database recovery database backup savepoint commit rollback concurrent transaction aries recovery algorithm buffer cache database manager chkeckpoint log based recovery immediate update deferred update catastrophic failure log records recovery concepts failure classification public key encryption revoke grant flow control inference control access control authentication threats to database dba asymmetric key encryption symmetric key encryption statistical database technique encryption techniques use of views in dbms role base access control mandatory access control discretionary access control database security concepts referential integrity domain constraints precedence graph serialization deadlock locks multiple granularity thomas write rule timestamp ordering protocol locks in dbms precedence graph in dbms types of schedules in dbms serializability in dbms incorrect summary problem dbms phantom read problem in dbms lost update problem in dbms unrepeatable read problem dbms dirty read problem in dbms transaction state acid properties in dbms transaction pl/sql examples %rowtype %type dbms trigger rdbms control structure pl/sql block dbms data types awt and swing java basic concepts objects and classes exception and file handling inheritance and interface
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