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CCNxCon 2012: Session #7: Evaluating CCN Multi-path Interest Forwarding Strategies

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  • 3. @%?!&3!AAB! •  @/!1+#(/!3&$!/4%(!8&$D! –  I%-=!/4+!!!!!!!:1&(+(/!:&-/+-/!$+,1%:#! •  J?,&$/#-/!-&F&-(! 'S! –  M+?,&$#$N!!!!!! K! " E(!O+$(%(/+-/! *S! I! @ –  L-9,#/4!! *T! E(!LP9,#/4!! A! G! *U! •  A4#11+-;+(! –  Q&8!/&!$+#:4!/4+!:1&(+(/!/+?,&$#$N!:&,NR! –  Q&8!/&!$+#:4!&P9,#/4!:&,%+(R!
  • 4. K#:D;$&*-=! •  "+:&*,1%-;!'&*F-;!!V!I&$8#$=%-;! –  K&/4!%-!;&&=W&1!JO!#-=!X$#-=9-+8!AAB! •  YB#?+9X#(+=Z!'&*F-;!! –  @=E+$F(+!$&*/+(!/&8#$=!,+$(%(/+-/!:&,%+([!X*%1=!IJK! •  YJ-/+$+(/Z!I&$8#$=%-;!! –  @D#!>/$#/+;N!1#N+$!!! –  >+1+:/!-+H/!4&,!3&$!%-/+$+(/!,#:D+/[!/&!#:4%+E+!;&&=! AAB!,+$3&$?#-:+!
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