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Generalized Property-Directed
Reachability for Hybrid Systems
Kohei Suenaga
Kyoto University
Dynamical systems exhibiting
both discrete-time dynamics
and continuous-time dynamics
A software model checking technique
proposed by Hoder and Bjørner [SAT’12]
Takuya Ishizawa
Kyoto University
Sabbatical at Arizona
State Univ. until this
This talk
• HGPDR: Extension of generalized property-
directed reachability (GPDR) to hybrid systems
• The main focus of this work is theory; an
implementation is left as future work
• Given:
– Hybrid system: S
– Safety specification: P
• Return:
– Safe: If S always satisfies P
– Unsafe: If there is an execution of S that violates P
• with a concrete execution path that lead to an
unsafe state
The problem: Safety verification
e.g., |x|<2
• Transition system and safety verification
• GPDR for software model checking
[Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12]
• HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems
• Conclusion
Running example of software
(w/o continuous-time dynamics)
Safety spec. P := x < 5
(We want to make sure that x never
reaches 5)
x := x0; y := y0;
while (true) {
if (x≧0) {
(x,y) := (-x,-y)
} else {
(x,y) := (-x,y)
(x,y) :=
x := x0
v := v0
(x,y) :=
x < 0
x ≧ 0
Software system as a transition system
executed in the
Mode: Location in the
source code
Stay condition: System can
stay in this mode while this
condition is satisfied
Guard: Condition for this
transition to be enabled
Dynamics of the transition system
on x-y plane
Task: Verifying the system
does not go out of this
Safety spec. P := x < 5
(We want to make sure that x never
reaches 5)
For this initial cond.
x := x0; y := y0;
while (true) {
if (x≧0) {
(x,y) := (-x,-y)
} else {
(x,y) := (-x,y)
The reachable set
x := x0; y := y0;
while (true) {
if (x≧0) {
(x,y) := (-x,-y)
} else {
(x,y) := (-x,y)
Safe, indeed
x := x0; y := y0;
while (true) {
if (x≧0) {
(x,y) := (-x,-y)
} else {
(x,y) := (-x,y)
• Transition system and safety verification
• GPDR for software model checking
[Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12]
– IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11]
• HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems
• Conclusion
IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11]
• Model checking algorithm for safety
– Compute an inductive invariant incrementally
– Iteratively refines a sequence of
over-approximations of the reachable set
IC3/PDR in our example
• Maintains i-step over-approximations of the reachable
– Typically represented as logical formulas
0th frame
Called frames
1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(set to True here)
IC3/PDR in our example
• Look for a counter-example to safety
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(set to True here)
(x,y)=(5,0) violates the
safety spec.
Safety spec. P := x < 5
(We want to make sure that x never
reaches 5)
IC3/PDR in our example
• Try to refute that (x,y)=(5,0) is 1-step reachable
from 0-th frame
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(set to True here)
1-step prev. of this point
is …
This point (x,y)=(-5,0)
(-5,0) is not in 0th frame; therefore
(5,0) is not 1-step reachable from 0th frame
Reasoning is done by encoding these conditions as a query to an
SMT solver
IC3/PDR in our example
• Refine the 1st frame by (x,y)≠(5,0)
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x≠5 ∨ y≠0)
Refinement in practice
• Generalization to exclude more states
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x≠5 ∨ y≠0)
Exclude x≧5
rather than x=5
• We don’t go into a concrete generalization
strategy in this work
x<5 after
No counter-example in 1st frame
• Proved: The system does not violates safety in
1 step
• However, inductive invariant not reached yet
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x < 5)
Extend the frame sequence
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
Counterexample in Frame 2
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
Previous state computation
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
(x,y)=(-5,0): Still in
Frame 1
Previous state computation
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
(x,y)=(-5,0): Still in
Frame 1
(x,y)=(5,0): Not in
Frame 0 
Refinement (x,y)=(5,0)
Previous state computation
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(-5 < x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
(x,y)=(-5,0): Still in
Frame 1
(x,y)=(5,0): Not in
Frame 0 
NB: By applying so called “induction” operation, we can propagate
-5<x<5 to Frame 2 from Frame 1
Counterexample in Frame 2
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(-5 < x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
Previous state computation
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(-5 < x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
(x,y)=(-5,0): Not
in Frame 1 
0th frame 1st frame
Initial states Over-approx. of
1-step reachable states
(-5 < x < 5)
2nd frame
Over-approx. of
2-step reachable states
(-5 < x < 5)
• Invariant found: Frame 1 and Frame 2 are
• Transition system and safety verification
• GPDR for software model checking
[Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12]
– IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11]
• HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems
• Conclusion
Generalized Property-Directed Reachability
(GPDR) [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12]
• Generalization of IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11]
– Abstraction of IC3/PDR as a set of rewriting rules
for frame sequences
– System dynamics is encapsulated by a forward
predicate transformer F
F(R) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
The set of states
1-step reachable from R
Invariant on frame sequence
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…
Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
Invariant on frame sequence
• Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states
= init.
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…
Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
Invariant on frame sequence
• Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states
• Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N
= init.
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
R0, R1, … becomes
weaker monotonically
Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
Invariant on frame sequence
• Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states
• Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N
• Rule 3: F(Ri) implies Ri+1 for i=0,…,N-1
F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1)
= init.
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
R0, R1, … becomes
weaker monotonically
Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
Invariant on frame sequence
• Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states
• Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N
• Rule 3: F(Ri) implies Ri+1 for i=0,…,N-1
• Rule 4: Each of R0,…,RN-1 implies safety cond.
= init.
states F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1)
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
P P P P P P…
Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
GPDR manipulates frame sequence
respecting this invariant
Rewriting rules for frame sequences
(Rule [Candidate])
{} || R0,…,RN
{<N,σ>} || R0,…,RN
if σ witnesses RN ∧ ¬P
Set to keep found
If σ is a counter-example
to safety in RN
Bookkeep that
σ is found in RN
Rewriting rules for frame sequences
(Rule [Decide])
{<i+1, σ’>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN
{<i, σ>, <i+1,σ‘>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN
if σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ that witnesses Ri
If σ is a counter-example
to safety in Ri
Bookkeep that
σ is found in Ri
If σ’ is a counter-example
in Ri+1
Rewriting rules for frame sequences
(Rule [Conflict])
{<i+1, σ’>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN
{ } || R0,R1∧R, …,Ri+1∧R, Ri+2, …,RN
if 1-step reachable states to σ’ does not intersect with Ri
If σ’ is found not to be
reachable in (i+1)-step
reachable from init.
Refine R1, …, Ri+1 with R
If σ’ is a counter-example
in Ri+1
Any R that is a Craig
interpolant of F(Ri) and σ’
can be used for refinement
Key properties to
the soundness proof of GPDR
• If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from
σ, then σ’ witnesses F(R)
• F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition
• F(R) is monotonic with respect to R
– i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’
GPDR can be applied to other kinds of
systems as long as we keep these
• Transition system and safety verification
• GPDR for software model checking
[Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12]
• HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems
• Conclusion
Hybrid systems
• Dynamical systems exhibiting discrete-time
dynamics and continuous-time dynamics
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = 1
dx/dt = v
dv/dt = -1
x := 0
v := v0
x < 0
x ≧ 0
ODE that specifies the
flow in each mode
For extension of GPDR for hybrid systems…
• If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from
σ, then σ witnesses F(R)
• F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition
• F(R) is monotonic with respect to R
– i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’
We need to define F that satisfies
these conditions!
For extension of GPDR for hybrid systems…
• If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from
σ, then σ witnesses F(R)
• F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition
• F(R) is monotonic with respect to R
– i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’
We need to define F that satisfies
these conditions!
Definition of F
• In our current example…
F(R(x,v)) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
Definition of F
• In our current example…
F(R(x,v)) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
Continuous reachability
predicate (CRP)
Continuous reachability predicate (CRP)
• Expresses reachability via a flow specified by ODE
• Intuition: σ witnesses this formula if:
– There is a trajectory T from σ via D,
– All the point on T satisfies φ, and
– φ’ is satisfied at the end of T
• Special case of differential dynamic logic (dL)
[Platzer J. Autom. Reasoning’08]
Definition of F
F(R(x,v)) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
If there is (x’,y’) that
satisfies R …
Such that
stay cond.
of l0 is
satisfied …
and if there is a
trajectory along
which stay cond.
is satisfied …
and at the end
guard from l0 to
l1 satisfied
Intuition: Reachable from R
by a flow in l0 and a jump from l0 to l1
Definition of F
F(R(x,v)) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
Intuition: Reachable from R
by a flow in l1 and a jump from l1 to l0
Conformance to ”key properties”
• If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from
σ, then σ witnesses F(R)
• F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition
• F(R) is monotonic with respect to R
– i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’
F(R(x,v)) :=
(x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
Problem of naïve application of GPDR
F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1)
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
P P P P P P…⇒
Only guarantees safety for trajectories that
end with a jump
Tweak needed for sound procedure
F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1)
R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒
P P P P P P…
Remainder frame: Overapproximates reachable
states from RN by a flow (not followed by a jump)
Flow transformer: States reachable from R
by a flow (not followed by a jump)
Soundness proof in the full version (
More in the paper…
• Precise definitions
• Soundness statement
– Proof in the full version in the
• Specification of GPDR in “mode-aware” style
– Frame is a function from mode names to a
• PoC implementation
– Proves the safety of a simple system
– User provides (quite a lot of) information
• HGPDR: Extension of GPDR to hybrid systems
– Defines F so that it expresses the dynamics of hybrid
systems using CRP
– Tweak to the procedure
• Remainder frame
• Flow transformer
– PoC implementation
• Future direction
– Decent implementation and experiments
• Important question to be answered: Is PDR-style
model checking useful for hybrid systems?
• Requires an external solver that understands flow
dynamics …
– Hybrid system verification by Horn-clause solving?
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
• This part encodes “1-step reachable state
from R, or init. state”
• Disjunction of 3 formulae
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
Transition from l0 to l0
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
If there are x’’ and y’’
that satisfies R If x’’≧0 and if x=-x’’ and y=-y’’
Then, (x,y) is 1-step ahead
of the states satisfying R
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
For x’’ and y’’ that
satisfies R If x’’<0 and if x=-x’’ and y=y’’
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
Initial state
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
• This part encodes “1-step reachable state
from R, or init. state”
• Disjunction of 3 formulae
System dynamics as
forward predicate transformer
• In our current example…
F(R(x,y)) :=
(x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1])
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’)
∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
F is the fwd.
pred. trans.
F takes a frame on
x and y
• This part encodes “1-step reachable state
from R, or init. state”
• Disjunction of 3 formulae
NB: In the paper, a frame is a function from mode names to formulae

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Generalized Property-Directed Reachability for Hybrid Systems (presented in VMCAI 2020)

  • 1. Generalized Property-Directed Reachability for Hybrid Systems 1 Kohei Suenaga Kyoto University Dynamical systems exhibiting both discrete-time dynamics and continuous-time dynamics A software model checking technique proposed by Hoder and Bjørner [SAT’12] Takuya Ishizawa Kyoto University Sabbatical at Arizona State Univ. until this March
  • 2. This talk • HGPDR: Extension of generalized property- directed reachability (GPDR) to hybrid systems • The main focus of this work is theory; an implementation is left as future work 2
  • 3. • Given: – Hybrid system: S – Safety specification: P • Return: – Safe: If S always satisfies P – Unsafe: If there is an execution of S that violates P • with a concrete execution path that lead to an unsafe state The problem: Safety verification 3 e.g., |x|<2
  • 4. Outline • Transition system and safety verification • GPDR for software model checking [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12] • HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems • Conclusion 4
  • 5. Running example of software (w/o continuous-time dynamics) 5 Safety spec. P := x < 5 (We want to make sure that x never reaches 5) x0∈[-1,0],y0∈[0,1] x := x0; y := y0; while (true) { if (x≧0) { (x,y) := (-x,-y) } else { (x,y) := (-x,y) } }
  • 6. l1 x<0 l0 x≧0 (x,y) := (-x,-y) x := x0 v := v0 (x,y) := (-x,y) x < 0 x ≧ 0 Software system as a transition system 6 Initial condition Command executed in the transition Mode: Location in the source code Stay condition: System can stay in this mode while this condition is satisfied Guard: Condition for this transition to be enabled
  • 7. Dynamics of the transition system on x-y plane 7 y x Task: Verifying the system does not go out of this region Safety spec. P := x < 5 (We want to make sure that x never reaches 5)
  • 8. For this initial cond. 9 v x x0∈[-1,0],y0∈[0,1] x := x0; y := y0; while (true) { if (x≧0) { (x,y) := (-x,-y) } else { (x,y) := (-x,y) } }
  • 9. The reachable set 10 x0∈[-1,0],y0∈[0,1] x := x0; y := y0; while (true) { if (x≧0) { (x,y) := (-x,-y) } else { (x,y) := (-x,y) } } 10 v x
  • 10. Safe, indeed 11 x0∈[-1,0],y0∈[0,1] x := x0; y := y0; while (true) { if (x≧0) { (x,y) := (-x,-y) } else { (x,y) := (-x,y) } } 11 v x
  • 11. Outline • Transition system and safety verification • GPDR for software model checking [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12] – IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11] – GPDR • HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems • Conclusion 13
  • 12. IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11] • Model checking algorithm for safety verification – Compute an inductive invariant incrementally – Iteratively refines a sequence of over-approximations of the reachable set 14
  • 13. IC3/PDR in our example • Maintains i-step over-approximations of the reachable set – Typically represented as logical formulas 15 0th frame Called frames 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (set to True here)
  • 14. IC3/PDR in our example • Look for a counter-example to safety 16 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (set to True here) (x,y)=(5,0) violates the safety spec. Safety spec. P := x < 5 (We want to make sure that x never reaches 5)
  • 15. IC3/PDR in our example • Try to refute that (x,y)=(5,0) is 1-step reachable from 0-th frame 17 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (set to True here) 1-step prev. of this point is … This point (x,y)=(-5,0) (-5,0) is not in 0th frame; therefore (5,0) is not 1-step reachable from 0th frame Reasoning is done by encoding these conditions as a query to an SMT solver
  • 16. IC3/PDR in our example • Refine the 1st frame by (x,y)≠(5,0) 18 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x≠5 ∨ y≠0)
  • 17. Refinement in practice • Generalization to exclude more states 19 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x≠5 ∨ y≠0) Exclude x≧5 rather than x=5 • We don’t go into a concrete generalization strategy in this work x<5 after generalization
  • 18. No counter-example in 1st frame • Proved: The system does not violates safety in 1 step • However, inductive invariant not reached yet 20 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x < 5)
  • 19. Extend the frame sequence 21 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True)
  • 20. Counterexample in Frame 2 22 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(5,0)
  • 21. Previous state computation 23 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(-5,0): Still in Frame 1 (x,y)=(5,0)
  • 22. Previous state computation 24 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(-5,0): Still in Frame 1 (x,y)=(5,0): Not in Frame 0  Refinement (x,y)=(5,0)
  • 23. Previous state computation 25 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (-5 < x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(-5,0): Still in Frame 1 (x,y)=(5,0): Not in Frame 0  Refinement NB: By applying so called “induction” operation, we can propagate -5<x<5 to Frame 2 from Frame 1 (x,y)=(5,0)
  • 24. Counterexample in Frame 2 26 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (-5 < x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(5,0)
  • 25. Previous state computation 27 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (-5 < x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (True) (x,y)=(5,0) (x,y)=(-5,0): Not in Frame 1  Refinement
  • 26. Refinement 28 0th frame 1st frame Initial states Over-approx. of 1-step reachable states (-5 < x < 5) 2nd frame Over-approx. of 2-step reachable states (-5 < x < 5) • Invariant found: Frame 1 and Frame 2 are equivalent
  • 27. Outline • Transition system and safety verification • GPDR for software model checking [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12] – IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11] – GPDR • HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems • Conclusion 29
  • 28. Generalized Property-Directed Reachability (GPDR) [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12] • Generalization of IC3/PDR [Bradeley SAT’11] – Abstraction of IC3/PDR as a set of rewriting rules for frame sequences – System dynamics is encapsulated by a forward predicate transformer F 30 F(R) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) The set of states 1-step reachable from R
  • 29. Invariant on frame sequence 31 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN… Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
  • 30. Invariant on frame sequence 32 • Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states = init. states R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN… Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
  • 31. Invariant on frame sequence 33 • Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states • Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N = init. states R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R0, R1, … becomes weaker monotonically Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
  • 32. Invariant on frame sequence 34 • Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states • Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N • Rule 3: F(Ri) implies Ri+1 for i=0,…,N-1 F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1) ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ = init. states R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R0, R1, … becomes weaker monotonically Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set
  • 33. Invariant on frame sequence 35 • Rule 1: R0 is equal to the initial states • Rule 2: “Ri implies Ri+1” has to hold for 0≦i<N • Rule 3: F(Ri) implies Ri+1 for i=0,…,N-1 • Rule 4: Each of R0,…,RN-1 implies safety cond. = init. states F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1) ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ P P P P P P… ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Ensures the intuition that Ri is an over-approx. of i-step reachable set GPDR manipulates frame sequence respecting this invariant
  • 34. Rewriting rules for frame sequences (Rule [Candidate]) 36 {} || R0,…,RN  {<N,σ>} || R0,…,RN if σ witnesses RN ∧ ¬P Set to keep found counter-examples If σ is a counter-example to safety in RN Bookkeep that σ is found in RN
  • 35. Rewriting rules for frame sequences (Rule [Decide]) 37 {<i+1, σ’>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN  {<i, σ>, <i+1,σ‘>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN if σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ that witnesses Ri If σ is a counter-example to safety in Ri Bookkeep that σ is found in Ri If σ’ is a counter-example in Ri+1
  • 36. Rewriting rules for frame sequences (Rule [Conflict]) 38 {<i+1, σ’>} ∪ M || R0,…,RN  { } || R0,R1∧R, …,Ri+1∧R, Ri+2, …,RN if 1-step reachable states to σ’ does not intersect with Ri If σ’ is found not to be reachable in (i+1)-step reachable from init. Refine R1, …, Ri+1 with R If σ’ is a counter-example in Ri+1 Any R that is a Craig interpolant of F(Ri) and σ’ can be used for refinement
  • 37. Key properties to the soundness proof of GPDR • If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ, then σ’ witnesses F(R) • F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition • F(R) is monotonic with respect to R – i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’ 39 GPDR can be applied to other kinds of systems as long as we keep these properties!
  • 38. Outline • Transition system and safety verification • GPDR for software model checking [Hoder and Bjørner SAT’12] • HGPDR: Extension of GPDR for hybrid systems • Conclusion 40
  • 39. Hybrid systems • Dynamical systems exhibiting discrete-time dynamics and continuous-time dynamics 41 jump l1 dx/dt = v dv/dt = 1 x<0 l0 dx/dt = v dv/dt = -1 x≧0 x := 0 v := v0 x < 0 x ≧ 0 ODE that specifies the flow in each mode flow
  • 40. For extension of GPDR for hybrid systems… • If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ, then σ witnesses F(R) • F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition • F(R) is monotonic with respect to R – i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’ 42 We need to define F that satisfies these conditions!
  • 41. For extension of GPDR for hybrid systems… • If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ, then σ witnesses F(R) • F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition • F(R) is monotonic with respect to R – i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’ 43 We need to define F that satisfies these conditions!
  • 42. Definition of F • In our current example… 44 F(R(x,v)) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) D0 D1
  • 43. Definition of F • In our current example… 45 F(R(x,v)) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) D0 D1 Continuous reachability predicate (CRP)
  • 44. Continuous reachability predicate (CRP) 46 〈D|φ〉φ’ • Expresses reachability via a flow specified by ODE • Intuition: σ witnesses this formula if: – There is a trajectory T from σ via D, – All the point on T satisfies φ, and – φ’ is satisfied at the end of T • Special case of differential dynamic logic (dL) [Platzer J. Autom. Reasoning’08] ODE Stay cond. Post cond.
  • 45. Definition of F 47 F(R(x,v)) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) D0 D1 If there is (x’,y’) that satisfies R … Such that stay cond. of l0 is satisfied … and if there is a trajectory along which stay cond. is satisfied … and at the end guard from l0 to l1 satisfied Intuition: Reachable from R by a flow in l0 and a jump from l0 to l1
  • 46. Definition of F 48 F(R(x,v)) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) D0 D1 Intuition: Reachable from R by a flow in l1 and a jump from l1 to l0
  • 47. Conformance to ”key properties” • If σ witnesses R and σ’ is 1-step reachable from σ, then σ witnesses F(R) • F(false) is equivalent to the initial condition • F(R) is monotonic with respect to R – i.e., F(R) implies F(R’) if R implies R’ 49 F(R(x,v)) := (x ∈ 0 ∧ v ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ ≧ 0 ∧〈D0|x’≧0〉(x’<0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v) ∨ ∃x’,y’. (R(x’,y’) ∧ x’ < 0 ∧〈D1|x’<0〉(x’≧0 ∧ x=x’ ∧ v’=v)
  • 48. Problem of naïve application of GPDR 50 F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1) ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ P P P P P P…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Only guarantees safety for trajectories that end with a jump
  • 49. Tweak needed for sound procedure 51 F(R0) …F(R1) F(R2) F(R3) F(RN-1) ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 RN-1 RN…⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ P P P P P P… ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ R’⇒ ⇒ C(R) Remainder frame: Overapproximates reachable states from RN by a flow (not followed by a jump) Flow transformer: States reachable from R by a flow (not followed by a jump) Soundness proof in the full version (
  • 50. More in the paper… 52 • Precise definitions • Soundness statement – Proof in the full version in the • Specification of GPDR in “mode-aware” style – Frame is a function from mode names to a predicate • PoC implementation – Proves the safety of a simple system – User provides (quite a lot of) information
  • 51. Conclusion 53 • HGPDR: Extension of GPDR to hybrid systems – Defines F so that it expresses the dynamics of hybrid systems using CRP – Tweak to the procedure • Remainder frame • Flow transformer – PoC implementation • Future direction – Decent implementation and experiments • Important question to be answered: Is PDR-style model checking useful for hybrid systems? • Requires an external solver that understands flow dynamics … – Hybrid system verification by Horn-clause solving?
  • 53. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 55 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’)
  • 54. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 56 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans.
  • 55. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 57 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y
  • 56. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 58 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y • This part encodes “1-step reachable state from R, or init. state” • Disjunction of 3 formulae
  • 57. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 59 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y Transition from l0 to l0
  • 58. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 60 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y If there are x’’ and y’’ that satisfies R If x’’≧0 and if x=-x’’ and y=-y’’ Then, (x,y) is 1-step ahead of the states satisfying R
  • 59. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 61 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y For x’’ and y’’ that satisfies R If x’’<0 and if x=-x’’ and y=y’’
  • 60. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 62 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y Initial state
  • 61. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 63 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y • This part encodes “1-step reachable state from R, or init. state” • Disjunction of 3 formulae
  • 62. System dynamics as forward predicate transformer • In our current example… 64 F(R(x,y)) := (x ∈ [-1,0] ∧ y ∈ [0,1]) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ ≧ 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = -y’’) ∨ ∃x’’,y’’. (R(x’’,y’’) ∧ x’’ < 0 ∧ x = -x’’ ∧ y = y’’) F is the fwd. pred. trans. F takes a frame on x and y • This part encodes “1-step reachable state from R, or init. state” • Disjunction of 3 formulae NB: In the paper, a frame is a function from mode names to formulae

Notas del editor

  1. title
  2. xのinitをx0にする
  3. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  4. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  5. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  6. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  7. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  8. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  9. - 吹き出しをアニメーションに - 例をアニメーションで見せる
  10. 緑修正 safety 出す
  11. 残りの計算も書く
  12. 緑を最初から出しておく
  13. F(R)と矢印も一緒に出す
  14. xのinitをx0にする. アニメで説明
  15. Soundness proof アニメに
  16. title