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Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Micaela J. Buttiglieri
Sala: Sala de 5 años
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes
Cantidad de alumnos: 15
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Juguetes (Toys everywhere!)
Semana Nº: 1 (uno)
Teaching points: Toys: a car, a teddy bear, a rope, a kite, a doll, a plane
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
 Be able to identify several toys in English.
 Be able to interact with the teacher and their classmates online by developing individual work and
collaborative work.
 Incorporate new vocabulary about toys and new sentence structures.
 Develop their listening ability by listening to the teacher.
 Develop their speaking ability by saying the toys’ names in English.
 Deepen their understanding of commands/ instructions in L2 while developing their social skills.
Language Focus
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
- Hello! Bye - Bye!
- How are you today? Fine!
- Sit Down!
- Stand up!
- Look!
- Listen!
- Come here! Please.
- Very good!
- Greeting.
- Following commands
and/or instructions.
- Introducing oneself.
WH- questions and answers:
“What’s your name?”
My name is….
- A car
- A Teddy bear
- A rope
- A kite
- A doll
- A plane
- Following commands
and/or instructions.
- Saying the names of toys
- Identifying toys.
- Sentence structure:
“It is a…” / “It’s a…”
- WH- questions and
“What is it?”
It is a…..
Teaching approach: Natural approach.
- I will be part of a Whatsapp’s group with the kindergarten students’ family members in order to clarify
doubts or queries about the activities and lessons.
- I will record the beginning of the lesson on Voicethread, and send the link to learners’ parents, explaining
them that this is the way we are going to start each meeting: by greeting each other singing the song “Hello,
hello! Can you clap your hands?”.
- I will also send them the link of the song on You Tube that we will sing at the beginning of the lesson, so
learners can practice and listen to it at home before our meeting.
- I will create a Padlet to work with toys, which will be set up with public access, in order to allow learners’
families to share their photos and to participate on it.
- I will send a Whatsapp message to the families Whatsapp’ group telling parents that I will send them the
link of the video on You Tube which we will sing to greet each other at the beginning of the meeting. In this
way, learners will be able to watch it and practice it at home previously.
I will also say to them that I will share the link of a video on Voicethread, in which I recorded myself
practising this song of the video on You Tube in order to greet learners at the beginning of the meeting. I will
ask parents to make learners watch this video I recorded on Voicethread for them.
This is the text message I will send to parents:
“¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? En el inicio de nuestro próximo encuentro vamos a saludarnos cantando una
canción llamada “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?”, por eso mismo, les voy a compartir el link del
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
video de la canción para que los alumnos puedan verla y practicarla en casa. A su vez, les voy a enviar un
enlace de una aplicación digital llamada Voicethread, donde van a ver un video que grabé en el cual estoy
yo cantando la canción con la que nos vamos a saludar al inicio del encuentro.
Aquí les dejo el link del video “Hello, hello, can you clap your hands?”:
Y aquí les dejo el enlace del video en Voicethread que grabé yo para que lo visualicen los alumnos:
- I will send a Whatsapp message to the kindergarten families’ group telling them that we are going to work
with “toys” in the meeting, so learners have to look up some toys at home and take photos of them. I will ask
parents their e-mail addresses in order to send them the invitation to be part of the Padlet I created. Then, I
will provide them the link of the Padlet I created in order to watch some photos of toys I shared on it and
also to ask them to share the photos of the learners’ toys (once I have sent them the invitation to join the
This is the text message I will send to parents:
“¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? En nuestro próximo encuentro vamos a estar trabajando con Toys
(Juguetes), por lo cual les pido que los alumnos vayan buscando en casa algunos juguetes que tengan. Una
vez que hayan encontrado algunos juguetes, les voy a pedir que les saquen fotos para luego compartirlas
en una plataforma digital llamada “Padlet”, la cual elaboré para que compartamos los juguetes que cada
alumno buscó y para que visualicen aquellos juguetes que compartí, con los cuales vamos a estar
trabajando en nuestro próximo encuentro. Para que puedan participar en el Padlet, les voy a pedir que me
pasen sus direcciones de e-mail, así les envío la invitación para que sean miembros del Padlet.
A continuación, les dejo el Link del Padlet:
¡Estamos en contacto!
Teacher Mica.”
 A bag.
 A Teddy bear puppet.
 A toy car.
 A toy doll.
 A toy plane.
 A rope.
 A kite.
 Flashcards with toys.
 Photos of the 6 different toys.
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
 Big drawings of the 6 different toys.
WARM- UP (5’)
Aim: To get students’ attention and encourage them to start the lesson. To establish
I will start our meeting with a warm “Hello”:
Transition: Teacher: Hello children!
Students: Hello! / Hello teacher!
Teacher: How are you today? Fine? Okay? (while I put my two thumbs up and smile)
Students: Fine! / Okay/ Thumbs up/ A smile.
Teacher: That’s great! (Smiling)
Teacher: Es hora de saludarnos cantando la canción “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?” que
les envíe para que practiquen en casa.
Come on! Let’s sing the song together! Listen and watch! (While I point at each student on the computer’s
screen, I also point at my ear and my eye, and then I play the song on a TV behind me).
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Transition: Teacher: Very good! Great job! (While I put my thumbs up).
Oh look! (While I point at a bag).
Quiero contarles que estuve juntando algunos juguetes “Toys” míos, que estuve regalando a algunos niños
para el día del niño “The Children’s Day”, pero me quedaron algunos “Toys” sin entregar. ¿Quieren verlos?
Students: Yes! / Siii!
Teacher: Great! Let’s see!
Here, are my toys (While I point at my bag).
Aim: To introduce my toys.
To teach toys’ names: car, teddy bear, plane, doll, rope and kite.
During the presentation stage, I will have a bag close to me, which I will use to take some toys that will be
inside it. I will also have flashcards of each of the 6 toys I will show them later, in order to let them practise
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
the names of the toys (which will be written below each flashcard) as I pronounce the name of each toy
aloud, but also to allow students to relate flashcards with toys.
Transition: Teacher: Oh, look children! (While I take my bag and look excited inside it). Let’s see! (I will take
one toy out of the bag).
It is a CAR! Repeat! ¡Repitamos juntos!
Teacher and students: CAR!
Teacher: ¡Ahora ustedes repitan! Repeat!
Students: CAR!
Teacher: Excellent! (While I put my thumbs up with a smile).
Now, look! (With a surprising face). Wow! It is a TEDDY BEAR! Repeat! (While I take the Teddy
bear in my hand).
Students: TEDDY BEAR!
Teacher: Very good! (As I put a happy face).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
I will repeat the same procedure with the rest of the toys (PLANE, DOLL, ROPE AND KITE). I will take one toy
per time from inside the bag, except for the kite which is a big toy, and it will be on the floor, below the TV.
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Children look at my last toy! ¡Chicos, miren el último de mis juguetes!
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
It’s too big! (While I mimic with my hands a big size, facing my hands with some distance).
It is a KITE. (As I take the toy in my hand). Repeat!
Students: KITE!
Teacher: Great job! (While I put my thumbs up).
Transition: Teacher: Look! Here I have flashcards of these toys! Let’s see! ¡Miren chicos estas tarjetas que
tengo de los juguetes que vimos! (While I pick up 6 different flashcards of each toy).
It is a CAR. (While I take in one hand the flashcard of a car, and the car toy in the other hand).
Repeat children!
Students: CAR!
Teacher: Very good!
I will do the same procedure with the rest of the flashcards, showing one flashcard per time. Students will
repeat the name of each toy after me.
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Aim: To allow students to practice the toys’ names.
To teach the structure: It’s a + toy name.
To identify toys.
Activity 1
I will have the flashcards close to me, and I will encourage students to recognize the
different toys. Once they say the name of each toy I show them in the different
flashcards, I will pick up the toy with the other hand and congratulate them.
Here, they will do cooperative work, as I will ask them to say the name of the toy
showed on each flashcard. So, they will work as a group.
Transition: Teacher: ¡Miren chicos, ahora vamos a jugar con las tarjetas de los juguetes que tengo aquí!
Quiero ver cúantos juguetes reconocen, y por cada juguete que acierten, voy a buscar a ese juguete y se los
voy a mostrar.
Come on! Let’s play together with the toys! Okey? (While I show them the six flashcards, and then put them
Students: Okey! / Thumbs up.
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Let’s start! Veamos, ¿qué es esto? What is it? (While I pick up one flashcard and point at
the picture).
Students: Plane! A plane!
Teacher: Yes! Good! It’s a plane. (While I move my head showing agreement, and I look for the toy
plane to show them).
And, what is it? (While I pick up other flashcard).
Students: It’s a doll!
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Excellent! (While I put my thumb up and I look for the toy doll to show them).
I will repeat the same procedure with the other 4 flashcards of toys, and I will look for each of the four toys
after they say the name of each one in the flashcards introduced, in order to show it to them, one by one.
Students are supposed to say the names of the toys showed in the flashcards.
Once they finish saying the name of the last flashcard I show to them, I will congratulate them.
Activity 2
I will ask students about their toys that I previously asked them to look for at home, and to take photos of
them to upload them to the Padlet link I shared with their families. I will encourage students to show them to
me and to their classmates. I will ask each student to tell me the names of the toys they have (here students
can use the L2 –if they know the name of the toy-, or they can use the mother tongue to name them if they
have toys that we haven’t worked on this meeting).
Here, students will work individually (I will ask each student to tell me the toys they have).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Transition: Teacher: Bueno chicos, como les avisé antes de nuestro encuentro, ahora es el turno de ustedes.
Quisiera que me muestren esos juguetes “Toys” que buscaron en casa. Recuerden que tenían que sacarles
fotos y subirlas a la página del Padlet que les compartí, donde podían ver las fotos de mis juguetes. ¡Veamos
los juguetes que tienen cada uno de ustedes para jugar en casa! Yo les voy a ir preguntando a cada uno de
ustedes, así me cuentan qué juguetes tienen. Come on children! Show me your toys!
( I will ask students to tell me the toys the toys they have, one student per time).
Let’s start! Student 1 (I say the student’s name). ¿Qué juguetes encontraste en casa?
Student 1: Pick up his/ her toys to show them through the screen.
Teacher: Very good! What is it?
Student 1: It’s a car/ car. It’s a teddy bear/ teddy bear. Y una pelota.
Teacher: Excellent! Now, Student 2 (I say his/her name) show me your toys. What is it?
Student 2: It’s a doll/ doll. It’s a rope/ rope.
Teacher: Very good!
I will do the same procedure with each student till the last student show and tell me the toys he/she has got.
Once they finish showing their toys and saying the toys’ names, I will congratulate them saying: “Excellent
job children! Your toys are beautiful!” (While I smile at them and clap my hands).
I will say to students that we have to finish our meeting, but before leaving we are going
to watch a video of a song about toys to sing it together and watch the toys that appear
in the video. At last, I will also ask them to watch at the drawings of my toys that I drew
and painted. I will show them and I will ask them to do the s ame, to draw and paint the
toys they show me (they will do this activity after our meeting finishes).
Teacher: Chicos, es hora de despedirnos. It’s time to say goodbye!
Pero antes, quiero que veamos este video de esta canción sobre juguetes, y cantemos
juntos. La canción que vamos a ver y cantar se llama “What is it?”, y vamos a ver que aparecen muchos toys!
Come on! Let’s watch toys and sing together! (While I point at my eyes and then at my mouth).
Okay? (While I put my thumbs up)
Students: Okay! / Yes!/ Thumbs up.
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Chicos, antes de terminar, quiero mostrarles los dibujos que dibujé y pinté de mis juguetes.
My toys! Les voy a pedir a ustedes que hagan lo mismo, que dibujen y pinten sus juguetes. Draw and paint
your toys!
Quiero verlos en nuestro próximo encuentro. Come on, let’s work together! Bye bye!
Students: Bye bye! / Bye teacher!
- Here, is the link of the Voicethread I recorded to show the way I finished the closure stage (showing my
drawings and asking students to draw and paint their toys before our next lesson):
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and

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TPD - Kindergarten Level - Week 1 - Buttiglieri Micaela

  • 1. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 1 I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN DE UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Micaela J. Buttiglieri Sala: Sala de 5 años Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Cantidad de alumnos: 15 Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Juguetes (Toys everywhere!) Semana Nº: 1 (uno) Teaching points: Toys: a car, a teddy bear, a rope, a kite, a doll, a plane Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to…  Be able to identify several toys in English.  Be able to interact with the teacher and their classmates online by developing individual work and collaborative work.  Incorporate new vocabulary about toys and new sentence structures.  Develop their listening ability by listening to the teacher.  Develop their speaking ability by saying the toys’ names in English.  Deepen their understanding of commands/ instructions in L2 while developing their social skills. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE
  • 2. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 2 R E V Greetings: - Hello! Bye - Bye! - How are you today? Fine! Commands: - Sit Down! - Stand up! - Look! - Listen! - Come here! Please. - Very good! - Greeting. - Following commands and/or instructions. - Introducing oneself. WH- questions and answers: “What’s your name?” My name is…. N E W Toys: - A car - A Teddy bear - A rope - A kite - A doll - A plane - Following commands and/or instructions. - Saying the names of toys - Identifying toys. - Sentence structure: “It is a…” / “It’s a…” - WH- questions and answers: “What is it?” It is a….. Teaching approach: Natural approach. - I will be part of a Whatsapp’s group with the kindergarten students’ family members in order to clarify doubts or queries about the activities and lessons. - I will record the beginning of the lesson on Voicethread, and send the link to learners’ parents, explaining them that this is the way we are going to start each meeting: by greeting each other singing the song “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?”. - I will also send them the link of the song on You Tube that we will sing at the beginning of the lesson, so learners can practice and listen to it at home before our meeting. - I will create a Padlet to work with toys, which will be set up with public access, in order to allow learners’ families to share their photos and to participate on it. *ACTIVITIES TO BE PREPARED BEFORE THE MEETING: - I will send a Whatsapp message to the families Whatsapp’ group telling parents that I will send them the link of the video on You Tube which we will sing to greet each other at the beginning of the meeting. In this way, learners will be able to watch it and practice it at home previously. I will also say to them that I will share the link of a video on Voicethread, in which I recorded myself practising this song of the video on You Tube in order to greet learners at the beginning of the meeting. I will ask parents to make learners watch this video I recorded on Voicethread for them. This is the text message I will send to parents: “¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? En el inicio de nuestro próximo encuentro vamos a saludarnos cantando una canción llamada “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?”, por eso mismo, les voy a compartir el link del
  • 3. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 3 video de la canción para que los alumnos puedan verla y practicarla en casa. A su vez, les voy a enviar un enlace de una aplicación digital llamada Voicethread, donde van a ver un video que grabé en el cual estoy yo cantando la canción con la que nos vamos a saludar al inicio del encuentro. Aquí les dejo el link del video “Hello, hello, can you clap your hands?”: Y aquí les dejo el enlace del video en Voicethread que grabé yo para que lo visualicen los alumnos: - I will send a Whatsapp message to the kindergarten families’ group telling them that we are going to work with “toys” in the meeting, so learners have to look up some toys at home and take photos of them. I will ask parents their e-mail addresses in order to send them the invitation to be part of the Padlet I created. Then, I will provide them the link of the Padlet I created in order to watch some photos of toys I shared on it and also to ask them to share the photos of the learners’ toys (once I have sent them the invitation to join the Padlet). This is the text message I will send to parents: “¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? En nuestro próximo encuentro vamos a estar trabajando con Toys (Juguetes), por lo cual les pido que los alumnos vayan buscando en casa algunos juguetes que tengan. Una vez que hayan encontrado algunos juguetes, les voy a pedir que les saquen fotos para luego compartirlas en una plataforma digital llamada “Padlet”, la cual elaboré para que compartamos los juguetes que cada alumno buscó y para que visualicen aquellos juguetes que compartí, con los cuales vamos a estar trabajando en nuestro próximo encuentro. Para que puedan participar en el Padlet, les voy a pedir que me pasen sus direcciones de e-mail, así les envío la invitación para que sean miembros del Padlet. A continuación, les dejo el Link del Padlet: ¡Estamos en contacto! Teacher Mica.” Materials:  A bag.  A Teddy bear puppet.  A toy car.  A toy doll.  A toy plane.  A rope.  A kite.  Flashcards with toys.  Photos of the 6 different toys.
  • 4. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 4  Big drawings of the 6 different toys. Procedure ROUTINE WARM- UP (5’) Aim: To get students’ attention and encourage them to start the lesson. To establish rapport. I will start our meeting with a warm “Hello”: Transition: Teacher: Hello children! Students: Hello! / Hello teacher! Teacher: How are you today? Fine? Okay? (while I put my two thumbs up and smile) Students: Fine! / Okay/ Thumbs up/ A smile. Teacher: That’s great! (Smiling) Teacher: Es hora de saludarnos cantando la canción “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?” que les envíe para que practiquen en casa. Come on! Let’s sing the song together! Listen and watch! (While I point at each student on the computer’s screen, I also point at my ear and my eye, and then I play the song on a TV behind me). Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?” Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?”
  • 5. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 5 Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? - LINK DEL VIDEO DE LA CANCIÓN: Transition: Teacher: Very good! Great job! (While I put my thumbs up). Oh look! (While I point at a bag). Quiero contarles que estuve juntando algunos juguetes “Toys” míos, que estuve regalando a algunos niños para el día del niño “The Children’s Day”, pero me quedaron algunos “Toys” sin entregar. ¿Quieren verlos? Students: Yes! / Siii! Teacher: Great! Let’s see! Here, are my toys (While I point at my bag). PRESENTATION (8’) Aim: To introduce my toys. To teach toys’ names: car, teddy bear, plane, doll, rope and kite. During the presentation stage, I will have a bag close to me, which I will use to take some toys that will be inside it. I will also have flashcards of each of the 6 toys I will show them later, in order to let them practise
  • 6. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 6 the names of the toys (which will be written below each flashcard) as I pronounce the name of each toy aloud, but also to allow students to relate flashcards with toys. Transition: Teacher: Oh, look children! (While I take my bag and look excited inside it). Let’s see! (I will take one toy out of the bag). It is a CAR! Repeat! ¡Repitamos juntos! Teacher and students: CAR! Teacher: ¡Ahora ustedes repitan! Repeat! Students: CAR! Teacher: Excellent! (While I put my thumbs up with a smile). Now, look! (With a surprising face). Wow! It is a TEDDY BEAR! Repeat! (While I take the Teddy bear in my hand). Students: TEDDY BEAR! Teacher: Very good! (As I put a happy face).
  • 7. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 7 I will repeat the same procedure with the rest of the toys (PLANE, DOLL, ROPE AND KITE). I will take one toy per time from inside the bag, except for the kite which is a big toy, and it will be on the floor, below the TV.
  • 8. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 8 Teacher: Children look at my last toy! ¡Chicos, miren el último de mis juguetes!
  • 9. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 9 It’s too big! (While I mimic with my hands a big size, facing my hands with some distance). It is a KITE. (As I take the toy in my hand). Repeat! Students: KITE! Teacher: Great job! (While I put my thumbs up). Transition: Teacher: Look! Here I have flashcards of these toys! Let’s see! ¡Miren chicos estas tarjetas que tengo de los juguetes que vimos! (While I pick up 6 different flashcards of each toy). It is a CAR. (While I take in one hand the flashcard of a car, and the car toy in the other hand). Repeat children! Students: CAR! Teacher: Very good! I will do the same procedure with the rest of the flashcards, showing one flashcard per time. Students will repeat the name of each toy after me.
  • 10. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 10 DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) (12’) Aim: To allow students to practice the toys’ names. To teach the structure: It’s a + toy name. To identify toys. Activity 1 I will have the flashcards close to me, and I will encourage students to recognize the different toys. Once they say the name of each toy I show them in the different flashcards, I will pick up the toy with the other hand and congratulate them. Here, they will do cooperative work, as I will ask them to say the name of the toy showed on each flashcard. So, they will work as a group. Transition: Teacher: ¡Miren chicos, ahora vamos a jugar con las tarjetas de los juguetes que tengo aquí! Quiero ver cúantos juguetes reconocen, y por cada juguete que acierten, voy a buscar a ese juguete y se los voy a mostrar. Come on! Let’s play together with the toys! Okey? (While I show them the six flashcards, and then put them down). Students: Okey! / Thumbs up.
  • 11. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 11 Teacher: Let’s start! Veamos, ¿qué es esto? What is it? (While I pick up one flashcard and point at the picture). Students: Plane! A plane! Teacher: Yes! Good! It’s a plane. (While I move my head showing agreement, and I look for the toy plane to show them). And, what is it? (While I pick up other flashcard). Students: It’s a doll!
  • 12. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 12 Teacher: Excellent! (While I put my thumb up and I look for the toy doll to show them). I will repeat the same procedure with the other 4 flashcards of toys, and I will look for each of the four toys after they say the name of each one in the flashcards introduced, in order to show it to them, one by one. Students are supposed to say the names of the toys showed in the flashcards. Once they finish saying the name of the last flashcard I show to them, I will congratulate them. Activity 2 I will ask students about their toys that I previously asked them to look for at home, and to take photos of them to upload them to the Padlet link I shared with their families. I will encourage students to show them to me and to their classmates. I will ask each student to tell me the names of the toys they have (here students can use the L2 –if they know the name of the toy-, or they can use the mother tongue to name them if they have toys that we haven’t worked on this meeting). Here, students will work individually (I will ask each student to tell me the toys they have).
  • 13. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 13 Transition: Teacher: Bueno chicos, como les avisé antes de nuestro encuentro, ahora es el turno de ustedes. Quisiera que me muestren esos juguetes “Toys” que buscaron en casa. Recuerden que tenían que sacarles fotos y subirlas a la página del Padlet que les compartí, donde podían ver las fotos de mis juguetes. ¡Veamos los juguetes que tienen cada uno de ustedes para jugar en casa! Yo les voy a ir preguntando a cada uno de ustedes, así me cuentan qué juguetes tienen. Come on children! Show me your toys! ( I will ask students to tell me the toys the toys they have, one student per time). Let’s start! Student 1 (I say the student’s name). ¿Qué juguetes encontraste en casa? Student 1: Pick up his/ her toys to show them through the screen. Teacher: Very good! What is it? Student 1: It’s a car/ car. It’s a teddy bear/ teddy bear. Y una pelota. Teacher: Excellent! Now, Student 2 (I say his/her name) show me your toys. What is it? Student 2: It’s a doll/ doll. It’s a rope/ rope. Teacher: Very good! I will do the same procedure with each student till the last student show and tell me the toys he/she has got. Once they finish showing their toys and saying the toys’ names, I will congratulate them saying: “Excellent job children! Your toys are beautiful!” (While I smile at them and clap my hands). CLOSURE (5’) I will say to students that we have to finish our meeting, but before leaving we are going to watch a video of a song about toys to sing it together and watch the toys that appear in the video. At last, I will also ask them to watch at the drawings of my toys that I drew and painted. I will show them and I will ask them to do the s ame, to draw and paint the toys they show me (they will do this activity after our meeting finishes). Teacher: Chicos, es hora de despedirnos. It’s time to say goodbye! Pero antes, quiero que veamos este video de esta canción sobre juguetes, y cantemos juntos. La canción que vamos a ver y cantar se llama “What is it?”, y vamos a ver que aparecen muchos toys! Come on! Let’s watch toys and sing together! (While I point at my eyes and then at my mouth). Okay? (While I put my thumbs up) Students: Okay! / Yes!/ Thumbs up. - LINK OF THE SONG:
  • 14. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 14 Teacher: Chicos, antes de terminar, quiero mostrarles los dibujos que dibujé y pinté de mis juguetes. My toys! Les voy a pedir a ustedes que hagan lo mismo, que dibujen y pinten sus juguetes. Draw and paint your toys! Quiero verlos en nuestro próximo encuentro. Come on, let’s work together! Bye bye! Students: Bye bye! / Bye teacher! - Here, is the link of the Voicethread I recorded to show the way I finished the closure stage (showing my drawings and asking students to draw and paint their toys before our next lesson): To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization Coherence and sequencing Variety of resources Stages and activities Scaffolding strategies Language accuracy Observations