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Reading and spelling info
  session for parents

Brief overview of the Speech Sound
  Pics™ (SSP Phonics) Approach !
Terminology……keeping it simple

Words are made up of speech sounds


                    These speech sounds can be represented
                    on paper using ‘speech sound pics’
                    ie pictures of speech sounds
Say the word (grass)

                                       Listen for the speech sounds

                                       ____ _____ _____ _____

                                         1      2     3      4
                                              Imagine you are taking a picture of each of the
                                              4 speech sounds with your speech sound camera
                                              – what might each one look like?
                                              Which sound pic shall we choose?

The children imagine they are taking pictures of the 4 speech sounds, and choose
sound pics (representations) When you talk about letters these are simply letters
of the alphabet – and also have their own name. So, yes, this is an ‘es’ but what speech
sound is it a picture of? It’s one (there are 8 or 9) of the pictures for the speech sound ‘ssss’
Amazing spelling skills start
    with SPEECH, and hearing
   the smaller parts in words.
                        Spelling starts from speech, not print.
 We created the written word to record our spoken words, not the other way around.
Words are spelt using sound pics™ – representations of the smaller parts of our words –
so children MUST be taught them all. All can be seen within the Speech Sound Clouds.
SSP Phonics Spelling

- say the word

- listen for the speech sounds and
work out how many there are

- draw the lines and
numbers              _ _ _
                     1 2 3
- work out the
sound pics
                  a    n   t
Demonstration of the SSP Approach to
       Spelling within Prep

(Video attached)
The SSP Spelling Process Shown Visually
     (i-e – blue level sound pic- sound pic sandwich)
How to count sound pics for spelling
             (95% of the time)
We use resources to help children
 discover the code more easily

d o l __ i n
. ..        ..
f i __
Students discover the code
themselves (these were Prep
Speedy Green Decoding
        (Find them easy? Ask someone to time you!)

sat                  pit
Santa                it
in                   pit
nip                  pin                    clock
                                            . . . ___
sit                  ant
tan                  tin
pan                  pants
Stan                 nap
Speedy Purple Decoding
         (Find them easy? Ask someone to time you!)

mat                  lamp
dad                  riddle
gap                  grass
pot                  bump                 clock
                                          . . . ___
cat                  pill
kitten               sock
duck                 pants
fluff                kicks
it is a big hat

it is a little hat

 it is a fat cat

it is a red cat
Songs in P- 2 help us see other sound pics
that represent the same speech sound
Jolly Phonics songs are also used
We will be forming these
letters using phrases !

               Lower case only
                    at home
                 please, other
                    than at
               the beginning of
                names, in Prep
              Oder children will also
              learn correct formation
Letter formation
      (we recommend RWI cards and phrases   )

froggy legs                      Ill show you where
                                 to start
We don’t need to know letter
  names to read and spell in the
early stages, and they can confuse
            the process
Children just need to be able to
hear the smaller parts in
words, and know how many sound
pics are needed
And know which sound pics they
could be !
Pronunciation of the
Speech Sound Pics™
There is a power point presentation on that goes
through the Speech Sound Clouds and gives the
speech sound for each. The children hear the
speech sound as they click on the star.

The most commonly used ones are shown, but
ALL sound pics used for this speech sound are
also shown using the Speech Sound Clouds.
How can parents help?

   Help your child hear the smaller parts in words
(speech sounds) and work out how many there are.

                 c / ow

Help them see the speech
sound pics within words
You can do this in the car, walking…. Anywhere !
There are no letters involved – just listening..

    Say the word
  How many speech
 sounds can you hear?
    What are they?

Children who can do this will find reading, and especially spelling, far easier
We teach them this if they do not find this easy. YOU can help at home!
You will need to learn to speak in
         speech sounds!

                    Visit the RTT site for videos
                    and resources
                     Puppets with mouths – showing
                     the speech sounds
To develop exceptional spelling (encoding) skills we need to
 start from SPEECH. If children cannot hear the smaller parts
   in words (phonemic awareness) they will not be able to
 develop these skills. They need to SEE words as made up of
speech sound pics (pictures of the speech sounds, not letters)
At all times, from term 1 of Prep, those using SSP try to see sound pics
 in words, and encourage children to do the same. This really helps to
shape their reading AND spelling brains and prevent difficulties. It also
allows teachers to see where there are gaps in PA and code knowledge.
                    Use every opportunity to do this !
Practice this yourself!
P-2 ? Find your own member of the
       Speech Sound Family !
Our first focus group (green)

                                                   s        is one of the pictures
                                                            for the speech sound
                                                            ssss. This is the first
                                                            the children will learn, as
                                                            there are 8 pictures

So even though these are the first sound pics we teach, it is important that we help
children hear the speech sounds they represent.
Eg ‘Can you hear the ‘ssss’ speech sound in the word ‘rice’?’ .. ’is it at the
beginning, middle or end?
Collect things! When you say the word
      you can hear the speech sound/s
                         (beginning, middle or end)
Students will quickly be decoding
 books using these sound pics !
Home readers will be books the
      children can read
Children go through the levelled
   readers at their own pace

  Download free decoding (reading)
  and encoding (spelling) material
  that follows the order your child
  will learn the phonemes (speech
  sound pics) as well as folder
  content resources at slideshare
Eg slide from Green level decoding
        practice power point

Nat pants in the sand pit

                     Green Level sound pics

                     s   a     t     p        i   n
‘Sharing books’ are those you read to your
child. Please point to the print as you read.
           Try to find sound pics !
Build words using magnetic letters or
     make sound pic cards in P-2.

                          This reader can
                          be downloaded
                          from the
                          web site and
                          printed, or
                          read as a PDF
Children can look for sound pics, at
their level. Watch Prep students do
        this on the youtube channel
Within the SSP Levels children are
  taught all of the most commonly
     used ‘speech sound pics’

but also discover the code

This is easier for us if
we start with what we
know…. how to speak !
All students need to know
     these sound pics, and how
   to use them within reading and
            spelling activities

   We will check which reading
and spelling skills current students
  need practice with, and plan
P – 2 will have home folders
 They will have their sound pics, words created using these
sound pics, tricky words and also readers created using their
                         sound pics
The Speech Sound Family love you
                                       reading to them!
                                       If you speak in speech sounds they
                                       can understand you, as most only speak
                                       in speech sounds. This is why they love
                                       it when you say the sound pics before
                                       you blend them into the word.

Please use puppets to show how words
are created using smaller parts.
Ikea has some great puppets at the moment with
mouths you can open and close with your
fingers. You need to be able to open and close
the mouth to show the individual speech sounds.
These are especially important for children who
have poor phonemic awareness.

They are about $5
Knowing how to spell
‘butterfly’ , or read the
word is not enough.

Children need to learn,
and work out, WHY
words are created in
this way (ie the parts/
speech sound pics.)

This will help them
develop the skills needed
to spell and read even
the most difficult of
words, including those
they have never heard of.
SSP is not used to help
children read and spell,
but to become readers
and writers.
To shape reading and
spelling brains for ALL
If they can’t decode at least 85% of the book it isn’t a ‘reader, so you share it with
them for enjoyment. Their ‘reader’ is a book they can read, not have to guess at.
Working together…

Parents and Grandparents
Older students
Children helping
children within classrooms…
• Check 1                            Speech Sound Identification – student says
                                        what s/he sees and tells you the sound you ask
                                        for – beginning, middle or end. Also ask them
Use pics showing words used in          to count how many speech sounds they can
that level- created using their         hear.
sound pics – eg within Green
use Pat, ant, sit, tap etc

      Check 2                         Sound pic identification - student asked to point
      to the ‘pic of X speech sound and also asked to identify the speech sound when
      teacher points to sound pic

      Check 3                                                       Student asked to point
      to the sound pics that make a word (eg ant if green level) – see if they order
      correctly. Teacher points to sound pics in order to create a word and students
      identifies whole word.
Check 4               Student shown sound pic words for that level and asked
to identify, and put into a sentence. Shown tricky words and asked to identify.

Check 5               Student asked to write words, from within that level, after
being given the word verbally. Check letter formation within this check.

                       Student reads assessment sentences, no picture clues,
Check 6                based on their level
  Eg (Green Level) Pat sat in a pan in the sand pit.
  1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage an opinion
  eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was doing that?
  1 verbal question about the text, with written answer.
  eg where was he sitting?

  When students have moved past Green, and are able to also read questions
  please change 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer, to 1
  written question, with written answer.
Ask children to manipulate sound pics eg if I say
‘lim’ without the ‘l’ what would I say?

Read assessment texts, ask child to identify
sound pics for a specific speech sound

(see video example here)
Reading Whisperer ® Classroom lessons
      (see Video Folder – Classroom Lessons – or
These are shorter than home lessons and last around
8 – 12 minutes. Watch in the classroom with all
children, in small groups if they need more
practice, or on a 1:1 basis.
                            Speech Sound Pic Detective

All cover the skills and concepts needed at each level (as
seen as you scroll through the levels) They are helpful for
terminology, in particular ie how to introduce concepts
There is a lesson for each sound pic focus in every level ie
approx. 70 lessons, with a lesson per Speech Sound Cloud
coming soon (including special ending cloud lessons)
Free online lessons available for home/ classroom
SSP Phonics Levels
This is the order your child will be taught the
alphabetic code (speech sound pics).

This systematic approach builds confidence for
every child.

This approach also helps us all see how each
child is progressing, and enables children to
more easily work at their own pace.
Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free
    or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – see

        . . __ . .
Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the
beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics,
identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting
sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating
sentences, discussing meaning.
s      a     t

 sit   ant   tap

 p      i     n
pan    pin   nap
Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free
              or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – Dandelion Launchers –

Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle
or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into
words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words,
creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing,
Introduced to concepts that speech sounds can be represented by more than one sound pic
(eg c/k/ck) that sound pics can be made up of more than one letter (eg ck, ff, ll) , that some
sound pics can represent more than one speech sound ( eg c and g) and that when 2 of the
same letter are next to each other this represents the same speech sound (ss, ll)
m        d     g         o      c     k
man      dad      gap        pot   cat kitten
                  gent             cent
ck       e        u      r         h          b
duck     end      up     rat       hat        big

f        ff       l       le       ll     ss
fit     fluff    lamp    giggle hill grass
Continue with Dandelion readers

Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle
or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics
into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words,
creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before
writing, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, rhyming, clapping rhythms,
working out which speech sound the sound pic represents, by blending the word for
meaning (oo/ th/ eigh) .
 New concepts – when some sound pics sit together they create a brand new sound pic
(sh/ch/th/ng) – and can again represent more than one speech sound (th/ oo) - q is
always sitting with u in a word
j       v   w x           y       z  zz
jam     van win box       yell    zoo buzz
qu       ch   sh      th               ng
quit    chips ship    this thumb      ring

ai     ee   igh      oa      oo       eigh
rain green high      boat look moon   eight
.                                     height
By now children should have all of the foundational skills required to decode (read) and
encode (spell) and you are able to help children with fluency, vocab and comprehension.
Please have a 15 minute reading time every day, with a range of books for the children to
choose. They can read to themselves, to a friend, in groups, to an adult etc.

Readers will be following the order, eg Dandelion – and I will upload as many free readers
as possible this year, so that children can practice these skills in meaningful ways.

New concepts
A speech sound can be split, in print, by sound pics – eg ate has 2 speech sounds a-e/t
(t is last speech sound) however in print the speech sound a-e (ay) sandwiches this sound
pic. (next slide illustrates- you do not need to watch this with the children, but can if
helpful) Some sound pics can be made up of sound pics that dont seem to fit !
 (eg ph, wh ) – the King wants it this way so we just remember them
Words learnt as ‘tricky words’ are now either ‘tricky yes, yes’ (decodable) or ‘tricky no, no’
(difficult to decode and easier to memorise eg one / two / was )
Some words may sound the same, but are spelt with different sound pics. (hear, here etc)
blue level sound pics
ar          or               ow             oi          air        ur
car         for             cow tow        soil        hair      purse

er               ay               oy              ou          au
perfect          play             toy     out group touch     August

ir         ie              ue             ea           ui        ey
first     chief tie        blue         beat head      suit   key they

aw        wh            ph          ew oe              ure      are
claw      whip          dolphin     few      toe       pure    are dare
blue level ‘sound pic sandwiches’
        Say the word and listen to the last speech sound.
        The Speech Sound Pic Sandwich Maker jumps
        the last sound from the end, into the sandwich!

  a-e                           e-e                           i-e
  cake                athlete                               bike

  o-e                         u-e
  coke                     flute
                                                            which of these sound pic
                                                            sandwiches can you see?
Watch Preps going through all levels
     with the Fantastic Mrs F
 (this happens once a week when all levels covered as takes a white!)
Then the children systematically go through
each speech sound to cover any sound pics
           missed within levels
Please do come in to help in the
          classroom !

                          We really
                          need your

 Watch SSP in action on
Free planning guides, lessons, resources
and assessment tools for parents and teachers

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Más de Read Australia (Wiring Brains Education)

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Reading and spelling info session for parents

  • 1. Reading and spelling info session for parents Brief overview of the Speech Sound Pics™ (SSP Phonics) Approach !
  • 2. Terminology……keeping it simple Words are made up of speech sounds ck These speech sounds can be represented on paper using ‘speech sound pics’ ie pictures of speech sounds
  • 3. Say the word (grass) Listen for the speech sounds ____ _____ _____ _____ 1 2 3 4 Imagine you are taking a picture of each of the 4 speech sounds with your speech sound camera – what might each one look like? Which sound pic shall we choose? The children imagine they are taking pictures of the 4 speech sounds, and choose sound pics (representations) When you talk about letters these are simply letters of the alphabet – and also have their own name. So, yes, this is an ‘es’ but what speech sound is it a picture of? It’s one (there are 8 or 9) of the pictures for the speech sound ‘ssss’
  • 4. Amazing spelling skills start with SPEECH, and hearing the smaller parts in words. Spelling starts from speech, not print. We created the written word to record our spoken words, not the other way around. Words are spelt using sound pics™ – representations of the smaller parts of our words – so children MUST be taught them all. All can be seen within the Speech Sound Clouds.
  • 5. SSP Phonics Spelling - say the word - listen for the speech sounds and work out how many there are - draw the lines and numbers _ _ _ 1 2 3 - work out the sound pics a n t
  • 6. Demonstration of the SSP Approach to Spelling within Prep (Video attached)
  • 7. The SSP Spelling Process Shown Visually (i-e – blue level sound pic- sound pic sandwich)
  • 8. How to count sound pics for spelling (95% of the time)
  • 9. We use resources to help children discover the code more easily d o l __ i n ph . .. .. f i __ sh ..
  • 10. Students discover the code themselves (these were Prep discoveries)
  • 12.
  • 13. Speedy Green Decoding (Find them easy? Ask someone to time you!) sat pit Santa it in pit nip pin clock . . . ___ sit ant tan tin pan pants Stan nap
  • 14.
  • 15. Speedy Purple Decoding (Find them easy? Ask someone to time you!) mat lamp dad riddle gap grass pot bump clock . . . ___ cat pill kitten sock duck pants fluff kicks
  • 16. it is a big hat it is a little hat it is a fat cat it is a red cat
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Songs in P- 2 help us see other sound pics that represent the same speech sound
  • 20. Jolly Phonics songs are also used
  • 21. We will be forming these letters using phrases ! Lower case only at home please, other than at the beginning of names, in Prep Oder children will also learn correct formation
  • 22. Letter formation (we recommend RWI cards and phrases ) froggy legs Ill show you where to start
  • 23.
  • 24. We don’t need to know letter names to read and spell in the early stages, and they can confuse the process
  • 25. Children just need to be able to hear the smaller parts in words, and know how many sound pics are needed
  • 26. And know which sound pics they could be !
  • 27. Pronunciation of the Speech Sound Pics™ There is a power point presentation on that goes through the Speech Sound Clouds and gives the speech sound for each. The children hear the speech sound as they click on the star. The most commonly used ones are shown, but ALL sound pics used for this speech sound are also shown using the Speech Sound Clouds.
  • 28. i y
  • 29. How can parents help? Help your child hear the smaller parts in words (speech sounds) and work out how many there are. c / ow Help them see the speech sound pics within words
  • 30. You can do this in the car, walking…. Anywhere ! There are no letters involved – just listening.. Say the word How many speech sounds can you hear? What are they? Children who can do this will find reading, and especially spelling, far easier We teach them this if they do not find this easy. YOU can help at home!
  • 31. You will need to learn to speak in speech sounds! Visit the RTT site for videos and resources Puppets with mouths – showing the speech sounds
  • 32. To develop exceptional spelling (encoding) skills we need to start from SPEECH. If children cannot hear the smaller parts in words (phonemic awareness) they will not be able to develop these skills. They need to SEE words as made up of speech sound pics (pictures of the speech sounds, not letters) At all times, from term 1 of Prep, those using SSP try to see sound pics in words, and encourage children to do the same. This really helps to shape their reading AND spelling brains and prevent difficulties. It also allows teachers to see where there are gaps in PA and code knowledge. Use every opportunity to do this ! Questions?
  • 34. P-2 ? Find your own member of the Speech Sound Family !
  • 35. Our first focus group (green) s is one of the pictures for the speech sound ssss. This is the first the children will learn, as there are 8 pictures So even though these are the first sound pics we teach, it is important that we help children hear the speech sounds they represent. Eg ‘Can you hear the ‘ssss’ speech sound in the word ‘rice’?’ .. ’is it at the beginning, middle or end?
  • 36. Collect things! When you say the word you can hear the speech sound/s (beginning, middle or end)
  • 37. Students will quickly be decoding books using these sound pics !
  • 38. Home readers will be books the children can read
  • 39. Children go through the levelled readers at their own pace
  • 40. Download free decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) material that follows the order your child will learn the phonemes (speech sound pics) as well as folder content resources at slideshare
  • 41. Eg slide from Green level decoding practice power point Nat pants in the sand pit Green Level sound pics s a t p i n
  • 42. ‘Sharing books’ are those you read to your child. Please point to the print as you read. Try to find sound pics !
  • 43. Build words using magnetic letters or make sound pic cards in P-2. This reader can be downloaded from the web site and printed, or read as a PDF
  • 44. Children can look for sound pics, at their level. Watch Prep students do this on the youtube channel
  • 45. Within the SSP Levels children are taught all of the most commonly used ‘speech sound pics’ but also discover the code themselves. This is easier for us if we start with what we know…. how to speak !
  • 46. All students need to know these sound pics, and how to use them within reading and spelling activities We will check which reading and spelling skills current students need practice with, and plan accordingly
  • 47. P – 2 will have home folders They will have their sound pics, words created using these sound pics, tricky words and also readers created using their sound pics
  • 48. The Speech Sound Family love you reading to them! If you speak in speech sounds they can understand you, as most only speak in speech sounds. This is why they love it when you say the sound pics before you blend them into the word. Please use puppets to show how words are created using smaller parts.
  • 49. Ikea has some great puppets at the moment with mouths you can open and close with your fingers. You need to be able to open and close the mouth to show the individual speech sounds. These are especially important for children who have poor phonemic awareness. They are about $5
  • 50. Knowing how to spell ‘butterfly’ , or read the word is not enough. Children need to learn, and work out, WHY words are created in this way (ie the parts/ speech sound pics.) This will help them develop the skills needed to spell and read even the most difficult of words, including those they have never heard of. SSP is not used to help children read and spell, but to become readers and writers. To shape reading and spelling brains for ALL children.
  • 51. If they can’t decode at least 85% of the book it isn’t a ‘reader, so you share it with them for enjoyment. Their ‘reader’ is a book they can read, not have to guess at.
  • 52. Working together… Parents and Grandparents TAs Older students Children helping children within classrooms…
  • 53. • Check 1 Speech Sound Identification – student says what s/he sees and tells you the sound you ask for – beginning, middle or end. Also ask them Use pics showing words used in to count how many speech sounds they can that level- created using their hear. sound pics – eg within Green use Pat, ant, sit, tap etc Check 2 Sound pic identification - student asked to point to the ‘pic of X speech sound and also asked to identify the speech sound when teacher points to sound pic Check 3 Student asked to point to the sound pics that make a word (eg ant if green level) – see if they order correctly. Teacher points to sound pics in order to create a word and students identifies whole word.
  • 54. Check 4 Student shown sound pic words for that level and asked to identify, and put into a sentence. Shown tricky words and asked to identify. Check 5 Student asked to write words, from within that level, after being given the word verbally. Check letter formation within this check. Student reads assessment sentences, no picture clues, Check 6 based on their level Eg (Green Level) Pat sat in a pan in the sand pit. 1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage an opinion eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was doing that? 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer. eg where was he sitting? When students have moved past Green, and are able to also read questions please change 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer, to 1 written question, with written answer.
  • 55. Ask children to manipulate sound pics eg if I say ‘lim’ without the ‘l’ what would I say? Read assessment texts, ask child to identify sound pics for a specific speech sound (see video example here)
  • 56. Reading Whisperer ® Classroom lessons (see Video Folder – Classroom Lessons – or These are shorter than home lessons and last around 8 – 12 minutes. Watch in the classroom with all children, in small groups if they need more practice, or on a 1:1 basis. Speech Sound Pic Detective All cover the skills and concepts needed at each level (as seen as you scroll through the levels) They are helpful for terminology, in particular ie how to introduce concepts There is a lesson for each sound pic focus in every level ie approx. 70 lessons, with a lesson per Speech Sound Cloud coming soon (including special ending cloud lessons)
  • 57. Free online lessons available for home/ classroom
  • 58. SSP Phonics Levels This is the order your child will be taught the alphabetic code (speech sound pics). This systematic approach builds confidence for every child. This approach also helps us all see how each child is progressing, and enables children to more easily work at their own pace.
  • 59. Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – see speedy . . __ . . Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning.
  • 60. s a t sit ant tap p i n pan pin nap
  • 61. Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – Dandelion Launchers – see Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing, rhyming. Introduced to concepts that speech sounds can be represented by more than one sound pic (eg c/k/ck) that sound pics can be made up of more than one letter (eg ck, ff, ll) , that some sound pics can represent more than one speech sound ( eg c and g) and that when 2 of the same letter are next to each other this represents the same speech sound (ss, ll)
  • 62. m d g o c k man dad gap pot cat kitten gent cent ck e u r h b duck end up rat hat big f ff l le ll ss fit fluff lamp giggle hill grass
  • 63. Continue with Dandelion readers Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, rhyming, clapping rhythms, working out which speech sound the sound pic represents, by blending the word for meaning (oo/ th/ eigh) . New concepts – when some sound pics sit together they create a brand new sound pic (sh/ch/th/ng) – and can again represent more than one speech sound (th/ oo) - q is always sitting with u in a word
  • 64. j v w x y z zz jam van win box yell zoo buzz happy fly qu ch sh th ng quit chips ship this thumb ring ai ee igh oa oo eigh rain green high boat look moon eight . height
  • 65. By now children should have all of the foundational skills required to decode (read) and encode (spell) and you are able to help children with fluency, vocab and comprehension. Please have a 15 minute reading time every day, with a range of books for the children to choose. They can read to themselves, to a friend, in groups, to an adult etc. Readers will be following the order, eg Dandelion – and I will upload as many free readers as possible this year, so that children can practice these skills in meaningful ways. New concepts A speech sound can be split, in print, by sound pics – eg ate has 2 speech sounds a-e/t (t is last speech sound) however in print the speech sound a-e (ay) sandwiches this sound pic. (next slide illustrates- you do not need to watch this with the children, but can if helpful) Some sound pics can be made up of sound pics that dont seem to fit ! (eg ph, wh ) – the King wants it this way so we just remember them Words learnt as ‘tricky words’ are now either ‘tricky yes, yes’ (decodable) or ‘tricky no, no’ (difficult to decode and easier to memorise eg one / two / was ) Some words may sound the same, but are spelt with different sound pics. (hear, here etc)
  • 66. blue level sound pics ar or ow oi air ur car for cow tow soil hair purse er ay oy ou au perfect play toy out group touch August ir ie ue ea ui ey first chief tie blue beat head suit key they aw wh ph ew oe ure are claw whip dolphin few toe pure are dare
  • 67. blue level ‘sound pic sandwiches’ Say the word and listen to the last speech sound. The Speech Sound Pic Sandwich Maker jumps the last sound from the end, into the sandwich! a-e e-e i-e cake athlete bike o-e u-e coke flute which of these sound pic sandwiches can you see?
  • 68. Watch Preps going through all levels with the Fantastic Mrs F (this happens once a week when all levels covered as takes a white!)
  • 69. Then the children systematically go through each speech sound to cover any sound pics missed within levels
  • 70.
  • 71. Please do come in to help in the classroom ! We really need your
  • 72. Join Watch SSP in action on
  • 73. Free planning guides, lessons, resources and assessment tools for parents and teachers