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Directed by: Rob Carlton & Alex WeiNRess
Premieres Thursday 19th March at 9.30PM
ENCORE SCREENINGS Friday 10.30PM & Saturday 5.30PM
     N2              chandon

Premieres Thursday 19th March at 9.30PM
ENCORE SCREENINGS Friday 10.30PM & Saturday 5.30PM
Chandon Pictures THE SHOW
Chandon Pictures premiered exclusively on MOVIE EXTRA         In Chandon’s second season, Tom returns somewhat
in 2007 to wide critical acclaim. The show was nominated      defeated from a brief stint in Hollywood. The Chandon
for Best Television Comedy Series at the L’Oréal Paris 2008   house has been sold, his brother Carmichael has taken a
AFI Awards, and Rob Carlton was nominated for Best            job in Singapore and Chandon Pictures have opened up
Performance in a Comedy Television Series for his role as     new headquarters. Tom’s cousin Larraby (Charlie Garber)
Tom Chandon.                                                  moves in, taking over the role of business manager. At first
                                                              Tom, the once overzealous filmmaker and driving force
This popular comedy show returns in 2009 with a much          behind the team, seems to have lost his special touch. But
anticipated second season.                                    with some coaxing from his enthusiastic crew, he might
                                                              just rediscover the great ‘documenteur’ within.
The series follows the misadventures of Tom Chandon
(Rob Carlton) and his fledgling video production company      Returning to the team in Season 2 are loyal cameraman
Chandon Pictures.                                             Nick (Darren Gileshenan) and pragmatic ‘Executive
                                                              Producer’ Lucy (Rebecca Massey), while Charlie Garber
Tom’s portfolio doesn’t extend much beyond the odd            also joins the show as Tom’s business savvy cousin, Larraby
wedding video or kid’s birthday party, but he is a dreamer    Chandon.
and along with his long suffering crew, is determined to
make it as a serious ‘documenteur’.
Ep 1: The Lifestyle                                                                                                            Ep 2: Run Bitch Run
The team has been asked to film a wedding video - with a          Short synopsiS                                               Lucy’s past comes back to haunt her when her father Arty         Short synopsis
twist. Dion (Matt Zeremes) and Kelly (Catherine Moore) are        The team have been asked to film an unusual wedding for a    (Doug Scroope) shows up unexpectedly at the Chandon              Lucy’s past comes back to haunt her when her father Arty
renewing their vows to include a ‘swingers’ clause.               couple who are renewing their vows to include a ‘swingers’   house. He has decided to sell his greyhound farm, and asks       (Doug Scroope) shows up unexpectedly at the Chandon
                                                                  clause. Dion (Matt Zeremes) and Kelly (Catherine Moore)      Chandon Pictures to film the TV ‘advertorial’.                   house. He’s decided to sell his greyhound farm, and asks
Though they are happily married, Dion and Kelly want              are keen to explore the freedom of ‘The Lifestyle’ and the                                                                    Chandon Pictures to film the TV ‘advertorial’. The crew head
to enjoy the freedom of ‘The Lifestyle’: an alternative life      Chandon team are ready to capture all the action. But        Lucy is mortified as the rest of the team ridicule her ‘bogan’   to the farm where Lucy grew up, enthusiastic and ready to
that encourages them to explore relationships with other          they’re about to discover an important lesson in marriage:   family, but Tom is determined to turn this story into a great    film the secrets to great greyhound training. But Lucy must
partners. The Chandon team, of course, are ready to capture       that three (…or even four or five) really is a crowd!        documentary. He’s concerned Lucy’s too close to the topic and    face some secrets of her own, in particular the revelation of
all the action. Larraby in particular is curious, and decides                                                                  asks her to back off, but she won’t compromise the integrity     an ex-flame named Boysie (Don Hany), a larrikin farmhand
to tag along on the shoot for some experience behind the          Guest starring                                               of her family, and reluctantly agrees to be involved.            with an unusual hobby.
camera.                                                           Matt Zeremes (Dion), Catherine Moore (Kelly),
                                                                  Roy Billing (Celebrant), David James (Benji),                The crew head to the farm where Lucy grew up, enthusiastic       Guest starring
With seasoned swingers Krystal (Claire Bowan) and Benji           Clare Bowan (Krystal), Matt Moore (Jodee), Josh              and ready to film the secrets to great greyhound training.       Dan Hany (Boysie), Doug Scroope (Arty), Barbara
(David James) on hand for advice, they all head off for Dion      Lawson (Carmichael)                                          But Lucy must face some long suppressed secrets of her own,      Angell (Margs)
and Kelly’s first official swingers party. But they’re about to                                                                in particular the revelation of an ex-flame named Boysie
discover an important lesson in marriage: that three (…or                                                                      (Don Hany), a larrikin farm hand with an unusual hobby.
even four or five) really is a crowd!
Ep 3: Not a Pyramid
An old school friend of Lucy’s, Angelique (Kelly Butler), ropes   Short Synopsis
Lucy into a scheme to sell a range of “hydreaux cosmetics”.       An old school friend of Lucy’s, Angelique (Kelly Butler), ropes
When the rest of the team are enlisted to shoot a training        Lucy into a scheme to sell a range of “hydreaux cosmetics”.
video, they find themselves caught up in the scheme too.          When the rest of the team are enlisted to shoot a training
But Angelique is an expert manipulator and Lucy soon finds        video, they find themselves caught up in the scheme too.
herself in way over her head.                                     But Angelique is an expert manipulator and Lucy soon finds
                                                                  herself in way over her head.
Meanwhile, now that Nick has become a Dad to twins,
Larraby steps in to help out behind-the-scenes with the           Guest starring
Chandon crew. Nick feels threatened and the tension               Kelly Butler (Angelique), Laura Brent (Sarah)
mounts, but Tom is too busy flirting with a pretty young
hydreaux cosmetic agent named Sarah (Laura Brent) to
notice the jealousy creeping into his team.
Ep 4: The Man with the Dancing Fingers
Chandon Pictures has been asked to shoot a real estate            in the team. Tom’s relationship with Sarah is also becoming
‘virtual tour’ for a wealthy Sydney couple. Basil (Marshall       more serious, a further cause of tension in the Chandon
Napier), a famous Sydney gynaecologist, is selling the            team.
luxurious home he shares with his wife Lorelei (Lynette
Curran).                                                          Short synopsis
                                                                  Chandon Pictures has been asked to shoot a real estate
Tom sees the opportunity to make more of this project by          ‘virtual tour’ for a wealthy Sydney couple. Basil (Marshall
telling the story behind the man in a doco titled Confessions     Napier), a famous Sydney gynaecologist, is selling the
of a Gynaecologist. But the ‘perfect life’ of this successful     luxurious home he shares with his wife Lorelei (Lynette
couple is not all it appears to be on the surface, and this       Curran). The ‘perfect life’ of this successful couple is not all
might turn out to be Chandon Pictures’ most explosive             it appears to be on the surface, and this might turn out to be
documentary yet.                                                  Chandon Pictures’ most explosive documentary yet.

Back at the Chandon office, there is drama behind the
                                                                  Guest starring
scenes as well: Tom has finally found his mojo. Inspired by
                                                                  Marshall Napier (Basil), Lynette Curran (Lorelei)
a beautiful young woman, he wants to make a major motion
picture; all he needs is a script! Nick is feeling increasingly
threatened by Larraby, who feels he needs to assert his place
Ep 5: She’s 22                                                                                                                 Ep 6: Pack
Megan (Helen Dallimore) doesn’t appear to be your usual         Short Synopsis                                                 Larraby’s colleague Jodee (Matt Moore) asks Tom to film          Short Synopsis
desperate and dateless loser, but she’s looking for the right   Megan (Helen Dallimore) enlists the help of an executive       a video for his trendy nightclub, Pack, and it seems this        Larraby’s colleague Jodee (Matt Moore) asks Tom to
partner and isn’t afraid to use a dating service to help        companion service who specialise in corporate matchmaking:     straight-laced businessman has a secret “other” life. By day     film a video for his trendy nightclub, Pack - by day he is
her find that person. She enlists the help of an executive      “Executive Connections: The Business of Love”. When the        he is a conservative banker – on the side he runs one of the     a conservative banker – on the side he runs one of the
companion service specialising in corporate matchmaking:        service sends the Chandon crew to film her profile video,      hottest clubs in town.                                           hottest nightclubs in town. The Chandon team see this as
“Executive Connections: The Business of Love”.                  Tom’s more interested in filming her story as a documentary.                                                                    an opportunity to make a video with “edge”, but they are
                                                                In the process, it seems Megan is unexpectedly falling for     The Chandon team see this as an opportunity to make a video      distracted on the job.
When the service sends the Chandon crew to film her             Tom.                                                           with “edge”, but they are distracted on the job. Tom has
profile video, Megan and Tom don’t exactly hit it off. The                                                                     fallen into a depression over the demise of his relationship     Guest starring
first attempt at a profile video attracts the wrong kind of     Guest starring                                                 with Sarah (Laura Brent), and his lack of inspiration to write   Matt Moore (Jodee), Bruiser (Teo Gebert), Laura
men, and she insists on a re-shoot. Tom’s more interested       Helen   Dallimore   (Megan),  Russell  Kiefel                  his own script. And Lucy is desperate to recruit her new         Brent (Sarah), Russell Kiefel (Warwick), Jonathan
in filming her story as a documentary and in the process, it    (Warwick), Elaine Hudson (Enrollment Officer),                 boyfriend Warwick (Russell Kiefel) to the team.                  Dutto (Harley)
seems Megan is unexpectedly falling for Tom.                    Laura Brent (Sarah)

Meanwhile both Tom and Lucy seem to be caught up in
some love dilemmas of their own.
Ep 7: A Script is Written

Chandon Pictures has been recruited to film training sessions    Short Synopsis
for an over enthusiastic motivational consultant. Derek (Lachy   Chandon Pictures has been recruited to film training sessions
Hulme) is hosting seminars to improve the presentation skills    for Derek (Lachy Hulme), an over enthusiastic motivational
of a group of deadbeat salespeople needing inspiration.          consultant. Meanwhile Larraby completes a feature film
His techniques go down like a lead balloon, but Tom steps        script and Nick drops a bombshell.
in to save the day.
                                                                 Guest starring
Meanwhile, Larraby has unexpectedly written a film script        Lachy Hulme (Derek), Chris Burke (Malcolm),
in just one weekend and the Chandon crew are ready to            Rhonda Doyle (Melanie), Russell Kiefel (Warwick),
dive in and make a feature film. The only problem is none        Monique Dykstra (Trace), Andrew Ryan (Simon)
of them have read it!

And Nick drops a bombshell – could he really be leaving
Chandon Pictures for good?
Ep 8: Rock$tar - Season Final
The Chandon team have scored a huge coup – their first        Short Synopsis
rock video! Rockstar Tracks Wilcox (Dan Wyllie) is finally    Rockstar Tracks Wilcox (Dan Wyllie) needs an A-list team
going solo from his band and he needs an A-list team to       to shoot his first video, “You Wanna Give”. Chandon
shoot his video, “You Wanna Give”.                            Pictures set about making a spectacular video, and soon
                                                              find themselves being dragged into the debaucherous rock
Chandon Pictures set about making a spectacular rock video    star lifestyle. Carmichael (Josh Lawson) returns to find the
for Tracks and his manager Scotty (Damon Herriman). In the    house, and the team, in total disarray. Could this spell the
process, they soon find themselves being dragged into the     end for Chandon Pictures?
debaucherous rock star lifestyle. Carmichael (Josh Lawson)
returns to find the house, and the team, in total disarray.   Guest starring
                                                              Dan Wyllie (Tracks), Damon Herriman (Scotty),
Could this spell the end for Chandon Pictures - or are all    Josh Lawson (Carmichael), Russell Kiefel (Warwick)
their dreams finally about to be realised?
Director, writer, producer and actor, Rob Carlton, started    Tropfest: Carmichael and Shane, about a father raising          channel – which is unique in that it seeks out edgy, original
Chandon Pictures   developing Chandon Pictures over ten years ago. He shot a
                   48 minute show, which Rob concedes wasn’t very good, but
                                                                                 twins by favouring one over the other. They utilised Alex’s
                                                                                 “verite doc style to capture the story. The films were due on
                                                                                                                                                 and provocative series.

                   inspired the character of Tom Chandon.                        the Thursday; we shot it on the Saturday morning - there        Our ongoing relationship with Tropfest and its film and
   The Beginning   Rob then began developing the idea of this character and
                                                                                 was no script but we knew the story”, explains Rob.             television production arm, the Tropfest Feature Program, is
                                                                                                                                                 based around a shared ambition of unearthing and
                   the world around the desperate documentary maker. Over        Carmichael and Shane got accepted in to the Top 16, and         providing opportunity to emerging local film and television
                   the next three years Rob bought in other key development      went on to win Best Film, and it was at a Tropfest party that   writers, producers, actors, directors and technicians.”
                   writers Russell Smyth and Alex Weinress, who would also       Rob met Peter Jenetsky from Movie Network Channels.
                   be co-director on the project.
                                                                                 Peter Jenetsky, General Manager, Marketing & Content
                   Alex’s background echoed the world of Tom’s in some ways      Strategy for Movie Network Channels, acts as Executive
                   which created immediate appeal for Alex. He says, “The        in Charge of Production on the project. He credits Rob’s
                   project was about a documentary filmmaker who had made        comedic talent and his success with Tropfest in making the
                   one documentary and thought he was this great filmmaker       development deal a feasible one.
                   but who made wedding videos to survive, and that is
                   basically what I was doing at the time!”                      He says, “Both Rob and Alex can thank John Polson and
                                                                                 Tropfest for the opportunity to meet and pitch to executives
                   After initial rejection of the idea from some networks, Rob   from Movie Network Channels, resulting in finding a
                   and Alex decided to create a variation of the show for        suitable home for Chandon Pictures on our MOVIE EXTRA
Casting the principal actors that make up the team is pivotal
Chandon Pictures   to the show, and the key cast returns in Season 2. Tom
                   Chandon helms Chandon Pictures with his trusted and loyal
                   staff cinematographer, Nick Brenner (Darren Gilshenan)
       On A Role   and producer, Lucy Canon (Rebecca Massey). Charlie
                   Garber also joins the show in Season 2 as Tom’s cousin and
                   business mentor, Larraby Chandon.

                   Rob had worked with Darren previously in a role reversal,
                   when Darren had cast Rob in The Complete Works of William
                   Shakespeare. As Darren recalls then, “we forged a really
                   strong relationship based on a mutual kind of understanding
                   where comedy was at and teaching each other.” Darren’s
                   character Nick was in fact drawn from something Rob had
                   seen Darren do in a theatre production.

                   Rob also knew Rebecca’s work very well but they had never
                   worked together previously. Rebecca said her involvement
                   was a simple offer, “I was writing a TV series and asked
                   Rob to come and do a bit of collaboration to see if we could
                   work together. We didn’t end up working together on my
                   project but he asked me to come and shoot this pilot.”

                   With the exit of Tom’s brother Carmichael (Josh Lawson) in
Season 2, a new role was also created for Charlie Garber,         Rob is therefore very particular about the casting process
who Rob thought would be perfect to play Tom’s nervy and          and draws on his wealth of knowledge and experience with
naïve younger cousin, Larraby.                                    a variety of Australian film and television actors.

According to Rob, “Charlie Garber is a really exciting,           Veteran Australian actor Lynette Curran came in as a guest
new acting talent. He’s one of the funniest creatures I’ve        actor in Season 2 and felt the process was both collaborative
ever seen on stage. He’s quite phenomenal.” Charlie was           and creative, “You’re on your toes, and everybody’s working
equally excited to have the opportunity to work with Rob          together. And if something doesn’t suit you then speak up, or
and the rest of the cast, “To get a phone call saying, ‘I’ve      forever hold your peace. It’s democratic in that way. There’s
got a character in this comedy show that I’d like you to read     the right attitude to it and there’s a fairness and there’s no
for,’ is great. Especially having seen you act and maybe          anger, or the anger’s used in a creative way.”
put that into how they’ve written the character. These were
actors I had seen a lot of, so I was really excited to work
with them.”

The guest stars for the episodes are equally as important as
the main team, as each guest brings with them not only a
new story but also a different dynamic.

As Rob says, “This show is largely built on the calibre of our
guesties, and the characters that we ask them to bring to life.
The idea of each guest is to put pressure on the leads. So
what area of the leads do we want to explore, and how can
we get this guest cast to come in and push their buttons?”
The unique aspect of filming both Season 1 and Season 2         Line Producer Catherine Durr was a new addition to the          She adds that Rob and Alex’s directing style has also
Chandon Pictures    of Chandon Pictures is that as well as the two production
                    cameras, the character of Nick Brenner is also constantly
                                                                                    team in Season 2, having been recommended to Rob by
                                                                                    the Producer of Comedy Inc. She says selecting the crew
                                                                                                                                                    developed since Season 1, and they work well together as
                                                                                                                                                    co-directors, “Rob and Alex are used to working as a team,
                    filming. So Rob, Alex and editor Stafford Wales edit into       was crucial, “Rob was very particular about who to include      and they’re used to being business partners and they know
The Technical Bit   each episode the fly on the wall footage that Darren
                    takes during filming, creating within the series a kind of
                                                                                    in this production. He probably spoke to me about a year
                                                                                    ahead of it even going into pre-production. And he took as
                                                                                                                                                    how each other thinks…they’re both very generous in letting
                                                                                                                                                    each other fulfil their creative vision.”
                    documentary ‘feel’. Co-director Alex Weinress also draws        much care in selecting everybody else as he did in finding
                    on his videographer background to create this feel for the      my role.”
                                                                                    She felt the freedom of working for Movie Network Channels
                    According to Alex, while filming the second season, he and      allowed a creative working space for the directors and
                    Rob were able to take a lot of their experience from Season     crew that is quite unique, “Once they were across casting
                    1 on board to improve on their product, “we worked a lot        and writing, once they were across Rob’s vision, they were
                    faster, we were able to understand what we were doing           actually quite hands off, which is refreshing. So they agreed
                    and knew the kind of show we were making…and also just          in principle to the vision, but they don’t have to be there
                    not having the brand of ‘first time director.’ We kind of had   standing over the director’s shoulder or at rushes every
                    some credibility from the first season, so it just took a lot   night. (Executive Producer) Ted Robinson certainly represents
                    of the pressure off.” The production quality is also higher     them and so he will view rushes. But on the whole they
                    in Season 2, which was shot in HD, achieving what Alex          are very supportive, much more actually than a commercial
                    describes as “a whole new look”.                                network.”
Rob describes Tom in Season 2:
“He flies high and low. He’s a
passionate guy that can have his
optimism pulled from him. I think that’s
what makes him compelling. He can be
hugely empathetic, he can be hugely
supportive, he can be dark and black.
And I think we’ve got that in all of us.
Season 2 picks up, Tom has come back
                                           Rob Carlton - Tom Chandon
from Los Angeles, clearly there’s
                                           Rob Carlton has been a professional actor since he was 14 years old. He is a recognised face in Australia for both
been some sort of breakdown. Tom           comedy and drama in TV, film and theatre.
comes back from Hollywood deflated
from that major dream but we still         Rob’s TV credits include roles in All Saints, Fireflies, McLeod’s Daughters and Water Rats.
get that great Tom passion, what was
charming about Tom was that he always      In 2006, Rob wrote, starred in, co-directed and co-produced the short film Carmichael and Shane, which won Tropfest.
                                           Rob also starred in the film How Many Doctors Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb, which won Best Comedy at the festival.
wanted to do something great while he      He also won Best Actor for his two performances in both films – the first time an actor has appeared in two finalist’s films.
was alive. About four seconds with
a beautiful woman reinspires him to        Rob’s play A-Framed, was first produced by his company in 1998 to critical and box office success and has since been
make the great movie.”                     produced in Sydney and Melbourne.

                                           In 2008, Rob was nominated at the L’Oréal Paris 2008 AFI Awards for Best Performance in a Television Comedy Series
                                           for his role as Tom Chandon in Season 1 of Chandon Pictures.
Rebecca describes Lucy in Season 2:

Rebecca Massey - Lucy Canon                                                                                                   “It’s a combination of a really driven
                                                                                                                              person, who is not very smart...she’s really
                                                                                                                              ambitious but doesn’t have such great
Rebecca graduated with an Honours Degree in Law and a Bachelor of Arts from Auckland University, New Zealand. She             skills. When we start off, the whole team’s
worked for three months as a lawyer before bursting into tears, leaving at lunch and never returning.                         a little bit vulnerable and kind of fragile
                                                                                                                              because Tom’s abandoned us to go to
Since moving to Australia, Rebecca has worked extensively with Company B, most recently as Queen Marie in Exit the King
                                                                                                                              Hollywood. And Lucy, you learn more about
starring Geoffrey Rush, and Gertrude in The Underpants. Other credits with Company B include: Macbeth, Cloudstreet,
The Small Poppies (Sydney Festival and Dublin Festival productions), The Caucasian Chalk Circle, The Seagull, WASP and        her, where she’s from...she finds love...a
The Alchemist.                                                                                                                lot happens to her and it’s been a great
Rebecca’s TV credits include All Saints, Stepfather of the Bride, Small Claims, Grass Roots and Bloodsports.

Rebecca has appeared in the feature film Son of the Mask as well as Gary Eck’s short film Final Call and The Black Balloon,
a feature starring Toni Collette and Gemma Ward. She recently finished filming Accidents Happen starring Geena Davis
and Erik Thomson.

Rebecca was nominated for a Helpmann Award for her role in Steve Martin’s play The Underpants. Rebecca won a Green
Room Award for Best Female Performer in the role of Pearl in Stephen Sewell’s play It Just Stopped. Rebecca has recently
been nominated for a Helpmann Award for Best Supporting Actress in It Just Stopped.
                                              Darren Gilshenan - Nick Brenner
“Nick unfortunately has no social skills
whatsoever. So he’ll just blurt stuff out     Graduating from The National Institute of Dramatic Art in 1988, Darren has made 15 appearances with Bell Shakespeare,
                                              including Measure For Measure, Wars Of The Roses, The Servant Of Two Masters - for which he received the Helpmann
without any sense of consequence. But we
                                              Award for Best Male Actor in a Play in 2004, The Comedy Of Errors - for which he received a Green Room Award
discovered the best way to do it is with      nomination, Henry 4, Henry 5, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming Of The Shrew, Pericles, Twelfth Night and Macbeth.
love. In this season Nick kind of separates   Darren created the movement design for the players in Bell Shakespeare’s Hamlet. He has also conducted student workshops
a little bit emotionally. The twins come,     for Bell Shakespeare’s Education Programme. Darren was recently awarded the Gloria Dawn Gloria Payten Scholarship
he is kind of a father in Season 2 and        for 2007 and will be heading to England to co-write a one man show based on Shakespeare’s clowns with Christopher
                                              Harris from the Royal Shakespeare Company.
dealing with all that. So the dilemma for
my character as the breadwinner, is to        Other theatre credits include Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The Players and Last Cab To Darwin for Pork Chop
find some bread. I think it’s been a really   Productions; Moby Dick, a Queensland Theatre Company and Marion Street Theatre co-production; A Midsummer Night’s
fertile storyline for me.”                    Dream in the Botanical Gardens; Alive At Williamstown Pier for Griffin Theatre Company; The Complete Works Of William
                                              Shakespeare (Abridged) for Spirit Entertainment; and The Venetian Twins for the 2000 Olympic Arts Festival. Darren was
                                              recently seen as Cuddlepie in Neil Armfield’s production of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie for Company B and the Sydney
                                              Festival. He is currently rehearsing Not Like Beckett for Northern Rivers Performing Arts. Later this year he will be seen in
                                              Bell Shakespeare’s The Government Inspector alongside William Zappa.

                                              Darren’s film and television credits include Idiot Box, Dark City, Swinger (winner Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize), Police
                                              Rescue, Full Frontal and Dossa and Joe (BBC/Granada). In 2005, he wrote, co-directed and starred in Derrick, which was
                                              launched on the Comedy Channel.
                                                                                                                               “Larraby’s the straight guy, he’s kind of
                                                                                                                               naive, a little bit innocent, he can be kind of
                                                                                                                               goofy. I guess in some ways the audience
                                                                                                                               might be seeing the other characters
                                                                                                                               through Larraby’s eyes...He’s just a young
                                                                                                                               guy who’s a bit serious and sensible and
                                                                                                                               has to deal with people who aren’t. A lot
                                                                                                                               of the comedy is seeing Larraby react

CHARLIE GARBER - Larraby Chandon                                                                                               to what the other characters are doing.
                                                                                                                               Initially, he’s looking up to his older cousin
                                                                                                                               because he thinks he’s a filmmaker,
Since embarking on his acting career in productions for the University of Sydney from 2001 – 2003, Charlie Garber has          realises that might not be the case, and
established a reputation as an accomplished young talent in Australian theatre, television and film.                           then he himself gets the bug to be a
                                                                                                                               filmmaker. And that takes him to a really
His theatre credits include Julius Caesar for the Sydney Theatre Company (2005); Merchant of Venice for the Bell Shakespeare   interesting place.”
Company (2006); and Glass Boat and Simply Fancy for small theatre group Pig Island, a creative collaboration with actors
Claudia O’Doherty and Nick Coyle (2007 - 2008).

In 2004, Charlie played Phil in the popular Working Dog television production, Russell Coight’s Celebrity Challenge,
starring Glenn Robbins. His film work includes Lost Things (2003) and Ghost Rider (2004).
Rob Carlton - Co-Director

Alex Weinress - Co-Director                                   Kim Batterham - DOP
American born director, producer, writer, cinematographer     Award winning DOP, Kim Batterham, has more than 20
and editor, Alex Weinress, is an award winning filmmaker.     years experience in the Australian and international film and
Alex and good friend Rob Carlton won the 1st Prize at the     television industries. Her impressive body of work includes
2006 Tropfest for their short film Carmichael and Shane,      AFI winning documentaries Gumshoe (1992), Watch the
the 6 minute black comedy about a single father who has a     Watch (1993) and The Maitland Wonder – Les Darcy
unique approach to raising his two-year old twin boys. The    (1997), as well as the Emmy nominated children’s television
film has gone on to win the Audience Award at the Melbourne   series, Johnson and Friends (1991). Her extensive television
International Comedy Festival as well as screenings at the    credits include the four hour mini-series The Potato Factory,
Telluride, Tribeca and Seattle Film Festivals.                the SBS documentary series First Australians and McLeod’s
                                                              Daughters on Channel 9. In 2002 she worked on the Peter
Alex also produced and directed the critically acclaimed      Weir directed feature Master and Commander, which was
documentary feature, The Last Game. The film premiered        nominated for an Oscar® for Cinematography in 2004.
at SXSW in 2002, won Best Documentary at the Sonoma           Most recently Kim completed work on the upcoming feature
Valley Film Festival and received the Special Jury Award at   film Elise, starring Natalie Imbruglia.
the 2003 Worlfest in Houston.
Heath Watt - Executive Producer                                 Catherine Durr - Line Producer
Heath has been involved in the Australian film and television   Catherine began her career in production management in
production business for over a decade. He spent a               1994 at Beyond Productions, where she produced various
considerable period working as a television and film lawyer     series for the Nine Network, Discovery Channel and ABC.
and business affairs executive both in private practice and     She then spent several years working at the Seven Network
in-house, representing both television broadcasters and         as Production Manager and Production Management
independent producers. More recently, Heath has held            Supervisor, Light Entertainment, where her credits included
senior executive positions with Australia’s international       Border Security, The Mole, Auction Squad and Undercover
television network, Australia Network.                          Angels. In 2004 she was contracted to Washington DC by
                                                                Beyond Productions to produce a makeover series for the
                                                                Discovery Channel called Garage Takeover. Since then she
                                                                has been working regularly as a Production Manager for
                                                                Australian television and her impressive list of credits include
                                                                Missing Persons Unit, My Restaurant Rules, Australian
                                                                Idol, Project Greenlight, Ready Steady Cook, Make Me a
                                                                Supermodel and Deal or No Deal.
Russell Smyth - Script development Ingrid Weir -Costume Designer
Russell is a Creative Director at high profile Sydney          For the past decade Ingrid has had a varied and creative
advertising agency, the Campaign Palace. Strangely             career, working as a venue Event Designer, Art Director
enough, he also spent nine years working as a high school      for television commercials, and Costume Designer for
science teacher. He developed his comedy writing skills over   theatre, film and television. Her costume designing credits
that time by writing for Doug Mulray’s Triple M breakfast      for television include The Potato Factory for Channel Seven
radio program, later making a successful leap into stand-up    as well as Changi, Playschool and The Chaser’s War on
comedy and featuring at many of Sydney and Melbourne’s         Everything for the ABC. She worked as Assistant to the
major comedy venues.                                           Designer on Gillian Armstrong’s Oscar and Lucinda in
                                                               1996, and in 2003 for Art Department Graphic Design on
                                                               Master and Commander, directed by Peter Weir.
Stafford Wales - Editor                                        Ted Robinson - Executive Producer
A graduate of the AFTRS Editing programme, Stafford            Ted Robinson has been involved in Australian television,
started out as an Assembly Editor on All Saints. After         film and theatre for over three decades. In recent years
various television editing work, including Pizza for SBS and   he has had several satirical comedy series on the ABC
JTV for the ABC, and further Assembly Editing on McLeod’s      (The Glass House, The Side Show etc.) and on free to air
Daughters and Love My Way, he worked as editor on The          commercial TV Good News Week - Network Ten. Ted was
Surgeon (Dir Matt Saville), and later on McLeod’s Daughters    also Executive Producer for Chandon Pictures Season 1.
(Dir Steve Jodrell).
Peter Jenetsky - Executive in
Charge of Production
With 17 years experience in the media industry, Peter has worked
with some of Australia’s largest media organisations, including senior
roles with Austereo and The Seven Network, and is now GM of
Marketing and Content Strategy for Movie Network Channels. In this
role he is responsible for the marketing of the channel brands as well
as developing new content opportunities for the channels. In recent
years he has expanded the programming to include both scripted
series, observational documentary, and entertainment formats such
as the filmmaking competition, Project Greenlight, and the television
adaptation of the live theatre event, Short & Sweet.
Tom Chandon Rob Carlton          Young Male Executive Nick Hernandez      Basil Marshall Napier             Female Dancer Shannon O’Shea

Nick Brenner Darren Gilshenan    Jodee Matt Moore                         Lorelei Lynette Curran            Derek Lachy Hulme

Lucy Canon Rebecca Massey        Boysie Dan Hany                          Megan Helen Dallimore             Malcolm Chris Burke

Larraby Chandon Charlie Garber   Arty Doug Scroope                        Warwick Russell Kiefel            Melanie Rhonda Doyle

Carmichael Chandon Josh Lawson   Margs Barbara Angell                     Enrollment Office Elaine Hudson   Trace Monique Dykstra

Dion Matt Zeremes                Customer Natasha Cali                    CafE Patron 1 Kathy Harwood       Simon Andrew Ryan

Kelly Catherine Moore            Angelique Kelly Butler                   CafE Patron 2 Dionne Fyvie        TrackS WILCOX Dan Wyllie

Celebrant Roy Billing            Sarah Laura Brent                        CafE Patron 3 Nikayla Fyvie       Scotty Damon Herriman

Benji David James                Presentation Attendee 1 Anna Erickson    Bruiser Teo Gebert                Track’s Girl Rebecca Wood

Krystal Clare Bowan              Presentation Attendee 2 Kylie Francis    Harley Jonathan Dutto             Larraby’s Girl Samantha Silva

Housewife Catherine Durr         Presentation Attendee 3 Theresa Harper   Trevor Paul White
Interviews Available

                                       Publicity Contact

                                        Amanda Herbert
                                           Network Publicist
                                    Movie Network Channels

                                     Phone: +61 2 9433 1041
                                    Mobile: +61 448 240 006
Address: 6/39 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW Australia 2065
Chandon v9   final

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Chandon v9 final

  • 1. Directed by: Rob Carlton & Alex WeiNRess Premieres Thursday 19th March at 9.30PM ENCORE SCREENINGS Friday 10.30PM & Saturday 5.30PM
  • 2. SEASO N2 chandon iee Premieres Thursday 19th March at 9.30PM ENCORE SCREENINGS Friday 10.30PM & Saturday 5.30PM
  • 3. Chandon Pictures THE SHOW Chandon Pictures premiered exclusively on MOVIE EXTRA In Chandon’s second season, Tom returns somewhat in 2007 to wide critical acclaim. The show was nominated defeated from a brief stint in Hollywood. The Chandon for Best Television Comedy Series at the L’Oréal Paris 2008 house has been sold, his brother Carmichael has taken a AFI Awards, and Rob Carlton was nominated for Best job in Singapore and Chandon Pictures have opened up Performance in a Comedy Television Series for his role as new headquarters. Tom’s cousin Larraby (Charlie Garber) Tom Chandon. moves in, taking over the role of business manager. At first Tom, the once overzealous filmmaker and driving force This popular comedy show returns in 2009 with a much behind the team, seems to have lost his special touch. But anticipated second season. with some coaxing from his enthusiastic crew, he might just rediscover the great ‘documenteur’ within. The series follows the misadventures of Tom Chandon (Rob Carlton) and his fledgling video production company Returning to the team in Season 2 are loyal cameraman Chandon Pictures. Nick (Darren Gileshenan) and pragmatic ‘Executive Producer’ Lucy (Rebecca Massey), while Charlie Garber Tom’s portfolio doesn’t extend much beyond the odd also joins the show as Tom’s business savvy cousin, Larraby wedding video or kid’s birthday party, but he is a dreamer Chandon. and along with his long suffering crew, is determined to make it as a serious ‘documenteur’.
  • 5. Ep 1: The Lifestyle Ep 2: Run Bitch Run The team has been asked to film a wedding video - with a Short synopsiS Lucy’s past comes back to haunt her when her father Arty Short synopsis twist. Dion (Matt Zeremes) and Kelly (Catherine Moore) are The team have been asked to film an unusual wedding for a (Doug Scroope) shows up unexpectedly at the Chandon Lucy’s past comes back to haunt her when her father Arty renewing their vows to include a ‘swingers’ clause. couple who are renewing their vows to include a ‘swingers’ house. He has decided to sell his greyhound farm, and asks (Doug Scroope) shows up unexpectedly at the Chandon clause. Dion (Matt Zeremes) and Kelly (Catherine Moore) Chandon Pictures to film the TV ‘advertorial’. house. He’s decided to sell his greyhound farm, and asks Though they are happily married, Dion and Kelly want are keen to explore the freedom of ‘The Lifestyle’ and the Chandon Pictures to film the TV ‘advertorial’. The crew head to enjoy the freedom of ‘The Lifestyle’: an alternative life Chandon team are ready to capture all the action. But Lucy is mortified as the rest of the team ridicule her ‘bogan’ to the farm where Lucy grew up, enthusiastic and ready to that encourages them to explore relationships with other they’re about to discover an important lesson in marriage: family, but Tom is determined to turn this story into a great film the secrets to great greyhound training. But Lucy must partners. The Chandon team, of course, are ready to capture that three (…or even four or five) really is a crowd! documentary. He’s concerned Lucy’s too close to the topic and face some secrets of her own, in particular the revelation of all the action. Larraby in particular is curious, and decides asks her to back off, but she won’t compromise the integrity an ex-flame named Boysie (Don Hany), a larrikin farmhand to tag along on the shoot for some experience behind the Guest starring of her family, and reluctantly agrees to be involved. with an unusual hobby. camera. Matt Zeremes (Dion), Catherine Moore (Kelly), Roy Billing (Celebrant), David James (Benji), The crew head to the farm where Lucy grew up, enthusiastic Guest starring With seasoned swingers Krystal (Claire Bowan) and Benji Clare Bowan (Krystal), Matt Moore (Jodee), Josh and ready to film the secrets to great greyhound training. Dan Hany (Boysie), Doug Scroope (Arty), Barbara (David James) on hand for advice, they all head off for Dion Lawson (Carmichael) But Lucy must face some long suppressed secrets of her own, Angell (Margs) and Kelly’s first official swingers party. But they’re about to in particular the revelation of an ex-flame named Boysie discover an important lesson in marriage: that three (…or (Don Hany), a larrikin farm hand with an unusual hobby. even four or five) really is a crowd!
  • 6. Ep 3: Not a Pyramid An old school friend of Lucy’s, Angelique (Kelly Butler), ropes Short Synopsis Lucy into a scheme to sell a range of “hydreaux cosmetics”. An old school friend of Lucy’s, Angelique (Kelly Butler), ropes When the rest of the team are enlisted to shoot a training Lucy into a scheme to sell a range of “hydreaux cosmetics”. video, they find themselves caught up in the scheme too. When the rest of the team are enlisted to shoot a training But Angelique is an expert manipulator and Lucy soon finds video, they find themselves caught up in the scheme too. herself in way over her head. But Angelique is an expert manipulator and Lucy soon finds herself in way over her head. Meanwhile, now that Nick has become a Dad to twins, Larraby steps in to help out behind-the-scenes with the Guest starring Chandon crew. Nick feels threatened and the tension Kelly Butler (Angelique), Laura Brent (Sarah) mounts, but Tom is too busy flirting with a pretty young hydreaux cosmetic agent named Sarah (Laura Brent) to notice the jealousy creeping into his team.
  • 7. Ep 4: The Man with the Dancing Fingers Chandon Pictures has been asked to shoot a real estate in the team. Tom’s relationship with Sarah is also becoming ‘virtual tour’ for a wealthy Sydney couple. Basil (Marshall more serious, a further cause of tension in the Chandon Napier), a famous Sydney gynaecologist, is selling the team. luxurious home he shares with his wife Lorelei (Lynette Curran). Short synopsis Chandon Pictures has been asked to shoot a real estate Tom sees the opportunity to make more of this project by ‘virtual tour’ for a wealthy Sydney couple. Basil (Marshall telling the story behind the man in a doco titled Confessions Napier), a famous Sydney gynaecologist, is selling the of a Gynaecologist. But the ‘perfect life’ of this successful luxurious home he shares with his wife Lorelei (Lynette couple is not all it appears to be on the surface, and this Curran). The ‘perfect life’ of this successful couple is not all might turn out to be Chandon Pictures’ most explosive it appears to be on the surface, and this might turn out to be documentary yet. Chandon Pictures’ most explosive documentary yet. Back at the Chandon office, there is drama behind the Guest starring scenes as well: Tom has finally found his mojo. Inspired by Marshall Napier (Basil), Lynette Curran (Lorelei) a beautiful young woman, he wants to make a major motion picture; all he needs is a script! Nick is feeling increasingly threatened by Larraby, who feels he needs to assert his place
  • 8. Ep 5: She’s 22 Ep 6: Pack Megan (Helen Dallimore) doesn’t appear to be your usual Short Synopsis Larraby’s colleague Jodee (Matt Moore) asks Tom to film Short Synopsis desperate and dateless loser, but she’s looking for the right Megan (Helen Dallimore) enlists the help of an executive a video for his trendy nightclub, Pack, and it seems this Larraby’s colleague Jodee (Matt Moore) asks Tom to partner and isn’t afraid to use a dating service to help companion service who specialise in corporate matchmaking: straight-laced businessman has a secret “other” life. By day film a video for his trendy nightclub, Pack - by day he is her find that person. She enlists the help of an executive “Executive Connections: The Business of Love”. When the he is a conservative banker – on the side he runs one of the a conservative banker – on the side he runs one of the companion service specialising in corporate matchmaking: service sends the Chandon crew to film her profile video, hottest clubs in town. hottest nightclubs in town. The Chandon team see this as “Executive Connections: The Business of Love”. Tom’s more interested in filming her story as a documentary. an opportunity to make a video with “edge”, but they are In the process, it seems Megan is unexpectedly falling for The Chandon team see this as an opportunity to make a video distracted on the job. When the service sends the Chandon crew to film her Tom. with “edge”, but they are distracted on the job. Tom has profile video, Megan and Tom don’t exactly hit it off. The fallen into a depression over the demise of his relationship Guest starring first attempt at a profile video attracts the wrong kind of Guest starring with Sarah (Laura Brent), and his lack of inspiration to write Matt Moore (Jodee), Bruiser (Teo Gebert), Laura men, and she insists on a re-shoot. Tom’s more interested Helen Dallimore (Megan), Russell Kiefel his own script. And Lucy is desperate to recruit her new Brent (Sarah), Russell Kiefel (Warwick), Jonathan in filming her story as a documentary and in the process, it (Warwick), Elaine Hudson (Enrollment Officer), boyfriend Warwick (Russell Kiefel) to the team. Dutto (Harley) seems Megan is unexpectedly falling for Tom. Laura Brent (Sarah) Meanwhile both Tom and Lucy seem to be caught up in some love dilemmas of their own.
  • 9. Ep 7: A Script is Written Chandon Pictures has been recruited to film training sessions Short Synopsis for an over enthusiastic motivational consultant. Derek (Lachy Chandon Pictures has been recruited to film training sessions Hulme) is hosting seminars to improve the presentation skills for Derek (Lachy Hulme), an over enthusiastic motivational of a group of deadbeat salespeople needing inspiration. consultant. Meanwhile Larraby completes a feature film His techniques go down like a lead balloon, but Tom steps script and Nick drops a bombshell. in to save the day. Guest starring Meanwhile, Larraby has unexpectedly written a film script Lachy Hulme (Derek), Chris Burke (Malcolm), in just one weekend and the Chandon crew are ready to Rhonda Doyle (Melanie), Russell Kiefel (Warwick), dive in and make a feature film. The only problem is none Monique Dykstra (Trace), Andrew Ryan (Simon) of them have read it! And Nick drops a bombshell – could he really be leaving Chandon Pictures for good?
  • 10. Ep 8: Rock$tar - Season Final The Chandon team have scored a huge coup – their first Short Synopsis rock video! Rockstar Tracks Wilcox (Dan Wyllie) is finally Rockstar Tracks Wilcox (Dan Wyllie) needs an A-list team going solo from his band and he needs an A-list team to to shoot his first video, “You Wanna Give”. Chandon shoot his video, “You Wanna Give”. Pictures set about making a spectacular video, and soon find themselves being dragged into the debaucherous rock Chandon Pictures set about making a spectacular rock video star lifestyle. Carmichael (Josh Lawson) returns to find the for Tracks and his manager Scotty (Damon Herriman). In the house, and the team, in total disarray. Could this spell the process, they soon find themselves being dragged into the end for Chandon Pictures? debaucherous rock star lifestyle. Carmichael (Josh Lawson) returns to find the house, and the team, in total disarray. Guest starring Dan Wyllie (Tracks), Damon Herriman (Scotty), Could this spell the end for Chandon Pictures - or are all Josh Lawson (Carmichael), Russell Kiefel (Warwick) their dreams finally about to be realised?
  • 12. Director, writer, producer and actor, Rob Carlton, started Tropfest: Carmichael and Shane, about a father raising channel – which is unique in that it seeks out edgy, original Chandon Pictures developing Chandon Pictures over ten years ago. He shot a 48 minute show, which Rob concedes wasn’t very good, but twins by favouring one over the other. They utilised Alex’s “verite doc style to capture the story. The films were due on and provocative series. inspired the character of Tom Chandon. the Thursday; we shot it on the Saturday morning - there Our ongoing relationship with Tropfest and its film and The Beginning Rob then began developing the idea of this character and was no script but we knew the story”, explains Rob. television production arm, the Tropfest Feature Program, is based around a shared ambition of unearthing and the world around the desperate documentary maker. Over Carmichael and Shane got accepted in to the Top 16, and providing opportunity to emerging local film and television the next three years Rob bought in other key development went on to win Best Film, and it was at a Tropfest party that writers, producers, actors, directors and technicians.” writers Russell Smyth and Alex Weinress, who would also Rob met Peter Jenetsky from Movie Network Channels. be co-director on the project. Peter Jenetsky, General Manager, Marketing & Content Alex’s background echoed the world of Tom’s in some ways Strategy for Movie Network Channels, acts as Executive which created immediate appeal for Alex. He says, “The in Charge of Production on the project. He credits Rob’s project was about a documentary filmmaker who had made comedic talent and his success with Tropfest in making the one documentary and thought he was this great filmmaker development deal a feasible one. but who made wedding videos to survive, and that is basically what I was doing at the time!” He says, “Both Rob and Alex can thank John Polson and Tropfest for the opportunity to meet and pitch to executives After initial rejection of the idea from some networks, Rob from Movie Network Channels, resulting in finding a and Alex decided to create a variation of the show for suitable home for Chandon Pictures on our MOVIE EXTRA
  • 13. Casting the principal actors that make up the team is pivotal Chandon Pictures to the show, and the key cast returns in Season 2. Tom Chandon helms Chandon Pictures with his trusted and loyal staff cinematographer, Nick Brenner (Darren Gilshenan) On A Role and producer, Lucy Canon (Rebecca Massey). Charlie Garber also joins the show in Season 2 as Tom’s cousin and business mentor, Larraby Chandon. Rob had worked with Darren previously in a role reversal, when Darren had cast Rob in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. As Darren recalls then, “we forged a really strong relationship based on a mutual kind of understanding where comedy was at and teaching each other.” Darren’s character Nick was in fact drawn from something Rob had seen Darren do in a theatre production. Rob also knew Rebecca’s work very well but they had never worked together previously. Rebecca said her involvement was a simple offer, “I was writing a TV series and asked Rob to come and do a bit of collaboration to see if we could work together. We didn’t end up working together on my project but he asked me to come and shoot this pilot.” With the exit of Tom’s brother Carmichael (Josh Lawson) in
  • 14. Season 2, a new role was also created for Charlie Garber, Rob is therefore very particular about the casting process who Rob thought would be perfect to play Tom’s nervy and and draws on his wealth of knowledge and experience with naïve younger cousin, Larraby. a variety of Australian film and television actors. According to Rob, “Charlie Garber is a really exciting, Veteran Australian actor Lynette Curran came in as a guest new acting talent. He’s one of the funniest creatures I’ve actor in Season 2 and felt the process was both collaborative ever seen on stage. He’s quite phenomenal.” Charlie was and creative, “You’re on your toes, and everybody’s working equally excited to have the opportunity to work with Rob together. And if something doesn’t suit you then speak up, or and the rest of the cast, “To get a phone call saying, ‘I’ve forever hold your peace. It’s democratic in that way. There’s got a character in this comedy show that I’d like you to read the right attitude to it and there’s a fairness and there’s no for,’ is great. Especially having seen you act and maybe anger, or the anger’s used in a creative way.” put that into how they’ve written the character. These were actors I had seen a lot of, so I was really excited to work with them.” The guest stars for the episodes are equally as important as the main team, as each guest brings with them not only a new story but also a different dynamic. As Rob says, “This show is largely built on the calibre of our guesties, and the characters that we ask them to bring to life. The idea of each guest is to put pressure on the leads. So what area of the leads do we want to explore, and how can we get this guest cast to come in and push their buttons?”
  • 15. The unique aspect of filming both Season 1 and Season 2 Line Producer Catherine Durr was a new addition to the She adds that Rob and Alex’s directing style has also Chandon Pictures of Chandon Pictures is that as well as the two production cameras, the character of Nick Brenner is also constantly team in Season 2, having been recommended to Rob by the Producer of Comedy Inc. She says selecting the crew developed since Season 1, and they work well together as co-directors, “Rob and Alex are used to working as a team, filming. So Rob, Alex and editor Stafford Wales edit into was crucial, “Rob was very particular about who to include and they’re used to being business partners and they know The Technical Bit each episode the fly on the wall footage that Darren takes during filming, creating within the series a kind of in this production. He probably spoke to me about a year ahead of it even going into pre-production. And he took as how each other thinks…they’re both very generous in letting each other fulfil their creative vision.” documentary ‘feel’. Co-director Alex Weinress also draws much care in selecting everybody else as he did in finding on his videographer background to create this feel for the my role.” show. She felt the freedom of working for Movie Network Channels According to Alex, while filming the second season, he and allowed a creative working space for the directors and Rob were able to take a lot of their experience from Season crew that is quite unique, “Once they were across casting 1 on board to improve on their product, “we worked a lot and writing, once they were across Rob’s vision, they were faster, we were able to understand what we were doing actually quite hands off, which is refreshing. So they agreed and knew the kind of show we were making…and also just in principle to the vision, but they don’t have to be there not having the brand of ‘first time director.’ We kind of had standing over the director’s shoulder or at rushes every some credibility from the first season, so it just took a lot night. (Executive Producer) Ted Robinson certainly represents of the pressure off.” The production quality is also higher them and so he will view rushes. But on the whole they in Season 2, which was shot in HD, achieving what Alex are very supportive, much more actually than a commercial describes as “a whole new look”. network.”
  • 17. Rob describes Tom in Season 2: “He flies high and low. He’s a passionate guy that can have his optimism pulled from him. I think that’s what makes him compelling. He can be hugely empathetic, he can be hugely supportive, he can be dark and black. And I think we’ve got that in all of us. Season 2 picks up, Tom has come back Rob Carlton - Tom Chandon from Los Angeles, clearly there’s Rob Carlton has been a professional actor since he was 14 years old. He is a recognised face in Australia for both been some sort of breakdown. Tom comedy and drama in TV, film and theatre. comes back from Hollywood deflated from that major dream but we still Rob’s TV credits include roles in All Saints, Fireflies, McLeod’s Daughters and Water Rats. get that great Tom passion, what was charming about Tom was that he always In 2006, Rob wrote, starred in, co-directed and co-produced the short film Carmichael and Shane, which won Tropfest. Rob also starred in the film How Many Doctors Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb, which won Best Comedy at the festival. wanted to do something great while he He also won Best Actor for his two performances in both films – the first time an actor has appeared in two finalist’s films. was alive. About four seconds with a beautiful woman reinspires him to Rob’s play A-Framed, was first produced by his company in 1998 to critical and box office success and has since been make the great movie.” produced in Sydney and Melbourne. In 2008, Rob was nominated at the L’Oréal Paris 2008 AFI Awards for Best Performance in a Television Comedy Series for his role as Tom Chandon in Season 1 of Chandon Pictures.
  • 18. Rebecca describes Lucy in Season 2: Rebecca Massey - Lucy Canon “It’s a combination of a really driven person, who is not very smart...she’s really ambitious but doesn’t have such great Rebecca graduated with an Honours Degree in Law and a Bachelor of Arts from Auckland University, New Zealand. She skills. When we start off, the whole team’s worked for three months as a lawyer before bursting into tears, leaving at lunch and never returning. a little bit vulnerable and kind of fragile because Tom’s abandoned us to go to Since moving to Australia, Rebecca has worked extensively with Company B, most recently as Queen Marie in Exit the King Hollywood. And Lucy, you learn more about starring Geoffrey Rush, and Gertrude in The Underpants. Other credits with Company B include: Macbeth, Cloudstreet, The Small Poppies (Sydney Festival and Dublin Festival productions), The Caucasian Chalk Circle, The Seagull, WASP and her, where she’s from...she finds love...a The Alchemist. lot happens to her and it’s been a great adventure.” Rebecca’s TV credits include All Saints, Stepfather of the Bride, Small Claims, Grass Roots and Bloodsports. Rebecca has appeared in the feature film Son of the Mask as well as Gary Eck’s short film Final Call and The Black Balloon, a feature starring Toni Collette and Gemma Ward. She recently finished filming Accidents Happen starring Geena Davis and Erik Thomson. Rebecca was nominated for a Helpmann Award for her role in Steve Martin’s play The Underpants. Rebecca won a Green Room Award for Best Female Performer in the role of Pearl in Stephen Sewell’s play It Just Stopped. Rebecca has recently been nominated for a Helpmann Award for Best Supporting Actress in It Just Stopped.
  • 19. DARREN DESCRIBES NICK in Season 2: Darren Gilshenan - Nick Brenner “Nick unfortunately has no social skills whatsoever. So he’ll just blurt stuff out Graduating from The National Institute of Dramatic Art in 1988, Darren has made 15 appearances with Bell Shakespeare, including Measure For Measure, Wars Of The Roses, The Servant Of Two Masters - for which he received the Helpmann without any sense of consequence. But we Award for Best Male Actor in a Play in 2004, The Comedy Of Errors - for which he received a Green Room Award discovered the best way to do it is with nomination, Henry 4, Henry 5, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming Of The Shrew, Pericles, Twelfth Night and Macbeth. love. In this season Nick kind of separates Darren created the movement design for the players in Bell Shakespeare’s Hamlet. He has also conducted student workshops a little bit emotionally. The twins come, for Bell Shakespeare’s Education Programme. Darren was recently awarded the Gloria Dawn Gloria Payten Scholarship he is kind of a father in Season 2 and for 2007 and will be heading to England to co-write a one man show based on Shakespeare’s clowns with Christopher Harris from the Royal Shakespeare Company. dealing with all that. So the dilemma for my character as the breadwinner, is to Other theatre credits include Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The Players and Last Cab To Darwin for Pork Chop find some bread. I think it’s been a really Productions; Moby Dick, a Queensland Theatre Company and Marion Street Theatre co-production; A Midsummer Night’s fertile storyline for me.” Dream in the Botanical Gardens; Alive At Williamstown Pier for Griffin Theatre Company; The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (Abridged) for Spirit Entertainment; and The Venetian Twins for the 2000 Olympic Arts Festival. Darren was recently seen as Cuddlepie in Neil Armfield’s production of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie for Company B and the Sydney Festival. He is currently rehearsing Not Like Beckett for Northern Rivers Performing Arts. Later this year he will be seen in Bell Shakespeare’s The Government Inspector alongside William Zappa. Darren’s film and television credits include Idiot Box, Dark City, Swinger (winner Cannes Film Festival Jury Prize), Police Rescue, Full Frontal and Dossa and Joe (BBC/Granada). In 2005, he wrote, co-directed and starred in Derrick, which was launched on the Comedy Channel.
  • 20. CHARLIE DESCRIBES LARRABY in Season 2: “Larraby’s the straight guy, he’s kind of naive, a little bit innocent, he can be kind of goofy. I guess in some ways the audience might be seeing the other characters through Larraby’s eyes...He’s just a young guy who’s a bit serious and sensible and has to deal with people who aren’t. A lot of the comedy is seeing Larraby react CHARLIE GARBER - Larraby Chandon to what the other characters are doing. Initially, he’s looking up to his older cousin because he thinks he’s a filmmaker, Since embarking on his acting career in productions for the University of Sydney from 2001 – 2003, Charlie Garber has realises that might not be the case, and established a reputation as an accomplished young talent in Australian theatre, television and film. then he himself gets the bug to be a filmmaker. And that takes him to a really His theatre credits include Julius Caesar for the Sydney Theatre Company (2005); Merchant of Venice for the Bell Shakespeare interesting place.” Company (2006); and Glass Boat and Simply Fancy for small theatre group Pig Island, a creative collaboration with actors Claudia O’Doherty and Nick Coyle (2007 - 2008). In 2004, Charlie played Phil in the popular Working Dog television production, Russell Coight’s Celebrity Challenge, starring Glenn Robbins. His film work includes Lost Things (2003) and Ghost Rider (2004).
  • 22. Rob Carlton - Co-Director Alex Weinress - Co-Director Kim Batterham - DOP American born director, producer, writer, cinematographer Award winning DOP, Kim Batterham, has more than 20 and editor, Alex Weinress, is an award winning filmmaker. years experience in the Australian and international film and Alex and good friend Rob Carlton won the 1st Prize at the television industries. Her impressive body of work includes 2006 Tropfest for their short film Carmichael and Shane, AFI winning documentaries Gumshoe (1992), Watch the the 6 minute black comedy about a single father who has a Watch (1993) and The Maitland Wonder – Les Darcy unique approach to raising his two-year old twin boys. The (1997), as well as the Emmy nominated children’s television film has gone on to win the Audience Award at the Melbourne series, Johnson and Friends (1991). Her extensive television International Comedy Festival as well as screenings at the credits include the four hour mini-series The Potato Factory, Telluride, Tribeca and Seattle Film Festivals. the SBS documentary series First Australians and McLeod’s Daughters on Channel 9. In 2002 she worked on the Peter Alex also produced and directed the critically acclaimed Weir directed feature Master and Commander, which was documentary feature, The Last Game. The film premiered nominated for an Oscar® for Cinematography in 2004. at SXSW in 2002, won Best Documentary at the Sonoma Most recently Kim completed work on the upcoming feature Valley Film Festival and received the Special Jury Award at film Elise, starring Natalie Imbruglia. the 2003 Worlfest in Houston.
  • 23. Heath Watt - Executive Producer Catherine Durr - Line Producer Heath has been involved in the Australian film and television Catherine began her career in production management in production business for over a decade. He spent a 1994 at Beyond Productions, where she produced various considerable period working as a television and film lawyer series for the Nine Network, Discovery Channel and ABC. and business affairs executive both in private practice and She then spent several years working at the Seven Network in-house, representing both television broadcasters and as Production Manager and Production Management independent producers. More recently, Heath has held Supervisor, Light Entertainment, where her credits included senior executive positions with Australia’s international Border Security, The Mole, Auction Squad and Undercover television network, Australia Network. Angels. In 2004 she was contracted to Washington DC by Beyond Productions to produce a makeover series for the Discovery Channel called Garage Takeover. Since then she has been working regularly as a Production Manager for Australian television and her impressive list of credits include Missing Persons Unit, My Restaurant Rules, Australian Idol, Project Greenlight, Ready Steady Cook, Make Me a Supermodel and Deal or No Deal.
  • 24. Russell Smyth - Script development Ingrid Weir -Costume Designer Russell is a Creative Director at high profile Sydney For the past decade Ingrid has had a varied and creative advertising agency, the Campaign Palace. Strangely career, working as a venue Event Designer, Art Director enough, he also spent nine years working as a high school for television commercials, and Costume Designer for science teacher. He developed his comedy writing skills over theatre, film and television. Her costume designing credits that time by writing for Doug Mulray’s Triple M breakfast for television include The Potato Factory for Channel Seven radio program, later making a successful leap into stand-up as well as Changi, Playschool and The Chaser’s War on comedy and featuring at many of Sydney and Melbourne’s Everything for the ABC. She worked as Assistant to the major comedy venues. Designer on Gillian Armstrong’s Oscar and Lucinda in 1996, and in 2003 for Art Department Graphic Design on Master and Commander, directed by Peter Weir.
  • 25. Stafford Wales - Editor Ted Robinson - Executive Producer A graduate of the AFTRS Editing programme, Stafford Ted Robinson has been involved in Australian television, started out as an Assembly Editor on All Saints. After film and theatre for over three decades. In recent years various television editing work, including Pizza for SBS and he has had several satirical comedy series on the ABC JTV for the ABC, and further Assembly Editing on McLeod’s (The Glass House, The Side Show etc.) and on free to air Daughters and Love My Way, he worked as editor on The commercial TV Good News Week - Network Ten. Ted was Surgeon (Dir Matt Saville), and later on McLeod’s Daughters also Executive Producer for Chandon Pictures Season 1. (Dir Steve Jodrell).
  • 26. Peter Jenetsky - Executive in Charge of Production With 17 years experience in the media industry, Peter has worked with some of Australia’s largest media organisations, including senior roles with Austereo and The Seven Network, and is now GM of Marketing and Content Strategy for Movie Network Channels. In this role he is responsible for the marketing of the channel brands as well as developing new content opportunities for the channels. In recent years he has expanded the programming to include both scripted series, observational documentary, and entertainment formats such as the filmmaking competition, Project Greenlight, and the television adaptation of the live theatre event, Short & Sweet.
  • 27. FULL CAST CREDITS Tom Chandon Rob Carlton Young Male Executive Nick Hernandez Basil Marshall Napier Female Dancer Shannon O’Shea Nick Brenner Darren Gilshenan Jodee Matt Moore Lorelei Lynette Curran Derek Lachy Hulme Lucy Canon Rebecca Massey Boysie Dan Hany Megan Helen Dallimore Malcolm Chris Burke Larraby Chandon Charlie Garber Arty Doug Scroope Warwick Russell Kiefel Melanie Rhonda Doyle Carmichael Chandon Josh Lawson Margs Barbara Angell Enrollment Office Elaine Hudson Trace Monique Dykstra Dion Matt Zeremes Customer Natasha Cali CafE Patron 1 Kathy Harwood Simon Andrew Ryan Kelly Catherine Moore Angelique Kelly Butler CafE Patron 2 Dionne Fyvie TrackS WILCOX Dan Wyllie Celebrant Roy Billing Sarah Laura Brent CafE Patron 3 Nikayla Fyvie Scotty Damon Herriman Benji David James Presentation Attendee 1 Anna Erickson Bruiser Teo Gebert Track’s Girl Rebecca Wood Krystal Clare Bowan Presentation Attendee 2 Kylie Francis Harley Jonathan Dutto Larraby’s Girl Samantha Silva Housewife Catherine Durr Presentation Attendee 3 Theresa Harper Trevor Paul White
  • 28. Interviews Available Publicity Contact Amanda Herbert Network Publicist Movie Network Channels Phone: +61 2 9433 1041 Mobile: +61 448 240 006 Email: Web: Address: 6/39 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW Australia 2065