snp politics scotland brexit scotland economy eu oil bp shell nexen taxation westminster smith commission economics hm treasury uk debt uk electricity electricity generation electricity prices european parliament european commission rural development direct support highland economy whiting northern prawn norway lobster hake hallibut mackerel herring cod haddock cfp quota tac market for crude oil oil price west of shetland europe suncor conocophillips total chevron talisman sinopec apache maersk centrica poverty cma ofgem fiscal federalism devo-max devolution labour russia usa casino banks bank of england statoil elgin field clair field north sea golden eagle schiehallion west franklin gas fired coal fired electricity profits fuel poverty energy economics edf e.on rwe iberdrola scottish power sse right to life hypothermia market failure laissez faire oligopoly monopoly generation electricity price council snp manifesto 2022 snp highland manifesto 2022 highland snp manifesto 2022 highland snp group highland council snp snp manifesto highland snp election manifesto highland snp manifesto snp group highland manifesto snp highland manifesto highland council tain heritage trust tain charity business plan tain picture house restoration project highlands perthshire common agricultural payment farming scottish government sme rural economy farm support rays skates sole plaice tormore laggan nexen golden eagle nexen buzzard forties barrels per day oil taxation ukcs oil and gas energy electricity competition renewable energy venezuela iraq saudi arabia yap c19 cancer pancreatic cancer triptolide salinomycin theracumin pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma vitamin d mir-375 kras minnelide yap tead jak2 gemcitabine thunder god vine hippo pathway curcumin sirna gas amoco uk economy esso eu referendum esf erdf emissions pollution petrol diesel diesel prices gasoline prices motor fuels petrol prices eu15 excise duty perenco bg buzzard taqa dana exxon rwe dea tax credits inheritance tax corporation tax psbr borrowing budget conservative treasury osborne nicola sturgeon john swinney alex salmond pwlb hmrc government electricity supply electricity margins oil exports oil imports saudi china saudi oil exports russian oil exports world oil exports oil imports usa china barrels per day 2004-2013 counterparty bond markets exchange rates hedging interest rate fixing commodity trading market makers macroprudential boe depression recession crash finance referendum clair ridge mariner kinnoull nbim better together norway oil fund electricity charges
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