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Media Education within the Socio-Cultural
Ecology at the example of at-risk learners

                 Klaus Rummler
           London Mobile learning Group
               University of Bremen

Educational Media Ecologies: International Perspectives
University of Paderborn
27 March 2012
Socio-Cultural Ecology and its backgrounds at
the example of some of the at-risk learners'
usage patters of mobile technologies.

–   Why use „ecology“?
–   How are ecologies defined?
Socio-Cultural Ecology as a basic
●   triangular relation between
    –   individuals' agency,
    –   socio-cultural and technological structures
    –   and relating cultural practices
    (Pachler, Bachmair, Cook 2010)
●   Common principles of (media) ecologies

    and their

●   meaning and relation to education (Bildung)
Traditional concepts of ecologies
●   Media Ecology
    (McLuhan, 1964; Postman, 1985)

●   Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of child
    (Bronfenbrenner, 1979)
Not to be mentioned
●   Human and Social Ecology (Human- und Sozialökologie)
    –   Interface between sociology and natural sciences to describe society as
        also depending from biological and physical determinants.
        (Becker et al., 2000)

●   Cultural Ecology (Kulturökologie)
    –   General relationship between human beings / cultures / society and the
        environment (physical nature as biology, geology or meteorology)
        (Steward, 1955; Naess, 1973; Odum, 1994)

●   Semiotic Ecology
    –   Conceptual, systematic method for analysis of rooms as environments
        […] to understand ecological systems, in particular person-culture-
        systems (Lang, 1997; Kull, 1998; Sonesson, 2001)
Media Ecology
●   Toronto-School (McLuhan, 1964; Postman, 1985)
    –   The communicative environment of individuals or society is the
        ecology itself
    –   Ecological environment is communication lead, dominated or
        mediated by media resp. technology
    –   Communication as (a primal state of the) ecosystem which is
        spoiled by technology
    –   Relationships between humans / nature (+ communication) &
        media to the relationships between humans, things (cultural
    –   Mediatization: modification of communication as the basic
        practice of how people construct the social and cultural world
    –   'ecocinema', 'ecomedia', 'green film': nature being remixed,
        resurfaced, revisualized or sonified through media environments
Ecological model of child
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979)
–   Ecosystem as the whole
    material and social
    environment of humans
–   Systematic entanglement
    of family, home, school,
    community and society
Younger models of ecologies
Ecology as a relation between learners and
their surrounding physical and structural world,
–   The classroom as an ecological system
    (Bowers & Flinders, 1990)

–   Ecology of resources
    (Luckin, 2008)
Classroom as an ecological
(Bowers & Flinders, 1990)
–   Impact on schools' particular climate and culture
–   Semiotic ecology + Media ecology

–   Information ecology (Nardi & O'Day, 1999)
    ●   system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a
        particular local environment
–   Learning ecology (Brown, 2000)
    ●   „An ecology is basically an open, complex, adaptive system of
        comprising elements that are dynamic and interdependent.“
Ecology of resources
(Luckin, 2008)
Learner Centric Ecology of Resources
–   „a set of inter-related resource elements, the
    interactions between which provide a particular
    ●   Static dimension;
        through which the resources can be identified and
    ●   Dynamic dimension;
        that describes the organizing activities that activate the
Recent concepts of ecology
●   Digital Media Ecology
    (Hug, Lindner & Bruck, 2006)
    –   „relationships between new forms of education,
        mediated communication and cultural production as
        constitutive of a unitary media ecology“
●   New cultural and media ecology
    (Gieseke, 2002)
●   Media & Social Ecology (Medienökologie)
    (Ganguin & Sander, 2006; Lange & Lüscher, 1998)
Media & Social Ecology
    (Lange & Lüscher, 1998)
●   Ecology is used in two different meanings:
    –   Description for life-worlds that are meaningful for the development of
        people as biological, physical and social beings
    –   Used for analysis of the relationships relevant for the development
        between organisms and their life-worlds.
●   Human ecology: life-worlds that are relevant for the
    development of individuals, communities and societies
●   Social ecology: relationships of individual people to their
    influencing wider social networks and systems. Incl. material,
    symbolic resources, restrictions

●   Media & technology still intruders and not part of the ecology
Baacke's Media Ecology
●   Relationship between individuals and media in
    their respective spacial life-worlds and zones
    –   four-concentric onion skin scheme
        ●   ecologic centre
        ●   ecological nearby space
        ●   ecological cutout
        ●   ecological periphery
        (Ganguin & Sander, 2006)

●   Question where to put
    virtual spaces.
Side notes / essentials
●   The system - The natural
    –   It's not so much about *nature*
    –   Ecologies's nature is to be stable
    –   Ecologies as *systems that are about to change*
    –   Ecologies are (if we want to speak of anything
        natural) subject to change by nature
        ●   In contrast to Mediatization
●   Vocabulary to grasp the „relation between
    materiality and information“ (Fuller, 2005)
    –   Triangle: processes and objects, beings and
        things, patterns and matter
Ecologies are ...
●   Ecology as technical, social, cultural or spacial system
    –   Components of the ecology cannot be deconstructed or be taken apart
●   Interdependant and inter-related factors, components, relationships
    –   Provision of rich, versatile, open, experiencable media environments and
        opportunities to children for their development and critical reflection in all zones
        (Zacharias; Baacke)

●   Organisation of balance and correspondence of experiences with the
    phenomena and structures in the real world as central task for pedagogy
    (ecology of experiences or ecology of play and learning)
    –   Mutually correspondent triangular relationship between individuals – media –
        contemporary (environment) (Zacharias, 1999)

●   Responsibility (Bachmair, 2008; Zacharias, 1999)
    –   Commitment to protect e.g. from economic exploitation
    –   Sustainability in the use of resources, providing spaces and options to renounce
Bridging the gaps...
●   Results:
    –   Cultural practices of school learning and cultural practices
        of media acquisition take place in different worlds or in
        different ecological zones / spheres.
    –   The cultural definitions of media in the context of
        entertainment and formal learning in the context of school
        have led to contradictory forms of learning. (Bachmair)
●   Tasks:
    –   Identify structural relations between school and everyday-
        life (Bachmair, 2008)
    –   Break the strict barriers between the socio ecological
        zones in relation to school and media
At-risk learners
●   Lifestyle with distance to school
    –   Marginalised groups, digital divide, socio-economic
    –   PISA: boys, migration backgrounds, ISCED 2A
●   Drawing an even stricter line between school and
    leisure time
    –   Spaces of uncertainty (Unbestimmtheitsräume)
        (Jörissen & Marotzki, 2009)
    –   Disempowered sites (Brabazon, 2000)
    –   Alternative spaces beyond assiduous school learning
Usage pattern: online video
●   Online video platforms like YouTube and
    their archived, user-generated & shared videos
    do provide meaning and have impact and
    implications for at-risk learners' formal and
    informal learning.
●   Teachers encourage the
    use of videos for preparation
●   Teachers foster the bridging
    of everyday-life and school
Video genres for school learning
●   Subjects: Biology, Physics, Economy, Politics,
    English, Geography, Chemistry and Maths
●   62% of the pupils use videos to prepare for
    exams, presentations and papers
●   Subject-matters:
    nitrogen cycle,
    atom power, …
    (Rummler & Wolf, 2012)
Bachmair, B. (2008). Kulturell situiertes Handeln und Lernen: der Gedanke der Kulturökologie. (M. Böck, Ed.)Medien Journal - Zeitschrift für Kommunikationskultur, 1(32), 19–30.
Becker, E., & Jahn, T. (2000). Sozial-ökologische Transformationen. Theoretische und methodische Probleme transdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. In K.-W. Bernd (Ed.),
  Nachhaltigkeit und Transdisziplinarität (pp. 68–84). Berlin: Analytica.
Bowers, C. A., & Flinders, D. J. (1990). Responsive teaching: an ecological approach to classroom patterns of language, culture, and thought. Advances in contemporary educational
  thought series, Early Childhood Education Series (Vol. 4). Teachers College Press.
Brabazon, T. (2000). Time for a Change or More of the Same? Les Mills and the Masculinisation of Aerobics. Sporting Traditions, 17(1), 97–112. Retrieved from
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
Brown, J. S. (2000). Growing Up Digital - How the Web Changes Work, Education, and the Ways People Learn. Change, 10–20. Retrieved from
Fuller, M. (2005). Media Ecologies. Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: The MIT Press. Retrieved from
Ganguin, S., & Sander, U. (2006). Medienökologie. In L. Mikos & C. Wegener (Eds.), Qualitative Medienforschung: Ein Handbuch (pp. 130–140). Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
Giesecke, M. (2002). Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft. Suhrkamp.
Hug, T., Lindner, M., & Bruck, P. A. (Eds.). (2006). Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the Big Picture. Proceedings of Microlearning Conference 2006. Conference Series. Innsbruck:
  Innsbruck University Press. Retrieved from
Jörissen, B., & Marotzki, W. (2009). Medienbildung - Eine Einführung: Theorie - Methoden - Analysen. UTB (1., Aufl.). Stuttgart: Klinkhardt.
Kull, K. (1998). Semiotic ecology: different natures in the semiosphere. Sign Systems Studies, (26), 344–371. Retrieved from
Lang, A. (1997). Non-Cartesian artifacts in dwelling activities: Steps towards a semiotic ecology. In M. Cole, Y. Engeström, & O. A. Vasquez (Eds.), Mind, culture, and activity: seminal
  papers from the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition (pp. 185–202). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lange, A., & Lüscher, K. (2000). Kinder und ihre Medienökologie in ‘postmodernen’ Zeiten. Soziologische Anmerkungen zur Medienpädagogik. merz - medien + erziehung, (1), 41–50.
Luckin, R. (2008). The learner centric ecology of resources: a framework for using technology to scaffold learning. Computers & Education, 50(2), 449–462.
McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding media: the extensions of man. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Næss, A. (1973). The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement. Inquiry, (16), 95–100.
Nardi, B. A., & O’Day, V. L. (1999). Information ecologies: using technology with heart. Massachusetts Institure of Technology.
Odum, H. T. (1994). Ecological and general systems: an introduction to systems ecology. University of California: University Press of Colorado.
Pachler, N., Bachmair, B., & Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Learning. Structures, Agency, Practices. New York: Springer. Retrieved from
Postman, N. (1985). Amusing ourselves to death: public discourse in the age of show business. New York: Penguin Books.
Rummler, K., & Wolf, K. D. (2012). (in print) Lernen mit geteilten Videos: aktuelle Ergebnisse zur Nutzung, Produktion und Publikation von online-Videos durch Jugendliche. In W. Sützl,
  T. Hug, F. Stalder, & R. Maier (Eds.), Cultures and Ethics of Sharing, Conference Series. Presented at the Medien, Wissen & Bildung: Kulturen und Ethiken des Teilens, Innsbruck:
  Innsbruck University Press.
Sonesson, G. (2001). From Semiosis to Ecology. On the theory of iconicity and its consequences for the ontology of the Lifeworld. (A. W. Quinn, Ed.)VISIO: Cultural cognition and
  space Cognition, 6(2-3), 85–110. Retrieved from
Steward, J. H. (1955). Theory of culture change: the methodology of multilinear evolution. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Zacharias, W. (1999). Auf der Suche nach einer pädagogisch akzentuierten ‘Medienökologie’ zwischen ‘senses & cyber’. In W. Zacharias (Ed.), Interaktiv - Medienökologie zwischen
  Sinnenreich und Cyberspace. Neue multimediale Spiel- und Lernumwelten für Kinder und Jugendliche (pp. 50–81). München: kopead.

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Media Education within the Socio-Cultural Ecology at the example of at-risk learners

  • 1. Media Education within the Socio-Cultural Ecology at the example of at-risk learners Klaus Rummler London Mobile learning Group University of Bremen Educational Media Ecologies: International Perspectives University of Paderborn 27 March 2012
  • 2. Concretely Socio-Cultural Ecology and its backgrounds at the example of some of the at-risk learners' usage patters of mobile technologies. – Why use „ecology“? – How are ecologies defined?
  • 3. Socio-Cultural Ecology as a basic framework ● triangular relation between – individuals' agency, – socio-cultural and technological structures – and relating cultural practices (Pachler, Bachmair, Cook 2010)
  • 4. Agenda ● Common principles of (media) ecologies and their ● meaning and relation to education (Bildung)
  • 5. Traditional concepts of ecologies ● Media Ecology (McLuhan, 1964; Postman, 1985) ● Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of child development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979)
  • 6. Not to be mentioned ● Human and Social Ecology (Human- und Sozialökologie) – Interface between sociology and natural sciences to describe society as also depending from biological and physical determinants. (Becker et al., 2000) ● Cultural Ecology (Kulturökologie) – General relationship between human beings / cultures / society and the environment (physical nature as biology, geology or meteorology) (Steward, 1955; Naess, 1973; Odum, 1994) ● Semiotic Ecology – Conceptual, systematic method for analysis of rooms as environments […] to understand ecological systems, in particular person-culture- systems (Lang, 1997; Kull, 1998; Sonesson, 2001)
  • 7. Media Ecology ● Toronto-School (McLuhan, 1964; Postman, 1985) – The communicative environment of individuals or society is the ecology itself – Ecological environment is communication lead, dominated or mediated by media resp. technology – Communication as (a primal state of the) ecosystem which is spoiled by technology – Relationships between humans / nature (+ communication) & media to the relationships between humans, things (cultural objects) – Mediatization: modification of communication as the basic practice of how people construct the social and cultural world – 'ecocinema', 'ecomedia', 'green film': nature being remixed, resurfaced, revisualized or sonified through media environments
  • 8. Ecological model of child development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) – Ecosystem as the whole material and social environment of humans – Systematic entanglement of family, home, school, community and society
  • 9. Younger models of ecologies Ecology as a relation between learners and their surrounding physical and structural world, e.g.: – The classroom as an ecological system (Bowers & Flinders, 1990) – Ecology of resources (Luckin, 2008)
  • 10. Classroom as an ecological system (Bowers & Flinders, 1990) – Impact on schools' particular climate and culture – Semiotic ecology + Media ecology – Information ecology (Nardi & O'Day, 1999) ● system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a particular local environment – Learning ecology (Brown, 2000) ● „An ecology is basically an open, complex, adaptive system of comprising elements that are dynamic and interdependent.“
  • 11. Ecology of resources (Luckin, 2008) Learner Centric Ecology of Resources – „a set of inter-related resource elements, the interactions between which provide a particular context“ ● Static dimension; through which the resources can be identified and categorized, ● Dynamic dimension; that describes the organizing activities that activate the resources.
  • 12. Recent concepts of ecology ● Digital Media Ecology (Hug, Lindner & Bruck, 2006) – „relationships between new forms of education, mediated communication and cultural production as constitutive of a unitary media ecology“ ● New cultural and media ecology (Gieseke, 2002) ● Media & Social Ecology (Medienökologie) (Ganguin & Sander, 2006; Lange & Lüscher, 1998)
  • 13. Media & Social Ecology (Medienökologie) (Lange & Lüscher, 1998) ● Ecology is used in two different meanings: – Description for life-worlds that are meaningful for the development of people as biological, physical and social beings – Used for analysis of the relationships relevant for the development between organisms and their life-worlds. ● Human ecology: life-worlds that are relevant for the development of individuals, communities and societies ● Social ecology: relationships of individual people to their influencing wider social networks and systems. Incl. material, symbolic resources, restrictions ● Media & technology still intruders and not part of the ecology
  • 14. Baacke's Media Ecology ● Relationship between individuals and media in their respective spacial life-worlds and zones – four-concentric onion skin scheme ● ecologic centre ● ecological nearby space ● ecological cutout ● ecological periphery (Ganguin & Sander, 2006) ● Question where to put virtual spaces.
  • 15. Side notes / essentials ● The system - The natural – It's not so much about *nature* – Ecologies's nature is to be stable – Ecologies as *systems that are about to change* – Ecologies are (if we want to speak of anything natural) subject to change by nature ● In contrast to Mediatization ● Vocabulary to grasp the „relation between materiality and information“ (Fuller, 2005) – Triangle: processes and objects, beings and things, patterns and matter
  • 16. Ecologies are ... ● Ecology as technical, social, cultural or spacial system – Components of the ecology cannot be deconstructed or be taken apart ● Interdependant and inter-related factors, components, relationships – Provision of rich, versatile, open, experiencable media environments and opportunities to children for their development and critical reflection in all zones (Zacharias; Baacke) ● Organisation of balance and correspondence of experiences with the phenomena and structures in the real world as central task for pedagogy (ecology of experiences or ecology of play and learning) – Mutually correspondent triangular relationship between individuals – media – contemporary (environment) (Zacharias, 1999) ● Responsibility (Bachmair, 2008; Zacharias, 1999) – Commitment to protect e.g. from economic exploitation – Sustainability in the use of resources, providing spaces and options to renounce
  • 17. Bridging the gaps... ● Results: – Cultural practices of school learning and cultural practices of media acquisition take place in different worlds or in different ecological zones / spheres. – The cultural definitions of media in the context of entertainment and formal learning in the context of school have led to contradictory forms of learning. (Bachmair) ● Tasks: – Identify structural relations between school and everyday- life (Bachmair, 2008) – Break the strict barriers between the socio ecological zones in relation to school and media
  • 18. At-risk learners ● Lifestyle with distance to school – Marginalised groups, digital divide, socio-economic inequality – PISA: boys, migration backgrounds, ISCED 2A ● Drawing an even stricter line between school and leisure time – Spaces of uncertainty (Unbestimmtheitsräume) (Jörissen & Marotzki, 2009) – Disempowered sites (Brabazon, 2000) – Alternative spaces beyond assiduous school learning
  • 19. Usage pattern: online video ● Online video platforms like YouTube and their archived, user-generated & shared videos do provide meaning and have impact and implications for at-risk learners' formal and informal learning. ● Teachers encourage the use of videos for preparation ● Teachers foster the bridging of everyday-life and school
  • 20. Video genres for school learning ● Subjects: Biology, Physics, Economy, Politics, English, Geography, Chemistry and Maths ● 62% of the pupils use videos to prepare for exams, presentations and papers ● Subject-matters: photosynthesis, nitrogen cycle, chromosomes, immunology, atom power, … (Rummler & Wolf, 2012)
  • 21. Literature: Bachmair, B. (2008). Kulturell situiertes Handeln und Lernen: der Gedanke der Kulturökologie. (M. Böck, Ed.)Medien Journal - Zeitschrift für Kommunikationskultur, 1(32), 19–30. Becker, E., & Jahn, T. (2000). Sozial-ökologische Transformationen. Theoretische und methodische Probleme transdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. In K.-W. Bernd (Ed.), Nachhaltigkeit und Transdisziplinarität (pp. 68–84). Berlin: Analytica. Bowers, C. A., & Flinders, D. J. (1990). Responsive teaching: an ecological approach to classroom patterns of language, culture, and thought. Advances in contemporary educational thought series, Early Childhood Education Series (Vol. 4). Teachers College Press. Brabazon, T. (2000). Time for a Change or More of the Same? Les Mills and the Masculinisation of Aerobics. Sporting Traditions, 17(1), 97–112. Retrieved from Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Brown, J. S. (2000). Growing Up Digital - How the Web Changes Work, Education, and the Ways People Learn. Change, 10–20. Retrieved from Fuller, M. (2005). Media Ecologies. Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: The MIT Press. Retrieved from Ganguin, S., & Sander, U. (2006). Medienökologie. In L. Mikos & C. Wegener (Eds.), Qualitative Medienforschung: Ein Handbuch (pp. 130–140). Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft. Giesecke, M. (2002). Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft. Suhrkamp. Hug, T., Lindner, M., & Bruck, P. A. (Eds.). (2006). Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the Big Picture. Proceedings of Microlearning Conference 2006. Conference Series. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press. Retrieved from Jörissen, B., & Marotzki, W. (2009). Medienbildung - Eine Einführung: Theorie - Methoden - Analysen. UTB (1., Aufl.). Stuttgart: Klinkhardt. Kull, K. (1998). Semiotic ecology: different natures in the semiosphere. Sign Systems Studies, (26), 344–371. Retrieved from Lang, A. (1997). Non-Cartesian artifacts in dwelling activities: Steps towards a semiotic ecology. In M. Cole, Y. Engeström, & O. A. Vasquez (Eds.), Mind, culture, and activity: seminal papers from the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition (pp. 185–202). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lange, A., & Lüscher, K. (2000). Kinder und ihre Medienökologie in ‘postmodernen’ Zeiten. Soziologische Anmerkungen zur Medienpädagogik. merz - medien + erziehung, (1), 41–50. Luckin, R. (2008). The learner centric ecology of resources: a framework for using technology to scaffold learning. Computers & Education, 50(2), 449–462. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2007.09.018 McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding media: the extensions of man. New York: McGraw-Hill. Næss, A. (1973). The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement. Inquiry, (16), 95–100. Nardi, B. A., & O’Day, V. L. (1999). Information ecologies: using technology with heart. Massachusetts Institure of Technology. Odum, H. T. (1994). Ecological and general systems: an introduction to systems ecology. University of California: University Press of Colorado. Pachler, N., Bachmair, B., & Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Learning. Structures, Agency, Practices. New York: Springer. Retrieved from Postman, N. (1985). Amusing ourselves to death: public discourse in the age of show business. New York: Penguin Books. Rummler, K., & Wolf, K. D. (2012). (in print) Lernen mit geteilten Videos: aktuelle Ergebnisse zur Nutzung, Produktion und Publikation von online-Videos durch Jugendliche. In W. Sützl, T. Hug, F. Stalder, & R. Maier (Eds.), Cultures and Ethics of Sharing, Conference Series. Presented at the Medien, Wissen & Bildung: Kulturen und Ethiken des Teilens, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press. Sonesson, G. (2001). From Semiosis to Ecology. On the theory of iconicity and its consequences for the ontology of the Lifeworld. (A. W. Quinn, Ed.)VISIO: Cultural cognition and space Cognition, 6(2-3), 85–110. Retrieved from Steward, J. H. (1955). Theory of culture change: the methodology of multilinear evolution. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Zacharias, W. (1999). Auf der Suche nach einer pädagogisch akzentuierten ‘Medienökologie’ zwischen ‘senses & cyber’. In W. Zacharias (Ed.), Interaktiv - Medienökologie zwischen Sinnenreich und Cyberspace. Neue multimediale Spiel- und Lernumwelten für Kinder und Jugendliche (pp. 50–81). München: kopead.