apache geode apache software foundation pivotal geode summit open source gemfire big data pivotal software analytics open source software in-memory data grid java in-memory computing apache apache hawq springxd greenplum database geode postgresql compatibility hadoop cloud theasf spring framework ampool docker containers stream data data science open data data open data platform software apache madlib data security zettaset big data security data encryption it security apache shiro geode clubhouse security the apache way bloomberg murex group stream processing fintech apache storm redis spring cloud dataflow teksystems mobile application development capgemini mobile apps fraud detection cloud native apache apex data torrent southwest airlines gporca query microservice architecture cloud data storage zeppelin psql linux containers linux postgresql and linux containers apache kafka geode transactions incubator greenplum database opensource greenplum file system primer polymorphic storage cloudfoundry concourse cloud foundry bosh zachary auerbach posh demo analysis developer roman shaposhnik odpi asf machine learning indatabase cloud computing mpp advanced analytics
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