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Slide 1
VRD Proofs
and Ring Test
Forward Test
Cloud Fluency Evolution
Production vs Simulation
What kind of testing is needed for our simulation scenarios and why? We will add to this
topic in a second publication for uses of simulations in industry.
Slide 2
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2
Devising a Test Strategy to
find Markers for the
Moments in the Captivation
of the Project that define
the wall migration, the
uplift, the distinct change in
the arrays that point to the
position of the project from
componentization to solid
state and other chores that
make a simulation modeling
strategy a great venture for
investors and stakeholders
to the project, to take hold
of the imminent domain.
Defining a Simulation Modeling Strategy via Testing
Our Simulation modeling project has many testing phases to go through before we are able to
complete a complex series of events and tasks in a dynamic modeling environment. Our next
paper takes an even deeper dive into this most important topic.
Slide 3
I . Scientific
The Te st s w e include d
in our la st pa pe r
cont inue our use of
scie nt ific m ode ls t o
discove r t he m e a ns t o
Ar k Scie nce s a nd a r e
ide nt ifie d on e a ch slide .
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 3
From SSE: The Remote End
Past Parables build Forward
We have shown the scientific method used in our testing by borrowing from this topical page.
Slide 4
W h ile t h e in cr e m e n t a l cost is
r e du ce d in t h e dist r ibu t ion , it is
le ve ra ge d. Toda y w e h a ve a
be t t e r h a n dle on t h e Scie n ce of
Gla ss a n d Ar k D e sign t h a n w e
did in D e ce m be r of 2 0 2 0 w h e n
w e be ga n ou r st u dy. We h a d
be gu n w it h Scor e ca r d M e a su r e s
a s ou r pr ove n st a n da r ds.
synergy wall burden
2 x 344
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l
35.78-35.1 = .68
* *
Median burden
Slide 5
Slide 5
II.‘Market Now’
You may notice that we do not have dimension-able systems, and this is particularly evident in
the idea that pivot tables are singularly devised data sets and do not permit a graphical
composition. Our original scorecard method of our project was quickly outpaced by the scale of
the Ark Concept, and the funding mechanics of the current banking system could not keep up.
We do see that the metrics compared to our current project do reveal the distribution cycle of
the product in a similar pattern. Our primary purpose on this page is to equate the current
market for architectural services to the Glass Modeling capability that we have emulated. We
do know that many ideas presented are within the capability of glass systems. The impact
factor shows up as a metric value from many different computations, some have conversion
cycle facts on the metric due to thruput.
Slide 5
Multi-form Investment
Final Forward Metrics
344, 7.4
Market Now
III. Test the ‘Market Now’ Forward
R^ 2
R^ 2 Statistics Slide 5 507.53-504.02= 3.51
market distribution
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l
35.78-35.1 = .68
Scorecard * Slide 3
344 x 2 = .688* * Slide 3
5.344 x .2 = 1.0688
11863, 7.4
As a multi-form investment, we were able verify all of the metrics used in the equations and
agree with the strategy to reach the goal of doubling the market. We looked into all of our long-
term metrics to make sure the performance of the model was appropriate within the standards
parameters. The discrete theory of the modeling process will eventually work into the
contiguous and then continuous cloud-star model. We found quite agreeably that there is a
fourth kind of interior margin metric related to the external market and reduced by the
distribution cost of units.
Slide 6
344, 7.4
R^ 2
Glass Cars
And New
Ark Builds
Impact along
the Critical Path
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6
IV. Statistical Compilations
Interior: Exterior Market
118.63-118.0869 = .5569 - .5562 = .0007
Asset Margins Relevant Range
570, 7 (3+ 4)
32 x 3= 96
Predicted Y Vector Y
Ext.dim= f
UY Yield, Slide 7
Slide 9
Our statistical compilations were very successful in proving the external market viability and
confirming ongoing metric relationship throughout the model. Surprisingly it also related to our
Interior market omega figure tied to STRABO.
Slide 7
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 7
Devising a Test Strategy to
find Markers for Moments
in the Captivation of the
V. VRD Compilation
Tan-Fin Slide 9
Slide 6, 9
Ω1 Table Slide 9
SSE, slide 21
The VRD Test finds the prime mover in the scenario that best describes a specific case of
variable rate demand. Since all five scenarios are carried in the model, we used the entire array
to supply for the variability within the model. Lift metrics detail are found on the next page.
These are directly related to the secant assembly of the LIFT mechanics of the scenario we are
seeking to prove.
Slide 8
T o d e f i n e t h e w a l l m i g r a t i o n , t h e u p l i f t ,
t h e d i st i n ct ch a n g e i n t h e a r r a y s t h a t
p o i n t t o t h e p o si t i o n o f t h e p r o j e ct .
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 8
Relevant Range
VI. Position Compilation
See Slides 5,6,9
LIFT = 344, Row 14
Because we have 50 discrete projects that take on a contiguous nature in the glass table, we
begin to see that Trigonometry and Secant Engineering has a Godly place in it. This is because
synthesis processes are within the model that blend and do not forsake the prior patterns that it
achieves because it is COMPILED. Lift then is related to secant markers within the graphic
equation. LIFT is also a certification from engineering testing.
Slide 9
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 9
44.25 x 2 = 88.5
Extended Table Stats
Extended Table
Supply Chain Table
VII. Supply Chain Compilation
Work Added Time & Motion Mean Time Between Failure(MTBF)
measuresthe likelihoodof a piece of
equipment or component failure within
a period (Reliability Test)
49: 68
Digital: Analog
MTBF = 1.40906
adequate to
a b
See Slides 5,8,9
Time & Motion
UY Yield, Slide 7
Supply Chain
Slide 12
Min Table Load
Supply Chain compilation is the most important part of the model, since streamlining the
vendor-customer-funding experience is much easier in the Eternal Plan of God, but still a portal
requirement of the glass system. All of our metrics have been tested against the final forward
and production model and now are being prepared for the simulation model. Some engineering
Reliability Metrics are necessary out of these statistics and others are easily composed.
Slide 10
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 1 0
T1&T2 plus STREAM IP
VIII. a. Ring Test Florets
The Ring test is helpful in devising lens arrangements for the table. So, we began to devise the
florets for that work.
Slide 11
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g LLC, Jean A. Mar sh al l 1 1
Power series is related to the lens
VIII. b. Ring Test Background
The power series that operates in the model is lens related and so our ring test can perfect lens
assimilations into the star or diamond composition that will improve its visible assemblies. We
will explore ring theory to see how this can be done and with our mentors keep learning the
method of improving the model itself. Here we began making notes about this new subject
which is defining the range as P within Q, which we suggest is our interior margin range.
Slide 12
VI I I . c. Ring Test Com piled
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
1 2
The overall ring formation of the instances does not ‘look like’ the
specified “stone” compositions in the interior strata. The use of
the powers of P have altered the dimensions. This permits lens
compositions on a more minute scale of angular performance
Slide 9
∆ 123
We have prepared both an upscale version and a downscale version of the interior model of the
ring assimilation. This we based on three of the eleven criteria which include: supply chain,
star-cloud and bridge-gate as the most significant system requirements. The florets themselves
are based on all eleven system associations. Using the P of the Model, the simpler 1.695 we
used the power scale of the lens to associate the polynomial trend of each of the florets in the
format as recommended. In our next paper we will delve into the variegated lens arrangement.
Slide 13
V1 Contents
I . Scient ific Met hods
I I . Mar ket N ow
I I I . Test t he ‘Mar ket N ow ’ For w ar d
I V. St at ist ica l Com pilat ions
V. VRD Com pilat ion
VI . Posit ion Com pilat ion ( LI FT)
VI I . Supply Chain Com pilat ion
VI I I . Ring Test
a. Florets
b. Background
c. Compilation
Com pilat ions of Test ing
m ay be t edious but m any
new and int er est ing fact s
com e fr om aligning t he
w or k on ear lier par t s of
t he pr oj ect em ulat ion.
Measur ing LI FT is r equir ed
t o m eet dem and. The Ring
Test is for Lens Ut ilizat ion
St rat egy.
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 1 3
T1&T2 plus STREAM IP
To Do
We added our To Do list at the end of V1 in order not to disturb our cross-referencing.
Compilations are a necessary part of every paper, but not especially the most read friendly part
of the story.
Slide 14
Ar ch it e ct u r a l
Se r v ice s M a r k e t
Su m m a r y
Archit ect ural Serv ices Market Analysis
T h e a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s m a r k e t w a s v a l u e d a t U S D 3 5 6 . 0 4 b i l l i o n i n t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r . I t i s e x p e c t e d
t o r e g i s t e r a C A G R o f 5 . 3 5 % , r e a c h i n g U S D 4 8 5 . 2 4 b i l l i o n o v e r t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d . A r c h i t e c t u r a l
s e r v i c e s o f f e r a w i d e r a n g e o f s e r v i c e s , i n c l u d i n g f e a s i b i l i t y s t u d i e s , a r c h i t e c t u r a l p r o g r a m m i n g , a n d
p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t , w i t h t h e a i d o f d e s i g n , t h e c r e a t i o n o f c o n s t r u c t i o n d o c u m e n t a t i o n , a n d t h e
m a n a g e m e n t o f c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s . B e c a u s e s u s t a i n a b l e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f f e r s s i g n i f i c a n t a d v a n t a g e s
a n d f i n a n c i a l p o t e n t i a l , i t i s p u s h i n g t h e m a r k e t f o r a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s . A d d i t i o n a l l y , i n c r e a s i n g
b o t h o c c u p a n c y a n d r e t u r n o n i n v e s t m e n t c a n r e d u c e o p e r a t i o n a l c o s t s . T h e m a r k e t i s e x p a n d i n g d u e t o
t h e d e m a n d f o r c o n c e p t u a l e n g i n e e r i n g i n b u i l d i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d f u n d a m e n t a l b i o c l i m a t i c d e s i g n .
•T h e a d v e n t o f c o m p u t e r s o f t w a r e h a s c a u s e d a p a r a d i g m s h i f t i n a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n o v e r t h e p a s t f e w
y e a r s . I m p r o v e m e n t s i n d i g i t a l d e s i g n t o o l s , c o m p u t e r - c o n t r o l l e d f a b r i c a t i o n , c o n n e c t i v i t y , a n d
i n t e r c o n n e c t e d n e s s h a v e o p e n e d u p a n e w s t a g e o f t h e d e s i g n a n d b u i l d p r o c e s s .
•B u i l d i n g d e s i g n s a n d a r c h i t e c t u r a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a p p e a r t o b e c o n s t a n t l y e v o l v i n g d u e t o t h e r a p i d
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e d e v e l o p m e n t t a k i n g p l a c e i n m a n y g r o w i n g n a t i o n s . F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e d e m a n d f o r
a d v a n c e d d e s i g n t e c h n o l o g y , s u c h a s 3 D m o d e l s a n d h i g h - e n d d e s i g n s o f t w a r e , i s e x p e c t e d t o r i s e a s
m o r e a n d m o r e n e w a r c h i t e c t u r a l f i r m s e n t e r t h e m a r k e t w i t h i n n o v a t i v e d e s i g n s a n d s o f t w a r e , t h e r e b y
i m p r o v i n g s e r v i c e s l i k e u r b a n p l a n n i n g . T h e a r c h i t e c t u r a l i n d u s t r y i s a l s o e x p a n d i n g s i g n i f i c a n t l y .
•A s a r e s u l t o f t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f t e c h n o l o g y , h o u s e s a r e b e c o m i n g m o r e a u t o m a t e d a n d i n t e l l i g e n t .
W h e n d e s i g n i n g n e w s t r u c t u r e s , a u t o m a t i o n i s g i v e n g r e a t c o n s i d e r a t i o n . A u t o m a t e d s y s t e m s h e l p w i t h
t a s k s l i k e s e c u r i t y , t e m p e r a t u r e r e g u l a t i o n , a n d l i g h t i n g , w h i c h h e l p s t o c o n t r o l c o s t s a n d h a s a
f a v o r a b l e e f f e c t o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s .
•D e s p i t e a l a r g e g r o w t h i n a r c h i t e c t u r a l p o s i t i o n s o v e r t h e p r e v i o u s f e w y e a r s , f i r m s h a v e d i f f i c u l t y
r e c r u i t i n g p e o p l e w i t h t h e r e q u i s i t e a b i l i t i e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y t h o s e a d e p t i n B I M t o o l s . S u c h l i m i t a t i o n s
a r e p r o j e c t e d t o s t y m i e m a r k e t e x p a n s i o n d u r i n g t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d .
•H o w e v e r , t h e m a r k e t f o r a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s i s e x p e c t e d t o e x p a n d d u r i n g t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d d u e t o
s e v e r a l g o v e r n m e n t p o l i c i e s e n c o u r a g i n g t h e u s e o f B I M s o l u t i o n s a n d n u m e r o u s p r i v a t e b u s i n e s s e s
i n c r e a s i n g t h e d e p l o y m e n t o f e f f e c t i v e m o d e l i n g s y s t e m s i n n u m e r o u s m a r k e t s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d .
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 1 4
Architectural Services Market Size & Share Report, 2030 (
Architectural Services Market Size & Share Analysis - Industry Research Report - Growth
Trends (
2 x 5.344
5.35 x2= 1.07
The External Market
and Interior Market
equation are relational
in Glass Systems
Supply Chain
relationships are
The future of glass and our glass project is tied to the architectural services industry as the best
modeling for this type of business and industry. Glass is about fabrications of all aspects of
building and production.
Slide 15
Model Evolut ion
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Je a n Ma r sh a l l Sl i d e sh a r e . co m se e sl i d e 2 3 1 5
Cloud Fluency Evolution
Kinetic to Green to Glass
A simulation imitates the operation of real-world
processes or systems with the use of models.
The model represents the key behaviors and
characteristics of the selected process or
system while the simulation represents how the
model evolves under different conditions over
time. Definition from the Internet.
Models ever ancient ever new
Model evolution is the translatable manner by which a model is one characteristic type then
evolves or moves transitionally to another type. Cloud fluency is an affluent form of wave
commutation that is only gained after plait form theory is exhausted.
Slide 16
More ‘m at h’s on t his t opic… next paper
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 6
1.2. Definitions Hereby, two of the most prominent definitions of
simulation in the manufacturing context are presented and are
adopted for the scope of the present research work. “Simulation
modelling and analysis is the process of creating and
experimenting with a computerized mathematical model of a
physical system” [ 5] . “Simulation is the imitation of the operation
of a real-world process or system over time. Simulation involves
the generation of an artificial history of the system, and the
observation of that artificial history to draw inferences concerning
the operating characteristics of the real system that is
represented” [ 6] . Simulation in Manufacturing: Review and
Challenges Mourtzis1* , D.; Doukas1 , M.; Bernidaki1 , D.
The whole design of plait glass in Ark Mode of Design is geared toward modeling and
production/simulation problems. In the depiction above “Devising a Test Strategy,” we are
graphically depicting our 50-year plan and looking to find those markers that indicate a major
shift in the model by making a simulation version of it and finding the means to stratify and
captivate those moments. In our next paper we will do more work on such vector inferences.
Here we will discuss modeling in manufacturing and the various uses of it can greatly affect the
glass car models (and other products), the componentization process and finally the solid-state
and remote delivery process.
Slide 17
Model Evolution:
T h e f u t u r e o u t l o o k o f sim u l a t io n is t h a t w it h in
t h r e e t o f iv e ye a r s, 4 3 % o f u se r s w il l b e u sin g
sim u l a t io n a s a d e sig n t o o l . I t is st il l t h e t o o l
m o st l y l ik e l y t o b e u se d b y l a r g e r c o m p a n ie s ( 4 5 %)
r a t h e r t h a n sm a l l e r ( 2 8 %) o r m e d iu m ( 3 0 %)
c o m p a n ie s, b u t w it h t h e in c r e a se d e a se o f u se a n d
a c c e ss, u sin g sim u l a t io n w il l c o n t in u e t o r ise .
( I m a g e c o u r t e sy o f t h e B u sin e ss A d v a n t a g e
R e so u r c e G r o u p ) A p p l i e d S c i e n c e s | F r e e F u l l -
T e x t | M o d e l i n g a n d S i m u l a t i o n o f P r o c e s s e s i n a
F a c t o r y o f t h e F u t u r e ( m d p i . c o m )
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 7
Simulation is a Window Into the Future of Your Manufacturing Operation | NIST
Exploring the state-of-the-art process, we find that many efforts are looking for the green and
virtual state which we call glass.
Slide 18
Prim ar y Evolut ion
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 8
Production vs Simulation
Background… Introduction and background
Since its inception, simulation has
been applied to various sectors, such
as manufacturing, services, defense,
healthcare, and public services. It is
recognized as the second most
widely used technique in the field of
operations management, the most
popular being ‘Modelling’ [ 97] , [ 3] .
Its use has been transformed by the
invention and evolution of the
computer, which has supported the
uptake of practical simulation tools
and techniques.
The suitability or appropriateness and
relevance of Literature-review
Our review reports on the academic
publications about simulation
applications in manufacturing and
business over the 10 years from
1997 to 2006. It includes all the
simulation techniques encountered in
the literature and follows an
extensive, systematic search within
the academic peer-reviewed
literature. The review also contains
both empirical and non-empirical
studies focusing mainly on the former
group. It reviews past research into
process and management rather than
into engineering, Supply chain
cooperation in industrial districts: A
simulation analysis - ScienceDirect
T3&T4 Media Relationship (Glass)
T3&T4 Build Media 18L M2
T3&T4 Story Media 18L M2
T3&T4 Network 18L M4
The Production vs. Simulation argument is as simple as Test, Development and Production but
the problem is that Simulation at present is or can be a costly tool WE want to explore the
means from portal evolution to make the cost of simulation more reasonable. And that
Instances can be performed that are more conducive to solid state engineering in glass as well
as high performance mechanics. The Production Book is a product of the Media Storyboard.
Slide 19
Sim ulations begin
w ith lots of research
Sim ula t ions a r e a necessa r y
const r uct ion of t he da t a t ha t
develops a m odel of t he pr oblem
needed t o be solved. W e w ill w r it e
m or e on t his t opic nex t . A bet t er
int er ior m edia t ha t w ill net w or k t o
t he ex t er na l m a r ket is indica t ed.
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 9
Note that our emulated company Magi and Marcus did not
Partner in the Community until the end of the project.
Simulation Modeling is always about finding the impact of certain variables or drivers in a
process. Much research is spent on eliciting data from the field for finding the impact across
certain periods and in making a densified field for emulation. Our research into this glass model
is a study across many different types of high-end impact on the architectural services industry
but primarily from the standpoint of fabrication of consequential structures, parts, conveyances
and energy delivery
Slide 20
Sim ulation
• W it hin t he Gla ss pr oj ect
t he st a ge a f t er r em ot e
a ssim ila t ion is
pa r t ner ing
• The need t o pa r t ner t o
sim ula t e t he building
pr ocess successfully w it h
inst a ncing in t he solid-
st a t e a ssim ila t ions
Currently the general trend characterizing the
management of supply relationships in SCM is the
shift from an arm’s length to a partnership
approach (Ellram, 1991; Lamming, 1993), wherein
Supply Chain firms cooperate. Page 261 (IBID)
SCM is Supply Chain Management
Banks have access to supply chains through covenant lines of credit and also the markets for
product innovations. Because of this their portals make a tremendous resource for simulation
partnering and lowered cost implications due to the volume of service agents. Ark Media is the
means to the complete streaming of all engaged relational requirements and portal delivery.
Slide 21
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 1
We will constructively
work on the simulation
purpose of this model
in our next paper.
Glass and Green
in our papers
are not on a
meta basis
Glass systems begin with a small 6-layer system and then cube-fy to 18-layers. After this there
is a dimensional window and then a portal that permits remote building. Localized site
development and product development is preceding the scientific assets that must be required
and then miniaturized for mobile conveyance purposes.
Slide 22
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 2
Appendix I
The use of P @Q in this paper is more pronounced and so our Appendix is included.
Slide 23
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l
2 3
Appendix II
Evidence of the Impact Factor or IF is necessary to support conclusions about the exterior
market characteristic; Here we left a calculation for next paper because it is a branching
Slide 24
T h i s P a p e r i n D e s i g n S e r i e s
Devising a Test Strategy to
find Markers for the
Moments in the Captivation
of the Project that define
the wall migration, the
uplift, the distinct change in
the arrays that point to the
position of the project from
componentization to solid
state and other chores that
make a simulation modeling
strategy a great venture for
investors and stakeholders
to the project, to take hold
of the imminent domain.
Ring Test Background
Appendix III
Reasons for Simulation of Phase Mechanics
Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 2 4
Our Design Series papers continue to examine developmental aspects of the project. Cascading
in Green takes us to the Green Wall Requirements and wall migrations, while the next paper
dedicated to scientific solutions for remote ends of the business will delve deeper into the
knowledge necessary to package the scientific assets for mobile use. Transition from Wall to
Portal to Cloud-Star fluency continues with the need to simulate outcomes.
Slide 25
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 5
Next P a p e r i n D e si g n Se r i e s
1. The Scope of Glass Projects: Benchmarking and IF Factor for
the scope determination of Glass and STRABO serialization
for Agile
2. Glass Impact: Streaming the Engineering of Components,
Solid State Assemblage, Table Design Outcomes
3. Cascading in Green: The theories and concepts related to the
Green Wall and the starting compositing of green energy and
wall migrations.
4. SSE: The Remote End: How Solid-State Engineering is
Performance mined and delivered remotely
5. Cloud-Star Evolution: Where Cloud and Star Evolve to
6. Simulations in Diminishing Scale: The use of Ring and Lens
Brij Consulting, LLC | SlideShare
Part I: City Scale
Part II: Remote Scale
Part III: Confluent Scale
Three parts of the
Simulations project
explore cloud
depth, cloud reach
and cloud layers
Our next paper in the design series will focus on simulations and specifically Part I: City Scale.
We will begin to highlight the vector requirements for tasking in our current model and the
need for lens facets for scale differentiation.
Slide 26
1. Portal Prosperity: An overview of Glass Theory and Ark
Design develops property reconcilement for Conveyance
2. Crossover Conveyance: Beginning with Remote Signature,
threading the advancing fingerprint with a glass path and
integral site management, moving into SIMULATIONS in
Real Time
3. Converge- The Remote Build: Tasks to consider the
process of converging to the Remote Build Site and what
considerations are given to producing a remote service or
build out of a productive requirement, introducing sandbox
theory. Phase I only considers the Kitchen Tech. Phase II
is involved in whole home Media and Tech in Glass.
Phase III develops the land and its attributes. This is three
separate papers.
6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g LLC, Jean A. Mar sh al l 2 6
1. Studying T&MM: the requirement for certification of mobility
for competent conveyances
2. Portal Projects: the evidence, timing and intelligent use of
3. Calling it Green: Components of Green Energy, short
review: Calling it Green requires new uses of potential and
^studies in wave glass and graphical relationships can raise up
a green energy fluency that will lead to energy self-sufficiency
4. Dimensions in Multivariant Fabrications: Determining Forms
and Contents of Green Energy and Blue Wave Cascade;
relating elements to current science and future requirements
5. Wave and Lens Assimilation: The means to compile and to
build in Glass Systems is described. The use of secant math.
6. Math Solutions for Wave and Lens Assimilations: See also
Commentary for Math Solutions
7. Supply Side Portfolio: Timing and Model of Glass and Green
events to fulfill path… Does the Tan Line help?
8. Partners in T Pluribus Unum: Measuring with Diacritical
1. Portfolio Wheels: Study of Secants and Wheels in the Dynamic
requirement for Media to write and produce in Ark Science and
Dimensional Systems, Introduction of the Story “Eru finds a Golden
2. Ark Media: The Dialogue of the Story and the Construction of
Storyboards, Mix and Remix specifications, beginning crosswalk and
3. Builds and Simulations: Discuss Matrix Trees, Migratory Patterns and
the use of Secants to Build tooling
4. The Corner of Mu Sic: an update of our Digital Paper on Mu Sic to
include Ark encryptions and design considerations
5. The Glass House: Magi and Marcus Engineering plans to invest in a
Plait Glass facility for building and research in remote Ark Science.
Start of Tooling and Secant Design for the Construction Industry
6. The Remote Build: Planning a Theoretical Production for untried
7. Glass Mix Z-Form: Production Walk-Thru Glass Mix and Forms, leads
into the Write Process
8. Bridging the Instance: Now operating multiple instances must bridge
the operations, learn about deciduous models and deliberate the
outcome of operations for the 2022 Plan of Magi and Marcus
9. Architectural Builds and Designs: Looking into Delivery Mechanics and
the Products themselves
10. Pipes and Plaits in Ark Mode Design: How the Plait Pipe System
assists with Land Products. See Number Theory
11. Continuous Modeling: Moving away from the Contiguous Model to a
strategy of seamless integration of methods and modes of operation.
See Number Theory.
12. The Glass Warehouse: From Start to Finish the streamlined operations
of the Marcus and Magi Engineering remote architectural process
13. Branch- Sound and Image Construction: Characterizing the branch
capability of new applications, appliances and mode[ls] of operations
1. Ark in Glass: Changing the Schema for Ark Mode crossover, beginning
study of Secants and Wheels for the “cube-ified glass” engineering of
Imaging, sound and motion characteristics.
2. The New Stone: Simulations and Re-instancing to package, confect and
view glass media
3. Dimensional Building: Dimensional Arrays, Z strength, Product Media,
Interdimensional Matrices.
4. The Dynamic Instance: Product Media Discussed
5. The Glass Build: Base Build and Modules Assembled, considering impact of
dimensional systems
6. Glass in the Making: Costing and Loading, Assembly and Assimilation, IP
Defined, Logos
7. Art of the Science: What can be made? Assimilation discussed, look at
basic product ideas
8. Digital Glass Production: Pipe Transit and RIK Declare, Batch Appliance
(Dialogue paper)
9. Imposition of Value Engineering: Establishing and Justifying the Load for
Pipe Transit
10. The Digital Plait Position: Engineering Design of the Load and Thruput
11. ^Mu Sic in the Advancing Age: Use of Fingerprint and Encryption for
Operational Loads
12. Engineering Objects: The Purpose of this Paper is to Consider the means to
raise up a Digital Portal Production System using appliances gained through
Plait Object and Gate driven configurations that work with Digital Mechanics.
Six-Layer Glass and Appliances
13. Instancing at the Gate: Use of Gates and Instances, bridging of the
engineering process
14. Interpolative Scope: Use of a Demand and Production Scope for building
and delivery of product, learning to specify material, looking for union of
15. Functional Glass: Fitness for Function and Moral Intelligence, Bayesian
16. The Glass Wall: This is a very difficult staging of advanced engineering to
depict …Motivated by sound it creates a means by sound to cascade light for
safe and wireless power
17. The Glass Wave: Learning to Plait Gates, Reconcile Metrics to Scorecard,
and load value of Scrum
18. Scrum Costing w/notes (Book It Daniel): establishing scrum standards
(Dialogue paper)
19. Gate Plait Green (Mark It Mark): first scalable plait arrangement overcomes
bottleneck (Dialogue paper)
20. Scorecard Integration (Map It Ralph): A review of mappings to date, marking
old vs. new (Dialogue paper)
Motion Projects-8
Remote Theory-5
Ark Model-13 Digital-20
Go to
Roadmap: # 47 & # 48 & # 49
Dimensional Building in Ark Design
Glass Cars and New Product Roadmap
Calendar Cartography
Building with Glass #50
Remote Theory
Ark Model
Motion Projects
The Learning Series

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Defining a Simulation Modeling Strategy via Testing

  • 1. Slide 1 CLOUD-STAR ARK EVOLUTI ON I N THE CONCEPT OF DESI GN MDIA changes VRD Proofs and Ring Test Market Forward Test TEST EVOLUTION MODEL EVOLUTION Cloud Fluency Evolution PRIMARY EVOLUTION Production vs Simulation V3 V2 V1 What kind of testing is needed for our simulation scenarios and why? We will add to this topic in a second publication for uses of simulations in industry.
  • 2. Slide 2 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 Devising a Test Strategy to find Markers for the Moments in the Captivation of the Project that define the wall migration, the uplift, the distinct change in the arrays that point to the position of the project from componentization to solid state and other chores that make a simulation modeling strategy a great venture for investors and stakeholders to the project, to take hold of the imminent domain. Defining a Simulation Modeling Strategy via Testing SSE Our Simulation modeling project has many testing phases to go through before we are able to complete a complex series of events and tasks in a dynamic modeling environment. Our next paper takes an even deeper dive into this most important topic.
  • 3. Slide 3 I . Scientific Methods The Te st s w e include d in our la st pa pe r cont inue our use of scie nt ific m ode ls t o discove r t he m e a ns t o Ar k Scie nce s a nd a r e ide nt ifie d on e a ch slide . 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 3 From SSE: The Remote End Past Parables build Forward TEST EVOLUTION We have shown the scientific method used in our testing by borrowing from this topical page.
  • 4. Slide 4 W h ile t h e in cr e m e n t a l cost is r e du ce d in t h e dist r ibu t ion , it is le ve ra ge d. Toda y w e h a ve a be t t e r h a n dle on t h e Scie n ce of Gla ss a n d Ar k D e sign t h a n w e did in D e ce m be r of 2 0 2 0 w h e n w e be ga n ou r st u dy. We h a d be gu n w it h Scor e ca r d M e a su r e s a s ou r pr ove n st a n da r ds. Ω1 synergy wall burden Scorecard Impact SSE 688 -11 677 “Scope” 2 x 344 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 4 35.78-35.1 = .68 * * * 155.4 Median burden Slide 5 Slide 5 MARKET II.‘Market Now’ You may notice that we do not have dimension-able systems, and this is particularly evident in the idea that pivot tables are singularly devised data sets and do not permit a graphical composition. Our original scorecard method of our project was quickly outpaced by the scale of the Ark Concept, and the funding mechanics of the current banking system could not keep up. We do see that the metrics compared to our current project do reveal the distribution cycle of the product in a similar pattern. Our primary purpose on this page is to equate the current market for architectural services to the Glass Modeling capability that we have emulated. We do know that many ideas presented are within the capability of glass systems. The impact factor shows up as a metric value from many different computations, some have conversion cycle facts on the metric due to thruput.
  • 5. Slide 5 Multi-form Investment SSE Building Final Forward Metrics 344, 7.4 Market Now III. Test the ‘Market Now’ Forward R^ 2 R^ 2 Statistics Slide 5 507.53-504.02= 3.51 market distribution D D 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 5 35.78-35.1 = .68 Scorecard * Slide 3 344 x 2 = .688* * Slide 3 Branching 5.344 x .2 = 1.0688 11863, 7.4 JM0 As a multi-form investment, we were able verify all of the metrics used in the equations and agree with the strategy to reach the goal of doubling the market. We looked into all of our long- term metrics to make sure the performance of the model was appropriate within the standards parameters. The discrete theory of the modeling process will eventually work into the contiguous and then continuous cloud-star model. We found quite agreeably that there is a fourth kind of interior margin metric related to the external market and reduced by the distribution cost of units.
  • 6. Slide 6 344, 7.4 R^ 2 Events Compilation Glass Cars And New Ark Builds Impact along the Critical Path 7.74 c c 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 c c IV. Statistical Compilations 11863 5931 Ω1 1459 Interior: Exterior Market 85752,77 Ω1 118.63-118.0869 = .5569 - .5562 = .0007 Asset Margins Relevant Range 570, 7 (3+ 4) 151.7 32 x 3= 96 Predicted Y Vector Y Ext.dim= f Int.dim UY UY Yield, Slide 7 P Slide 9 Int.dim JM0 Our statistical compilations were very successful in proving the external market viability and confirming ongoing metric relationship throughout the model. Surprisingly it also related to our Interior market omega figure tied to STRABO.
  • 7. Slide 7 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 7 Devising a Test Strategy to find Markers for Moments in the Captivation of the Project SSE V. VRD Compilation 19.4468 19.4015 00.0453 00.0906 00.0302 26.4625 26.4235 00.0390 00.0302 00.0088 00.0044 B A C C D E R R B D E 6.25563 0.0453 6.30093 G Tan-Fin Slide 9 T T G Y UY Slide 6, 9 UY Y Ω1 Table Slide 9 SSE, slide 21 6.26801 6.25563 0.01239 Y V Z F F i i VRD The VRD Test finds the prime mover in the scenario that best describes a specific case of variable rate demand. Since all five scenarios are carried in the model, we used the entire array to supply for the variability within the model. Lift metrics detail are found on the next page. These are directly related to the secant assembly of the LIFT mechanics of the scenario we are seeking to prove.
  • 8. Slide 8 T o d e f i n e t h e w a l l m i g r a t i o n , t h e u p l i f t , t h e d i st i n ct ch a n g e i n t h e a r r a y s t h a t p o i n t t o t h e p o si t i o n o f t h e p r o j e ct . 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 8 55.62 Relevant Range SSE VI. Position Compilation b See Slides 5,6,9 LIFT = 344, Row 14 Lift Because we have 50 discrete projects that take on a contiguous nature in the glass table, we begin to see that Trigonometry and Secant Engineering has a Godly place in it. This is because synthesis processes are within the model that blend and do not forsake the prior patterns that it achieves because it is COMPILED. Lift then is related to secant markers within the graphic equation. LIFT is also a certification from engineering testing.
  • 9. Slide 9 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 9 44.25 x 2 = 88.5 Extended Table Stats P Extended Table Supply Chain Table VII. Supply Chain Compilation market Ext.dim 85752,77 Ω1 Work Added Time & Motion Mean Time Between Failure(MTBF) measuresthe likelihoodof a piece of equipment or component failure within a period (Reliability Test) 49: 68 Digital: Analog MTBF = 1.40906 String bounds adequate to compilation a b c See Slides 5,8,9 b Y= Time & Motion Tan-Fin UY UY Yield, Slide 7 Supply Chain .2055 + x2 Slide 12 Min Table Load T&M T&M Supply Chain compilation is the most important part of the model, since streamlining the vendor-customer-funding experience is much easier in the Eternal Plan of God, but still a portal requirement of the glass system. All of our metrics have been tested against the final forward and production model and now are being prepared for the simulation model. Some engineering Reliability Metrics are necessary out of these statistics and others are easily composed.
  • 11. Slide 11 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g LLC, Jean A. Mar sh al l 1 1 Power series is related to the lens VIII. b. Ring Test Background The power series that operates in the model is lens related and so our ring test can perfect lens assimilations into the star or diamond composition that will improve its visible assemblies. We will explore ring theory to see how this can be done and with our mentors keep learning the method of improving the model itself. Here we began making notes about this new subject which is defining the range as P within Q, which we suggest is our interior margin range.
  • 12. Slide 12 VI I I . c. Ring Test Com piled Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 2 The overall ring formation of the instances does not ‘look like’ the specified “stone” compositions in the interior strata. The use of the powers of P have altered the dimensions. This permits lens compositions on a more minute scale of angular performance P Slide 9 @Y@Q @Q ∆ 123 We have prepared both an upscale version and a downscale version of the interior model of the ring assimilation. This we based on three of the eleven criteria which include: supply chain, star-cloud and bridge-gate as the most significant system requirements. The florets themselves are based on all eleven system associations. Using the P of the Model, the simpler 1.695 we used the power scale of the lens to associate the polynomial trend of each of the florets in the format as recommended. In our next paper we will delve into the variegated lens arrangement.
  • 13. Slide 13 V1 Contents I . Scient ific Met hods I I . Mar ket N ow I I I . Test t he ‘Mar ket N ow ’ For w ar d I V. St at ist ica l Com pilat ions V. VRD Com pilat ion VI . Posit ion Com pilat ion ( LI FT) VI I . Supply Chain Com pilat ion VI I I . Ring Test a. Florets b. Background c. Compilation Com pilat ions of Test ing m ay be t edious but m any new and int er est ing fact s com e fr om aligning t he w or k on ear lier par t s of t he pr oj ect em ulat ion. Measur ing LI FT is r equir ed t o m eet dem and. The Ring Test is for Lens Ut ilizat ion St rat egy. 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 1 3 TEST EVOLUTION - 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 BRIDGE-… WALL REPLICATION MODELS CLOUD-STAR WINDOW DIM PORT BRANCH SUPPLY… MU… NETWORK Count Cost Volumized T1&T2 plus STREAM IP To Do We added our To Do list at the end of V1 in order not to disturb our cross-referencing. Compilations are a necessary part of every paper, but not especially the most read friendly part of the story.
  • 14. Slide 14 Ar ch it e ct u r a l Se r v ice s M a r k e t Su m m a r y Archit ect ural Serv ices Market Analysis T h e a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s m a r k e t w a s v a l u e d a t U S D 3 5 6 . 0 4 b i l l i o n i n t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r . I t i s e x p e c t e d t o r e g i s t e r a C A G R o f 5 . 3 5 % , r e a c h i n g U S D 4 8 5 . 2 4 b i l l i o n o v e r t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d . A r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s o f f e r a w i d e r a n g e o f s e r v i c e s , i n c l u d i n g f e a s i b i l i t y s t u d i e s , a r c h i t e c t u r a l p r o g r a m m i n g , a n d p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t , w i t h t h e a i d o f d e s i g n , t h e c r e a t i o n o f c o n s t r u c t i o n d o c u m e n t a t i o n , a n d t h e m a n a g e m e n t o f c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s . B e c a u s e s u s t a i n a b l e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f f e r s s i g n i f i c a n t a d v a n t a g e s a n d f i n a n c i a l p o t e n t i a l , i t i s p u s h i n g t h e m a r k e t f o r a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s . A d d i t i o n a l l y , i n c r e a s i n g b o t h o c c u p a n c y a n d r e t u r n o n i n v e s t m e n t c a n r e d u c e o p e r a t i o n a l c o s t s . T h e m a r k e t i s e x p a n d i n g d u e t o t h e d e m a n d f o r c o n c e p t u a l e n g i n e e r i n g i n b u i l d i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d f u n d a m e n t a l b i o c l i m a t i c d e s i g n . •T h e a d v e n t o f c o m p u t e r s o f t w a r e h a s c a u s e d a p a r a d i g m s h i f t i n a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n o v e r t h e p a s t f e w y e a r s . I m p r o v e m e n t s i n d i g i t a l d e s i g n t o o l s , c o m p u t e r - c o n t r o l l e d f a b r i c a t i o n , c o n n e c t i v i t y , a n d i n t e r c o n n e c t e d n e s s h a v e o p e n e d u p a n e w s t a g e o f t h e d e s i g n a n d b u i l d p r o c e s s . •B u i l d i n g d e s i g n s a n d a r c h i t e c t u r a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a p p e a r t o b e c o n s t a n t l y e v o l v i n g d u e t o t h e r a p i d i n f r a s t r u c t u r e d e v e l o p m e n t t a k i n g p l a c e i n m a n y g r o w i n g n a t i o n s . F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e d e m a n d f o r a d v a n c e d d e s i g n t e c h n o l o g y , s u c h a s 3 D m o d e l s a n d h i g h - e n d d e s i g n s o f t w a r e , i s e x p e c t e d t o r i s e a s m o r e a n d m o r e n e w a r c h i t e c t u r a l f i r m s e n t e r t h e m a r k e t w i t h i n n o v a t i v e d e s i g n s a n d s o f t w a r e , t h e r e b y i m p r o v i n g s e r v i c e s l i k e u r b a n p l a n n i n g . T h e a r c h i t e c t u r a l i n d u s t r y i s a l s o e x p a n d i n g s i g n i f i c a n t l y . •A s a r e s u l t o f t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f t e c h n o l o g y , h o u s e s a r e b e c o m i n g m o r e a u t o m a t e d a n d i n t e l l i g e n t . W h e n d e s i g n i n g n e w s t r u c t u r e s , a u t o m a t i o n i s g i v e n g r e a t c o n s i d e r a t i o n . A u t o m a t e d s y s t e m s h e l p w i t h t a s k s l i k e s e c u r i t y , t e m p e r a t u r e r e g u l a t i o n , a n d l i g h t i n g , w h i c h h e l p s t o c o n t r o l c o s t s a n d h a s a f a v o r a b l e e f f e c t o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s . •D e s p i t e a l a r g e g r o w t h i n a r c h i t e c t u r a l p o s i t i o n s o v e r t h e p r e v i o u s f e w y e a r s , f i r m s h a v e d i f f i c u l t y r e c r u i t i n g p e o p l e w i t h t h e r e q u i s i t e a b i l i t i e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y t h o s e a d e p t i n B I M t o o l s . S u c h l i m i t a t i o n s a r e p r o j e c t e d t o s t y m i e m a r k e t e x p a n s i o n d u r i n g t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d . •H o w e v e r , t h e m a r k e t f o r a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e r v i c e s i s e x p e c t e d t o e x p a n d d u r i n g t h e f o r e c a s t p e r i o d d u e t o s e v e r a l g o v e r n m e n t p o l i c i e s e n c o u r a g i n g t h e u s e o f B I M s o l u t i o n s a n d n u m e r o u s p r i v a t e b u s i n e s s e s i n c r e a s i n g t h e d e p l o y m e n t o f e f f e c t i v e m o d e l i n g s y s t e m s i n n u m e r o u s m a r k e t s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 1 4 Architectural Services Market Size & Share Report, 2030 ( Architectural Services Market Size & Share Analysis - Industry Research Report - Growth Trends ( 2 x 5.344 5.35 x2= 1.07 The External Market and Interior Market equation are relational in Glass Systems Supply Chain relationships are integral The future of glass and our glass project is tied to the architectural services industry as the best modeling for this type of business and industry. Glass is about fabrications of all aspects of building and production.
  • 15. Slide 15 V2 Model Evolut ion 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Je a n Ma r sh a l l Sl i d e sh a r e . co m se e sl i d e 2 3 1 5 Cloud Fluency Evolution Kinetic to Green to Glass A simulation imitates the operation of real-world processes or systems with the use of models. The model represents the key behaviors and characteristics of the selected process or system while the simulation represents how the model evolves under different conditions over time. Definition from the Internet. Models ever ancient ever new Model evolution is the translatable manner by which a model is one characteristic type then evolves or moves transitionally to another type. Cloud fluency is an affluent form of wave commutation that is only gained after plait form theory is exhausted.
  • 16. Slide 16 FROM WI NDOWS TO PORTALS: THE CLOUD- STAR EVOLUTI ON More ‘m at h’s on t his t opic… next paper Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 6 1.2. Definitions Hereby, two of the most prominent definitions of simulation in the manufacturing context are presented and are adopted for the scope of the present research work. “Simulation modelling and analysis is the process of creating and experimenting with a computerized mathematical model of a physical system” [ 5] . “Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulation involves the generation of an artificial history of the system, and the observation of that artificial history to draw inferences concerning the operating characteristics of the real system that is represented” [ 6] . Simulation in Manufacturing: Review and Challenges Mourtzis1* , D.; Doukas1 , M.; Bernidaki1 , D. The whole design of plait glass in Ark Mode of Design is geared toward modeling and production/simulation problems. In the depiction above “Devising a Test Strategy,” we are graphically depicting our 50-year plan and looking to find those markers that indicate a major shift in the model by making a simulation version of it and finding the means to stratify and captivate those moments. In our next paper we will do more work on such vector inferences. Here we will discuss modeling in manufacturing and the various uses of it can greatly affect the glass car models (and other products), the componentization process and finally the solid-state and remote delivery process.
  • 17. Slide 17 Model Evolution: Meta T h e f u t u r e o u t l o o k o f sim u l a t io n is t h a t w it h in t h r e e t o f iv e ye a r s, 4 3 % o f u se r s w il l b e u sin g sim u l a t io n a s a d e sig n t o o l . I t is st il l t h e t o o l m o st l y l ik e l y t o b e u se d b y l a r g e r c o m p a n ie s ( 4 5 %) r a t h e r t h a n sm a l l e r ( 2 8 %) o r m e d iu m ( 3 0 %) c o m p a n ie s, b u t w it h t h e in c r e a se d e a se o f u se a n d a c c e ss, u sin g sim u l a t io n w il l c o n t in u e t o r ise . ( I m a g e c o u r t e sy o f t h e B u sin e ss A d v a n t a g e R e so u r c e G r o u p ) A p p l i e d S c i e n c e s | F r e e F u l l - T e x t | M o d e l i n g a n d S i m u l a t i o n o f P r o c e s s e s i n a F a c t o r y o f t h e F u t u r e ( m d p i . c o m ) Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 7 Simulation is a Window Into the Future of Your Manufacturing Operation | NIST Exploring the state-of-the-art process, we find that many efforts are looking for the green and virtual state which we call glass.
  • 18. Slide 18 V3 Prim ar y Evolut ion Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 8 Production vs Simulation Background… Introduction and background Since its inception, simulation has been applied to various sectors, such as manufacturing, services, defense, healthcare, and public services. It is recognized as the second most widely used technique in the field of operations management, the most popular being ‘Modelling’ [ 97] , [ 3] . Its use has been transformed by the invention and evolution of the computer, which has supported the uptake of practical simulation tools and techniques. The suitability or appropriateness and relevance of Literature-review methodology Our review reports on the academic publications about simulation applications in manufacturing and business over the 10 years from 1997 to 2006. It includes all the simulation techniques encountered in the literature and follows an extensive, systematic search within the academic peer-reviewed literature. The review also contains both empirical and non-empirical studies focusing mainly on the former group. It reviews past research into process and management rather than into engineering, Supply chain cooperation in industrial districts: A simulation analysis - ScienceDirect - 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 BRIDGE-GATE WALL REPLICATION MODELS CLOUD-STAR WINDOW DIM PORT BRANCH SUPPLY CHAIN MU PROPERTIES NETWORK Count Cost Volumized T3&T4 Media Relationship (Glass) T3&T4 Build Media 18L M2 ARK MEDIA TYPOGRAPHY START REPAIR AND CONSTRUCT MEDIA PT T3&T4 Story Media 18L M2 ARK MEDIA TYPOGRAPHY START REPAIR AND CONSTRUCT MEDIA PT T3&T4 Network 18L M4 BEGI N DEFINE CAR/ ROAD RELATION BIG PUSH THREAD AND ENCRYPT ROAD/ CAR ME Digital The Production vs. Simulation argument is as simple as Test, Development and Production but the problem is that Simulation at present is or can be a costly tool WE want to explore the means from portal evolution to make the cost of simulation more reasonable. And that Instances can be performed that are more conducive to solid state engineering in glass as well as high performance mechanics. The Production Book is a product of the Media Storyboard.
  • 19. Slide 19 Sim ulations begin w ith lots of research Sim ula t ions a r e a necessa r y const r uct ion of t he da t a t ha t develops a m odel of t he pr oblem needed t o be solved. W e w ill w r it e m or e on t his t opic nex t . A bet t er int er ior m edia t ha t w ill net w or k t o t he ex t er na l m a r ket is indica t ed. Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 1 9 Note that our emulated company Magi and Marcus did not Partner in the Community until the end of the project. Simulation Modeling is always about finding the impact of certain variables or drivers in a process. Much research is spent on eliciting data from the field for finding the impact across certain periods and in making a densified field for emulation. Our research into this glass model is a study across many different types of high-end impact on the architectural services industry but primarily from the standpoint of fabrication of consequential structures, parts, conveyances and energy delivery
  • 20. Slide 20 Sim ulation Advantages • W it hin t he Gla ss pr oj ect t he st a ge a f t er r em ot e a ssim ila t ion is pa r t ner ing • The need t o pa r t ner t o sim ula t e t he building pr ocess successfully w it h inst a ncing in t he solid- st a t e a ssim ila t ions Currently the general trend characterizing the management of supply relationships in SCM is the shift from an arm’s length to a partnership approach (Ellram, 1991; Lamming, 1993), wherein Supply Chain firms cooperate. Page 261 (IBID) SCM is Supply Chain Management Banks have access to supply chains through covenant lines of credit and also the markets for product innovations. Because of this their portals make a tremendous resource for simulation partnering and lowered cost implications due to the volume of service agents. Ark Media is the means to the complete streaming of all engaged relational requirements and portal delivery.
  • 21. Slide 21 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 1 We will constructively work on the simulation purpose of this model in our next paper. Glass and Green in our papers are not on a meta basis 1W Glass systems begin with a small 6-layer system and then cube-fy to 18-layers. After this there is a dimensional window and then a portal that permits remote building. Localized site development and product development is preceding the scientific assets that must be required and then miniaturized for mobile conveyance purposes.
  • 22. Slide 22 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 2 Appendix I The use of P @Q in this paper is more pronounced and so our Appendix is included.
  • 23. Slide 23 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 3 Appendix II Unit burden Save This Evidence of the Impact Factor or IF is necessary to support conclusions about the exterior market characteristic; Here we left a calculation for next paper because it is a branching problem.
  • 24. Slide 24 T h i s P a p e r i n D e s i g n S e r i e s Devising a Test Strategy to find Markers for the Moments in the Captivation of the Project that define the wall migration, the uplift, the distinct change in the arrays that point to the position of the project from componentization to solid state and other chores that make a simulation modeling strategy a great venture for investors and stakeholders to the project, to take hold of the imminent domain. SSE Ring Test Background Appendix III Reasons for Simulation of Phase Mechanics Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 2 4 Our Design Series papers continue to examine developmental aspects of the project. Cascading in Green takes us to the Green Wall Requirements and wall migrations, while the next paper dedicated to scientific solutions for remote ends of the business will delve deeper into the knowledge necessary to package the scientific assets for mobile use. Transition from Wall to Portal to Cloud-Star fluency continues with the need to simulate outcomes.
  • 25. Slide 25 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g , LLC Jean Mar sh al l 2 5 Next P a p e r i n D e si g n Se r i e s 1. The Scope of Glass Projects: Benchmarking and IF Factor for the scope determination of Glass and STRABO serialization for Agile 2. Glass Impact: Streaming the Engineering of Components, Solid State Assemblage, Table Design Outcomes 3. Cascading in Green: The theories and concepts related to the Green Wall and the starting compositing of green energy and wall migrations. 4. SSE: The Remote End: How Solid-State Engineering is Performance mined and delivered remotely 5. Cloud-Star Evolution: Where Cloud and Star Evolve to Fluency 6. Simulations in Diminishing Scale: The use of Ring and Lens SSE CASCADE IMPACT SCOPE CLOUD-STAR Brij Consulting, LLC | SlideShare Part I: City Scale Part II: Remote Scale Part III: Confluent Scale Three parts of the Simulations project explore cloud depth, cloud reach and cloud layers SIMULATIONS Our next paper in the design series will focus on simulations and specifically Part I: City Scale. We will begin to highlight the vector requirements for tasking in our current model and the need for lens facets for scale differentiation.
  • 26. Slide 26 1. Portal Prosperity: An overview of Glass Theory and Ark Design develops property reconcilement for Conveyance 2. Crossover Conveyance: Beginning with Remote Signature, threading the advancing fingerprint with a glass path and integral site management, moving into SIMULATIONS in Real Time 3. Converge- The Remote Build: Tasks to consider the process of converging to the Remote Build Site and what considerations are given to producing a remote service or build out of a productive requirement, introducing sandbox theory. Phase I only considers the Kitchen Tech. Phase II is involved in whole home Media and Tech in Glass. Phase III develops the land and its attributes. This is three separate papers. 6 / 7 / 2 0 2 3 Br i j Co n su l t i n g LLC, Jean A. Mar sh al l 2 6 1. Studying T&MM: the requirement for certification of mobility for competent conveyances 2. Portal Projects: the evidence, timing and intelligent use of portals 3. Calling it Green: Components of Green Energy, short review: Calling it Green requires new uses of potential and ^studies in wave glass and graphical relationships can raise up a green energy fluency that will lead to energy self-sufficiency 4. Dimensions in Multivariant Fabrications: Determining Forms and Contents of Green Energy and Blue Wave Cascade; relating elements to current science and future requirements 5. Wave and Lens Assimilation: The means to compile and to build in Glass Systems is described. The use of secant math. 6. Math Solutions for Wave and Lens Assimilations: See also Commentary for Math Solutions 7. Supply Side Portfolio: Timing and Model of Glass and Green events to fulfill path… Does the Tan Line help? 8. Partners in T Pluribus Unum: Measuring with Diacritical Marks 1. Portfolio Wheels: Study of Secants and Wheels in the Dynamic requirement for Media to write and produce in Ark Science and Dimensional Systems, Introduction of the Story “Eru finds a Golden Pen.” 2. Ark Media: The Dialogue of the Story and the Construction of Storyboards, Mix and Remix specifications, beginning crosswalk and encryptions 3. Builds and Simulations: Discuss Matrix Trees, Migratory Patterns and the use of Secants to Build tooling 4. The Corner of Mu Sic: an update of our Digital Paper on Mu Sic to include Ark encryptions and design considerations 5. The Glass House: Magi and Marcus Engineering plans to invest in a Plait Glass facility for building and research in remote Ark Science. Start of Tooling and Secant Design for the Construction Industry 6. The Remote Build: Planning a Theoretical Production for untried Architecture 7. Glass Mix Z-Form: Production Walk-Thru Glass Mix and Forms, leads into the Write Process 8. Bridging the Instance: Now operating multiple instances must bridge the operations, learn about deciduous models and deliberate the outcome of operations for the 2022 Plan of Magi and Marcus 9. Architectural Builds and Designs: Looking into Delivery Mechanics and the Products themselves 10. Pipes and Plaits in Ark Mode Design: How the Plait Pipe System assists with Land Products. See Number Theory 11. Continuous Modeling: Moving away from the Contiguous Model to a strategy of seamless integration of methods and modes of operation. See Number Theory. 12. The Glass Warehouse: From Start to Finish the streamlined operations of the Marcus and Magi Engineering remote architectural process 13. Branch- Sound and Image Construction: Characterizing the branch capability of new applications, appliances and mode[ls] of operations 1. Ark in Glass: Changing the Schema for Ark Mode crossover, beginning study of Secants and Wheels for the “cube-ified glass” engineering of Imaging, sound and motion characteristics. 2. The New Stone: Simulations and Re-instancing to package, confect and view glass media 3. Dimensional Building: Dimensional Arrays, Z strength, Product Media, Interdimensional Matrices. 4. The Dynamic Instance: Product Media Discussed 5. The Glass Build: Base Build and Modules Assembled, considering impact of dimensional systems 6. Glass in the Making: Costing and Loading, Assembly and Assimilation, IP Defined, Logos 7. Art of the Science: What can be made? Assimilation discussed, look at basic product ideas 8. Digital Glass Production: Pipe Transit and RIK Declare, Batch Appliance (Dialogue paper) 9. Imposition of Value Engineering: Establishing and Justifying the Load for Pipe Transit 10. The Digital Plait Position: Engineering Design of the Load and Thruput 11. ^Mu Sic in the Advancing Age: Use of Fingerprint and Encryption for Operational Loads 12. Engineering Objects: The Purpose of this Paper is to Consider the means to raise up a Digital Portal Production System using appliances gained through Plait Object and Gate driven configurations that work with Digital Mechanics. Six-Layer Glass and Appliances 13. Instancing at the Gate: Use of Gates and Instances, bridging of the engineering process 14. Interpolative Scope: Use of a Demand and Production Scope for building and delivery of product, learning to specify material, looking for union of Vector 15. Functional Glass: Fitness for Function and Moral Intelligence, Bayesian Analysis 16. The Glass Wall: This is a very difficult staging of advanced engineering to depict …Motivated by sound it creates a means by sound to cascade light for safe and wireless power 17. The Glass Wave: Learning to Plait Gates, Reconcile Metrics to Scorecard, and load value of Scrum 18. Scrum Costing w/notes (Book It Daniel): establishing scrum standards (Dialogue paper) 19. Gate Plait Green (Mark It Mark): first scalable plait arrangement overcomes bottleneck (Dialogue paper) 20. Scorecard Integration (Map It Ralph): A review of mappings to date, marking old vs. new (Dialogue paper) Motion Projects-8 Remote Theory-5 Ark Model-13 Digital-20 Go to wave-and-lens-assimilationpdf Roadmap: # 47 & # 48 & # 49 Dimensional Building in Ark Design Glass Cars and New Product Roadmap Calendar Cartography Building with Glass #50 New Remote Theory Ark Model Motion Projects Building The Learning Series