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H E R D I NG { T Y P E S }
Marina Sigaeva
▸ How Java driver stores
data in Aerospike
▸ How Java driver stores
data in Aerospike
▸ What driver has to do
▸ How Java driver stores
data in Aerospike
▸ What driver has to do
▸ The type safe solution
with Scala macros
K1 (id,“Bob”)
K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN
K1 (id,“Joe”)
K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN
K1 (id,1234)
K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN
object DBConnector {

val config = ConfigFactory.load()

val hosts = List(config.getString(""))

val port = config.getInt("aerospike.port")

val namespace = config.getString("aerospike.namespace")

val setName = config.getString("aerospike.setName")

val database: AsyncClient = new AsyncClient(new AsyncClientPolicy, Host(_, port)): _*)

val key1 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key1"))

val key2 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key2"))

val key3 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key3"))

database.put(new WritePolicy, key1, Seq(new Bin("bin1", new StringValue("abcd"))): _*) 

database.put(new WritePolicy, key2, Seq(new Bin("bin2", new IntegerValue(2))): _*) 

database.put(new WritePolicy, key3, Seq(new Bin("bin3", new BooleanValue(true))): _*) 

val record1 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key1)

val record2 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key2)

val record3 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key3)

val res1 = longParsingFunction(record1)

val res2 = longParsingFunction(record2)

val res3 = longParsingFunction(record3)

def longParsingFunction[T](record: Record): T = {

val outValue: Map[String, Option[$tpe]] = {

val jMap = record.bins.view collect {

case (name, bt: Any) =>

val res = fetch(bt)

if (res.isEmpty && r.bins.nonEmpty) throw new Exception("Wrong type!")

else name -> res

Scalaobject DBConnector {

val db = new Database()

db.put("key1", "bin1", "abcd")

db.put("key2", "bin2", 2)

db.put("key3", "bin3", true) 

val res1 = db.get[String]("key1")

val res2 = db.get[Int]("key2")

val res3 = db.get[Boolean]("key3")

Part 1
data storing
package ru.tinkoff.example

object DBConnector {


database.put(new WritePolicy,

new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key1")),

Seq(new Bin("binName1", new StringValue("binValue"))):_*)

database.put(new WritePolicy,

new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key2")),

Seq(new Bin("binName2", new IntegerValue(2))):_*)

database.put(new WritePolicy,

new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key3")),

Seq(new Bin("binName3", new BooleanValue(true))):_*)

7 Key types
12 Bin types
db.put("key1", "bin1", "abcd")

db.put("key2", "bin2", 8)

db.put("key3", "bin3", true)

db.put("key4", "bin4", List(1.8, 33.8, 128))
db.put("key4", "bin4", List(true, false))
db.put("key5", "cat", Cat("Rex", 2))

db.put("key6", "trucks", 

List(Truck("F1", 8), Truck("F2", 23), 

Truck("F3", 11)))

db.put("key7", "students",

List(Student("Jack Green", A), 

Student("Sara Lee", A),

Student("Cameron Roonie", B)))

db.put("key8", "hList”",
"qwerty" :: 2 :: false :: HNil)
db.put("key5", "cat", Cat("Rex", 2))

db.put("key6", "trucks", 

List(Truck("F1", 8), Truck("F2", 23), 

Truck("F3", 11)))

db.put("key7", "students",

List(Student("Jack Green", A), 

Student("Sara Lee", A),

Student("Cameron Roonie", B)))

db.put("key8", "hList”",
"qwerty" :: 2 :: false :: HNil)
val hList = 123 :: "abcdef" :: true :: HNil
| hList |
| MAP('{"0":123, "1":"abcdef", "2":1}') |
val cat0 = Cat("Lewis", 3)
| cat0 |
| MAP('{"name":"Lewis", "age":3}') |
Part 2
getting data
get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchSequenceListener, records: util.List[Ba
get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key], b
get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key], binN
get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key])
get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key])

get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key, binNames: String *)

get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key)

get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchListListener, records: util.List[BatchRe
get(policy: BatchPolicy, records: util.List[BatchRead])

get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], binNames: String *)

get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key])

get(policy: Policy, key: Key, binNames: String *)

get(policy: Policy, key: Key)
public final class Record {

//Map of requested name/value bins.

public final Map<String,Object> bins;

public final int generation;


public final int expiration;


val results = database.get(new BatchPolicy(), 

new RecordArrayListener(),

List("Lewis", "Mona", "Rex")

.map(key => createKey(key)))

.map(record => 


def longParsingCatFunction[T](

record: Record): Option[T] = {


db.get[List[Cat]](List("Lewis", "Mona", "Rex"))
▸ More concise API
▸ More concise API
▸ Take care of serialization
▸ More concise API
▸ Take care of serialization
▸ To work out of the box
Part 3
def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)

(implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],

bw: BinWrapper[B],

pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ???
def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)

(implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],

bw: BinWrapper[B],

pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ???
call(Put, “key”, “abcd”)
def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)

(implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],

bw: BinWrapper[B],

pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ???
call(Put, “key”, “abcd”)(
new KeyWrapper[String]{},

new BinWrapper[String]{}, None)
def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)

(implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],

bw: BinWrapper[B],

pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ???
def put[K, B](key: K, bin: B)(call(Put, key, bin))

def get[K, B](key: K)(call(Get, key))
trait KeyWrapper[K] {

def apply(k: K): Key = new Key(toValue(k))
def toValue(v: K): Value = v match {

case s: String => new StringValue(s)

case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h))



new KeyWrapper[String] {

def apply(k: String): Key = ???


new KeyWrapper[HList] {

def apply(k: HList): Key = ???

new KeyWrapper[ ] {

def apply(k: ): Key = ???

new KeyWrapper[ ] {

def apply(k: ): Key = ???

Symbol Type Tree
import c.universe._


Select(Literal(Constant(1)), TermName("$plus")), 


1 + 1
import c.universe._


Select(Literal(Constant(1)), TermName("$plus")), 


1 + 1
q"1 + 1"
object KeyWrapper {

implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]

def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {

import c.universe._

val tpe = weakTypeOf[K]
val imports = q""" 

import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """

c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {



new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}




object KeyWrapper {

implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]

def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {

import c.universe._

val tpe = weakTypeOf[K]
val imports = q""" 

import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """

c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {



new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}




object KeyWrapper {

implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]

def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {

import c.universe._

val tpe = weakTypeOf[K]
val imports = q""" 

import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """

c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {



new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}




object Usage {


object Usage {


import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value};

final class $anon extends KeyWrapper[String] {
def <init>() = {
new $anon()
new KeyWrapper[String]
new KeyWrapper[Int]
new KeyWrapper[HList]
new KeyWrapper[Cat]
trait BinWrapper[B] {
def apply(v: B): Bin = new Bin("name", toValue(v))
def toValue(v: B): Value = v match {
case s: String => new StringValue(s)
case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h))
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
def apply(r: Record): Map[String, B] =
r.bins.collect {
case (name, something) =>
name -> fetch(something)
def fetch(donkey: Any): B
trait BinWrapper[B] {
def apply(v: B): Bin = new Bin("name", toValue(v))
def toValue(v: B): Value = v match {
case s: String => new StringValue(s)
case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h))
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
def apply(r: Record): Map[String, B] =
r.bins.collect {
case (name, something) =>
name -> fetch(something)
def fetch(donkey: Any): B
object BinWrapper {

implicit def materialize[T]: BinWrapper[T] = macro matBin[T]

def matBin[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] = {

import c.universe._

val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]

val imports = q""" import …"""
val fetchValue = ???

c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] {

q""" $imports

new BinWrapper[$tpe] { 





object BinWrapper {

implicit def materialize[T]: BinWrapper[T] = macro matBin[T]

def matBin[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] = {

import c.universe._

val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]

val imports = q""" import …"""
val fetchValue = ???

c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] {

q""" $imports

new BinWrapper[$tpe] { 





val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]

val fetchValue = tpe match {
case t if t =:= weakTypeOf[String] =>
q""" def fetch(any: Any): $tpe = any match {
case v: String => v
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
} """
case t if isHList(t) =>
q""" def fetch(any: Any): $tpe = any match {
case mv: MapValue => mv.getObject match {
case m: Map[String, Any] =>
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
} """

import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value};
import collection.JavaConversions._;
import com.aerospike.client.Value._;
import shapeless._;
import syntax.std.traversable._;
final class $anon extends BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]] {
def <init>() = {
def fetch(any: Any): shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]] = any match {
case (mv @ (_: MapValue)) => mv.getObject match {
case (m @ (_: Map[String, Any])) =>
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
new $anon()
import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value};
import collection.JavaConversions._;
import com.aerospike.client.Value._;
import shapeless._;
import syntax.std.traversable._;
final class $anon extends BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]] {
def <init>() = {
def fetch(any: Any): shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]] = any match {
case (mv @ (_: MapValue)) => mv.getObject match {
case (m @ (_: Map[String, Any])) =>
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type")
new $anon()
def fetch: Any => HL
type HL = Int::Boolean::HNil
def writeBin[B](b: B)

(implicit bw: BinWrapper[B]): Bin = bw(b)

val asMap = new BinWrapper[Truck] { }

val asJson = new BinWrapper[Truck] { … }

writeBin("tr1", Truck("truck1", 4,

List(1, 2, 3)))(asMap)

writeBin("tr2", Truck("truck2", 2,

List(7, 8, 9)))(asJson)
PS: additional features
+ pitfalls
case class Sample(name: String, i: Int)

db.put("intKey", "intBin", 202))

db.put("hListKey", "hListBin",

"abcd" :: 2 :: 3 :: HNil))

db.put("mapKey", "mapBin",

Map(Sample("t1", 3) -> "v1",

Sample("t2", 2) -> "v2",

Sample("t3", 1) -> "v3")))
AQL > select * from test.test
"mapBin": {}
"intBin": 202
"hListBin": {
"0": "abcd",
"1": 2,
"2": 3
object CleanUp extends App {

val keys = List("mapKey", "intKey", "hListKey")

val res = Future.traverse(keys)(db.delete)

object CleanUp extends App {

val keys = List("mapKey", "intKey", "hListKey")

val res = Future.traverse(keys)(db.delete)

aql> select * from test.test
"ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala" % "1.1.14",

"ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala-proto" % "1.1.14",

"ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala-example" % "1.1.14"
Herding types with Scala macros

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Herding types with Scala macros

  • 1. H E R D I NG { T Y P E S } WITH SCALA #MACROS Marina Sigaeva
  • 3. ROADMAP ▸ How Java driver stores data in Aerospike
  • 4. ROADMAP ▸ How Java driver stores data in Aerospike ▸ What driver has to do
  • 5. ROADMAP ▸ How Java driver stores data in Aerospike ▸ What driver has to do ▸ The type safe solution with Scala macros
  • 6. KEY META BINS K1 (id,“Bob”) K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN PEOPLE NS1 SET:
  • 7. KEY META BINS K1 (id,“Joe”) K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN NS1 SET: PEOPLE
  • 8. KEY META BINS K1 (id,1234) K2 Bin1, Bin2, .. BinN NS1 SET: PEOPLE
  • 9. DS
  • 10. DS DS
  • 12. Java object DBConnector {
 val config = ConfigFactory.load()
 val hosts = List(config.getString(""))
 val port = config.getInt("aerospike.port")
 val namespace = config.getString("aerospike.namespace")
 val setName = config.getString("aerospike.setName")
 val database: AsyncClient = new AsyncClient(new AsyncClientPolicy, Host(_, port)): _*)
 val key1 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key1"))
 val key2 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key2"))
 val key3 = new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key3"))
 database.put(new WritePolicy, key1, Seq(new Bin("bin1", new StringValue("abcd"))): _*) 
 database.put(new WritePolicy, key2, Seq(new Bin("bin2", new IntegerValue(2))): _*) 
 database.put(new WritePolicy, key3, Seq(new Bin("bin3", new BooleanValue(true))): _*) 
 val record1 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key1)
 val record2 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key2)
 val record3 = database.get(new BatchPolicy, key3)
 val res1 = longParsingFunction(record1)
 val res2 = longParsingFunction(record2)
 val res3 = longParsingFunction(record3)
 def longParsingFunction[T](record: Record): T = {
 val outValue: Map[String, Option[$tpe]] = {
 val jMap = record.bins.view collect {
 case (name, bt: Any) =>
 val res = fetch(bt)
 if (res.isEmpty && r.bins.nonEmpty) throw new Exception("Wrong type!")
 else name -> res

  • 13. Scalaobject DBConnector {
 val db = new Database()
 db.put("key1", "bin1", "abcd")
 db.put("key2", "bin2", 2)
 db.put("key3", "bin3", true) 
 val res1 = db.get[String]("key1")
 val res2 = db.get[Int]("key2")
 val res3 = db.get[Boolean]("key3")
  • 15. package ru.tinkoff.example
 object DBConnector {
 database.put(new WritePolicy,
 new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key1")),
 Seq(new Bin("binName1", new StringValue("binValue"))):_*)
 database.put(new WritePolicy,
 new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key2")),
 Seq(new Bin("binName2", new IntegerValue(2))):_*)
 database.put(new WritePolicy,
 new Key("namespace", "setName", new StringValue("key3")),
 Seq(new Bin("binName3", new BooleanValue(true))):_*)
 } 7 Key types 12 Bin types
  • 16. db.put("key1", "bin1", "abcd")
 db.put("key2", "bin2", 8)
 db.put("key3", "bin3", true)
 db.put("key4", "bin4", List(1.8, 33.8, 128)) db.put("key4", "bin4", List(true, false))
  • 17. db.put("key5", "cat", Cat("Rex", 2))
 db.put("key6", "trucks", 
 List(Truck("F1", 8), Truck("F2", 23), 
 Truck("F3", 11)))
 db.put("key7", "students",
 List(Student("Jack Green", A), 
 Student("Sara Lee", A),
 Student("Cameron Roonie", B)))
 db.put("key8", "hList”", "qwerty" :: 2 :: false :: HNil)
  • 18. db.put("key5", "cat", Cat("Rex", 2))
 db.put("key6", "trucks", 
 List(Truck("F1", 8), Truck("F2", 23), 
 Truck("F3", 11)))
 db.put("key7", "students",
 List(Student("Jack Green", A), 
 Student("Sara Lee", A),
 Student("Cameron Roonie", B)))
 db.put("key8", "hList”", "qwerty" :: 2 :: false :: HNil) UNLIMITED
  • 20. val hList = 123 :: "abcdef" :: true :: HNil +———————————————————————-+ | hList | +———————————————————————-+ | MAP('{"0":123, "1":"abcdef", "2":1}') | +———————————————————————-+ val cat0 = Cat("Lewis", 3) +—————————————————————-—-+ | cat0 | +———————————————————————+ | MAP('{"name":"Lewis", "age":3}') | +———————————————————————+
  • 22. get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchSequenceListener, records: util.List[Ba get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key], b get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key], binN get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key]) get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key])
 get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key, binNames: String *)
 get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key)
 get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchListListener, records: util.List[BatchRe get(policy: BatchPolicy, records: util.List[BatchRead])
 get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], binNames: String *)
 get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key])
 get(policy: Policy, key: Key, binNames: String *)
 get(policy: Policy, key: Key) m m m m m m m m m m m m m
  • 24. public final class Record {
 //Map of requested name/value bins.
 public final Map<String,Object> bins;
 public final int generation;
 public final int expiration;
  • 25. val results = database.get(new BatchPolicy(), 
 new RecordArrayListener(),
 List("Lewis", "Mona", "Rex")
 .map(key => createKey(key)))
 .map(record => 
 def longParsingCatFunction[T](
 record: Record): Option[T] = {
  • 28. WHAT DOES THE DRIVER HAVE TO DO? ▸ More concise API
  • 29. WHAT DOES THE DRIVER HAVE TO DO? ▸ More concise API ▸ Take care of serialization
  • 30. WHAT DOES THE DRIVER HAVE TO DO? ▸ More concise API ▸ Take care of serialization ▸ To work out of the box
  • 32. def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)
 (implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],
 bw: BinWrapper[B],
 pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ???
  • 33. def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)
 (implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],
 bw: BinWrapper[B],
 pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ??? call(Put, “key”, “abcd”)
  • 34. def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)
 (implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],
 bw: BinWrapper[B],
 pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ??? call(Put, “key”, “abcd”)( new KeyWrapper[String]{},
 new BinWrapper[String]{}, None)
  • 35. def call[K, B](action: Action, key: K, bin: B)
 (implicit kw: KeyWrapper[K],
 bw: BinWrapper[B],
 pw: Option[WritePolicy] = None) = ??? def put[K, B](key: K, bin: B)(call(Put, key, bin))
 def get[K, B](key: K)(call(Get, key))
  • 36. trait KeyWrapper[K] {
 def apply(k: K): Key = new Key(toValue(k)) def toValue(v: K): Value = v match {
 case s: String => new StringValue(s)
 case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h))
  • 37. new KeyWrapper[String] {
 def apply(k: String): Key = ???
 new KeyWrapper[HList] {
 def apply(k: HList): Key = ???
 } new KeyWrapper[ ] {
 def apply(k: ): Key = ???
 } new KeyWrapper[ ] {
 def apply(k: ): Key = ???
  • 41. object KeyWrapper {
 implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]
 def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {
 import c.universe._
 val tpe = weakTypeOf[K] val imports = q""" 
 import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """
 c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {
 new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}
  • 42. object KeyWrapper {
 implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]
 def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {
 import c.universe._
 val tpe = weakTypeOf[K] val imports = q""" 
 import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """
 c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {
 new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}
  • 43. object KeyWrapper {
 implicit def materialize[K]: KeyWrapper[K] = macro implKey[K]
 def implKey[K: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] = {
 import c.universe._
 val tpe = weakTypeOf[K] val imports = q""" 
 import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} """
 c.Expr[KeyWrapper[K]] {
 new KeyWrapper[$tpe] {}
  • 45. object Usage {
 import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value};
 { final class $anon extends KeyWrapper[String] { def <init>() = { super.<init>(); () }; <empty> }; new $anon() } }) }
  • 46. new KeyWrapper[String] new KeyWrapper[Int] new KeyWrapper[HList] new KeyWrapper[Cat]
  • 47. trait BinWrapper[B] { def apply(v: B): Bin = new Bin("name", toValue(v)) def toValue(v: B): Value = v match { case s: String => new StringValue(s) case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h)) case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } def apply(r: Record): Map[String, B] = r.bins.collect { case (name, something) => name -> fetch(something) }.toMap def fetch(donkey: Any): B }
  • 48. trait BinWrapper[B] { def apply(v: B): Bin = new Bin("name", toValue(v)) def toValue(v: B): Value = v match { case s: String => new StringValue(s) case h: HList => new MapValue(toMap(h)) case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } def apply(r: Record): Map[String, B] = r.bins.collect { case (name, something) => name -> fetch(something) }.toMap def fetch(donkey: Any): B }
  • 49. object BinWrapper {
 implicit def materialize[T]: BinWrapper[T] = macro matBin[T]
 def matBin[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] = {
 import c.universe._
 val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
 val imports = q""" import …""" val fetchValue = ??? 
 c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] {
 q""" $imports
 new BinWrapper[$tpe] { 
  • 50. object BinWrapper {
 implicit def materialize[T]: BinWrapper[T] = macro matBin[T]
 def matBin[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] = {
 import c.universe._
 val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
 val imports = q""" import …""" val fetchValue = ??? 
 c.Expr[BinWrapper[T]] {
 q""" $imports
 new BinWrapper[$tpe] { 
  • 51. val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
 val fetchValue = tpe match { case t if t =:= weakTypeOf[String] => q""" def fetch(any: Any): $tpe = any match { case v: String => v case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } """ case t if isHList(t) => q""" def fetch(any: Any): $tpe = any match { case mv: MapValue => mv.getObject match { case m: Map[String, Any] => parse(m).toHList[$tpe].getOrElse{} case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } """
 ... }
  • 52. Expr[ru.tinkoff.BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]]]({ import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value}; import collection.JavaConversions._; import com.aerospike.client.Value._; import shapeless._; import syntax.std.traversable._; { final class $anon extends BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]] { def <init>() = { super.<init>(); () }; def fetch(any: Any): shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]] = any match { case (mv @ (_: MapValue)) => mv.getObject match { case (m @ (_: Map[String, Any])) => parse(m).toHList[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]].getOrElse{} case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } }; new $anon() } }) BinWrapper.matBin[Int::Boolean::HNil]
  • 53. Expr[ru.tinkoff.BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]]]({ import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value}; import collection.JavaConversions._; import com.aerospike.client.Value._; import shapeless._; import syntax.std.traversable._; { final class $anon extends BinWrapper[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]] { def <init>() = { super.<init>(); () }; def fetch(any: Any): shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]] = any match { case (mv @ (_: MapValue)) => mv.getObject match { case (m @ (_: Map[String, Any])) => parse(m).toHList[shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.::[Boolean,shapeless.HNil]]].getOrElse{} case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong type") } }; new $anon() } }) }imports def fetch: Any => HL type HL = Int::Boolean::HNil
  • 54.
  • 55. def writeBin[B](b: B)
 (implicit bw: BinWrapper[B]): Bin = bw(b)
 val asMap = new BinWrapper[Truck] { }
 val asJson = new BinWrapper[Truck] { … }
 writeBin("tr1", Truck("truck1", 4,
 List(1, 2, 3)))(asMap)
 writeBin("tr2", Truck("truck2", 2,
 List(7, 8, 9)))(asJson)
  • 57. case class Sample(name: String, i: Int)
 db.put("intKey", "intBin", 202))
 db.put("hListKey", "hListBin",
 "abcd" :: 2 :: 3 :: HNil))
 db.put("mapKey", "mapBin",
 Map(Sample("t1", 3) -> "v1",
 Sample("t2", 2) -> "v2",
 Sample("t3", 1) -> "v3")))
  • 58. AQL > select * from test.test [ { "mapBin": {} }, { "intBin": 202 }, { "hListBin": { "0": "abcd", "1": 2, "2": 3 } }
  • 59. object CleanUp extends App {
 val keys = List("mapKey", "intKey", "hListKey")
 val res = Future.traverse(keys)(db.delete)
  • 60. object CleanUp extends App {
 val keys = List("mapKey", "intKey", "hListKey")
 val res = Future.traverse(keys)(db.delete)
 } aql> select * from test.test [ ]
  • 61. aerospike-scala-dsl "ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala" % "1.1.14",
 "ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala-proto" % "1.1.14",
 "ru.tinkoff" % "aerospike-scala-example" % "1.1.14"