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GWT Deep Dive 
Part 1: UiBinder, CellWidgets, Activities&Places 
Andrey Mormysh 
Java Developer 
November 02, 2011
Google Web Toolkit 
GWT /ˈɡwɪt / 
Google Web Toolkit 
GWT-based projects
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network 
 Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows 
distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and 
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network 
 Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows 
distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and 
 Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider 
which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a 
unique multi-server control panel.
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network 
 Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows 
distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and 
 Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider 
which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a 
unique multi-server control panel. 
 Blueprint ( - business process mapping 
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network 
 Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows 
distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and 
 Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider 
which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a 
unique multi-server control panel. 
 Blueprint ( - business process mapping 
 Scenechronize ( - a production management web 
application for film, television and commercials
GWT-based projects 
 Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication 
and collaboration 
 Odnoklassniki ( - social network 
 Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows 
distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and 
 Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider 
which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a 
unique multi-server control panel. 
 Blueprint ( - business process mapping 
 Scenechronize ( - a production management web 
application for film, television and commercials 
 Whirled ( - social virtual world website which includes 
multi-player games 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Object-oriented programming 
GUI debugging 
Wigets and declarative UI 
Client Bundle 
Simple localization 
Code optimization 
Code splitting 
UI Designer 
Java Script Native Interface 
Access JS code from Java code and vice versa
Java Script Native Interface 
Access JS code from Java code and vice versa 
Wrap your own or third-party JS-widgets with JSNI: 
• Google Maps 
• Flash objects 
• etc.
Java Script Native Interface 
Access JS code from Java code and vice versa 
Wrap your own or third-party JS-widgets with JSNI: 
• Google Maps 
• Flash objects 
• etc. 
Example 1: 
public static native void alert(String msg) 
Example 2: 
package mypackage; 
public MyClass{ 
public static int foo() 
{ ... } 
public static native void exportStaticMethod() 
$ = $entry(@mypackage.MyClass::foo()); 
Deferred binding 
It is a pluggable compile-time type substitution and code generation 
Deferred binding 
It is a pluggable compile-time type substitution and code generation 
Static binding 
Foo f = new Foo(); 
Dynamic Binding 
Class c = Class.forName(fooImplName); 
Foo f = (Foo) c.newInstance(); 
Deferred Binding 
Foo f = (Foo) GWT.create(Foo.class);
Deferred binding 
Goal - send exactly the right code to client, depending on 
• User’s browser 
• Locale 
• Mode (debug / production) 
• Network characteristics 
• etc.
Deferred binding 
Goal - send exactly the right code to client, depending on 
• User’s browser 
• Locale 
• Mode (debug / production) 
• Network characteristics 
• etc. 
• Make fewer Http Requests 
• Eliminate dead code 
• Avoid polymorphic dispatch 
• Avoid synchronous XHR 
• Avoid spaghetti code (if-s in JS-code) 
• Try to use only inline code “elem.innerText = str” 
• etc.
DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class);
DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class); 
user_agent = “IE”
DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class); 
user_agent = “IE” 
DOM dom = new DOMImplInternetExplorer();
Perfect Caching
Perfect Caching 
Bootstrap selection script loads Javascript ‘executable’ containing correct set of bindings 
for given request. 
<module>.nocache.js - small 
<md5>.cache.js – big
Perfect Caching 
Bootstrap selection script loads Javascript ‘executable’ containing correct set of bindings 
for given request. 
<module>.nocache.js - small 
<md5>.cache.js – big 
Apache HTTP server .htaccess configuration: 
<Files *.nocache.*> 
ExpiresActive on 
ExpiresDefault "now" 
Header merge Cache-Control "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate" 
<Files *.cache.*> 
ExpiresActive on 
ExpiresDefault "now plus 1 year" 
Monilithic Compilation
Monilithic Compilation 
“The fastest code that which does not run”, 
--Joel Webber, GWT co-creator
Monilithic Compilation 
“The fastest code that which does not run”, 
--Joel Webber, GWT co-creator 
Shape shape = new Square(4); 
1) int area = shape.getArea();
Monilithic Compilation 
“The fastest code that which does not run”, 
--Joel Webber, GWT co-creator 
Shape shape = new Square(4); 
1) int area = shape.getArea(); 
2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape);
Monilithic Compilation 
“The fastest code that which does not run”, 
--Joel Webber, GWT co-creator 
Shape shape = new Square(4); 
1) int area = shape.getArea(); 
2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape); 
3) int area = shape.len * shape.len;
Monilithic Compilation 
“The fastest code that which does not run”, 
--Joel Webber, GWT co-creator 
Shape shape = new Square(4); 
1) int area = shape.getArea(); 
2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape); 
3) int area = shape.len * shape.len; 
4) int area = 16;
Client Bundle
Client Bundle 
1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port
Client Bundle 
1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port 
2) HTTP request has to be sent to the server for each resource (e.g. image)
Client Bundle 
1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port 
2) HTTP request has to be sent to the server for each resource (e.g. image) 
3) Request for status 304 ("Not Modified")
Client Bundle 
interface Resources extends ClientBundle { 
ImageResource logo(); 
@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true) 
ImageResource pointer(); 
Client Bundle 
interface Resources extends ClientBundle { 
ImageResource logo(); 
@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true) 
ImageResource pointer(); 
Resources resources = GWT.create(Resources.class); 
Image img = new Image(resources.logo());
Code Splitting 
public class Hello implements EntryPoint { 
public void onModuleLoad() { 
Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { 
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { 
Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); 
Code Splitting 
public class Hello implements EntryPoint { 
public void onModuleLoad() { 
Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { 
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { 
Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); 
Code Splitting 
public class Hello implements EntryPoint { 
public void onModuleLoad() { 
Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { 
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { 
GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { 
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { 
Window.alert("Code download failed"); 
public void onSuccess() { 
Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); 
GWT – it is a set of tools 
N+1) UiBinder 
N+2) CellWidgets 
N+3) Activities & Places 
Introduced in 2.0 (2010) 
GWT app is a Web Page 
Web page is HTML+CSS 
The best way to do is the easy one: 
1) build your apps as HTML pages with GWT widgets sprinkled 
throughout them 
2) do it more efficient (uses innerHTML, not DOM API calls)
1) Widgets have overhead 
2) Use UiBinder to replace Widgets with HTML 
2.1) when don’t need to respond to events 
2.2) or when events can be caught by a parent Widget 
2.3) caution: can’t add Widgets to HTML elements, so leaf 
Widgets require a parent Widget hierarchy to the top
UiBinder – “IS” 
1) helps productivity and maintainability 
2) collaboration with UI designers on theis language 
3) mocking; 
4) separation UI from its behavior 
5) compile-time checking 
6) direct support for internationalization 
7) encourages more efficient use of browser’s power
UiBinder – “IS NOT” 
1) it is not a renderer 
2) there are no loops, no conditionals, no if statements in its 
markup, and only a very limited expression language 
3) UiBinder allows you to lay out your user interface. It's still up to 
the widgets or other controllers themselves to convert rows of data 
into rows of HTML
UiBinder – “Hello” example 
1) Template (Hello.ui.xml) 
1.1) For this example – it is pure HTML 
1.2) Associate fields: ui:field='name' 
2) Owner class ( 
2.1) Declare root (DivElement) and owner (Hello) 
interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<DivElement, Hello> 
2.2) Use deffered binding to instanciate it: 
MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class) 
2.3) Create Element: uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this); 
(todo: show generated code)
UiBinder – “Hello” example 
Method access 
Every one of the widget's methods that follow JavaBean-style 
conventions for setting a property can be used this way. 
1) public void setName(String name) 
public void setValues(String values) 
2) <s:HelloWidget name="default text" 
UiBinder – Panels 
New LayoutPanels more efficient 
1) Layout mostly delegated to browser 
2) Less use of tables (except TabLayoutPanel) 
3) Any panel (or anything that implements HasWidgets) can be 
used in a template file, and can have other panels inside of it. 
4) Can contain only widgets (the restriction may be removed at 
2.4+, workaround: enclose in HTML or HTMLPanel widgets)
UiBinder – Panels 
<g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'> 
<g:north size='5'> 
<g:west size='10'> 
UiBinder – Event Handling 
Old style: 
titleListBox.addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() 
public void onChange( ChangeEvent event ) 
Window.alert( "Old style" ); 
New style: 
@UiHandler( "titleListBox" ) 
void titleListBoxValueChanged(ChangeEvent e) 
Window.alert( "New style" ); 
(you can only use @UiHandler with events thrown by widget objects, not DOM elements)
UiBinder – ClientBundle 
It is a way to minimize trips for images, CSS 
Takes all other stuff that makes up your app and inject it into the 
or anyhing you need 
Fewer roundtrips 
Built in image spriting 
Name spaces (no global name issues) 
Utilize CSS as engineering tool
UiBinder – Resources 
CssResource (see example) 
• ImageResource 
1) separate cacheable files 
2) inline base64-encoded data 
3) monolith image (will be sprited) 
• TextResource/ExternalTextResource 
• DataResource (non-text, with provided MIME type)
UiBinder – I18n 
<div>Hello, world.</div> 
<div><ui:msg description="Greeting">Hello</ui:msg></div> 
ui:generateFormat, ui:generateKeys, ui:generateLocales 
# Description: Greeting 
*Some widgets are i18n-ed out of the box (DatePicker)
In general, all widgets are slow (too much JavaScript) 
Old layout widgets are too static
CellWidgets - Features 
High-performance and lightweight (flyweight pattern) 
Renders interface as an HTML string (uses innerHTML, not DOM) 
Can handle events (fewer events == faster) 
Editable (Text, Number, Date-picker, etc.) 
Dataproviders support (sync and async)
CellWidgets - Showcase 
CellList, CellTable, DataGrid, CellTree, CellBrowser, … 
CellTable Features: 
Can render large amounts of data efficiently 
Multiple selection 
Keyboard navigation 
Editable cells
Browser’s history management approach 
Natural place for using code-splitting for UI optimization
Activities&Places - Place 
Represents particular state that can be bookmarked 
Provides a way for bidirectional serialization of URL 
Managed by PlaceController (listens eventBus)
Activities&Places - PlaceHistoryMapper 
Declares all the Places available in application 
GWT compiler will link PlaceHistoryHandler with PlaceTokenizer-s 
Example: SamplePlaceHistoryMapper
Activities&Places – Use case 1: goTo() 
Program calls to change place -> new place created and 
remembers it’s token
Activities&Places – Use case 2: history event 
User navigates to some URL -> Controller changes the place 
Activities&Places - Activity 
• Represents something the user is doing 
• Contains no Widgets or UI code 
• As some level it can be a “Presenter” in MVP pattern 
• Typical responsibility: 
• restore state ("wake up") 
• perform initialization ("set up") 
• load a corresponding UI ("show up") 
• Started and stopped by an ActivityManager (each per container) 
• May warn user before leaving
Activities&Places - ActivityMapper 
Maps each Place to its corresponding Activity 
"if (place instanceof SomePlace) return new SomeActivity(place)" 
Use case 1 – Provides brand new Activity for each call 
Use case 2 – Refreshes previous (singleton) activity
Activities&Places - View 
• Part of the UI associated with an Activity 
• Is a Widget (e.g. implements IsWidget interface) 
• Is a View in MVP pattern 
• Has 1 interface and >=1 implementations 
• Support for different views (e.g. desktop/mobile) 
• Easy JUnit testing (mocking) 
• Can be reused (recommended)
Activities&Places - Design
GoogleIO videos: 
To be continued…

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Gwt Deep Dive

  • 1. GWT Deep Dive Part 1: UiBinder, CellWidgets, Activities&Places Andrey Mormysh Java Developer November 02, 2011
  • 2. GWT Google Web Toolkit 2
  • 3. GWT /ˈɡwɪt / Google Web Toolkit 3
  • 5. 5 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration
  • 6. 6 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network
  • 7. 7 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network  Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events
  • 8. 8 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network  Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events  Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a unique multi-server control panel.
  • 9. 9 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network  Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events  Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a unique multi-server control panel.  Blueprint ( - business process mapping tool
  • 10. 10 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network  Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events  Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a unique multi-server control panel.  Blueprint ( - business process mapping tool  Scenechronize ( - a production management web application for film, television and commercials
  • 11. 11 GWT-based projects  Google Wave ( - an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration  Odnoklassniki ( - social network  Google Moderator ( - a tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events  Go Grid ( - cloud computing infrastructure service provider which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a unique multi-server control panel.  Blueprint ( - business process mapping tool  Scenechronize ( - a production management web application for film, television and commercials  Whirled ( - social virtual world website which includes multi-player games etc…
  • 12. 12 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 13. 13 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 14. 14 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 15. 15 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 16. 16 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 17. 17 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 18. 18 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 19. 19 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 20. 20 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 21. 21 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 22. 22 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 23. 23 Features Cross-browser Object-oriented programming Dev-mode GUI debugging Wigets and declarative UI Client Bundle Simple localization Code optimization Code splitting RPC, JSON/XML UI Designer HTML5 …
  • 27. 27 JSNI Java Script Native Interface Access JS code from Java code and vice versa
  • 28. 28 JSNI Java Script Native Interface Access JS code from Java code and vice versa Wrap your own or third-party JS-widgets with JSNI: • Google Maps • Flash objects • etc.
  • 29. 29 JSNI Java Script Native Interface Access JS code from Java code and vice versa Wrap your own or third-party JS-widgets with JSNI: • Google Maps • Flash objects • etc. Example 1: public static native void alert(String msg) /*-{ $wnd.alert(msg); }-*/;
  • 30. 30 JSNI Example 2: package mypackage; public MyClass{ public static int foo() { ... } public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{ $ = $entry(@mypackage.MyClass::foo()); }-*/; }
  • 31. 31 Deferred binding It is a pluggable compile-time type substitution and code generation mechanism.
  • 32. 32 Deferred binding It is a pluggable compile-time type substitution and code generation mechanism. Example: Static binding Foo f = new Foo(); Dynamic Binding Class c = Class.forName(fooImplName); Foo f = (Foo) c.newInstance(); Deferred Binding Foo f = (Foo) GWT.create(Foo.class);
  • 33. 33 Deferred binding Goal - send exactly the right code to client, depending on • User’s browser • Locale • Mode (debug / production) • Network characteristics • etc.
  • 34. 34 Deferred binding Goal - send exactly the right code to client, depending on • User’s browser • Locale • Mode (debug / production) • Network characteristics • etc. Facilities • Make fewer Http Requests • Eliminate dead code • Avoid polymorphic dispatch • Avoid synchronous XHR • Avoid spaghetti code (if-s in JS-code) • Try to use only inline code “elem.innerText = str” • etc.
  • 36. 36 Permutations Example: Input: DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class);
  • 37. 37 Permutations Example: Input: DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class); Implementations: DOMImplInternetExplorer DOMImplMozilla DOMImplOpera Property: user_agent = “IE”
  • 38. 38 Permutations Example: Input: DOMImpl dom = GWT.create(DOMImpl.class); Implementations: DOMImplInternetExplorer DOMImplMozilla DOMImplOpera Property: user_agent = “IE” Output: DOM dom = new DOMImplInternetExplorer();
  • 41. 41 Perfect Caching Bootstrap selection script loads Javascript ‘executable’ containing correct set of bindings for given request. <module>.nocache.js - small <md5>.cache.js – big
  • 42. 42 Perfect Caching Bootstrap selection script loads Javascript ‘executable’ containing correct set of bindings for given request. <module>.nocache.js - small <md5>.cache.js – big Apache HTTP server .htaccess configuration: <Files *.nocache.*> ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "now" Header merge Cache-Control "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate" </Files> <Files *.cache.*> ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "now plus 1 year" </Files>
  • 44. 44 Monilithic Compilation “The fastest code that which does not run”, --Joel Webber, GWT co-creator
  • 45. 45 Monilithic Compilation “The fastest code that which does not run”, --Joel Webber, GWT co-creator Example: Shape shape = new Square(4); 1) int area = shape.getArea();
  • 46. 46 Monilithic Compilation “The fastest code that which does not run”, --Joel Webber, GWT co-creator Example: Shape shape = new Square(4); 1) int area = shape.getArea(); 2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape);
  • 47. 47 Monilithic Compilation “The fastest code that which does not run”, --Joel Webber, GWT co-creator Example: Shape shape = new Square(4); 1) int area = shape.getArea(); 2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape); 3) int area = shape.len * shape.len;
  • 48. 48 Monilithic Compilation “The fastest code that which does not run”, --Joel Webber, GWT co-creator Example: Shape shape = new Square(4); 1) int area = shape.getArea(); 2) int area = Shape_getArea(shape); 3) int area = shape.len * shape.len; 4) int area = 16;
  • 50. 50 Client Bundle Problem: 1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port
  • 51. 51 Client Bundle Problem: 1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port 2) HTTP request has to be sent to the server for each resource (e.g. image)
  • 52. 52 Client Bundle Problem: 1) HTTP 1.1 limit: 2 outgoing connections per domain/port 2) HTTP request has to be sent to the server for each resource (e.g. image) 3) Request for status 304 ("Not Modified")
  • 53. 53 Client Bundle Solution: interface Resources extends ClientBundle { @Source("logo.png") ImageResource logo(); @Source("arrow.png") @ImageOptions(flipRtl = true) ImageResource pointer(); }
  • 54. 54 Client Bundle Solution: interface Resources extends ClientBundle { @Source("logo.png") ImageResource logo(); @Source("arrow.png") @ImageOptions(flipRtl = true) ImageResource pointer(); } Resources resources = GWT.create(Resources.class); Image img = new Image(resources.logo());
  • 55. 55 Code Splitting public class Hello implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } }); RootPanel.get().add(b); } }
  • 56. 56 Code Splitting public class Hello implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } }); RootPanel.get().add(b); } }
  • 57. 57 Code Splitting public class Hello implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Code download failed"); } public void onSuccess() { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } }); } }); RootPanel.get().add(b); } }
  • 58. 58 GWT – it is a set of tools … N+1) UiBinder N+2) CellWidgets N+3) Activities & Places …
  • 59. 59 UiBinder Introduced in 2.0 (2010) GWT app is a Web Page Web page is HTML+CSS The best way to do is the easy one: 1) build your apps as HTML pages with GWT widgets sprinkled throughout them 2) do it more efficient (uses innerHTML, not DOM API calls)
  • 60. 60 UiBinder 1) Widgets have overhead 2) Use UiBinder to replace Widgets with HTML 2.1) when don’t need to respond to events 2.2) or when events can be caught by a parent Widget 2.3) caution: can’t add Widgets to HTML elements, so leaf Widgets require a parent Widget hierarchy to the top
  • 61. 61 UiBinder – “IS” 1) helps productivity and maintainability 2) collaboration with UI designers on theis language 3) mocking; 4) separation UI from its behavior 5) compile-time checking 6) direct support for internationalization 7) encourages more efficient use of browser’s power
  • 62. 62 UiBinder – “IS NOT” 1) it is not a renderer 2) there are no loops, no conditionals, no if statements in its markup, and only a very limited expression language 3) UiBinder allows you to lay out your user interface. It's still up to the widgets or other controllers themselves to convert rows of data into rows of HTML
  • 63. 63 UiBinder – “Hello” example 1) Template (Hello.ui.xml) 1.1) For this example – it is pure HTML 1.2) Associate fields: ui:field='name' 2) Owner class ( 2.1) Declare root (DivElement) and owner (Hello) interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinder<DivElement, Hello> 2.2) Use deffered binding to instanciate it: MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class) 2.3) Create Element: uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this); (todo: show generated code)
  • 64. 64 UiBinder – “Hello” example Namespaces xmlns:s=“urn:import:com.nimbleteam.gwt.client.mvp.view.uibinder” <s:HelloWidget/> Method access Every one of the widget's methods that follow JavaBean-style conventions for setting a property can be used this way. 1) public void setName(String name) public void setValues(String values) 2) <s:HelloWidget name="default text" values="Andrew,Nikita,Yura"/>
  • 65. 65 UiBinder – Panels New LayoutPanels more efficient 1) Layout mostly delegated to browser 2) Less use of tables (except TabLayoutPanel) 3) Any panel (or anything that implements HasWidgets) can be used in a template file, and can have other panels inside of it. 4) Can contain only widgets (the restriction may be removed at 2.4+, workaround: enclose in HTML or HTMLPanel widgets)
  • 66. 66 UiBinder – Panels <g:DockLayoutPanel unit='EM'> <g:north size='5'> <g:Label>Top</g:Label> </g:north> <g:center> <g:Label>Body</g:Label> </g:center> <g:west size='10'> <g:HTML> <ul> <li>Sidebar</li> <li>Sidebar</li> </ul> </g:HTML> </g:west> </g:DockLayoutPanel>
  • 67. 67 UiBinder – Event Handling Old style: titleListBox.addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange( ChangeEvent event ) { Window.alert( "Old style" ); } } ); New style: @UiHandler( "titleListBox" ) void titleListBoxValueChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Window.alert( "New style" ); } (you can only use @UiHandler with events thrown by widget objects, not DOM elements)
  • 68. 68 UiBinder – ClientBundle It is a way to minimize trips for images, CSS Takes all other stuff that makes up your app and inject it into the code: Images CSS Text or anyhing you need Fewer roundtrips Built in image spriting Name spaces (no global name issues) Utilize CSS as engineering tool
  • 69. 69 UiBinder – Resources CssResource (see example) • ImageResource Options: 1) separate cacheable files 2) inline base64-encoded data 3) monolith image (will be sprited) • TextResource/ExternalTextResource • DataResource (non-text, with provided MIME type)
  • 70. 70 UiBinder – I18n Before: <div>Hello, world.</div> After: <div><ui:msg description="Greeting">Hello</ui:msg></div> Properties: ui:generateFormat, ui:generateKeys, ui:generateLocales Result: # Description: Greeting 8B1A9953C4611296A827ABF8C47804D7=Bonjour *Some widgets are i18n-ed out of the box (DatePicker)
  • 71. 71 CellWidgets Objective: In general, all widgets are slow (too much JavaScript) Old layout widgets are too static
  • 72. 72 CellWidgets - Features High-performance and lightweight (flyweight pattern) Renders interface as an HTML string (uses innerHTML, not DOM) Can handle events (fewer events == faster) Editable (Text, Number, Date-picker, etc.) Dataproviders support (sync and async)
  • 73. 73 CellWidgets - Showcase CellList, CellTable, DataGrid, CellTree, CellBrowser, … CellTable Features: Can render large amounts of data efficiently Pagination Multiple selection Sorting Keyboard navigation Editable cells
  • 74. 74 Activities&Places Browser’s history management approach Natural place for using code-splitting for UI optimization
  • 75. 75 Activities&Places - Place Represents particular state that can be bookmarked Provides a way for bidirectional serialization of URL (PlaceTokenizer) Managed by PlaceController (listens eventBus)
  • 76. 76 Activities&Places - PlaceHistoryMapper Declares all the Places available in application GWT compiler will link PlaceHistoryHandler with PlaceTokenizer-s Example: SamplePlaceHistoryMapper
  • 77. 77 Activities&Places – Use case 1: goTo() Program calls to change place -> new place created and remembers it’s token
  • 78. Activities&Places – Use case 2: history event User navigates to some URL -> Controller changes the place 78
  • 79. 79 Activities&Places - Activity • Represents something the user is doing • Contains no Widgets or UI code • As some level it can be a “Presenter” in MVP pattern • Typical responsibility: • restore state ("wake up") • perform initialization ("set up") • load a corresponding UI ("show up") • Started and stopped by an ActivityManager (each per container) • May warn user before leaving
  • 80. 80 Activities&Places - ActivityMapper Maps each Place to its corresponding Activity "if (place instanceof SomePlace) return new SomeActivity(place)" Use case 1 – Provides brand new Activity for each call Use case 2 – Refreshes previous (singleton) activity
  • 81. 81 Activities&Places - View • Part of the UI associated with an Activity • Is a Widget (e.g. implements IsWidget interface) • Is a View in MVP pattern • Has 1 interface and >=1 implementations • Support for different views (e.g. desktop/mobile) • Easy JUnit testing (mocking) • Can be reused (recommended)
  • 83. 83 Sources GoogleIO videos: Documents: