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The word Ritucharya is made of two
words –
a) Ritu means seasons
b) Charya means dos and don’ts
मयसैर्द्वासंख्यैमयाघयध्ैैः क्रमयत् षट् ऋतवैः स्मृतयैः
र्द्िर्द्िरो अथ वसन्तश्च ग्रीष्मो वषािरद् र्द्िमयैः
र्द्िर्द्िरयद्ययस्त्रिर्द्िस्तैस्तु र्द्वध्यदर्ुमुतरमरम्
आदयुं च, तदयदतरमे ुृणयं प्रर्द्तर्द्दुं बलम्
A season (Ritu) is comprised of two months (two Masa).
1. Shishira Ritu (winter, dewy season) –
Magha and Phalguna (Mid January – Mid March)
2. Vasanta Ritu (Spring season)
Chaitra and Vaishakha (Mid March – Mid May)
3. Greeshma Ritu (Summer season) –
Jyeshta and Ashadha (Mid May to Mid July)
The above three Ritus form Uttarayana – Northern solstice.
Here, fire is dominant
It is also called as Adana Kala,
wherein the human strength is relatively low.
4. Varsha Ritu (Rainy Season) –
· Shravana and Bhadrapada – Mid July – mid September
5. Sharath Ritu (Autumn season) –
· Ashvayuja and Karthika – Mid September to Mid November
6. Hemantha Ritu (Winter season) –
· Margashira and Pushya - Mid November to Mid-January
· These three seasons form Dakshinayana – Southern solstice.
· It is also called as Visarga Kala,
· wherein the human strength will be relatively high.
तस्त्रस्मन्ह्यत्यथातीक्ष्णोष्णरूक्षय मयर्ास्वियवतैः
आर्द्दत्यपवुयैः सौम्ययु् क्षपर्स्त्रन्त र्ुणयु् िुवैः
र्द्तक्तैः कषयर्ैः कटुको बर्द्लुो अत्र रसय क्रमयत्
Because of the nature of the path, both the Sun and wind
become very strong, powerful and dry during this
half of the year.
· It takes away all the cooling qualities of the earth.
· Bitter, Astringent and Pungent tastes (Tikta, kashaya
and Katu Rasas) will be more powerful, respectively, in
the successive Ritus.
· Hence Adana Kala is dominated by fire.
ऋतवो दर्द्क्षणयर्ुम्
वषयादर्ो र्द्वसर्ाश्च र्द्बलं र्द्वसृजयत्यर्म्
सौम्यत्वयदत्र सोमो र्द्ि बलवयु् िीर्ते रर्द्वैः
मेघवृष्ट्यर्द्ुलैैः िीतैैः ियन्ततयपे मिीतले
र्द्िग्धयश्चेियम्ललवणमधुरय बर्द्लुो रसयैः
· During this period, the Sun releases strength of the people.
Here moon is more powerful, earth is cooled down due to clouds,
rain and cold wind.
·Sour, Salt and sweet (Amla, Lavana and Madhura) tastes are
dominant respectively during the three seasons of this period.
िीते अग्र्यं, वृस्त्रष्ट्त घमे अल्पं बलं, मध्ं तु िेषर्ो:
a) Winter – Hemantha and Shishira – mid
November – mid March – Highest strength
b) Summer and rainy seasons – mid May – mid
September – Lowest strength
c) Spring and Autumn – Medium strength.
बर्द्लुैः िीतसंरोधयद्धेमन्ते प्रबलो अुलैः
िवत्यल्पेन्धुो धयतूु् स पचेत्वयर्ुुेररतैः
अतो र्द्िमे अस्त्रस्मन्सेवेत स्वयवम्ललवणयत्रसयु्
During Hemantha,
· the people are strong,
· digestive fire becomes powerful,
· because it gets obstructed from flowing outward due to external winter
· Like fuel consumes the things that it comes into contact, digestive fire
may cause emaciation of body tissues.
· Hence, in this period, one should consume food predominant with
sweet sour and salt tastes.
दैर्घ्यार्द्ुियुयमेतर्द्िा प्रयतरेव बुिुर्द्क्षतैः
अवश्यकयर्ं सम्भयव्य र्थोक्तं िीलर्ेदुु
वयतघ्नतैलैरभ्यङ्गं मूर्द्नं तैलं र्द्वमदाुम्
र्द्ुर्ुद्धं कु िलैैः सयधं पयदयघयतं च र्ुस्त्रक्ततैः
· As the nights are longer, person feels hungry early in the
· So, after attending to oblutions,
· one should resort to Abhaynga (oil massage) with oils that
have Vata balancing properties.
· Massage should be done especially
to scalp and forehead.
· Mild massaging,
· wrestling till one’s half strength and
· trampling of the body is recommended.
कषयर्पहृतिेिस्ततैः ियतो र्थयर्द्वर्द्ध
कु ङ् कु मेु सदपेण प्रर्द्दग्धो अर्ुरुधूर्द्पतैः
रसयु् र्द्िग्धं पलं पुष्टं र्ौडमच्छसुरयं सुरयम्
र्ोधूमर्द्पष्टमयषेक्षुक्षीरोत्थर्द्वकृ तीैः िुियैः
ुवमन्नं वसयं तैलं, िौचकयर्े सुखोदकम्
उष्णस्वियवैलाघुर्द्िैः प्रयवृतैः िर्ुं िजेत्
र्ुक्त्यय अका र्द्करणयु् स्वेदं पयदत्रयणं च सवादय
After this,
· oil is washed off with astringent powders
and bathing.
· Then fine powder of Saffron and kasthuri
(musk) is applied.
· The body is exposed to the fumes of aguru
(Aquilaria agallocha)
· Since the digestion power is high, heavy-
to-digest food such as
a. meat soup mixed with fats,
b. meat of well nourished animals,
c. wine prepared with jaggery,
d. supernatant part of wine (Sura) should be had
Food prepared with
a. wheat flour,
b. black gram products of sugarcane and of milk,
c. food prepared from freshly harvested corn,
d. muscles,
e. fat and
f. edible oils should be partaken as food.
Warm water should be used for oblutions,
thick sheet made of
a. cotton,
b. leather,
c. silk,
d. wool or
e. bark of trees that are light in weight should be used during sleep.
Exposure to sunlight and fire should be resorted to, judiciously.
Foot wear should be worn always.
पीवरोरुस्तयुश्रोण्यैः समदयैः प्रमदयैः र्द्प्रर्यैः
िरस्त्रन्त िीतमुष्णयङ् यो धूपकु ङ् कु मर्ौवुैैः
Women who have well developed thighs, Breasts, Buttocks.
Who are enchanting And exhilarated by the use of
a. Fragrant fumes
b. Scents
c. Youthfulness
And thus made warm in their body
Who are liked
Drive away the cold by their embrace
िीतपयरुष्यजर्द्ुतो ु दोषो जयतु जयर्ते
· Persons who spend their time residing in houses kept warm by
· in inner most apartment encircled with others,
· or in underground chambers,
Will not be affected by diseases due to cold
and dryness.
· in Hemantha Ritu, the strength and digestion
power are more.
· Hence one can
a. exercise,
b. undergo oil massage,
c. eat heavy foods and
d. may have sex.
अर्मेव र्द्वर्द्ध: कयर्ा: स्त्रिरेऽर्द्प र्द्विेषत:
तदय र्द्ि िीतमर्द्धकं रौक्ष्यं चयदयुकयलजम्
Even in shishira Ritu, the same regimen, as described
above should be adopted with more intensity. During
this period cold is severe and dryness more.
कफर्द्श्चतो र्द्ि र्द्िर्द्िरे वसन्ते अकयािुतयर्द्पतैः
ित्वय अर्द्ग्नं कु रुते रोर्युतस्तं त्वरर्य जर्ेत्
तीक्ष्णैवामुुस्ययद्यैलाघुरूक्षैश्च िोजुैैः
व्ययर्यमोवताुयघयतैर्द्जात्वय श्लेश्मयणमुल्बणम्
ियतो अुुर्द्लप्तैः कपूारचन्दुयर्ुरुकु ङ् कु मैैः
सिकयररसोस्त्रिश्रयुयस्वयद्य र्द्प्रर्र्य अर्द्पातयु्
र्द्प्रर्यस्यसङ्गसुरिीु् र्द्प्रर्ुेत्रोत्पलाङलयर्द्तानतयु्
सौमुस्यकृ तो हृद्ययन्त्रर्स्यैैः सर्द्ितैः र्द्पबेत्
शृङ्गबेरयम्बु सयरयम्बु मध्वम्बु जलदयम्बु च
1. Kapha which has undergone increase in Shishira (cold season)
becomes liquefied by the heat of the Sun in Vasanta (spring).
2. It diminishes the digestive fire (Agni) and gives rise to many
3. Hence Kapha should be controlled quickly, by resorting to
strong emesis therapy (Vamana Panchakarma procedure), Nasya
(nasal medication) and other therapies.
4. Food should also be chosen to mitigate Kapha, that are easily
digestible and dry ( moisture-free, fat-free).
5. Physical exercises,
6. dry massage and
7. mild trampling
should be done.
· Having thus mitigated the kapha, the person
1.take bath
2. anoint the body with the paste of
• karpura (camphor),
• candana (sandalwood),
• aguru (Aquilaria agallocha), and
• kumkuma (saffron).
3. Have
· one year old barley,
· wheat and
· honey,
· meat of animals of desert-like land,
· and meat roasted in fire as food;
4. Drink the juice of mango fruit
· mixed with fragrant substances,
· in the company of friends,
· getting it served by the beloved;
· the drink, thereby producing satisfaction.
5. Beverages such as
· asava (fermented infusion),
· arista ( fermented decoction),
· sidhu (fermented infusion),
· mardvika (fermented grape juice),
· or sarambu (extract of trees such as asana, candana etc.)
· or water mixed with honey,
· or water boiled with jalada( musta – Nut grass).
दर्द्क्षणयर्द्ुलिीतेषु पररतो जलवयर्द्िषु
अद्रुष्टुष्टसूर्ेषु मर्द्णकु र्द्ममकयस्त्रन्तषु
परपुष्टर्द्वघुष्टेषु कयमकमयान्तिूर्द्मषु
र्द्वर्द्चत्रपुष्पवृक्षेषु कयुुेषु सुर्स्त्रन्धषु
1. The person should spend his midday in the
company of friends
2. engaged in pleasant games,
3. pastimes,
4. story telling etc.,
5. in forests (or gardens).
6. The gardens should have cool breeze from south
7. with plenty of reservoirs of water all around,
8. invisible or poor sunlight,
9. the land covered with shining crystals
10. with the cuckoo everywhere making
pleasant sounds and
11. engaged in love-play, with trees and different
kinds of beautiful and sweet smelling flowers.
1. Avoid foods that are hard to-
2. and cold,
3. sleeping at day time,
4. foods which are fatty, sour and
Because, all these will increase
तीक्ष्णयंिुरर्द्ततीक्ष्णयंिुग्रीष्मे संर्द्क्षपतीव र्त्
प्रत्यिं क्षीर्ते श्लेष्मय तेु वयर्ुश्च वधाते
अतो अस्त्रस्मन्पटुकट्वम्लव्ययर्यमयका रयंस्त्यजेत्
In Greesma (summer)
· the sun rays become powerful
· and appear to be destructive.
· Kapha decreases day by day and
· Vata increases consequently,
· hence avoid use of salt, pungent and sour foods,
· heavy physical exercises and
· exposure to sunlight, during this season.
िजेिधुरसेवयन्नं लघु र्द्िग्धं र्द्िमं द्रवम्
सुिीततोर्र्द्सक्तयङ्गो र्द्लययत्सक्तूु् सिका रयु्
1.Food which are sweet,
2.light (easy to digest),
4.cold and
5.liquid should be taken,
6.take cornflour mixed with cold water
and sugar after taking bath in cold water.
मद्यं ु पेर्ं, पेर्ं वय स्वल्पं, सुबहुवयरर वय
अन्यथय िोफ िैर्द्थल्य दयि मोियु् करोर्द्त तत्
1. Madya (wine) should not be taken;
· If very necessary, taken in very little quantity or
diluted with more quantity of water;
· If wine is taken in large doses,
a. it will cause inflammatory conditions,
b. it will make the body fragile and weak,
c. increases burning sensation and
d. causes delusion.
कु न्देन्ह्दुधवलं ियलीमश्नीर्यज्जयङ्गलैैः पलैैः
र्द्पबेद्रसं ुयर्द्तघुं रसयलयं रयर्खयण्डवौ
पयुकं पञ्चसयरं वय ुवमृद्भयजुे स्त्रथथतम्
मोचचोचदलैर्ुाक्तं सयम्लं मृिर्िुस्त्रक्तर्द्िैः
पयटलयवयर्द्सतं चयम्भैः सकपूारं सुिीतलम्
During summer,
1. Boiled rice, which is white in colour, (like full moon)
should be eaten along with meat of animals of desert.
2. Meat juice (Mamsarasa) which is not very thick,
3. Rasala (curds churned and mixed with pepper powder
and sugar),
4. Raga (syrup which is sweet, sour and salty) and
5. Khandava (syrup which has all the tastes,
prepared with many substances)
6. Panaka panchasara, (syrup prepared with
a. raisins (draksha),
b. madhuka,
c. dates (karjura),
d. kasmarya, and
e. Parushaka,
• fruits all in equal quantities,
• cooled and added with powder of cinnamon leaves, cinnamon
and cardamom etc) and
• kept inside a fresh mud pot,
• along with leaves of plantain and coconut trees,
• and made sour (fermented)
• should be drunk in mugs of mud or shell;
7. Very cool water kept in mud pot along with
flowers of patala and karpura (camphor) should be used for drinking.
िियतानर्द्करणयु् िक्ष्ययु् रजन्ययं िक्षर्ु् र्द्पबेत्
सर्द्सतं मयर्द्िषं क्षीरं चन्द्रुक्षत्रिीतलम्
1. Food articles like sasanka kirana (hollow,
finger-like, fried pastry made of corn flour)
should be taken at night;
2 Buffalo milk mixed with sugar and cooled by
moonlight and the stars should be used for
वुेषु मयधवीस्त्रश्लष्टद्रयक्षयस्तवकियर्द्लषु
कयर्मयुे र्द्चते चूतप्रवयलफललुस्त्रम्बर्द्िैः
कोमलैैः कस्त्रल्पते तल्पे िसत्कु सुमपल्लवे
मध्ंर्द्दुेअका तयपयताैः स्वप्ययद्धयरयर्ृिे अथवय
· Day time should be spent in
a. forests having tall trees reaching the sky such as shala (shorea
robusta, Tala – Borassus flabellifera etc,
b. which obstruct the hot rays of the sun,
c. or in houses around which bunches of flowers and grapes are
hanging from their creepers.
· Sheets of cloth spreading sweet scented water, are arranged (to
fan the air) , all around.
· Sleep on soft bed prepared with flowers of banana, kalbara,
lotus etc. with fully blossomed flowers place all over.
· Spend the day remaining inside the house cooled by water
· water being scented with usheera (Cus Cus grass), and thereby
relieve yourself from the heat of the sun.
र्द्ुियकरकरयकीणा सौधपृष्ठे र्द्ुरयसु च
आसुय स्वथथर्द्चतरमस्य चन्दुयद्रास्य मयर्द्लुैः
र्द्ुवृतरमकयमतन्त्रस्य सुसूक्ष्मतुुवयससैः
जलयद्रातयलवृन्तयर्द्ु र्द्वस्तृतयैः पर्द्िुीपुटयैः
उत्क्षेपयश्च मृदू त्क्षेपय जलवर्द्षार्द्िमयर्द्ुलयैः
कपूारमस्त्रल्लकयमयलय ियरयैः सिररचन्दुयैः
मुोिरकलयलयपयैः र्द्ििवैः सयररकयैः िुकयैः
मृणयलवलर्यैः कयन्तयैः प्रोत्प्फु ल्लकमलोज्ज्वलयैः
जङ्गमय इव पर्द्िन्यो िरस्त्रन्त दर्द्र्तयैः क्लमम्
At nights,
a. one should sleep on the terrace, facing moonlight.
b. Exhaustion due to heat of the day is relieved by,
· anointing the body with paste of sandalwood,
· wearing garlands,
· avoidance of sexual activities,
· wearing of very light and thin dress,
· by fanning with fans made of leaves of Tala or large leaves
of padmini (lily) made wet;
· syringes sprinkling cool water softly,
· garlands of flowers of camphor, jasmine and of pearls and beads
of white sandal paste,
· children, sarika (mynah bird) and shuka (parrot) talking
· beautiful woman wearing bangles of soft lotus stalk, blossoms of
lotus in their hair, moving about nearby.
आदयुग्लयुवपुषयमर्द्ग्न सन्नो अर्द्प सीदर्द्त
वषयासु दोषैदुाष्यस्त्रन्त ते अम्बुलम्बयम्बुदे अम्बरे
सतुषयरेण मरुतय सिसय िीतलेु च
िूबयष्पेणअम्लपयके ु मर्द्लुेु च वयररणय
वर्द्िुैव च मन्देु, तेस्त्रित्यन्यो अन्यदू र्द्षषु
िजेत्सयधयरणं सवामूष्मणस्तेजुं च र्त्
In rainy season,
a. the agni (digestive activity) is weak.
b. It is already debilitated by summer,
c. it undergoes further decrease and
gets vitiated by the Doshas.
d. The Doshas get aggravated by the effect of
thick clouds full of water, cold wind having
snow, dirty water because of rain, warmth of the
earth and sourness.
e. The poor strength of digestive activity the
Doshas start vitiating one another and cause
many diseases.
f. Hence all general measures to mitigate
imbalanced Doshas and to improve digestive
activity should be adopted.
आथथयपुं िुद्धतुुजीणं धयन्यं रसयु् कृ तयु्
जयङ्गलं र्द्पर्द्ितं र्ूषयु् मध्वररष्टं र्द्चरन्तुम्
मस्तु सौवचालयढ्यं वय पञ्चकोलयवचूर्द्णातम्
र्द्दव्यं कौपं शृतं चयम्भो िोजुं त्वर्द्तदुर्द्दाुे
व्यक्तयम्ललवणयिेिं संिुष्कं क्षौद्रवल्लघु
· One should undergo Panchakarma
· After that the person should also be
administered asthapana basti (decoction enema
· He should use
a. old grains for food,
b. meat juice processed with spices etc.
c. Meat of animals of desert-like lands,
d. soup of pulses ,
e. wine prepared from grapes and
f. fermented decoctions, which are old or
g. mastu (whey, thin water or curds) processed with more of Sochal salt and
powder ofpanchakola, should be used.
· Rain water or water from deep wells, well boiled should be used for drinking.
· On days of no sunlight at all,
a. the food should predominantly sour, salty and unctuous,
b. dry,
c. mixed with honey
d. and easily digestible.
अपयदचयरी सुरर्द्िैः सततं धूर्द्पतयम्बरैः
िम्यापृष्ठे वसेद्बयष्पिीतिीकरवर्द्जाते
· Person should not move about on foot
(move only on vehicles)
· should use perfumes,
· expose his clothes to fragrant fumes,
· dwell in upper staries of the house,
devoid of heat, cold and snow.
Avoid –
· River water,
· udamantha( beverage prepared with flour
of corns mixed with ghee),
· sleeping at daytime,
· exertion and
· exposure to Sun.
वषयािीतोर्द्चतयङ्गयुयं सिसैवयका रस्त्रश्मर्द्िैः
तप्तयुयं सर्द्ञ्चतं वृष्टौ र्द्पतरमं िरर्द्द कु प्यर्द्त
तज्जर्यर् घृतं र्द्तक्तं र्द्वरेको रक्तमोक्षणम्
1. The person becomes accustomed to the cold of rainy season.
2. When he gets suddenly exposed to the warm rays of Sun, the
Pitta, which has undergone increase in Varsha (rainy season)
becomes greatly aggravated during sharath (autumn).
3. In order to get over it, Tikta ghrita (medicated ghee recipe
described in the treatment of kustha chapter 19 of Chikitsa
4. purgation therapy
5. and blood letting should be resorted to.
र्द्तक्तं स्वयदु कषयर्ं च क्षुर्द्धतो अन्नं िजेल्लघु
ियर्द्लमुद्ग र्द्सतयधयत्रीपटोलमधुजयङ्गलम्
When hungry,
The person should take foods which are of
a. bitter, sweet and astringent tastes, and
b. easily digestible such as
· Rice,
· green gram,
· sugar,
· Amla,
· Patola,
· honey and
· meat of animals of desert-like lands
तप्तं तप्तयंिुर्द्करणै: िीतं िीतयंिु रस्त्रश्मर्द्ि: समन्तयत् अप्यिोरयत्रं अर्स्त्योदर्
िुर्द्च िंसोदकं ुयम र्द्ुमालं मलर्द्जज्जलम् ुयर्द्िष्यस्त्रन्द ु वय रूक्षं पयुयर्द्दषु
1. The water which gets heated by the hot rays of the sun during day
2. cooled by the cool rays of the moon during night,
3. for many days continuously,
4. which has been de-poisoned (detoxicated)
by the rise of the star Agatya,
5. which is pure,
6. uncontaminated and
7. capable of mitigating the malas (dosas) is known as Hamsodaka.
8. It is neither abhisyandi (producing more secretion or moisture inside
the minute channels so as to block them) nor dry,
9. such water is like Amrita (nector) for drinking and other purpose.
सौधेषु सौधधवलयं चस्त्रन्द्रकयं रजुीमुखे
Evening should be spent
· on the terraces of houses which are white
(by painting),
· anointing the body with the paste of
Sandalwood, Cus Cus grass, Camphor,
· wearing garlands of pearls and
· shining dress and
· enjoying the moonlight.
तीक्ष्णमद्यर्द्दवयस्वप्नपुरोवयतयु् पररत्यजेत्
· exposure to snow (mist),
· indulgence in alkaline substances,
· satiation with hearty meal,
· use of curds, oil, muscle fat,
· exposure to sunlight,
· strong liquors,
· sleeping at day time and
· the eastern breeze.
िीते वषयासु चयध्यंिीु् वसन्ते अन्त्ययु् रसयन्ह्िजेत्
स्वयदुं र्द्ुदयघे, िरर्द्द स्वयदुर्द्तक्तकषयर्कयु्
िरवसन्तर्ो रूक्षं िीतं घमाघुयन्तर्ोैः
अन्नपयुं समयसेु र्द्वपरीतमतो अन्यथय
1. During winters, (Hemanta and Shishira) and varsa (rainy season),
· Sweet, Sour and salt tastes should be especially used.
2. Bitter, pungent and astringent tastes should be used more during
vasanta (spring season),
3. Sweet taste should be used more during Nidagha (summer); and
4. Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes should be used during Sharath
1. The food and drink should be dry (moisture
less, fat-less) during Sharat and Vasanta
(autumn and spring) and
2. Food should be cold during gharma
(summer) and ghnanta (end of rainy season) and
should be hot in other seasons.
र्द्ुत्यं सवारसयभ्ययस: स्वस्वयर्द्धक्यमृतयवृतौ
· The habit of using all the six tastes every day
is ideal for maintenance of health. However,
during particular seasons, the particular tastes
should be given special emphasis
ऋत्वो: अन्त्ययर्द्द सप्तयिौ ऋतुसस्त्रन्धररर्द्त स्मृत:
तत्र पूवो र्द्वर्द्धस्त्ययज्य: सेवुीर्ो अपरैः क्रमयत्
असयत्म्यजय र्द्ि रोर्य: स्यु: सिसय त्ययर्िीलुयत्
The seven days at the end and commencement of a
season is known as Rtusandhi (inter seasonal period).
During this period,
· the regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued
gradually and that of the succeeding season should be gradually
· sudden discontinuance or sudden adoption gives rise to
diseases caused by asatmya (non-habituation)

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Rutucharya Adyaya of Astanga Hridaya 3rd chapter.Dr.Mahantesh Rudrapuri.

  • 2.
  • 3. The word Ritucharya is made of two words – a) Ritu means seasons b) Charya means dos and don’ts (regimen). SHADRTUS / SIX SEASONS OF INDIA – THE HINDU CALENDAR - मयसैर्द्वासंख्यैमयाघयध्ैैः क्रमयत् षट् ऋतवैः स्मृतयैः र्द्िर्द्िरो अथ वसन्तश्च ग्रीष्मो वषािरद् र्द्िमयैः र्द्िर्द्िरयद्ययस्त्रिर्द्िस्तैस्तु र्द्वध्यदर्ुमुतरमरम् आदयुं च, तदयदतरमे ुृणयं प्रर्द्तर्द्दुं बलम्
  • 4. A season (Ritu) is comprised of two months (two Masa). 1. Shishira Ritu (winter, dewy season) – Magha and Phalguna (Mid January – Mid March) 2. Vasanta Ritu (Spring season) Chaitra and Vaishakha (Mid March – Mid May) 3. Greeshma Ritu (Summer season) – Jyeshta and Ashadha (Mid May to Mid July) The above three Ritus form Uttarayana – Northern solstice. Here, fire is dominant It is also called as Adana Kala, wherein the human strength is relatively low.
  • 5. 4. Varsha Ritu (Rainy Season) – · Shravana and Bhadrapada – Mid July – mid September 5. Sharath Ritu (Autumn season) – · Ashvayuja and Karthika – Mid September to Mid November 6. Hemantha Ritu (Winter season) – · Margashira and Pushya - Mid November to Mid-January · These three seasons form Dakshinayana – Southern solstice. · It is also called as Visarga Kala, · wherein the human strength will be relatively high.
  • 6. UTTARAYANA – ADANA KALA – NORTHERN SOLSTICE – MID JANUARY – MID JULY तस्त्रस्मन्ह्यत्यथातीक्ष्णोष्णरूक्षय मयर्ास्वियवतैः आर्द्दत्यपवुयैः सौम्ययु् क्षपर्स्त्रन्त र्ुणयु् िुवैः र्द्तक्तैः कषयर्ैः कटुको बर्द्लुो अत्र रसय क्रमयत् तस्मयदयदयुमयग्नेर्म् Because of the nature of the path, both the Sun and wind become very strong, powerful and dry during this half of the year. · It takes away all the cooling qualities of the earth. · Bitter, Astringent and Pungent tastes (Tikta, kashaya and Katu Rasas) will be more powerful, respectively, in the successive Ritus. · Hence Adana Kala is dominated by fire.
  • 7. DAKSHINAYANA – VISARGA KALA SOUTHERN SOLSTICE– MID JULY–MID JANUARY ऋतवो दर्द्क्षणयर्ुम् वषयादर्ो र्द्वसर्ाश्च र्द्बलं र्द्वसृजयत्यर्म् सौम्यत्वयदत्र सोमो र्द्ि बलवयु् िीर्ते रर्द्वैः मेघवृष्ट्यर्द्ुलैैः िीतैैः ियन्ततयपे मिीतले र्द्िग्धयश्चेियम्ललवणमधुरय बर्द्लुो रसयैः · During this period, the Sun releases strength of the people. Here moon is more powerful, earth is cooled down due to clouds, rain and cold wind. ·Sour, Salt and sweet (Amla, Lavana and Madhura) tastes are dominant respectively during the three seasons of this period.
  • 8. VARIATION IN STRENGTH AS PER SEASON – िीते अग्र्यं, वृस्त्रष्ट्त घमे अल्पं बलं, मध्ं तु िेषर्ो: a) Winter – Hemantha and Shishira – mid November – mid March – Highest strength b) Summer and rainy seasons – mid May – mid September – Lowest strength c) Spring and Autumn – Medium strength.
  • 9. 1. HEMANTA RITUCHARYA – AYURVEDA WINTER REGIMEN: MID NOVEMBER – MID JANUARY बर्द्लुैः िीतसंरोधयद्धेमन्ते प्रबलो अुलैः िवत्यल्पेन्धुो धयतूु् स पचेत्वयर्ुुेररतैः अतो र्द्िमे अस्त्रस्मन्सेवेत स्वयवम्ललवणयत्रसयु् During Hemantha, · the people are strong, · digestive fire becomes powerful, · because it gets obstructed from flowing outward due to external winter · Like fuel consumes the things that it comes into contact, digestive fire may cause emaciation of body tissues. · Hence, in this period, one should consume food predominant with sweet sour and salt tastes.
  • 10. दैर्घ्यार्द्ुियुयमेतर्द्िा प्रयतरेव बुिुर्द्क्षतैः अवश्यकयर्ं सम्भयव्य र्थोक्तं िीलर्ेदुु वयतघ्नतैलैरभ्यङ्गं मूर्द्नं तैलं र्द्वमदाुम् र्द्ुर्ुद्धं कु िलैैः सयधं पयदयघयतं च र्ुस्त्रक्ततैः · As the nights are longer, person feels hungry early in the morning. · So, after attending to oblutions, · one should resort to Abhaynga (oil massage) with oils that have Vata balancing properties. · Massage should be done especially to scalp and forehead. · Mild massaging, · wrestling till one’s half strength and · trampling of the body is recommended.
  • 11. कषयर्पहृतिेिस्ततैः ियतो र्थयर्द्वर्द्ध कु ङ् कु मेु सदपेण प्रर्द्दग्धो अर्ुरुधूर्द्पतैः रसयु् र्द्िग्धं पलं पुष्टं र्ौडमच्छसुरयं सुरयम् र्ोधूमर्द्पष्टमयषेक्षुक्षीरोत्थर्द्वकृ तीैः िुियैः ुवमन्नं वसयं तैलं, िौचकयर्े सुखोदकम् प्रयवरयर्द्जुकौिेर्प्रवेणीकौचवयस्तृतम् उष्णस्वियवैलाघुर्द्िैः प्रयवृतैः िर्ुं िजेत् र्ुक्त्यय अका र्द्करणयु् स्वेदं पयदत्रयणं च सवादय After this, · oil is washed off with astringent powders and bathing. · Then fine powder of Saffron and kasthuri (musk) is applied. · The body is exposed to the fumes of aguru (Aquilaria agallocha) · Since the digestion power is high, heavy- to-digest food such as a. meat soup mixed with fats, b. meat of well nourished animals, c. wine prepared with jaggery, d. supernatant part of wine (Sura) should be had more.
  • 12. Food prepared with a. wheat flour, b. black gram products of sugarcane and of milk, c. food prepared from freshly harvested corn, d. muscles, e. fat and f. edible oils should be partaken as food. Warm water should be used for oblutions, thick sheet made of a. cotton, b. leather, c. silk, d. wool or e. bark of trees that are light in weight should be used during sleep. Exposure to sunlight and fire should be resorted to, judiciously. Foot wear should be worn always.
  • 13. पीवरोरुस्तयुश्रोण्यैः समदयैः प्रमदयैः र्द्प्रर्यैः िरस्त्रन्त िीतमुष्णयङ् यो धूपकु ङ् कु मर्ौवुैैः Women who have well developed thighs, Breasts, Buttocks. Who are enchanting And exhilarated by the use of a. Fragrant fumes b. Scents c. Youthfulness And thus made warm in their body Who are liked Drive away the cold by their embrace
  • 14. अङ्गयरतयपसन्तप्तर्िािूवेश्मचयररणैः िीतपयरुष्यजर्द्ुतो ु दोषो जयतु जयर्ते · Persons who spend their time residing in houses kept warm by fire, · in inner most apartment encircled with others, · or in underground chambers, Will not be affected by diseases due to cold and dryness. overall, · in Hemantha Ritu, the strength and digestion power are more. · Hence one can a. exercise, b. undergo oil massage, c. eat heavy foods and d. may have sex.
  • 15. 2. SISIRA RUTU CHARYA – AYURVEDA WINTER REGIMEN – MID JANUARY – MID MARCH: अर्मेव र्द्वर्द्ध: कयर्ा: स्त्रिरेऽर्द्प र्द्विेषत: तदय र्द्ि िीतमर्द्धकं रौक्ष्यं चयदयुकयलजम् Even in shishira Ritu, the same regimen, as described above should be adopted with more intensity. During this period cold is severe and dryness more.
  • 16. 3. VASANTA RUTUCHARYA (AYURVEDA SPRING REGIMEN) – MID MARCH – MID MAY कफर्द्श्चतो र्द्ि र्द्िर्द्िरे वसन्ते अकयािुतयर्द्पतैः ित्वय अर्द्ग्नं कु रुते रोर्युतस्तं त्वरर्य जर्ेत् तीक्ष्णैवामुुस्ययद्यैलाघुरूक्षैश्च िोजुैैः व्ययर्यमोवताुयघयतैर्द्जात्वय श्लेश्मयणमुल्बणम् ियतो अुुर्द्लप्तैः कपूारचन्दुयर्ुरुकु ङ् कु मैैः पुरयणर्वर्ोधूमक्षौद्रजयङ्गलिूल्यिुक् सिकयररसोस्त्रिश्रयुयस्वयद्य र्द्प्रर्र्य अर्द्पातयु् र्द्प्रर्यस्यसङ्गसुरिीु् र्द्प्रर्ुेत्रोत्पलाङलयर्द्तानतयु् सौमुस्यकृ तो हृद्ययन्त्रर्स्यैैः सर्द्ितैः र्द्पबेत् र्द्ुर्ादयुयसवयररष्टसीधुमयवीकमयधवयु् शृङ्गबेरयम्बु सयरयम्बु मध्वम्बु जलदयम्बु च
  • 17. 1. Kapha which has undergone increase in Shishira (cold season) becomes liquefied by the heat of the Sun in Vasanta (spring). 2. It diminishes the digestive fire (Agni) and gives rise to many diseases. 3. Hence Kapha should be controlled quickly, by resorting to strong emesis therapy (Vamana Panchakarma procedure), Nasya (nasal medication) and other therapies. 4. Food should also be chosen to mitigate Kapha, that are easily digestible and dry ( moisture-free, fat-free). 5. Physical exercises, 6. dry massage and 7. mild trampling should be done.
  • 18. · Having thus mitigated the kapha, the person should 1.take bath 2. anoint the body with the paste of • karpura (camphor), • candana (sandalwood), • aguru (Aquilaria agallocha), and • kumkuma (saffron). 3. Have · one year old barley, · wheat and · honey, · meat of animals of desert-like land, · and meat roasted in fire as food;
  • 19. 4. Drink the juice of mango fruit · mixed with fragrant substances, · in the company of friends, · getting it served by the beloved; · the drink, thereby producing satisfaction. 5. Beverages such as · asava (fermented infusion), · arista ( fermented decoction), · sidhu (fermented infusion), · mardvika (fermented grape juice), · or sarambu (extract of trees such as asana, candana etc.) · or water mixed with honey, · or water boiled with jalada( musta – Nut grass).
  • 20. दर्द्क्षणयर्द्ुलिीतेषु पररतो जलवयर्द्िषु अद्रुष्टुष्टसूर्ेषु मर्द्णकु र्द्ममकयस्त्रन्तषु परपुष्टर्द्वघुष्टेषु कयमकमयान्तिूर्द्मषु र्द्वर्द्चत्रपुष्पवृक्षेषु कयुुेषु सुर्स्त्रन्धषु र्ोष्ठीकथयर्द्िश्चत्रयर्द्िमाध्िुं र्मर्ेत्सुखी 1. The person should spend his midday in the company of friends 2. engaged in pleasant games, 3. pastimes, 4. story telling etc., 5. in forests (or gardens). 6. The gardens should have cool breeze from south direction 7. with plenty of reservoirs of water all around, 8. invisible or poor sunlight, 9. the land covered with shining crystals 10. with the cuckoo everywhere making pleasant sounds and 11. engaged in love-play, with trees and different kinds of beautiful and sweet smelling flowers.
  • 21. र्ुरुिीतर्द्दवयस्वप्नर्द्िग्धयम्लमधुरयंस्त्येजेत् 1. Avoid foods that are hard to- digest 2. and cold, 3. sleeping at day time, 4. foods which are fatty, sour and sweet. Because, all these will increase Kapha.
  • 22. 4. GREESHMA RITUCHARYA ( AYURVEDA SUMMER REGIMEN) MID MAY – MID JULY: तीक्ष्णयंिुरर्द्ततीक्ष्णयंिुग्रीष्मे संर्द्क्षपतीव र्त् प्रत्यिं क्षीर्ते श्लेष्मय तेु वयर्ुश्च वधाते अतो अस्त्रस्मन्पटुकट्वम्लव्ययर्यमयका रयंस्त्यजेत् In Greesma (summer) · the sun rays become powerful · and appear to be destructive. · Kapha decreases day by day and · Vata increases consequently, · hence avoid use of salt, pungent and sour foods, · heavy physical exercises and · exposure to sunlight, during this season.
  • 23. िजेिधुरसेवयन्नं लघु र्द्िग्धं र्द्िमं द्रवम् सुिीततोर्र्द्सक्तयङ्गो र्द्लययत्सक्तूु् सिका रयु् 1.Food which are sweet, 2.light (easy to digest), 3.fatty, 4.cold and 5.liquid should be taken, 6.take cornflour mixed with cold water and sugar after taking bath in cold water.
  • 24. INDICATION FOR LIMITED USE OF WINE DURING SUMMER: मद्यं ु पेर्ं, पेर्ं वय स्वल्पं, सुबहुवयरर वय अन्यथय िोफ िैर्द्थल्य दयि मोियु् करोर्द्त तत् 1. Madya (wine) should not be taken; · If very necessary, taken in very little quantity or diluted with more quantity of water; · If wine is taken in large doses, a. it will cause inflammatory conditions, b. it will make the body fragile and weak, c. increases burning sensation and d. causes delusion.
  • 25. कु न्देन्ह्दुधवलं ियलीमश्नीर्यज्जयङ्गलैैः पलैैः र्द्पबेद्रसं ुयर्द्तघुं रसयलयं रयर्खयण्डवौ पयुकं पञ्चसयरं वय ुवमृद्भयजुे स्त्रथथतम् मोचचोचदलैर्ुाक्तं सयम्लं मृिर्िुस्त्रक्तर्द्िैः पयटलयवयर्द्सतं चयम्भैः सकपूारं सुिीतलम् During summer, 1. Boiled rice, which is white in colour, (like full moon) should be eaten along with meat of animals of desert. 2. Meat juice (Mamsarasa) which is not very thick, 3. Rasala (curds churned and mixed with pepper powder and sugar), 4. Raga (syrup which is sweet, sour and salty) and 5. Khandava (syrup which has all the tastes, prepared with many substances)
  • 26. 6. Panaka panchasara, (syrup prepared with a. raisins (draksha), b. madhuka, c. dates (karjura), d. kasmarya, and e. Parushaka, • fruits all in equal quantities, • cooled and added with powder of cinnamon leaves, cinnamon and cardamom etc) and • kept inside a fresh mud pot, • along with leaves of plantain and coconut trees, • and made sour (fermented) • should be drunk in mugs of mud or shell; 7. Very cool water kept in mud pot along with flowers of patala and karpura (camphor) should be used for drinking.
  • 27. िियतानर्द्करणयु् िक्ष्ययु् रजन्ययं िक्षर्ु् र्द्पबेत् सर्द्सतं मयर्द्िषं क्षीरं चन्द्रुक्षत्रिीतलम् 1. Food articles like sasanka kirana (hollow, finger-like, fried pastry made of corn flour) should be taken at night; 2 Buffalo milk mixed with sugar and cooled by moonlight and the stars should be used for drinking.
  • 28. अभ्रतानषमियियलतयलरुद्धोष्णरस्त्रश्मषु वुेषु मयधवीस्त्रश्लष्टद्रयक्षयस्तवकियर्द्लषु सुर्स्त्रन्धर्द्िमपयुीर्र्द्सच्यमयुपटयर्द्लके कयर्मयुे र्द्चते चूतप्रवयलफललुस्त्रम्बर्द्िैः कदलीदलकह्लयरमृणयलकमयलोत्पलाङलैैः कोमलैैः कस्त्रल्पते तल्पे िसत्कु सुमपल्लवे मध्ंर्द्दुेअका तयपयताैः स्वप्ययद्धयरयर्ृिे अथवय पुस्तिीस्तुिस्तयस्यप्रवृतरमोिीरवयररर्द्ण
  • 29. · Day time should be spent in a. forests having tall trees reaching the sky such as shala (shorea robusta, Tala – Borassus flabellifera etc, b. which obstruct the hot rays of the sun, c. or in houses around which bunches of flowers and grapes are hanging from their creepers. · Sheets of cloth spreading sweet scented water, are arranged (to fan the air) , all around. · Sleep on soft bed prepared with flowers of banana, kalbara, lotus etc. with fully blossomed flowers place all over. · Spend the day remaining inside the house cooled by water fountains, · water being scented with usheera (Cus Cus grass), and thereby relieve yourself from the heat of the sun.
  • 30. NIGHT REGIMEN: र्द्ुियकरकरयकीणा सौधपृष्ठे र्द्ुरयसु च आसुय स्वथथर्द्चतरमस्य चन्दुयद्रास्य मयर्द्लुैः र्द्ुवृतरमकयमतन्त्रस्य सुसूक्ष्मतुुवयससैः जलयद्रातयलवृन्तयर्द्ु र्द्वस्तृतयैः पर्द्िुीपुटयैः उत्क्षेपयश्च मृदू त्क्षेपय जलवर्द्षार्द्िमयर्द्ुलयैः कपूारमस्त्रल्लकयमयलय ियरयैः सिररचन्दुयैः मुोिरकलयलयपयैः र्द्ििवैः सयररकयैः िुकयैः मृणयलवलर्यैः कयन्तयैः प्रोत्प्फु ल्लकमलोज्ज्वलयैः जङ्गमय इव पर्द्िन्यो िरस्त्रन्त दर्द्र्तयैः क्लमम्
  • 31. At nights, a. one should sleep on the terrace, facing moonlight. b. Exhaustion due to heat of the day is relieved by, · anointing the body with paste of sandalwood, · wearing garlands, · avoidance of sexual activities, · wearing of very light and thin dress, · by fanning with fans made of leaves of Tala or large leaves of padmini (lily) made wet; · syringes sprinkling cool water softly, · garlands of flowers of camphor, jasmine and of pearls and beads of white sandal paste, · children, sarika (mynah bird) and shuka (parrot) talking pleasantly; · beautiful woman wearing bangles of soft lotus stalk, blossoms of lotus in their hair, moving about nearby.
  • 32. 5. VARSHA RITU CARYA- (AYURVEDA SEASONAL REGIMEN FOR RAINY SEASON) – MID JULY – MID SEPTEMBER: आदयुग्लयुवपुषयमर्द्ग्न सन्नो अर्द्प सीदर्द्त वषयासु दोषैदुाष्यस्त्रन्त ते अम्बुलम्बयम्बुदे अम्बरे सतुषयरेण मरुतय सिसय िीतलेु च िूबयष्पेणअम्लपयके ु मर्द्लुेु च वयररणय वर्द्िुैव च मन्देु, तेस्त्रित्यन्यो अन्यदू र्द्षषु िजेत्सयधयरणं सवामूष्मणस्तेजुं च र्त्
  • 33. In rainy season, a. the agni (digestive activity) is weak. b. It is already debilitated by summer, c. it undergoes further decrease and gets vitiated by the Doshas. d. The Doshas get aggravated by the effect of thick clouds full of water, cold wind having snow, dirty water because of rain, warmth of the earth and sourness.
  • 34. e. The poor strength of digestive activity the Doshas start vitiating one another and cause many diseases. f. Hence all general measures to mitigate imbalanced Doshas and to improve digestive activity should be adopted.
  • 35. आथथयपुं िुद्धतुुजीणं धयन्यं रसयु् कृ तयु् जयङ्गलं र्द्पर्द्ितं र्ूषयु् मध्वररष्टं र्द्चरन्तुम् मस्तु सौवचालयढ्यं वय पञ्चकोलयवचूर्द्णातम् र्द्दव्यं कौपं शृतं चयम्भो िोजुं त्वर्द्तदुर्द्दाुे व्यक्तयम्ललवणयिेिं संिुष्कं क्षौद्रवल्लघु · One should undergo Panchakarma therapies. · After that the person should also be administered asthapana basti (decoction enema therapy).
  • 36. · He should use a. old grains for food, b. meat juice processed with spices etc. c. Meat of animals of desert-like lands, d. soup of pulses , e. wine prepared from grapes and f. fermented decoctions, which are old or g. mastu (whey, thin water or curds) processed with more of Sochal salt and powder ofpanchakola, should be used. · Rain water or water from deep wells, well boiled should be used for drinking. · On days of no sunlight at all, a. the food should predominantly sour, salty and unctuous, b. dry, c. mixed with honey d. and easily digestible.
  • 37. अपयदचयरी सुरर्द्िैः सततं धूर्द्पतयम्बरैः िम्यापृष्ठे वसेद्बयष्पिीतिीकरवर्द्जाते · Person should not move about on foot (move only on vehicles) · should use perfumes, · expose his clothes to fragrant fumes, · dwell in upper staries of the house, devoid of heat, cold and snow.
  • 38. ुदीजलोदमन्थयिैःस्वप्नयर्यसयतपयंस्त्यजेत् Avoid – · River water, · udamantha( beverage prepared with flour of corns mixed with ghee), · sleeping at daytime, · exertion and · exposure to Sun.
  • 39. 6.SHARATH RITUCHARYA – (AYURVEDA AUTUMN REGIMEN) – MID SEPTEMBER – MID NOVEMBER: वषयािीतोर्द्चतयङ्गयुयं सिसैवयका रस्त्रश्मर्द्िैः तप्तयुयं सर्द्ञ्चतं वृष्टौ र्द्पतरमं िरर्द्द कु प्यर्द्त तज्जर्यर् घृतं र्द्तक्तं र्द्वरेको रक्तमोक्षणम् 1. The person becomes accustomed to the cold of rainy season. 2. When he gets suddenly exposed to the warm rays of Sun, the Pitta, which has undergone increase in Varsha (rainy season) becomes greatly aggravated during sharath (autumn). 3. In order to get over it, Tikta ghrita (medicated ghee recipe described in the treatment of kustha chapter 19 of Chikitsa sthana), 4. purgation therapy 5. and blood letting should be resorted to.
  • 40. र्द्तक्तं स्वयदु कषयर्ं च क्षुर्द्धतो अन्नं िजेल्लघु ियर्द्लमुद्ग र्द्सतयधयत्रीपटोलमधुजयङ्गलम् When hungry, The person should take foods which are of a. bitter, sweet and astringent tastes, and b. easily digestible such as · Rice, · green gram, · sugar, · Amla, · Patola, · honey and · meat of animals of desert-like lands
  • 41. HAMSODAKA - तप्तं तप्तयंिुर्द्करणै: िीतं िीतयंिु रस्त्रश्मर्द्ि: समन्तयत् अप्यिोरयत्रं अर्स्त्योदर् र्द्ुर्द्वाषम् िुर्द्च िंसोदकं ुयम र्द्ुमालं मलर्द्जज्जलम् ुयर्द्िष्यस्त्रन्द ु वय रूक्षं पयुयर्द्दषु अमृतोपमम् 1. The water which gets heated by the hot rays of the sun during day 2. cooled by the cool rays of the moon during night, 3. for many days continuously, 4. which has been de-poisoned (detoxicated) by the rise of the star Agatya, 5. which is pure, 6. uncontaminated and 7. capable of mitigating the malas (dosas) is known as Hamsodaka. 8. It is neither abhisyandi (producing more secretion or moisture inside the minute channels so as to block them) nor dry, 9. such water is like Amrita (nector) for drinking and other purpose.
  • 42. चन्दुोिीरकपूारमुक्तयस्रग्वसुोज्ज्वलैः सौधेषु सौधधवलयं चस्त्रन्द्रकयं रजुीमुखे Evening should be spent · on the terraces of houses which are white (by painting), · anointing the body with the paste of Sandalwood, Cus Cus grass, Camphor, · wearing garlands of pearls and · shining dress and · enjoying the moonlight.
  • 43. तुषयरक्षयरसौर्द्ित्यदर्द्धतैलवसयतपयु् तीक्ष्णमद्यर्द्दवयस्वप्नपुरोवयतयु् पररत्यजेत् Avoid · exposure to snow (mist), · indulgence in alkaline substances, · satiation with hearty meal, · use of curds, oil, muscle fat, · exposure to sunlight, · strong liquors, · sleeping at day time and · the eastern breeze.
  • 44. USE OF TASTE AS PER SEASON: िीते वषयासु चयध्यंिीु् वसन्ते अन्त्ययु् रसयन्ह्िजेत् स्वयदुं र्द्ुदयघे, िरर्द्द स्वयदुर्द्तक्तकषयर्कयु् िरवसन्तर्ो रूक्षं िीतं घमाघुयन्तर्ोैः अन्नपयुं समयसेु र्द्वपरीतमतो अन्यथय 1. During winters, (Hemanta and Shishira) and varsa (rainy season), · Sweet, Sour and salt tastes should be especially used. 2. Bitter, pungent and astringent tastes should be used more during vasanta (spring season), 3. Sweet taste should be used more during Nidagha (summer); and 4. Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes should be used during Sharath (autumn).
  • 45. QUALITIES OF FOOD AS PER SEASON: 1. The food and drink should be dry (moisture less, fat-less) during Sharat and Vasanta (autumn and spring) and 2. Food should be cold during gharma (summer) and ghnanta (end of rainy season) and should be hot in other seasons.
  • 46. र्द्ुत्यं सवारसयभ्ययस: स्वस्वयर्द्धक्यमृतयवृतौ · The habit of using all the six tastes every day is ideal for maintenance of health. However, during particular seasons, the particular tastes should be given special emphasis
  • 47. RITUSANDHI- (INTER-SEASONAL PERIOD) :- ऋत्वो: अन्त्ययर्द्द सप्तयिौ ऋतुसस्त्रन्धररर्द्त स्मृत: तत्र पूवो र्द्वर्द्धस्त्ययज्य: सेवुीर्ो अपरैः क्रमयत् असयत्म्यजय र्द्ि रोर्य: स्यु: सिसय त्ययर्िीलुयत् The seven days at the end and commencement of a season is known as Rtusandhi (inter seasonal period). During this period, · the regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should be gradually adopted; · sudden discontinuance or sudden adoption gives rise to diseases caused by asatmya (non-habituation)