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Analisa Sistem
Pendekatan Sistem,
System Management
System Analysis
o. Pendekatan sistem mencakup tiga dimensi himpunan aktifitas è membentuk system
• Aspek analisis è menganalisis jejaring komponen sistem yang kompleks dan
mendiagnosa sistem nyata atau sistem hipotetik .
• Aspek rekayasa è digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem baru atau
memodifikasi sistem yang ada
• Aspek manajemen è mencakup fungsi dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk
mengoperasikan sistem atau untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan/pengembangan suatu
sistem baru. Machfud
System Engineering Process (SEP)
System Analysis
System Engineering
Preliminary Design
Spesifikasi fungsional
dan diagram blok
Spesifikasi disain awal
dan spesifikasi uji
Detailed Design
To production
System Operation
Proses iteratif
Fungsi control managementMachfud
Analisa Sistem:
– Pemisahan sistem menjadi komponen-komponen
sistem untuk penelaahan lebih lanjut, untuk
mengkaji bagaimana komponen-komponen tsb
berinteaksi, bekerja, dan berpengaruh terhadap
kinerja sistem.
– Teknik terstruktur untuk menangani problem yang
besar dan kompleks untuk memperoleh alokasi
sumber daya yang efisien dalam mencapai tujuan
dan sasaran yang terdefinisi dengan baik.
– Suatu inquiry (“pencarian ”) untuk membantu
pengambil keputusan:
• memilih tindakan dengan melakukan penyelidikan
secara sistematik,
• membandingkan alternatif kebijakan atau strategi
untuk mencapai tujuan secara kuantitatif antara
efektivitas biaya dan risiko (jika memungkinkan
– Analisis sistem mencakup:
• Investigasi tujuan dari sistem
• Pemilihan kriteria kinerja
• Pengembangan alternatif solusi
• Menguji kelayakan solusi
• Mengevaluasi kelayakan solusi
• Pemilihan solusi yang diinginkan
• Pengembangan spesifikasi fungsional dari solusi yang
• We do a systems analysis to subsequently
perform a systems synthesis.
• "Systems synthesis is the re-assembly of a
system's component pieces back into a whole
system-it is hoped an improved system.
• "Through systems analysis and synthesis, we
may add, delete, and modify system
components toward our goal of improving the
overall system.
Kebutuhan Dasar
Analisa Kebutuhan
Formulasi Permasalahan
Persyaratan Kebutuhan
Identifikasi Sistem:
•Diagram Lingkar
•Diagram I-O
Rekayasa Awal Model
Parameter Rancang
Diagram Alir
Gbr. Tahapan Analisa Sistem
Metodology Analisa Sistem
• Tidak ada prosedur baku atau teknik yang
dapat digunakan untuk semua problem
sistem, setiap problem membutuhkan
perlakuan khusus.
• Akan tetapi terdapat prinsip dan teknik umum
è 5 Basic activities sebagai kerangka kerja
metodologi analisa sistem:
1. Program Planning:
– Mengembangkan rencana dan usulan analisis
– merencanakan kegiatan analisa sistem:
• mengembangkan “problem portfolio” (mis: daftar masalah).
– Latar belakang study
2. Formulasi
– Mendefinisikan problem :
• Mempertimbangkan sasaran dan tujuan sistem
• Mencakup Input, Output, Peubah, Kendala, Parameter dan
– Pertanyaan:
• Apa fungsi dari sistem yang dikaji.
• Apa saja faktor yang relevan terhadap problem yang akan
3. Pencarian (Search):
– Mencakup kegiatan mencari fakta/data,
relationship, dan penilaian faktor yang relevan.
– Mengembangkan alternatif:
• Mengganti/mengubah:
– teknologi
– kebijakan
– prosedur
– kendala.
4. Explanasi
– Salah satu tahapan pokok analisis:
mengembangkan MODEL untuk membantu
menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku sistem.
5. Evaluasi:
– Alternatif harus dibandingkan atas dasar BIAYA
– Mencakup juga penilaian Sensitivitas dan
Kelayakan setiap alternatif.
• Kelayakan secara Politi, Ekonomi, Sosial, Teknis,
– Menilai Kelayakan
6. Interpretasi
7. Implementasi
Model (metode) Analisis:
Model Sistem Berbasis Struktur
dengan Menggunakan Graph Theory
• Keterbatasan model (metode) yg ada untuk
menganalisis sistem manufaktur secara total.
• Kinerja sistem manufaktur hanya diukur tanpa
suatu perspektif yang lebih luas dari pengaruh
• Ke-komprehensip-an suatu model/metode dapat
dirujuk dari seberapa banyak fenomena penting
di dalam suatu pabrik/ industri yang
dipertimbangkan dalam membangun model.
Graph Theoritical model.
• Struktur sistem dapat dikorelasikan secara
kuantitatif dengan kinerja, spt produktivitas,
kualitas, reliabilitas dst.
• Sistem manufaktur secara total, sub-sistemnya
dan interaksi untuk Perusahaan/Industri
tergantung pada maksud dan tujuan, nilai dan
strategi bisnis.
• Kinerja Sistem Manufaktur bergantung pada
kinerja individu2 sub-sistem.
• Pemodelan/metodologi berdasarkan pendekatan
“bottom up”
Identifikasi & Diagram Pohon
Sistem Manufaktur
Total manufacturing system
Five subsystems as identified above constitute the total manufacturing system. The
tasks for each subsystem and the sub-subsystem have been compiled in the tree
diagram at total manufacturing system level in Figure 1.
It may be observed that the management subsystem has been further decomposed
to reflect all the smaller activities at the lower levels. Similar decomposition to lower
levels may be carried for other subsystems also to comprehensively model the total
manufacturing system. In this paper, the objective is to demonstrate the methodology
and thus the analysis is limited to “level 1” decomposition only.
Performance Appraisal
and Monitoring
Human Resource
Waste Elimination
Lead time
Response time to
Cost to
Fixing quality
Mechanism of
Process control
Quality Culture
Mechanism of
of employees
Production planning
and control
Master schedule
Short term
Manufacturing System
Process subsystem
Sales and
Machines and
handling system
Engineering and
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
Diagram Skematik
Sistem Produksi
and finally the manufacturing process satisfies the new output requirements, thus
completing the loop of information flow. For example, the management subsystem
controls the inputs subsystem through activities such as calling for major design
changes or the vendor selections. Also, it controls the support subsystem through policy
statements for general operation of maintenance and other sub-subsystems besides
Information, Schedules
Maintenance and other
Sales and other
Control Decisions
Control Decisions
Feed back Information
Feed back
Manufacturing Process S3 Output S5
Inputs S1
Process Support
Functions S4
Management and
control S2
Control Decisions
Raw Material
New designs
Graph Theoretical Model
utk Sistem Manufaktur
Originality/value – This graph theory-based methodology is a novel mechanism to seamlessly
integrate manufacturing system giving way to system wide optimization. The paper is an attempt to
address the need for comprehensive and integrated analysis of the manufacturing system.
Keywords Manufacturing systems, Systems analysis, Modelling, Performance management,
Graph theory
Paper type Research paper
G ¼ manufacturing system graph
V ¼ set of vertices
E ¼ set of edges
S1 ¼ input subsystem
S2 ¼ management subsystem
S3 ¼ manufacturing process subsystem
S4 ¼ support subsystem
S5 ¼ output subsystem
ring Technology
blishing Limited
G = f(V,E)
V = {V1, V2, ….. Vn }
E = {E12, E23, ...... Emn }
Structural graph of Manufacturing System
Representasi dalam bentuk Matrik
(Adjacency Matrix)
Adjacency matrix dari Graph G dengan 5 Nodes adalah matrik
bujur sangkar, A = [ aij ] sedemikian rupa sehingga:
𝑎!" = #
1, jika sub−sistem 𝑖 mempengaruhi subsistem j
0, jika sub−sistem I dan j 𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑘 𝑎𝑑𝑎 ℎ𝑢𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑛
Dimana : 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , dan 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗
0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0
alysis. But, for computational analysis, the necessary information cannot be
a computer directly. For achieving this objective, the manufacturing system
n be represented in the form of various matrices and related models as
in the next section.
epresentation for the manufacturing system graph
many methods of representing the graph in the matrix form and two of them
idence and the adjacency matrices (Deo, 2000). The adjacency matrix being a
Teknik/Metode Analisis Sistem
• Metode Operation Research: sekumpulan
teknik matematik yang digunakan untuk
menganalisa sistem.
• Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
• Metode “Process Oriented Analysis” (POA) :
Process Oriented Analysis (POA)
• A production system consists of :
– machines,
– employees and their environment, as well as:
• material, resources, and information that are processed and
• POA translates such a system into a network of
processes and flows, which are depicted in the static
Flow Diagrams.
• The State Chart adds the description of the behavior of
the system. These static and dynamic investigations
start with the As-Is Analysis, which represents the
current system.
are understood by everybody. The extent to which a production can be described by
diagrams depends strongly on the understanding of the production itself.
Real World
Old production system
Old production system
As-Is Analysis
To-Be Model
Model of the Real World
time relations
New production system
New production system
Figure I1-6: Real world and model.
• In the model, alternative solutions and different
values for parameters are investigated to gain
information for optimization strategies and future
scenarios for the To-Be Model, which sets the
target to be realized in the real world.
• The new model is applied thereafter in the real
world, and processes and interfaces are adapted
• The data used for modeling, calculation, simulation,
and reengineering is gained by measurement in the
real system, by estimation, by reverse engineering,
or by calcu- lation using a generic production
• The calculation results provide a rating of the
performance of the production system.
and values, are identified. It is recommended to discuss the system based on th
diagrams with the people involved on different levels in order to get a complet
system description.
Goal definition
Project target
Setting of
system boundary
As-Is Analysis
Data collection
Identification of
weak point
Setting up To-Be Model
End of project
Final report
Figure I1-7: Setup of a model.
Calculation and simulation, based on the model and the data collection, give initia
Manfaat / Kegunaan POA
– assists the concurrent engineering of products,
manufacturing processes, and production
equipment, and helps to improve efficiency for
modeling and development.
– It supports the lifecycle design of products by
including technical, financial, and environmental
evaluation parameters.
• contains different graphical tools for the static
(time-independent) and
• the dynamic (time-dependent) analysis of
companies, plants, processes, and resources.
• Financially and environmentally relevant
flows are modeled in static diagrams and are
applied for the investigation and improvement
of industrial systems.
Delimitation POA - SA
• Structured Analysis (SA) was originally designed in the United States
as a software development method for the handling of complex
data systems.
• The basics for the Flow Diagram and the State Chart of POA have
been derived from SA to take advantage of the strong features of
SA, such as consistency, scalability, and simplicity.
• SA and POA apply a similar static model to describe the system
from a structural viewpoint.
• The static models of POA are mainly focused on resource, cost, and
information, and therefore do not apply the element data store, as
used in the Data Flow Diagram of SA
Purpose Software engineering System engineering
Static modeling
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship
Flow Diagram
Value Flow Diagram
Resource Flow Diagram
Process External entity
Process External entity
Data and resource modeling Mainly data modeling
Resource and data
Hierarchical structure Yes Yes
Dynamic modeling State Transition Diagram State Chart
Connection between static
and dynamic models
Two independent models
Consistent relationship
between static and dynamic
Link between modeling and
Different concepts for
imple- mentation of charts
into code
Step-by-step procedure
from State Chart to real-
time control or simulation
program code
Delimitation POA to UML
• UML groups its diagram types according to the
viewpoints they provide on the system, e.g.
behavioral view or functional view.
• UML offers a variety of diagrams and perspectives
but the positioning of theses diagrams is not
clearly defined.
• POA diagrams are assigned to the static and
dynamic behavior of a system, while keeping and
maintaining a common database for all diagrams.
UML Diagrams POA Diagrams
Requirements view Use Case Diagram
Flow Diagram
(context diagram)
Structural view
Class Diagram
Component and
Flow Diagram
Behavioral view
State Diagram
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
State Chart
Method Aspect UML POA
Purpose Software engineering System engineering
Sequence of use of
Not defined. Clearly defined.
Connection be- tween
Connections between
diagrams are not fully
Connections between
individual diagrams are
defined by strict rules.
Programming is done
based on several
diagram types. No
consis- tency between
diagrams and code.
Structural link is
provided through
programming based on
the State
Comparison of UML and POA Methodology
Konsep POA
• Menyelidiki sistem produksi pada berbagai
tingkat kompleksitas yang berbeda.
• Sistem produksi yang dianalisa dapat berupa
manufacturing plant seperti lini produksi untuk
coklat, suatu mesin, seperti mesin pengkemas,
suatu proses tunggal seperti pengendalian
• Untuk kebutuhan analisis dan perbaikan, suatu
sistem perlu dimodelkan, apakah bersifat time
independently (statically) atau time-dependently
(dynamically), serta transisinya.
• It depicts what happens within a system, which
activities are conducted, and specifies where and
how what input is transformed into what output.
• It can be described on several levels of detail in the
• It introduces the behavioral view of the function of a production system.
• It specifies the sequence of states and under which condition the states are
• To break down a complex system, a State Chart can be detailed hierarchically on
different levels.
Static Analysis:
1. Spesifikasi Sistem
2. Analisis secara Ekonomi
3. Analisis secara Ekologis.
Spesifikasi Sistem:
• the Flow Diagram, which shows a production system or
a service enterprise, depicting it by flows and processes:
– Processes describe the activities of people and machinery
and the transformation of material, resources, and data
within the system.
– Flows connect processes, acting as interfaces between
• The purpose of the functional analysis with
the Flow Diagram is to get to know the system
to be investigated:
– to specify processes, organize the workflow, find
gaps in the information transfer, and streamline
the operation.
Economical Analysis:
• The economical analysis of a system starts by
drawing a Flow Diagram. By adding
quantities, numbers, and monetary values,
the Flow Diagram becomes a Value Flow
• Values expressed in Currency Units (CU) are
allocated within the processes and assigned to
flows in order to calculate the value of the
Economical Analysis:
• Financial values and costs are connected
graphically with the corresponding flows or
processes on the diagram. Along the path of
the production process chain, the value added
is calculated.
• The value calculation is carried out in order to
set the sales price for a product, to evaluate
an investment in new production machinery,
or to calculate the impact of a change in
production parameters.
Ecological Analysis:
• Ecological analysis using the Resource Flow
Diagram is based on the Flow Diagram, which
is completed by resource flows and their
• The environmentally relevant values are
calculated for the resource flows including
mass, energy, and embodied energy
Ecological Analysis:
• Possibilities for recycling and reuse of waste
heat and waste material are assessed by in-
depth technical energy analysis.
• The energy consumption necessary for a
product during its production and its lifetime
is summed up as embodied energy.
• Calculation and optimization steps result in
recommendations for improving the
processing system.
Flow Diagram
• Diagram graphically shows where resources and data
come from, where they are going, how output is
generated by transformation of input, and what
relationships exist between the activities.
• A Flow Diagram is a simple, yet powerful tool to
structure and order a complex system. Since it is
scalable any time into more general or more detailed
views, any point within the system may be chosen as
the starting point to draw diagrams for a model.
• It will finally become a picture of the real system and
represent a part of the real world, thus looking as
similar as possible.
• The Flow Diagram helps understand complex
production systems by revealing, step-by-step,
their underlying structure and the relationships
and interactions between the elements.
• The main focus of the Flow Diagram is on
interface-oriented thinking.
• The flows represent interfaces, relations, and
connections. They guide the analysis, hierarchical
decomposition, and specification of a system.
Hierarchical decomposition:
• The Flow Diagram model is able to structure
the system hierarchically in different levels of
detail. This helps to decompose a big, complex
system into small, manageable components
that are easier to understand.
• Each process in a diagram may be detailed
into child diagrams with subprocesses and
• This hierarchical procedure allows either a
top-down or a bottom-up execution of an
• Using the top-down analysis approach, the
problem is outlined going only into as much
depth as is required at the time, but can be
further detailed at any time. With the bottom-
up analysis, different subsystems are
assembled to create a larger system.
System boundary:
• The diagram on the uppermost level in the
model hierarchy clearly defines the system
• It defines the elements that belong to the
investigated system and those that are part of
the external environment.
• The toplevel diagram also shows the
interactions or the interfaces of the analyzed
system with the external environment.
Flow Diagram Elements
• consists of three elements, each represented
by a graphical symbol:
– process,
– flow, and
– external entity.
• The investigated system is described using
processes and flows.
• The external entities define the external
environment of this system.
• Rules S1-1: Flow Diagram
• F1 A Flow Diagram has to contain a minimum
– one process,
– one flow as an input to this process, and
– one flow as an output of this process.
• F2 Each element (process, flow, external
entity) carries an informative name.
• Processes are transformations performed on the
content of flows. Each change of place, time, state,
or value is represented by a process.
• These processes can depict the function of a single
machine or of an entire company.
• A process represents a part of a system that carries
out an activity or a function.
• It transforms the process inputs into process
outputs. This transformation creates an output of
higher value that is more useful than the input
• Tipe Proses:
– Proses Produksi
– Proses Penyimpanan
– Proses Transportasi
– Proses Administrasi
– Proses Pendukung
– Proses Pengendalian
Wash dishes
• Flow menunjukkan interface antara 2 proses atau
antara proses sistem dan lingkungan eksternal.
• A flow represents the interface or the crossing of
an object that is passed between two processes
or between a process and the external world.
• The object is the content of the flow. It can also
be seen as the carrier. This object can be
material, as a product, material, or resources, or
immaterial, as information, human intervention,
energy, etc.
• Kelompok Flow:
– Product flow
– Resource flow:
• Material
• Waste
• Water
• Energy
• Workforce ( (operator, service, supervisor)
• Space
– Information flow:
• Order
• Instruksi
• Contro
Value Flow Diagram
• Value. is a generic word for the different
terms of cost accounting, such as costs,
expenditures, expenses, receipts, income,
profits, returns, earnings, performance,
output, etc.
• The value is given in a currency unit as
specified for the analysis.
Value Flow Diagram
• The Value Flow Diagram (VFD) is based on the
Flow Diagram and depicts the manufacturing
of a product through processes and flows.
• Each flow on a diagram, including the product
flow, carries a monetary value.
• The value can be read out from the diagram at
any stage in production.
Value Flow Diagram
• This means that the value flows in a company
are matched graphically with the production
• The value added can be followed step-by-step
along the chain of production processes, and
the origin of the costs is immediately
• This makes the VFD a graphical value analysis
VFD Elements
1. Proses:
• In addition to the general process definition of the Flow
Diagram, the value aspect has to be considered for the VFD.
• Setiap proses menyebabkan perubahan nilai – setiap
perubahan nilai membutuhkan proses.
• On the VFD, the value added of a process can be shown on
the diagram in the process box itself. It appears in the third
field at the bottom, which is reserved for additional
• The value added of a process expresses the increase of
value that the product receives while being treated in this
Wrap chocolate
Value added
CU: 26.75
2. External entity:
• External entities represent the external
• They are the suppliers and receivers - source and
destination - of the system and connected to it by
the flows going into and coming out of the
• As they do not belong to the investigated system,
they are not needed for the value calculation and
therefore, do not have values in the symbols on
the diagram or in their specifications.
• The flows, as the interfaces to the external
entities, carry all the necessary value information
for the calculations.
3.Value Flow.
– In the VFD, the flow carries the value; it is
therefore called the value flow.
– The flow, consists of the object and the value that
is carried by the object.
– The object provides the name and value for the
flow. It is also called the flow content or value
er Machine
CU. 952.00
Positive Value Flow:
the origin process sends the object and value indicated to the
destination process, following the direction of the arrow.
Negative value flow:
the origin process receives the value for the object that is sent to
the destination process.
Value Added:
Value added dari suatu proses pada VFD adalah perbedaan
antara nilai output produk dan nilai input produk
Resource Flow Diagram (RFD)
• RFD berkonsentrasi dalam menghubungkan proses dan
memetakan aliran sumbedaya seperti energi, material,
limbah, dan tenaga kerja.
• RFD adalah “As-Is Model” è digunakan untuk
mengoptimumkan sistem, berfokus pada aliran
sumberdaya yang closed-loop, mengurangi konsumsi
sumberdaya, emisi dan limbah.
• Output dari analisis RFD merupakan basis utk
perbaikan secara teknis maupun logistik pada rantai
• RFD bertujuan untuk analisis dan optimasi sistem
produksi dari sudut pandang energi dan lingkungan.
Tujuan Utama RFD
• Menganalisis Sistem:
– Proses pemetaan yang menghubungkan berbagai
tingkat kerincian è perhitungan aliran masa dan
energi untuk assessment awal sistem produksu
• Evaluasi energi dari sistem
– Menghitung keseimbangan energi dari sistem
produksi è penentuan kinerja dan mengoptimasi
manajemen energi.
• Evaluasi Lingkungan
RFD vs LCA (Life Cycle Assessment ~ evaluasi
LCA: suatu metode yang menghitung dan mengevaluasi dampak
lingkungan dari produk/jasa sepanjang life cycle nya.
Definisi Nilai-nilai Resource :
Elemen RFD
• RFD didasarkan pada Flow Diagram
• RFD melengkapi Flow Diagram dengan aliran
sumberdaya dan nilai sumberdaya.
• Elemen RFD : Proses, Aliran resource, dan
ecternal entity
• Proses:
– Proses melaksanakan transformasi aliran resource
atas dasar hukum energi dan conservasi massa.
• Resource Flow:
ü menunjukkan secara grafis (produk, material, energi atau
manpower) suatu objek melewati satu proses ke proses
• External Entity
– Sistem bertukar resource, produk, dan informasi dengan
“outside world” (external entity) ~ dhi: pemasok dan
– External entity tidak digunakan dalam perhitungan pada
sistem yang dikaji.
– Aliran yang keluar dan datang dari external entities
membawa semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk

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Analisa Sistem.pdf

  • 2. Pendekatan Sistem, mencakup: System Management System Analysis System Engineering Development Technical Progress Operations o. Pendekatan sistem mencakup tiga dimensi himpunan aktifitas è membentuk system space • Aspek analisis è menganalisis jejaring komponen sistem yang kompleks dan mendiagnosa sistem nyata atau sistem hipotetik . • Aspek rekayasa è digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem baru atau memodifikasi sistem yang ada • Aspek manajemen è mencakup fungsi dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk mengoperasikan sistem atau untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan/pengembangan suatu sistem baru. Machfud
  • 3. System Engineering Process (SEP) System Analysis System Engineering Preliminary Design Spesifikasi fungsional dan diagram blok Spesifikasi disain awal dan spesifikasi uji Detailed Design To production System Operation Planning Support Requirement. System Management Proses iteratif Fungsi control managementMachfud
  • 4. Analisa Sistem: – Pemisahan sistem menjadi komponen-komponen sistem untuk penelaahan lebih lanjut, untuk mengkaji bagaimana komponen-komponen tsb berinteaksi, bekerja, dan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja sistem. – Teknik terstruktur untuk menangani problem yang besar dan kompleks untuk memperoleh alokasi sumber daya yang efisien dalam mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang terdefinisi dengan baik. Machfud
  • 5. – Suatu inquiry (“pencarian ”) untuk membantu pengambil keputusan: • memilih tindakan dengan melakukan penyelidikan secara sistematik, • membandingkan alternatif kebijakan atau strategi untuk mencapai tujuan secara kuantitatif antara efektivitas biaya dan risiko (jika memungkinkan Machfud
  • 6. – Analisis sistem mencakup: • Investigasi tujuan dari sistem • Pemilihan kriteria kinerja • Pengembangan alternatif solusi • Menguji kelayakan solusi • Mengevaluasi kelayakan solusi • Pemilihan solusi yang diinginkan • Pengembangan spesifikasi fungsional dari solusi yang terpilih. Machfud
  • 7. • We do a systems analysis to subsequently perform a systems synthesis. • "Systems synthesis is the re-assembly of a system's component pieces back into a whole system-it is hoped an improved system. • "Through systems analysis and synthesis, we may add, delete, and modify system components toward our goal of improving the overall system. Machfud
  • 8. Kebutuhan Dasar Analisa Kebutuhan Lengkap ? Formulasi Permasalahan Persyaratan Kebutuhan Cukup ? Identifikasi Sistem: •Diagram Lingkar •Diagram I-O Rekayasa Awal Model Lengkap ? Input-Output Parameter Rancang Bangun Oke ? Diagram Alir Deskriptif Selesai Gbr. Tahapan Analisa Sistem Machfud
  • 9. Metodology Analisa Sistem • Tidak ada prosedur baku atau teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk semua problem sistem, setiap problem membutuhkan perlakuan khusus. • Akan tetapi terdapat prinsip dan teknik umum è 5 Basic activities sebagai kerangka kerja metodologi analisa sistem: Machfud
  • 10. 1. Program Planning: – Mengembangkan rencana dan usulan analisis – merencanakan kegiatan analisa sistem: • mengembangkan “problem portfolio” (mis: daftar masalah). – Latar belakang study 2. Formulasi – Mendefinisikan problem : • Mempertimbangkan sasaran dan tujuan sistem • Mencakup Input, Output, Peubah, Kendala, Parameter dan ketrkaitan – Pertanyaan: • Apa fungsi dari sistem yang dikaji. • Apa saja faktor yang relevan terhadap problem yang akan dianalisis. Machfud
  • 11. 3. Pencarian (Search): – Mencakup kegiatan mencari fakta/data, relationship, dan penilaian faktor yang relevan. – Mengembangkan alternatif: • Mengganti/mengubah: – teknologi – kebijakan – prosedur – kendala. 4. Explanasi – Salah satu tahapan pokok analisis: mengembangkan MODEL untuk membantu menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku sistem. Machfud
  • 12. 5. Evaluasi: – Alternatif harus dibandingkan atas dasar BIAYA dan EFFEKTIVITAS – Mencakup juga penilaian Sensitivitas dan Kelayakan setiap alternatif. • Kelayakan secara Politi, Ekonomi, Sosial, Teknis, Kelembagaan – Menilai Kelayakan 6. Interpretasi 7. Implementasi Machfud
  • 13. Model (metode) Analisis: Model Sistem Berbasis Struktur dengan Menggunakan Graph Theory Argumentasi: • Keterbatasan model (metode) yg ada untuk menganalisis sistem manufaktur secara total. • Kinerja sistem manufaktur hanya diukur tanpa suatu perspektif yang lebih luas dari pengaruh sistem/sub-sistem. • Ke-komprehensip-an suatu model/metode dapat dirujuk dari seberapa banyak fenomena penting di dalam suatu pabrik/ industri yang dipertimbangkan dalam membangun model. Machfud
  • 14. Asumsi Graph Theoritical model. • Struktur sistem dapat dikorelasikan secara kuantitatif dengan kinerja, spt produktivitas, kualitas, reliabilitas dst. • Sistem manufaktur secara total, sub-sistemnya dan interaksi untuk Perusahaan/Industri tergantung pada maksud dan tujuan, nilai dan strategi bisnis. • Kinerja Sistem Manufaktur bergantung pada kinerja individu2 sub-sistem. • Pemodelan/metodologi berdasarkan pendekatan “bottom up” Machfud
  • 15. Identifikasi & Diagram Pohon Sistem Manufaktur Total manufacturing system Five subsystems as identified above constitute the total manufacturing system. The tasks for each subsystem and the sub-subsystem have been compiled in the tree diagram at total manufacturing system level in Figure 1. It may be observed that the management subsystem has been further decomposed to reflect all the smaller activities at the lower levels. Similar decomposition to lower levels may be carried for other subsystems also to comprehensively model the total manufacturing system. In this paper, the objective is to demonstrate the methodology and thus the analysis is limited to “level 1” decomposition only. Manufactu t Strategy formulation Performance Appraisal and Monitoring Quality Management Human Resource Management Waste Elimination Productivity Lead time Response time to accommodate change Cost to accommodate change Goals SWOT Forecasting Fixing quality goals Mechanism of Process control Quality Culture Conformance level Mechanism of obtaining feedback Performance of employees Training Incentive Schemes Production planning and control Capacity planning Aggregate planning Master schedule Short term schedule Inventory control Manufacturing System Inputs Subsystem Management Subsystem Manufacturing Process subsystem Support Subsystem Output Subsystem Sales and distribution Brand Image Waste disposal Information Processing Accounting Maintenance Engineering Finance Machines and equipments Humans Material handling system Work environment Layout Material Capital Business Environment Suppliers Design Engineering and R&D Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Machfud
  • 16. Diagram Skematik Sistem Produksi and finally the manufacturing process satisfies the new output requirements, thus completing the loop of information flow. For example, the management subsystem controls the inputs subsystem through activities such as calling for major design changes or the vendor selections. Also, it controls the support subsystem through policy statements for general operation of maintenance and other sub-subsystems besides Information, Schedules Maintenance and other support Sales and other Information Control Decisions Control Decisions Production schedules Decision Support Information Feed back Information Feed back Information Shipping details Manufacturing Process S3 Output S5 Inputs S1 Process Support Functions S4 Management and control S2 Control Decisions Raw Material Requirement Information Process Data New designs Machfud
  • 17. Graph Theoretical Model utk Sistem Manufaktur Originality/value – This graph theory-based methodology is a novel mechanism to seamlessly integrate manufacturing system giving way to system wide optimization. The paper is an attempt to address the need for comprehensive and integrated analysis of the manufacturing system. Keywords Manufacturing systems, Systems analysis, Modelling, Performance management, Graph theory Paper type Research paper Nomenclature G ¼ manufacturing system graph V ¼ set of vertices E ¼ set of edges S1 ¼ input subsystem S2 ¼ management subsystem S3 ¼ manufacturing process subsystem S4 ¼ support subsystem S5 ¼ output subsystem ring Technology blishing Limited 0810898787 G = f(V,E) V = {V1, V2, ….. Vn } E = {E12, E23, ...... Emn } of ystem S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 e21 e13 e43 e35 e54 e41 e42 e24 e32 e34 e52 e23 Structural graph of Manufacturing System Machfud
  • 18. Representasi dalam bentuk Matrik (Adjacency Matrix) Adjacency matrix dari Graph G dengan 5 Nodes adalah matrik bujur sangkar, A = [ aij ] sedemikian rupa sehingga: 𝑎!" = # 1, jika sub−sistem 𝑖 mempengaruhi subsistem j 0, jika sub−sistem I dan j 𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑘 𝑎𝑑𝑎 ℎ𝑢𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑛 Dimana : 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , dan 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 alysis. But, for computational analysis, the necessary information cannot be a computer directly. For achieving this objective, the manufacturing system n be represented in the form of various matrices and related models as in the next section. epresentation for the manufacturing system graph many methods of representing the graph in the matrix form and two of them idence and the adjacency matrices (Deo, 2000). The adjacency matrix being a S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 e21 e13 e43 e35 e54 e41 e42 e24 e32 e34 e52 e23 Machfud
  • 20. Teknik/Metode Analisis Sistem • Metode Operation Research: sekumpulan teknik matematik yang digunakan untuk menganalisa sistem. • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) • Metode “Process Oriented Analysis” (POA) : – Machfud
  • 21. Process Oriented Analysis (POA) • A production system consists of : – machines, – employees and their environment, as well as: • material, resources, and information that are processed and exchanged. • POA translates such a system into a network of processes and flows, which are depicted in the static Flow Diagrams. • The State Chart adds the description of the behavior of the system. These static and dynamic investigations start with the As-Is Analysis, which represents the current system. Machfud
  • 22. are understood by everybody. The extent to which a production can be described by diagrams depends strongly on the understanding of the production itself. Real World Old production system Old production system As-Is Analysis To-Be Model Model of the Real World processes relationships interfaces time relations conditions realization implementation calculation simulation restructuring reengineering details descriptions parameters New production system New production system Figure I1-6: Real world and model. Machfud
  • 23. • In the model, alternative solutions and different values for parameters are investigated to gain information for optimization strategies and future scenarios for the To-Be Model, which sets the target to be realized in the real world. • The new model is applied thereafter in the real world, and processes and interfaces are adapted step-by-step. • The data used for modeling, calculation, simulation, and reengineering is gained by measurement in the real system, by estimation, by reverse engineering, or by calcu- lation using a generic production system. • The calculation results provide a rating of the performance of the production system. Machfud
  • 24. and values, are identified. It is recommended to discuss the system based on th diagrams with the people involved on different levels in order to get a complet system description. Goal definition Project target Setting of system boundary Modeling As-Is Analysis Data collection Calculation Simulation Identification of weak point Optimization Setting up To-Be Model End of project Final report Figure I1-7: Setup of a model. Calculation and simulation, based on the model and the data collection, give initia Machfud
  • 25. Manfaat / Kegunaan POA – assists the concurrent engineering of products, manufacturing processes, and production equipment, and helps to improve efficiency for modeling and development. – It supports the lifecycle design of products by including technical, financial, and environmental evaluation parameters. Machfud
  • 26. • contains different graphical tools for the static (time-independent) and • the dynamic (time-dependent) analysis of companies, plants, processes, and resources. • Financially and environmentally relevant flows are modeled in static diagrams and are applied for the investigation and improvement of industrial systems. Machfud
  • 27. Delimitation POA - SA • Structured Analysis (SA) was originally designed in the United States as a software development method for the handling of complex data systems. • The basics for the Flow Diagram and the State Chart of POA have been derived from SA to take advantage of the strong features of SA, such as consistency, scalability, and simplicity. • SA and POA apply a similar static model to describe the system from a structural viewpoint. • The static models of POA are mainly focused on resource, cost, and information, and therefore do not apply the element data store, as used in the Data Flow Diagram of SA Machfud
  • 28. SA POA Purpose Software engineering System engineering Static modeling Data Flow Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram Flow Diagram Value Flow Diagram Resource Flow Diagram Elements Flow Process External entity Store Flow Process External entity Data and resource modeling Mainly data modeling Resource and data modeling Hierarchical structure Yes Yes Dynamic modeling State Transition Diagram State Chart Connection between static and dynamic models Two independent models Consistent relationship between static and dynamic model Link between modeling and coding Different concepts for imple- mentation of charts into code Step-by-step procedure from State Chart to real- time control or simulation program code Machfud
  • 29. Delimitation POA to UML • UML groups its diagram types according to the viewpoints they provide on the system, e.g. behavioral view or functional view. • UML offers a variety of diagrams and perspectives but the positioning of theses diagrams is not clearly defined. • POA diagrams are assigned to the static and dynamic behavior of a system, while keeping and maintaining a common database for all diagrams. Machfud
  • 30. UML Diagrams POA Diagrams Requirements view Use Case Diagram Flow Diagram (context diagram) Structural view Class Diagram Component and Deployment Diagram Flow Diagram Behavioral view State Diagram Activity Diagram Sequence Diagram State Chart Machfud
  • 31. Method Aspect UML POA Purpose Software engineering System engineering Sequence of use of diagrams Not defined. Clearly defined. Connection be- tween diagrams Connections between diagrams are not fully defined. Connections between individual diagrams are defined by strict rules. Coding Programming is done based on several diagram types. No consis- tency between diagrams and code. Structural link is provided through programming based on the State Comparison of UML and POA Methodology Machfud
  • 32. Konsep POA • Menyelidiki sistem produksi pada berbagai tingkat kompleksitas yang berbeda. • Sistem produksi yang dianalisa dapat berupa manufacturing plant seperti lini produksi untuk coklat, suatu mesin, seperti mesin pengkemas, suatu proses tunggal seperti pengendalian kualitas • Untuk kebutuhan analisis dan perbaikan, suatu sistem perlu dimodelkan, apakah bersifat time independently (statically) atau time-dependently (dynamically), serta transisinya. Machfud
  • 34. • It depicts what happens within a system, which activities are conducted, and specifies where and how what input is transformed into what output. • It can be described on several levels of detail in the hierarchy. Machfud
  • 35. • It introduces the behavioral view of the function of a production system. • It specifies the sequence of states and under which condition the states are entered. • To break down a complex system, a State Chart can be detailed hierarchically on different levels. Machfud
  • 36. Static Analysis: 1. Spesifikasi Sistem 2. Analisis secara Ekonomi 3. Analisis secara Ekologis. Spesifikasi Sistem: • the Flow Diagram, which shows a production system or a service enterprise, depicting it by flows and processes: – Processes describe the activities of people and machinery and the transformation of material, resources, and data within the system. – Flows connect processes, acting as interfaces between them. Machfud
  • 37. • The purpose of the functional analysis with the Flow Diagram is to get to know the system to be investigated: – to specify processes, organize the workflow, find gaps in the information transfer, and streamline the operation. Machfud
  • 39. Economical Analysis: • The economical analysis of a system starts by drawing a Flow Diagram. By adding quantities, numbers, and monetary values, the Flow Diagram becomes a Value Flow Diagram. • Values expressed in Currency Units (CU) are allocated within the processes and assigned to flows in order to calculate the value of the product. Machfud
  • 40. Economical Analysis: • Financial values and costs are connected graphically with the corresponding flows or processes on the diagram. Along the path of the production process chain, the value added is calculated. • The value calculation is carried out in order to set the sales price for a product, to evaluate an investment in new production machinery, or to calculate the impact of a change in production parameters. Machfud
  • 42. Ecological Analysis: • Ecological analysis using the Resource Flow Diagram is based on the Flow Diagram, which is completed by resource flows and their values. • The environmentally relevant values are calculated for the resource flows including mass, energy, and embodied energy calculation. Machfud
  • 43. Ecological Analysis: • Possibilities for recycling and reuse of waste heat and waste material are assessed by in- depth technical energy analysis. • The energy consumption necessary for a product during its production and its lifetime is summed up as embodied energy. • Calculation and optimization steps result in recommendations for improving the processing system. Machfud
  • 46. • Diagram graphically shows where resources and data come from, where they are going, how output is generated by transformation of input, and what relationships exist between the activities. • A Flow Diagram is a simple, yet powerful tool to structure and order a complex system. Since it is scalable any time into more general or more detailed views, any point within the system may be chosen as the starting point to draw diagrams for a model. • • It will finally become a picture of the real system and represent a part of the real world, thus looking as similar as possible. Machfud
  • 47. • The Flow Diagram helps understand complex production systems by revealing, step-by-step, their underlying structure and the relationships and interactions between the elements. • The main focus of the Flow Diagram is on interface-oriented thinking. • The flows represent interfaces, relations, and connections. They guide the analysis, hierarchical decomposition, and specification of a system. Machfud
  • 48. Hierarchical decomposition: • The Flow Diagram model is able to structure the system hierarchically in different levels of detail. This helps to decompose a big, complex system into small, manageable components that are easier to understand. • Each process in a diagram may be detailed into child diagrams with subprocesses and subflows. Machfud
  • 49. • This hierarchical procedure allows either a top-down or a bottom-up execution of an analysis. • Using the top-down analysis approach, the problem is outlined going only into as much depth as is required at the time, but can be further detailed at any time. With the bottom- up analysis, different subsystems are assembled to create a larger system. Machfud
  • 50. System boundary: • The diagram on the uppermost level in the model hierarchy clearly defines the system boundary. • It defines the elements that belong to the investigated system and those that are part of the external environment. • The toplevel diagram also shows the interactions or the interfaces of the analyzed system with the external environment. Machfud
  • 51. Flow Diagram Elements • consists of three elements, each represented by a graphical symbol: – process, – flow, and – external entity. • The investigated system is described using processes and flows. • The external entities define the external environment of this system. Machfud
  • 52. • Rules S1-1: Flow Diagram • F1 A Flow Diagram has to contain a minimum of: – one process, – one flow as an input to this process, and – one flow as an output of this process. • F2 Each element (process, flow, external entity) carries an informative name. Machfud
  • 53. Process: • Processes are transformations performed on the content of flows. Each change of place, time, state, or value is represented by a process. • These processes can depict the function of a single machine or of an entire company. • A process represents a part of a system that carries out an activity or a function. • It transforms the process inputs into process outputs. This transformation creates an output of higher value that is more useful than the input Machfud
  • 54. • Tipe Proses: – Proses Produksi – Proses Penyimpanan – Proses Transportasi – Proses Administrasi – Proses Pendukung – Proses Pengendalian 4.2 Wash dishes Dishwasher Machfud
  • 55. Flow: • Flow menunjukkan interface antara 2 proses atau antara proses sistem dan lingkungan eksternal. • A flow represents the interface or the crossing of an object that is passed between two processes or between a process and the external world. • The object is the content of the flow. It can also be seen as the carrier. This object can be material, as a product, material, or resources, or immaterial, as information, human intervention, energy, etc. Machfud
  • 56. • Kelompok Flow: – Product flow – Resource flow: • Material • Waste • Water • Energy • Workforce ( (operator, service, supervisor) • Space – Information flow: • Order • Instruksi • Contro Machfud
  • 57. Value Flow Diagram • Value. is a generic word for the different terms of cost accounting, such as costs, expenditures, expenses, receipts, income, profits, returns, earnings, performance, output, etc. • The value is given in a currency unit as specified for the analysis. Machfud
  • 58. Value Flow Diagram • The Value Flow Diagram (VFD) is based on the Flow Diagram and depicts the manufacturing of a product through processes and flows. • Each flow on a diagram, including the product flow, carries a monetary value. • The value can be read out from the diagram at any stage in production. Machfud
  • 59. Value Flow Diagram • This means that the value flows in a company are matched graphically with the production flow. • The value added can be followed step-by-step along the chain of production processes, and the origin of the costs is immediately visualized. • This makes the VFD a graphical value analysis tool. Machfud
  • 60. VFD Elements 1. Proses: • In addition to the general process definition of the Flow Diagram, the value aspect has to be considered for the VFD. • Setiap proses menyebabkan perubahan nilai – setiap perubahan nilai membutuhkan proses. • On the VFD, the value added of a process can be shown on the diagram in the process box itself. It appears in the third field at the bottom, which is reserved for additional information. • The value added of a process expresses the increase of value that the product receives while being treated in this process. 4.2 Wrap chocolate Value added CU: 26.75 Machfud
  • 61. 2. External entity: • External entities represent the external environment. • They are the suppliers and receivers - source and destination - of the system and connected to it by the flows going into and coming out of the system. • As they do not belong to the investigated system, they are not needed for the value calculation and therefore, do not have values in the symbols on the diagram or in their specifications. • The flows, as the interfaces to the external entities, carry all the necessary value information for the calculations. Machfud
  • 62. 3.Value Flow. – In the VFD, the flow carries the value; it is therefore called the value flow. – The flow, consists of the object and the value that is carried by the object. – The object provides the name and value for the flow. It is also called the flow content or value carrier. 1 Manufactur er Machine 2 Paint Machine Machine CU. 952.00 Machfud
  • 64. Positive Value Flow: the origin process sends the object and value indicated to the destination process, following the direction of the arrow. Negative value flow: the origin process receives the value for the object that is sent to the destination process. Value Added: Value added dari suatu proses pada VFD adalah perbedaan antara nilai output produk dan nilai input produk Machfud
  • 67. Resource Flow Diagram (RFD) • RFD berkonsentrasi dalam menghubungkan proses dan memetakan aliran sumbedaya seperti energi, material, limbah, dan tenaga kerja. • RFD adalah “As-Is Model” è digunakan untuk mengoptimumkan sistem, berfokus pada aliran sumberdaya yang closed-loop, mengurangi konsumsi sumberdaya, emisi dan limbah. • Output dari analisis RFD merupakan basis utk perbaikan secara teknis maupun logistik pada rantai produksi. • RFD bertujuan untuk analisis dan optimasi sistem produksi dari sudut pandang energi dan lingkungan. Machfud
  • 68. Tujuan Utama RFD • Menganalisis Sistem: – Proses pemetaan yang menghubungkan berbagai tingkat kerincian è perhitungan aliran masa dan energi untuk assessment awal sistem produksu • Evaluasi energi dari sistem – Menghitung keseimbangan energi dari sistem produksi è penentuan kinerja dan mengoptimasi manajemen energi. • Evaluasi Lingkungan Machfud
  • 71. RFD vs LCA (Life Cycle Assessment ~ evaluasi lingkungan) LCA: suatu metode yang menghitung dan mengevaluasi dampak lingkungan dari produk/jasa sepanjang life cycle nya. Machfud
  • 73. Elemen RFD • RFD didasarkan pada Flow Diagram • RFD melengkapi Flow Diagram dengan aliran sumberdaya dan nilai sumberdaya. • Elemen RFD : Proses, Aliran resource, dan ecternal entity Machfud
  • 74. • Proses: – Proses melaksanakan transformasi aliran resource atas dasar hukum energi dan conservasi massa. • Resource Flow: ü menunjukkan secara grafis (produk, material, energi atau manpower) suatu objek melewati satu proses ke proses berikutnya. Machfud
  • 75. • External Entity – Sistem bertukar resource, produk, dan informasi dengan “outside world” (external entity) ~ dhi: pemasok dan pelanggan. – External entity tidak digunakan dalam perhitungan pada sistem yang dikaji. – Aliran yang keluar dan datang dari external entities membawa semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk perhitungan Machfud