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McKinsey & Company 1
Two-thirds of consumers in Qatar are optimistic about a quick
economic recovery after COVID-19
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
Apr 24–May 1
Confidence in own country’s economic recovery after COVID-191
% of respondents
Unsure: The economy will be impacted
for 6–12 months or longer and will
stagnate or show slow growth thereafter
Pessimistic: COVID-19 will have lasting
impact on the economy and show
regression/fall into lengthy recession
Optimistic: The economy will rebound
within 2–3 months and grow just as
strong as or stronger than before
1 Q: How is your overall confidence level in economic conditions after the COVID-19 situation? Rated from 1 “very optimistic” to 6 “very pessimistic”; figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
McKinsey & Company 2
Consumers are feeling the financial impact of the crisis and expect
to cut back on spending
Strongly disagree / disagree Strongly agree / agreeSomewhat disagree / agree
My health or my family/friends’ health has been negatively affected by
coronavirus or COVID-19
I am very concerned about losing my job
My ability to make financial ends meet has been negatively impacted
by coronavirus or COVID-19
My ability to work has been reduced by coronavirus or COVID-19
Uncertainty about the economy is preventing me from making
purchases or investments that I would otherwise make
I am cutting back on my spending
Given the economy and my personal finances,
I have to be very careful how I spend my money
My income has been negatively impacted by coronavirus or COVID-19
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
Overall sentiment in the general population in Qatar1
% of respondents
1 Q: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please select only one response for each statement; figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
2 Measures difference in “strongly agree / agree” between current and last pulse survey.
McKinsey & Company 3
Household income1,2
% of respondents
Reduce slightly / reduce a lot About the same Increase slightly / increase a lot
Past 2 weeks Next 2 weeks
More than half of consumers experienced a decline in income and
savings during the past two weeks
Household spending1,2
% of respondents
Next 2 weeksPast 2 weeks
April 24–May 1
Household savings1,2
% of respondents
Past 2 weeks
Next 2 weeks
April 24–May 1 April 24–May 1
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
1 Q: How has the COVID-19 situation affected your (family’s) overall available income, spending, and savings in the past two weeks? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
2 Q: How do you think your overall available income, spending, and savings may change in the next two weeks? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
McKinsey & Company 4
Consumers expect to decrease spending across all categories, with
the exception of groceries and household supplies
18Personal-care products
Tobacco products
Quick-service restaurant
Food takeout & delivery
Furnishings & appliances
Non-food child products
Household supplies
4Skin care & makeup
Expected spending per category over the next two weeks compared to usual1
% of respondents
Stay the sameDecrease Increase
Fitness & wellness
Pet-care services
Entertainment at home
Consumer electronics
Out-of-home entertainment
Hotel/resort stays
Personal-care services
Vehicle purchases
3Short-term home rentals
Travel by car
Adventures & tours
International flights
Domestic flights
Net intent2
1 Q: Over the next two weeks, do you expect that you will spend more, about the same, or less money on these categories than usual? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease spending from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase spending.
3 Insufficient sample size (n < 30)
Net intent2
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 5
Consumers plan to shop online for at-home entertainment, food
takeout and delivery, groceries, and household supplies
-35 -5
-30 -15
0 5 10
15 2520
Personal-care products
(e.g., soap, shampoo)
Food takeout & delivery
at home (e.g., Netflix)
Household supplies
(e.g., cleaning, laundry)
Furnishings &
Skin care & makeup
Non-food child products
(e.g., diapers)
TobaccoFitness &
Household essentials
Entertainment at home
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
1 Q: And where do you expect you’ll buy these categories? Tell us if you will shop in the following places more, about the same, or less in the next two weeks; please note, if you don’t buy in one of these places
today and won’t in next two weeks, please select “N/A”; did not ask this question for categories not shown.
2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease shopping frequency from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase shopping frequency.
Expected change in shopping channel per category over the next two weeks1
Axes show net intent,2 bubble size relative to share of respondents that have purchased category in last six months
McKinsey & Company 6
Consumers expect to spend more time cooking, using social media,
and consuming video content
Reading news online
Fixing things around the house
Movies or shows
Social media
Texting, chatting, messaging
Video content
Online/remote learning
Live news
IncreaseDecrease Stay the same
Net intent2
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
Expected change to time allocation over the next two weeks1
% of respondents
1 Q: Over the next two weeks, how much time do you expect to spend on these activities compared to how much time you normally spend on them? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease time spent from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase time spent.
McKinsey & Company 7
Health of relatives and uncertainty about the duration of the
situation are top concerns for Qatari residents
Negative impact on my job or income
Not knowing how long the situation will last
Health of my relatives in vulnerable populations
Overall public health
My personal health
Safety of myself or my family
Taking care of my family
Impact on upcoming travel plans
Contributing to the spread of the virus
Impact on upcoming events
Negative impact on my business
Not being able to make ends meet
The Qatar economy
1 Q: What concerns you most about the COVID-19 situation? Possible answers: “not a concern”; “minimally concerned”; “somewhat concerned”; “very concerned”; “extremely concerned.”
Largest concerns of the Qatar population related to COVID-191
% of respondents who are very concerned or extremely concerned
Very concerned /
extremely concerned
of Qatar residents are
very or extremely
concerned about the
health of relatives in
vulnerable populations
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 8
Qatar residents believe that the personal and financial impact of
COVID-19 will last well beyond two months
4–6 months
0–1 month
2–3 months
7–12 months
More than one year
7–12 months
0–1 month
No impact
2–3 months
More than one year
4–6 months
Adjustments to routines1
% of respondents
Impact on personal/household finances2
% of respondents
believe it will take
2+ months before
routines can return to
believe their finances
will be impacted for
2+ months by the
COVID-19 situation
1 Q: How long do you believe you need to adjust your routines, given the current COVID-19 situation, before things return back to normal in Qatar (e.g., government lifts restrictions on events/travel)? Figures
may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
2 Q: How long do you believe your personal/household finances will be impacted by the COVID-19 situation? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 9
Have you used or done any of the following since COVID-19 started1
% of respondents
1 Q: Have you used or done any of the following since the COVID-19 situation started? If yes, Q: Which best describes when you have done or used each of these items? Possible answers: “just started using since COVID-19 started”;
“using more since COVID-19 started”; “using about the same since COVID-19 started”; “using less since COVID-19 started.”
Playing online games
Telemedicine: mental
Video chat: personal
Spending time outdoors
Remote learning: my children
Telemedicine: physical
Digital exercise machine
Online fitness
Remote learning: myself
Videoconferencing: professional
Watching e-sports
Wellness app
Online streaming
Store curbside pickup 2%
Buy online for in-store pickup
Restaurant delivery
Quick-serve restaurant drive-thru
Restaurant curbside pickup 3%
In-store self-checkout
Grocery delivery
3%Meal-kit delivery
Not using Using moreUsing less / the same Just started using
Qatar residents have picked up new digital activities, including
remote learning, videoconferencing, and grocery delivery
Consumers have intensified their behavior for many of
these activities, including online streaming,
videoconferencing, remote learning, and food delivery
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 10
Looking beyond COVID-19, consumers expect to shop for groceries
and other goods in-store rather than online
1 Q: Once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided, which of the following do you think you will do more or less compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation started? Possible answers: “will reduce this”; “will do the same
as before coronavirus”; “will increase this.” Excludes work-from-home category.
2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease time spent from the % of respondents stating to increase time spent.
23%Shop online for groceries
Shop in physical stores (non-grocery)
Domestic travel
International travel
Go to movies, concerts, and other events
Go to the mall
Shop in physical grocery stores
Shop online (non-grocery)
Decrease Stay the same IncreaseExpectations for consumer behavior after COVID-19, relative to pre-crisis1
% of respondents
Net intent2
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 11
Consumer changes to digital and low-touch activities fall into three
primary buckets
1 Q: Compared to now, will you do or use the following more, less or not at all, once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided? Possible answers: “will stop this”; “will reduce this”; “will keep doing what I am doing now”, “will increase this.”
2 User growth is calculated as % of respondents who replied that they are new users over % of respondents who replied that they were either: increased usage users, same usage users, or reduced usage users.
Intent to use after COVID-191
Percent of new or increased users who intend to keep doing activity after COVID-19
Low (<45%) Medium-high (>45%)
Works for now
Activities necessitated by
COVID-19 that are poor
substitutes for in-person
counterparts and
consequently have lower
intent to continue
Accelerated shifts
Satisfactory digital replacements for
in-person activities and connectivity,
with growing adoption
Potentially here to stay
New and familiar forms of
entertainment and interaction with
medium-high intent to continue
 User growth is defined as the percent of
respondents who replied that they are new
users over the percent of respondents who
replied that they were using this service
 Intent to continue is defined as the percent of
respondents who replied that, after COVID-19,
they will keep their usage at the same level or
will increase usage
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 12
Post COVID-19 usage intent is higher for online wellness apps and
food delivery; lower for COVID-19 workarounds
1 Q: Compared to now, will you do or use the following more, less, or not at all, once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided? Possible answers: “will stop this”; ”will reduce this”; “will keep doing what I am doing now”; “will increase this.”
2 User growth is calculated as % of respondents who replied that they are new users over % of respondents who replied that they were using the product/service pre-COVID (using more, using the same or using less).
Intent to use after COVID-191
Percent of new or increased users who intend to keep doing activity after COVID-19
Low (<45%) Medium-high (>45%)
Works for now Accelerated shifts
Potentially here to stayRestaurant curb-side pickup 26% 41%
Drive-thru line for fast food 19% 41%
Switched to a discount store for “basics” 9% 28%
Telemedicine: mental
Telemedicine: physical
Remote learning: my children
Videoconferencing: professional use
Intent to
133% 53%
125% 54%
92% 45%
73% 58%
Intent to
Shopped a website not used before for “basics” 79% 32%
Changed my primary grocery store 78% 36%
Used TikTok 52% 44%
Store curbside pickup 44% 38%
Spent time outdoors 43% 25%
Physical store self-checkout or “scan & go” 42% 37%
Shopped at website not used before for “non-
63% 29%
Shopped at store not shopped before for
72% 36%
Buy online for in-store pick-up 58% 37%
Intent to
Meal-kit delivery 37% 68%
Online fitness 36% 100%
Grocery delivery 31% 63%
Digital exercise machine 29% 69%
Online streaming 27% 62%
Watching online gaming 27% 50%
Intent to
Remote learning: self 25% 48%
Wellness app 21% 82%
Playing online gaming 21% 48%
Virtual hangouts, video chats:
17% 58%
Restaurant delivery 7% 65%
Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
McKinsey & Company 13
McKinsey does not provide legal, medical, or other regulated advice or
guarantee results. These materials reflect general insight and best practice
based on information currently available and do not contain all of the
information needed to determine a future course of action. Such information
has not been generated or independently verified by McKinsey and is
inherently uncertain and subject to change. McKinsey has no obligation to
update these materials and makes no representation or warranty and
expressly disclaims any liability with respect thereto.

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McKinsey Survey: Qatari consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis

  • 1. McKinsey & Company 1 Two-thirds of consumers in Qatar are optimistic about a quick economic recovery after COVID-19 29% 67% 5% Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years Apr 24–May 1 Qatar Confidence in own country’s economic recovery after COVID-191 % of respondents Unsure: The economy will be impacted for 6–12 months or longer and will stagnate or show slow growth thereafter Pessimistic: COVID-19 will have lasting impact on the economy and show regression/fall into lengthy recession Optimistic: The economy will rebound within 2–3 months and grow just as strong as or stronger than before COVID-19 1 Q: How is your overall confidence level in economic conditions after the COVID-19 situation? Rated from 1 “very optimistic” to 6 “very pessimistic”; figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
  • 2. McKinsey & Company 2 Consumers are feeling the financial impact of the crisis and expect to cut back on spending 33% 16% 22% 18% 9% 41% 42% 34% 36% 37% 35% 29% 15% 26% 42% 44% 47% 54% 61% 67% 83% 5% 5% 2% Strongly disagree / disagree Strongly agree / agreeSomewhat disagree / agree My health or my family/friends’ health has been negatively affected by coronavirus or COVID-19 I am very concerned about losing my job My ability to make financial ends meet has been negatively impacted by coronavirus or COVID-19 My ability to work has been reduced by coronavirus or COVID-19 Uncertainty about the economy is preventing me from making purchases or investments that I would otherwise make I am cutting back on my spending Given the economy and my personal finances, I have to be very careful how I spend my money My income has been negatively impacted by coronavirus or COVID-19 Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years Overall sentiment in the general population in Qatar1 % of respondents 1 Q: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Please select only one response for each statement; figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. 2 Measures difference in “strongly agree / agree” between current and last pulse survey.
  • 3. McKinsey & Company 3 Household income1,2 % of respondents Reduce slightly / reduce a lot About the same Increase slightly / increase a lot 41% 3% 47% 56% 49% 3% Past 2 weeks Next 2 weeks More than half of consumers experienced a decline in income and savings during the past two weeks Household spending1,2 % of respondents 20% 36% 31% 44% Next 2 weeksPast 2 weeks 36% 33% April 24–May 1 Household savings1,2 % of respondents 17% 24% 53%58% 16% Past 2 weeks 31% Next 2 weeks April 24–May 1 April 24–May 1 Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years 1 Q: How has the COVID-19 situation affected your (family’s) overall available income, spending, and savings in the past two weeks? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. 2 Q: How do you think your overall available income, spending, and savings may change in the next two weeks? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
  • 4. McKinsey & Company 4 Consumers expect to decrease spending across all categories, with the exception of groceries and household supplies 15 43 25 40 60 70 79 70 86 81 23 25 19 60 80 35 17 12 13 13 11 5 5 14 29 18Personal-care products Tobacco products Groceries Jewelry Snacks Quick-service restaurant Food takeout & delivery Alcohol 3 Restaurant Furnishings & appliances Footwear 4Apparel 4Accessories Non-food child products Household supplies 4Skin care & makeup Expected spending per category over the next two weeks compared to usual1 % of respondents Stay the sameDecrease Increase 29 59 62 78 26 61 68 50 65 41 61 70 84 71 87 77 22 11 10 10 13 13 8 6 8 15 6 6 7 6 8 Fitness & wellness Gasoline Pet-care services Entertainment at home Books/magazines/newspapers Consumer electronics Out-of-home entertainment Hotel/resort stays Personal-care services Vehicle purchases 3Short-term home rentals Travel by car Cruises Adventures & tours International flights Domestic flights Net intent2 1 Q: Over the next two weeks, do you expect that you will spend more, about the same, or less money on these categories than usual? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. 2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease spending from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase spending. 3 Insufficient sample size (n < 30) -7 -48 -52 -68 -13 -48 -60 -44 -57 -38 -46 -64 -78 -64 -81 -69 Net intent2 +20 -9 +4 -77 -26 -13 -27 N/A3 -47 -59 -74 -66 -81 -77 -1 -56 Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years N/A3
  • 5. McKinsey & Company 5 Consumers plan to shop online for at-home entertainment, food takeout and delivery, groceries, and household supplies -20 -20 0 -35 -5 -70 -25 -10 -30 -15 -30 -10 -50 0 5 10 -40 15 2520 -60 10 Personal-care products (e.g., soap, shampoo) Groceries Consumer electronics Accessories Food takeout & delivery Snacks Entertainment at home (e.g., Netflix) Household supplies (e.g., cleaning, laundry) Furnishings & appliances Skin care & makeup Books/ magazines/ newspapers Footwear Non-food child products (e.g., diapers) Apparel Jewelry TobaccoFitness & wellness Household essentials Entertainment at home Discretionary In-store Online Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years 1 Q: And where do you expect you’ll buy these categories? Tell us if you will shop in the following places more, about the same, or less in the next two weeks; please note, if you don’t buy in one of these places today and won’t in next two weeks, please select “N/A”; did not ask this question for categories not shown. 2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease shopping frequency from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase shopping frequency. Expected change in shopping channel per category over the next two weeks1 Axes show net intent,2 bubble size relative to share of respondents that have purchased category in last six months
  • 6. McKinsey & Company 6 Consumers expect to spend more time cooking, using social media, and consuming video content 10% 10% 12% 16% 10% 11% 22% 24% 17% 22% 24% 31% 37% 38% 35% 44% 44% 36% 38% 47% 44% 47% 58% 53% 51% 50% 47% 46% 42% 38% 37% 33% 30% Reading news online Fixing things around the house Movies or shows Cooking Social media Texting, chatting, messaging Video content Online/remote learning Live news Exercise Meditation/mindfulness IncreaseDecrease Stay the same Net intent2 +48 +43 +39 +34 +37 +35 +20 +14 +20 +11 +6 +39 +37 +34 +33 +30 +26 +25 +14 +14 +14 +14 Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years Expected change to time allocation over the next two weeks1 % of respondents 1 Q: Over the next two weeks, how much time do you expect to spend on these activities compared to how much time you normally spend on them? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. 2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease time spent from the % of respondents stating they expect to increase time spent.
  • 7. McKinsey & Company 7 Health of relatives and uncertainty about the duration of the situation are top concerns for Qatari residents 68% 66% 66% 65% 63% 57% 56% 53% 52% 46% 42% 38% 37% Negative impact on my job or income Not knowing how long the situation will last Health of my relatives in vulnerable populations Overall public health My personal health Safety of myself or my family Taking care of my family Impact on upcoming travel plans Contributing to the spread of the virus Impact on upcoming events Negative impact on my business Not being able to make ends meet The Qatar economy 1 Q: What concerns you most about the COVID-19 situation? Possible answers: “not a concern”; “minimally concerned”; “somewhat concerned”; “very concerned”; “extremely concerned.” Largest concerns of the Qatar population related to COVID-191 % of respondents who are very concerned or extremely concerned Very concerned / extremely concerned 68% of Qatar residents are very or extremely concerned about the health of relatives in vulnerable populations Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 8. McKinsey & Company 8 Qatar residents believe that the personal and financial impact of COVID-19 will last well beyond two months 4–6 months 7% 31% 12% 44% 6% 0–1 month 2–3 months 7–12 months More than one year 6% 6% 37% 31% 13% 8% 7–12 months 0–1 month No impact 2–3 months More than one year 4–6 months Adjustments to routines1 % of respondents Impact on personal/household finances2 % of respondents ~88% believe it will take 2+ months before routines can return to normal ~88% believe their finances will be impacted for 2+ months by the COVID-19 situation 1 Q: How long do you believe you need to adjust your routines, given the current COVID-19 situation, before things return back to normal in Qatar (e.g., government lifts restrictions on events/travel)? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. 2 Q: How long do you believe your personal/household finances will be impacted by the COVID-19 situation? Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 9. McKinsey & Company 9 Have you used or done any of the following since COVID-19 started1 % of respondents 1 Q: Have you used or done any of the following since the COVID-19 situation started? If yes, Q: Which best describes when you have done or used each of these items? Possible answers: “just started using since COVID-19 started”; “using more since COVID-19 started”; “using about the same since COVID-19 started”; “using less since COVID-19 started.” 28% 25% 18% 20% 22% 9% 6% 9% 10% 9% 11% 7% 16% 20% 7% 5% 6% 4% 5% 9% Playing online games Telemedicine: mental Video chat: personal Spending time outdoors Remote learning: my children 2% Telemedicine: physical 0% Digital exercise machine Online fitness 1% TikTok 2% Remote learning: myself 3% Videoconferencing: professional Watching e-sports Wellness app Online streaming 2% 2% 2% 30% 25% 11% 11% 14% 4% 10% 4% 8% 11% Store curbside pickup 2% Buy online for in-store pickup Restaurant delivery Quick-serve restaurant drive-thru Restaurant curbside pickup 3% In-store self-checkout Grocery delivery 3%Meal-kit delivery 2% 2% 1% Not using Using moreUsing less / the same Just started using Qatar residents have picked up new digital activities, including remote learning, videoconferencing, and grocery delivery Consumers have intensified their behavior for many of these activities, including online streaming, videoconferencing, remote learning, and food delivery Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 10. McKinsey & Company 10 Looking beyond COVID-19, consumers expect to shop for groceries and other goods in-store rather than online 1 Q: Once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided, which of the following do you think you will do more or less compared to before the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation started? Possible answers: “will reduce this”; “will do the same as before coronavirus”; “will increase this.” Excludes work-from-home category. 2 Net intent is calculated by subtracting the % of respondents stating they expect to decrease time spent from the % of respondents stating to increase time spent. 20% 20% 22% 30% 26% 28% 35% 40% 57% 57% 55% 40% 48% 47% 41% 38% 24% 23% 23% 30% 26% 25% 24% 23%Shop online for groceries Shop in physical stores (non-grocery) Domestic travel International travel Go to movies, concerts, and other events Go to the mall Shop in physical grocery stores Shop online (non-grocery) Decrease Stay the same IncreaseExpectations for consumer behavior after COVID-19, relative to pre-crisis1 % of respondents Net intent2 +4 0 0 -3 -11 -17 +3 +1 Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 11. McKinsey & Company 11 Consumer changes to digital and low-touch activities fall into three primary buckets 1 Q: Compared to now, will you do or use the following more, less or not at all, once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided? Possible answers: “will stop this”; “will reduce this”; “will keep doing what I am doing now”, “will increase this.” 2 User growth is calculated as % of respondents who replied that they are new users over % of respondents who replied that they were either: increased usage users, same usage users, or reduced usage users. UsergrowthsinceCOVID-192 High(>40%)Low(<40%) Intent to use after COVID-191 Percent of new or increased users who intend to keep doing activity after COVID-19 Low (<45%) Medium-high (>45%) Works for now Activities necessitated by COVID-19 that are poor substitutes for in-person counterparts and consequently have lower intent to continue Accelerated shifts Satisfactory digital replacements for in-person activities and connectivity, with growing adoption Potentially here to stay New and familiar forms of entertainment and interaction with medium-high intent to continue  User growth is defined as the percent of respondents who replied that they are new users over the percent of respondents who replied that they were using this service pre-COVID-19  Intent to continue is defined as the percent of respondents who replied that, after COVID-19, they will keep their usage at the same level or will increase usage Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 12. McKinsey & Company 12 Post COVID-19 usage intent is higher for online wellness apps and food delivery; lower for COVID-19 workarounds 1 Q: Compared to now, will you do or use the following more, less, or not at all, once the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has subsided? Possible answers: “will stop this”; ”will reduce this”; “will keep doing what I am doing now”; “will increase this.” 2 User growth is calculated as % of respondents who replied that they are new users over % of respondents who replied that they were using the product/service pre-COVID (using more, using the same or using less). Intent to use after COVID-191 Percent of new or increased users who intend to keep doing activity after COVID-19 UsergrowthsinceCOVID-192 High(>40%)Low(<40%) Low (<45%) Medium-high (>45%) Works for now Accelerated shifts Potentially here to stayRestaurant curb-side pickup 26% 41% Drive-thru line for fast food 19% 41% Switched to a discount store for “basics” 9% 28% Telemedicine: mental Telemedicine: physical Remote learning: my children Videoconferencing: professional use User growth Intent to continue 133% 53% 125% 54% 92% 45% 73% 58% User growth Intent to continue Shopped a website not used before for “basics” 79% 32% Changed my primary grocery store 78% 36% Used TikTok 52% 44% Store curbside pickup 44% 38% Spent time outdoors 43% 25% Physical store self-checkout or “scan & go” 42% 37% Shopped at website not used before for “non- basics” 63% 29% Shopped at store not shopped before for groceries 72% 36% Buy online for in-store pick-up 58% 37% User growth Intent to continue Meal-kit delivery 37% 68% Online fitness 36% 100% Grocery delivery 31% 63% Digital exercise machine 29% 69% Online streaming 27% 62% Watching online gaming 27% 50% User growth Intent to continue Remote learning: self 25% 48% Wellness app 21% 82% Playing online gaming 21% 48% Virtual hangouts, video chats: personal 17% 58% Restaurant delivery 7% 65% Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 Qatar Consumer Pulse Survey 4/24–5/1/2020, n = 251, sampled and weighted to match Qatar’s general population 18+ years
  • 13. McKinsey & Company 13 Disclaimer McKinsey does not provide legal, medical, or other regulated advice or guarantee results. These materials reflect general insight and best practice based on information currently available and do not contain all of the information needed to determine a future course of action. Such information has not been generated or independently verified by McKinsey and is inherently uncertain and subject to change. McKinsey has no obligation to update these materials and makes no representation or warranty and expressly disclaims any liability with respect thereto.

Notas del editor

  1. Removed the following: 1/ Meal kit: very low general adoption, trend mirrored those of restaurant & grocerys 2/ Fitness: Wellness App & Digital exercise machines – mirrored online personal training & fitness; in addition, had limited adoption 3/ Telemedicine – removed both physical health & mental health as total adoption low 4/ Watching online gaming – very similar to trend in "playing online gaming”
  2. Removed the following: 1/ Meal kit: very low general adoption, trend mirrored those of restaurant & grocerys 2/ Fitness: Wellness App & Digital exercise machines – mirrored online personal training & fitness; in addition, had limited adoption 3/ Telemedicine – removed both physical health & mental health as total adoption low 4/ Watching online gaming – very similar to trend in "playing online gaming”
  3. Removed the following: 1/ Meal kit: very low general adoption, trend mirrored those of restaurant & grocerys 2/ Fitness: Wellness App & Digital exercise machines – mirrored online personal training & fitness; in addition, had limited adoption 3/ Telemedicine – removed both physical health & mental health as total adoption low 4/ Watching online gaming – very similar to trend in "playing online gaming”