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Matched Pairs - Closing the Circle
Secondment	to	work	with	Andrew	Grant,	Alderley	Park	(2002-2003)	
Shared	office	with	Pete	Kenny	–	talked	a	lot	
….about	a	method	to	bring	the	most	interesEng	pairs	of	molecules	to	the	top			
those	for	which	the	smallest	structural	change	give	rise	to	the	biggest	change	in,	say,	affinity.	
	 	For	any	[matched]-pair	of	molecules	i	and	j:	
My	Matched-Pair	Journey	
where	ΔAij	is	the	ra,o	of	the	affini,es,	
Sij	is	the	similarity	of	the	two	molecules	
From	manual	to	automaEzed	Medicinal	Chemistry		
Cheminforma5cs	(OEChem)
Cheminforma5cs	–	Tools	
AstraZeneca	has	a	long	history	of	developing	various	Breaking-Bonds/R-group	tools,	
in	parEcular	matched-molecular	pair	tools:		
	WizePairZ 	 	–	to	exploit	MMPs	with	unspecified	cores	in	Medicinal	Chemistry		
	Periscope		 	–	to	encode	and	search	Markush	structures	in	chemical	patents	
	FOG	analysis	 	–	key	compound	predicEon	in	patents	using	frequency	of	R-groups	 	 		
	Scaffold	Hopping	–	a	tool	for	scaffold	hopping	by	fragment	replacement	in	3D	
	SAR	spoZer 	–	web-based	tool	to	find	“interesEng”	pairs	of	molecules	
	Avesome 	 	–	to	exploit	MMPs	with	specified	cores	in	Medicinal	Chemistry		
	Matsy 	 	–	using	Matched	Molecular	Series	as	a	tool	to	opEmize	biological	acEvity	
+	10
Cheminforma5cs	–	Impact		
Used	in	prospecEve	designs,	facilitaEng	development	of	candidate	drugs	
	Johansson,	A.	et	al	“Discovery	of	…AZD1979…”	J.Med.Chem	ASAP,	2016	
I	did	that	pic!	
Fame	and	glory	
Several	independent	publicaEons,	and	JMedChem	twiZer	background		
	Boström,	J.	et	al	“Oxadiazoles	in	Medicinal	Chemistry”	J.Med.Chem	2012,	55,	1817-1830	
Binding	Affinity: 	80	nM	
Log	D:	 	 	3		
HLM	Clint: 		 	20	µl/min/mg	
Binding	Affinity: 	40	nM		
Log	D: 	 	2	
HLM	CLint: 	 	10	µl/min/mg	
1,3,4-oxadiazolshowed	beZer	properEes	than	1,2,4-oxadiazoles	
	in	terms	of	lipophilicityes,	solubility,	HLM	Clint	and	hERG	
Social	behaviors	
Drug	design	not	always	that	raEonal:	
para-subsEtuEon,	amide-bond/Suzuki	couplings,	…		
Boström	&	Brown	”Stuck	in	a	rut	with	old	chemistry”,	Drug	Discovery	Today,	2016,	Guest	Editorial,	ASAP			
Brown	&	Boström	”Analysis	of	Past	and	Present	SyntheEc	Methodologies	on	Medicinal	Chemistry:	Where	Have	All	the	New	ReacEons	Gone?”	J.Med.Chem,	2016,	ASAP	
Brown	&	Boström	”Understanding	Our	Love	Affair	with	p-Chlorophenyl:	Present	Day	ImplicaEons	from	Historical	Biases	of	Reagent	SelecEon”	J.Med.Chem,	2015,	58,	2390.		
Russell	Crowe	as	John	
Nash	in	“A	BeauEful	
Mind”	can	see	paZerns	
where	there	are	no	
By	applying	hypothesis-
based	approaches	–	
conducEng	experiments	
with	testable	predicEons,	
knowledge	can	supersede	
Matched	Pairs	–	Closing	The	Circle	
What’s	the	deal	with	
medicinal	chemists,	
internal	H-bonds	
and	ring-closing?	
drug	designers	like	rings	
Behaviors	–	para-subsEtuEon,	amide-bond/Suzuki	couplings,	and…		
Boström	&	Brown	”Stuck	in	a	rut	with	old	chemistry”,	Drug	Discovery	Today,	2016,	Guest	Editorial,	ASAP			
Brown	&	Boström	”Analysis	of	Past	and	Present	SyntheEc	Methodologies	on	Medicinal	Chemistry:	Where	Have	All	the	New	ReacEons	Gone?”	J.Med.Chem,	2016,	ASAP	
Brown	&	Boström	”Understanding	Our	Love	Affair	with	p-Chlorophenyl:	Present	Day	ImplicaEons	from	Historical	Biases	of	Reagent	SelecEon”	J.Med.Chem,	2015,	58,	2390.
Rings	Present	in	Drug	Databases	
ChEMBL 0.9%
any	ring-size	and	type	(aliphaEc/aromaEc),	ring-processing	using	the	OEChem	funcEon	OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds		
to	determine	which	atoms	and	bonds	are	members	of	one	or	more	rings	(and	which	are	acyclic)	
Taylor,	et	al	”Rings	in	Drugs”	J.	Med.	Chem.,	2014,	57,	5845	(frameworks,	frequencies)	
Known Drugs*
Compounds without Ring(s)
Compounds with Ring(s)
Most	compounds	include	one	or	more	rings	
–	drug	designers	like	rings
First	Hypothesis	
“whenever	a	drug	designer	sees	an	internal	hydrogen	he	want	to	ring-close	it”	
See	this
Make	that
survey	a	bunch	of	drug	designers!
Thoughts	About	Ring-Closures	
Survey	submiZed	to	Medicinal	Chemists	at	three	AstraZeneca	sites:	in	Mölndal,	Cambridge,	and	Boston
Survey	Says	–	80	%	“yes”	
None	said	
“if	a	drug	designer	see	an	internal	hydrogen	they	want	to	close	it”	 TRUE
“The	main	reason	for	ring-closing	is	to	gain	potency”		
reduce	entropic	cost	of	binding	by	freezing	the	bioacEve	conformaEon	results	in	a	more	potent	compound?	
See	this
Make	that
Second	Hypothesis	
survey	a	bunch	of	drug	designers…again!
Thoughts	About	Potency…		
Survey	submiZed	to	Medicinal	Chemists	at	three	AstraZeneca	sites:	in	Mölndal,	Cambridge,	and	Boston
…and	what	happens	with	lipophilicity?	
(lipophilicity	is	a	cardinal	property	in	drug	discovery	–		
it	can	affect	many	other	properEes	relevant	in	lead	opEmizaEon)
Survey	Says	(Part	1)	
Around	half	(53%)	say	“same”,		very	few	(8%)	
answer	“no	“,		and	a	third	(38%)	answers	“yes	“	
“same	potency”	
got	most	votes	
me	wrong“In	general	do	you	
think	ring-closed	
compounds	are	 more	potent?
“Closing	the	ring	reduces	entropic	penalty	upon	binding	which	is	
why	dG	becomes	more	favorable	compared	to	open-ring.”	
“You	have	to	be	lucky	if	the	ring-closed	compound	is	more	potent.		
But	if	it	is	that	is	great.”	
“I	think	these	are	a	case-by-case	basis	and	no	generaliza,on	can	be	made.		
I	think	they	are	definitely	worth	making	to	explore.		
Some,mes	it	works	some,mes	it	doesn't.”	
“Only	when	the	right/ac?ve	conforma?on	is	locked	by	the	ring	closure	a	
more	potent	compound	is	seen.”	
“It	could	be	more	potent	–	experiment	is	king!”	
Survey	Comments	–	Potency
Around	half	(57%)	say	“yes”,		very	few	(10%)	answer	
“no	“,		and	a	third	(32%)	answers	“same“	
people	say	“yes”		
lipophilicity	increases		
Survey	Says	(Part	2)	
“In	general	do	you	
think	ring-closed	
compounds	are	more	lipophilic?
“Same	lipophilicity	since	the	H-bond	in	the	open	molecule	only	bonds	internally	
giving	the	overall	H-bond	capacity	to	be	roughly	the	same.”	
“In	terms	of	intramolecular	HB	they	are	masked	and	can	not	be	counted	as	normal.	
So	no	major	change	in	lipophilicity.”	
“It	depends	doesn't	it?”	
Survey	Comments	–	Lipophilicity
“it	may	result	in	a	scaffold	which	will	have	a	different	posi,on	with	regard	to	future	
IP	filings”	
“Selec,vity	may	differ	a	lot	since	the	internal	H-bonded	compound	may	bind	another	
target	in	an	open	non-H-bonded	conforma,on.”	
“[yes	I’d	ring-close]	as	well	as	I'd	like	to	do	the	opposite”	
Other	[Important]	Comments		
There	are	other	aspects	(IP,	Selec5vity,	SAR,	…)
Ring-Closing	an	Autonomic	Response?		
–	is	it	generally	effecEve	or	ineffecEve?
Big-data	mining	approach	
using	Matched-Molecular	Pair	technology		
…and	potency	(ChEMBL)	data	
…and	lipophilicity	(IBIS)	data	
…some	other	parameters
•  “Molecules	that	differ	only	by	a	small	structural	change”	
	(remainder	of	the	molecule	is	exactly	the	same).	
	For	example	
•  Osen	easier	to	predict	differences	in	a	value	of	a	property	than	predicEng	the	value	itself	
(one	reason	is	cancellaEon	of	errors).			
•  The	observaEon	of	an	effect	across	several	chemical	series	increases	our	confidence	that	
the	effect	is	real	->	general	“rules	of	thumbs”	->	future	design	
•  Large	amounts	of	data	across	are	available	either	publicly	(e.g.	ChEMBL)	or	internally	within	
pharmaceuEcal	companies.		
•  Data	greedy	–	one	limitaEon	is	that	it	can	only	make	predicEons	about	structural	features	
that	have	precedent	in	the	given	assay.		
Matched-Pairs	–	What	is	it?	
Prazosin		 Terazosin		
Solubility: 	1.1	mg/ml		 Solubility: 	28.1	mg/ml		
*	Water	solubility	for	Terazosin	increases	significantly	when	going	from	furan	to	THF.	As	a	result,	improved	bioavailability	
(90%	vs	57%)	and	half-life	(2–3	,mes)	afford	longer	dura,on	of	ac,on,	and	allow	once-daily	administra,on.		
Giordanetto, Boström and Tyrchan “Follow-on drugs: how far should chemists look?” Drug Discovery Today, 2011, 16 (15-16),722-732
Matched-Pairs	–	What	to	expect?	
Two	most	common	R	groups	are:	hydrogen	[*-H],	methyl	[*-C]	 	 	(using	“Matsy”)	
This	matched-pair	is	”random”.	
200k	MP’s		
pIC50’s	from	>5000	assays)	
Cohen's	d	effect	size:	0.03	
Mean:	0.03	(pIC50’s:	5.88-5.84)	
magic	methyl…?
A	parEcular	matched	pair	transformaEon	is	equally	likely	to	increase	acEvity	as	decrease	it.	
no	effect
Two	most	common	R	groups	are:	hydrogen	[*-H],	methyl	[*-C]	
There’s	enrichment,	since	we	expect	6250 for	each	if	random	
Cohen's	d	effect	size:	0.24	
Mean:	0.28	(logD’s:	2.25	-	1.97)		
Matched-Pairs	–	What	to	expect?	
small	effect		 magic	hydrogen!
Summary	so	far…	
Most	compounds	(>95%)	include	one	or	more	rings	
There’s	a	wide	interest	(>80%)	in	designing/making	“rings-closed”	analogs	
Matched	molecular	pairs	is	a	powerful	method	for	mining	data	
• 	Especially	for	phys-chem	properEes	(logD)	
• 	Not	as	successful	for	biological	acEviEes	(normal	distribuEons	around	zero)
Matched	Pairs	–	Closing	The	Circle	
using	SMARTS	
Check	distances	in	low-
energy	conforma5ons	
Methods to identify internal H-bonds ring-closure pairs (2D or 3D)
Workflow	to	Detect	2D	‘Closure-Pairs’	
Record	molecules	that	hits	SMARTS,	tag	as	“open”		
The	number	of	rings	counted	(also	used	to	speed	up	search)	
[O;H0:1]=,-*~*~*~[N;H,H2:1]				aVeryGeneralSMARTS
R1 "
R2 "
search	if	
fragments	match	
+1	contain	
addi,onal	ring
checks	if	patch	distance	of	
connecEon	points	are	correct	
all	unmatched	atoms		
required	to	be	in	a	ring*	
à A closed-case
All	“open”	molecules	are	fragmented	and	connecEon	points	monitored,		
as	well	as	the	path	distances	between	connecEon	points.	
Step	1	
3	rings
4	rings
*any	ring	allowed,	but	restricEons	on	num	donors/acceptors
Py/OEChemTk	(José	BaEsta	and	Magnus	Norrby)	–	ComputaEonally	very	expensive	calculaEons
Step	2	
Step	3
Workflow	to	Detect	3D	‘Closure-Pairs’	
Take	all	“open”-cases	[internal	H-bonds]	in	the	ring-closure	pairs	from	2D	
Expand	into	mulE-conformaEonal	ensembles	(OMEGA-Tk)		
Check	for	internal	H-bond	distances	(<3.5Å)	among	low-energy	conformaEons	
Virtually	all	retrieved	by	the	3D	approach	–	jusEfying	the	2D	approach*		
*	electrostaEc	‘collapse’	of	the	ligand	in	vacuo	
Boström	et	al	“ConformaEonal	energy	penalEes	
of	protein-bound	ligands”,	1998,	J.Comput-
Aided	Mol.	Design	12,	383-383	
The	importance	of	using	solvaEon	models…	
electrostaEcs	sEll	tricky	to	get	right.
Potency	Database	–	ChEMBL	v20		
	Addi5onal	closure-pair	criteria	
• 	Closure-pairs	must	be	tested	in	the	same	assay	
• 	RestricEons	on	pairs:		
• 	ΔH-donors	≤	2		
• 	ΔH-acceptors	≤	2		
• 	ΔH-acceptors	and	H-donors	≤	3	
• 	Δformal	charge	==	0	
DB	Details…			
• 	Only	use	pIC50	data	for	binding	assays	“B”		
• 	63	940	targets		
• 	752	228	acEviEes	(could	be	extended	with	50%;	429	347	Ki	values)	
• 	323	055	disEnct	compounds	
• 	271	440	(15	≤	heavy	atom	count	≤	40)	
• 	83	711	with	a	possible	internal	H-bond	(hits	SMARTS)	
>60k	papers:	94%	from	Bioorg.	Med.	Chem.	LeI.,	J.	Med.	Chem.,	J.	Nat.	Prod.,	Bioorg.	Med.	Chem.,	Eur.	J.	Med.	Chem.,	Med.	Chem.	Res.
pIC50	(ChEMBL)	Closure-Pairs	
Normally	distributed	around	zero	-	equally	likely	to	gain	potency	as	loosing	potency.	
Δ pIC50
”close”	more	potent	”open”	more	potent	
N	=	2200	
(850	uniq)
pIC50	(”open”)	–	pIC50	(”closed”)	=	0.05	(6.33-6-28)	
Sama	analysis	on	internal	data	more	or	less	iden,cal	–	no	“file-drawer”	effect
Not	all	internal	H-bonds	are	equal	
SMARTS	defini5ons	–	adding	context	
[O;H0:1]=[C]-[A,a;X4]~[A,a;X4]-[O;H:1] ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist5
[O;H0:1]=[C]-[A,a;X4]~[A,a;X4]-[N;H,H2:1] ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5
[O;H0:1]=[C]~[A,a;X3]-[O;H:1] ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp2_DONhydroxy_Dist4
[O;H0:1]=[C]~[A,a;X3]-[N;H,H2:1] ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist4
Acceptors	(5):	 	carbonyl,	heterocyclic	N,	hydroxyl,	S=O,	alkoxy	
Donors	(2):	 	hydroxl,	nitrogen	
Linker-type	(2): 	sp2,	sp3	(aliphaEc	or	aromaEc)	
Linker-length	(3):	 	4,	5,	6	
Linker:	sp3
DON:	hydroxy
(easy	to	customize)
60	SMARTS	combinaEons
strong	 poor	good
Some	types	of	ring-closures	increases	potency	on	average?	
Calculate	cohen’s	effect	size	for	all	SMARTS	(incl	pairs>20)		
Closure-Pairs	–	Potency		
SMARTS	 Mean	 d2	 err_d	 d	 pairs	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp2_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 -0.57	 0.61	 0.78	 0.13	 107	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 0.36	 0.37	 0.61	 0.11	 124	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist5	 0.45	 0.25	 0.50	 0.20	 34	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 -0.23	 0.25	 0.50	 0.15	 63	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 -0.32	 0.23	 0.48	 0.11	 113	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 -0.29	 0.21	 0.46	 0.10	 120	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp2_DONhydroxy_Dist5	 0.32	 0.20	 0.45	 0.15	 55	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist5	 0.29	 0.18	 0.42	 0.16	 47	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 0.24	 0.13	 0.37	 0.09	 155	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist6	 0.11	 0.09	 0.29	 0.18	 35	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.12	 0.09	 0.29	 0.18	 36	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp2_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 -0.08	 0.07	 0.25	 0.11	 98	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 -0.12	 0.07	 0.27	 0.05	 382	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 0.10	 0.06	 0.25	 0.08	 162	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 -0.08	 0.05	 0.23	 0.05	 466	
…but	only	11	uniq	pairs	
…but	only	20	uniq	pairs
There	Are	Many	Ways	to	Make	a	Ring	
Internal	H-bond	
CHEMBL1143672:	Synthesis	and	pharmacology	of	site-specific	cocaine	abuse	
treatment	agents:	restricted	rotaEon	analogues	of	methylphenidate.	
CHEMBL1203942		CHEMBL904		
pIC50:	6.6		 pIC50:	5.7		
“The	results	suggest	that	the	conforma,on	of	methylphenidate	(MP)	in	which	the	carbonyl	
group	of	the	methyl	ester	is	H-bonded	to	the	piperidinyl	N−H	may	be	the	bioac,ve	form	of	
the	molecule.”	J.	Med.	Chem.	(2007)	50:2718-2731	
Displacement	of	[3H]nisoxeEne	from	norepinephrine	transporter	(NET)	in	Sprague-Dawley	rat	corEcal	Essue	at	5	uM	
less	potent	
agents [ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5]
CHEMBL1129655:	A	comparaEve	molecular	field	analysis	study	of	N-benzylpiperidines	
as	acetylcholinesterase	inhibitors.	
pIC50:	6.1		 pIC50:	7.0		
“compounds	have	been	found	to	inhibit	the	metabolic	breakdown	of	the	neurotransmijer	
acetylcholine	(ACh)	by	the	enzyme	acetylcholinesterase	(AChE)	and	hence	alleviate	memory	
deficits	in	pa,ents	with	Alzheimer’s	Disease	by	poten,a,ng	cholinergic	transmission.”		
J.	Med.	Chem.	(1996)	39:380-387	
more	potent	
There	Are	Many	Ways	to	Make	a	Ring	
Internal	H-bond	 Ring-Closed	
IdenEficaEon	of	a	New	Chemical	Class	of	Potent	Angiogenesis	Inhibitors	Based	
on	ConformaEonal	ConsideraEons	and	Database	Searching	
CHEMBL101253	CHEMBL101683	
ΔpIC50:	-0.1
There	Are	Many	Ways	to	Open	a	Ring	
VEGF	tyrosine	kinase	receptors	KDR	and	Flt-1	are	targets	in	anEcancer	
“resulted	in	a	compound	with	the	same	level	of	potency	and	selec,vity”	
Furet	et	al	Bioorg.Med.	Chem.	LeZ.	13,	(2003)	2967–2971	
Closure-Pairs	–	logD		
lipophilicity	(logD)	increases	with	0.6,	on	average,	upon	ring-closure	
Cohen's	d	effect	size:	0.64	
Mean:	0.6	(logD’s:	2.4	-	1.8)		
medium	effect		
Calculated	lipophilicity	(clogP)	very	similar	profile:	3.3	-2.4	
N=	2400
Closure-Pairs	–	logD		
All	types	of	ring-closures	increases	lipophilicity	on	average,	
some	more	than	others			
SMARTS	 Mean	 Cohens	d2	 err_d	 d	 no	pairs	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 1.20	 1.49	 1.22	 0.38	 21	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 1.06	 0.95	 0.97	 0.27	 32	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.78	 0.91	 0.95	 0.13	 135	
ACCpyriLinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.86	 0.89	 0.95	 0.24	 39	
ACCpyriLinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.67	 0.82	 0.91	 0.28	 27	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.75	 0.82	 0.91	 0.12	 152	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 0.63	 0.59	 0.77	 0.06	 567	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 0.56	 0.56	 0.74	 0.06	 471	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 0.47	 0.49	 0.70	 0.12	 125	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.39	 0.47	 0.69	 0.26	 24	
ACChydroxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist5	 0.46	 0.43	 0.65	 0.20	 39	
ACCpyriLinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist4	 0.37	 0.40	 0.63	 0.13	 89	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist4	 0.44	 0.40	 0.63	 0.08	 256	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist6	 0.44	 0.38	 0.62	 0.14	 82	
ACCmetoxy_LinkerSp3_DONhydroxy_Dist5	 0.35	 0.37	 0.61	 0.13	 86	
ACCcarbonyl_LinkerSp2_DONnitrogen_Dist5	 0.24	 0.26	 0.51	 0.15	 64	
0.60	 0.64	
(no	pairs>20)	
…all	uniq	pairs
average	Caco-2	(”closed”)	–	average	Caco-2	(”open”)	=	-3.0	(within	experimental	error!)	
N = 60Permability	
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	33.5	
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	4.0	
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	21.9	
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	1.0	
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	4.0	 SCHEMBL4981036		
Caco-2	PappAB	(10-6cm/s):	1.1	
Two	cases	where	”open”	form	more	permeable	
No	trend	observed,	lipophilicity	effect	not	reflected	in	permabiliEes	
Need	more	examples	to	draw	conclusions…
What	about	Solubility?	
Average pSolubility (”closed”) – average pSolubility (”open”) = 0.2	
exp	Aq	Sol	on	AZ	pairs	
”open” more soluble”close” more soluble
Solubility	(Aq)	decrease	with	0.2,	on	average,	upon	ring-closure	
Δ pSolubility
Protein-ligand	complexes	(X-ray)	
PDB	dump:	11886	ligands	(all-against-all)	
15	≤	heavy	atom	count	≤	40		
75	pairs	
remove	duplicates	
check	if	bind	to	same	target	(UniProt	ID) 		
present	in	≤	10	pdb’s	(reagents,	ATP,	ADP,	etc)	
6	pairs	(might	have	lost	a	few	in	translaEon)
Protein-ligand	complexes	–	Example	
L.	Zhao	et	al.	Bioorg.	Med.	Chem.	LeZ.	20	(2010)	7216–7221.	The	respecEve	PDB	access	codes	are	3PA3,	3PA4	and	3PA5	
equipotent	IC50	
(nM)	at	CHK1	
Design,	synthesis	and	SAR	of	thienopyridines	as	potent	CHK1	inhibitors	
Tanimoto	Shape	:	0.97	 Tanimoto	Shape	:	0.97
+80%	of	AZ	drug	designers	want	to	make/design	ring-closed	analogs	
when	spo…ng	an	internal	H-bond	
There	are	many	(perceived)	reasons	FOR	and	AGAINST	ring-closures	
•  IP,	potency,	SAR,	lipophilicity,	solubility,	syntheEc	feasibility,	permeability,	curiosity,…	
New	OEChem	matched-pair	code	run	on	experimental	data	reveals	that,		
•  it	is	on	average	equally	likely	to	gain	potency	as	loosing	potency	
•  lipophilicity	increases	in	general	with	nearly	a	log	unit		
•  some	paZerns	give	bigger	effects	
Lots	of	interesEng	scienEfic	quesEons...	
•  The	data-set	is	great	source	for	new	ideas	
Yes	it	can	be	an	effec5ve	design	strategy…	
but	consider	gain	vs	pain

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