念,                 made the historic transformation of
实现了由“环境换取增长”到“环               sacrificing the environment in exchange
                              for GDP growth to environmental
境优化增长”的历史性转变。                 optimization of GDP growth.
苏州市 The City of Su Zhou
•        环境与健康宣传
     境与健康( 2008 年)、大气环境与健康( 2009 年)、
     土壤环境与健康( 2010 年)、人居环境与健康( 2010
     年)、绿色经济与健康( 2012 年)为主题编辑手册、引
     发宣传品,组织现场咨询 - 围绕环境与健康在全国主要城
• Environment and Health Propaganda
    Governed by related national authorities, from 2008 to 2012,
     CEPF successively edited and published Water and Health,
     Air and Health, Earth and Health, Habitat and Health and
     Green Economy and Health five brochures for public
The First China
      Environment and Health


高峰论                  校园活动现
• 清洁能源照亮无电村
 灾区和新疆喀什边远地区,为 8 个村庄和 4 所小学安装太阳
• Clean Energy Light the Remote Areas
 CEPF built solar energy facilities for 8 villages and 4 schools in
 earthquake stricken area in Qin Hai province and remote areas in
 Xin Jiang province in northwest China. The ethnic herdsmen in
 these areas now can use light and television. CEPF will continue
 to raise funds and expand the scope of the project, help people in
 remote areas to eliminate poverty, improve living conditions and
 enjoy cultural and sustainable lifestyle by using clean energy
 technology and products.

            新疆清洁能源 -- 太阳能项目设备
• 环保嘉年华
 一个绿色周末,快乐中感受环保。三年来先后在 44 个城市开展,近
 100 万人参加活动。

• The Green Carnival
 The project of Green Carnival is a kind of theme activities, designed for
 family in weekend, including interactive games, environmental education
 pallets, tips for green life, graffitist wall and exhibitions, which advocate
 large scale pubic participation and children environmental protection
 education. The carnival was initiated in Beijing in June 2009 and carried
 out in 43 other cities, attracting participation of 1,000,000 children and
 their parents.
• The cities and times the green carnival carried out
The Green Carnival   戏

• 高校环保社团资助项目
  炼环保人才。近 5 年来共有 188 所高校的 247 个环保公益活动获得

• Small grant for Campus Green Initiatives
 The fund provides subsidies for green initiatives of college student
 societies, with an aim of motivating and fostering the student societies’
 capacity and social responsibility, encouraging the students to make
 contributions in environment protection. In 5 years, the fund has provided
 subsidies for 247 student societies of 188 colleges in 31 provinces
 (municipality, autonomous region).
Small grant for Campus Green Initiatives

聊城大学生物践行者协会 - 水质 监测活动现   河北科技师范 - 废糖蜜发酵生产益生菌活    西北师范爱心天使西部助学会 - 环保时装展
场                        性饲料                     示

         西安工程大学环保一堂      沈阳 大学美院绿色联盟环保社团 - 巴洛克   桂林理工大学剪纸协会 - 环保剪纸艺术展
         课               活动
• 此外我会还围绕节能减排进社区、生物多
• Our projects also include community energy
  saving, biodiversity conservation, forestation
  in cities and deserts, soil and water
  environment security, the disaster area
  environmental salvage, international
  cooperation and so on.



              回归栖息地保护项     植物物种保护项目
防沙造林       西藏植草项目        水环境保护项

四川地震灾区援建   联合国环境规划署亚太地   汪纪戎副理事长会见美
           区代表访问我会       国埃曲伯克公司来访人
五、我们的期盼                 Our
                  1. Sustainable development: there
                  has to be a balance between
1. 可持续发展必须兼顾经济
                  economic development, society
                  progression and environment
                  protection. Its foundation is on the
                  principal of “ joint but different
                  responsibilities. In reality, different
                  countries are in different levels,
                  should respect each other’s rights of
                  sustainable developments, especially
                  should face the difficulties and
                  problems that developing countries
                  are facing, offering effective help by
                  the right meanings. In order to make
                  sure the green development under
                  the elimination of the poverty.
五、我们的期盼               Our
2. 联合国环境署在
推进可持续发展进程         2. The UNEP plays a very
中发挥了积极作用。         important role in the promotion
                  of sustainable development. In
希望今后继续创造条         the future, We wish to create
件,提供平台,让          opportunities , provide platforms
NGO 组织有更多的        for the NGOs to communicate
互相交流的机会,互         with and learn from each other,
相借鉴,吸取成功的         to act more importantly and
                  valuably in the promotion of the
经验,在推进可持续         sustainable developing
发展进程中发挥更有         progression.
Green Economy Initiatives of a Chinese NGO

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Green Economy Initiatives of a Chinese NGO

  • 1.
  • 2. 一 , 前述 Brief 二 , 角色定位 五 , 我们的期盼 Role to Play Our Expectations 主要内容 三 ,NGO 的作用 四 , 我们的行动 NGO’s Responsibility Our Actions
  • 3. 一、前述 Preface The 2012 theme for World Environment 今年六 · 五世界环境日主 Day is the "Green Economy: Does it 题“绿色经济:你参与了吗?” include you?" it will undercover the 揭示了每一个社会成员的责任。 responsibility of every member of the 发展绿色经济就是坚持经济发 society to answer this question. To develop green economy is to insist on 展、社会发展、环境保护的协 economic development, social 调和统一。联合国可持续发展 development, the coordination and 大会的召开,在凝聚共识的基 reunion with environment protection. 础上,必将绿色发展的潮流推 The convening of the UN conference, will definitely push the trend to a higher 上一个新的高点。 point, on the foundation of common 。 view.
  • 4. 一、前述 Preface Combining with current Chinese feature, 结合中国的国情,我们 the green economy that we comprehend 理解的绿色经济内含:它是可 include: it is an important way to sustainable development, the developing 持续发展的重要手段。是以环 mode of environment protection and the 境保护与资源科持续利用为本 sustainable usage of resource as the 质条件的发展模式。它具有代 fundamental condition. Green economy 价小、效益好、排放低、可持 cost less, more benefit, low discharge and is sustainable. It focuses on human’s 续的特点。优先关注人类的健 healthy first, reduces the damage of the 康与福祉,减少人类活动对环 environment human caused, fully 境的损害,充分认识原生态系 comprehends the functions and value that 统和人工系统提供的服务功能 the original ecology and artificial system provides, finally achieves new economy 和价值,通过不断创新和高效 rise through innovation and effective 管理获得新的经济增长点。 management. 。j
  • 5. 二、角色定位 Role to Play 政府主导 Government’s Leading Role 企业是主体 Enterprises’ Main Role 公众参与和推动 者 Public’s Role of Participation and Promotion
  • 6. In the progression of sustainable development drived by green 在以绿色经济推进可持续发展 economy, every parts of the society 进程中,每一个社会组成部分 must position themselves, improve 都必须找准自己的位置,完善 its function, play the role and take 自身的功能,发挥独特的作用 the responsibility. The government is ,承当应尽的责任。政府是主 dominant, should act as leading 导,应发挥有效的引导作用。 guide. Enterprises are the main part of the market economy as well as the 企业是市场经济的主体,必然 development of the green economy. 也是发展绿色经济的主体。公 The public is the participants and 众是绿色经济的参与和推动者。 promoters. Economy development 经济发展促进社会进步,最终 promotes society progression, 目的是满足消费者需求。 eventually satisfies the need of the consumers.
  • 7. 三、 NGO 的作用 NGO’s Role The history of China’s environmental NGO is less than 20 years. There are already 在中国环保 NGO 的历史 almost 4000 NGOs according to statistics. 不足二十年,具不完全 At the early stage, NGO’s activities mainly 统计目前环保 NGO 已接 focused on environmental education and 近 4000 家。早期的 dissemination. In the recent year, Chinese NGO 活动大部分集中于 government and people of all circles 环保的宣传、教育。近 began to pay more attention on public 年来政府和社会各界开 welfare interests. In the process of 始更多的关注公共利益 transition to economy greening, China’s ,在绿色经济转型中, environmental NGOs are able to play 中国的环保 NGO 能够发 increasingly prominent role mainly facing 挥日益显著的推动作用 to the whole society to support 。 government by their own action. Spread and implementation of the policy,
  • 8. 三、 NGO 的作用 NGO’s Role 主要表现在:面向社会以自 urge the government( especially local 身的行动支持政府;正确决 government) correct themselves in 策的传播和实施;敦促政府 environment protection, supervise (特别是地方政府)改变在 enterprises to correct activities which 具体环保事项上的职责缺失 are against green development, help ;监督企业纠正违背绿色发 enterprises to carry out social duties. 展的生产活动,协助企业履 Develop activities that guide the 行社会责任;积极开展引导 public change consuming ways to 社会民众转变消费方式践行 green ways. Refer to and utilize the 绿色消费的具体行为;借鉴 production and living ways of 和运用符合环保理念的生产 environment protection, helping the 、生活方式,帮助贫困群体 poors to improve the living standards 改善生活困境等等。同时在 etc. all the circumstances above have 开展国际合作方面也日趋活 certain cases in many places in china, 跃。 and will be promoted and expanded.
  • 9. 四、我们的行动 Our Actions 中华环境保护基金会作为中国环保 NGO 的成员之一,成立于一九九三年 ,是中国第一家专门从事环保职能的公募基金会。自成立以来秉承“取之 于民、用之于民,保护环境、造福人类”的宗旨,开展了多种形式的环保 项目和活动。近年来开展的项目和活动,都与我们今天会议的主题有着 密切的相关性。 Founded in 1993, China Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF) is the first nation-wide public-funding foundation dedicated to environmental protection in China. In accordance with the principle of "using what is taken from the people to serve for the people, protecting the environment and working for the benefits of mankind", CEPF sponsored and carried out various kinds of philanthropy activities and projects on environment, which are all closely related to the theme of today’s conference.
  • 10. 四、我们的行动 Our Actions 中华环境奖 环境与健康宣 China 传 Environment Environment and Health Award Propaganda 清洁能源 高校环保社 项目 环保嘉年 团 Clean Energy 华 资助 Project Small grant for The Green Campus Green Carnival Initiatives
  • 11. • 中华环境奖 表彰在坚持可持续发展、保护环境、实践资源节约环境 友好型社会、推进生态文明建设中作出成绩的各类典型。 连续 7 届共计 145 个单位和个人获得表彰。近年来在受到 表彰的名单里,不乏有在实践绿色发展中取得成效的城市 和企业。 • China Environment Award China Environment Award is the highest grade of social reward in China’s environmental protection field for honoring organizations and individuals that have made significant contributions for China’s environmental protection, sustainable development, and construction of ecological civilization. In 7 years, 145 collective and individual winners have been awarded. On the award list, we can find many cities and enterprises that made outstanding achievements in the practice of green economy.
  • 12. China Environment Award 全国人大副委员长陈至立为 曲格平理事长为第五届中华环境 获得获得第七届中华环境奖 奖生态保护类获奖者国际野生生 城镇环境类的江苏省苏州市 物保护学会副主席乔治 · 夏勒博 颁奖 士颁奖
  • 13. 获奖城市 --- 苏州介绍 Introduction on the Award-Winning City--Su Zhou Suzhou is a China’s well-known city for 苏州做为中国历史文化名城和 its history, culture and tourism, it is the 著名的风景旅游城市,是经济 center of city economic development. In 发展的中心城市。 2011 年全 2011 the city‘s GDP reaches more than 1 trillion, and per capita disposable 市生产总值超过 1 万亿,居民 income of more than 30,000RMB. 人均可支配收入超过 3 万元。 Manufacturing industrial totaled to 制造业总量达到全国第二位, second place, taking less than 1% of the 它以占全国不足 0.1% 的土地 in the country, producing a 2.3% of GDP and 3% of revenue respectively. 面积创造了全国 2.3% 的 The concept of “ecological and GDP 和 3% 的财政收入。以 environmental protection” as priority 生态立市、环保优先的理念, made the historic transformation of 实现了由“环境换取增长”到“环 sacrificing the environment in exchange for GDP growth to environmental 境优化增长”的历史性转变。 optimization of GDP growth.
  • 14. 苏州市 The City of Su Zhou
  • 15. 环境与健康宣传 在国家有关部委的主办下,我会连续五年在纪念“六五世 界环境日”期间承办环境与健康宣传周活动,分别以水环 境与健康( 2008 年)、大气环境与健康( 2009 年)、 土壤环境与健康( 2010 年)、人居环境与健康( 2010 年)、绿色经济与健康( 2012 年)为主题编辑手册、引 发宣传品,组织现场咨询 - 围绕环境与健康在全国主要城 市开展有规模的宣传教育活动。 • Environment and Health Propaganda Governed by related national authorities, from 2008 to 2012, CEPF successively edited and published Water and Health, Air and Health, Earth and Health, Habitat and Health and Green Economy and Health five brochures for public
  • 16.
  • 17. The First China Environment and Health Week 现场咨 询 高峰论 校园活动现
  • 18. • 清洁能源照亮无电村 采用新能源技术和产品,以太阳能的方式在青海玉树地震 灾区和新疆喀什边远地区,为 8 个村庄和 4 所小学安装太阳 能输电工程,让无电村的少数民族牧民用上电灯,看上电视 。在解决消除贫困,改善边远地区牧民生活方式并使其享受 文化传播方面做出尝试。我们还将继续为使更多的无电村农 户用上电筹措资金,扩大项目的实施。 • Clean Energy Light the Remote Areas CEPF built solar energy facilities for 8 villages and 4 schools in earthquake stricken area in Qin Hai province and remote areas in Xin Jiang province in northwest China. The ethnic herdsmen in these areas now can use light and television. CEPF will continue to raise funds and expand the scope of the project, help people in remote areas to eliminate poverty, improve living conditions and enjoy cultural and sustainable lifestyle by using clean energy technology and products.
  • 19. 清洁能源照亮无电村 青海玉树清洁能源照亮无电村 项目 新疆清洁能源 -- 太阳能项目设备 展示
  • 20. • 环保嘉年华 环保嘉年华是融互动式环保体验与知识型嘉年华为一体的环保宣传 教育主题乐园,倡导“以家庭为单位环保节日理念”,突出的特点是寓 教于乐的互动形式,丰富的活动内容和广泛的公众参与性,倡导渡过 一个绿色周末,快乐中感受环保。三年来先后在 44 个城市开展,近 100 万人参加活动。 • The Green Carnival The project of Green Carnival is a kind of theme activities, designed for family in weekend, including interactive games, environmental education pallets, tips for green life, graffitist wall and exhibitions, which advocate large scale pubic participation and children environmental protection education. The carnival was initiated in Beijing in June 2009 and carried out in 43 other cities, attracting participation of 1,000,000 children and their parents.
  • 21. • The cities and times the green carnival carried out
  • 22. 清洁能源类环保小游 The Green Carnival 戏 环保嘉年华石家庄 站 人与自然环保 净化空气类环保小游 展
  • 23. • 高校环保社团资助项目 专门针对全国高校大学生环保社团的资助型项目。以注重创新,鼓励 实践为标准,通过对学生社团开展环保公益活动提供小额资助,调动 大学生参与环保的积极性,推动大学生环保社团健康发展,培养和锻 炼环保人才。近 5 年来共有 188 所高校的 247 个环保公益活动获得 资助 • Small grant for Campus Green Initiatives The fund provides subsidies for green initiatives of college student societies, with an aim of motivating and fostering the student societies’ capacity and social responsibility, encouraging the students to make contributions in environment protection. In 5 years, the fund has provided subsidies for 247 student societies of 188 colleges in 31 provinces (municipality, autonomous region).
  • 24. Small grant for Campus Green Initiatives 聊城大学生物践行者协会 - 水质 监测活动现 河北科技师范 - 废糖蜜发酵生产益生菌活 西北师范爱心天使西部助学会 - 环保时装展 场 性饲料 示 西安工程大学环保一堂 沈阳 大学美院绿色联盟环保社团 - 巴洛克 桂林理工大学剪纸协会 - 环保剪纸艺术展 课 活动
  • 25. • 此外我会还围绕节能减排进社区、生物多 样性保护、城市和沙化地区植树造林、土 壤安全、水环境保护、灾区环保救助、国 际环保合作等开展了一系列环保公益活动 和项目 • Our projects also include community energy saving, biodiversity conservation, forestation in cities and deserts, soil and water environment security, the disaster area environmental salvage, international cooperation and so on.
  • 26. 节能减排进社区 生物多样性保护 保护大熊猫、东北虎项目 回归栖息地保护项 植物物种保护项目 目
  • 27. 防沙造林 西藏植草项目 水环境保护项 目 四川地震灾区援建 联合国环境规划署亚太地 汪纪戎副理事长会见美 区代表访问我会 国埃曲伯克公司来访人 员
  • 28. 五、我们的期盼 Our Expectations 1. Sustainable development: there has to be a balance between 1. 可持续发展必须兼顾经济 economic development, society 发展、社会进步、环境保护 progression and environment 的平衡统筹。它的基础是 protection. Its foundation is on the “共同但有区别的责任”原则。 principal of “ joint but different 现实中不同国家处于不同的 responsibilities. In reality, different 发展阶段和发展水平,应尊 countries are in different levels, 重各国可持续发展的自主权 should respect each other’s rights of ,特别应正视发展中国家面 sustainable developments, especially 临的问题和困境,采取积极 should face the difficulties and 的措施,给予有效的帮助。 problems that developing countries 这样才能保证消除贫困背景 are facing, offering effective help by 下的绿色发展。这一原则必 the right meanings. In order to make 须坚持。 sure the green development under the elimination of the poverty.
  • 29. 五、我们的期盼 Our Expectations 2. 联合国环境署在 推进可持续发展进程 2. The UNEP plays a very 中发挥了积极作用。 important role in the promotion of sustainable development. In 希望今后继续创造条 the future, We wish to create 件,提供平台,让 opportunities , provide platforms NGO 组织有更多的 for the NGOs to communicate 互相交流的机会,互 with and learn from each other, 相借鉴,吸取成功的 to act more importantly and valuably in the promotion of the 经验,在推进可持续 sustainable developing 发展进程中发挥更有 progression. 价值的作用。